What can not be done in bed so as not to destroy the relationship? Bad habits in bed - provocateurs of parting: List

What can not be done in bed so as not to destroy the relationship? Bad habits in bed - provocateurs of parting: List

Many reasons may become an impetus for the breakdown of relations. Even in bed you need to behave correctly. In our article you will find out what to do, so as not to destroy the relationship.

A happy marriage is not easy. Both partners should actively work on it and seek compromises in different situations. How to save your marriage and what habits in bed are unacceptable?

What habits in bed can destroy your marriage?

What can not be done in bed?
What can not be done in bed?

Family life consists of various emotions and so far no one has managed to build an ideal relationship. However, there are a huge number of recommendations that should not be ignored. While some are trying to come up with a reason not to sleep nearby, others find many arguments that a separate rest does not benefit. In addition, it is important for relationships and what habits we have in bed.

  • Work schedule

Family happiness always consists in respect and search for mutually beneficial solutions. If your second half rises very early to work and a difficult day awaits it, then you can let him turn on the light when you want and not curse on this occasion.

  • Sleep at different times
Sleep at different times
Sleep at different times

One of the most pleasant is always a joint sleep. It allows you to become closer and strengthen relationships, as well as recharge with energy for the whole day.

Yes, this is the main need for relationships and it can really affect them badly, if you do it at different times. However, in some cases, sleep in different beds has an excuse. But are you sure that it suits you? Try to find a compromise that will allow you to sleep peacefully together.

  • Strengthened silence

After a difficult day, a large number of meetings and conversations, you usually just want to be at home, go to the shower and go to bed. You obviously do not want to talk, but still do not ignore your loved one. Ask how the day went to him, he will be pleased, and he will drop fatigue and feel your support. In addition, he will also help you remove the load after a serious day.

  • Sit on the Internet

Modern life often goes online. But only if social networks are not part of your work or it is not necessary to discuss working issues there, then devote your free time to your loved ones. Believe me, this is much better than commenting on someone else's post.

If this is not a Viennese argument for you, then keep in mind that a good rest will be unavailable to you. The brain reads bright images with a call to work and you will not have a calm sleep. In the morning you will be haunted by irritation, you will be unhappy with everyone.

  • Make a manicure
What can not be done in bed?
What can not be done in bed?

You may be surprised, but even it kills all the romance and may even cause squeamishness. Imagine what is the partner when pieces of nails are lying on the sheets, you wield a file and this smell of varnish. Do not do such a thing before going to bed.

  • Avoid close contact

If you try to come up with a way to abandon intimacy, then this is the very first sign of a crisis in a relationship. It all starts with a small one - at first you wait for the partner to put up before you, then you have urgent matters, and indeed you have no mood, a difficult day and you are tired. What does it give? Your partner begins to understand that something is wrong and it is worth talking.

  • Swear in bed

In no case do not find out the relationship in bed. If you want to throw out discontent, then do it in another place, and the accumulation of poor energy in the bedroom leads to problems with sleep and sexual relations.

  • Old T -shirts

Old T -shirts, which should have time to trash, are often worn because they are convenient and pleasant for the body. It just looks all very ugly and can harm family life.

  • TV in the bedroom
TV in the bedroom
TV in the bedroom

It simply distracts from the important, and again, if you go to bed at different times, then it can interfere.

  • Separate beds

It also happens that it seems that the spouses everything is good, but they sleep separately. But are they really so unpleasant to each other that they cannot lie on the same bed?

  • Headphones

In complete silence, the sound of headphones is great. This can also spoil all the romance.

  • Food in bed

Coffee in bed is, of course, cool, but it is only inconvenient. And in general, if the bed is constantly used for food, then this is no longer romance, but simply laziness.

Believe me, love is fragile and many little things, even such are able to ultimately lead to the fact that the marriage will be destroyed. So, before doing something, think many times.

Video: 5 errors that destroy relationships

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