I am married, in a relationship, but fell in love with another - what to do? What to do if you fell in love with another?

I am married, in a relationship, but fell in love with another - what to do? What to do if you fell in love with another?

Love is wonderful, but when there is a husband or permanent partner, it can become a problem. What to do in this case and is it worth it to break the relationship if you fall in love with another?

Everyone wants to love and be loved. The girls want to meet the prince and live happily and happily. And it is very good if the marriage was concluded from great love and there are no strong problems in it. But only in life are there different situations that are difficult to respond normally, because it is not clear what to do. Unfortunately, this happens very often and it is quite difficult to look for a way out, but it is still possible.

What to do if you fell in love with another?

Fell in love with another
Fell in love with another

It seems that everything seems to be fine - there is a family, a good husband and children. What else could be needed? But suddenly, for some reason, one who violates this happiness appears. At first, many are surprised to their reaction, but if a man also shows sympathy, then love arises. This is the beginning of the first problems. Perhaps at first there will be no feeling of guilt and fear, but gradually they will appear. Yes, and it will not be possible to consult with anyone, because usually no one will provide support in such matters.

For parents, this can be a blow, because their daughter destroys her life, and she has such a good husband. Therefore, in such a situation, you can listen to a lot of bad in your address. But this does not mean that now you need to go to the monastery. Yes, no one wants to be in such a situation, but you never know that you will meet new feelings or want change. It just happens and that's it. And it is necessary to solve this problem, because leaving everything as it is only impossible.

  • Fell in love with another - do not blame yourself

This is the very first thing you should learn. In addition, you should not have any pity. If you are not a frivolous person and are not able to rush at the first oncoming person, then you should think. Your soul proved itself faster than you yourself understood what was happening. And if you are frivolous, then this applies only to you and you decide what to do, and let everyone leave his convictions with him.

Therefore, if you fell in love with another man, then do not take yourself as a fallen woman. You need to love yourself and respect, as before. Only at this time you need to understand what is happening in your life and how to behave further. And let those who still do not understand that love for themselves is the strongest. It must be protected very carefully and do not destroy it in any case.

  • Fell in love with another - figure out what caused
What to do if you fall in love with another?
What to do if you fall in love with another?

Undoubtedly, each situation is unique in its own way. But you can always develop an action plan. You definitely need to calm down and stop tormenting yourself. All problems can be solved, but you need to approach this wisely and not poison the soul. Sit alone and think about the situation. You must understand what made you cool to your husband. If everything were fine, then you would definitely not have looked at the other.

  • Fell in love with another - review the attitude towards her husband

Take a look at your husband with different eyes. Remember how good you were together, what feelings were at the very beginning. Look deep into the soul and try to awake them. If you stayed with you, then they just fell asleep, because daily worries and hardships crushed them.

You need to try to fix it, because it will always have time to part, but there should be some chance of a relationship. Feelings can go out, but they do not pass. And even the one who now causes a storm of emotions will cease to do it over time. So we are all arranged.

Yes, of course, no one argues that you really can love another, and your husband will never be able to give such emotions, and there were no them. But only to understand whether it is true is difficult.

If you are firmly sure that this is love, then you probably think not about what to do, but how to do it. Speaking specifically, you should be disturbed by the question of how to part, so that it does not hurt too much.

What to do if you fall in love with another?

If you fell in love with another man, then you should understand your feelings completely and only then decide what to do next.

  • Fell in love with another - put assessments to my husband

To make you much easier to figure out, you still love your husband, you should try to make a list that he cannot give you. Write down what words, actions you like, and what, on the contrary, is annoying. You must understand when you want to quarrel with him, and when, on the contrary. This will help you decide whether you love your husband strongly and in general.

  • Fell in love with another - go temporarily from another man

You should not interfere with you. Try to limit communication with someone you liked. While you are not close yet, you don’t have to try to do it. If everything has already happened, then take a break. You should have time to objectively evaluate relations with your husband. Otherwise, you can make mistakes that you will definitely regret.

  • Fell in love with another - think about what happenedreason

Do not rush to make a complete picture of everything that is happening. Let it take several days for this, but you can definitely be sure that you will evaluate your feelings correctly. Look at the listed list and decide for yourself, is it worth maintaining current relationships? Maybe you just found a reason to feel strong feelings? Or your marriage has long been collapsed, and for some reason you support it?

How to save a family if you fall in love with another?

How to save a family?
How to save a family?

If you have decided to forget about new feelings and maintain family calm, then imagine that you do not know your husband and just met. Study it again, find out that he is interested in what he lives and what he wants. Find the time to talk about how the day has passed. Talk more and try to find compromises. Do not forget to thank him for the fact that he is very good.

Surprise and pamper your husband more often. Involuntarily, he will do the same. If not, then explain that you want to give novelty to the relationship. If even then he does not understand anything, is it worth it to spend your time on him at all?

They achieved mutual understanding, very good, now you can work on feelings. It is better to stop all communication with another man, or at least minimize. Often, when feelings did not rage, you can crush them at the very beginning. To do this, try to stop thinking about a man, even in fantasies, because it is there that you can go so far that you will become a family and live a happy life. Just remember that these are only dreams.

If you forbid yourself all thoughts about him in time, you will not look closely, talk to others about him, then be sure that you will calm down very quickly. In addition, your life will be rich and bright.

It is important to discuss relations with her husband. If he stopped saying beautiful words, admire and so on, then say that this does not suit you. His attention is important to you like air. Just do not order scandals, otherwise you just ruin more, and you definitely do not need this. In addition, your husband will immediately become a scoundrel for you, because you do not swear with that man. And he will want even more to him.

If you fell in love with another, then you should not blame yourself for something. This is not at all embarrassing and can happen to everyone. You definitely did not want this, because you can’t order the heart. But just do not rush into the pool with your head, but correctly assess the situation and decide what to do next. If your marriage is still alive and feeling fashionable to revive, then maybe it should be done?

Video: married, but fell in love with another! How to be?

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