Rules for a happy family life: What is the importance, family is happiness?

Rules for a happy family life: What is the importance, family is happiness?

This article describes the rules of happy family life. Do you think the family is happiness?

Every family wants to live happily. But it doesn’t always work out. There are different reasons for this, which can be understood endlessly. And it is better to let specialists do this.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "What is happiness and where to find it?". You will learn how to become happy, and you will also find secrets and useful tips.

In this article, we will talk about the rules of family life that will help live well, fun and right. It is known that they are now popularizing the family. Why and why? What is the importance of the family? Look for answers to these and other questions below. Read further.

Why is the family, marriage and healthy lifestyle now?

Family and healthy lifestyle
Family and healthy lifestyle

The unshakable rule “live quickly, die young” was relevant, rather in the 90s. Today, a healthy lifestyle and conservative family values \u200b\u200bare returning to fashion. And this is a fairly simple explanation. After a long orientation of society to the west with its freedom and erratic ties, the same “peak” came. As a result, people were fed up with permissiveness and realized again, so pleasant and beautiful could be the right, decent and law -abiding life. Why now they popularize the family, marriage and Healthy lifestyle?

  • Although, of course, not all people are adapted for family relationships. Some are better to be loners all their lives. Nonetheless, more than 90% Sooner or later, people are aware of the value of the family and feel the need to marry.
  • Moreover, both women and men feel the need to create a cell of society.
  • But a strong family union - it's not just 2 peoplewho experienced an attraction to each other, and now they decided to live sex life "legally."

It is worth noting that now there is a popularization of not only marriage, but a healthy lifestyle - Healthy lifestyle. All because only healthy people, regardless, will be able to create happy families, give birth to healthy children for the benefit of the country and society. Now a fairly simple principle applies: "Whoever has no bad habits will live longer". Any person wants to exist in this world for many years. Moreover, if a person lives for his family, he wants to stay among loved ones as long as possible, to be needed.

And since the bad habits of a husband or wife can be a source of problems in the family and even partings, deciding to marry, it is better to minimize their pernicious addictions or completely abandon them for their own health, the health of future children and long life.

  • Family is a kind of state in which special rules and laws live.
  • Native people not only live together and have lunch at the same table. They fully share all joys and sorrows, participate in each other's fate.

It is from this that the first reason why a person creates a family comes. It is impossible to live alone in this world. Need someone who listens, give advice, will help. Of course, a well -known saying about the "glass of water in old age", which will bring future children, is exaggerated. But the fact remains. Family is close people who will always be near and support at a difficult moment.

What does the family give to a person: why is it above all?

Families First
Families First

Of course, the family to a greater or lesser extent affects the self -realization of each person. Parents, brothers and sisters can adjust the life of a person, teach him the structure of the world. Also, a family is an opportunity to realize their need for love and care. What else does the family give to a person?

That's why it is above all:

  • Emotional calm and confidence in tomorrow

A person feels someone needed. He comes from work not in an empty apartment, but under the wing of a loving wife. Moreover, he knows for whom he earns this money. The family serves as a kind of person’s motivation for good deeds and career growth.

  • Satisfying the need for love

If in the youthful period some people believe that the more adventures and sexual victories, then closer to the age of 30, even avid bachelors think about what it would be nice to get acquainted with a kind, understanding and faithful woman. Subsequently, they want to devote their lives to only one, stable relationship.

  • Parental instinct

A person understands that you need to leave someone after himself. It's no secret that children are a continuation of parents. Many people subconsciously hope that the offspring will be able to accomplish in this life everything that parents could not at one time. Moreover, the continuation of the genus also gives a person a kind of implementation.

  • The desire for comfort

Having got rid of loneliness, a person feels much better. For men, comfort is considered in domestic plan. He does not need to wash, iron, cook on his own. In other words, the man takes on the role of the earner, and at the same time knows for sure that all household issues will always be resolved.

  • Constant sexual life

Even today, in the 21st century, not all people are able to engage in sexual life every evening with a new partner, or easily decide on the proximity with the person with whom they barely know. As for marriage, it makes it possible to have regular sexual relations-and, not with anyone, but a loving and understanding person. It is also very important.

  • Desire to become an example for society

There is an established stereotype that if a person is married, it means that he is a decent person and a worthy citizen of society. In the case of women, the age of marriage is even more limited. After all, it also affects the ability to birth healthy children. People who have children are also in the favor of society. It is believed that they are more responsible and mature than their childless peers.

  • The opportunity to share with someone his own happiness and rejoice at someone else's

All joys and sorrows in the family are common. In other words, a person is no longer alone with his problems. There are close people who will help and sympathize, tell you a way out of the situation. Related bonds are much stronger than friendships. That is why with the family you can even share what friends or colleagues do not want to tell.

Why do men and women want to create a family: why is family important?

Many men and women want to create a family
Many men and women want to create a family

What are the motives of men and women in creating a family? That is why the family is important for many:

  • When marriage, the girl realizes her need to be a wife. This is a kind of moral purpose, the awareness of which sooner or later manifests itself in many women.
  • The desire to take care of a loved one, to educate common children - this goal should be realized, it brings satisfaction.
  • In the case of sincere love, there is a need to spend more time with a loved one. In this case, fleeting meetings are no longer satisfied. In the case of marriage, a woman has the opportunity to be with her chosen one much more often. Moreover, the family is a separate world in which a loving couple rules.
  • A family for a woman is a great motivator. After all, with classic values, she is able to make literally everything for families and children. She feels the spiritual rise and confidence in her abilities.
  • The man also becomes more confident when he takes the role of her husband and father to his soul.
  • Marriage gives status. If an unmarried man is an eternal young man in a tracksuit, then the father of the family is a steppe man, and not even important how much he earns.

In itself, the popularization of the family in our time is rather a plus than a minus. In the case of representatives of both sexes, the creation of a cell of society teaches responsibility and independence, protects from bad habits and random sexual relations, motivates to implement in career and moral maturity.

What is the happiness of a person: a family is happiness?

It is believed that each person has his own understanding of happiness. Someone is experiencing a mental rise from the fact that he is implemented in creativity and “scattering diapers” he does not need, someone rejoices in advancement on the career ladder and, besides money, loves anyone. But, one way or another, the vast majority of people agree that a complete and happy family is also a very important, if not dominant factor. So, what is the happiness of a person?

  • Family is happiness

Surely many have heard the phrase "Happiness is when you are understood". Ideally, family members should have mutual understanding and love for each other. Being part of the cell of society, a person does not feel lonely, deprived. Moreover, in the person of a wife or husband, we get a person of the opposite sex, for whom we are always “in the first place”. And it can also be a source of happiness.

  • Happiness is to see a new life

More precisely, to be involved in its origin, development. Despite the radically different characters, a large percentage of people has a maternal and paternal instinct, a craving for continuing the genus. Sooner or later, it manifests itself. And then a person feels happiness: from what he loves and loves on an ongoing basis, from the fact that a person who sincerely adores him appeared, from the fact that a new member of society was born.

In other words, the family realizes several aspects of human happiness at once - this is the need:

  • Be loved and someone needs
  • In the continuation of the genus
  • In constant bodily contact
  • In understanding and support
  • In the division of duties, etc.

That is why in 99% of cases People are firmly sure that the family is happiness.

Rules of happy family life, well -being in the family

Happy family life, well -being in the family
Happy family life, well -being in the family

When marriage, each person sincerely hopes that his family will be understanding, loving - ideal. But in fact, it does not always happen like this: treason of quarrels, misunderstanding spoils a person’s impression on family life. Moreover, it often begins to seem to him that happiness and family are incompatible concepts. That is why not every family is happiness. A prosperous family is a desire for the vast majority of people. How to make your family like that?

Here are the rules of happy family life, well -being in the family:

  • Do not turn the apartment into "Field of Brand"

Imagine that all of you had a great day. In the evening you gathered at a family dinner, on which there are many delicious dishes. Why will you spoil such an idyll and argue with your mouth foam, who is the best musical performer in the world: Sting (what do you think), Selin Dion (according to your wife) or eminu (as your daughter believes)? Does your family happiness depend on this? Moreover, such questions are entirely a matter of taste. Therefore, to spoil relations with loved ones simply because you are distinguished by addictions in something-at least stupid. In some cases, you must agree with family members, even if you do not think so deep down.

  • Do not bite each other in trifles

You must understand why you should go into conflict with relatives, and in which cases it is better to keep silent. In other words, disagreements about how to properly distribute the family budget can be appropriate. And it does not matter at all where the wife put a floor lamp or the fact that she put butter in a dish instead of sunflower.

  • Try to protect each other

It is very difficult to create a happy family. But destroying the union is extremely easy. Be more tolerant. Moreover, the family teaches to accept family people as they are. You should not arrange tantrums about the bristles on her husband’s face (if he feels comfortable with her) or a stupid teenage cap of his son, which annoys you.

  • Learn to fun and positively do what you don't really like

If you scream whenever your wife asks to take out the garbage, such a marriage will not last long. Do not be egoists. Family is an occasion to accept not only their opinion, but also listen to the opinion of loved ones. Not always your ideas about life and family schedule will coincide. Know how to find compromises, provide assistance without hysterics and grunts.

  • Never shout

Emotions rule all of us. But so that an understanding arises in the family, they should not succumb to. Even if you disagree with spouses or children in some ways, screams will not give anything. It should be argued and calmly discussing the issue. Only then can you come to a reasonable solution that will satisfy both.

  • If you want to help you, help yourself

You really do not like that households do not put you in a penny, and when you ask to help the household, they immediately want to sit in a flying saucer and rush about the sky into a distant galaxy? Most likely, the reason is not in them, but in you. Do not present high requirements. Become a person who wants to help. And then your requests to vacuum, to beat the shelf or hang the cornice will not be perceived with rolling eyes.

  • Learn to thank loved ones even when there is nothing

The basis of a happy family is support. You must inspire confidence in yourself and tomorrow. And do not undermine this faith. Learn to reward, encourage and accept praise and gratitude.

  • Be attentive to loved ones with outsiders

Some men can wear their wife in their arms at home, and visiting her as strangers. This is also wrong. You need to be attentive to family members always.

  • What do you need? Speak

Very often women say riddles, and men are unable to understand them. That is why the family needs to openly express their position and talk about desires.

  • Give family members personal space

Sometimes, if a loved one is upset and does not want to admit what happened, it is better to give him time. Moreover, a spouse and children can also have a private life. You should not pester a person with a proposal to tell and discuss something if he is not tuned to it.

  • Learn to appreciate what you have, but at the same time strive for the better

A person who does not feel gratitude for the existing one will never succeed. That is why you must support your spouse or spouse, and not constantly “saw” this person. From constant nit -picking and screams, the husband will not earn more, and the wife will not cook better.

  • Learn to understand your household

You should know their habits, an emotional reaction to various phenomena. For example, if the husband to white heat brought talk about his army past, you should not start them whenever you sit down at the festive table and drink a little alcohol. Otherwise, the righteous anger, which can fall upon the wife, is a consequence of her behavior. In other words, highlight forbidden topics and actions. Do not allow them. But at the same time, households must understand your state of mind and your needs. This is not a one -sided reaction.

  • Do not allow illusions

Before marriage, many men and women draw in their minds an ideal picture. In the family, everyone understands each other without words, they will never quarrel. This does not happen. Even in very friendly and strong families there are misunderstandings. It is important how you act later: try to save your marriage and find compromises, enter into the position of people or, on the contrary, hyperbolize problems, are in a state of excessive categoricality.

  • Learn to trust and avoid excessive control

This can destroy even a very strong marriage. Also know the measure in jealousy. Of course, a husband or wife is not just a roommate, but a person with whom you are connected by moral obligations. But you should not track and pursue this person, whenever he goes to the nearest grocery store to buy a loaf or carries a computer system unit for repairs

Building a happy family is a long and painstaking business with many nuances. That is why the idyll is not born on its own. It directly depends on the efforts of people. If you want a happy family and do everything for this - you get it. If you are waiting “from the sea of \u200b\u200bweather”, while not fulfilling your duties as a parent and spouse, then it is not surprising if the family is different from the ideal.

Video: Psychology of relations between husband and wife. 5 rules of a happy life.


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