Why can't we end failure, unnecessary relations? Completion of relations: Psychology. How to get away from unnecessary relations?

Why can't we end failure, unnecessary relations? Completion of relations: Psychology. How to get away from unnecessary relations?

Instructions for terminating unnecessary relations.

Relations need constant work for them to be happy. However, not always everything develops according to our plan, and there are times when relations bring a lot of pain and disappointment. In this article we will tell you how to part with unnecessary relations.  

Unnecessary relations with friends and acquaintances: a suitcase without a pen

Unnecessary relationships are built not only inside the couple in love. It can be contacts with friends and acquaintances. Almost every of us had cases when for several years we have been communicating with classmates, classmates with whom we studied at the institute, but at the moment there is no common goals or hobbies with them. Thus, from time to time we are forced to communicate, not wanting to break off these relations.


  • However, in fact, if nothing connects with these people, your interests have not been common for a long time, you have a different worldview, views on life, then such a relationship is better to interrupt. You just need to stop communicating. This is exactly what happens with friends whose life suddenly changes. Perhaps one of your friends lost his job, or stepped on a shaky path, drinking alcohol.
  • In girls, it often happens that friends almost always complain of their relationship. They come and tell how they are all bad and want them to be sorry. There is nothing wrong with console his best friend, but if he comes to you only with the aim of throwing out his negative, such a relationship needs to be broken.
  • The fact is that all this negativity pass normal people through themselves, and absorb part of it. In order to break such a relationship, it is not necessary to be rude to people and talk about what you are not interested in communicating with them.
  • You can perform several rather simple actions. When a person begins to talk about himself, try to talk about someone else and translate the topic. You can talk about yourself. After 15 minutes of such a conversation, a person will be discouraged, and again transfer communication into a channel convenient for him. Repeat this several times. Thus, a person will understand that you are not ready to listen to his complaints, he will simply cease to communicate with you.  
Unnecessary relations
Unnecessary relations

What is unnecessary relations?

To begin with, we find out what is unnecessary relations. Sooner or later, such relationships go into the category of toxic ones. They corrode from the inside, bringing more harm than good. Love should bring positive emotions and the desire to be with this person. If, instead of a sense of satisfaction and love, as well as the desire to spend time with your loved one, you feel negative, and relationships bring you emotional pain, they must be torn.

The fact is that such relationships are often characteristic of women, because in their nature they are led by. They themselves very rarely take the first step in order to start a relationship or to break them. Quite often, women have a love relationship with a person who is married.  

Unnecessary friends
Unnecessary relations


  • At the same time, initially a woman, when she turns such a relationship, understands, there is very little chance that a man will leave the family and tie himself in bonds. But at the same time, many still hope for a positive resolution of the situation.
  • As a result, such relationships lead to disorders and mental pain. The woman continues to meet with a married man, and spend evenings alone. It really strongly strains, and shakes the nervous system.
  • Such a woman is reduced by self -esteem. If you understand that the relationship does not lead to anything, they cannot end with marriage, the birth of children, or some kind of pleasant outcome, you will constantly be in the position in which you are now, the relationship must be broken.
Severe relationships
Severe relationships

How to get away from unnecessary relations?

In fact, everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. This is not to say that you just need to break them. Because it is quite difficult to do it. Psychoanalysis sessions often help. Put a chair next to you and imagine that your chosen one was sitting on it.  


  • Now confuse two chairs with each other with threads. Imagine that the connection between you is torn, cut the threads with scissors. Thus, it will be easier for you to part with a person. There is no need to scandal, scream, demand something from a person.
  • They usually leave quite quietly, without scandals. Just collect your things if you live in a rented apartment, where your lover sometimes visit. If this is your personal apartment, ask a person to give you the keys and say that you are no longer meeting.
  • No need to arrange scandals and quarrels, to find out and prove something. Say some simple words that you no longer want a relationship. It happens that a man is not ready to part with a woman who gives him the necessary.
  • Therefore, perhaps he will annoy you, and spoil life. In this case, it is best to take a vacation for a while, and go somewhere. If necessary, if a man does not want to give the keys, change the locks. Tell me you are leaving. Or generally Comer that move and will not live here anymore.  
  • The fact is that after parting with a person, emptiness remains in the soul. It must be filled with something. Otherwise, you will constantly think about the person you parted with, and perhaps you want to restore the relationship again.
  • This is not necessary, because the relationship does not lead to anything. It is necessary to fill the void, for this, select a hobby or select one week for charity. Visit children's shelters, at home, get inexpensive things if the salary does not allow you to buy more significant gifts. Children will be grateful even for little help.
  • In addition, it is necessary to surround yourself with the maximum amount of communication. Create your questionnaire on the dating site and continue to communicate with people who interested you. Ignore all attempts by the former lover to contact you. Perhaps block his number in all instant messengers and make him calling you.  
Severe relationships
Severe relationships

Why can't we finish a disastrous relationship: how to break invisible threads?

Immediately after parting, many women suffer from self -esteem, they begin to feel like no one, ugly, losers. This is all a side effect of parting. It has nothing to do with reality. You need to learn to love yourself and suggest that you are the best, beautiful and successful. Repeat these words as a mantra, you can sign up for yoga or a psychoanalysis session. Ask a psychologist to help you part with these unnecessary relations.  


  • Now try to remove everything that connects you with this person. This applies to photos. Throw away all the things that a person gave you, hide the photos. This is necessary in order not to accidentally stumble upon these things from time to time, not to remember the unpleasant relationship.
  • Now you need to try to restrain yourself and not to consider the pages in the social networks of the loved one with whom you parted. You need to let a person go on your own and remove him from your life, as well as thoughts.
  • Naturally, this is initially quite difficult to do this for the simple reason that you are led by a habit. After all, most of the time you spent with this person, spoke to him, thought about him in your free time. Of course, it is simply impossible to erase a person from his head.
  • However, step by step you will be able to do this. If the relationship causes pain, more harm than benefits, they are destructive, do not lead to anything good. Ideally, relationships should end in friendship, wedding, happy family life, and children.
  • In no case, relationships should devastate and destroy a person, gradually poisoning his life.  
Let go of the relationship
Let go of the relationship

Completion of unnecessary relations: Psychology

How to get rid of unnecessary relations? Very often, girls start relationships, but for some reason a person does not live nearby, or moved. If you perfectly understand that a person will never come to you, and you will not be able to live a happy life, such a relationship is better to break. The fact is that a lot of virtual relations select time, and impede the construction of full -fledged relations in the real world. Therefore, it is necessary to break them.

Initially, in order to part with such a person, just come up with a letter. You need to indicate in it that you value attention, care, you are pleased to communicate with a person, but at the same time want real relationships, family. Therefore, ask a person not to write more, and thank for the time spent together, as well as for the presented emotions.  


Tips for the acquisition of peace of mind are the same as when parting in the real world. That is, it is necessary to distract as much as possible, and fill out the time that you spent on this person with something else. An ideal option will be a hobby, sport, charity.

If you wish, you can get a second job or part -time job. It will also become useful, because you will not have a free time at all, but the financial situation will improve. Perhaps you can get your long -awaited furniture, or even a means of transportation.  

In no case should you regret people, calm yourself and persuade. There is no need to say that you regret a person, except for you, no one needs him. Pity is not the best emotion. There is no relationship on it. Relations should be pleasant and bring only joy and positive emotions. Of course, in the good pairs that the soul live in the soul, quarrels and disagreements occur. However, if your relationship consists of constant skirmishes, showdowns, conflicts, they must be torn.


In no case become a victim, remember, you are a beautiful young woman, with good self -esteem, good external data. You are able to build normal, full -fledged relationships and start a family.  

Video: Unnecessary relations

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  1. Girls- this is because of self-doubt. You understand that you can’t change anything, but still try .. although there are exceptions ... My psychologist helped me to decompose everything in the shelves. Worked with him my condition, my sensations, my emotions, and let go. Finally, I live, I love myself, I love people around me. And about those sick relationships, I completely forgot.

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