How to make a softer divorce, without nerves: practical tips of a psychologist, 5 simple steps to survive a divorce with her husband, wife

How to make a softer divorce, without nerves: practical tips of a psychologist, 5 simple steps to survive a divorce with her husband, wife

Divorce with her husband, wife is always difficult. Read in the article a psychologist's advice on how to survive him without nerves.

People converge and diverge. All couples, when they get married, think that it is forever. But it happens that you have to get divorced. Of course, this is unpleasant, and often quarrels and disagreements arise between husband and wife.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to help the child survive the divorce of parents?". You will learn how children perceive divorce, as well as what parents' mistakes, relations with the ex -spouse and relations with the stepfather can be. You will know what to say and how to survive this event to a child. Simple tips will help you.

How to make a softer divorce? How to do without nerves? Answers to these and other questions, you will find in the article below. Read further.

When is it worth it to get divorced with your ex -husband: the reasons for the divorce, where the spouses are divorced?

Divorce with an ex -husband
Divorce with an ex -husband

Exchangeing rings in the registry office, people swear in eternal fidelity. During this period, they cannot even think about the fact that love can pass, passion - dull, and first a welcome person can become disgusting. However, this happens. And quite often.

When is it worth it to get divorced with your ex -husband? What can be the reason for a divorce from husband?

  • Cooling of feelings or love for another person

One of the common causes of divorce. As you know, all spiritual is difficult to undergo self -control. Even having lived in a happy marriage for 40 years and more years, one fine day you can come to the conclusion that nothing else is related to her husband.

  • Dissatisfaction with the quality of life with a man

Not all women are selfish. But every girl wants her chosen one to be a earner and breadwinner. And if a man not only cannot provide a family, but also hardly earns on his last ports - this can serve as a reason for a divorce. Of course, at first, many women suffer and try to enter the position of their husband. However, sooner or later the moment comes when it is already impossible to endure.

  • Husband's drunkenness

A person dependent on alcohol not only has problems with earnings. He becomes socially hazardous. That is why, even with great love, some ladies decide to leave such a man. Some holds the presence of common children - but if the spouse regularly beats them and his wife, then this is an occasion to think about a divorce. The drunkard can be encoded and cured with other methods. But if after 10-15 years it turns out that nothing acts, then the divorce is inevitable.

  • Dissatisfaction in bed

According to statistics, women are not so fixated on physical parameters regarding sexual relations as men. However, it is very important for them to be compatible with their soulmate. If the moments of intimacy do not bring joy, but turn into torture, then sooner or later such a marriage can break up.

  • Treason

There is a category of people who can forgive marital infidelity, like those who cannot put up with the single or regular walks of their husband or wife to the left.

  • Inability to have a child

Also, a significant circumstance in cases where one of the spouses wants a child, and someone is unable to have them from a medical point of view or for some kind of reasons.

  • Total incompatibility of characters

Often, marrying at a young age, immediately after the onset of adulthood, the girls still do not really know which man they will get along with. That is why closer to the 30 years, some of them beg workers to divorce them with the chosen man as soon as possible.

One way or another, the cause of the divorce is always a discrepancy. The discrepancy between the beliefs, the image of life and values, the loss of physical attraction. People get divorced when they feel that they are not holding anything else together. Here are other possible prerequisites for the divorce:

  • Everything is nervous in a person who sleeps with you in the same bed and lives in the same apartment.
  • Sexual relations have become so rare and faded that even in an 80-year-old neighbor Mikhalev it happens more often.
  • The guesses regarding the infidelity of the spouse were confirmed, and there is no desire to continue to continue this marriage.
  • Both spouses have where to live in the event of a divorce.
  • Frequent homemade violence is present (once some women can endure, but not constantly).
  • Spouses are not religious people and do not believe that marriage should be alone for life.
  • You cannot get pregnant for a long time, and each unsuccessful attempt is accompanied not by the support of each other, but by quarrels.
  • There are frequent scandals, and the youngest child over 7 years old.
  • No one depends on anyone in material terms.

Where are the spouses divorced?

  • The fastest and simplest divorce option is through MARRIAGE REGISTRY.
  • Spouses are given 30 days. And if during this time they do not change their decision, they will become absolutely free.

However, there are inconsistencies. For example, not all the necessary documents may be ready by the time the application is submitted. And it also happens that for a given month and a woman set up for a check. In this case, a divorce application is called back.

How do men and women perceive the divorce: who is easier?

Divorce of men and women
Divorce of men and women

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Relations of the former spouses after a divorce". You will learn about the duties of former spouses after a divorce, maintenance of a wife, children.

Many girls and women want to get married. However, when there is no need to continue the alliance with the annoying person, they also adapt very quickly and easier to new conditions. But men, for some reason, perceive divorce painfully-farewell to bachelor life and divorce. It is very difficult for them to realize themselves in a new quality, to understand how to live on now.

Is it necessary to conclude a marriage contract so that the divorce procedure is easier: what conditions are specified?

There is such a saying that the divorce begins with the wedding. The country with the strongest marriages is India. Of the 100 unions, only one breaks up there. In other countries, the indicators are not so joyful. It is recommended to compile and conclude marriage contracts influential and wealthy. This will relieve unnecessary hardships and financial losses. What conditions are specified in the marriage contract? Is it necessary to make it so that the divorce procedure is easier?

  • AT Russia, Unlike USA, only financial and commercial obligations are entered in this document.
  • In the case of Europeans, even original points like: “If she changes me, then I have the right to put her. And I will leave her dog for myself ".
  • The property that people made in marriage is considered common - regardless of who made how much. However, the husband may well make “special marks” - for example, that the wife after a divorce does not have the right to his company, etc.
  • Many influential men absent children from their wife for the reason that it blocks her oxygen and access to their business.

If payments are laid on the child, then the court in most cases approves them. As for children, most often they remain with mothers than with their fathers. Unlike Europe, the divorce for the inhabitants of the former USSR is an extreme measure. Many men and women can live with an unloved person for decades. And at the same time, to be dissatisfied with absolutely everyone.

Wife divorce with her husband: Theory of alimony  

The percentage binding to income went from the Soviet era. However, the income of fathers may vary significantly. Nevertheless, you can not allow yourself to fool. And some cunning men use this. What will reduce the amount of alimony for a child when a wife’s divorce with her husband?

  • Application to the court is relevant in cases where the amount of alimony is several times higher than the average salary of the Russian.
  • Negotiations with the ex-wife-you can adjust the amount of alimony together if you can get in contact with the ex-surge. This is relevant in those cases when a man was kicked out of work, a salary was sharply cut, etc. In this case, he can explain the situation and choose the amount of alimony (with the permission of the spouse), which both consider sufficient.

With one child, the amount of alimony - 25% of income. And with the number of children there are more than two - 50%. But it is worth remembering that interest will be from all income - including those that were not expected and not recorded by the work book.  

What should be remembered: how to live after a divorce with her husband, wife?

Spouses are divorced
Spouses are divorced

After the divorce, there are 2 options: to feel happiness or sorry hard. That is why you should never go to submit an application “on emotions”. We should not talk about a divorce during a quarrel, even if the spouse definitely decided it. After all, then emotions will subside, and the paper will already be served. What to remember? How to live after a divorce with her husband, wife?

  • The proven method is the option: "Let's live a little separately". So you can pull for decades until someone needs an official divorce. But not all people want to be scheduled with those with whom they have not been living a marital life for a long time.
  • Also the first 2-3 months After a divorce, no need to start novels. Or at least not tell the ex-splash about it. One way or another, there is always an option that the spouses will make peace, and the lover will move into oblivion.
  • Do not cripple your wife during the year. This advice applies to men who beat the woman in marriage and this is the reason for her divorce. After all, if she for 5 years After the divorce, I retired, I have to keep it for life. We are talking about cases of disability. However, if a woman marries again - all worries will fall on the shoulders of her new man.
  • Psychologists do not advise breeding couples to continue to conduct sexual relations - because in this case they can change their minds to part. The fact is that sexual relations are configured to one emotional wave and bring together. And if you decide to divorce, then there was a reason for this, and temporary rapprochement will not lead to anything good.

You should also not hire too meticulous lawyers - because they will conduct the case in court for many years, and the spouses will not feel the long -awaited freedom. Well, of course, there is no need to tell children bad about dad or mom with whom the divorce occurred.

How to make a divorce soft, without nerves - practical tips of a psychologist: 5 simple steps to survive a divorce with her husband, wife

The child must understand that he will give birth to be divorced
The child must understand that parents are divorced

The concept in itself "divorce" Pretty unpleasant. It not only radically changes the life of spouses, but also affects all family members. Quite often, small children who have found the divorce of their mother and father receive psychological trauma. That is why in the interests of the couple to make this event as soft as possible. Below you will find the practical advice of a psychologist to survive a divorce with your husband, wife without nerves. Here are 5 simple steps:

  • Explain the child about divorce, as tactful as possible

The child should understand that mom and dad are different people. Therefore, they part. In this case, you should not put an ultimatum like "you will no longer see a dad anymore." It is possible that the offspring is very attached to its biological parent. Also, if the parent is not devoid of parental rights and is not an antisocial element, he can and should be given the right to see the baby. You yourself may not communicate with your ex -husband, but do not deprive your son or daughter of this opportunity. But before that you should contact a child psychologist. He will tell you what words to find so as not to injure the psyche of a small person.

  • Put the dots over "and" with relatives

No one has the right to forbid you to get divorced, to influence the decision. Try to submit information calmly and reasoned, without nerves. As a result of the conversation, your parents should understand why exactly you are going to part.

  • Find support

You will transfer the divorce much better if there is a person who is able not only to realize the need for what is happening, but also to provide moral assistance. It doesn’t matter who it is: mother, sister or neighbor.

  • Start living in a new way

To forget early about unpleasant events, change your life. You can start with hairstyles, dress manners and finish the change of place of residence or work. Understand that a divorce is not just a breakdown. This is the beginning of a new life.

  • Be sure of yourself

The smaller the nerves come from you, the calmer you and others will be.

In fact, it is always better to divorce than to live with an unlucky and unpleasant person for yourself. Therefore, this event does not need to be perceived as a tragedy. Good luck!

Video: 4 reasons when you definitely need to get divorced

Video: Errors after a divorce. How to survive a divorce with his wife?

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to save your family for the sake of children? Is a divorce justified if there is no love, but there are children?

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Comments K. article

  1. After breaking with her husband, it was difficult to recover.
    Many people said that I was spoiling and because of this I destroyed my wonderful life and a friendly family.
    I did not know what to believe. I was confused, not knowing how to continue to live.

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