Why is it not possible to build relationships: reasons

Why is it not possible to build relationships: reasons

Not everyone has everything smoothly with personal life and sometimes it is impossible to build relationships. Why this happens and what to do with it, our article will tell.

After several attempts to start a relationship, you have already seen that there were practically no good guys, and it would be easier to meet aliens. Maybe you already quit all thoughts about marriage and decided that let everything go on as usual? After all, you can always find a man at night, if you need to, but why deceive yourself? Somewhere deep inside, you still hope that a more interesting fate awaits you.

It is believed that this is drawn to this. So if you constantly meet guys for one night or infantile, then you should not think that you are some kind of terrible. Perhaps the fact is that we must focus on yourself and change your lifestyle and views.

Why can't I build a relationship: reasons

Why can't you build a relationship?
Why can't you build a relationship?

There are several main reasons why it is obtained to build relationships.

  • It is not possible to build a relationship - you measure everyone

You did not notice such a thing behind yourself-if you only become interested in you and invite you somewhere, then the attitude towards him becomes different? For example, at first you really liked it, but after this you begin to look for the reasons why you cannot be together. Such a reaction indicates that your self -esteem is too low and you yourself do not like it, consider yourself boring or not very beautiful, and indeed unworthy. It seems to you that a man could not pay attention to you, because you are so simple.

What to do in this case? Undoubtedly, first you need to understand that this is all in your head. Learn to trust people and accept yourself as you are. You can learn to understand others and someday you will meet a person from whom you will not run away.

  • I can't build a relationship - you have a stormy imagination

You want to find a guy and mentally even painted in fantasies how your first meeting and date will take place. In fantasies, you know him very well, from beginning to end, he has nothing to hide from you. And suddenly you meet an interesting man who is trying to get to know you. And then the most interesting begins. After all, he is not the way you imagined, he has the wrong profession, not the age, and indeed he even looks wrong. It turns out that if the guy is reciprocated, then your dreams will be destroyed.

How to be? Yes, I do not want to extinguish your own illusions, but still you must force yourself to admit that they are insolvent. The images of an ideal man built in your head will prevent you from falling in love with a real man.

  • It is not possible to build a relationship - you are not very reliable
You are unreliable
You are unreliable

Most likely, your ideas about relationships are erroneous. Maybe you misunderstood what friendship is? When meeting a man, you immediately see a soul mate in him. Yes, it is very good that you soon fall in love and become close, but at the first quarrels you have an idea of \u200b\u200ba person. Instead of looking for some kind of general solution, you prefer to get out and not put up. After all, it seems to you that you were very much deceived and instead of establishing everything, it is easier for you to part with a person and look for a new one who, in your opinion, will be perfect. That's just this approach will not help.

Try to learn understanding and forgive people. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will have a long relationship someday.

  • It is not possible to build a relationship - you are afraid to make a mistake

To be afraid to make the wrong choice is also good, but you just need to understand that you do not need to bring everything to the point of absurdity. If you suddenly invite you to the cinema, agree, and do not get into hysteria that suddenly you will miss something better. Or maybe you refuse and miss your chance?

So do not think for a long time, because you can not find your man before old age. Learn to choose quickly, let it be an imperfect solution, but it is still better than not leaving yourself a choice at all.

  • I can't build a relationship - you are always busy
Constant employment
Constant employment

You work a lot and constantly. If you ask you how you spend your free time, then you will probably have one answer that you simply do not have it. You have so many responsible projects that you work on from morning to night, and you still need to visit the seminar, training, but anywhere, but just do not relax. If free minutes fall out, then you will sit a little in social networks or give instructions to subordinates.

Undoubtedly, to love your work is good, but workaholism is harmless only at first, because too high employment does not allow time to devote time, and even more so to others. So learn to relax and be distracted.

Video: Why is it not possible to build relationships family psychology

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