What are the types of husbands - an adult boy, a romantic nature, an exemplary family man, a passive sliver, a jealous owner, a workaholic, a smug critic, a whiner, a classic womanizer: characteristics

What are the types of husbands - an adult boy, a romantic nature, an exemplary family man, a passive sliver, a jealous owner, a workaholic, a smug critic, a whiner, a classic womanizer: characteristics

Each man has his own type of character. In this article we will find out what types of husbands are.

A positive type of men does not need psychological analysis or criticism of others. But men with characteristic features need a special approach. If a woman is not ready to put up with some circumstances, then you can try to re -educate her chosen one. Let's try to classify husbands according to their usual lifestyle.

Type of husbands: adult boy

The fair sex would like to see as many good qualities and smaller flaws in their future husbands. Before connecting your life with a man, try to analyze his behavior, character, and type of thinking. This person will accompany you for the rest of his life, so it would be nice to understand what can be expected from him.

An adult child
An adult child
  • Among men there are specimens that are completely in no hurry to become adults. This type differs not only in behavior, but also by its appearance. Instead of a strict style, he will always prefer comfortable everyday clothes.
  • In the actions of such a person there is uncertainty. He is trying to self -realize in various areas and find a male rod in himself. It is much easier for a man to communicate with his like -minded people so as not to look flawed against their background.
  • If you have chosen such a life partner in your husband, then be prepared to become the head of the family. Most likely, you will have to make the most important decisions. An ever -doubtful husband will be at the first opportunity to shift all responsibility to you.

Such type of husbands Trying to avoid conflicts. He is fun or calm - in both cases you will be easy and convenient with him. A servant husband is always ready to realize all requests and wishes, but only from your hint.

If a woman is satisfied with the role of a mother, then her husbands are happy to sit on her neck. If you are tuned to re -educate a boy into a man, then use the advice of psychologists.

Adult boy
Adult boy
  • Enjoy your husband to effectively plan your time. Start by drawing up a list to the store and discuss joint plans for the day. When discussing future cases, specify dates, deadlines, days.
  • Everyone must be responsible for their actions. Negative experience is very important to encourage action. Give him the opportunity to rehabilitate.
  • Do not surround it with a hyperpoke. Make it clear that a woman also needs attention and help.
  • Approve of any independent acts of your husband, even wrong. Let him feel his significance.
  • Stock up and learn to respect him. Keep tact in statements regarding its age and status in society.

Type of husbands: romantic nature

Many women during courtship are attracted by a romantic man. Attention and care always give pleasure. In marital life, romantic relationships gradually develop into practical ones, and some actions begin to cause irritation.

Romantic type of husbands They have a good imagination that allows each time to come up with new interesting ideas and enchanting them to implement them. This behavior allows you to diversify your relationship and fill them with new emotions.

If it seems to you that the husband is overdoing, and it's time to stop, then think about the fact that some women dream of being in your place.


If you doubt whether you are suitable for you type of husband And whether it is worth changing something, then analyze what is really important to you.

  • What is more important to you - the safety of funds or beautiful courtship?
  • What do you want more - to report a husband for expensive gifts or enjoy his crazy ideas?
  • Are you ready to sacrifice your interests for the next bouquet of roses or beautiful decorations?

Type of husbands: an exemplary family man

In the presentation of many women for the role of a future husband and father, a family man is ideally suited. Such type of husbands It manifests itself in its stories about relatives, family traditions and customs. You can recognize a seamyard man by the following qualities.

  • It shows strength and support in relation to you.
  • It has a clear life position.
  • His serious intentions do not raise any doubts.
  • Constant in its habits and preferences.

An exemplary family man treats each task with responsibility, which causes women confidence in the future. Calm and balanced behavior gives him a certain male force. Which in turn allows a woman to relax and feel like a weak sex.

Family man
Family man

Disadvantage of this like husbands The fixation at households is. He is little interesting to significant events taking place in society. The upcoming elections or a decisive football match do not cause him any emotions. In order to introduce such a man to his interests, you will need patience and perseverance.

Type of husbands: passive lazy

Such type of husbands Not ready for spontaneous decisions and unforeseen circumstances. It is very difficult to tear them out of the usual lifestyle or make them hurry. The most beloved pastime of the husband of the sloth is at the TV with food.

Concluding an alliance with such type of husband You need to be prepared for the fact that the bulk of everyday problems will fall on your shoulders. Despite his reluctance to show participation in household processes, you need to find the opportunity to connect it to family matters.

  • Does not want to participate in the process of cleaning - send it to the store for purchases.
  • It does not participate in the school education of children - connect it to participate in their initiative.
  • Does not want to repair the shelf - interest it with the purchase of new furniture.

Men slows, as a rule, are very good -natured and have an environment.

Type of husbands: jealous owner

A feeling of jealousy of this like husbands Inherent at the instinct level. A woman should belong to such a husband completely and completely, with a complete restriction of personal freedom. Suspicions and reproaches constantly come from such a man. He seemed to specifically seek a reason for another jealousy. A sliding female look at an outsider, delay at work or a long telephone conversation immediately becomes the reason for the next scandal.

A sense of jealousy arises due to low self -esteem or uncertainty in one's own strength. In a fit of passions, a man can not only roll up a scandal, but also apply physical strength. With a jealous husband, a woman has to get hung up on every word and act.


You can resist the jealous seizures of her husband in several ways:

  • To put up with constant claims and limit your freedom of action.
  • Taking advantage of the situation, to put into practice his erroneous accusations.
  • Endlessly convince her husband in his fidelity and love.
  • Try to cool his mood with an ultimatum.
  • Find the strength in yourself and throw a jealous husband.

Type of husbands: workaholic

For a workaholik man, enthusiasm for his work in the first place. At this like husbands There is practically no time for your family. He prefers to fill his free time with the working process. The desire for own self -realization is above all. In most cases, the cause of workaholism is not a financial necessity, but a desire to improve their knowledge and reveal the entire range of their abilities.

Can't without work
Can't without work

While married to a workaholic, women choose different tactics of behavior:

  • Smirily assumes the role of the second plan and live a lonely married life.
  • Using various methods, they try to tear her husband from work at least for a short period of time.
  • They start interesting acquaintances on the side.

Family life with a workaholic can turn into the joint existence of two different people on a common living space. Therefore, in every situation you need to try to find a compromise.

Type of husbands: self -propelled critic

Such type of husbands He believes that their point of view is the most correct and is not subject to discussion. He should not make you an inappropriate remark in the presence of strangers. Dialogue with such a man is built on constant moralizing. He knows the answers to all questions and is always ready to impose his opinion. The critic’s husband will never forget to evaluate your culinary skill, the appearance after going to the hairdresser or the result of your activity in various fields.

Next to such a husband should be a very patient woman. Of course, you can learn to control any situation, but this will require considerable strength and energy.


To let your husband feel in your place, apply a little female cunning:

  • Enter your husband obviously losing. Show him that he is not perfect in everything.
  • In the case of his failures, do not forget to emphasize that you love and accept it with all the shortcomings.
  • Do not enter into endless disputes. Listen and do not dispute. Thus, the husband will lose interest in the conversation.
  • Try to translate the topic of conversation in a different direction.

Type of husbands: n ivik

A man’s whiner needs vital to share with someone his failures or a negative attitude towards the world around him. Such type of husbands They need constant compliments. Praise of others helps them feel their significance. The position of the offended is a familiar state for them. In any event, husbands of whiner see primarily a negative side.


You can re -educate a whiner man in several ways:

  • Answer his negativity with a smile and good mood.
  • Do not delve into the essence of his problems. Kiss, hug, promise that everything will work out and switch your attention to other things.
  • Try to fix the most important moments for him. As soon as the issue is resolved, the need to discuss it will disappear.
  • Agree with his statements and unobtrusively present a different point of view. He himself will not notice how he will think differently.

The most important thing in relations with a man whiner is the lack of pity for his person. Do not give him the opportunity to fall into a depressive state. Remake positive and your husband will make you a pleasant company.

Type of husbands: classic womanizer

Men Babniks are very sociable. They like to be the soul of the company, especially female. It is quite difficult to build a serious relationship with this type of men. A woman is interested in a womanizer primarily as a sexual object. Therefore, attracting his attention to intellectual abilities is not easy.

If your husband constantly reveals an increase in attention to other women, then you have managed to marry a womanizer. Be prepared for his constant inventions, delay from work, secret telephone conversations, etc.


Having married this type of men, you have to choose your own behavior tactics:

  • Halling yourself with its feature and enjoy life.
  • Hope that he someday tired of a rampant lifestyle. It is then that he will understand that there is no one better than you in the world. In the meantime, tolerate humbly.
  • Live with such a person in a civil marriage and maybe you change your mind to start a family with him.

Any man can be loved as he is. Before consciously marrying any of the listed types of husbands, think about whether you have the strength to turn its shortcomings into dignity.

Video: How to live happily with different types of husbands?

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