Health of teeth. Factors that improve tooth health

Health of teeth. Factors that improve tooth health

According to statistics, people turn to dentists a little less often than to therapists, but more often than to other doctors. Grounding of air, poor drinking water and improper care of the oral cavity, lead to various problems associated with the teeth. Such a common problem as caries occurs in 70% -100% of the inhabitants of our country (depending on the region of residence). In addition, in addition to caries, there are other problems of the oral cavity. In this article you will learn about the factors of teeth that improve health. After all, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it in a neglected state.

Which of the diet negatively affects the health of the teeth?

The oral cavity hygiene plays important for preserving the teeth beautiful and healthy. But, besides daily care, it is important to eat right. After all, when we eat various foods, we feed not only our body, but also pathogens that live in it. The basis of the life of most of these bacteria is sugar and starch contained in food. The more these substances in food, the better for bacteria. That is why the sweet tooths have so often observed problems with teeth.

Remember: the most beloved food of bacteria living in the mouth is refined sugar.

It is contained in various confectionery. Therefore, the anti -rating of tooth products is as follows:
• Candies;
• chocolate;
• sweet carbonated drinks;
• Acake rolls;
• Gum containing sugar.

But, the sugar content in confectionery is not their only minus. Also, the negative consequences of the use of such products include the lack of chewing load. And most sweet dishes and desserts cannot give such a load to the teeth. As a result, teeth lose their necessary “training” and decrepit. Such products for children are especially dangerous. During their use, not only the teeth of children and adolescents spoil, but the dentition and jaw are formed incorrectly.

No need to completely abandon sweets. But, they cannot be abused. If you cannot without sweets, then replace the products that contain refined sugar with those in which sugar in unrefined form is present. Such sweet products are less harmful to the teeth.

Important: after eating sweet dishes, be sure to remove the remaining sugar from the enamel of the teeth. If there is no way to use the toothpaste and brush, use chewing gum. But, only one in which sugar is absent.

Best tooth health products

Tooth products

For the health of the teeth, you need to eat foods that stimulate chewing load. The best among them are vegetables such as carrots, beets, cucumbers and apples. In addition to the fact that they themselves are able to cleanse the enamel of the teeth of pollution, which make up these vegetables of vitamins (B, D, E, K, C and PP), as well as beneficial substances (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine Phthor, iron and cobalt) positively affect the health of the teeth. Especially in this influence, calcium and phosphorus were noticed.

In addition to the above vegetables in the TOP of products for the health of the teeth include:
• greens (parsley, dill, onion and celery);
• berries (currants, strawberries and cranberries);
• nuts (almonds, cashews and cedar nuts);
• dairy products (milk, cottage cheese and hard cheese);
• seafood (shrimp and some types of fish);
• Eggs;
• honey.

In addition to the positive effect on the teeth, all of the above products are extremely useful for the whole organism as a whole.

Important: according to some scientists, green tea is the most useful product for teeth. Natural antioxidants that are part of green tea prevent the formation of dark plaque on the teeth and positively affect the health of the gums.

Vitamins for teeth health

Vitamins for teeth

Like any other human organs, teeth need vitamins. Their disadvantage can lead to various problems in the oral cavity. Particularly important for the body vitamin D.. It is he who is responsible for assimilation calcium - An extremely important macroeler for teeth health.

It is especially important to correctly balance your vitamin diet if you use a diet to reduce weight. With the protein diets popular today, the body can lack such vitamins of group B as B6, B12 and IN 2.

You can strengthen your teeth with the help of such vitamin complexes as: "Dentovitus", "Kaltsinova", "Taulus", "Calcium d3 - nimed" and "Remo". To protect children's teeth, purchase in a pharmacy such vitamin complexes as "Vitaftor" and "Vita Michka" Calcium plus.

Dental health drugs

Sometimes, in order for the teeth to be beautiful and healthy, only proper nutrition and use of vitamin complexes may not be enough. But, thanks to modern pharmaceuticals, in any pharmacy you can find drugs that can help your teeth. To strengthen the dental enamel, it is recommended to use special “allocation” toothpastes. In addition to calcium and fluorine, they contain all the nutrients necessary for teeth.

In order to relieve toothache, you can use such analgesics as: Dexalgin 25, "Ibufen", "Ketanov" and "Sedalgin Plus". Their action is just enough to get to the dentist’s office.

To facilitate teeth cutting in children, special gels are used. Such as: "Holisal", "Kamistad" and "Kalgel".

People whose sick teeth have a number of other diseases


Dental diseases can cause other diseases. Bacteria that lead to caries can negatively affect the entire respiratory system of a person. In addition, neglected caries can lead to sepsis. It is especially dangerous to launch dental treatment for patients with a weak immune system.

To date, experts have up to 80 types of body diseases that directly depend on the condition of the teeth. Such diseases include cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the digestive organs, rheumatism, diseases of the endocrine glands, diseases of the kidneys, eyes, ear, skin, and even nervous disorders.

Important: sore teeth can “infect” the whole body. Bacteria from a sore tooth can enter the bloodstream and, with a weakened immune system, are smoked into various parts of the body. Cases of the effect of diseases in the mouth with heart diseases are not rare.

Factors that improve tooth health

Healthy teeth

Factors affecting the health of the teeth are:
• heredity;
• proper care of the oral cavity;
• proper nutrition;
• Regular prevention.

Heredity is one of the dominant factors affecting the state of the hard tissues of the tooth. But, today experts have accurately established that such a common teeth disease as caries is inherited.

Proper nutrition is also a very important factor that affects the health of the teeth. With food, we can get the necessary vitamins and trace elements. But, abuse of alcohol, coffee and sweet products can lead to the destruction of the enamel of the tooth and even its loss.

Therefore, it is very important to regularly take care of your teeth and take preventive measures. A periodic visit to the dentist’s office for preventive purposes should be a good tradition. Teeth is much easier and cheaper to treat in the early stages the manifestation of the problem than when starting the disease.

Prevention of tooth health

The article on the hygiene of the oral cavity considered the issue of preventing the health of the teeth. This measure applies not only to brushing your teeth before and after sleep, but also to a regular visit to the dentist’s office for a preventive examination of the oral cavity.

Video. TOP-5 tips on how to keep your teeth healthy

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Comments K. article

  1. And I believe that for the health of the teeth it is still necessary to enrich the body with calcium. So, in addition to the main care, I also accept Calcium Helat Evalarovsky (by the way, I order a shop. I order)+cottage cheese in the diet every day. As a result, the teeth are beautiful and strong, which cannot but rejoice)

  2. For myself, I found an excellent natural preventive drug for Oralbiocomplex oral from Denova from Israel. Now I am calm ... He tones, relieves stress, strengthens and whits tooth enamel, gum tissue, removes tartar, destroys putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria.

  3. Also, a good advice will choose high -quality toothpaste. I like the line of toothpastes of the cloth, and specifically their super mint for men. Perfectly whiten my teeth, despite the fact that I use a lot of coffee

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