Memoles in mathematics for 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 grade - the best selection

Memoles in mathematics for 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 grade - the best selection

Mathematics is a complex school subject that is difficult to “give” to some children. Mathematics memories will help to correct the situation, with their help to memorize the material of the lesson will be easier and more interesting.

Memoles in mathematics in elementary school - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Memoles in mathematics in elementary school - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade
Memoles in mathematics in elementary school - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Memoles in mathematics in elementary school - 1, 2, 3, 4 class:

One to ten accounts.

One, two, three - the world is beautiful, look,
Four, five - the sun shines for us again,
Six, seven, eight - the child brings happiness to the house,
Nine, ten - we will repeat all the numbers together.


Addition of numbers.

In mathematics, addition
Like a smart store:
We put the cookies in the bag,
And then Mandarin.


One watermelon was taken from the shelf
And another watermelon.
Here is such a heavy load!
One plus one will turn out two,
We carry the cargo with us barely!


Two loaves in the bag are folded,
We will report two more there.
Two plus two will be four,
Everyone knows in the whole world!


We carry three brooms to the house,
We will bring three later,
We will be cleanly revenge.
Three plus three is equal to six.


Four jars of jam -
What is it alert
Four jars yet -
There is a lot of everything is not good!
Four plus four will be eight,
We ask half the cans!


On the hand alone again
Counted five fingers.
And take the second hand,
And there are also five fingers.
Ten will be five plus five,
We need to know all the guys.

Subtraction of numbers.

How are the guys interesting to subtract the number,
The numbers are more, take and reduce.
As a wizard fabulous wand, wave
Only instead of a wand a pen and a notebook.


The number is zero, like the air is clean -
Not to change anything,
Removing zero from the number,
The number is the same again.


Ten rabbits sit in the grass,
One rode and said to everyone: "Hello!"
Ten minus one is nine,
Near the fox, it's time for us to go.


Eight bees flew to the meadow,
The black cloud hung, when suddenly
The wind rose, and the rain went.
Eight evil bees flew home.
Eight minus eight will be zero.
When the bee bites, pain occurs.


Seven guests were in the apartment,
Three left, four remained.
Seven minus three will be four,
Four corners in our new apartment.


There were six glomeruli -
Colored beautiful wool.
And out of five of the glomeruli
It turned out a pair of socks.
Six minus five will be one,
These socks were dressed by the master.


Four hats lie in the store,
Two took, bought, taken in the "limousine".
There are two hats left to lie on the window ...
Buy them and take them in the car.
Four minus two is equal to two,
The head wears a hat.


Problems for addition.

There was a hedgehog in the forest,
He was looking for a mushroom.
He collected the load,
Borovik picked up
Put them in a basket
And went along the path.
How much hedgehog of mushrooms
Found today in a forest?


Snowflakes flew from the sky,
Two bullfinches flew to us.
Then a beautiful blue
Sat down to our winter birds,
How loudly, briskly chirped ...
So how many birds did you count?


Fruits on the table are:
Ripe pear, grenade,
Two bananas, tangerine,
Ripe delicious orange.
How many fruits on the table
Calculate me soon?


There was darkness in the house,
Turned on the bulb then ...
So bright, fun shines,
So how many light bulbs are on?


Eagles are sitting - four pieces,
And their grandchildren fly to them.
And there are five grandchildren of those eagles.
Are you ready to count them all?


Passers for subtraction.

My cat had kittens.
There were five of them
I handed them to the guys.
I gave all the five children,
How much is left, did you count everyone?


Pears hung on the tree,
There were three of them at that time
And I quickly eaten two of them.
So how many are there, tell me?


Green girlfriends are sitting -
Three funny frogs.
The heron was important to them,
I took one with me to the cinema.
The choir of girlfriends did not stop,
So how many frogs are there now?


The steam locomotive rode for a long time
He brought ten tanks,
He took two of them to Talin.
How many tanks did he leave?


Squirrels decided to eat nuts
And I found six of them in the forest.
She ate three almost immediately,
And the rest - in the hollow - in reserve.
How many protein nuts are now
Hides in the hollow, hiding from us?


The multiplication table by the number two.

Two will multiply by one by two.
Think clearly your head.

Twice two will be four,
Let the strongman raise the weights.

Two multiplied by three is equal to six.
The sheep has thick wool.

Two multiply by four eight,
After the summer there will be autumn.

Ten will be twice five -
This must be clearly known.

Twice six is \u200b\u200btwelve,
It is necessary to harden since childhood.

And fourteen is the same twice seven.
Everyone needs to brush your teeth, everyone needs!

Two multiply by eight will be sixteen,
You need to try to study on five.

Two multiply by nine is eighteen.
The rams are happy to do with each other.

Twice ten will be twenty,
We will smile to the world!

Memoles in mathematics grade 5 - fractions

Memoles in mathematics grade 5 - fractions
Memoles in mathematics grade 5 - fractions

Memoles in mathematics Grade 5 - Frops:

The main property of the fraction
No one will change the fraction
If divided, or multiply
For one and that number
And the numerator and denominator.


Reducing fractions
A smaller fraction - and count easier.
If the denominator,
And behind him the numerator
Divide into their common divider,
We reduced the fraction,
We simplified the score.


Comparison of ordinary fractions

When comparing fractions with the same numerators
Do not make a mistake.
More than that friend, fraction
Which has a smaller denominator.


Addition of ordinary fractions

Do you want to fold the fractions and get five?
Well then, find it soon
You bring off the fractions to him!
Fold the numerators, my friend,
And get a pie.


Multiplication and division of ordinary fractions

1. Multiplying a fraction by the fraction.
Change of numbers
Write down in the numerator,
And then just as accurately and with the denominator


2. Who is going to multiply
The fractions are ordinary?
Come! I'll tell you!
You take the numerators - multiply,
Donigns take - multiply.
Receive the result.


3. After all, to divide the fraction - a trifle,
The divider will turn over all, after all,
And then act, as in multiplying,
And the result is ready in one moment.
Multiplication and division of rational numbers.


4. See what kind of fraction -
The fraction is ordinary.
We will spend with her today
The actions are instant
One second plus two fifths
How much will? ...
Incorrect action -
The action is instant.
Well, but the correct answer
Who will give me?


To subtract the fractions or add up
You need to get a common denominator
Fraction on the fraction simply multiply
The numerators and denominators are necessary to change
It is easy to fractions and divide:
It is only worth replacing the second
The fraction for us is pleasant,
Called - reverse.


Finding a fraction from the number and number by the value of its fractions

We want to find a fraction from the number,
Do not disturb mom.
We need this number
Kohl number in terms of suddenly
Find up,
Then on a fraction given to you
Divide part that.


Decimal fractions

To compare the decimal fractions,
You do not need to study a lot and do not need to study.
The number of decimal signs to equalize,
To one of them to the right to attribute zero,
And, having discarded the comma later,
Right with the left compare the number.

To subtract us, or fold us,
You should not rush.
Here we can give advice:
Write us under each other.
A comma so that it is under the comma,
And you need to fold it like that
As if there are not a single one.
And then pay attention
That at the very end, in the answer, her
Just put your place.

And here is another rule, it is not more complicated:
If at the end of decimal fractions
Discard or attribute zeros,
Yes, at least to write out the entire notebook!
A fraction equal to a given one will turn out;
So why then suffer?


How to divide into decimal fraction? What are you watching sour?
We will now understand this rule together.
The right shift the comma in two numbers so much.
How many digits do the divider have for a comma.
And now, and the case is possible, because
This is aimed to do it is a simple way.


The dear fractions, about what decimal,
We climbed onto the roof along a shaky pipe.
- We will sit here, because the weather is excellent,
And I will tell you something about something.
Do you know how to change us, the dearest?
Multiply as natural numbers, and then I,
To better remember, I will sing the song:
Where will the comma be?
This is not an easy task!
We will solve it, however,
Showing a high class.
We count so many signs
How much do we have together!

Memoles in mathematics Grade 6

Memoles in mathematics Grade 6
Memoles in mathematics Grade 6

Memoles in mathematics Grade 6:

The twins-brothers lived in the world,
They were similar.
Because of the ridiculous curse
Separated by fate.
The brothers had different signs,
They walked with them in life,
If it happened to meet them
They turned to zero.

Two numbers only with signs
Great from each other
They are called long ago
Opposite numbers.


Disclosure of brackets
A lot of brackets in examples,
A lot of brackets in tasks.
What should we do? Ah, open!
If you see a plus in front of brackets,
Then you just lower the brackets.
If minus, be alert
You need to change signs there.


Similar components
I will give these, transferring the letters to objects.
I'll count, I will receive the right answers:
(5m+1m \u003d 6m)
Five carrots and one will be six carrots.

(7S-2S \u003d 5S)
Seven beings minus two will be five beings.


The absolute value of a number
What is a module - ask me.
I will answer you:
Module - distance from point O to point A.
Remember your friends!


What was the name of the attitude of the cab to hypotenuse?
Who will we ask,
Answer: "Cosine."
We all thought and went:
What kind of cut did they take?

At the bottom of a deep vessel
Lies calmly n ball.
Alternately from there
Two eccentrics carry.
They are pleased with the giving way
They drag t minutes
And each ball they are back
Having examined it, they put it.
In view of classes, this
As a probability is great
That there was one stupid another,
And what was the ball there k?


Multiplication and division of rational numbers

Multiplication, division - operations are difficult.
You need to count and think
Where to put a sign?
Plus a minus there will be a minus,
The minus per minus will be a plus.
You use this rule, use.
Unknown divider.


To find an unknown divider,
You look at the divisible immediately:
Let it snort, quickly for business!
We divide it into the private boldly!
Unknown divisible.


Let it be unknown to be divided, children,
How to get it in the answer?
Private quickly take for a chubchik
And multiply him by the divider.


The main property of the private

Both divisible and divisor
Divide by one number,
Then you can hope
Your private will not change.
Kohl divisible and divisor
On one number will suddenly multiply.
Do not worry, and in this case
Your private will not be disturbed.


Tasks for fractions
We want to find a fraction from the number,
Do not disturb mom.
We need this number
Kohl number in terms of suddenly
Find up,
Then on a fraction given to you
Divide part that.


If numbers with different signs are given,
To find their amount, we are all right there,
We quickly select a larger module very quickly
From it we subtract a smaller module,
The most important thing is not to forget the sign!
That's what to put? - We want to ask.
We will open a secret, it's easier not to do
A sign where the module is larger, write back in response.


I want to add negative numbers
But I'm not sure that I will get the right answer.
Let these numbers be duty
Having folded debts, I will receive more debt,
So, I will get the minus in the answer.
Everything converges, cheers! I found the right way of the solution.


The rule of adding the numbers of negative

And positive numbers are very difficult.
But you can easily remember it:
You owe me a negative number,
Your money is positive.
You can fold and find out with money, you
Or they are mine.


Solution of equations

When solving the equation
If in part one,
Indifferent to which
There will be a negative member,
We are to both parts
We will give an equal member
Only with a sign of others,
And find the result positive.


When solving equations
The rule will apply this:
I will divide the parts of both by the number,
On any, but not equal to zero.


The numbers began to dance:
2 Plus 3, of course - 5!
3 plus 2 - also 5
It turns out again ...
3 plus 5 is eight.
It turned out 5 plus 3 -
8 that don't say!
Drive numbers all year round
Around the plus round dance:
Circle, try -
And the amount does not change!


Kolya, Olya, Sveta and Makar
Delivered a common fee.
Each amount wanted to have his own.
Kolya proposed the arithmetic mean to determine:
Fold all the amounts
And divide four.


The procedure for performing actions

When solving examples
Put out the procedure.
Multiply or divided - in the first place -
Strong actions.
Take career then or subtract -
Weak actions.
You will get an answer -
Write down in your place.

Memoles in mathematics Grade 7 - geometric shapes

Memoles in mathematics Grade 7 - geometric shapes
Memoles in mathematics Grade 7 - geometric shapes

Memoles in mathematics Grade 7 - geometric shapes:

The concept of a segment

I read a new poem for you,
Whoever remembers is well done.
The detachment of anyone
There is a beginning and an end.

On a straight line
We will take two points.
All between them,
We’ll call the segment.


Suddenly in the sky because of gray dark clouds
The long -awaited sun seemed to be
Who will tell you a secret,
There is a beginning, but the end, guys, no


Everything that is in a holy life,
We are not entitled to deny.
The straight line has no, guys,

We have a straight line
We will put an end to her.
The point shares
She is two pieces.
Two pieces with a dot
Form two rays.
Together we connect them -
We get a straight line again.
These are two amazing rays.
They are called additional


Bisector of the angle

The bisector of the angle is a ray,
It flies from the top and mighty.
Because let us remember
He shares the corner he in half!


The triangle has three sides,
And they can be of different lengths.


Well, what a good thing he is!
He is a friend, or maybe a brother.
And the corners are all straight
And the parties are relatives.
At least put or put
There was a square and there is a square.


Folded four sticks
And then I got a square.
He has been familiar with me for a long time
Each angle in it is straight.
All four sides of the same length.
I am glad to imagine him
And his name is ... (square)


Every schoolboy knows him
Square's brother is a rectangle.
It is used everywhere:
Both in study and work.
The perimeter of the polygon
To find the perimeter
At the quadrangle
It is necessary to fold the sides
In a polygon.
How many parties will be
It does not matter.
For three and seven
One rule.


In a person for shoulder,
And in the day - day and night,
Two rays were called angle
With the beginning at a common point.

I bend my hands in my elbows
I get the right angle.
There is a straight, dumb and sharp
There is a detailed with us.
I bend my hands in my elbows
And of course I rest.
This is the best charging
And for muscles and for the mind.


Remembering the corners is very simple:
The angle of less than ninety is called sharp.
The one that is equal to ninety is called direct.
And the detailed, among others,
The most looks big
One hundred eighty is its size.


And I am a circle, I am a ball, relatives.
You came from me
With the help of rotation.
There is a point not simple inside me
And who is this important point?
He is called the center,
From the points of all, it is equally removed.
And the radius? Any straight
What is drawn to the center, connecting it
From any of the points belonging to me
And on the circle of those lying.


The circle has one girlfriend
Her appearance is familiar to everyone!
She walks along the edge of the circle
And called - a circle!

Everyone needs to remember
What is a circle.
These are many points
Located accurately
At one distance,
From one point alone.
Remember the meaning of this line.
This common point is friendly
Called the center of the circle.


Circle and circle

My name is a circle
I am city in need.
Everything to a single point is my
The center is equidistant.
Remember about the radius sooner
This is a segment from the center to my point.
Always diameter with me,
Know this radius is double.


A circle

I have no corners
And I look like a saucer,
On a plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
(A circle)



The trapezoid is more like a roof.
The skirt is drawn by trapezoid too.
Take the triangle and remove the top -
Trapezoid can be obtained so

Memoles in mathematics grade 8

Memoles in mathematics grade 8
Memoles in mathematics grade 8

Memoles in mathematics Grade 8:

In the triangle, friends,
We cannot make mistakes.
In it, take the segments in it,
Correctly name them:

Bisector, Like a rat
She climbs in the corners
And divides the corner in half.
And like a gentle mother
The side will divide in half


Our median.
Height with a side
They will make a corner, but straight.
Bisector, median, height
I will carefully spend from the top.


Seven parts c Tangram there is
You can count them all.
We are from those seven parts
Let us add many vents:
And the dog and the goat,
Hare, chicken, fox,
And in general any animals
Just think as soon as possible!


About the location of the height, median and bisector of the triangle:

Three girls, three sisters
They live in a triangle.
This is what they lead there:
- All the main height!
I tell you for a reason.
They see everything like the parties
We need a perpendicular ....


His name is parallelogram!
The rhombus parallelogram is called
If all sides are equal to him.

Or you can like this:
If the sides are equal in a parallelogram,
Then we will call him a rhombus, as in an epigram.


Here is the trapezoid given
We need it area.
To get the area,
The bases must be folded.
A work of half the grounds on “ASh” (h),
That's all her courage!


We repeat the algorithm for building a linear angle, the height of the pyramid, the theorem about three perpendiculars:

If the drawing has been drawn correctly,
That already decided half of the problem.
To solve the task of the pyramid,
In it, the height must be lowered down.

Find out where the foundation of that height,
Then the problem is more likely to solve.
Having opened at least a book, at least a notebook,
You will meet the dual -sided corner again.

And in it - linear corners,
And all, of course, are equal.
Do not joke with a linear angle,
Rather, the system and find.

On the edge of the dual -sided corner
Let there be some point given.
Perpendiculars from it you in the faces of
The linear angle is ready, and find it.


Or you can like this:
Take the point on one side,
Perpendicular from it to the rib
And draw the other side of
Combine their bases,
According to (etc.) you will receive linear corners.


Finding an unknown divider

Mathematics is science
Accurate to extremes.
Here is an example! Find the divider
Without special secrets,
You need to take divisible
Divide into private
And the number will turn out
Very beautiful!

To find an unknown divider,
You look at the divisible immediately:
Let it snort, quickly for business!
We divide it into the private boldly!
Finding an unknown divided
Let it be unknown to be divided, children,
How to get it in the answer?
Private quickly take for a chubchik
And multiply him by the divider.


Definition of a degree with a natural indicator

The degree is good!
The degree will show us
How many times do we multiply
Our foundation!

Memoles in mathematics grade 9

Memoles in mathematics grade 9
Memoles in mathematics grade 9

Memoles in mathematics Grade 9:

Division and multiplication of decimal fractions by 10, 100, etc.

There is a personal request to you:
Fraction I am decimal,
And divide my person
It is necessary in a special way.
If you divide by a hundred
Or by the top ten,
The comma suddenly starts
To play hide and seek with you.
And the clue here is simple:
Only two zero at a hundred,
And thousands have three of them.
You have a comma, find!
How many zeros do you have?
Count their leftist.
Well, if you multiply -
It is necessary to consider them to the right.


The areas of polygons:

My friends, it's easy to find
S parallelogram:
You multiply and on b
And to the sinus gamma.
(S \u003d absin )

S trapezius you know.
Calculate, I'll wait.
Half -Summer of the foundations
You multiply by height.
S \u003d ((A+B): 2) H
Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle
Know, of course, you need to:
We multiply and on ash
And divide by two.
Coordinate plane:
We play our games,
Knows them and the dog Ricks:
The ordinate is the igrek,
And the abscissa is X.
Pythagoras Theorem:
If we are given a triangle,
And moreover, with a right angle,
Then a square of hypotenuse
We will always easily find:
We are raising the cuts in a square,
We find the sum of the degrees -
And in such a simple way
We will come to the result.

Division of decimal fractions by natural number

Know that the division of the fractions of decimal
On natural numbers - usually
Just remember my advice:
It is necessary to carefully be with a comma.
Finished the division of a whole part,
Put a comma right away in private!
Division into decimal fraction


How to divide into decimal fraction? What are you watching sour?
We will now understand this rule together.
The right shift the comma in two numbers so much.
How many digits do the divider have for a comma.
And now, and the case, perhaps, because
This is aimed to do it is a simple way.


Rounding numbers

To round the decimal fraction,
What category should you know
You save the discharge figure
Add a unit to it,
If the first discarded number five
Or more than five.
203, 4075 = 203, 4080 = 203, 408
203, 4075 = 203, 4000 = 203, 4 (9)



At school, a teacher for our affairs
Puts the assessment in the journal.
A hundredth share of any number
We call a percentage.


Interest in the form of a decimal fraction

My friend asked me about interest
How to write a percentage in the form of a fraction.
I replied: “Very simple,
Divide the number by 100, get that you need "


Solving problems for interest.
To solve the problem for interest
Do this, not otherwise:
Start a solution with that -
Find out the price of one.
How much interest is needed, then
You will find easily, without difficulty.


Signs of divisibility

Signs of divisibility by 2, 10, 5, 3, 9
I look, look at the number:
-What is it divided?
-the last figure needs to be taken,
If at 10, 2 or 5!
- And if at 9 and 3?
- Then see the sum of the numbers!


Divisibility sign by 2

Easy to remember, friends,
A sign of divisibility by 2.
I divide without a trace by 2
Only natural even numbers.


Divisibility sign by 3

Signs of divisibility
We need to know
To quickly divide the number
2, 3 and 5.
Find the sum of numbers.
Divide her by three.
You can easily answer then
That you will divide the number into three.
Divisibility sign by 5
If a natural number
At the end it has zero or five,
Then you know for sure
It is divided into five.


Signs of divisibility

Everyone needs to know
To get an answer without an error:
From natural ones, they are divided into two
Even numbers, odd numbers - no.

Natural without any work
Those only are always divided into three,
Which have the sum of the numbers, you look
Without a trace, it is also divided into three.

That you can’t back down for a minute,
For a long time there has been a saying in the light.
And those only numbers are divided into five,
At the end of which is zero or five.


About the numerical line

I am on the scale-the number-garnet.
Where I get up - there are headquarters.
And the numbers are allowed to accommodate
On the chosen line
Zero, direction and scale


Comparison of numbers using a coordinate direct

Coordinate direct will help us compare the number.

Which more, then to the right, to the left - less, therefore.
The coordinate straight line is wonderful
To the right of zero - the coordinate is positive,
And on the left is negative.


Multiplication of negative numbers and numbers with different signs

Minus with a plus multiple, Delhi,
Put the minus, and do not wise!
(-3) · (+5) \u003d-15
(+6) : (-3) = — 2
9 · (-4) \u003d-36
16 : (-2) = -8 (9)


You can interpret the rules and thus:
"My friend is my friend" +. + \u003d +
“My enemy’s friend is my enemy” +. - \u003d -

Plus minus, minus, plus!
I am not afraid of multiplication!
Change the modules is a trifle.
The most important thing is not to forget about the sign.
Plus a minus multiplying,
Put the minus without yawning.
Plus, plus - and plus in the answer.
All five will be, children!
Minus will multiply with a minus
Plus, the answer will be too.
Learn the poem -
There will be more fun to teach!


Not in earnest, in fact,
If Olya, Tanya, Zina ...
Multiply or divide
Two numbers with a minus sign,
Get, there is no dispute
Positive answer.
Even fabulous Emelya,
To be arguing,
Multiples or divides
There are two numbers of different signs.
Gets no secret
Negative answer.


Multiplication, division - operations are difficult.
You need to count and think
Where to put a sign?
Plus a minus there will be a minus,
The minus per minus will be a plus.
You use this rule, use.


Disclosure of brackets
Before the bracket "plus" is worth
He talks about that
What are you lowering the brackets
Yes, release all the numbers.
Before the bracket "minus" strict
He will block our way.
To clean the brackets,
Signs must be changed.
-(-2a +3V) +( -4A +B) \u003d 2A -3B -4A +B \u003d -2A -2V.

If there is a minus before the bracket,
He behaves like a virus.
Brackets at once eats everything,
To everyone who is in brackets, the sign changes.
Well, if a plus is worth
He will save all the signs.


If a plus is in front of the bracket,
I'm not afraid of anything!
I just lower the brackets,
Well, I keep signs.


If there is a minus before the bracket,
I’ll crush my brains.
I also lower the brackets,
Well, I'll change the signs.

Bringing similar terms

There is neither simpler nor more convenient
Than the components of the like.
I will lay down at one moment
Only coefficients.
Well, we write letters the same.
We do not need to touch it.

Memoles in mathematics grade 10

Memoles in mathematics grade 10
Memoles in mathematics grade 10

Memoles in mathematics grade 10:

About the formula (a+b)?
We think that it will be very helpful
We talk about a plus b square
Because, he will tell you openly
This formula is especially famous!
She was taught so many years ago,
What our Pithenthrop knew her is her brother.
So, let's start teaching guys
It all starts with a square.
So that it goes quickly -
We build the first number in a square
And here, of course, there will be again, by the way,
To say that they recorded, but in a square.
But only to extend the poem,
Add to a production
Three numbers: 2 and letters A and B
Yes, those who sat on the pipe.
And these in Algebra, not on any pipe.
The name is doubled: 2AB.
And only then will we get the result
When we add another square.
For the third time, everything will be in handy -
We just add B in the square.
And in conclusion - three words:
Our formula is ready!


"Numerical expressions, expressions with variables"

You take any numbers
Apply signs of actions to them,
Or enter into brackets:
Get a numerical expression,
Not any other!

If the brackets are opened,
Fold, multiply, divide,
It will turn out to be a meaning
Numerical expression.

If in the expression
At zero you will find a division
No one will find the meaning
It makes no sense.

If the letter ran to visit the numbers
And between them I became somewhere,
You will certainly get it
Expression with a variable.

Expression with a variable
The importance is undoubted.
Replace the letter with the number
And decide as soon as possible!
You can substitute three, but you can twenty, minus five.
The values \u200b\u200bof expressions with a variable cannot be counted.


"What is a function?"

Two variables met,
They made friends, got married.
They took the common surname,
The "function" was called their family.

The variable X does not obey anyone,
Independent is called
The argument is beautifully called
The head of the family is prescribed

The variable in the dependent is
She obeys the argument
By nature, they decided to give the name
The function from the argument was decided to name

All values \u200b\u200bof the variable x
The area of \u200b\u200bthe definite is constituted
Knowledge of the variable
The functions are called.

In the family, one rule is performed
Nobody and never violated:
For every knowledge of x, everyone knows
The only one answers!


Topic: “Determination of the polynomial. Addition of polynomials "

Friends, fold one marty, you will receive polynomials.
Polynomials to fold
You need to open the brackets.
If there is plus before the bracket,
Then safely remove the brackets,
You do not change a sign.
Well, if an important "minus" is before the bracket
The sign stands, he says to us:
“Smalls, friends, you remove
Only do not forget:
Signs all to one you
You certainly change! "


Topic: "Formulas of abbreviated multiplication"

If we are raising the amount in the square
We find the squares of the terms,
Their work by two is multiplied
And the results of the calculations are added.
If the difference, we determine the squares,
We subtract a doubled work.
If the sum of the expressions by their difference is multiplying:
We get the difference in squares.
The difference of the squares is easy to find, we can:
The difference in expressions for their amount is changeable.


The theme "Equation and its roots"

If you take two expressions with variable,
To equate them
Get surely
Equation with the variable.

If you replace the letter with a number
And to receive the right equality
The number will call the root
And this is how we will find him.

Contracting with the letter in the left side will collect
All numbers - we will transfer to the right.
If you move the terms
Then you need to change everything signs

We will give similar terms
And we will find an unknown factor
And - the equalization was decided,
It is not at all scary to us!


Sinus theorem - conversation topic.
By the way, an important theorem.
In each triangle can be used,
How it works, you should figure it out.
Three troops of equals boldly write in a row,
In the numerator, each has a side,
And in the denominators - they stand by sinus
They are opposing angle.
With the described circle kinship
Have fractions for more than one century,
And the radius is doubled by her
They are equal to what everyone knows in the world!
For two corners, measures are known in degrees
And the side is known in the triangle.
- We will solve it according to the theorem! - with joy
In the ninth grade, schoolchildren said.


Cosine theorem

We will talk about the theorem, generalized by Pythagoras, about the cosine theorem,
It will become reliable in the calculations of the support, we will be able to solve any triangles.
On the square, we will first build any side and put the sign “equal” to the right nearby,
We will find the squares of the other two sides, then these squares must be folded.
So that the formula is finished, we will put further the “minus” in the expression,
We double those sides of the work on the cosine of their common angle.
Although signs of Pythagoras theorems in that formula will be easily found,
Its difference is noticeable to everyone, without a dispute, and the use is very wide.
We calculate the side of any on the other two well -known sides,
When we meet the situation, we need an angle between them.
To find out the sides, the square root will have to be extracted here.
Let the three sides are known. We must calculate any of the corners.
We find cosine, the formula will help us, and then - the measure in degrees for this angle.
Not a single triangle is such that the theorem suddenly does not fit!
She will not only determine the corners in the triangle, but also accurately indicate its appearance.
An arbitrary triangle is suitable, in which the three are known.
Take the miracle formula and act, schoolboy! In the calculations, well, she just has no price!
The size of the square of the larger side we should compare with the amount
Squares of the other two sides. For example, he will be big.
A stupid triangle has a triangle, lying against the larger side,
And the cosine of the angle, undoubtedly, negative, check if you are suddenly surprised.
Let the square be less than the amount of two squares -
The corners are all sharp, everyone guessed here.
And if the sign “equal” is obtained soon, we apply the theorem that is converted to the Pythagorean theorem,
And the larger angle will be only straight, anyone will see such logic here!
Here is an important theorem! Now we know enough about her.

Memoles in mathematics grade 11

Memoles in mathematics grade 11
Memoles in mathematics grade 11

Memoles in mathematics Grade 11:

The relationship between trigonometric functions

You check, do not be lazy, soon see for yourself,
That all equalities are true and, most importantly, in the calculations they are so useful, so necessary.
If the sinus is carefully divided into cosine,
As a result, there will be a tangence without a special span.
It is only important that the angle is certainly like that
So that his cosine was not zero.
Divide the cosine into a sinus without errors, carefully,
Here is the value that for the tangent is the opposite.
Here you need to remind you again, the angle should be like that
So that the sinus at the corner is not zero.
We write cosine in a square, write a sinus square,
Having folded them, we get a unit exactly!
If tangent on cotangenes we multiply in the task
As a result, we get a unit!
If there are two angles in total - ninety,
So, cosine and sinus are just connected by them:
The sinus of one angle is the cosine of the second
It is true and vice versa, which is no longer new.
Also tangent and cotangenes are connected at the same time
And a similar result will be the answer here.
Tangens of one corner, which is quite logical,
There is a cotand for another - the result is excellent!


Function y \u003d sin x

Take a single circle,
And start to rotate on it.
In this case, the orderly is only necessary
You have a point at the point of each.
Now you fix the point somewhere
And then make a complete revolution.
Notice: the X -Xs Sinus at the same time
The meaning of the former, of course, will gain.
And if the rotation angle is different
(According to the module, but one by meaning),
Then you will also see right away
That the sinuses are only familiar with one.
And the function schedule is a wonderful curve.
Look, what a beautiful one!
It is called sinusoid
And from scratch it goes on its campaign.
Not all kinds are of knowledge of the functions,
And the whole sinus is called limited.
There is a maximum value - unit
And many times sinus X strives for her.
Similarly there are minimums,
And also the function cannot be counted at the function.
Often the schedule of the axis of the X intersects,
That at the points of the type of pi on en.
VITA theorem for the roots of a square equation
It is rightfully worthy to be sung in verses
About the properties of the roots of the VITA theorem.
What is better, tell me, the constancy of this:
You will multiply the roots - and the fraction is ready:
In the numerator C, in the denominator A,
And the sum of the roots is also equal.
At least with a minus this fraction, what kind of trouble -
In the numerator, in the denominator a.


Formula of the given square equation

P with a sign by taking the opposite,
By 2 we will divide it
And from the root neatly
A minus sign, plus separates.
And under the root, very helpful
Half p is square.
Minus Q - and here is the decision
Small equalization.


Angle (straight, sharp, dumb)
My mother took a sheet
And the corner was bent,
The angle is such in adults
Called direct.
If the angle is already sharp,
If wider, then stupid.
I'm sharp - I want to draw
Now I'll take it and draw.
Two lines lead from a point,
As if two rays
And we see a sharp corner, we
Like the tip of the sword.
And for the corner of the stupid
We repeat everything again:
We lead two lines from the point,
But we will spread them wider.
Look at my drawing
He is like scissors inside
If there are two rings
We will extend to the end.


To find out the discriminant result
We are in a square to be in a square
And to get the result
And the CE needs to be taken four times.
D \u003d B2-4AC
P with a sign by taking the reverse
by 2 we will divide it
And from the root neatly
The sign of the minus plus is separated.
And under the root, very helpful
Half p is square.
Minus Q - and here is the solution
Small equation.

Mathematics-memoirs for memorizing formulas

Mathematics-memoirs for memorizing formulas
Mathematics-memoirs for memorizing formulas

Mathematics-memoirs for memorizing formulas:

Perimeter and area of \u200b\u200ba rectangle

I am a rectangle!
After all, I have four sides
The opposite are equal.
I lay out the length and width,
I will multiply the amount by two.
I will get my perimeter.
And if suddenly I multiply the length by the width,
Then I will find my area.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle

If we are looking for a width,
Divide the area by length.
Do you want to find the length -
Divide into width.


Square perimeter

I am a square!
After all, I have four sides
And they are all equal.
I will find my perimeter quickly,
But I will multiply the side by four.


The formula of the path
How do we calculate the path traveled?
We know the fact on this topic!
You, my friend, don't forget him:
We need to multiply the speed for a while!

s \u003d vt

I am dying of longing -
I need to find speed.
I will divide the path for a while,
I will love this topic!


Cuba volume
Cube - Rubik, where were you?
- I found my volume.
- How did you find him?
- In the cube of the rib, he erected his own!
V \u003d a3

How to find the volume of a cube?
Cuba has 3 walls,
They have three values.
I will take them, change.
After all, not all this is difficult.
I took the length from the first wall,
From the second I took the width,
From the third, height came out.


Rectangular parallelepiped

I rectangular parallelepiped
I have 6 faces I have
12 ribs, 8 peaks,
There is length and width.
Well, my height is height.


The volume of parallelepiped

Lived and there was a parallelepiped
The guy is not simple, rectangular, business.
With height, length and width.
He wanted to find his volume.
I changed measurements, nothing more.
I got my volume, that's all.
V \u003d ABC


To fold decimal fractions,
We do not have to be wise for a long time:
We will build all the commas in a row,
The number under the number is strictly worth it.
And as a result, we will get again
More others, decimal fraction.

Or such an algorithm:

Draw a decimal fractions, add up,
Write a number under the number strictly,
And keep all the commas,
Write them in a row, don't forget!


Vieta theorem, always remember

The equation to the above is only true,
The roots of which can fold
Yes, the opposite of the second coefficient is obtained.
If the roots still change,
Then a free member can appear.
This is our poem
About the roots of the cited square equation.

Memoral membranes in verses

Memoral membranes in verses
Memoral membranes in verses

Memoles in mathematics in verses:

Finding interest on the number

Tell me how to find
Five percent of six?!
Everything is quite simple here!
I need to take six to the numerator,
Take a hundred to the denominator
And multiply all by five.


Who will try with tasks,
He will not miss the decisions.
And the proportion is called
The equality of relations.


Work of extreme members

So as not to offend the middle members
Take them in the proportion.
When we solve the task with them,
We will see that they are equal.
The main property of the proportion
The correct equality of two relationships
This is the proportion of the definition.
And the proportion has the main property,
Do not be afraid to use it in the solution!
Take your emotions away away,
The work of extreme members is equal
The work of the average members of the proportion.


Finding an unknown member of the proportion

Extreme member of the proportion
I want to find.
What should I do? What do i do?
What should I do?
I will apply the main property:
I will change the average
I will divide the extreme,
I will find the extreme member.


Circle and circle
The circle has length
In all directions it is equal.
Every pioneer knows
TsE is equal to two pi on er.

And I know the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle
And I am very happy about that!
I teach me and my friend:
Es is equal to Pi Er Squad


You (circle) should believe in the word:
The area of \u200b\u200bthe circle can be measured.
I will tell the gathered guests:
Delhi the circle in half,
And multiply into the radius. Then, as they say,
You will express the area in square units


To find the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle
Do not be tormented for hours.
You rush r into the square
And multiply him by D,
And s - everyone knows
Equally approximately three.


Several varieties of poems to remember the number of pi

So that we do not make a mistake
You need to read correctly:
Three, fourteen, fifteen,
Ninety -two and six
You just need to try
And remember everything as it is:

Three, fourteen, fifteen,
Ninety -two and six.
If you try very hard,
You can read it right away:
Three, fourteen, fifteen,
Ninety -two and six.

Three, fourteen, fifteen,
Nine, two, six, five, three, five.
To engage in science,
Everyone should know this.
You can just try
And repeat more often:
“Three, fourteen, fifteen,
Nine, twenty -six and five. "

Three, fourteen, fifteen, nine, two, five, three five
Eight nine, seven and nine, three, three eight, forty -six
Two six four, three three eight, three two seven nine, five zero two
Eight eight and four, nineteen, seven, one


Length measures.

Open the notebook in the cell,
In it, the cells are like a net.
Two cells are equal in length
Centimeter alone.


In one short decimeter
Ten centimeters fit.
Take the ruler, measure,
Suddenly I'm mistaken, check.
1 decimeter \u003d 10 centimeters.


And here he is a meter - a giant,
Captain to all decimeters.
Tried ten decimeters
Similar to become one meter.
1 meter \u003d 10 decimeters.


Long-long kilometer
Equal to a thousand steps.
One step is exactly a meter,
I measured my step myself.
1 kilometer \u003d 1000 meters.


There is a strange short length,
It is named by a millimeter.
But if we collect ten millimeters,
Then we boldly call a centimeter!
1 centimeter \u003d 10 millimeters.


Mass measures.

A heavy ton is almost the mass of an elephant,
A thousand kilograms ton is equal.
1 ton \u003d 1000 kilograms.


We were brought to the school buffet
One hundred kilograms of sweet sweets -
This is a centner one of delicious sweets.
But still tell the sweet: "No!"
1 centner \u003d 100 kilograms.


Weight weighing one kilogram,
So in Gira is a thousand grams,
One kilogram is a thousand grams.
And we will divide the grams into milligrams.
1 kilogram \u003d 1000 grams.


The main property of the private

Both divisible and divisor
Divide by one number,
Then you can hope
Your private will not change.
Kohl divisible and divisor
On one number will suddenly multiply.
Do not worry, and in this case
Your private will not be disturbed.


The properties of zero

If you add zero to the number,
Il you take away from him,
In the response you immediately get
Again - the very number.
Once a multiplier among the numbers,
He brings everyone in an instant.
And therefore in the work
One for all carries an answer.
And relative to division
Firstly, you need to remember
What has long been in the scientific world
It is forbidden to divide by zero.

Mathematical memories in verses for schoolchildren - a table of multiplication

Mathematical memories in verses for schoolchildren - a table of multiplication
Mathematical memories in verses for schoolchildren - a table of multiplication

Mathematical memories in verses for schoolchildren - a multiplication table:

Pupils and students!
To make it easier for you,
We Pythagorov Table
They decided to write in verses.

It is easy to find a solution for it,
The verse is enough to read
And to remember the calculation,
Everywhere there is your own hint!


Well, we won’t put it off,
We will get a notebook and pencil
And let's get down to Boyko.
So, a deuce goes to the start!


Multiplying two by one,
We get a deuce-swan-bird,
Each student saves
From these "birds" your diary.


It is known to children in the whole world,
That twice two is equal to four.
They should also take into account
That twice three we get six.


Two to four - there will be eight.
And we ask all the guys very much
Forget the vagaries, quarrels, laziness
On the eighth of March - on mother's day!


We need to multiply two to five,
And if we take it together,
Yes, let's get, guys,
Then we will immediately get into the top ten!


That twice six - twelve,
The calendar will tell you, brothers,
And in it they will give you a hint
Twelve months a year!


Beautifully two by seven multiply
February holiday will help us,
Day of all lovers, I remember - -
Fourteenth, friends!


And how much will be twice eight,
We will ask tenth graders.
They will tell us the answer
After all, they are already sixteen years old!


You have to remember to try,
That twice nine to eighteen.
And very easy to guess
That twice ten - there will be twenty!


We tried well
And they quickly figured out the deuce.
Now, friends, hold on steadfastly
The game is already entering the game!


Multiplying three by one,
We get to the page
From the book of fairy tales for children
About three funny piglets!


That three times two is equal to six,
We'll see the answer in the cheat!
And three times, we will decide for ourselves,
Equal to the six upside down.


Three by four multiplying
I imagine the dial
And I imagine immediately
How to beat the clock twelve times.


That three times five is the same fifteen,
Easy to be remembered.
Imagine how first -graders at school
They play fun in the spot!


We multiply three by six in two accounts,
Rather, hunting will become adults!
You know, years are racing quickly,
You look, you are already eighteen!


Multiply three by seven will have to
And this is easy for us,
After all, three times - one answer,
It turns out twenty -one!


And how much will be three times eight,
We can handle the question per day,
After all, in the day, as is known in the world,
Twenty -four hours!


We will tell everyone secretly
That three times nine to twenty -seven.
And it was necessary to happen like this
That three times will be thirty!


Well, so they defeated the three,
Fortunately, we did not have time to get tired.
And there are still a lot of things,
The four awaits us ahead!


Four by one multiplying
We will not be able to change it,
In the produces with the unit
The four should turn out!


Four by two - there will be eight,
We will throw eight on our nose,
Suddenly suits you and me
Eight as a pince -nez?


Four by three how to multiply?
We'll have to go to the winter forest,
Twelve months will help
In winter, find snowdrops!


Multiply four by four,
Such an example is easy to solve!
In this work only
Sixteen can be obtained!


Four for you for five
Multiple deftly musketeers,
With enemies of the sword again crossing
In the novel "Twenty years later."


Four we multiply by six
And as a result, there will be something?
The clock is coming, running minutes ...
Twenty -four - exactly a day!


Four for seven to twenty eight -
Days are usually in February.
And we ask everyone to check everyone
Search for the answer in the calendar!


Multiply four by eight,
And there are two to triple - the answer sounds.
A person has exactly so much
In the mouth of the teeth in the prime!


Multiply four by nine -
You will get exactly thirty -six,
Well, you will multiply by the top ten
Write more forty here!


The four was left behind
Another figure seemed ...
And you have to remember
We are multiplying with a number five!


Multiplying five by one,
We can easily get five!
And our folding table
We will continue to study further.


And five by two, I want to notice
It’s easy to multiply - there will be ten!
The answer is always in your hands:
He is in mittens and socks!


We multiply five by three together,
A little time we need.
Fifteen received immediately -
They managed in a quarter of an hour!


How to multiply five by four,
They will give an answer on the body!
Watch on the screen you
Twenty clips of muses-TV!


And five five - the answer is known,
About him is sung in a children's song,
And every schoolboy must know
That we get twenty -five!


We multiply five by six,
As a result, we get thirty.
And five seven - easy to count -
The answer is short: thirty -five!


And how much will be five eight,
We ask Ali Baba from a fairy tale.
When I got to the robbers,
He counted them all forty!


Friends, I want to tell you
That five nine - forty -five,
And each of the guys knows
What five ten to fifty!


We calculated the five at once
And they are not at all tired.
We decide on! There is strength!
Now let's go about six!


Six to one - six came out,
And outside the window you can hear the guitar!
And the songs are pouring at night
Under the overflows of six -string.


We multiply the six by two -
We get twelve evenly.
At twelve in the morning every year
New Year comes to our house!


Six by three - only eighteen!
In such years, you can, brothers,
Get married, get married,
To drive the car yourself!


A simple example of "six four"
We were like him!
You need to think from half a minute ...
Twenty -four - again for a day!


And six five - we get thirty,
Here the dial will come in handy:
Big hand
Show exactly half an hour!


And, right, six by six multiply
The song will help us again,
In her words there is a decision:
Six by six will be thirty -six.


"Six by seven" teaching the multiplication,
We get a hint in shoe,
After all, many men wear
Forty -second boots!


That six eight - forty -eight,
The boales of the monkey explained
But in length - only thirty -eight
He "in parrots" composed!


And six nine - we decided.
We get five fits four!
And everyone is glad for us to answer
That six ten to sixty!


Friends, great work!
We coped with the six in two accounts!
And then we offer everyone
Solve examples with the number seven!


"Family alone" is to find an answer
A seven-color flower will help!
After all, such as he has flowers,
Seven multi -colored petals!


Seven to two we will multiply simply
Fourteen is a good age,
After all, at this age beautiful
The guys get a passport!


That the family is three - twenty -one,
An important gentleman told us,
Let's ask him:
"Four family?" TWENTY EIGHT!


We multiply seven by five! Ready!
A familiar answer is thirty -five!
We ask thirty -three cows
Mumble it louder!


For all, Valery Syutkin's props,
That six seven is a simple answer,
Spends forty -two minutes
He is daily underground!


Want to multiply seven by seven?
We can give all the hint:
Take a look, "Forty -nine" can
Only once in the table to meet!


And multiplying seven by eight,
Fifty -six will give the answer!
People transport people around the city
A bus with a number like that!


We multiply seven by nine,
It turns out sixty -three.
And with the "family ten" everything is in order,
Here is exactly seventy, look!


So, with the seven we are calculated,
And the figure is eight on the way!
So as not to lose time for nothing,
Let's start, brothers, to multiply!


Eight by one multiply
Underwater resident of the octopus,
He cannot walk on land,
Although it has eight legs!


And eight by two - know, brothers,
The decision is true - sixteen!
And eight for three - haven't you forgotten?
The answer is "in the watch" - twenty -four!


We multiply eight by four,
There are only thirty -two here, friends,
Though in Lukomorye they spoke
About thirty -three heroes!


We multiply eight by five -
There are forty, there are no options!
And here is a prompt.
"For forty troubles - one answer!"


Eight by six are multiplying -
It turns out forty -eight here!
Well, by seven, we can, we can
We get - fifty six!


They learned eight eight,
We are without mistakes to multiply
And exactly sixty four
Must indicate in the answer!


We multiply nine eight.
Here's the result: seventy -two!
For ten eight - we answer:
Here are eighty, gentlemen!


Hooray! They defeated the eight!
Another jerk, and we are at the goal!
But for starters in order
We take to multiply the nine!


We multiply nine to one,
The history of the country is flipping,
Let every citizen remember
About the glorious day - the ninth of May!


To multiply nine by two is simple
And in order not to forget the answer,
Remember: your "civilian" age
It will begin at eighteen years!


"Nine for three", we think aloud,
There are twenty -seven here - there is a decision!
And we multiply by four -
We get exactly thirty -six!


It's not at all difficult to learn
To multiply nine nine!
It should turn out in the end
Forty -five work!


And to multiply nine by six,
We do not need to do anything!
We went through it,
In the answer - fifty -four!


And here is the smart girl Malvina
Diligently teaches Pinocchio,
And he says to him: “Look,
Nine seven - sixty -three! ”


Nine eight - this is the task
Come on, work, head!
But we were not failed by luck
We give an answer - seventy -two!


We multiply nine nine,
We check the answer in the table,
But it is, apparently,
He is eighty alone!


An example of the latter remains
And he succumbs to us right away!
Nine ten is simple!
In the response - exactly ninety!

Video: Tasks for logic for children - pumping mathematical thinking

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