Children's poems for preschoolers - short, for competition, holiday: Best selection

Children's poems for preschoolers - short, for competition, holiday: Best selection

In order for the child to correctly and timely develop his skills with him, but it is necessary to do this correctly. After all, preschool babies can concentrate their attention on one subject the minimum time, and it is best to teach a child in a playful way, for example, learning poems. With their help, you can introduce the baby to the outside world, and well develop memory and attentiveness. In our article you will find poems for preschoolers who will help your baby become more educated.

Poems for preschoolers - the best selection

Poems for preschoolers - the best selection
Poems for preschoolers - the best selection

Poems for preschoolers - the best selection:

Well, you, Mishka-Salunishka,
Did you get all the pants?
At dinner, he indulged
And kefir doused himself.


My cheerful ball
Jumps and jumps:
Jump-skok-into the corner,
And then back.
This is how we are in the evening
We spent pleasantly!


I bought a blue ball.
He was light and airy.
Ah, how beautiful he was
But terribly naughty.

He was rushing into the sky all the time,
I did not want to be submissive.
And, as soon as I got stuck,
The ball took - and flew away.

I will wave his palm,
Though sorry for him a little.


Monkeys are very fond of
Eat sweet bananas.
We are similar to monkeys
And we love bananas too.


Striped cat
Our cat is a strip
Like a zebra, like a sailor.
I thought for a long time, guys,
The secret of the stripes solved:

Apparently, it was not for nothing to lose
Her grandmother time -
I knitted my granddaughter
Striped linen.


About stroller and kitten
I bed in a stroller
Clean diaper,
I put it on a diaper
Our kitten.
But in a stroller does not lie
A stupid kitten,
He scratches, angry,
He crushed the whole diaper
And under the cabinet - how insulting!
The coward hid.
Well, you will have to roll, apparently
Teddy bear!


The dog
I have a little dog
And barking is binding-too,
But maybe at the same time
Sing with a cat duet,
To drive her piercingly - subtly.


What a nice toy
This miracle is
Wonderful in appearance
It sounds attractive.
If you get into the handle,
So it climbs right into the mouth!


Multi -colored truck
On the road is straight
Everything is going all day.
And lucky toys to children:
Doll, plush bear,
Ball, cubes and a book.
Per lace over the carpet
The truck leads the driver,
He is not afraid of work
At least he is only three years old!


Wooden rings -
Colored and shiny.
Let's build a turret,
Just like real!
We put on a wand
Rings for each other
And the hat is bright red
To the very top.
And the tower turned out
Elegant, beautiful:
Green, and red,
Both yellow and blue.
Come on the rings together
We will count with you
And the turret in place
Put on the shelf!


Nesting dolls
There is a doll on the shelf
She misses and sad.
But you will take it into your hands
And you will find one more in it.
And in that other ... and now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
At least the growth of different ones, but still
Everything is surprisingly similar.
In elegant arrafs of colorful
Rush uterine sisters.
There was one, but there were five,
They have no more bored!
And girlfriends are playing enough
And again they will hide in each other.


Mom bought me
Cubes set.
I will pour them straight
On the floor, on the carpet.
I will build from them
House and fence,
I will arrange on the carpet
I am a spacious yard.
Will be in the house the first
And the second floor.
And with a big door
For cars, a garage.
There will be people in the house
Live and do not bother.
They will not quarrel
All will be friends.
They will be the whole family
Live and live.
Because build
Better than breaking!

Poems for preschoolers 2-3 years old

Poems for preschoolers 2-3 years old
Poems for preschoolers 2-3 years old

Poems for preschoolers 2-3 years:

Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka’s paw.
I won’t leave him anyway -
Because it is good.


There is a goby, sways,
Sighs on the go:
The board is about to end
Now I will fall.


We will build the plane ourselves,
We rush over the forests.
We will rush over the forests,
And then back to mom.


I love my horse
I will comb her wool smoothly,
I will smack the tail
And I’ll go riding.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in the box on the barrel.
A sleepy bear lay down in bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods his head
He is bowing to the election.


No, we decided in vain
Roll the cat in the car:
The cat is not used to riding -
I knocked over the truck.


Rope in the hand,
I pull the boat
On a fast river.
And the frogs jump
For me on the heels,
And they ask me:
- Roll up, captain!


I have a goat.
I myself pass.
I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning.
He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain.
I could not get off the bench -
All to the thread, wet.


Our Tanya cries loudly:
I dropped the ball into the river.
- Hush, tanechka, do not cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.


It burns in the sun
Like me
The fire lit.


Here you have a carrot
Red head,
The tail is green,
Here you have a turnip,
And the cucumber is strong,
The sun is helpless.
In the ranks of cabbage
The nomads are clinging densely
In the leaves of shaggy.
Here are sweet peas:
Cerens are in order
Sleep in the pods of mustachioed.
What a delicious people
Our garden was inhabited.


Together in Grandmother Paul
In the garden, beds.
Well, in the evening I Poland
All of them are in order.
So that the mustache curls,
To get out large,
Tomato, so as not to dry
The cucumber is magnificent.
And the cabbages of harmful Self
I will drive away from cabbage
To crunch November
The stump is tasty.


We planted potatoes:
Mom - in the field,
I am in the garden.
Mom - a lot,
I a little bit.
I am only one ridge.
So that my grew rather
I'm all day
I work on her.
I'm minutes
I don't sit at potatoes.
Each or better
I will transplant it.
-There will be a miracle of ogorod,-
Speak Seryozha, -
If potatoes grow,
Despite your departure.

Poems for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Poems for preschoolers 4-5 years old
Poems for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Poems for preschoolers 4-5 years old:

This is whose shirt -
Yellow peas?
Grandma tried
Shil for Antoshka!
This is whose sundress -
White daisies?
Grandma tried
Shila for Natasha!


In the summer, in hot hours -
Only T -shirt and panties.
And in the winter we need:
Sweater, warm pants,
Scarf, coat, sandals,
Hat, slippers and so on.
Scarf, gloves, sweater.
However, I ...
I'm confused, friends!


There are three katyushka in a village
They picked up three coils,
Nastya sewed a sundress
Sewn the caftan,
They sewed a jacket for grandmother,
They sewed a vest.
And girls and boys,
All Andryushki and Natashkam,
Sewed bright pants,
Sewed colorful shirts.


I'm already three years old
I can dress myself.
If warm weather, -
Without a coat in the courtyard of the run;
If the wind blows strongly,
If you slide or rain,
I won't go to kindergarten
Without a coat and without galosh.
I'm used to my shoes
Clean the brush every day.
From the costume all dust
I am shaken not laziness!


Who screens like a pig,
Early in the morning on the weekend?
Surprisingly is surprised
All neighbors behind the wall.
Let no one be surprised.
This is Sasha dresses.
He, confused in his pants,
He sits in tears on the floor.
Grandfather looks with anxiety
Having wiped your glasses:
Or Sasha confused his legs
Or confused shoes.


I am an iron, an assistant to my mother.
I stroke sheets, pajamas.
You are baby, don't touch me,
I'm hot like fire.


Like an elephant - a vacuum cleaner.
He has a nose with an accordion.
He drives this with this
Even a ball on the floor,
Cathes light dust particles
And Polinka's pictures.
Only suddenly the anxiety "SOS"-
A vacuum cleaner climbed into the closet.
And Polinkin's socks
They circle like bloodworms.
The cat meows plaintively -
The vacuum cleaner will receive.
Here, the coat flew up with a cloud -
Will be a vacuum cleaner!


Electric kettle,
The case is metallic.
He looks like a jug,
And convenient and good!
He eats current -
It charges from the outlet.
It will boil water quickly,
Tasty tea will drink!


With a knife, we cut the meat,
Vegetables, fruits, sausages.
If it is sharpened sharply,
Cutting them easy and simple.


I open the refrigerator -
I wanted to eat in the morning.
I will look into the freezer:
Five frozen - ura!
In the refrigerator, products
All on the shelves lie
The juices are different.
Juices are different and fruit,
Both sausages and salad.
But ice cream is better.
I will eat it a lot, definitely not one.
If the light is turned off again,
Then all of it melts.


The sheet of gold grows
Wet land in the forest.
Feel free to stuck with my foot
Autumn forests.
The cheeks are burning from the cold:
Love in the forest to run,
Hear the bitch crack
Raise the leaves with your foot!


Warm rain poured and lil
He did the job, did not naughty:
Washed the roof at the birdhouse,
Washed the berries of the cherries ...
We held out our hands
The rain washed them a little.


Lies in the sky a cloud,
Sighs and grumbles
A little cloud
Kopitsy knocks.
On a puddle, along the path,
According to the umbrella of the carrier
Knocks like a deer
Hooves of rain!

Poems for preschoolers 6-7 years old

Poems for preschoolers 6-7 years old
Poems for preschoolers 6-7 years old

Poems for preschoolers 6-7 years old:

Umbrella wet
Poor umbrella my wet
From head to feet,
Because he's half a day
From the rain he saved me.
So that he does not get sick
I heated the water,
And then he fell in the bath,
I wrapped it in a towel.
T-ss! Look, on the couch
He warmed up and fell asleep!


The sun came into heaven
And he looks in all eyes.
Hello, the sun is golden!
Walk well with you -
Like good hands,
Hug us with rays.


Talking brook
To the river-mamchka
And by the handle with her
He ran to the sea soon.
Skuchki, like all guys,
Drunk at sea is happy.
But swim streams
It is necessary under the supervision of mothers!

The brook runs, ringing.
He invites me:
“Come on, racing!
Who is faster to the river?! "
And he started off.
I am behind him, without feeling my legs.

The river shines ahead.
I hear the splash from afar:
“You can't catch up anyway -
I've been in the river for a long time! "


Who is kinder in the world?
- My mommy!
Who always regrets me?
- My mommy!
Who will read my fairy tale?
- My mommy!
Who scolds for business?
- My mommy!
Who will hug, will be sore?
- My mommy!
Who loves me and dad tightly?
- My mommy!
Who is more beautiful in the world?
Who is always with me?
Who has a holiday today?
- She, dear!


Tanya and doll
Tanya woke the doll,
Combed and washed
I fed the porridge delicious,
Tea, cabbage pie,
I crushed, gathered
I led to kindergarten.

I punished on the way
So that I don't play with Mishka
(He is a brawler and terribly rude),
And it ordered to be friends with anyone -
After all, in the pockets of the love of this
Sweets are always found.

So they reached the garden
Tanya needs to work.
And the work of our Tanya -
Be a child
In the group of the youngest.


How are you not ashamed, Bear?
As you are not ashamed, Bear!
You became fat, even too much
Clotted, clumsy ...
There - fell into a puddle yesterday
And, of course, all the wet
From head to feet.

We barely washed you
And then they dried after half a day.
You got a cold and fell ill -
I sniffed into my ear all night.

I'm tired of all this!
I know what to do with you -
I'll take you to order!
Stand for charging
And take an example from me!
Start: one-two-three ...


Why do we need soap?
Why do we need soap
And transparent water?
So that Tanya was soap,
So that she could wash herself!

Soap, wash our hands to
All microbes were frightened,
So that Tanya does not hurt
To make the skin clean.
The soap with white foam flies,
So it looks like a cloud
And washed off with water.

Because it is very important
(Let everyone remember this!)
Wash your hands before meals!


How is the cat wash?
Once Tanya decided
Wash our cat in the bath.
She got a new shampoo,
Foam with Sosnov's smell.

Only the cat is unhappy
And it scratches painfully.
She ran away from the trough
The back arched angrily:

“You leave me alone
I will wash myself -
Without shampoo and without a sponge
I'll wash my fur coat!
We are without soap, without water -
We know how to wash our tongue. ”


Lullaby Tanyusha
Kotik, cat Kotofey!
Come to us quickly!
Our Tanya wants to sleep
We have to shake Tanya.

You are so affectionate, so good -
You won’t find better nannies!
You are a buffoon her song
Sleeping a sleepy click.

Unscrew, boil
And get the award:
I will give you a piece of meat
Yes, a little milk.

Do not be shy, cat, eat!
And in a dream, dream of Tanyusha.

Poems for memorizing for preschoolers

Poems for memorizing for preschoolers
Poems for memorizing for preschoolers

Poems for memorizing for preschoolers:

The legs cannot speak -
They are supposed to be silent.
Legs can along the road
For mushrooms in the forest to walk,
Run in boots in the snow,
Rush on the beach barefoot,
They can jump, they can run,
And, tired, walk.
I say this to my mother
And she repeats again:
- Stop dangling with your feet!
How much can you repeat?


Pig soared into heaven,
And some kind of peasant
To curse her - and straight into the net,
To curse her - and straight into the forests.


A goose crawls on me
As if I'm some grass.
And the moth sits down,
As if I'm what a flower.


Sister Anya will grow up,
I will teach it everything:
Songs to sing, and drumming,
Both counters and writing!
I will be with her, not with a kitten
Run to the fence of the wattle fence.
A sister will grow soon -
She is already four days!


You can not fight goats,
If there are horns?
The girls do not go to the dancing,
If there are legs?
We take the groove for the horns,
Let's take it to the meadow.
And the girl for the puscker -
In our cheerful circle!


A spoon is a spoon,
They eat soup with a spoon.
A cat is a cat
The cat has seven kittens.
A rag is a rag
I will wipe the table with a rag.
A hat is a hat,
He dressed and went.
And I came up with a word
Funny word "plim"
And I repeat again
"Plim, Plim, Plim."
Here is jumping and jumping
"Plim, Plim, Plim."
And nothing means
"Plim, Plim, Plim."

Marina came from the garden,
Under the bush I found Udoda.
And the Udod to her: “Du-do-do.
I will not live Y.
I will run to the old grandmother
Grand cottage cheese will give me. "


Dressed their legs
In new boots.
You walk, legs
Right along the path.
You are walking.
Do not slap on the puddles,
Do not go into the mud
Do not tear your boots!


I took my favorite pencil
And the blue-blue garden became ours.
I drew a blue house
And the blue rain outside the window.
And a cloud with a blue bruise,
And the sun became blue
And the sky and forests,
And the red fox became blue.
I drew another track
And the pencil disappeared in the palm of his hand.
I signed, dull
All turned into a picture.


What kind of howl, what kind of roar?
What kind of howl, what kind of roar?
Is it not a herd of cows?
This is not a cow
This is Tanya-Revushka.
Crying - fills up,
Wipes the dress.
Put Tanya to sleep -
The girl cries again:
Oh, I will not sleep!
Oh, put on the dress!


The poem "Summer rain"
“Master, ugly rain,” says the child
And he threatens with a squint in the window with a squeeze.
And they quickly dance on the glasses with a ringing song
Drops of golden rain.
“Dear, sweet rain,” - Kolos rustles,
The head bending over the sad Niva.
And the land dry drinks impatiently,
And the cheerful rain is sores.


Merry verse: "Song of mice"
Hush, mice! Hush, mice! ..
The cat sits on our roof.
Old cat, thick cat
Singing a song loudly.
Hide in minks as soon as possible
Our young children.
Old cat, thick cat
Singing a song loudly.
He, a villain, although he is full -
Will not spare anyone!
Old cat, thick cat
Singing a song loudly.
And, slyly squinting the eye,
He will guard us!
Old cat, thick cat
Singing a song loudly.
But today Vaska is evil
He will not catch a single one! ..
Old cat, thick cat
Singing a song loudly.


Funny verse about the cat: "Murlyka"
What kind of charm of my Murlyka,
My favorite gray cat!
How he plays merrily,
How he sings songs!
His wool is soft, like a velvet,
Eyes are exactly coal,
And how is all his movements
Graceful and easy!
And for that I love Murlyk
I am more than all toys
We are inseparable everywhere with him
Like comrades-friends!

Poems about preschoolers for holidays in kindergarten

Poems about preschoolers for holidays in kindergarten
Poems about preschoolers for holidays in kindergarten

Poems about preschoolers for holidays in kindergarten:

Kindergarten is having fun -
The holiday is glad today -
Musical hits,
Jewelry, flowers,
Dancing, cheerful,
Not a single tears.
The kids dressed up
The holiday shouts: "Hurray!"


I'm in a hurry to the morning in the kindergarten,
The compote will not finish, since I often breathe,
The excitement does not give me
Calmly finish this sweet compote.
I am stubbornly keen on memory
And the cat with his muttering boil,
We are responsible for the business together,
And now we sing loudly with her.
My whole family eventually woke up,
Grandfather looks angrily. I was offended.
And dad yawned three times in the hallway
And he shod old shoes.
And mom said: "Heads head!"
Therefore, dad left his rights.
And the grandfather grumbled: "Your kindergarten is mischief!"
Alas, we were late for the celebration.
I have to teach my home
And in the kindergarten to the matinee more often drive.


An elegant dress
Natasha put on
The little girl
Important business!
Today for the holiday
Natasha is coming.
He will tell everyone a poem
And sing a song.
All evening Natasha
She taught with dad
And in the morning, early
I also repeated.
She will tell the rhyme
Loud and bold
Congratulate all mothers -
A very important thing!


Learning a song in us in the garden
How I like the song!
I want to be a soloist in it
How can I deal with this
If I try very much
The first to be in the singing
My mother promised
“Lego” to buy!


Together we are together by Romka
We sing a song
Who will be a soloist in it -
We do not know yet.
Romka glorious guy -
Voice pours
Well, I sing, sing ....
The song is not given.

Notes in my singing
I jump and jump
But stubbornly I sing
At least here - here, I will pay
If you love me mom
Just like a son
You have to see me in me
Strong man.
Mom I ask you
For my efforts
You buy a constructor to me
Show attention!


And in the kindergarten is cool! -
Walks, toys!
Sand towers,
Compote and cheesecakes!
You can get enough sleep there,
Dance and fight!
I don't want to part with the kindergarten so!
But I will grow up
(At least I am reluctant),
And, then, you'll have to
To go to work!
On the familiar door
I will look carefully:
- “To you in a kindergarten ... a child
Can I get a job "?


The drum rumbles: - Bom!
We built a new house.
Kindergarten opened the door,
I invited children to visit!
Boom Boom Boom! Yes, Bom-Bo-Bim!
See what is in it:
This room is to play
Here the kids will go to bed.
There is a dining room and light,
There is a cozy toilet!
The gym is also interesting -
He is not great and not small.
Real school class,
For learning - everything for us!
The drum knocks:-Bom-bom!
We will not be bored in him!


In the morning in the morning early
Together with my dad, I'm walking
In a white cloud of fog
Papa leads the hand.
Let the fog before my eyes
And the roads cannot be seen
My legs know themselves
Where they need to advance.
I'm on this track
I have been walking for the third year,
And, covering his eyes with a palm,
I find the road into the garden.
The fog does not hurt me
And he will not get off the road,
My dad knows about it,
He boldly follows me!


It’s not bad in our kindergarten
Very very good,
Without lies and no catch
Interesting and funny.
They feed us delicious in the kindergarten
Cooks and nannies,
It doesn't happen sad for children
Unless Vanya.
Music plays in the hall,
So we dance and sing,
The one who goes to the kindergarten knows -
How we live cheerfully.

Poems for preschoolers for competition

Poems for preschoolers for competition
Poems for preschoolers for competition

Poems for preschoolers for the competition:

In Africa, Zebra read the newspaper.
In Africa, the zebra fainted.
Black and white in this newspaper
It was written as if in the world
Where the nasorog's leg did not step,
Poor zebras lie on the roads.
People walk along the zebra in boots,
Varnish shoes and sandals,
In dirty boots, sneakers and sneakers,
Go on zebram on bicycles,
Katyat on rollers and scooters,
We are building soldiers marching on them,
The cats and dogs roam at zebram - -
Everyone obeys a terrible sign:
“Cross the road to pedestrians -
Strictly on zebram, strictly at zebram! ”
In Africa, Zebra read the newspaper.
In Africa, the zebra fainted.
They just did not know, to regret
Rules of road movement.


Three guys on the alley
Playing as if football
They drove a roll back and forth
And they scored her goal.
A unfamiliar uncle walked by
He stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He extended his hand to that mace.
Then, having frowned angrily,
He blew off her dust for a long time
And suddenly calm and open
He kissed her with all.
- Who are you? - the children asked,
Forgetting about football for a while.
- I'm a baker! - The man answered
And he slowly left with a bun.
And this word smelled of bread
And that special warmth,
Which is poured under the sky
The sea of \u200b\u200bwheat gold.


Spring count of Alice
Hands are not freezing anymore
I'm going to the kindergarten with my mother
I'm not bored today,
I came up with the game.
The snow was almost completely melted,
The color of the sky is blue
I will count today
Everything related to spring.
Once - smiles became wider,
Two - a ray of sun on the face,
Puddles - three, grass - four,
Five - icicles on the porch.
And I hope that nevertheless
At least the task is not simple,
If mom helps me
I will read to a hundred!


Girl and snowman
The snowman stood and tears
On his cheeks flowed.
He was waiting for nights and frost,
After all, in the spring in the morning
Sun, if there are no clouds
Or, say, clouds,
Every day it baked cooler.
So baked that be healthy!
And then one girl
Brought an umbrella from the house.
The voice high is loudly
Says: “Hold on, here!
You don't be afraid of the sun anymore -
Until over the head.
Wipe the tears, calm down
Take it, now he is yours. "
And believe me that the girl
(I myself saw) at the same moment,
Like a caring sister
The snowman smiled ...


Naughty kitten my kitten
What did you do in the kitchen!
From the table to the windowsill
You rushed like a damn thing
He broke his mother’s cup.
For such behavior
You will be tomorrow without sweets,
Without cookies, without jam,
Without a walk on Sunday,
Without sausage for lunch,
Without cartoons, without toys,
It’s guilty - now do not cry!
I had to listen to mom
And behave better
Not to play in any case
With me in the kitchen in the ball.


Who is accepted to school?
Girls with bows,
Boys with flowers,
Moms are tense
Dads are smoothed.
Grandpa and grandmothers
Pushed by a side.
Everyone worries, noisy
Fuck, sigh -
They want to get to school,
But not everyone is allowed!
Here the call called the guys
The head of the crystal.
And cheerful adult eyes
He became a little sad.
Moms look after the children,
Moms understand:
Only those who are seven years old,
They accept to school!


A puddle was lying in the courtyard
Reflecting the clouds.
I really liked that puddle
Warm the sides on the asphalt.
After an angry winter cold
Just happiness - these puddles,
So beautiful that in the spring,
So many marvelous puddles!
You can jump straight into a puddle,
Even if in a pile of a hole,
And with eyes closed
Jump backwards!
And mom laughs in the window,
But I jump stubbornly.
And my mother threatens my finger,
And he calls me home.
I prepared dinner for me:
- You need tea with raspberries,
Maybe you are a cold with us
Who did you look like? -
And, sighing, she said: “God!
I would be a little younger for me
I would get into a puddle too
Run without galoshes. "

Short poems for preschoolers

Short poems for preschoolers
Short poems for preschoolers

Short poems for preschoolers:

Naughty buttons
- Button, listen! -
He tells you Lushenka.
You don't let me down
Get into the holes right.
Fingers are fastened with you -
Little boys.
Don't yawn later
And get out of the holes.


A walk with a doll
In a dress, I dress a doll
And I put it in a stroller.
We will walk with her,
How to play with a girlfriend.


Favorite game
I like the sticks
Collect in the park,
And then they are long
One count.
And also those sticks
Tie a tape
And at the end of the grass
Just scatter.


Bear fell ill
My Mishutka fell ill -
He ate ice cream.
Not one, but as many as five!
Will not go for a walk with me.
I will warm his milk,
I will put a spoonful of honey
I wrap my neck with a scarf
And I'll put it in the crib.


The train rides, buzzes cheerfully.
The engineer is watching the road vigilantly.
I am the boss on the road,
And moreover, the boss is strict.
I light traffic lights
And I control the movement.
There can be no clashes -
The switchman on the way will help.
They are a younger brother.
I'm glad to play with my brother.


We don't jump with a rope
And do not jump like a ball
And we play horses,
We reach the fence.

Either gallop, then trotter
My horse rushes
Rejections will stretch hard,
I shout: "Well, a horse, well!"


Bubbles fly, fly
And they want to burst quickly.
Only I will catch the bubble
He instantly melts in his palm.

But if I blow big,
He will hang in front of me
Will show me his sides
And suddenly bursts: "So far, for now!"


Easter cakes
We are from wet sand
We make bricks
And bake in the sandbox
Round Easter cakes.
Many, a lot of money, we
We will call the children to visit.


I am a fireman
I am a bold fireman
With a car and a helmet.
I turn on the siren ^
And I rush without fear.

I enter with fire
In a decisive battle!
I will put out the fire
Anyone very fast.


Daughter sleeps
Little daughter sleeps -
Even the kettle does not whistle
The old cat does not purr,
The chick does not call mom
The dog is silent on the porch,
The Kusachi goose does not scream.
Our daughter is tired -
She played all day.


A good soul
I love babies with all my heart.
For what? For the fact that these are kids.
I love the giant with all my heart.
For what? For the fact that he is so big.


Looking for
If there is no someone somewhere,
So someone is somewhere.
But where is this someone
And where could he climb?


Summer rain
Thunder shoots like a gun.
The rain is whipping in the backs of the puddle.
Frogs sit in the rain -
Take a warm shower.


In the garden, noise-no-shum,
Bunny Zayka: Krum-Krum-Krum,
Jump - jump - jumping on stumps, on stumps,
I ate carrots - Ny - Ny - Ny!


- Hey radish! Jump into a bowl!
- No, I will not jump! I do not want!
The children did not wash their hands
How to wash - I’ll jump up!


The crow in the sky shouts:-Kar-r!
In the forest is a fire-r, in the forest is a fire-r!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it.


To our Christmas tree, look
Bullfins arrived.
And sat down on the top of the head
Like elegant toys.


Pumpkin - pumpkin has grown,
Mom brought a pumpkin;
Dad, dad - Gray water!
Cook the pumpkin as soon as possible.


Good weather
Today the sun is better
It plays hide and seek with me
Take and hide behind the cloud,
Take and peep furtively.


What kind of roar-boom-boom-
The apple has fallen!
In the grass we will find an apple
To not disappear.



We have nothing to call him
He will come anyway
It will blossom gullibly
Right at the gate -
The sun is poured
Build of gold.



Margaritas in the garden blossomed.
Very low - near the ground.
Like they threw a rug at the feet.
But I could not step on him.



The peony blossomed in the garden
And he surprised him with beauty
It is all covered with dew -
Looks at us furtively

Children's poems for preschoolers

Children's poems for preschoolers
Children's poems for preschoolers

Children's poems for preschoolers:

Mishkin's dream
Under the raspberry bush
The bear sleeps in the forest with a thick.
Dreaming a bear on a strange dream,
That he climbed into the hive.

And all the bees are glad to him,
Honey is brought as a reward,
Do not bite, do not buzz,
They want to please the guest.


Not afraid!
I'm walking, and the goose hisses
He suddenly pulled his neck.
Anyway, I'm not afraid!
I can do that too.

Hbel in his hands took:
- There is nothing to be angry!
It would be better for you with me
Immediately make peace.


The sun shines in the window,
A cat sits outside the window.
All of the warmth was completely affected,
Quietly sang the song.

The dog heard and stuck -
He would quickly praise with a cat.
But do not fit into the window,
And the cat purred quietly.


A cat and a mouse
I, like a mouse, squealed -
The cat immediately came running.
I looked at me
I licked my lips and left.

Showed her a toy
Gray mouse, hole,
Cat - jump, by the tail - to curse,
Yes, rather under the bed.


Why the bear growls
And the cow is mumming
Gray mouse squeaks,
All owls are pouring?
Why are the elephants trumpet
Scoop frogs
And bumblebee buzz in the grass
In the summer on the edge?
I want to find out everything
And tell about it!


Mouse and cheese
The mouse came out for a walk
Find cheese in the kitchen.
And in the kitchen the cat is sleeping,
Stretched out and sniff.

The mouse ran to the cheese,
Slipped and fell,
I ran to the can,
And there was a terrible ringing!

With a fright, the cat rides,
Like an inflated gray ball.
Well, the mouse was stolen,
I dragged it into the mink.


Goat and porridge
Sweet to taste
Pink porridge.
Gathered her
In the meadow, Natasha.

Boga beloved
Brought a bouquet.
Sweet porridge
A jew of sweets.

The goat clogged
Joyful: “Me-me!
I will give in return, Natasha,
Milk to you. "


Forest Orchestra
The bear plays the accordion,
And the hare hits the drums.
Grasshopper on a high stem
A bow leads the violin.

Trumpet in a pipe prickly hedgehog,
And the beaver set up the double bass,
The hamster is fervently, like a tambourine,
Sosnovy shishechka shocked.

Solovushka flew to them
And he sang a ringing song.
The orchestra began to play together,
All forest residents called.


Little wolf cub
Plaintively whines -
The teeth of a new one climbs,
Walks and hurts.
Mom licked the cheek,
I told a fairy tale at night -
The teeth no longer hurts,
And the wolf cub is sleeping tightly.


Sparrow and cat
He bathed in a puddle
Gray sparrow,
Straightened the wings
And on the bush soon.

Hid behind the leaves,
Does not scream, is silent
Because a cat
The redhead does not sleep.


Here the bug is crawling.
I follow him, follow
I will raise it and to the palm
I will carefully put it.

But the beetle can be scared
He live in the grass in the grass.
I will remove him from the road
I will take the flowers soon.


Mom bought me
A brand new net.
Sat on a flower.

But I did not become a butterfly
To catch the clock.
I will admire
And love her.

The butterfly fluttered
I sat down on Mike.
Apparently, make friends
I also wanted to.

I look at the butterfly
I don't even breathe.
With a beautiful butterfly
I'm friends now.

Poems about Cosmos, to Cosmonautics Day for preschool children

Poems about Cosmos, to Cosmonautics Day for preschool children
Poems about Cosmos, to Cosmonautics Day for preschool children

Poems about space, to the Cosmonautics Day for preschool children:

In order, all planets
Any of us will call:
One - Mercury, two - Venus,
Three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.


I will become the astronaut
The whole family knows this.
I will fly to distant space
And I will study the constellations!
All planets cannot be counted ...
So I want to fly
From a star to a star
Unprecedented beauty!
I will give dad with mom
New star dawn,
And space flower
I would also be able to find it too.
How many secrets are waiting for discoveries,
They call the miraculous to the distance!
Only the house is one land,
She will wait for me.


Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars:
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news,
Heavenly news!
Rushing at wild speeds,
I was at the sun visiting the sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was carried away from the ground
Ships flew behind me!


They boiled from the heat of the cloud,
The Baikonur was trembling from thunder,
And an hour later the Smolensk guy
In flight, he circled the earth ...
Antennas in the universe rummage,
Cosmos missiles were cut
The ball enters the porthole
Suddenly small land ...


And everything is more aimed, all dreams
A look through the "Magic Crystal" ...
No, the planet has not become less, -
The man himself became great!
Vitalik said yesterday:
- I want to be Gagarin!
You call me Yura
I’ll fly into space.
Look, look:
Waiting for growing up is no strength
That's why out of the box
I made a rocket.
I will fly to the moon and stars
And I will fly to Mars ...
You call me Yura -
I want to be an astronaut!


Black velvet of the sky
Stars are embroidered.
Bright path
He runs around the sky.
From the edge to the edge
It is easily creeping
As if someone spilled
Milk in the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We are a star system
We see our way on the side.
So we see the galaxies
Native distant light -
Spacious for astronautics
For many thousands of years.


How tempting
Become an astronomer,
With the universe close to friends!
It would not be bad at all:
Watch the orbit Saturn,
Admire the constellation Lyra,
Discover black holes
And to compose a treatise certainly -
"Study the depths of the universe!"


The lunar carpet rolls,
Walking through the universe.
Crawls along the crater
Measured Selena.
Unrelenting who created
Wheel movement,
Who won the world
In the mugs and rotations.
In excavations of early years
Any civilizations
The wheel is visible
Any tribes and nations.
Not Rome and Renaissance -
Neanderthal practices
It has the right chance
Go to the Galaxy Museum.
The emblem of all the emblem,
The oldest topic,
The poem of all poems -
Wheel poem.
Here is a symbol and rite
All world questions,
Reliable apparatus,
That we sent us into space.
Pottery ideal -
The arms of the hard workers,
The emblem of the world has become
He stood on the lunar crater
Like the light of human courage.

Poems about the war, by May 9 for preschoolers

Poems about the war, by May 9 for preschoolers
Poems about the war, by May 9 for preschoolers

Poems about the war, by May 9 for preschoolers:

There are obelisks in Russia,
The surnames of the soldier have ...
My peers are boys
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, quiet in sorrow,
Flowers bring field
The girls are those who were waiting for them so
Now already completely gray.


Photo on the wall -
The house has a memory of war.
Dimkin grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near Dota,
The hand is bandaged,
Smiles slightly ... here for only ten years
Older than Dimka - Dimkin’s grandfather.


Froze at the guard,
Xin of peace is clear.
There are years. In an alarming roar
The war remained far.

But here, at the faces of the obelisk,
In silence, bowing his head,
We hear the roar of tanks close
And the tearing soul of the bombs rupture.

We see them - a soldier of Russia,
That in that distant formidable hour
They paid their life
For happiness, light for us ...


I guys are in war
He went to battle, burned in fire.
Merz in trenches near Moscow,
But, as you see, - alive.
He had no, guys, right
I freeze in the snow
Drown on crossings,
Give your own home to the enemy.
I had to come to my mother
Grease bread, mow grass.
On Victory Day with you
See the sky blue.
Remember everyone who is in bitter hour
He himself died, and saved the land ...
I am talking today
That's what guys:
We must protect the homeland
Sildatically sacred!


Grandmother put on an order
And now such a beautiful!
She celebrates Victory Day,
Recalling the Great War.
Grandma's sad face.
On the table is a soldier's triangle.
Dedushkino from the front a letter
It is very painful for her to read.
We look at grandfather's portrait
And put the hands with the brother:
- Well, what is this grandfather?
He is still a boy!


Victory Day May 9 -
Feast of peace in the country and spring.
On this day we remember the soldier
Not returning to families from the war.
On this holiday, we honor grandfathers,
Defending their native country,
Giving the peoples victory
And the world and spring returned to us!


With dad, with mom on Victory Day
We go to the parade.
I am a portrait of my great -grandfather,
I am very proud, very happy.

Let everyone who got
This is a sky without war,
Memory of their heroes
They will be true forever!


Let the sun today
He will happily wake up
He looks at us in the eye,
Smile clearly,
Project breeze
Let him disperse troubles
After all, today is the holiday -
Glorious Victory Day!
Let the sun shine
People are happy
Let the war in the world
Will never!


At least we are still small
We visit the kindergarten
The main holiday of the whole country
We know very well.

At an hour when there is a lilac around
And tulips bloom,
Celebrate an important day
Our veterans.

Victory Day from the War
He became liberation.
Former soldiers forever
Our respect.


Victory Day is a bright holiday,
I'm so happy for him
Because with his grandfather
I'm going to the parade!

I want to be military
Go through with him,
Banner of Red Victory
To carry with him!

Let my grandfather find out -
I will be in the ranks
Protect how he, I can
Your homeland!


What is Victory Day?
This is a very important holiday
All children should know about him -
And quiet and prankster,
On this day we remember
Our grandfathers and grandfathers,
How they saved the country
Gave us victory
Protected from fascism
Peaceful citizens of the entire planet,
Everyone loves this holiday
After all, there is no date more importantly!

Verse about spring, summer for preschoolers

Verse about spring, summer for preschoolers
Verse about spring, summer for preschoolers

Verse about spring, summer for preschoolers:

April! April!
April! April!
Drops rings in the yard.
Streams run around the fields,
On the roads of puddles.
Ants will come out soon
After a winter cold.
The bear makes its way
Through the thick valernik.
Began to sing birds songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Funny ice floes
Under the cornice itself
Above the very window
Climbed into icicles
Spring sun.
Sparkling, the tears run around icicles ...
And the icicles melt - funny ice floes.


I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolic and playing,
Rumbles in the sky blue.

Young rings are rattling,
Here the rain sprayed, dust flies,
Pearls hung rain,
And the sun is golden.


The stream is running from the mountain,
A bird gam does not tram in the forest,
And the din of forest, and the noise of the high
Everything echoes the fun of thunder.

You say: windy Heba,
Nursing Zaesova Orel,
A thunder -booming cup from the sky,
Laughing, she shed to the ground.


Another week will fly
And March will ring a drop.
Behind him April will come in flowers,
And the sun will flood the earth.
On the groves, nightingale parks
Concerts will begin their own again.


Red -haired squirrel with a red tail
I found a little redhead under the bush.
She salted a little redhead,
I put it in a large jar.
Squirrel is now not afraid of the cold,
She has food for the whole winter.


Rain, rain, droplet,
Water saber,
He cut a puddle, cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, did not chop it,
And tired and stopped.


There is no time to miss
Seloi bee on a flower,
I lowered my proboscis.
A mosquito flies to her:
- What are you looking for there?
- Nectar!
- Are you tired of?
Didn't bore look for?
- Not!
To the one who is busy with the business
It's just that there is no time to miss.


Summer is in full swing
Summer is in full swing, in the garden there is silence.
Alenka walks in the garden alone.
She is not afraid of either bees or Zhukov,
Walks on the soft grass barefoot.
The girl loves a friendly garden.
In it, pears, like yellow kings, hang.
Sizy plums blush the sides,
But you can’t tear them, have not ripened yet!
Apples ... apples smell like honey!
Ripe apples ask for in the mouth.


The hemp
Zaichikha, sitting at the hemp,
She taught a nimble son:
- Be dare, do not boast and do not lie!
Do not take someone else's cabbage!
Do not press when meeting wolf paws!
Do not offend the one who is weak!
Do not laugh at someone else's trouble!
Share food with a hungry!
Office nickname do not come on!
Do not call a fool!
Remember the son: awkward
Give the mousetle the mousetrap,
Fox - trap, ruff - hook,
And the piglet is a patch!


Cunning hedgehog
Cunning hedgehog - eccentric
I sewed a thorny jacket:
One hundred pins are not a chest
One hundred needles behind.
The hedgehog walks along the grass
He stumbles on pins
A pear, plum - every fruit,
What will find under a tree
And with a gift rich
Returns to the hedgehogs.


Rye keeps up
On the mountain behind the grove,
The bread is good.
Grains are poured
In a gentle warmth,
The spikelets are heavy
They tilted their heads
Gratefully bow
Mother Earth.

Autumn verse, winter for preschoolers

Autumn verse, winter for preschoolers
Autumn verse, winter for preschoolers

A verse about autumn, winter for preschoolers:

The birds reached for the south,
So autumn is in the yard.
Early in the morning we will see
White hoarfrost on the grass.
The leaves dropped the trees.
Bright blue river,
As if in a cold mirror, reflects clouds.
Gold leaves fall, fly,
Gold leaves are covered by the garden.
A lot of gold leaves on the tracks,
We will make a good bouquet of them,
We will put a bouquet in the middle of the table,
Autumn is golden to visit us.


Autumn has come
Flowers dried up
And they look sadly
Naked bushes.

Fucks and turns yellow
Grass in meadows,
Only green
Zin in the fields.

The cloud skies the sky,
The sun does not shine
The wind in the field howls
The rain is drizzling.

The water rustled
Fast stream,
The birds flew away
In warm edges.


Hedgehog looks at snowflakes.
“This,” he thinks, “Yezhinki ...
White, thorny
And at that time - the flying. "
Spider on a spider web
He also looks at snowflakes:
“Look what bold
These flies are white! "
The hare looks at the snowflakes:
“These are hare fluffs ...
Apparently, the hare - all in the fluff -
It scratches the fur coat upstairs. "
The boy looks at the snowflakes:
"These may be mixtures? .."
He will not understand why
A lot of fun to him.


Like a thin ice
A white snow fell.
Vanyushka rode a dozen.
Vanya rode, hurried,
From the good horse fell.
He fell, fell, lies -
No one runs to Van.
Two girls saw
Right to Van ran.
They ran straight to Van,
They planted Vanya on the horse,
The path-road was shown.
Yes, they punished:
“How do you go, Ivan,
Do not yawn around! "


Through wavy fogs
The moon is making his way
On sad glades
She pours sad light.
On the road of winter, boring
Three greyhound runs,
The bell is single -sounding
Tiresly thunder.
Something is heard a native
In the long songs of the coachman:
Then the remote is remote,
That heart anguish ...
No fire, no black hut
Dumb and snow ... towards me
Only miles are stripes
One come across ...

Mathematics tasks in verses for preschoolers

Mathematics tasks in verses for preschoolers
Mathematics tasks in verses for preschoolers

Mathematics tasks in verses for preschoolers:

Once upon a time there were a vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you consider them together
Three and two, of course, five!
You just know what is the secret?
The vest has no cuffs!


Six nuts mom-svinka
For children she carried in a basket.
The hedgehog met the pig
And he gave four more.
How many nuts pigs
Brought to the children in the basket?


Three bunnies, five hedgehogs
They go to kindergarten together.
We will ask you to count
How many kids are in the garden?


Five pies lay in a bowl.
Two pies took Lariska,
Another pussy pulled.
And how much is left in the bowl?


Our cat has five kittens,
They are sitting side by side in Lukoshka.
And the neighboring cat has three!
So dear, look!
Help count
How many three and five will be?


Seven geese set off on the road.
Two decided to relax.
How many are there under the clouds?
Count, children, yourself.


The rooster took off on the fence
I met there two more.
How many roosters became?


Three chicken are standing
They look at the shells.
Two testicles in the nest
The shows are lying.
Count the turn
Answer as soon as possible:
How many chickens will be
Having my hen?


Six cheerful cubs
Behind raspberries in the forest are in a hurry
But one of them is tired
Now find the answer:
How many bears ahead?


Squirrel on the Christmas tree dried mushrooms,
She sang a song and said:
“I don't know the trouble in winter,
Because there is a fungus:
White, Ryzhik, two oils,
Three cheerful naps.
The boletus is great,
He is famous for this.
And the chanterelles are exactly six.
You try to count them all! "


My mother and I were in the zoo,
The animals were fed from the hand all day.
Camel, zebra, kangaroo
And a long -tailed fox.
Great gray elephant
I could hardly see.
Tell me soon, friends,
What animals did I see?
And if you could count them,
You are just a miracle! Well done!


Rain, Leo more fun!
Do not regret warm drops!
Five earrings, three Antoshka,
Two currency and Katyusha.
And for mom and dad
Forty will not be enough.
Well, you consider friends,
How many drops answer!


Seven funny piglets
The trough has in a row.
Two went into the bed to go to bed
How many pigs do the trough?


Four geese and two ducklings
They swim in the lake, shout loudly.
Well, count as soon as possible -
How many kids are there in water?


The bazaar is good hedgehog
I bought the family of boots.
Boots on the leg - yourself,
A little less - wife.
With buckles - son,
With fasteners - a daughter.
And he laid everything in a bag.
How many legs have a hedgehog in the family?
And how many boots bought?


Natasha’s five flowers,
And two more gave her Sasha.
Who can count here,
How much will be two and five?


Brought goose - mother
Six children in the meadow for a walk.
All goslings are like glomeruli,
Three sons, how many daughters?


Four ripe pears
It swore on the twig
Two pears took off Pavlush
How many pears are left?


Mom embroidered a carpet.
Look what a pattern.
Two large cells
Each has three twigs
Sit Masha on the bed,
He wants to count the branches.
Yes, it can't
Who will help her?


Once for a luster for lunch
A friend-neighbor jumped.
On the stump of hare sat down
And they ate five carrots.
Who should guys be dexterous?
How many carrots have eaten?


Given the hedgehog to the ducklings
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were all?


How they got into a circle under the Christmas tree
Bunny, squirrel and badger,
Hedgehog and raccoon got up,
Elk, wild boar, fox and cat.
And the last got the bear,
How many animals? Answer!


Misha alone with a pencil,
Grisha alone with a pencil.
How many pencils
Both kids?


In a clearing by the oak
The hedgehog saw two fungi.
And away, at aspen
He found one more.
Who is ready to answer us,
How many hedgehogs found mushrooms?


This flower has
Four petals.
And how many petals
Two of these flowers?


Baked pancakes,
Invited three grandchildren,
Three pipe badgers.
Well, how much bad
Waiting for supplements and are silent?


I have three girlfriends,
Each has a mug.
How many mugs
My girlfriends?


Sews a kitten of slippers for himself,
So that the paws do not freeze in winter,
But cannot count:
One, two, three, four, five…


The chicken began to count
Small chickens:
Five and black five yellow,
And all ...


Eight deer ate mushrooms,
Two of their children dozed on a bump.
Rather, I ask the guys to count
How many deer went for a walk?


Swans in our pond.
I'll come closer:
Three black, white are five.
Who managed to count them?
Speak as soon as possible
How many swans were?

Poems-storage verses for preschoolers

Poems-storage verses for preschoolers
Poems-storage verses for preschoolers

Poems-ridges for preschoolers:

1. In the distance, his road calls.
The traffic light flashes strictly.
He will pass many miles,
Passenger .... (automobile)

2. Under the wheels is not a globe.
The whole class is lucky in the park .... (bus)

3. The wagon chain - sleep here? - Yes!
Rush on rails ... (trains)

4. Two -wheeled rushes without troubles
My new ... (bike)

5. The sidewalk. I rush under the slope.
My foot ... (Kick scooter)

6. He flies from distant countries.
Under the wings the ocean.
Above the cloud flight.
It will overtake the birds ... (airplane)

7. He is floating, although not a fish.
He is huge like a block.
Captain "Add move!"
It is white… (ship/ship)

8. The “winch” floats through the water.
Two oars. On the river… (boat)

9. For Dunno there was a nightmare -
The air began to fall ... (ball)

10. Do not look so harsh!
Give us milk ... . (cow)

11. Friend is a dog to man.
To save, diving in ... (river)

12. Do not meow at the window,
And look for mice ... (cat)

13. As if in a cage of a bastard.
He sits in Konur ... (dog)

14. A lot of gray curls.
Be-B-B-the baby shouts ... (lamb)

15. B-b-e and in the wall. Like a ram.
What a stubborn ... (ram)

16. Co-ko-ko. White figures.
We will be demolished eggs ... (chickens)

17. They dive into the pond for the sake of a joke.
Krya-Krya-Krya, floated ... (ducks)

18. Ga-ha-ha-laughter for Marusi.
You are like swans, but ... (geese)

19.-Drugging-chry-chryu-I am fat!
She was humbled ... (pig)

20. Fear you games with him.
Powerful aggressive ... (tiger)

21. Surrounded by the dog regiment.
Gray was captured ... (wolf)

22. Green to the water, not sweet,
Creeping toothy ... (crocodile)

23. The neck is long.
The tall was walking ... (giraffe)

24. Like people. In the games zealous.
Rush on the branches ... (monkey)

25. Do not growl before Masha from now on!
Brown ... (bear)

26. I sat down, in the sun, it was open,
The king of animals is mighty ... (a lion)

27. He is like a whale, in the seas alone
And smart, and kind .... (dolphin)

28. In the cold to the south, striving.
He flutters in heaven ... (bird)

29. Like a thorny ball, he is all!
Crawled in the forest gray ... (hedgehog)

30. Redhead rushes into the forests.
This is cunning ... (Fox)

31. Red, our juicy Signor!
Who is in the salad? ... (tomato)

32. He is green, he is in a salad.
Salt it, by the way.
We love, he is well done.
His name… (cucumber).

33. Red vegetable, Crysteps deft.
It's sweet .... (carrot)

34. A hundred clothes and a lot of crunch.
This is white ... (cabbage)

35. I cut finely - I cry suddenly!
This is a round white ... (onion)

36. Kohl a cold from his feet,
Sit bread to them. Burning .... (garlic)

37. It is similar in red with the heart.
My salad with Bulgarian .... (pepper)

38. Cream in the mashed potatoes with a spoon.
My garnish is called .... (potatoes)

39. Minerals in it have a treasure.
The sheet is green. Call for … . (salad)

40. Cut the circles of the disk shape.
In the skin of the pink .... (radish)

41. Collect - with relatives of exercise.
House for the vegetable on ... (bed)

42. The treasure is salad! My treasure in borscht!
There is a lot of benefits in .... (vegetables)

43. Being a herring is not rude.
In the dish heated under ... (fur coat)

44. Their collection is not a secret.
The name of the dish - ... (the vinaigrette)

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