Marshak verses for preschool and school age children - the best selection

Marshak verses for preschool and school age children - the best selection

Children's poems are one of the best ways to introduce a child to literature, to instill in him a craving for reading. Even small children listen with interest to such poetic works, since they are easily perceived by ear. We offer you a great selection of Marshak poems for preschool and school children.

Marshak verses for children - the best selection

Marshak verses for children - the best selection:

Merry alphabet about everything in the world

The stork lived with us summer,
And in winter he was visiting somewhere.

The hippo opened his mouth:
Bunches are asking for a hippo.

Sparrow asked for a crow
Call a wolf to the phone.

The mushroom grows among the track,
Head on a thin leg.

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak was hollowed like a chisel.

The hedgehog spruce is similar:
Hedes in needles, Christmas tree too.

The beetle fell and cannot stand up.
He is waiting for who will help him.

We saw the stars during the day
Beyond the river, above the Kremlin ...

I hoop lay on the branches ate,
The needles turned white overnight.

The cat caught mice and rats.
Rabbit sheet is cabbage.

The boats are floating on the sea,
People row oars.

The bear found honey in the forest,
Little honey, a lot of bees.

The rhino fights a horn.
Do not joke with the rhino!

The donkey was angry today:
He found out that he was a donkey.

The shell wears a turtle,
He hides his head with fear.

Grows the ground gray mole
The garden ruins.

Sleeping calmly old elephant
He knows how to sleep.

The cockroach lives behind the stove,
That's the warm place!

The student taught lessons
He has his cheeks in ink.

The fleet floats to his native land.
Flag on every ship.

The ferret walks through the forest
A predatory little animal.

Heron, important, nosy,
It costs a whole day like a statue.

Watchmaker, squinting the eye,
It repaired a watch for us.

Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are strongman:
You carry the globe of the earth like a ball!

I clean the puppy with a brush
I tickle his sides.

This button and lace
Electric call.

Jung - the future sailor
South fish brought us.

Tale of a stupid mouse
Tale of a stupid mouse


Mustachioed - Striped

Once upon a time there was a girl. What was her name?
Who called, he knew. And you do not know.
How old was she? How many winters,
So many years - there is no forty yet.
And only four years.
And she was with ... Who had her?
Gray, mustachioed, all striped.
Who is that? Kitty…

The girl began to bed a kitten.
- Here you are under the back
Soft Perink.
On top of the Perink
A clean sheet.
Here you are under the ears
White pillows.
A blanket for fluff
And a handkerchief upstairs.

The kitten laid, and she went to dinner.
He comes back - what is it?
Tail - on the pillow,
On the sheet - ears.
Are they so sleeping?
She turned the kitten turned over, laid it as it should:
Under the back - Perink.
On the Perink - a sheet.
Under the ears - pillows.

And she went to have dinner.
Comes again - what is it?
No cloth, no sheet,
You can’t see the pillows
And mustachioed, striped
He moved under the bed.

Are they so sleeping? That's what a stupid kitten!
She wanted to buy a kitten girl.
Brought a piece of soap,
And got a washcloth,
And water from the boiler
In a teaspoon, she brought.

I didn't want to wash the kitten -
He knocked over to the trough
And in the corner behind the chest
Washes his paw with his tongue.

That's what a stupid kitten!

The girl began to teach the kitten to say:
-Kotik, say: me-chick.
And he says: meow!
-Tell me: Lo-Shat.
And he says: meow!
-Tell me: e-e-three-shi.
And he says: meow yu!
All meow yes “meow”!
That's what a stupid kitten!

The girl began to feed the kitten.
Brought oat porridge -
He turned away from the cup.
Brought him radishes -
He turned away from the bowl.
Brought a piece of fat.
The kitten says: - Not enough!
That's what a stupid kitten!

There were no mice in the house
And there were many pencils.
They lay on the table of the dad
And the kitten fell into the paws.
How he rushed to the point
The pencil caught like a mouse

And let's roll it -
From under the chair under the bed,
From table to stool,
From a dresser to a buffet.
It will push-and DAC-Tsarap!
And then he drove under the closet.

Waits on the rug by the cabinet,
He lurked, breathing a little ...
Short cat's paw -
Do not get a pencil!

That's what a stupid kitten!

Wrapped a kitten girl in a scarf
And went to the garden with him.
People ask:
- Who is this with you?
And the girl says:
- This is my daughter.
People ask:
- Why does your daughter have gray cheeks?
And the girl says:
- She hadn't washed for a long time.
People ask:
- Why does she have furry paws,
And the mustache, like the dad?
The girl says:
- She had not shaved for a long time.
And the kitten will jump out, how it will run,
And everyone saw that it was a kitten
- Mustachioed - Striped.

That's what a stupid kitten!

And then, and then
He became a smart cat
And the girl also grew up,
It has become even smarter
And studying in the first grade
One hundred first school.

Marshak - poems for children about animals

Marshak - poems for children about animals:

Children in the cage
Hey, don't stand too close -
I am a tiger, not a pussy!

They gave shoes to the elephant.
He took one shoe
And he said: - We need a wider
And not two, but all four!

Striped horses,
African horses,
Well play hide and seek
In the meadow among the grass!

Horses are different,
Like school notebooks
The horses are painted
From hooves to the head.

Tear flowers is easy and simple
Small children,
But to the one who is so high
It is not easy to tear the flower!

Take a look at the little owls -
The babies are sitting side by side.
When they do not sleep, they eat.
When they eat, they do not sleep.

True, children, am I good?
It looks like a large bag.
On the seas in the old years
I overtook steamboats.

And now I'm here in the garden
I swim softly in the pond.

Why water flows
From this baby?
He is recently from the pond,
Give a towel!

I am a young ostrich,
Arrogant and proud.
When I am angry, I beat my foot
Corpus channel and solid.

When I am scared, I'm running
I pull my neck.
But I can't fly,
And I don't know how to sing.

A monkey
I sailed around the ocean
From Africa a sailor,
Baby monkey
I brought us as a gift.

She sits, longing,
All evening
And such a song
He sings in his own way:

“In the long hot south,
On palm trees and bushes
My friends squeal
Swaying on the tails.

Wonderful bananas
In my homeland.
Monkeys live there
And there are no people at all. ”

White bears
We have a spacious pond.
My brother and I are swimming together.
The water is cool and fresh.
She is changed by the watchman.
We are sailing from the wall to the wall
Now on the side, then on the back.
Hold on to the right, dear.
Do not hurt me with your foot!


Eskimo dog
On the twig - a note:
"Don't come close!"
Do not believe the note -
I am the kindest beast.
Why I'm sitting in a cage
I don't know myself, kids.

Dingo's dog
No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.
You come to our forests,
And there you will see a dog -
Warlike dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you
Like in the Australian heat
He drove his sister through the forests
Hungry, skinny dingo.

She is in the bushes - and I am behind her,
She is in a stream - and I'm in a stream
She is faster - and I'm faster
The indefatigable dingo.

She is cunning, and I'm not simple
In the morning we ran to the stars,
But he caught her tail
Inexorable Dingo.

Now everyone is in sight
In the zoological garden,
I go through a wolf and wait for meat,
Restless dingo.


Poor little camel:
They don’t give a child.
He ate today in the morning
Only two such buckets!


Where the sparrow dined
- Where did you dine, sparrow?
- In the zoo at the animals.

I had lunch at first
Behind bars by the lion.

Related to the fox.
The walrus drank water.

Ate a carrot at the elephant.
With a crane, Phenu ate.

I stayed at the rhino,
The bran ate a little.

I visited a feast
The tailed kangaroos.

Was at a festive dinner
The furry bear has.

A toothy crocodile
I almost swallowed me.

Samuel Marshak - a verse "This is what is scattered from the Basque Street"

Samuel Marshak - a verse "This is what is scattered from the Basque Street":

Marshak's poem is what is the scattered pool from the street
Marshak's poem "Here's how scattered from the Basyna Street"

Poems Marshak children for memorizing

Poems Marshak children for memorizing:


The sun is more and more with the rain
They build a rainbow together -
Seven -color semicircle
Of the seven wide arcs.

No sun and rain
Not a single nail
And built in two accounts
Celestial gates.

Rainbow arch
I flashed brightly,
I decorated the grass
Bloated to blue.

The rainbow is shining.
Through it you can see meadows.
And behind the farthest meadow -
A field plowed with a plow.

And behind the field through the fog -
Only the sea-ocean,
Only the sea is blue
With white foam surf.

Here from the rainbow gates
A round dance comes to us
He runs out from under the arch,
The whole earth brings gifts.

And something is not here!
First sheet and first color,
The first mushroom and the first thunder,

The rain flashing silver,
Days growing, and nights -
Whatever the day is shorter.

Hey guys as soon as possible
Come out of the door
To the fields, in forests and parks
Get your gifts!

Hurry, as soon as possible
Run out of the door
On the grass barefoot,
Right in the sky on foot.

Ladushki! Ladushki!
On the rainbow, on the iris,
On a colored arc
On one leg,
On top of the rainbow -
And to the ground somersault!

Friends are comrades
The day was cheerful
Early spring.
We walked after school -
Me, yes you and me.
Wanding jackets,
Hats slap, -
Went where it got
On the first warm day.

Went where it was
Just at random,
Forward and to the right,
And then back.
And then back
And then around
And then skipping,
And then run.
They wandered cheerfully
I am with me
They returned cheerfully
By evening home.
They broke up fun -
What should we lose heart?
Funny with each other
Meet me again.

Small and yawning
They wandered around the city
Small and yawning.
The slumer ruined
Into gates and gates,
She looked out the windows
And the calls of the doors
And she said to the children:
- Get out as soon as possible!
Zevota said:
Who will go to bed rather
She, yawn,
Good night will say!
And if anyone does not lie down
Now on the bed,
She will order him
Yawn, yawn, yawn!

Marshak verses are short for children

Marshak verses are short for children:

Shame and shame

Shame and shame Vasily Vasily:
He scored a surname on the desk,
So that guys forever and ever
They knew that nothing was sitting in the class!


One two three four.
The story begins.
In a hundred and thirteenth apartment
The giant lives with us.

He builds towers on the table,
The city is building in five minutes.
Faithful horse and elephant home
They live under the table.


Visiting the Queen
“Where have you been today, Pussy?”
- The queen has English.
- What did you see at court?
- I saw a mouse on the carpet!

In town
To the city, to the city for pigs
I'm walking.
I return home
On the pig.


Color autumn, evening of the year
Color autumn - evening of the year -
I smiles lightly.
But between me and nature
Thin glass arose.


This whole world is in the palm of your hand
But I don't go back.
I'm also with you, but in the carriage
I'm also at home, but on the way.

Today the old ash is not his own
Today, the old ash is not his own, -
As if a terrible dream is disturbed by him.
Waves branches, moves foliage,
And why - no one can say.

And the leaves are light in disconnection among themselves,
And the bent branches creak, arguing with each other.
Noisy ash feels a surf
Air Invisible Sea.

April! April!
Drops rings in the yard.
Streams run around the fields,
On the roads of puddles.
Ants will come out soon
After a winter cold.
The bear makes its way
Through the thick valernik.
Began to sing birds songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Mouse came out once
Look at what time is.
One two three four.
The mice pulled at the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing -
The mice ran away.


The liliax blossomed in May
The liliax blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
Mais with flowers, escorting
Lilac blows.


Aunt Trot and Cat
We sat down at the window
We sat in an evening in the evening
Chat a little.

Trot asked: -Kis-kis.
Can you catch rats?
-Mur-r,-said the cat,
After a moment, a little.


Worm road from top to bottom
Worm road from top to bottom
Substract in a huge apple
And he says: “No wonder they fought!
We opened the South Pole here "


This white cat is not terrible
This white cat is not terrible
Neither rats nor mice,
Often with them he leads
Conversation heart to heart.
He calls the mice affectionately
From a box without a lid.
- Hey kids! - the cat purrs, -
Let's go to cat mouse!

Funny verses of Marshak for children

Funny verses of Marshak for children:

I don't want to study the Marshak poem
Marshak's poem "I don't want to learn"


Once upon a time there was a little man on the bridge

Once upon a time there was a little man on the bridge.
He walked once a curve of a milestone.
And suddenly in the way between the stones of the bridge
Found a fifty fifty dollars of a curve.
I bought a cat for a fifty dollars,
And the cat Krivo found him a mouse.
And so they lived the three of us a little,
As long as their house did not collapse.


Marshak's poem about boys and girls
Marshak's poem "On Boys and Girls"

Poems translated by Marshak for high school students

Poems translated by Marshak forhigh school students:

In the fields, under the snow and rain

In the fields, under the snow and rain,
My dear friend,
My poor friend,
I would have covered you with a cloak
From winter blizzards,
From winter blizzards.

And if the flour is destined
Fate for you
Fate for you
I am ready your sorrow to the bottom
Divide with you
Divide with you.

Let me go into a gloomy dol,
Where is the night around
Where is the darkness around -
In darkness I would find the sun
With you together
With you together.

And if they gave me to the destiny
The whole ball of the earth
The whole ball of the earth
How much happiness I own
You alone,
You alone.

Marshak verses for schoolchildren
Marshak verses for schoolchildren


Somewhere in a cave, in the coastal edge

Somewhere in the cave, in the coastal edge,
I get my grief from people.
There I will think about it
My evil fate,
My evil, gloomy fate.

Lying woman, your oaths
Time came to fly like smoke.
Laugh with your beloved
You are over the ruined
Above my desired happiness!


Marshak verses for high school students
Marshak verses for high school students

Marshak - poems about spring for children

Marshak - poems about spring for children:

Run away, streams!
Sminted, puddles!
Get out, ants,
After a winter cold!

The bear makes its way
Through the forest valernik,
They began to sing birds songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Snow is now not the same, -
He darkened in the field.
The ice cracked on the lakes,
As if split.
Clouds run faster.
The sky became higher.
The sparrow scored
More fun on the roof.
All blacker every day
Stitches and paths,
And on the verbs silver
Earrings glow.


The liliax blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
Mais with flowers, escorting
Lilac blows.

Marshak - poems about the war for lessons in patriotic education

Marshak - poems about the war for lessons in patriotic education:

Marshak's poem conversation with the grandson
Marshak's poem "Conversation with the grandson"

All paths lead to Berlin

Either from Crimea, then from Rome
A broken enemy retreats,
Bang of lies and a cloud of smoke
Covering every step.

There is an expression in the world:
"All paths bring to Rome."
We would make a proposal
Replace it with others.

The beast crawls to its den,
And now our path is one:
All paths, all roads,
All paths lead to Berlin!

Marshak's poem may there be light
Marshak poem "Let there be light"

Ballad about the monument
Transmit in the mountains such a story:
The war came to the North Caucasus,
And a statue with a span
I saw the enemy over a foamy river.
- Put away! - said the German general
And he ordered the bronze to melt.
And then the statue lay on Earth.
And in the evening, when the haze thickened,
German assault rifles of the convoy
It took it in a cargo car.

Buran raged on the slopes that night,
In the gorges of the mountains hiding the partisans.
And where there was a turn of the turn,
I spoke in Russian machine gun.
And the echo echoed him in the mountains
In all the guttural mountain languages.
And the height lit up with shots:
In the guts of the mountains, they fought for Lenin.
And Lenin himself - from the car car -
He looked at this partisan battle.

People in the morning woke up in the town,
And the children came out the first to the river.
They went to look at the pedestal
Where Lenin stood for so many years.
And they see: Lenin is safe and unharmed
And just the same hand extends a hand to them.
As before, he extends his hand to them
And he says: - Friends, we will win!
He says - or rustles the river,
Running here from afar ...

Samuel Marshak - poems for children for extracurricular reading

Samuel Marshak - poems for children for extracurricular reading:

Marshak's poem what Petya was afraid
Marshak's poem "What Petya was afraid of"
Marshak poem bus number twenty six
Marshak poem "Bus number twenty -six"

Marshak - poems for children read

Marshak - Poems for children read:

About Hippopotama

I and Mom persuaded
Wait for the weekend
And see gi-th-topama ...
No, gi-poop ...
No, Guy Toto-Popo-Potama ...
May mom say for me!

Entered the open gate
And we ran together
Take a look at the gi ... at the hippo.
We often call him that way.

He does not know his names.
No matter how you call, anyway
He does not get out of the water,
Lies like a wet log.

We were not lucky today with my mother.
We were waiting for him for an hour
And he is from the bottom of the deep pit
I must not have noticed us.

He lay smooth, thick -skinned,
In the sand, buried with his head
Similar to the skin of ham
In a huge bowl of Supova.

For the whole days from the reservoir
It does not work out - there is fresh.
- Does he have a reception hours? -
We asked the watchmen.

- Yes, there is a hours of eating.
We feed him by the clock! -
And suddenly, shiny, like a boot,
He got up himself

He must have gotten wet
Brains from constant baths.
Eyes are planted in binoculars,
And the mouth is open, like a suitcase.

He looked around standing nearby
Guests of their uninvited
He turned back to the bars,
Brutered slightly - and the Bultic!

I think hippopotama
The name is so difficult to
So that the watchman is from a deep pit
More often called him ...

Poem Marshak Cat and Lader
Marshak's poem "Cat and Laders"

Marshak - Poems and Tales are interesting

Marshak - Poems and fairy tales are interesting:

The adventures of Chippollino

I am a cheerful Chipollino.
I grew up in Italy
Where oranges ripen,
Both lemons and olives,
Figs and so on.

But under the blue sky
Not olive, not lemon
I was born onions.
So Grandfather Chipolon
I am a grandson.

The father has a bunch of kids,
Noisy family:
Chipolletto, Chipoltucca,
Chipolotto, Chipollechy
And the last - I!

We all grew up on the beds.
We are very poor.
That's why we have in patches
Jackets and pants.

Gentlemen in shiny hats
Ours bypass the yard.
Apparently, our onion smell
Too much oster.

And in the poor we are held in high esteem.
Not on the whole earth
A corner where you will not find
Luke on the table!

All known to the light
Family bulbs:
Chipoltucca, Chipolletto,
Chipipolochcho, Chipolotto
And, of course, I am.

For a high fence
Orange matures.
Well, I don't need fences
I'm not a nobleman.

I am Tsibulya, I am Chipollah,
Garden onion.
I finished school in the garden
Lukov sciences.

But not a century of poor-hand
Live in the nesting nest.
At least bitter was separation
I left the house.

I'm going to where it is better
In the far edges.
Goodbye, Chipoltucca,
Cipolletto, Chipolotto,
Brothers and friends!


Melnik, boy and donkey

Miller on a donkey rode
Riding a boy for a miller
He went across on foot.

Locked people
Grandpa is going
And the boy is coming!

Where is it visible?
Where is it heard? -
Grandpa is going
And the boy is coming!

Grandfather quickly gets off the saddle,
The grandson plants on a donkey.

- Look! - Hack
The pedestrian screams. -
Little rides
And the old goes!

Where is it visible?
Where is it heard? -
Little rides
And the old goes!

Milniki boy sit together -
Both on the donkey are riding.

- Fu you! Another pedestrian laughs. -
Grandfather and grandson of cattle are lucky!

Where is it visible?
Where is it heard?
Grandfather and grandson of cattle are lucky!

Grandfather in the grandson weaves on foot,
A donkey for grandfather is riding.

- Ugh you! - the people laugh at the gate. -
The old donkey young is lucky!

Where is it visible?
Where is it heard? -
The old donkey young is lucky!


Tale about the king and soldier

The soldier argued with the king:
Who is older, who is more important?
The king said: - Let's go
And we ask people!
Here we went out in the evening together
With a front porch
Soldier under the handle with the king
From the summer palace.
Swinoper is coming towards
Grazes his pigs.
- Tell me, friend, which of us,
Do you think it's more important?
“Well then,” Svinopas answered,
I will say who is more important of you:
The two of you are more important than that
Who will live without another!
Will you live without kings?
The soldier said: please!
- Are you without your guard?
- Oh no! - said the king.

Poems of Marshak for preschool children

Marshak verses for preschool children:

Ten blacks

Ten blacks bathed.
You can’t be naughty in the river because!
But the stubborn brother was so waisting
That there were nine brothers.

One day nine are quiet
They hunted for a plow.
The ninth brother fell on the horn,
And there were eight of them.

Eight are walking.
There was a topic in the forest
The younger brother disappeared,
And there were seven brothers.

The spectla seven is quiet
Pie - and there is a village.
The most greedy brother overshadowed
And there were six brothers.

Six brothers-wretched brothers went
Laws to study.
A speech brother entered the court,
And there were five brothers.

The five brothers are not naked
I caught bees in the apartment,
The fifth brother is stung in the ear,
And there were four of them.

In the forest, four are quiet
Dikari overtook.
The next brother was eaten
And there were three brothers.

Three are quiet in the menagerie
We climbed into the cage of Leo.
The third brother is torn to death,
And there were two brothers.

Two blacks drowned
On a rainy day, a fireplace.
Brother fell into the fire alone,
And one survived.



The calves fell asleep, the chickens fell asleep,
I can’t hear funny from the nest.
Only a boy - named Vanka,
The nickname of the Up - never sleeps.

Vanka’s, Upni - unfortunate nannies:
They will begin to lay Vanka to bed.
And Vanka does not want - he will lie down and jump up,
Swells again and will stand up again.

They will tame him with a blanket on a cotton wool -
In a dream, he will throw off the blanket away
And again, as before, stands on the bed,
The child stands on the bed all night.

He was treated by a doctor from a children's hospital.
He said to the patient such words:
- You, dear, because it does not lie,
What is too easy you have!



Under a tent with a wide circle
Horses rush one after another,
Slender, chiseled,
Hard harvested harnesses.

Girls are going in a sleigh,
Hands hide in the couplings.
And boys on horses
They jump behind the sleigh.

Girls are going in a sleigh,
Varnish, patterned,
And the boys are on the horses
Gray or black.

- Here I will give the spurs to the horse,
I'll catch your sled!
- Do not drive a horse
Do not catch up with me!

In the splendor of colorful lanterns,
In a dignity pursuit
All fly faster
Riders and horses.

And they run around at home,
Tumbs and panels.
The area moves itself
Like a carousel ...


Friends are comrades

The day was cheerful
Early spring.
We walked after school -
I am with me.

Wanding jackets,
Hats slap, -
Went where it got
On the first warm day.

Went where it was
Just at random,
Forward and to the right,
And then back.

And then back
And then around
And then skipping,
And then run.

They wandered cheerfully
I am with me
They returned cheerfully
By evening home.

They broke up fun -
What should we lose heart?
Funny with each other
Meet me again.



In the Far East Akula
Hunting was busy:
A villain of the shark
To attack a neighbor-Kita.

“I will eat half the whale, I,
And I will probably be full
Day or two, and then
And we’ll get everything else! ”

Thinking about it, shark
Toothy opened her mouth,
The rough belly fanned
And rushed impudently forward.

But to break alive, like a herring,
Kita Shark could not:
He does not climb into a greedy throat -
For this, the sip is small! ..

Kitu choked on a shark
And, bursting at the seams, he drowned.


Who will find a ring

Rolled, rolled
Olino Korchko,
Rolled, rolled
From our porch,
Rolled with a wheel
Log behind the bush.

Who is from the porch
Will it come?
Who is the ring
Will find?

- I! - said the cat.
Wait a bit,
And now I can't:
I will guard the mouse in the mink!

Rolled, rolled
Olino Korchko,
Rolled, rolled
From our porch,
Rolled at the crop and
And it lay on the ground.

Who will find a ring
Near the porch?

- I! - said the chicken. -
As soon as I squint,
I'll find you a seed
In the yard or in the garden.
And I am glad to find the ring
Yes, I need to feed chickens,
And the chickens are trouble! -
Who scattered where!

- Go Go go! - The goose bites. -
Wait until I return.
I will swim in the pond
And then I’ll go look!

-Beh-e! - the sheep snapped. -
I would find you a ring
I would have found a long time
I don't know where it is.

- I will find! - said the turkey. -
Only I became a blisor
And for us, for turkeys,
Not invented glasses.
Indicate me a place
Where the ring hid,
I will try to find
And bring the mistress!

Who will find a ring
Near the porch?
- I will find! - the forty is cracking. -
I, forty, quickly.
I find spoons
Brows and earrings.
Only everything I find,
I'm dragging home to me!

Do not look for rings, forty,
Do not try, Beloboka!
Our Olenka is small
But I went to look

Slowly, little by little
From step to step,
On the path, at all, and go.
There was a ring.

Rated, returned
Olya on the porch,
And on the finger glowed
She has a ring.

Marshak - Poems for schoolchildren

Marshak - poems for schoolchildren:

Drum and pipe

Once upon a time there was a drum in the world
Empty but very loud.
And says empty Buyan
The pipe is his acquaintance:

-To you, darling-pipe,
There was a slight fate.
Your trumpeter is blowing in you -
As if kissing.

But it does not give me peace
My drummer is zealous.
He painfully beats with sticks
On the skin of a drum.

“Yes,” the pipe tells him, “
We have different fate,
Although we are walking nearby
With you in front of the detachment.

You owe yourself, a bearer,
Braw for the lots miserable.
The thing is that you are used to
Work from under the stick!

First -class conversation

First grade!
First grade!
How many competent

Thirty three!
Thirty three!
Everyone was revealed

- Who of you,
Who of you
Today at school
First time?

- Ours are all
In first grade

- Who of you,
Who of you
Late today
To class?
- Thirty three
They came to the classroom
To the call!

- Who of you,
Who of you
Did not come
Today in class?

- Ivanov!
He is today
Not healthy!

- First grade,
First grade!
Whether there is a
Do you have a loan?

- There is one,
There is one!
This is Vasya

About him,
About him -
About the lazy
One -
You will hear
Story, -
Next time!


Smart Vasya

Today in the class they asked Vasya:
- How do they do, Vasya, glass?
He said: - It happens,
The window is broken,
Then under a broken window
Gather a large number of fragments.

- Listen, Vasily,
Imagine that they bought
Jam is one kilogram.
Del him with Nastya
To equal parts.
Since will you get?

Vasily answered:
- Well, if you bought
Jam is one kilogram -
Why do we need a business?
I sing jam
And I won’t give Nastya and parts!



In our class
No lazy people, -
Only Vasya
He comes to the lesson
Falls asleep like a marf.
Couch potato,
Three lessons,
On the fourth
Somewhere disappeared
On the sixth
To study,
On the seventh
To be treated,
On the eighth
Played soccer,
On the ninth
Did not come.
On the tenth
Carled out faces
On the fourteenth
On the twentieth
I saw a dream
On the thirtieth


Punctuation marks

At the last point
On the last line
The company gathered
Punctuation marks.

An eccentric came running -
Exclamation point.
He is never silent
Shouts deafeningly:
- Hooray! Down with! Guard! Robbery!

Closed crookedly
Question mark.
He asks everyone questions:
- Who? Whom? Where? How?

The commas came,
The girls are curled.
They live in dictation
At each stop.

The college jumped,
Rolled an ellipsis.
And others, and others, and others ...

The commas said:
- We are persons busy.
Not without us
Neither dictation, nor a story.

- If there is no point above us,
The comma is an empty sign! -
I responded from the same line
Aunt Point with a comma.

Colon, blinking,
Shouted: - No, wait!
I'm more important than a comma
Or a point with a comma, -

Because I am twice
More than a one -eyed point.
I look in both eyes.
I follow the order.

- No, - said the ellipsis,
Barely turning with eyes, -
If you want to know
I'm more important than others.
Where there is nothing to say,
They put an ellipsis ...

Question mark
I was surprised: - That is how?
Exclamation point
I was indignant: -Then there!

“So,” said the point,
A single point.
I end in the story.
So I'm more important than you.


Funny chegs

Lived in the apartment
Forty four,
Forty four
Cheerful Chizh:
Chizh - Sudomka,
Chizh - Damen,
Chizh - gardener,
Chizh - water carrier,
Chizh for the cook,
Chizh for the hostess,
Chizh on parcels,
Chizh - chimney sweep.
The stove was drowned
Porridge was cooked
Forty four
Cheerful Chizh:
Chizh with a cook,
Chizh with a nomadic,
Chizh with a rocker
Chizh with a sieve.
Chizh covers
Chizh convenes
The chig pours,
Chizh distributes.
After work
They took up the notes
Forty four
Funny Chizh.
Played together:
Chizh - on the piano,
Chizh - on Cymbala,
Chizh - on the pipe,
Chizh - on a thrombone,
Chizh - on harmonies,
Chizh - on the comb,
Chizh - on the lip.
We went to the aunt
To the aunt of the tank
Forty four
Funny Chizh.
Chizh on the tram,
Chizh by car,
Chizh on the cart,
Chizh on the cart,
Chizh in Taratai,
Chiz on comma,
Chizh on the otloble,
Chizh on the arc.
They wanted to sleep
Lays bed
Forty four
Tired Chizh:
Chizh - on the bed,
Chizh - on the couch,
Chizh - on a bench,
Chizh - on the table,
Chizh - on the box,
Chizh - on the coil,
Chizh - on a piece of paper,
Chizh - on the floor.
Lying in bed,
Sweeped together
Forty four
Cheerful Chizh:
Chizh-Tirley Tirley,
Chizh-Tiki Riki,
Chizh-Tyuti loves,


Marshak verses are small about living letters

Marshak verses are small about living letters:

Living letters

Alik - Aviator (this means a pilot) -
Alym - the cloud cuts the cloud.
Borya is a drummer.
Vlas is a plumber.
Gleb is a grenade launcher, a well -aimed hand.
Dima is a children's doctor. He goes to the hospital.
Eve - travels in a circus on horseback.
Zhenya is a nurse in the field.
She eats wheat.
Zinaida - architect.
So the house is building.
Igor is the most important
Plant engineer -
A new steamer is being built from plywood.
Kostya - the captain will be a steamer,
Kostya will float to the shores of Kamchatka.
Lenya is the best pilot. He is through the thresholds
Boats, steamboats drives a caravan.
Misha is a driver on the road,
Rushes day and night - into a storm and fog.
Nikolai is a set. He is a letter for the letter
He collects in lines with an experienced hand.
Osip - gardener,
He digs a trough.
Pavel is a border guard,
Fighting guy.
Rodion is a worker,
Rudokop in the Donbass.
Sonya is a nurse.
Tolya is a tractor driver.
Smart Ulyana
Teaches children in the classroom.
Fedya is a physical education, the first football player.
Khariton is an artist. He is a picture for you
He knows how to draw well.
Caesar will take pictures to you on a zinc,
Zinc boards will transfer to print.
Charlie is an African black boy.
Charlie to strangers cleans shoes.
He leads a gloss with a black cloth,
Often getting only cuffs.
Shura is a glorious navigator.
He stormed the ice floes.
The flurry of him is not terrible, he did not freeze in the cold.
The hooves click. This is from Ukraine
Shchors rushes riding, real Schors.
Eric, my friend, repair the switch.
This is our electrician, locksmith and Monter.
Yuri will be sensible
Yunga Ship.
Yuri loves storm and sea.
Yakov - the famous little gardener -
Apple and pears raised in the garden,
Berry raspberries, gooseberry berry.
I will go to Yakov the other day.

Marshak's verse "Boy from Popovka"

Marshak's verse "Boy from Popovka":

Boy from the village of Popovka
Among snowdrifts and funnels
In the village, destroyed to the ground,
Standing, clinging around the child -
The last citizen sat down.

Frightened kitten white,
A fragment of a stove and pipes -
And that’s all that has survived
From the previous life and the hut.

There is a white -headed Petya
And cries like an old man without tears,
He lived in the world for three years,
And what I found out and endured!

He was burned with a hut,
They stole mom from the yard
And in a hastily dug grave
Lies a murdered sister.

Do not let go, fighter, rifles,
Until you take revenge on the enemy
For the blood spilled in Propovka,
And for the child in the snow.

Verse "lily of the valley" of Marshak for children

The verse "lily of the valley" of Marshak for children:

Lily of the valley
The forest is blackened, wake up with warmth,
Spring dampness is embraced.
And on the strings of the pearl
They tremble from the wind.

Budonov Round Bubenchiki
Still closed and dense,
The sun reveals the corolla
The bells of spring.

Nature is carefully sledged,
Wrapped in a green sheet,
The flower grows into the wilderness of untouched,
Cool, fragile and fragrant.

Languishes the forest in the spring of the early
And all happy longing
And all your fragrance
He gave a bitter flower.

Marshak's verse "Baggage" for a competition at school

Marshak's verse "Baggage" for a competition at school:

The lady handed over to the luggage:
And a little dog.

Issued to the lady at the station
Four green receipts
The fact that baggage was obtained:
And a little dog.

Things are taken to the platform.
Throw in an open car.
Ready. Lady has been laid:
And a little dog.

But only a call rang out
The puppy fired from the carriage.
They grabbed the bottom at the station:
One place is lost.
The baggage is considered in fright:
Cardboard ...
- Comrades!
Where is the dog?

Suddenly they see: stands at the wheels
A huge disheveled dog.
They caught him - and in luggage,
There, where the bag lay,
Where was the dog before.

We arrived in the city of Zhytomyr.
The porter is fifteenth
Lucky baggage on the cart:
And behind the little dog.

The dog burns.
And the lady will scream:
- Robbers! The thieves! Freaks!
The dog is the wrong breed!

She threw a suitcase
The sofa shoved her foot,
Cardboard ...
- Give my dog!

- Let me, mother. At the station,
According to the luggage receipt,
They got luggage from you:
And a little dog.
During the journey
Could grow up

Marshak's poems - "A fairy tale about a smart mouse"

Marshak's poems - "Fairy Tale of the Smart Mouse":

The cat was carried away by the mouse
And sings: - Do not be afraid, baby.
Let's play an hour or two
In cat mouse, dear!

Frightened sleeping
The mouse answers her:
-In cat-mouse our mother
I did not tell us to play.

-Mur-Mur-Mur,-the cat purrs,
Play, my friend, a little.
And the mouse in response to her:
- I have no hunt.

I would play a little
Only, let me be a cat.
You, a cat, at least for an hour
Be mouse this time!

The cat Murka laughed:
- Oh, you, smoky skin!
Whatever you call you
The mouse is not a cat.

Says the mouse Murka:
- Well, then we will play in the background!
Tie your eyes with a handkerchief
And catch me later.

The cat was tied to the eye,
But looks from under the bandage,
Will let the mouse run away
And again the poor thing is to curse!

He says a cunning cat:
- My legs are tired,
Please give me a little bit
I lie down and rest.

“Good,” said the cat,
Relax, short -knit
Let's play and then
I will eat you, darling!

Cat - laughter, mouse - grief ...
But he found the gap in the fence.
He himself does not know how he climbed.
There was a mouse - yes it disappeared!

To the right, the cat looks to the left:
-Myu-yuu, where are you, baby?
And the mouse in response to her:
- Where I was, I really do not!

He rolled from the hillock,
Sees: a small mink.
The animal lived in this mink
Long, narrow ferret.

Sharp -toothed, sharp -eyed,
He was a thief and prolame
And, it happened every day
I stole chickens from the villages.

Here came the ferret from the hunt,
The guest asks: - Who are you?
Kohl hit my hole
Play my game!

-In cat-mouse or glamors?
Says the yurki mouse.
- No, not in the blind manner. We, ferrets,
We love the "corners" more.

Video: The best verses of Samuel Marshak. Poems

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Comments K. article

  1. A cool selection of poems, I was pleased, thanks !!!

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