Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, grade 9 - the best selection

Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, grade 9 - the best selection

Poems are rhymed literary works that help children know the beauty of Russian literature. In our article you will find a selection of beautiful verses for schoolchildren for reading, memorizing.

Poems for schoolchildren - the best selection

Poems for schoolchildren - the best selection
Poems for schoolchildren - the best selection

Poems for schoolchildren are the best selection:

About a fat deuce
Grounded Vasily Poslikin
And sighed: “This is yes!
The diary is fatter than the deuce
I have never seen!
On the page spread out,
Brazenly sticking out the stomach.
As if I was happy to eat
Pies for a year.
The view is plain, to regret,
And the terrible size!
She would be from a trough on a stump
It didn’t hurt to take an example! "


School board
Ivan Petrov
Drove into longing.

Board on "Russian"
It was not visible
From under the chalk.

And blushed
In English",
I thought:
- How is it low

Tolerate mistakes
Day after day.
I'm with shame
Grief with fire -

Errors are angry
And cold ...
Well, and Petrov
If only henna


First -graders
Once, guys, you were like that
So funny, even funny.
Once you drank one milk!
Before school, it seemed to us, so far.
We constantly blew dust with you,
And pictures flash in our memory:
So you smiled, here is the first tooth
Here we got on the legs, here is the first ... A bell?

Then we will replace the pictures a little:
Here you are with a parade with an autumn bouquet,
All the same smile, all the same tooth,
And here you are reading a school poem.

See: Mom flashed tears.
Probably the merit of the same dust.

How quickly you got into the school kingdom,
Where are the letters await you and even medals,
Where there are many funny and complex tasks,
And every day in the kingdom is called Knowledge Day,
Where you can achieve huge successes
And leave the kingdom in reliable armor.

And mothers will meet you and let you down a tear,
All with the same dust, everything is in the same eye.


Lame behavior
Lame behavior
He sits under the desk
It is like a ghost
It has a pale look.

It is like a ghost
Secretly comes to class,
And immediately the mood
It changes with us.

And immediately revitalization,
The fall,
And even someone's singing ...

Our filths are bad.
I will tell you, however:
We guys are approximate,
Laughs in a de-de-no-e!


The ancient Greeks passed.
Returning from the school walls,
Vovka shouted to the whole apartment:
"I will live like a diogen!"

No barrels, sits in the pantry,
But the dinner has barely arrived
Diogenes bored Vovka:
"I will live like Archimedes!"

Displaces water to the floor,
To measure your weight ...
Vovkin papa knocks on the door:
"Who climbed into the bathroom?!"

The Archimedes was scolded,
And the next morning the dispute:
Who cut his grandfather's pants?!
Well, of course, Pythagoras!


Change. Globe and ball
The globe is spinning in the closet:
- It's dreary, boring here! Ugh!
I can’t sleep here at night!
In the afternoon I have no one to make friends with!

Why am I a school globe?
Why not football ball?

The ball mutters from the corner:
- The globe is stupid, you do not cry!

If only you found out
How the goalkeeper kicked me,
How I plunged into a puddle,
He sat on a nail and almost blown away!
Why am I a football ball?
Why not a school globe?

Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3 classes

Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3 classes
Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3 classes

Poems for schoolchildren 1, 2, 3 classes:

We read a lot of books, we,
And they are so passionate about them,
After all, they open a lot,
Which is not taken and strictly.


The pride of the school is a student,
If he honors the order
Everything is fulfilling it,
He respects adults all.


The school teach us not in vain,
Then we can do not,
We grow up by people
That parents are proud.


Good at school with us
A very glorious friendly class,
Like a friendly family
With classmates I am.


In any weather, I'm in a hurry to school,
After all, I will get so much knowledge in it,
What to delight mom and dad always,
I study diligently striving in everything I.


Who came to us in September?
Is the third “B”?
How did you spend summer?
Could you read books?
The third grade is a big thing
Let's start the training for a year boldly,
To be proud of you,
The best students!


The summer was rushing red,
Fun and free.
The time has come cool
Courtyard and school.
A little rainy
Cold and cold,
But still happy
And very, very friendly.
Sad birch
At my window
And a whim of frost
She is wondering.


Like a clusters of grapes,
The ends hang the branches, -
And joyful for the look
The whole mourning outfit.

I love the game of a day
I will notice on it
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shoot the beauty of the branches.


I look in the mirror, not believing:
I became toothless, like a grandfather!
It's so hard to survive the loss
When you are only six years old!
Girls tease: "Eliveboy!"
I cover my mouth with my palm.
But I will not be rude in response
After all, they will come soon!
The girls will begin to whisper -
I will not notice the change
I will not look at them.
I am without teeth, but a gentleman!


A gold cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant cliff;
In the morning, she rushed off early
Playing funny in azure;

But there was a wet track in the wrinkle
Old cliff. Alone
He stands, thought deeply,
And he cries quietly in the desert.


Mountain peaks
Sleep in the darkness of the night;
Quiet valleys
Full of fresh glory;
The road does not dust
The sheets do not tremble ...
Wait a bit,
You will relax and you.


Leaves in the field yellow,
And they are spinning and flying;
Only in the boron dicked ate
Gloomy greens are stored.
Under the hunger, a rock,
I don't like, between flowers,
The plowman is sometimes relaxed
From midday works.
Beast, brave, involuntarily
Hide somewhere in a hurry.
At night a month dull, and the field
Through the fog only silver.


Forest Academy
Once in the summer, on the lawn,
Very smart May beetle
Founded for insects
Academy of Sciences.

The Academy is open!
From dawn to dawn
Insects are forest
Learn the archers:
A - shark, b - birch,
B - raven, g - thunderstorm ...
- Bumblebee and fly, do not buzz!
Calm down, dragonfly!
Repeat, don't get down:
D - road, e - raccoon ...
Turn to the board, grasshopper!
You sat back in advance!
F - a crane or toad,
3 - fence or snake ...
- Do not mix the bug, mosquito,
Cross the ant!
And - a needle, K - nettles,
L - larva, linden, meadow ...
- To whom did you arrange the nets?
Get out, evil spider!
M - bear, mouse, sea.
N - burbot, and o - deer ...
- They don't go to the academy
Those who are lazy to learn!
P - parsley,
R - chamomile,
C - bitch or sweatshirt ...
- Taracan, do not make faces!
Do not tell me, cricket!
T - blade of grass, u - snail,
F - violet, x - ferret ...
- After the first change
We will continue our lesson!

Teach a bugs to the alphabet,
To become literate,
Because it is not enough -
Just crawl and fly!


First of September
First -grader telegram,
Mom reads the telegram:
- “We were together, and now
You open the door to school.

Learn, grow up, but remember us.
Aibolit and Karabas,
Robin Bobin Barabek
And forty more people. "

Little schoolgirl
I'm walking in a new dress,
I have a white apron on me.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Goodbye, familiar kindergarten,
Now I need to go to school!
- Galinka! - The kids scream
And they wave me out of the garden.

They call them: - Come on now
In our kindergarten cheerful!
- No, - I say, - I need to in the classroom,
I will come from school later.

And everyone congratulates me
Gathering in the garden early
After all, since today
I will study at school.

Poems for schoolchildren 4, 5, 6th grade

Poems for schoolchildren 4, 5, 6th grade
Poems for schoolchildren 4, 5, 6th grade

Poems for schoolchildren 4, 5, 6th grade:

Roles over the hot iva.
Both from Niva and to the Niva
The wind drives a whimsical
Golden overflows.

Timidly looks at the eyes,
I am amazed that the day did not blow out
But wide in the area of \u200b\u200bthe night
The day of the arms spread out.

Over a stray harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Only the sky laughs for a moment
Fire -breathing eye.


The forest has completely become a brilliant,
The sheets are rare in it.
There will be fluffy snow soon
Fall from a height.
It will sleep us with our windows,
In the nursery and everywhere.
The stars will be more beautiful,
The ice will cling to the water.
Let's start skating on skates
We are on the ringing of ice.
Our laughter will be distributed
In the park on the pond.


I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal
I will collect my toys
And I will give Seryozha.

Wooden dishes
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
Nothing that he is lame

And the bear is too smalled ...
It is a pity to give the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw under the bed.

Give the steam locomotive Seryozha?
He is bad, without a wheel ...
And then, I need too
Play at least half an hour!

I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal ...
But I seem to be Seryozha
I will not give anything.


Who forever whines
And misses
That nothing
Does not notice.
Who is nothing
Does not notice,
That nothing
Not studying.
Who is nothing
Does not study
He forever whines
And misses.


You have become more serious.
I managed to rest.
Well, now
We set off on the road.
The path is interesting
Although difficult.
We start a year
Training, second.


The second class is no longer the first.
We are glad to meet you again.
They forgot, everything, probably?
We will remember together,
We will go through everything in order
And take the textbooks.
And at first we are charging
We will spend with you!


We came to study today again:
The second year of study is time to start.
The textbook is open and we look ahead:
What's new this year awaits us all?
The notebooks are ready, the penalties are full.
And we will become smarter and more experienced.


The sky was breathing in the fall,
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
I was exposed with sad noise.
Fog went to the fields,
Geese loud caravan
Stretched to the south: approached
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the courtyard.


On the road, girls, on the road, boys!
Walk on the ladder of knowledge bolder.
Wonderful meetings and good books
The steps will be on it.

By this ladder you can soon
Achieve inaccessible sea depths,
Go down underground, climb the mountains.
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,
But the precisely coveted route is verified,
To make you look with an amazing miracle,
Which is called knowledge.


Mom, and dad, and me, are worried
Our family is worried all evening.
For a long time, everything is ready - both form and bow.
And the miracle price decorates the sideboard.
And my mother is bewildered: "Is everything all right?" -
And again, the folds ironed the folds.
And dad was completely forgotten from excitement -
Kotu, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.
I am also worried, and even tremble,
I go to mom and dad all evening:
“Put the alarm clock so that we don’t have to oversleep.
For an hour, six or better for five. ”
Mom said to me: “Do not be naive -
I think how to fall asleep today!
After all, you will go to school tomorrow for the first time.
Everything is changing tomorrow in our life. ”


And then, guys, a lesson in leaf fall.
Therefore, there is no need to return to the classroom.
The call will nickname, dress soon
And wait for me near the school doors.
And in pairs, in pairs after her.
For his cute teacher,
Solemnly we leave the village.
And in puddles from the Luzhaki there was foliage.
Look! On the Christmas Christmas trees in the undergrowth
Maple leaves burn like pendants.
Rigger behind the most beautiful sheet
In the veins of the raspberry in gold.
Remember everything as the earth falls asleep,
As the wind falls asleep with foliage.

Poems for schoolchildren 7, 8, 9th grade

Poems for schoolchildren 7, 8, 9th grade
Poems for schoolchildren 7, 8, 9th grade

Poems for schoolchildren 7, 8, 9th grade:

"Change, change!" -
A call is poured.
The first of Vova is certainly
Flies out by the threshold.
Flies out of the threshold -
Seven knocks down.
Is it really Vova
Having renewed the whole lesson?
Is this Vova really
Five minutes ago not a word
Couldn't I say at the board?
If he is undoubtedly
There is a big change with him!
Do not steal for Vova!
He look how poor!
He managed in five minutes
Remade a bunch of things:
He put three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha),
Rolled somersault,
On the railing sat on horseback,
Thoroughly plopped off the railing,
I got a slap
On the move gave someone to change
I asked to write off the tasks -
In a word, I did everything he could!
Well, here - again a call ...
Vova woven into the class again.
Poor! There is no face on it!
“Nothing,” Vova sighs, “
In the lesson we will rest!


Two and three
Seryozha went to first grade.
Do not joke with earrings!
He knows how to count with us
Almost ten!
Not a sin of such a sage
Rub the snub nose!
Here is somehow at the table to the father
And he asked the question:

- Two pies are here, dad, right?
And you want - on a bet! -
I can always prove
That there are not two, but three!

We count together:
Here is one
And here are two, look!
One and two, ”the son finished,“
There will be three!

- Well done! - said the father. -
And really three!
And that's why
I'll take two
And take the third!


In class
Cooked the apron of cold handles,
All turned pale, trembling.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, unit big loss!
First grief!

A tear for a tear fell, sparkling, sparkling
The page floats in white circles ...
Does the teacher find out what
Pain is a unit?


The sea swaying; Wave behind the wave
They run and noise hastily ...
Oh friend, you are my poor, I'm afraid with me
Do not be happy for you for a long time:
In me, hopes and despair swarm,
The roasting thought of the surf and the hift,
The tides of love and tide!


Source behind the cherry garden,
Traces of naked girlish legs,
And then he squeezed it nearby
With nails, a broken boot.

Everything is quiet at the place of their meeting,
But my mind smells jealous
And a whisper, and passionate speeches,
And buckets, splashed noise ...


The city is sleeping, shrouded in haze,
Lights flickered a little ...
There, far behind the Nyu,
I see the gleams of dawn.
In this distant reflection,
In these reflections of fire
The awakening lurked
Days dreary for me.


Oh, how you laughed at us,
How you hated us
For quiet verses
We loudly convicted you!
But we are all the same. We poets,
For you, we are longing about you again,
Storing sacred love,
Tolding old vows ...
And our quiet temple is just as simple,
We read the deadlines on the walls ...
So laugh, and do not believe us,
And don't read our lines
That underground stream
They sing, that the Sveta roam ...
But remember Tyutchev Testami:
Silence, hide and thai
And feelings and your dreams ...

Poems about schoolchildren, friendship

Poems about schoolchildren, friendship
Poems about schoolchildren, friendship

Poems about schoolchildren, friendship:

Kolya "Kol" brought from school -
Again on the "Russian" puncture.
Noise at home: all, koka-kola
You will not get football either.

You won't play, as long as
You can’t correct everything for the “five”.
He thought: “The matter is bad.
I can't become Maradona. "

He sighed and sat down on the books.
Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy -
The boy liked so much
What about the ball he forgot his.

“God with him, with Maradona. -
Our pioneer judged. -
There are many people in the world,
From whom they like to take an example.

Someone recognizes everyone
But not everyone lives in glory -
And Pankov Nikolai
Someone should be! "


A miracle in the lesson
I am once inadvertently
Draza at the lesson.
I am comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing is not clear to me
What is in a dream, what is in reality.

Suddenly from where it is
It is distributed in the distance:
- Shura Volkova, to the board!

And here a miracle happened:
I'm swimming on a boat
And in a dream lilies of the ditch,
And I am a lesson without hesitation
I answer in reality.
I got a three with a plus
But I took a nap with taste.


Invitation to school
Children! Get out to school,
The cockerel sang for a long time!
Dress the swearing -
Looks the sun through the window!

Man, and the beast, and the bird -
Everyone takes up affairs;
Bukashka drags with a burden,
A bee flies behind the honey.

The field is clear, the drooping meadow
The forest woke up and makes noise
Woodpecker nose tuk and tuk!
The ovlga screams loudly.

Fishermen are already pulling nets
The spit rings in the meadow ...
Placing, for the book, children!
God does not tell you!


So a little sincere friends
You can meet in the path.
We knock on many doors.
Trying to find friendship.

Only I, I know, was lucky
I found the most beautiful friend
I found support and good.
And let the district envy.

And it happens, sometimes we get down,
But the soul does not keep the insult.
We will stand up for each other with a mountain,
Our friendship is stronger than granite.


Worried and checked for years,
You and I passed a lot.
They walked in their souls, not with their feet,
And we still saved the friendship.

My friend, I'm lost in words
Say compliments today?
I better show friendship in business,
After all, we are not prone to sentiment.


I know all the shortcomings
I have seen all the disadvantages more than once.
We had quarrels and worries,
And the light of friendship did not fade away.

Today is a rarity good friends,
But you admit, the best.
I wish that in everything always,
You were accompanied by one success.

Poems about space for schoolchildren

Poems about space for schoolchildren
Poems about space for schoolchildren

Poems about space for schoolchildren:

My friends and I are in the yard
They built a rocket.
Only fuel with us
To regret, no.

We could not fly
To Mars and Venus.
But we have everything ahead.
I firmly believe in it!


The ship flies
Flies in cosmic Dali
Steel ship
Around the Earth.
And at least his windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe open,
Tidal bore,
And you and me!


Here is a big bear
Star -free porridge interferes
Large bucket
Bolshoi in the boiler.

And next to it dullly glows
Ursa Minor.
Small bucket
Collects tiny.


There is one asterisk in the sky,
Which - I will not say
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

She flickers brightly so!
And at sea somewhere
Now, probably, a sailor
It checks the path along it.


So the rainbow in the sky -
Silk pattern!
Well, the rainbow in the sky,
Like a colored carpet!
And above the rainbow - rocket
He soared to heaven.
Here's the same rocket
I will build myself.
And on the star path
I will fly on it,
I will pick up stars of a leak
My mommy.


Yuri Gagarin
In the space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to climb the stars.
Sings songs about this
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.


In the dark sky, the stars shine.
The astronaut flies in the rocket.
Day flies and night flies
And Vini looks at Earth.
He sees on top of the field
Mountains, rivers and sea
He sees the whole ball of the earth
Earth’s ball is our home.


Each planet has something his own,
Which is most clearly distinguished by her.
Saturn will certainly learn by person -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, from different stripes.
Scientists are how they solved the issue:
Once upon a time, water froze there,
And the rings of Saturn from snow and ice.


Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news,
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds,
I was at the sun visiting the sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was carried away from the ground
Ships flew behind me!


Take care
There is one planet-garden
In this space is cold.
Only here the forests are noisy
Birds shaking the migratory,

Only bloom on it alone
Lilies of the lilies in the grass green,
And dragonflies only here
They look at the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet -
After all, another, similar, is not!

War poems for schoolchildren

War poems for schoolchildren
War poems for schoolchildren

Poems about the war for schoolchildren:

In the cap of a barefoot boy
In the cap of a barefoot boy
With a thin shoulder knot
The halt arranged on the road,
To eat with a dry ration.

Gorbushka bread, two potatoes -
The harsh weight and score.
And, as large, crumbs from the palm of your hand
With great care - in the mouth.

Street the passing cars
They carry dusty sides.
Looks, the man thought.
- Son, should there be an orphan?

And on the face, in the eyes, it seems, -
Slot a long -standing shadow.
Anyone and everyone is all about the same
And how to ask them not laziness.

Looking seriously in your face
He also hesitates to open his mouth.
- Well, an orphan. And immediately: uncle,
You would be better to give me a document.


The longest day of the year
The longest day of the year
With his cloudless weather
I gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She pressed this trace
And put so soil,
That twenty years and thirty years
Alive is not believed that they are alive.
And to the dead, straightening the ticket,
Everyone goes from loved ones.
And time adds to the lists
Someone else who is not ...
And puts it, puts obelisks.

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and rockets are traveling,
Marking the system of soldiers.
What is Victory Day?
This is a festive salute:
The fireworks take off into the sky,
Scattering here and here.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations
This is grandfather's album.
These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day -
This means there is no war.


Congratulations to my grandfather
Happy Victory.
It's even good
That he was not on her.

It was then, as I am now
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
I hated it just!

He worked like a big
For a hump of bread,
Brought victory the day
Though he was not a fighter.

Steadily demolished all the depings,
Paying childhood,
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.

So that in abundance and love
Enjoyed life
So that I do not see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.


A veteran is an experienced fighter,
I saw a lot of life.
He is with courage in battle
He defended his country!

On Victory Day flashed
On the chest of his medals.
On his chest - medals!
My sister and I counted them.

Poems about the class of schoolchildren

Poems about the class of schoolchildren
Poems about the class of schoolchildren

Poems about the class of schoolchildren:

It used to be in our class
A lot of Katavasia
There were joy, sorrows
We mumbled under the desks
But they helped each other.

And now they have become others:
We don’t rush anywhere with a flock ...
The guy is half asleep -
Employed by his own person.

Without discussions and polemic -
Each is almost academician.
And the girls are prettier:
Jewelry on the necks,
In their hair they have hairpins,
And the words are pretty Kolki!

"What to do - a difficult age!"
- Often we hear this exclamation.
But we will help each other
If we have to be tight.


We are in the fifth grade we are in a hurry.
Ours is already waiting for the native Lyceum,
Textbooks are preparing us,
Secrets hide in the corners.

A student enters school:
Here the schedule hangs
New objects now.
And with trepidation will open the door.
And what will say at this hour?
Hello, school, fifth grade!


I'm learning now in the third grade
And I know a lot already.
I can decorate the office
To be on duty on the floor.

Solve examples and problems,
And I will say to first -graders:
Study - it means a lot
I will prove with my example!


Pupils, your hour has come.
Pupils, your hour has come.
We enter the new class together.
We start a training year.
And in the heart of everyone - excitement.

We will overcome everything together,
We will be able to achieve a lot.
You have to find out so much ...
It's time to start the lessons!


Friendly form
We are good guys
And great friends.
The year of study is not a problem
Teachers love us.

The class is big and we are all friends
We live cheerfully together.
Who is behind, we will always help
We will not let anyone in.

In the fall we go on hikes,
We go skiing in the winter.
We love the physical education,
Crosses are running in the spring.

We get a lot of knowledge
And so as not to lose them,
Teachers are ready for us, -
Help even in the summer.

Short poetry of poets for schoolchildren

Short poetry of poets for schoolchildren
Short poetry of poets for schoolchildren

Short verses of poets for schoolchildren:

Boris Zakhoder - "Sea Battle"
What kind of noise on the back desk?
You can’t understand anything!
Someone hiss in excitement there:

This is Vova again with Petya
All in the world has forgotten:
In the lessons Day-Day
The battle is on their sea!
Two military fleets are beating
On the leaflets from the notebook.

Vova and Petya are not pirates,
Do not take on boarding
And are on the squares
A long -range pencil!
And the enemy will catch up
Milito volleys everywhere!
Here is the linear cruiser drowns
In varying water,

Victory is already close:
Destroyers hit point blank ...
Well, another torpedo -
And the battleship will go to the bottom!

But suddenly everything disappeared:
Sea, waves, ships ...
The flurry thunder:
- Course on the board, admirals! -
Admirals - on shallows ...

- Petka, friend, save - drown!
- I myself go to the bottom! ..
Often tolerates defeat
The most brave admiral,
If a place for the battle
Unsuccessfully he chose!


Marina Boroditskaya - "on control"
The problem is not solved -
At least kill!
Think, think, head,
Think, think, head,
I'll give you candy
I'll give it on my birthday
New beret.
Think think -
I ask for years!
I will wash you with soap!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out! ..
And how I will give the top of the head!


He pulls his hand over the desk and pulls.
Doesn't anyone look at him?
He is all impatience: "Ask me!"
As if, having driven a horse along the road,
He rushed here with an urgent package,
With an urgent package and an accurate answer.
No marks in the magazine and in the diary,
Enough that he was a secret,
What a miracle happened, the problem was solved ...
Please ask! Make mercy!


Vladimir Borisov - "Conjugation of the verb"
Neither thought nor feelings
Words cannot be explained
Without a verb.
"What to do? What to do?" -
I'll ask the verb.
He shouts with his mother’s voice:
Everything! So with friends
Do not jump, do not run,
And instead of football
Sit down at the table.
And immediately it is not difficult to notice
By faces
All our bitter resentment
Understand. And if the verb
Easy to change,
Then mother's character
Not just to change!
Since I don't play
And you don't play
And he does not play -
Time is in vain ...
Let them not play football -
But they spun the verb


Marina Boroditskaya - "The Last Day of the Teaching"
The last day of the exercise
Outside the windows - heat ...
All diaries with marks
Received in the morning
And new textbooks
Next year
Behind the pile stack is variegated
The attendant distributes.
- What is there? Look, molecules!
- Oh, girls, skeleton! -
As if textbooks
Have not seen a hundred years!
And Rybochkin almost cries,
Lazy and merrycock:
- I did not get Algebra,
Mary-Palna, how so?
And solidflies
So smell of novelty,
The holidays are long
And freshness of the forest!
And you can just read
About the Middle Ages,
After all, to the Middle Ages House
Do not ask yet.

Agnia Barto - Poems for schoolchildren

Agnia Barto - Poems for schoolchildren
Agnia Barto - Poems for schoolchildren

Agnia Barto - Poems for schoolchildren:

Uncle Vova and Bear
We will go to the circus today!
In the arena today again
With a trained bear
Tamer Uncle Vova.

With delight, the circus is numb.
I laugh, holding on to dad,
And the bear does not dare to growl,
Only sucks funny paw,

He takes himself by the scruffs,
It is important to bow to children.
How funny in the circus
With Uncle Vova and a bear!


In the circus
We will go to the circus today!
In the arena today again
With a trained bear
Tamer Uncle Vova.

With delight, the circus is numb.
I laugh, holding on to dad,
And the bear does not dare to growl,
Only sucks funny paw,

He takes himself by the scruffs,
It is important to bow to children.
How funny in the circus
With Uncle Vova and a bear!


We did not notice the beetle
And the winter frames closed,
And he is alive, he is still alive
Buzzing in the window
Having straightened the wings ...
And I call to help my mother:
-Met's beetle is alive!
Let's open the frame!


Funny verse: Uti-Uti
Early, early in the morning
Mom came out
To teach ducklings.

She teaches them, teaches them!
You will float, Uti-Uti,
Smoothly, in a row.

Although the son is not great,
Not great
Mom does not tell cowardly,
Does not tell.

- Swim, swim,
Don't be afraid,
Do not drown.

Marshak verses for schoolchildren

Marshak verses for schoolchildren
Marshak verses for schoolchildren

Marshak verses for schoolchildren:

Those who were late for school,
She will not wait.
At least a class is arranged without wheels,
He will go far in an hour.

The hunter will not go
With a gun to shoot geese.
Will not leave the carpenter at home
Hammer or nails.

You shouldn't leave
At home a book and a notebook!
The desk is not a bed.
And you can’t lie on it!

You sit at a desk is slim
And behave worthy
Do not chat in the lessons,
Like an overseas parrot.


Conversation with 1st class
First grade!
First grade!
How many competent

Thirty three!
Thirty three!
Everyone was revealed

- Who of you,
Who of you
Today at school
First time?

- Ours are all
In first grade

- Who of you,
Who of you
Late today
To class?
- Thirty three
They came to the classroom
To the call!

- Who of you,
Who of you
Did not come
Today in class?
- Ivanov!
He is today
Not healthy!

- First grade,
First grade!
Whether there is a
Do you have a loan?
- There is one,
There is one!
This is Vasya

About him,
About him -
About the lazy
One -
You will hear
Story, -
Next time!


Where did you dine, sparrow?
Where did you dine, sparrow?
In the zoo at the animals.
I had lunch at first
Behind bars by the lion.

Related to the fox.
The walrus drank water.
Ate a carrot at the elephant.
Phenu ate with the crane.

I stayed at the rhino,
The bran ate a little.
I visited a feast
The tailed kangaroos.

Was at a festive dinner
The furry bear has.
A toothy crocodile
I almost swallowed me.


April! April!
Drops rings in the yard.
Streams run around the fields,
On the roads of puddles.
Ants will come out soon
After a winter cold.
The bear makes its way
Through the thick valernik.
Began to sing birds songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Mouse came out once
Look at what time is.
One two three four.
The mice pulled at the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing -
The mice ran away.

Mikhalkov - Poems for schoolchildren

Mikhalkov - Poems for schoolchildren
Mikhalkov - Poems for schoolchildren

Mikhalkov - Poems for schoolchildren:

You guys listen
I want to tell you:
We had kittens - we had kittens -
There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered:
How can we call kittens?
Finally we called them:

Once - the kitten is the most white,
Two - the kitten is the most courageous,
Three - the kitten is the most intelligent,
And four are the most noisy.
Five looks three and two -
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

We have good kittens -
Come to us guys,
View and count.


The lock hung on the doors.
The puppy was sitting locked up.
Everyone has gone and one
They locked him in the house.

We left Trezor
Unattended, without supervision,
And so the puppy
Passed everything he could.

I torn a dress on a doll,
The hare tore the wool of the tuft,
To the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes fired.
Under the bed drove the cat -
The cat was left without a tail.

I found a corner in the kitchen -
He climbed into coal with his head,
Black - not to recognize.
Climbed into the jug -
Almost choked at all
And lay down on the bed

We are a puppy in water and soap
Two hours was washed with a washcloth.
For nothing now
We will not leave one!


- For vaccination! First grade!
- Have you heard? This is us! .. -
I'm not afraid of vaccinations:
If necessary, I will prick!
Well, think, an injection!
They pricked and - went ...

This is just a coward is afraid
Go to the doctor.
Personally, I am at the sight of a syringe
I smile and joking.

I am entering one of the first
In the medical office.
I have steel nerves
Or there are no nerves at all!

If only anyone would know
That football tickets
I would readily exchange
For an additional injection!

- For vaccination! First grade!
- Have you heard? This is us! -
Why did I get up against the wall?
I have ... knees trembling ...

Spring verses for schoolchildren

Spring verses for schoolchildren
Spring verses for schoolchildren

Poems about spring for schoolchildren:

They had already become darling,
And smells in the air with resin;
Already the meadows have become green
And the moss curls over the rock.
The blue bays shared,
And boats walk along the river;
Niva have already stabbed,
And you can hear the herd in the distance ...
And the air is full of silence,
And how sweet they are to breathe!
So the heart is unearthly
The sky inhales grace.


Spring thunderstorm
I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolic and playing,
Rumbles in the sky blue.
Young rings are rattling,
Here the rain sprayed, dust flies,
Pearls hung rain,
And the sun is golden.
The stream is running from the mountain,
A bird gam does not tram in the forest,
And the forest gam, and the noise of the Nagorny -
Everything echoes the fun of thunder.
You say: windy Heba,
Nursing Zaesova Orel,
A thunder -booming cup from the sky,
Laughing, she shed to the ground.


My bells,
Steppe colors!
What look at me
Dark blue?
And what are you ringing about
On the day of a cheerful May,
In the middle of a certain grass
Swinging head?
The horse carries me an arrow
On the field open;
He tramples you under him,
He hits his hoof.
My bells,
Steppe colors!
Do not swear me
Dark blue!
I would not be glad to trample you
I'm glad to rush past
But do not hold
Running is indomitable!
I'm flying, flying with an arrow
Only dust lurks;
The horse carries me dashing, -
And where - I don't know!


Our poplar woke up
Filled with juice.
Yesterday he was sleeping
In a snowdrift,
Today, look,
He lives again!
Again a birthday!
New Year again!
And the sticky burst
Kidney houses,
Pushes them strong,
Stubborn leaflet,
Warmed by rays
Spring Day:
- Let me! Let go!
Let me go!


Apple tree
The apple tree is going
In the train.
Oh, and scary
With a habit!
At the window stands
All is wrapped.
In a distant suburb
She keeps the way.
The barrel is thin
I hold my hand.
The word is kind
I am repeating for her:
About the spring garden,
About fun
And what awaits her


Spring rain
Still light in front of the window,
The sun shines into ruptures of the clouds,
And a sparrow with his wing,
In the sand bathed, trembled.
And from heaven to earth,
Swinging, the veil moves,
And as if in golden dust
The edge of the forest stands behind it.
Two drops sprayed into the glass,
From Lip pulls with fragrant honey.
And something came to the garden
Driving on fresh leaves.


The bird cherry is fragrant
With the spring blossomed
And the branches are golden,
That curls curled up.
Around the dew
Slides along the bark,
Greens spicy under it
Shines in silver.
And nearby, at the stray,
In the grass, between the roots,
Running, streams small
Silver stream.
Cherries are fragrant,
Having hung, stands
And the greens are golden
It burns in the sun.
A stream with a wave of explosion
All the branches are giving up
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings her songs.

Poems for schoolchildren about summer

Poems for schoolchildren about summer
Poems for schoolchildren about summer

Poems for schoolchildren about summer:

Summer picture
Where shady tents
The willow bent to Zaton,
The whole shore with dark gardens
In mirror moisture is reflected.
Where a wide, light shadow
The river is hidden in greenery,
Everything blows with sweet laziness
Under the quiet whisper of the reed.
There, resting, the heart is asleep, -
When the sunset burns in the fire, -
And sensitively in sleepy silence
Evening summer sounds heed.


The sun shines brightly,
The air is warm,
And wherever you look,
Everything is light around.
They are full of meadow
Bright flowers,
Gold is doused
Dark sheets.
Dorms the forest: not sound, -
The sheet does not rustle
Only the lark
The air rings.


In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and raw,
In a steep ravine under the mountain
Stones beating a student of a student:

Boils, plays and hurries,
Spinning with crystal clubs,
And under branchy oaks
The molten glass runs.

And the sky and the forest is naked
Look, thinking in silence,
Like in light moisture naked
They tremble with a mosaic of patterned.


What is summer?
- What is summer?
Isn't it winter?
- An amazing question!
I hope you are not seriously?
- What is summer?
Is this not spring?
- Well, how funny are you -
Summer was confused with the spring!
- What is summer?
Maybe this is autumn?
- It's not even funny
Look out the window ...


Summer is a holiday full of light.
The whole earth is warm with warmth,
Everything is dressed in a colored outfit.
These are rainbows with rains,
These are berries with mushrooms,
These are songs before dawn
And the fun of the fire ...
What is summer?
This is the best time in life!


Summer is red, dewed;
Emerald All the leaves are bored;
On the bushes, they stretched through the branches
Spider webs with silver wire;
Lights along Tyn Sadovaya
Nails, amber osmoiled;
It blushed for a long time and currants;
And gooseberries burned the antennae;
And the apple shines through the end -to -end ...


Clouds melt in the sky
And, radiant on heat,
The river rolled in the spark,
Like a steel mirror ...

An hour from an hour, heat is stronger,
The shadow went to dumb oaks,
And from whitening fields
Bells the smell of honey.

A wonderful day! Centuries will pass -
There will also be, in the eternal system,
Flow and sparkle the river
And the fields breathe on the heat.

The burning is hollowing to laziness in noon,
The leaves froze every sound,
In a lush and odorous rose,
Stiring, sleeping a brilliant beetle;
And stirring from the stones,
Monotonous and rattling,
Says not silent
And sings the Nagor key.


A years of evening
The last rays of sunset
Lying on the field of compressed rye.
Dremota Pink is embraced
Grass of non -nominated swords.
No breeze, no bird cry,

Above the grove - the red disk of the moon,
And the reaping song freezes
Among the evening silence ...


I. Bunin in the forest
Tropinka with a dark forest,
Where the bells bloom,
Under the shadow of light and through
Shrubs lead me.
Here the half -light and the smell is spicy
Dry foliage, and in the distance
The forest is parted by a clearing
To the valley of peace and river.
The sun sits, the distance is blue,
Cuckoo groans, and the river
Already from the west
And reflects the clouds.
Around me trees is slim
Go to a clear height,
And the heart is calm
Full in evening silence.
Time and grief and bad weather,
And forget the dark winter, -
One thing is only in the world happiness
All God's light to love!


Like the cheerful of summer storms ...
How cheerful the roar of summer storms,
When, flipping the ashes of flying,
A thunderstorm surging in a cloud,
The heavenly azure will confuse
And recklessly shy
Suddenly he will run to the oak tree,
And the whole oak tree will tremble
Widely and noisy!
As under the invisible fifth,
Forests bend the giants;
Their peaks grumble anxiously,
As conferring among themselves -
And through a sudden alarm
A bird's whistle is heard unmarticulously,
And where the first yellow sheet,
Twisting, flies on the road ...

Poems for schoolchildren about autumn

Poems for schoolchildren about autumn
Poems for schoolchildren about autumn

Poems for schoolchildren about autumn:

Autumn - Alexander Pushkin
Dull time! Okay charm!
I am pleased to me your farewell beauty -
I love lush nature wilting,
In Baggers and in gold, dressed forests,
In their halls of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And heaven is covered with hare wavy,
And the rare sun is a ray, and the first frosts,
And the distant gray -haired winters are threats.


The sky was breathing in the fall,
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
I was exposed with sad noise,
Fog went to the fields,
Geese loud caravan
Stretched to the south: approached
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the courtyard.


There is in the fall of the initial
Short, but marvelous time -
All day is as if crystal,
And the rays of the evening ...
Where the peppy sickle walked and fell colossus,
Now everything is empty - space everywhere,
Only web of thin hair
Slows on an idle furrow.
Air is empty, the birds are not heard more,
But far away even before the first winter storms -
And pours clean and warm azure
On a vacation field ...


There is in the lordship of autumn evenings
Small, mysterious charm:
Sinister brilliance and variegated trees,
Bagry leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Above the sad-sprinkling land,
And, as a premonition of converging storms,
Gusty, cold wind sometimes,
Damage, exhaustion - and on all
That meek smile of wilting,
That in the essence of reasonable we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering.


"Golden Valley"
Golden valley
You are leaving, Dick.
Melting in the sky crane
Removing scream.
Froze, it seems, at the zenith
A sad voice, a long sound.
Endlessly pulls the threads
Triumphant spider.
Through transparent fibers
The sun, without melting,
Idly hits blind windows
Empty housing.


For elegant clothes
Autumn gave the sun
Flewed hopes
Inspired heat.
The forest is luxurious in autumn fire ...
Luxurious forest in autumn fire,
When drunk Baggers, when sunset,
And you, queen, enter the shadows,
And the fern is your crown!
The foliage lives a lush moment,
From all hopes, it has been abandoned
And there was an extra future
And autumn became like spring!
But you will start with that meadow
Where mine will remember hello,
And for a long time there will be a sheet of crimson
Store your slow trace.


Niva are compressed, groves go ...
Niva are compressed, groves goals,
From the water fog and damp.
Wheel for Sini Mountains
The Sun quietly rolled up.
A dormant road is naughty.
She was noticed today,
That very, very little
Waiting for a gray -haired winter is left.
Ah, and I myself am more often as a ringing
I saw yesterday in the fog:
A ginger month is a foal
He harnessed to our sled.


The sun is autumn
I love the sun in autumn when,
Grinding between clouds and fogs, making their way
It throws a pale, dead ray
On a tree, fluctuated by the wind,
And on the raw steppe. I love the sun
There is something similar in a farewell look
Great Light with secret sadness
Deceived love; Not colder
It itself, but nature
And everything that can feel and see,
Cannot be warmed by them; Yes sir
And heart: everything is alive in it, but people
Once they could not understand him,
And he should not show out in his eyes again
And he will not always touch Lanit.
Why pursue a second time to the heart
Yourself mockery and words of doubt?


There is an initial in the fall ...
There is in the fall of the initial
Short, but marvelous time -
Transparent air, crystal day,
And the rays of the evening ...
Where the peppy sickle walked and fell colossus,
Now everything is empty - space everywhere - -
Only web of thin hair
Glittering on an idle furrow ...
Air is empty, the birds are not heard more,
But far away even before the first winter storms -
And pours clean and warm azure
On a vacation field ...


Autumn evening
There is in the lordship of autumn evenings
Small, mysterious charm! ..
Sinister brilliance and variegated trees,
Bagry leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Above the sad-sprinkling land
And, as a premonition of converging storms,
Gusty, cold wind sometimes,
Damage, exhaustion - and on all
That meek smile of wilting,
That in the essence of reasonable we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering! ..

Poems for schoolchildren about winter

Poems for schoolchildren about winter
Poems for schoolchildren about winter

Poems for schoolchildren about the winter:

Meeting winter
Hello, guest-winter!
We ask mercy to us
Songs of the North to sing
In the forests and steppes.
We have expanse with us -
Walk anywhere;
Structure bridges over rivers
And spread the carpets.
We can't get used to it -
Let your frost crack:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold!


Sadly ... the old garden froze,
Leaves fall,
Leaves in the wind fly,
Dreams fade.
The old maple leaned over
To the young birch
And babbles her through a dream
In a fleeting dream:
“Wait! .. Winter will pass,
Spring will come again,
All nature will come to life
And he will rise to love. ”
“It can be true,”
The birch thinks, -
Only b ... only would survive
These days of frost! "


Ivan Bunin - "First Snow"
The winter cold smelled
On the fields and on the forests.
Bright purple lit up
Before sucking heaven.
The storm raged at night,
And with dawn in the village,
To the fields, on the garden of the desert
The first snow suffered ...
And today over the wide
White tablecloth of fields
We said goodbye to belated
The string of geese.


Winter - M. Fires.
Winter has been decorated:
On the fringe of the fringe
From transparent ice floes,
All in diamonds, pearls,
In multi -colored lights,
Pouring around the radiance
The spell whispers:
- Lie down, soft snow,
In the forests and in the meadows,
Cover the trails,
Smell the branches!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions,
Tricky gossip.
You, Metelitsa, Chudi,
Rounders are backwaters,
Sweep the whirlwind
In the field by a greeting!
Sleep, my earth, fall asleep,
Magic dreams: keep:
Wait, dressed in brocade,
New Dawn!


Mother! Look from the window-
Know, yesterday it is not for nothing a cat
Washed her nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard was dressed,
It brightened, turned white -
Apparently there is frost.
Not thorny, light blue
The branches were hung by hook -
Take a look at least you!
Like someone thoroughly
Fresh, white, chubby wool
He removed the bushes.
Now there will be no dispute:
For sluts, and uphill
Fun fun!
Really mom? You can't refuse
And you yourself will probably say:
"Well, soon walk!"


Spiridon Drozhzhin - "Snow flies and sparkles"
Snow flies and sparkles
In the golden radiance of the day.
It is as if in fluff
All valleys and fields ...
The ice was covered with ice
And she fell asleep for the time being
With a sonorous laugh guys
They ride from the mountain;
And the peasant updates
On firewood road to the forest;
Snow flies and sparkles,
Quietly falling from heaven.


Konstantin Balmont - "Healthier"
The hare in the field was pierced,
Belyak, a white burn on white,
Blinks fluffy tail,
Sigs there, flickers here.
He is a fairy tale by hare traces
I drew it in the first snow -
And Shork with frozen bushes,
And jumping in your tower that there is strength.


Sergey Yesenin - "Porosha"
I'm going. Quiet. Callings are heard
Under the hoof in the snow,
Only gray crows
Loose in the meadow.
Enchanted by invisible,
The forest is sleeping for a fairy tale,
Like a white scarf
The pine is tied.
Substituted like an old woman
Leaned on the key
And over the very crown
The woodpecker hollows on the bitch.
The horse jumps, there is a lot of space,
Snow is falling and a shawl crests.
Endless road
He runs away into the distance.

Poems for schoolchildren about mom

Poems for schoolchildren about mom
Poems for schoolchildren about mom

Poems for schoolchildren about mom:

Dear mom
You will not find beautiful words in the world
Which could be collected
In a bouquet of flowers,
And these feelings
In a word alone
Call everything.

My angel is a delicate soul!
Flowers of love and kindness.
Oh mom, my dear!
You alone
You will understand me.

Heat in the cold, bad weather,
Hug a gentle hand
You will help you cope with the trouble
Skory you from any bad weather.
You are my ray, you are my happiness!
I cherish you alone.


Our dear mommy,
These delicate lines are you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.

Let the sorrows not go into your house,
Let the diseases pass side.
We put the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.

But that would be few,
To give up for your kindness,
We all our lives, our dear mother,
Before you in unpaid duty.

Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy is sharing in half,
In all the best share, you wanted us.

Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
We need you every day and forever!


Mom sings - Agnia Barto
Mom around the rooms
In the apron white
Slowly pass,
Walking around the rooms
Busy business
And, between things,

Cups and saucers
I smile
Does not forget
And sings.
But today
The voice is familiar
As if completely and not the same.

Mom is still
Walks around the house
But he sings differently.
The voice is familiar
With special force
Suddenly he sounded in silence.

Good something
He introduced into his heart ...
I would not burst out to me.


What smells of mom - O. Bundur
On Saturdays, spirits
Mom’s outfit smells,
So they go to mom -
Both perfumes and theater.

Sunday - pancakes
Breakfast - here he is, ready!
So he comes to mom
This smell of pancakes.

On Monday - deeds
Immediately our house smashed,
So he comes to mom -
This smell of papers.

But I will say between us,
I’ll say a secret:
I am my mother
I come most!


What mom - O. Bundur
When mom puts on an outfit,
In the closet under the case, the hanged man
Dad is terribly happy:
- You are just a gorgeous woman!

If mom is dressed in a dressing gown
And something in the pan is stirring,
Dad comes in and glad again:
- You are a very comfortable woman!

When we are on the beach and mom goes
Along the sea with a pebble of coastal,
Dad looks, opening his mouth:
- You are just a goddess - not a woman!

It seems to me: put my mother in a jacket
With some kind of painting smell,
Dad will watch every day
And admire again!


Separation - Agnia Barto
I do everything for mom:
I play gamma for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.

All the boys climbed into the river,
I was alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even bathe in the river.

For her, I am my hands
I eat some carrots ...
Only we are now in separation
Mom in the city of Priluki

The fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing to do something!

And probably out of habit
Or maybe boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason my hands.
And the gamma sounds sad
In our room. Without mom.


Lullaby for mom
Mom was busy for a long time
All things, things, business ...
Mom is so tired for a day,
On the couch lay down.

I will not touch her
Only next to the stand
Let her sleep a little
I will sing a song to her.

I will become closer to mom -
I love her very much!
It's a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom is my song.

There are no more wonderful songs
Maybe to sing louder to me,
To mom this song
Was you audible in a dream?

Video: The best verses of Agnia Barto. Poems

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