Poems about the letters of the alphabet - for preschoolers, for grade 1: the best selection

Poems about the letters of the alphabet - for preschoolers, for grade 1: the best selection

A selection of poems about the letters of the alphabet for children of preschool and school age.

It is time for your baby to start learning the letters, but he flatly refuses to do it? It is likely that he perceives acquaintance with the alphabet as a very boring task. And, as practice shows, in order to encourage the child to action, he must be interested. In view of this, we bring to your attention a large selection of funny verses about letters, an alphabet that will help you make the learning process more relaxed.

Poems about the letters of the alphabet for children

Poems about the letters of the alphabet for children

Poems about the letters of the alphabet for children:

Hello, reading mine:
A, b, c, g, d, e, ё!
I will read loudly to everyone:
F, s, I, y, k, l, m!
Come on, again to the list:
N, o, p, r, s, t, y!
Read with me and you:
F, x, c, h, w, s, s!
B and b -
Do not read them in any way!
But I read twice:
Uh, yu, me! Uh, yu, me!

Thirty -three sisters,
Written beauties,
On one live a page
And they are famous everywhere!
They are in a hurry to you now,
Glorious sisters,
We ask all the guys very much
Make friends with them!
A, b, c, g, d, e, f
Reded on the hedgehog!
3, and, k, l, m, n, o
Correctly crawled out the window!
P, p, s, t, y, f, x
The rooster was saddened
C, h, w, s, e, yu, I -
That's all, friends!
Get to know them, children!
Here they are - stand in a row.
Very bad to live in the world
Those who are not familiar with them!

Santa Claus for me for the holiday
The miracle-ASBUK brought ...
Well, I will learn her:
A, b, c, g, d, e, ё
And I will continue without problems -
F, s, I, I, K, L, M,
And then I will read it -
N, o, p, r, s, t, u
And I will add from the heart -
F, x, c, h, w, s, s,
Finally it will be so -
Hard sign (b), and soft sign (b),
And in the end, I know
Very simple, u, u, I ...

A - watermelon, b - bull, c - ox,
G - mountain, garage and goal.
D - board, e - spruce, e - hedgehog,
In the word "hedgehog" and you will find.
Z - fence, and - silt, th - iodine,
K - holidays and cat.
L - lemon, m - fruit drink, n - thread,
Oh - a cut to sew a dress.
P - a wig, p - rice, s - sleep,
T - tram or coupon.
Y - ear, f - Finn, x - henna,
C - chigika and price.
H - thicket, w - screw,
Shch - sorrel, as well as a probe.
B, s, b - do not start words,
But, although it happened,
They are not forgotten.
E - emblem on the machine,
Yu - yula in your hand,
I am an egg and the letter I am
The last in the alphabet.

Repeat these letters
To remember, three times,
From the beginning to the end,
From watermelon to egg.

Poems about letters for preschool children

Poems about letters for preschool children

Poems about letters for preschool children:

BUTthe rbiz in the sun lies,
Sparkling with a ripe belly.
Ah, it's hard to live in the world
Such large watermelons!

Baran looks at the new gate.
For some reason, the ram is sad now.
He wanted to take a walk by leaving the house
Yes, just do not open the gate with your forehead ...

ATfrom young, carefree,
The marsh roster is walking.
She admires her
After all, everyone addresses her.

Golubyatny pigeon
All so beautiful -
There are no pigeons!

D.om with a pipe, and smoke above the pipe.
Smoke is kind or evil.
Good smoke - over the Tula samovar,
Evil and scary - over a forest fire.

Eth prickly, like a hedgehog,
Everyone threatens with needles.
That's why you won't find
You, a hedgehog under the Christmas trees.

ANDthe Criminal Code is sneaked on the grass
Like along a narrow path.
This path is very long
And dangerous - just horror!

Haitsu has fun in the wild
The hare soul sings!
Life is beautiful in a clean field,
Sorry - the carrot is not growing ...

Andthe oh is skilled and acute
Following itself, the thread leads.
But if she will hit you -
We'll have to look for a bandage and iodine ...

Tolies from, does not know the worries:
Getting - and rests.
From the point of view of a cat,
Human life is vanity.

Luna shines at night,
As if smiling.
And what is happening under the moon -
The luminary does not concern.

Mtulle on a workbench
For an hour lies in longing ...
How can I not get bored here,
The hammer is used to knocking!

Nivorog, like all rhinos,
Through the jungle goes without a road.
You do not touch his sharp horn!
Let it go away with its road.

Orel has a proud disposition,
He believes that he is always right.
He looks down at everyone,
And one soars in the embroidery.

Paurozo is puffing, crawls -
He is lucky five wagons.
I would like to take fifty
Yes, there is no strength. Old!

Rek is flowing from afar,
She is transparent, deep ...
And you can't believe that the river
Born from a stream!

FROMthe crowd stands in the main place.
At the table today
Our friendly family:
Mom, dad, cat ..., and me!

Tthe old Aps are sighing,
They rest under the sofa.
It’s not easy to be not easy for slippers
On the feet from morning to night.

Utyug the hostess serves correctly,
The clothes are smoothly ironed to her.
The iron cannot live otherwise
Since he is very hot!

Filine does not sink songs,
The Filin is inaudible.
A mouse in the meadow is afraid
Hear his scream: "Yeah!"

Xamaleon always changes color.
There is no cunning in the white world.
What color is he -
Probably, I myself forgot about it.

C.irk came to us yesterday.
Very glad of the kids.
On the fences an announcement:
"Soon there will be a performance!"

Hashka tea is worth
Black tea is poured into it.
And the one that is empty
It will also be poured.

The wind is easy to obedient
Glad to fly to the sky ...
But - you have to endure.

SCHyenok was spinning like a top:
He broke the pot, tore the stocking ...
I made a puppy in the house!
Tired ... and sleeps without hind legs.

Rused words with the letter "s»
We could not remember ...

Eho is silent without people,
And you call out - scream
Or will respond with laughter
Our voice will return to us.

YUnGA is a young sailor,
There is only the first year on the ship.
But the day will someday come
When he becomes a captain!

Apple, berry, fair, pit ...
Many words with the letter "I", let's say directly.
Will be able to count them on occasion
Each of you who knows how to read.

Poems about letters for grade 1 short

Poems about letters for grade 1 short

Poems about letters for grade 1 short:

BUT - Ah, what a beauty -
B - A dishevef's cat at the cat!
AT - A shirt in the cell!
G - Where are you, Stepashka?
D. - Dorm the cat on the couch
E - He wants to sleep.
E - The hedgehog is in a hurry to the barbed mother
AND - Things to tell a fairy tale.
H - He knows the tales of the hedgehog,
And - And tell Mastak.
To - The cat is listening tiredly
L - Pawless moves, simpleton.
M - The mouse got out of the mink,
N - I could not fall asleep in any way
O - I really wanted to from the shelf
P - Slowly pull the cheese.
R - I am afraid to wake the cat,
FROM - Stepka is sleeping with a sensitive sleep.
T - So it is dressed with herself,
U - He manages everything around.
F - Fu, tired of incredibly,
X - Though you go to bed with a cat in a row.
C. - the dial looks vaguely -
H - The watch has been standing for a long time.
Sh - Stepka's hair stood on end,
SCH - he clicked the mouse on his forehead,
E - It was you who came for cheese
YU - Did you whip into my hut?
I -I-I-I ...


BUT - Toothy shark!
B - Here the butterfly fluttered,
AT - The wolf cub howled out of boredom,
G - I took the dwarf to the guitar in my hands,
D. - The road to the house curls,
E - There is a mushroom under the spruce,
E - rejoiced at the hedgehog!
AND - A crane without boots,
H - I forgot a bunny book,
And - A turkey, pouting too,
Th - Fruit yogurt sweet,
To - The cat ate him furtively.
L - The frog loves water,
M - The bear ate honey,
N - was the rhino angry,
O - Hold the window open,
P - The dishes washed the fields,
R - chamomiles grow in the field,
FROM - The sun shines brightly,
T - And the tiger in the cage is hot!
U- Dill is growing in the garden,
F - Filin plays hide and seek,
X - From the bread hump,
C. - The chickens of the old woman,
H - We poured the tea as Lube,
Sh - We walk in a fur coat in winter,
SCH - The puppy is waiting for us at the house
B - A familiar entrance,
S - So many holes in cheese!
B - No softer in the world!
E - The screen flickens in the night
YU - You dreams the young man
I - The anchor in the sea will be thrown,
I remembered everything, my good?

Poems about the letters "A", "B", "C", "G" for grade 1

Poems about letters "A" for grade 1

Poems about the letters “A”, “B”, “c”, “g” for grade 1:

Acrobat, Acrobat,
Legs, like springs.
He is glad to jump like a ball
On the back of the pig.
The pig claps his ears
She is pleased to play with us.

All the letter A -
The letter is very glorious.
And besides, the letter A
In the alphabet, the main one.

The letter B is a big beech
The eyebrows frowning and muttering:
-I will not forget the brothers.
Even little offenses!

I have a Barbie doll -
Golden hair is full!
I will tie a doll bow,
She will smile at me.
I will smile in response to her
And, like Barbie, I’m coming.

In - the letter is very important,
I imagined a terrible one.
The chest is wheel, the stomach is put on,
As if there is no more important here.

Merry turntable
It doesn't let me get bored.
Merry turntable
He calls to walk.
Merry turntable
Leads me to the river
Where the frog croaks
In the green reed.

G - a cheerful, kind dwarf!
There are many fairy tales about him.
He comes to dreams to the guys
At night and even during the day!

No, not just like that
I hung a hammock.
I know what will happen in it
Rest a cheerful gnome.

On the letter G, like on a horse,
Gleb drove around the garden,
But on pea beds
Gleb did not run in

Poems about the letters "D", "E", "E", "F" for grade 1

Poems about the letters "D" for grade 1

Poems about the letters “D”, “E”, “E”, “F” for grade 1:

D - like a neat house
With a high roof of a gable.

The dragon flew far,
He visited the sea.
He saw a magical forest
Enchanted princesses.
He saw heroes
Sorcerers, kings ...
He knows many fairy tales -
My flying dragon
And tells me
These tales are in silence.

Here is a house where good friends,
There is smoke above the house, and the house is in the house.
We guessed - you and me, -
What should you write now.

Then there will be the letter E,
I'll show you too.
High spruce is growing.
The hedgehog is chewing blackberry.
Grandfather rides on a cart.
He was one hundred years old.
The raccoon under the bush lives.
Egor goes outside.

In the word spruce we will hear
The letter e we will write like this:
The trunk, and the trunk has three branches.
Let us remember the letter e children.

The Christmas tree is the same as the spruce
And above the Christmas tree drops.
Add drops,
Yo - we read the letter like that.

Hedgehog, my rubber hedgehog,
You won’t spill us with water.
We swim in the bath
Like in the ocean.
I will dive, and he dives
It doesn't lag behind me.

F has so many legs
As if the letter can crawl.
The letter is for sure
On paper, the shadow of the beetle.

The letter is just like a beetle
I perched on a bitches.
And spreading the legs of six
It cannot get down down in any way.

She looks like a beetle
With the acorns is friendly.
And the giraffe said: to me too
The letter is needed.

Poems about the letters "z", "and", "y", k "for grade 1

Poems about the letters "Z"

Poems about the letters "z", "and", "y", k "for grade 1:

The letter "Z" is the number "three"
Says in the ear:
Look, look, look
Dear girlfriend,
To what,
To what,
How similar we are!

Bunny lives cheerfully,
Long -eared bunny.
He sings in the morning
In the paws of the balalaika.

And - looks like an accordion
And on a frightened cat.
And - between two direct roads
One fell obliquely.

Indian with onions behind him -
Hunter, tracker.
He floats dear, he is river,
The forest path is in a hurry:
“Here I dined the crocodile,
Here the goat passed,
And here, tired of the roads,
A wise yogi sat under a palm tree. "

The needle-igolka
The nose is thin and sharp
And sticks out of the ear

Words on "y" quite a bit:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
"Y" at the end we usually write:
Tea, random, secret, extra.

At the station "And short"
We were met with a mystery:
“Read, realize and guess -
How, without getting up,
You can turn a tram

The letter is the name "and brief."
Th as in your notebook.
So as not to be confused with and,
Write in excess of the checkmarks.

Dance to one paw,
And with the other paw waves,
And at the same time the letter to
Like the antennae of the beetle.

The letter to where did you go?
Apparently also ran away
It became boring in the literal
Here, walks in the yard.
Friends with a cat and a dog
And with a groan in a clog,
Yes, I ran to the cow,
Then I chatted with the chickens.
On the swing rolled up,
Yes, the primer rushed again.

Cat, map, kings,
The letter "K" you find there.
The letter "K" is funny,
This letter is glorious.
In the word cat and carriage
Children hear this letter.

Poems about the letters “l”, “m”, “n”, “o” for grade 1

Verse about the letters "l"

Poems about the letters “l”, “m”, “n”, “o” for grade 1:

The letter L came to visit us,
Larisa found her,
Gave Lena, Alla,
Did you recognize her?

Loves the moose of Losenka,
Lisits Lisitsa Lisenka.
Mommy Lioness
Lovent is proud of.
And for the frog
Her frog
The best of the best…
Just think, lion cub!

Know this letter simple
Who was at least once in the subway
In the evenings we are shining for everyone
Between the houses the letter M.

Mishka on a moped
For raspberries in the store.
Eh, the car would be a bear
He would bring his mother.

The letter n to say to, to,
Put the tongue to the sky
You will drink it alone:
That's the news - well, well!

With the letter N is familiar for a long time -
Since childhood, they say to me: "But-no!"
And grew up, now in response
Often I hear the word: "No!"
"I do not want!" And mom: "We must!"
In general, we do not get along with the letter N.
Erased N out of the alphabet,
But my name is Nikita ...

The letter about everyone is known
Without it, you can’t do it at all
Remove the letter about
And go without a coat
The cat will disappear, the house and som,
Do not roll the snow.
You will not find a nut in the forest,
Without it, only laughter.

"O!" - said the letter "o"
“Everyone has known me for a long time,
I look like a lot:
On the ring, the steering wheel too,
To the circle, on the bun.
Wheel, moon, flower -
Dandelion il chamomile ....
On a plate with a semolina! "

Poems about the letters "P", "P", "C", "T" for grade 1

Verse about the letter "P"

Poems about the letters “P”, “P”, “C”, “T” for grade 1:

We have sand to the letter n,
And a tomato and a cockerel,
Bubbles, gifts
And ponies in the zoo.

Ohh-ohi, ahi-ahi-
They spun the yarn with a spinning spin.
The strands spun, spinning spins,
Straps are simply puffed.

The letter P is on the mast sail,
He floats into the distance, touching heaven.

The letter P is lever,
Just wonderful.
With this letter Trill
They love waxworms.

Sea cancer lives in a shell,
Lynx on the oak at the edge
Fish is found in the river,
Ryabchik - in the grass on the meadow.

I love the letter C.
From the letter C I write "Son."
What else? Say for you!
Juice, and the sun, and the bench.

A terrible dream saw an elephant
That he overslept his breakfast.
Pineapple salad
They ate forty -seven slunches.

The hammer is knocking: “Nope tuk!
The letter T I am an old friend. ”

It looks like an antenna
And on the umbrella, as if too.

Three Tritons were taught to the alphabet,
They received thirty -three letters,
Pumpkin, shoe, notebook,
The letter T needs everyone.

Poems about the letters "U", "F", "X", "C" for grade 1

Verse about the letter "U"

Poems about the letters “U”, “F”, “X”, “C” for grade 1:

The letter of the ears resembles
At the bunny on the top of the head.
The snail has a horny too
So they look like a letter.

Ulyana taught the alphabet,
The letter is y, she is buzzing
Oh, snail, corner,
I know the letter on the tooth.

The f slightly was angry
Hands resting on the sides.
Filin, flag, hairdryer and lantern ...
Here is the letter F Dictionary.

Fantik and Fantik Patniks ate,
Fecla fruits in compote boiled,
The lively flamingo pecked the pheasant,
A cat snorted, having eaten sour cream.

To read well,
We need to know the letter X
Bread, cracker, round dance,
The letter X calls to himself.

The hamster sits, chews,
He is in his mouth in his mouth.
Do you want the letter x you know
We must call a hamster.

The letter C -
See for yourself -
Like a bench
Upside down.

"Tsyp-tsyp-tsyp!" - I call the chicken.
DAC TsARAPICH is our kitten.
Tsok-Tsok-Tsok knock hooves ts-
The pony rushes along the path.

Chickens on tiptoe
I kissed the flowers.
Chick on tiptoe -
Tsyp-tsyp, he is very small.

Poems about the letters “h”, “w”, “С”, “b”, “b” for grade 1

Verse about the letter "h"

Poems about the letters “h”, “w”, “С”, “b”, “b” for grade 1:

They painted the number 4 -
We drew the letter h

Katyusha has a birthday!
So it will be
Tea with jam.
Katya takes out the cups,
The kettle is important for the nose.

The letter W in such words:
School, pole, Sharada, Shah.
The letter w I wrote:
Three poles and below the sleeper.

Brother bought a flashlight for himself
Well, to me - a balloon.
I have over my head
He is dancing like alive.

This letter Сd as if ...
Throw all doubts.
Decorates this letter
Pigging tail.

My puppy, puppy patrol,
Protects the house and the yard.
From dawn to night dark
He walks with a tender pipe.

Hard sign - -
They write like this:
Wheel and match,
Behind - pigtail.

The letter P was turned upside down
And sat down like in a chair
And they called the letter like that -
Soft sign - b.

A deer came to the lesson.
He began to read the word "stump".
Yes, I could not read in any way:
He forgot about the soft sign.

Poems about the letters "s", "e", "yu", "I" for grade 1

Verse about the letter "Yu"

Poems about the letters "s", "e", "yu", "I" for grade 1:

But the letter y is walking.
You can’t learn without w.

In Russian, alas,
There are no words on "s".

This is the letter, the letter E,
We need her everywhere
Hey Hey hey! You meet us
Give us an echo soon.
We came to the mountains in the mountains
But we did not find an echo there.

Eskimos Eskimos
Eskimo carried in your pocket ...
Eskimos now know:
Eskimo melting in his pocket.

All the letter y bent,
Holds his wand.
So it looks like that -
Old woman with a key.

Yurt is a house in the tundra,
Jung swims on the ship,
Katya's lush skirt,
Yurka - jumps on the bed.

The letter I am
Always was
To everyone and everyone Mila
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
I am letters!

The hawk flew with a stone,
I wanted to steal the letter, I wanted to steal the letter
Hawk, I don't take the letter,
We need it so and know.

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren:

What happened? What happened?
From the stove of the alphabet fell!

Painfully dislocated her leg
Cursive letter M,
G hit a little
AND I crumbled completely!

Lost the letter YU
The crossbar!
Finding himself on the floor
Parged the tail U!

F, poor thing, so fired -
Do not read it in any way!
The letter R turned up -
Turned into a soft sign!

Letter FROM Completely closed -
Turned into the letter O.
Letter BUT, When I woke up,
I did not recognize anyone!

Sad, sleepy, gloomy
Our hedgehog came from school,
He sat down on the table, once yawned
And he fell asleep over the books.

There were three words:
"Orange", "Pine", "Ring".

They came all three
And they said: “What is it?
What did you, hedgehog, did with us?
We will complain to mom! "

“I,” exclaimed “Orange,” “
No Opelsyn! ” -
“I,” the “ring” burst into tears, “
No "kalechka"! "

“I,” the pine was angry, “
I am outraged to tears!
It is possible only from sleep
Write that I am "Sasna"! "

“We words are offended
The fact that they are so distorted!
Hedgehog! Hedgehog! Give up to be lazy!
So is not good to study!

It is impossible without attention
To get an education!
It will be late! So know!
It will become an ignorant lazy person!

If you are at least once
Carrying around, boy, us -
You and I will do cool.
Our honor is dear
Hedgehog's name is half a minute
We will redo it in a hedgehog!

You will be thoroughly pricking!
This is how we teach you! "

Hedgehog shuddered, horrified,
He reached out and woke up.
Suppressed yawning
I took up the work.

Poems about English letters for children

Poems about English letters for children

Poems about English letters for children:

You saw a friend - AA!
Call him soon!
Here is the machine - BB, BB, BB.
Look at the road!
The bird whistled - CC, CC, CC.
In winter, bring her crumbs.
The hammer knocks - DD, DD.
The birdhouse is ready - look!
The elephant buzzed - Ee.
Do not ask for more chips!
Ira said: "Eh!"
I will remember the letter FF.
Show your knowledge
And remember the letter GG.
She told mom Kate:
"The letter is similar to" NN " HH»
Do not play on the road!
Will drive the car, cry out II!
Remember the alphabet, do not timid!
And do not confuse GG With the letter JJ!
Memorized me soon:
I'm not "kk", but the letter KK.
The letter LL Remember simply:
Corner and wand.
You will turn over the corner -
And get a checkmark!
On a wide gate
Letter Mm Similar.
And also on the turret,
And the accordion too.
Wait! Think! Do not rush!
Write the crossbar right!
And remember for good:
I'm not "AI", but the letter NN.
Everyone is surprising
Showed the show
Round, like a ball
This letter OO.
The chicken is squealing: "" PP, PP, PP "
Look at this letter!
The bird screamed: "Fu-fu"
This is a letter QQ, QQ.
The crow shouts: "Kar!"
Meet: this is the letter RR.
Do you know the word sms?
You will find a letter in it SS.
It looks like a hammer.
This is a letter TT, friend.
The nightingale whistles: Uu, uu.
I will sing a song to you.
Look more closely!
Galka is a letter VV.
You know, I say the truth:
"Mm" turn over - get Ww.
Similar to "X" or Cross
English letter XX.
We baked a loaf.
He is huge: Yy, yy!
Put the point. Alphabet
Completes the letter ZZ.

AA is for apples
One Apple for Me,
And one for you,
One for Him and For
Her, too.
B is for bird.
Birds Like to Sing.
They Start to Sing
When it’s Spring.
C IS for Cat.
My cat is Grey.
He Likes to Run,
And he likes to play
D is for dog and
I have a DOG,
E is for English.
At School We Learn
English and Russian, too.
Do you like English?
Yes, I do.
F is for Five.
And Also For Four.
Four Little Kittens
Are on the Floor.
G is for Girl.
The Girl is Six.
She Likes to Play
With Little Chicks.
H is for HAT.
Ann Has a Hat.
I am a Boy,
I have a cap.
I is for I.
I am a boy.
What have I?
I have a toy.
J IS for Jane and Also
For jean.
Jane is a girl.
The Boy is a jean.
K is for Kite.
Kate Has a Kite.
Her Kite is Big
And White.
L is for letters.
Do you know them all?
Yes, we do.
Twenty-Six in All.
M is for march
And Mother’s Day.
And Also For May
And May Day.
N is for nelly and also
For nick.
They Are in the Garden.
Playing with Dick.
O is for one.
One Plus Two is Three.
Three Little Birds
Are on the Tree.
P Is for Pen.
Have you a pen?
"Yes, I have two",
Says Little Ben.
Q IS for Questions.
How do you do?
How are you?
How old are you?
R is for roses.
They Are White and Red.
"Give me this rose, please",
Says Little Fred.
S is for spring
And for summer, too.
Whether it is warm
And the Sky is blue.
I is for tie.
We Are Gentlemen
And we have ties.
U is for us,
Going by Bus.
Let’s Go with us
By bus.
V is for five and Seven.
It is also in twelve
And eleven.
W Is for Willy and Also For Wy.
Who do you crry, will?
Why, Will, who?
X is for sIX.
Let’s Count to Six!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Y is for yard
Where Children Play.
They Play in the Yard
Z is for zoo.
Let’s go to the zoo.
I Like to go to the zoo.

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children:

Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children
Poems about letters with pictures for children

Marshak - Poems about letters: the best selection

Marshak - Poems about letters:

Bus number twenty six.
Baran managed to get into the bus,
ATthe ruff entered, and the wolf and the ox.
Ghippo, panting, entered.

Dolphin could not crawl into the car.
Enotes cannot go out.
ANDiraF - how to pull for a call:
He took the snake for the lace.

The turkey asked: - What time is it?
Tothe landlord said: - I do not hear you.
Lisa said: - Seven soon.
Molive, said: - I will eat you all!

A dung beetle buzz: - I'm afraid!
Orela said: - And you do not work!
Petuhh sang: - What a hero!
Rgsy grumbled: - Close your mouth!

The pig argued with the hedgehog.
Tyulen quarreled with the walrus.
Ugiving the ring squeezed a pig.
Fazan clogged under the bench.

The ferret by the tail of the chicken - to crap!
C.blood rushed to run.
Hervyak thought he was behind him.
Shmelda buzzed him: - Run!

Shchegol sat on the window.
Back says she is dark.
Emu said: - He closed the light!

Yurok and Drozd said: - No!
Imumbled, going ahead:
- The bus will not go further!

The stork lived with us summer,
And in winter he was visiting somewhere.
The hippo opened his mouth:
Bunches are asking for a hippo.
Sparrow asked for a crow
Call a wolf to the phone.
The mushroom grows among the path
Head on a thin leg.
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak was hollowed like a chisel.
The hedgehog spruce is similar:
Hedes in needles, Christmas tree too.
The beetle fell and cannot stand up.
He is waiting for who will help him.
We saw the stars during the day
Beyond the river, above the Kremlin ...
I hoop lay on the branches ate,
The needles turned white overnight.
The cat caught mice and rats.
Rabbit sheet is cabbage.
The boats are floating on the sea,
People row oars.
The bear found honey in the forest,
Little honey, a lot of bees.
The rhino fights a horn.
Do not joke with the rhino!
The donkey was angry today:
He found out that he was a donkey.
The shell wears a turtle,
hiding his head with fear.
Rummies the ground gray mole,
The garden ruins.
The old elephant is sleeping calmly,
He knows how to sleep.
The cockroach lives behind the stove,
That's the warm place!
The student taught lessons,
He has his cheeks in ink.
The fleet floats to his native land.
Flag on every ship.
The ferret walks through the forest
A predatory little animal.
Heron, important, nosy,
It costs a whole day like a statue.
Watchmaker, squinting the eye,
It repaired a watch for us.
Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are strongman:
You carry the globe of the earth like a ball!
I clean the puppy with a brush
I tickle his sides.
This button and lace,
Electric call.
Jung is a future sailor,
South fish brought us.
There are no cranberries.
I know the letters as a keepsake.

Farewell to the alphabet - poems about letters

Farewell to the alphabet - poems about letters

Farewell to the alphabet - poems about letters:

Once a wizard-mate
The letters began to teach children.
Immediately the letter A with us
Turned into pineapple.
The letter B is in a large bouquet.
The letter B is in the bicycle.
The letter G was a harmonica.
The letter D is the forest path,
On which E is a raccoon
He goes to visit the hedgehog.
It became a long giraffe.
Z - an umbrella at the doll of Zina.
Where the letter was
The needle suddenly appeared.
To the needle of that wise yog
I would be able to fix the shirt.
This is with the letter to the page.
The white goat is frolic here.
Where is it? Yes, here she is!
Cooling Moon!
Letter m wizard dexter
Turned into a bunch of carrots.
N - they are quiet in boys.
Oh - in funny deer.
P said - I'm Panama!
R answered - I'm a frame.
With a snowflake spinning.
T the trolley rolled.
And her neighbor at
She became a duck on the pond.
Fountain hits the sky.
X starts a round dance.
Became Tsar Saltan.
H - a pot -bellied suitcase.
The letter sh.
Pu - puppy in the baby.
Solid sign without delay
Turned into an ad.
The letter y is in the river reed.
A soft sign is in a mouse in a hut.
E, similar to a bird,
Turned into an electric train.
The letter Yu Vyunk became.
I am a brilliant anchor.
So the game ended.
It's time for us to finish.
You are already familiar with the secret
There is a letter, but there is no sound.
If the alphabet is read,
You will find six letters of them,
This is clear to you!

Soft sign and hard sign.
I guys admit:
There is no such sound: Yu. Yu \u003d y+u
And, discovery, not mine,
That there is no sound: y. ё \u003d y+o
At the same time, I will say, friends,
There is also no sound: I. I \u003d y+a
And I ask you to believe me
No sound in the world: E. E \u003d y+e

With a black umbrella, in the beret,
On the instructions of the FSB
Someone came out at dawn
To point A from point B.
Without a hitch, very soon
On the trampled grass
He made his way along the fence
To point G from point B,
At point D, turning off the path,
I crossed the ditch
At point E, he took off his shoes,
At point Yo changed beret,
At the point, he was tired
(Rain slightly freezed),
At point Z stopped,
Rested, had a bite
And he went, checking with the map,
(The goal is as if close) ...
Somewhere nearby, the raven is carcress
Probably at the point of K.
It rained ... an umbrella broke! ..
It's good that there is a spruce! ..
The rain stopped.
On the horizon appeared the point of L.
Fire went straight
And he got into the swamp.
From the swamp he is to the bumps,
As in points, I went out.
Oh, p, p ... a little more.
It became land ... F, x, c ... h, w, s ...
And suddenly anxiety
Reflected on the face.
“I apparently survived from the mind!
Here is an empty head!
After all, I came out of point B
To get to point A!
It was near! .. Incredible! .. "
And, grinding teeth,
Someone turned back
To point A from the point of Sch.

Children's poems about letters in riddles

Children's poems about letters in riddles

Children's poems about letters in riddles:

BUT - Silver fish flashed,
And behind them rushes predatory ... (shark)

B - searched for a husband for a sheep,
Handsome, which is curled in rings.
We traveled a lot of countries
But one such ... (ram)

AT - How would the crown go!
It is important to croak ... (crow)

G - I'll go ahead
People will say - like this ... (goose)

D. - If he combined at least once
They didn’t call him ... (porcupine)

E - unwashed in the mouth
He will never take.
And you be like that
Like clean ... (raccoon)

E - In the thorns of the hedgehog and ruff,
But you will immediately get it:
Who is driving, he (hedgehog)
And who is fidgeting - ... (ruff)

AND -Igor! - the child shouts,
So - this is ... (foal)

H - To share with everyone is my habit!
You do not need poison - asked ... (snake)

And -The logs do not saw the logs,
The fish does not know how to sew ... (needle)

Th - On the tails of birds and animals.
Here is the ermine, but ... (sparrow)

To - Where is the underground passage?
It only knows this ... (mole)

L - The enemies had to retreat!
I met them with horns ... (elk)

M - Before the mirror boy
Curls faces like ... (monkey)

N -At the river on the hill-someone's mink,
The name of the mink is the name too ... (mink)

O - the donkey lazily uphill,
And over the mountain soared ... (eagle)

P - the first to wake up the shepherd.
The shepherd earlier rises ...(rooster)

R - I tore off the bait,
And without saying “thank you”
I sailed somewhere
Impolite ... (fish)

FROM - He sang Solo among the branches.
The singer was called ...  (nightingale)

T -For some reason, not to the games
If he wanders nearby ... (tiger)

U - Let the roof flow
And the gate has broken,
Your house for nothing
Will not leave ... (snail)

F - On the leaflet there is only a line:
"Wake up at night." Dot.
The leaflet is pinned to the oak,
Where it is sleeping until night ... (owl)

X - moving from branch to branch,
He changes the color every time.
And he becomes invisible!
He plays hide and seek ... (chameleon)

C. - Just left the diapers
He began to take care of ... (chick)

H -Sea, sway! -
I asked ... (gull)

Sh - Winter has gone for distant lands.
A furry buzzed above the meadow ... (bumblebee)

SCH -I will grab it! I will swallow!
Clicks his teeth ... (pike)

Ba lion Surov!
Softer lioness.
After all, a soft sign lurks in it!

S - does not fit into the book
Clubfoot ... (Bear)
We will replace "and" with "s" -
It turned out ... (mouse)

B - announces Kommersant:
Beast to me an enemy and a bird is an enemy!
Better I hide in the staircase,
And no one ... (will not eat!)

E - I see the runners team.
Go ahead ostrich Nandu!
And the report on this topic
I was preparing an ostrich ... (emu)

YU - Love pigs the letter "yu"!
You can't say without it ... (Eve)

I - Hide, chickens!
In the sky is clear
Black shadow
Circles ... (hawk)

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers:

The letters are very tired
In thick books, sleep and sleep.
At midnight - a bunch of corn
They got down from shelf to bed.
And from the bed to the floor at once
Looked - people are sleeping -
And started leprosy,
A great masquerade.
A - became a stork, c - her tsapley,
E - hedgehog ... A wonderful ball!
I did not sleep and recorded everything to the drop.
In the morning the artist knocks on the door
(Fat, with a black beard
And ruddy as a cake),
It was my friend.
He read, took the paper
He took out seven pencils
And now the whole Vatagu
Sighed for kids ....

Ara, a glorious parrot,
Play into checkers with a stork.
Squirrel jumps with a pole,
Heaven hides his tail.
The wolf plays with a hare into the ball -
This means something.
The geese argue and row, and the Gagars will win.
Dingo walked on a log -
Surprised the crocodile.

The hedgehog put on cowards and a T -shirt.
How many holes are in them, guess!
- Toad, what are you unhappy with? -
The football ball swallowed.
Zebra, bison, and horse, and ox -
Everyone plays volleyball.
Iguana and Triton
They love badminton very much.
The cat cannot wear skates.
Which of you will help him?
Leo flies on a motorcycle.
What is it? Everyone is used to it.
Bear on a bicycle
Rushes to the finish line - to victory.
Cross the road, well!
The octopus put on gloves,
And the seal flew off the site.
Pelican dives deftly.
That's what training means!
Cancer will not think,
In karate, the claw will get.
The elephant flies on parachute,
He waves his trunk and jokes.
The tiger jumped beyond all -
Here is an unprecedented success!
Ducks swam in the channel,
As a result, three medals.
Filin took a pawn with a quarrel -
You can’t doze behind the board.
Hamsters inflated the cheeks -
Sleep, lazy people, on a bell.
Heron - coach by walking,
Will give advice to you.
Squeeze the bar
She helped the orangutan.
Bumblebee shot from a bow to the target -
A cheerful bumblebee hit the target.
Pike swims on a yacht,
At the helm is on the shift.
We take the emu-stratus
We are a goalkeeper in the team.
The young hare stood skiing.
Here it is, finish! Nearer! Nearer!
Jaguar waves a racket,
And the tapir is dancing behind the net.
I want to tell you all:
Glory to the puck and ball!

Video: ABC in verses and pictures for children. Developing video for children

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