Usachev’s best poems for children - for reading, memorizing, for competition: Best selection

Usachev’s best poems for children - for reading, memorizing, for competition: Best selection

A large selection of Usachev poems, which will help children love Russian literature, reading.

Usachev - poems for the smallest

Usachev - poems for the smallest
Usachev - poems for the smallest

Usachev - poems for the smallest:

Honey song
The bear has.
He sings to her acquaintances
And neighbors.
In a cozy den,
And on a difficult road
And even in a dense-ink forest.
He sings, walking,
He sings, playing
And even crushing mosquitoes on the nose.
Winter and summer,
From morning to night
He is this song
Stubbornly mutters.
But only the bear will have honey -
With a huge spoon
Drinking in delight,
Shaggy leg
Turning in delight
And even ears
Pushing a little -
The bear eats it ...
And not sings songs!


In the burdock lies a boot,
Healthy boot.
- Where, boot, your brother?
Why are you lying alone?
You diverged with each other
And did not find each other?


The British love
There is a pudding for dinner,
Because pudding -
Very tasty dishes.
And often goes to the gangway,
There is no huding
And it happens with fating!


I'm sitting in the sand while
Mom fries pancakes.
I'm from clay and sand
I will prepare the clay.
Sandblasts, sand
Tasty and juicy!


I found a stick today,
Not a simple stick
And the butt, and the rope,
And the geese are driven ...
And I will tie the fishing line to the stick -
I’ll go fishing with a stick!


We were sitting on a nurse
And whistled in two whistles,
And they looked into the sky ...
Suddenly we look - the lethal flies,
Either a fly, or a jackdaw,
Either a whole plane!
We decided to bring down the fly,
They launched a stick into the air ...
Maybe the stick will hit
To an unknown flyer,
Either a fly, or in a daw,
Either in a whole plane!
We did not get into the flight,
And neither in the fly nor in the daw ...
And to meet from the gate
Rider left,
And our stick hit
With a terrible roar in the hood: Bach!
We run to all the running
And the driver of the proceedings
How it will chop into an oral,
What will unscrew us in the run.
Tw for a consent
And he will put on the nurse!
Removed the passage.
The lethal flew away into the distance.
The heating pad floats in the sky ...
We were sitting on a nurse
And whistled in two whistles:
Maybe the harbor will pass?


Car walked along the street
With a very powerful body.
And the man was walking towards
With a very thick belly.
That car flew
On a man with a belly.
And the car crumbled
Together with a powerful body.
And the man looked
To the remains of the body ...
Well, and the puzovo
I scratched Confuzovo.
Going on a long journey
With different valuable cargo,
You do not forget the driver
This case with the belly!



They opened, as in a fairy tale.
And they smiled at them - look!
Cheerful and cunning
The eye at potatoes
And a round eye at the door.
Shone with affection.
And how was it not to shine!
The eye at the door
And the eye of the potato
They began to blink together.
And suddenly it darkened
The sky frowned
Thunderstorm thundered around ...
The eye at the door
And the eye at potatoes,
As well as pansies a little
In fright they closed their eyes.
Thundered in the district.
They fell asleep in fright
And slept to the very dawn:
The eye at potatoes
And a round eye at the door.


Once the camels were winged.
The camels wore huge wings.
Camels flew to the overseas Dali,
And even the eagles were inferior to the sky.
And then camel, not knowing fear,
The migratory bird flew south.
And the rumor of camels reached the people:
"Camels fly faster than horses!"
People thought: “We have a bales,
We tame and fly clouds! "
When the caravan was resting under the margin,
Arkan shot up with a whistle ...
There were strong people. Camels are proud.
And the wings of the camels were put in the humps.
The fact that they were once winged,
They forgot camels ... and people forgot.

Andrey Usachev - Poems for children of preschool children

Andrey Usachev Poems for children of preschool children
Andrey Usachev - Poems for children of preschool children

Andrey Usachev Poems for children of preschool children:

How Hedgehik found the way home

Mom Hedgehog, starting cleaning,
She became a dust from the feather of the feather.
And asked the hedgehog to the mink
To bring the foliage for the new feather bed.
Hedgehog thought: “Such a feather
I will collect half a minute on my back! "
The hedgehog with a club in the foliage rolled
And in an unfamiliar forest he found himself.
Hedgehog is scary. Needles tremble ...
And the leaf fall flew from the back:
A whirlwind flew from the new "Perina"
Birch leaves and aspen leaves,
Rowan brushes, maple’s palm,
Oak leaflet and pine bumps ...
But not in vain the hedgehog trembled,
The hedgehog meanwhile thought:
“The first birch sheet sank -
So I rolled next to the birch! "
The little hedgehog is no longer trembling.
He is already running to the near birches.
Past bores - to the oxin grove,
Past aspen - to the grove of mountain ash

Maples pump the tops on the right,
It seemed to the oak tree after them,
The pine is already close to the hill ...
So the hedgehog got to the mink.
Mom looks at her son in surprise.
Mom asked: - And where is the feather bed?
The hedgehog was embarrassed: - Perina ... in the forest.
Can I bring her tomorrow?


Eighth note mu
A shepherd lived a long time ago.
He had a bag.
Eight notes lay in the bag
And a small horn.
And the whole earth sang along,
When the horn is to him
Singing: before, re, mi and fa, salt, la ...
And la, and si, and mu!
The shepherd once fell asleep.
And dropped the bag,
And eight new sonorous notes
Falled to the meadow.
And rolled like beans,
All notes on it:
And before, re, mi, and fa, and salt,
And la, and si, and mu!
The shepherd rummaged his bag.
He searched the whole meadow.
Found seven notes, but will not find
The eighth missing sound.
And then the cow came up
Thoughtfully to him
And she raised her face to the sky,
And she blurred: - Mu!
The horn is now not at all the same.
And the sound is not at all:
After all, there used to be eight notes,
And there are seven of them.
It is clear to everyone without words
Where did the sound go
And why all cows have
Mu-music hearing?


Greece poems
The language is Russian
French and Turkish,
English and German,
But there is no walnut.
You will say: in the grief ...
The Greeks will die from laughter:
- The language is Greek,
And walnuts - nuts!
When you are Greek porridge
Ask for lunch
They will tell you: Greek porridge
We, sorry, no!
- And Greetskaya?
- And there is no walnut! -
They wave their hand at you. -
There is buckwheat porridge,
And more - no!
And if you meet
With a grunt above the river,
No need to call a Greek woman
Buckwheat or buckwheat.
All Greek girls
They will decide that you are stupid,
Once a Greek girl
You confused the cereal!

And if you confuse
Greek and Rook,
Parents immediately
A doctor will call you ...
I passed the course of treatment
And I repeat to everyone:
The language is Greek
And the nose is Greek,
And the porridge is only buckwheat,
And walnut is just a nut!

Usachev poems for schoolchildren

Usachev poems for schoolchildren
Usachev poems for schoolchildren

Usachev poems for schoolchildren:

Ballad of candy
Once, luxuriously dressed,
A candy walked across the field.
She was wearing a pretty candy wrapper
And white with daisies is a bow.
She had a polka dump dress.
And the day was terribly good ...
There was a magic summer
Shone with the happiness of the candy.
And suddenly evil people came out
With big, big lips.
Terrible, ugly people
With crooked and evil teeth.
Huge uncles and aunts,
And their bad children
Seeing the baby in the wrapper,
They reached for the candy ...
- What an absurd joke! -
She screamed angrily ...
Run soon, baby,
After all, these are killers, bandits!
No one will come to her aid!
Candy runs from monsters
Her little candy wrapper trembles
And white with daisies bow ...
How difficult it is to live in the world
Pretty sweet candy:
She wants to live without fear
And believe only in good fairy tales.


We played daddling
To the fastest daddling
In the best fern:
I rode, and dad was driving.
He did not agree for a long time
I didn't want to puff seriously
And then how did it part -
And he went, and drove!
Shot down a closet. The chair fell.
It became close to us in the apartment.
We go to the yard
And we fly to full speed!
That's how dad! Well, speed!
We went around the car, train,
We catch up with the plane,
We break forward!
Dadge rushes like the wind
To the state border -
Only dust flies into the eyes ...
We slipped abroad -
It was necessary to happen like this -
The brakes refused!
It is impossible to even remember
How many countries we saw ...
Suddenly to meet - the sign of the road:
Caution, ocean!
Dad without slowing down
Disords water with breasts
And - raising the wave, floats -
Real Dove!
From the fog in front of us
Iceberg has grown like a mountain ...
The father waved his hands
Paupolite is flying - cheers!
Flying over China,
Dad suddenly remembered: Wait!
We will be late for dinner,
Return home!
We flew like a rocket.
We were in a hurry home so
What is in the foothills of Tibet
I have flew a shoe ...
Shouted! .. But already half a world
Flashed below in the lights.
Here is our city. House. Flat.
Mom was met at the door.
Mom was very surprised:
- Where have you been?
What happened?
The fern rises from the wheels:
-We played a daddy!
We visited different countries
We looked at the white light ...
- Good! - said mom. -
All in dust. There is no boot.
Traveling in different countries,
Come in dirty trousers,
They threw me one ...
- In general, so! - said mom. -
On the weekend, ”said mom,“
I'm flying, ”said mom,“
Together with you to the moon!


Chewing story
Maiden Bigelou
She loved a scary chewing gum.
Put in the mouth of the chew
She could at least a wheelbarrow:
Visiting, in the theater, at home ...
It will give a chewing house a mouth -
And walks like a cow,
Chews, chews, chews
Familiar at the meeting
They say to her: - Hallow!
Nyam-yum, khrum-chrym,-surviving,
Will answer Bigelou.
Sorry, Bigelou,
What did you tell us?
And Bigelou again:
Chav-Chav, Khrem-Khrum, Nyam-Yam!
When the supply ended
Chewing gum,
The girl was accepted
Chew your boots,
The magazine "Sewing and Kroyka",
Napkins, blankets ...
Well, in general, everything that is only
She got to the tooth:
Linoleum, wallpaper,
Laundry soap,
And somehow with a neighbor
Half-ukha bite off.
I had to put on the girl
A muzzle like a dog ...
That's what it brings to
Addiction to chewing house!
Became a mouth at Bigelou
The worse crocodilo.
And here's what with the young lady
Then it happened:
She was soon tired of it
Chew chewing gum in vain -
She decided her
Inflate to the bubble.
Huge bubble
Everything grew and grew in the mouth ...
And a stupid girl
Suddenly lifted in height!
And soon Bigelou
Disclore somewhere.
And they took everywhere
Her for NLOU!

Usachev - poems for children are funny

Usachev - poems for children are funny
Usachev - poems for children are funny

Usachev - poems for children are funny:

Snail invitation
I sent an invitation:
“Today, at exactly six,
With terrible impatience
I'm waiting for you for my birthday ...
There is strawberry pie! ”
Friends appeared on time:
A festive pie was eaten
And drinks drink.
The giraffe and rhino came,
Seven forty flew at once ...
There was only no snail.
She crawled after three days
With a bouquet of forget -me -nots:
"My friend! Please forgive me -
I walked to you for three days ...
And I hasten to hand over the bouquet.
Thank you! Goodbye!
But next time I ask
Call me in advance! ”


Merry mouse
A cheerful mouse in the piano lived.
She was a musical mouse.
And often to the sounds of a piano
She squeaked: tra-la-la-la!
The owner of the piano did not know about the mouse.
He stomped his foot and knocked on the lid,
When it started in the piano
It sounds false: tra-la-la-la!
But the famous tuner came
And immediately I found the defect in the piano ...
“Ah, here,” he exclaimed, “what's the matter?!” -
And the mouse blushed with shame.
And the master from the bag took out the tool
And correctly set the mouse at the moment.
And here she is with the piano
It sings perfectly: tra-la-la-la!
They sing a composer, a tuner and a mouse.
The name of all three on tour to Paris.
And if there is no piano there,
They will all go to them: tra-la-la-la!
Do not interrupt.


Santa Claus came to our garden.
Santa Claus called the guys.
Belaya beard, like cotton wool
And with gifts a bag.
Santa Claus said: - Guys!
Well, who reads the rhyme?
We taught poetry in the garden:
I taught, and my brother taught.
We jumped up immediately -
I jumped up and he jumped up.
- They dropped the bear on the floor!
- One, two, three, four, five…
- Torn the paw to Mishka.
- The bunny came out for a walk.
- Suddenly the hunter runs out,
- I won’t leave him anyway,
- Right at the bunny shoots,
- Because he is good!
And as long as we read
These sad verses,
All the guys laughed:
-Ha ha ha and hee-hee.
And grandfather's laughter
The beard fell off.
So he left us.
Here's what nonsense!


Chav-chv ...
Bulldog was a navigated Bolonok.
- Do you like the cookie cake?
I took care of it for you ...
And the guest:-Chav-chev! -From under the table.
“You are very hungry, as you can see.”
But look so solid!
I knew the mops alone ...
And the guest in response:-Chav-chev ... Chav?
The conversation did not last long.
Blinka drove the bulldog.

The scarecrow was dressed up
In our garden:
The scarecrow was dressed
After the latest fashion.
New vest
And a fragment of Mikey,
Yes, a motley shirt
Sticking out from under the fufike.
Under the red underpants
Pants with stripes are visible,
And on top of the vest
Two ties are worn.
One leg - in Kalosha,
The other wears a felt boot
Yes pink pink
Piped on the head.
And dressed great!
And the shoe is cool!
Just not called him
For some reason to visit.
Call the scarecrow
Scarecrow among the people ...
At least dressed scarecrow
After the latest fashion!


Unexpressed Fedot
Lived and was in the world Fedot.
Not fed fedot for a whole year
And mixed the whole honest people,
Because he was terribly afraid
He is so overgrown with his hair
That only his nose stuck out of the shock.
He walked without a hat in the cold,
But trembled, hearing about
And then he was overgrown like a stack -
Neither hands nor legs is visible ...
And fed Fedot from a spoon
On a long-port leg,
But it was incredibly difficult
Get it in your mouth!
And the stubborn Fedot will not cut
Beard in all directions curls
And Fedot gradually disappeared -
Turned into a dense forest,
Yes, so thorny that
They called him among the people
Fedotov Christmas trees.
Soon Fedot was unlocked
And extremely impassable:
No paths in it, no road,
Only the duck in it and the forty ...
Fedot would have died.
But I was looking for a cloggy in the beard
Yes, the mushrooms collected a little
And sometimes he is food
He dropped a helicopter.
But once in Fedotov Christmas trees
Hunger wolves ran ...
- Guard! For help! People! -
Shouted that there is urine Fedot. -
Save it soon, help!
Break me or cut me! -
And at this time the village was walking past
On haymaking.
A hundred mowers came running -
And they got down to business soon!
In two hundred hands, work was in full swing,
Finally got to Fedot ...
Here Fedot will folsh to shine.
- Well, thank you! - Fedot says.
And adds with a low bow: -
Is it possible me, comrades,
Sitch the cologne?

Poems by Andrei Usachev Read

Poems by Andrei Usachev Read
Poems by Andrei Usachev Read

Poems by Andrei Usachev read:

-Chizhik-flood, where were you?
- I went to visit my grandmother,
I drank compote from my grandmother
And spilled on his stomach.
-Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
You are deceiving us.
Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
We do not believe in your story.
-Chizhik-flood, where were you?
- I went to visit my grandfather,
I drank kefir from grandfather,
That's why I'm very cheese.
-Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
You are deceiving us.
Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
We do not believe in your story.
-Chizhik-flood, where were you?
- I went to visit the hares,
They drank carrot juice
All to the thread, wet.
-Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
You are deceiving us.
Chizhik-flood, Chizhik-Pyzhik,
We do not believe in your story.
-Chizhik-flood, where were you?
- I went to swim in a puddle,
Well, in a pile depth -
Eight chizhikov to the bottom!
- Stupid Chizhik, stupid pyzhik,
Well, quickly march in the bed!
You are sneezing, Chizhik-flood
You need to call the doctor!
- Stupid Chizhik, stupid pyzhik,
Well, quickly march in the bed!
You are sneezing, Chizhik-flood
You need to call the doctor!


Three brothers
Three Akobat brothers
Once went to the park:
One with an umbrella,
Another - with a cat
And the third is just like that.

Suddenly it rained ...
Hurry up to the umbrella!
But there is little use in that:
The three of them can not fit under the umbrella,
Especially with a cat.

And yet the brothers are in the rain
They came home dry:
One with an umbrella,
Another - with a cat
And the third - with the rest!


Ten blacks
Ten blacks went to swim in the sea.
Ten blacks frolic in the open.
One of them is drowned, he bought a coffin.
And here you have the result: nine are black ...

One black man went to swim in the sea.
One black man fried out in the open.
But he did not go to the bottom - he started his wife ...
And here you have the result - ten are quiet!


Residents of Antarctica
The friendly people in Antarctica are penguins.
In all collective they are one:
We build penguins for lunch,
They yell in chorus in pingvini: "Hello!"

All, as one, jump into the water together,
They will only hear the team: "To the start!"
All, as one, do the move together,
If the sea leopard crept.

Together they have fun and angry.
Together they sit down to hatch eggs.
They scold their penguins together,
They praise each other or scold.

All, as one, wear black tailcoats.
Everyone, as one, is fleeing from a fight.
Everyone rushes into a fight as one,
If you see that you are not a penguin.

All, as one, do not read anything.
Everything, as one, never fly.
All, as one, live in the middle of the ice.
Everyone, as one, has a name - a penguin.

Usachev - poems for a competition at school, kindergarten

Usachev - Poems for a competition at school, kindergarten
Usachev - poems for a competition at school, kindergarten

Usachev - poems for a competition at school, kindergarten:

Dad has a dad in his office
It has various particles -
Atom and neutron.

I'm terribly interesting
How he works.
I dismantled in two minutes

I saw nothing
Only an empty pencil case ...
I touched him with a finger
And he collected again.

Just went out for some reason
Not such a device:
Instead of synchrophasotron -

I was not upset at all.
I took it again ...
It only turned out again

I struggled myself with difficulty
Did not count the raven
And collected from this thing

That's the trouble! Dad will return ...
What did the son do?!
I closed my eyes ... and slapped

Nothing! Him to dawn
I'll collect again:
I remember this ...


Sun, air and water
The sun, air and water -
Our best friends.
We will be friends with them,
To be healthy for us.
About nails
Who does not clean nails
And does not cut
He is his friends
Great scares.
After all, with dirty nails,
Long and sharp
They can very simple you
Confuse with monsters.


Ivan Petushkov was a big dreamer.
He could, for example, become a fence ...
Here Ivan will get up like a fence, in the middle of the yard -
And climbs the children all day on him.

He also knew how to turn into an elephant,
And so naturally he trumpeted from the window,
Scaring neighbors, passers -by, dogs,
That once passed him to the zoo.

And somehow Ivan, pretending to be a beetle,
I decided to run on the lawn with crawling ...
When he pretended to be a beetle
In the grass, Petushkov was lost.

We searched Ivan for three nights, three days ...
Imagine! I sat at the dacha me
And with a look thoughtfully sad
The leaf was overtaken by cabbage.

“Ivan,” I say. - How did you grind!
He climbed onto the bed, gobbled up my head.
Yes, you, I say, have become an ordinary beetle!
And he answered me: "I am not familiar with you!"
And with the same unscrupulous crunch
Chewing cabbage continues.

Then I take out a pack of halva,
And immediately Petushkov jumped out of the grass,
Jumped and stood in front of a pack
On the hind legs with a dog.
- Yeah! I shouted. - I got a fraudster!
And then he put on the collar on Ivan.

Ivan cried: “If life is not sweet,
Then anyone can turn into a beetle.
Feed me better halva,
And I will always be by me! .. "
Said. And again turned into a fence.
Such is Ivan Petushkov Fantaser!

Usachev poems for children for memorizing

Usachev poems for children for memorizing
Usachev poems for children for memorizing

Usachev poems for children for memorizing:

Who is accepted to school?

Girls with bows,
Boys with flowers,
Moms are tense
Dads are smoothed.
Grandpa and grandmothers
Pushed by a side.
Everyone worries, noisy
Fuck, sigh -
They want to get to school,
But not everyone is allowed!
Here the call called the guys
The head of the crystal.
And cheerful adult eyes
He became a little sad.
Moms look after the children,
Moms understand:
Only those who are seven years old,
They accept to school!


The piglet rode at dawn

A loud sound was heard early in the morning.
I looked out into the window:
Pink, cheerful, neat
A pig was driving in a car.

The piglet was beautiful:
There was a cell in a cell on it.
He turned his head with a rather head
Together with his head, he turned the steering wheel.

White gloves are on hooves.
And the panama is embroidered with flowers:
He was driving on the grass to lie down,
Or in the village to visit mom ...

The piglet rode at dawn,
Pink, similar to dawn ...
And warning everyone in the world,
Pressed on a patch:


How does a crocodile scream?

How does a crocodile scream?
- Meow meow meow! -
If the cat has swallowed,
Meow meow meow!
How does a crocodile scream?
-Gav-guav-guav-guass! -
He swallowed the dog
How does a crocodile scream?
-Kar-car-car-car-car! -
He swallowed a crow,
How does a crocodile scream?
-Mu-mu-mu-mu! -
He swallowed the cow,
How does a crocodile scream?
He swallowed the alarm clock
How does a crocodile scream?
-Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! -
He swallowed a hedgehog,
How the crocodile shouts -
Tears in two streams:
It's not so easy
Swallow the doctor!


Seven forty

On seven morning early, it is early
Getting out of the sofa at seven forty,
At seven forty, seven forty went for a walk.
Seven forty on the road
They see a magpie pie
And they invite guests to the pie:

Eagle, chipped, peacock,
Pheasant and penguin,
And the parrot and the goose ...
Only this song is not all!

Two questions:
How many guests did forty guests?
How many parts did the pie divided?

The best poems of Usachev for children

The best poems of Usachev for children
The best poems of Usachev for children

Usachev’s best poems for children:

Lullaby for Dracos - verse

In one Mesozoic fine day
A son was born in a dragon family,
Terribly sunbathing dragon
That's just a little capricious.
The Drakosha did not want to fall asleep.
Midnight with the Dracos suffered a mother.
She shook the baby, rocked.
And gently growled over the cradle:
-Bay-by, Bai-Bai,
Sleep, Dracos, fall asleep!
The mother roared like a storm in a thunderstorm.
And the son’s sleep is not in a single eye.

Drakosh:From this wild roar
The baby came from a scream.
In the middle of the night, the furious father woke up:
- When you, Dracos, will fall asleep, finally
Parents have a cradle
Lingering together they roared:
-Bay-by, Bai-Bai,
Sleep, Dracos, fall asleep!
Mother growls, and dad growls.
Dragosh screams more with fear.
The family roared so terribly -
The poor baby described.
What to do? The family council gathered.
Grandma and grandfather rushed from Asia.
And then fourteen aunts
Overlined at fourteen sip:
-Bay-by, Bai-Bai,
Sleep, Dracos, fall asleep!
The baby is yearning, the baby yells.
All Africa does not sleep for four days.
And then lull the child
The whole herd was touched:
-Bay-by, Bai-Bai,
Sleep, Dracos, fall asleep!
The throaty tale finally fell asleep.
Both mother and father sighed calmly.
But soon from a terrible snoring
Both mom and dad jumped up.
The dragon of relatives rushed back:
- Why is he snoring among the white day?
The frost is torn on the skin ... -
Then everyone yelled to the Drago:
-Ay-ah-ah, ay-ah ...
Enough, baby, sleep, get up!


Road song - "Rules for crossing the road"

In the morning, before the road,
Fifteen times in a row
Raven - Mama Strict
Taught the crow:
- Until you master
How to fly
Remember how to
Road transition:
The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
First look left
Then look to the right.
Look to the left
And look right,
And - if you do not fly to fly -
- The road is a dangerous thing! -
He taught children a mole. -
I often dig under it often
Underground crossing.
As long as you properly
You can't dig
Remember how to
You, children, act:
The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
First look left
Then look to the right.
Look to the left
And look right,
And - if you don’t know how to dig, go!

And in the grass, behind the side,
Backing on jumping ...
The grasshopper is preoccupied
He repeats to his sons:
- You cannot road
So far, jump
And road rules
Must teach:
The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
First look left
Then look to the right.
Look to the left
And look right,
And - if you do not can ride -
I have nothing more to say.
For everyone, one law -
For cats and grasshoppers,
People, Krotov, Raven:
Be very careful,
So as not to upset us!
And road rules
How to teach:
The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
First look left
Then look to the right.
Look to the left
And look right,
And - if you do not see cars -


Curious Barabara

Curious Barabara
I came to the bazaar
And she switched into all her nose:
In boots, in sour cream, in lard,
In honey, to mustard, to the turpentine ...

- What did you buy? How did you sell?
- Where was the samovar stolen?

- How many pair in Samovar?
- What is the hole in the guitar?
- What found on the sidewalk -
Three pennies or five?

Threatened in the bazaar
Tear your nose to Barbara.

- How?! - Barbara jumped up. -
Are their noses torn?
I would willingly buy
A couple of things for beauty?
And how much is your mustache?

They took the nose of Barbara here
Torn off in the bazaar.

- Ah! - Barbara with curiosity
His nose is looking at his own. -
And tell me, abroad
Good demand for noses?

- Where did you get the nose with “potatoes”?
- Today they wear a "kalach"?
- And your cat is scratched
Or knocking on a nomadic?
Where? .. When? .. why? .. how much? ..

The people ran from the bazaar.
Everyone shouts: - Get in, Barbara!

- Guard! - the people screams. -
Curious Barabara
And without a nose - the nose sticks!

Usachev's children's poems are funny

Usachev's children's poems are funny
Usachev's children's poems are funny

Usachev’s children's poems are funny:

About reading
Read terribly interesting:
You can sit, lie down
And - without leaving the place -
Eyes the book to run!
Yes Yes! Read - Walk Eyes
For a handle with mom, after - themselves.
Walking - it's a trifle,
Do not be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once, another ... and suddenly you
Read four letters in a row,
And you went, let's go -
And the first word was read!
From the word to the word - like by bumps -
Remember funny along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run, jump ... How to fly!
I know, soon on the page
You will flutter like birds!
After all, it is vast and great,
Like the sky - the world of magic books!


How many costumes does Chameleon have?
Maybe two, maybe three million.
Whatever the minute is the color changes:
And the color-violet.

His yellow suit is for the desert.
Will go to the water - dresses in blue.
Walks on a flowerbed - right a bouquet -
And the color-violet.

Then he is cherry, then he is lemon -
In general, some kind of chameleon ...
And you can’t describe the exact portrait:
And a color-finite?

Usachev’s poems are short

Usachev’s poems are short
Usachev’s poems are short

Usachev’s poems are short:

In a river

The mustachioed catfish lay at the bottom
And he launched bubbles in a dream.
And to the surface of the river,
Like on balloons,
They rode perch
And nimble sandcarics.
There was a wise old soms:
He did not let out the bubble in vain!


September 1

The summer was rushing red,
Fun and free.
The time has come cool
Courtyard and school.

A little rainy
Cold and cold,
But still happy
And very, very friendly.


Song of a bear

So nature works:
There are no honey in the nature of honey,
There are no bees without flowers -
I took into account this for a long time!

The summer does not wait long,
Eat a bee rather,
Give me from every flower
Two kilograms.

How many legs?
The chair has four legs,
Four legs at the cat
Three legs are at the stool.
The mushroom has one.
And this ... And this is great!
So, the mushroom will not jump away from me.



The beetle was asked:
- Dear beetle,
You have six legs
Or six hands,
Or maybe six stupids?

But the beetle answered angrily:
- And not six legs
And not six hands
And six great legs!

Usachev poems read, free download

Usachev poems read, free download
Usachev poems read, free download

Usachev poems read, free download:

Seven days of the week
Sorry, only seven days in a week -
Cases in bulk at Emelya:

On Monday on the stove
He wipes bricks.

Doesn't miss it on Tuesday -
He weaves an elephant muzzle.

Language threshes on Wednesday
And the bucks beats a neighbor.

After the rain on Thursday
He lets the fireworks.

Friday is a hard day:
The shadow leads to the wove.

And Saturday is not Saturday:
He has a hunt for flies.

But the seventh will come the day -
Shifting the hat on the slap ...

Because Sunday -
This is a holiday and fun:
And, lay down on the stove,
Eats Emelya Kalachi!

In general, it is difficult to live Emele ...
It would be eight days in a week -
Then he would have time
Do a lot of important things!


Soccer ball
I lived in one apartment
One sports boy,
And with him I lived in the apartment
One football ball.

Beautiful, new, leather
And all so well -groomed!

He dashingly jumped and flew
He argued with a height
And then one day - the day has come -
He decided that he was cool ...

A new ball took off like a bird
Having hit the leg,
And, having forgotten the football match,
He jumped on the road:

Beautiful, new, leather
And all so well -groomed!

He rushes along the road,
It flies almost like the wind.
The car overtakes the ball -
One, second, third ...

But the game soon ended
Fun ball,
And he fell under the wheels
Simple "Muscovite" ...

I lived in one apartment
One sports boy,
And on the side in the corner lay
One football ball:

Unhappy, old, leather
And all so baked!


So that there is no misfortune
Remember, friends,
That on the roadway
You can't play!

Usachev - a verse about the war

Usachev - a verse about the war
Usachev - a verse about the war

Usachev - a verse about the war:

"What is Victory Day"
What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and rockets are traveling,
Marking the system of soldiers.
What is Victory Day?
This is a festive salute:
The fireworks take off into the sky,
Scattering here and here.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations
This is grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day -
This means there is no war.

Usachev - a table of multiplication in verses

Usachev - a table of multiplication in verses
Usachev - a table of multiplication in verses

Usachev - a table of multiplication in verses:

What is multiplication?
This is a smart addition.
After all, it is smarter to multiply once
Than to compose all an hour.

Multiplication table
All of us in life is useful.
And not without reason it is named
With multiplication she is!


1x1 \u003d 1
One penguin walked in the middle of the ice.
Lonation alone is one.


1x2 \u003d 2
There is safety in numbers.
Two loners - two.


2x2 \u003d 4
Two athletes took weights.
This: twice two - four.


2x3 \u003d 6
The rooster sat down to dawn
To a high pole:
- Cuckare! .. twice three,
Twice three - six!


2x4 \u003d 8
A pair of forks pierced the pie:
Two to four - eight holes.


2x5 \u003d 10
Two elephants decided to weigh:
Twice five - we get ten.
That is, every elephant weighs
About five tons.


2x6 \u003d 12
I met crab cancer:
Twice six - twelve paws.


2x7 \u003d 14
Twice seven mice -
Fourteen ears!


2x8 \u003d 16
The octopuses went to swim:
Twice eight legs - sixteen.


2x9 \u003d 18
Have you seen such a miracle?
Two humps on the back of the camel.
Nine camels began to be considered:
Twice nine humps -


2x10 \u003d 20
Twice ten - two dozen!
Twenty, if we say briefly.


3x3 \u003d 9
Three bugs drank coffee
And they broke three cups.
What is broken, then not to glue ...
Three times three - nine comes out.


3x4 \u003d 12
All day he repeats in the apartment
- Three multiply by four,
Three multiply by four,
Three multiply by four ...
Twelve months a year.


3x5 \u003d 15
The schoolboy began to write in a notebook:
How much will be "three times"?
He was terribly neat:
Three times five to fifteen stains!


3x6 \u003d 18
3x7 \u003d 21
Foma pancakes became:
Eighteen - three times six.
Three times seven - twenty -one:
A hot pancake on the nose.


3x8 \u003d 24
The mice of holes in cheese talked:
Three times eight - twenty -four.


3x9 \u003d 27
Three times nine to twenty -seven.
This must be remembered by everyone.


3x10 \u003d 30
Three maidens by the window
They dress up secretly.
The rings measured the girls:
Three times ten - there will be thirty.


4x4 \u003d 16
Four lovely pigs
Dance without boots:
Four times four -
Sixteen bare legs.


4x5 \u003d 20
Four scientists of the monkey
Books leaf through his feet ...
On each leg - five fingers:
Five times five to twenty.


4x6 \u003d 24
I went to the Potato-in-Mundier parade:
Four times six - twenty -four!


4x7 \u003d 28
Chickens are counted under the fall:
Four times seven - twenty eight!


4x8 \u003d 32
4x9 \u003d 36
Baba Yaga broke a stup
Four times eight - thirty -two teeth!
She has nothing to have a beige of Zhubov:
- Four times nine - thirty Shesht!


4x10 \u003d 40
Forty forty walked
Found a cottage cheese.
And divide into parts of cottage cheese:
Four times ten - forty.


5x5 \u003d 25
5x6 \u003d 30
The hares went for a walk:
Five -five to twenty -five.
The fox ran into the forest:
Five six - thirty comes out.


5x7 \u003d 35
Five bears from the den
We walked through the forest without a road -
For seven miles, Kisel is sipping:
Five seven - thirty -five!


5x8 \u003d 40
Climb a centipede
Difficult on the hillock:
The legs are tired -
Five eight - forty.


5x8 \u003d 40
5x9 \u003d 45
The guns stood on the hillock:
Five -eight - forty came out.
The guns began to shoot:
Five -nine - forty -five.


5x9 \u003d 45
If you hide the cabbage soup:
Five -nine - forty -five ...
There will be this bast shoe
You can drip your trousers!


5x10 \u003d 50
They dug a bed of zucchini
Five dozen heels.
And the tails of the piglets:
Five ten to fifty!


6x6 \u003d 36
Six old women spun wool:
Six six to thirty -six.


6x6 \u003d 36
6x7 \u003d 42
Six networks of six ruffs -
This is thirty -six.
And I got into the network of roach:
Six seven - forty -two.


6x8 \u003d 48
6x9 \u003d 54
The hippos of the rolls are asked:
Six eight - forty -eight ...
We do not feel sorry for the rolls.
Open your mouth wider:
Six nine will be -
Fifty four.


6x10 \u003d 60
Six geese lead the goslings:
Six ten to sixty.


7x7 \u003d 49
Fools do not reap, do not sow.
They themselves are born:
Family seven - forty -nine ...
Let them not be offended!


7x8 \u003d 56
Since the deer asked the moose:
- How much will the family eight?
The moose did not go into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!


7x9 \u003d 63
The seven nesting dolls
The whole family is inside:
Family nine crumbs -
Sixty three.


7x10 \u003d 70
They teach seven foxes at school -
The family is ten to seventy!


8x8 \u003d 64
Vacuuming with his nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight per eight -
Sixty four.


8x9 \u003d 72
Eight bears chopped firewood.
Eight nine to seventy -two.


8x10 \u003d 80
The best account in the world
It comes on the New Year ...
In eight rows, toys hang:
Eight ten to eighty!


9x9 \u003d 81
The pig pig pigs decided to check:
- How much will it turn out nine for nine?
- Eighty- Odin- one! -
So the young lead answered.


9x10 \u003d 90
Cooline is small, and the nose is:
Nine ten - ninety.


10x10 \u003d 100
There are a dozen mole in the meadow
Each digs ten beds.
And for ten ten - one hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

Usachev - verses "ABC of Santa Claus"

Usachev - Poems of the ABC of Santa Claus
Usachev - verses "ABC of Santa Claus"

Usachev - Poems "The ABC of Santa Claus":

Made frost
New Year's miracle:
Aquarium winter
From our pond.


Made frost
New Year's miracle:
Aquarium winter
From our pond!
One overnight one
Glanced him with ice ...
It's a pity that the fish
Apparently, with difficulty!

Iceberg floats on the sea,
Like a huge steamer
Or a hundred -story house,
All covered with ice.
Having met his ships
Score where:
This is ah ... this is ah ...
This is an iceberg! Sow!


Squirrel jumps on branches.
Squirrel jumps on the ground ...
Squirrel jumps to small children,
And the shafts are sleeping in the hollow.

Like big
White lamb,
Rushes above the ground
Enraged Buran:
Vortices rush from under the hooves
And snow hair flies with a hurricane.


Winter storm
A blizzard curls behind a drill,
Like a faithful girlfriend.
And behind her the blizzard is circling,
And behind her, the snowstorm is purging.

Walrenes and mittens
Warm boots full of snow,
Mittens full of snow ...
This is what happens if in a snowdrift
You jump boldly from the run.


Fun Egorke
Rush on a sled from a hill.
And it goes to the hill itself,
And the sled - for the background.

Holly! Holly!
Neither back nor forward!
Neither in the car nor on foot!
The janitor rushes behind the sand ...
Fuck! Babah!
There was a thunder -
The janitor crashed with a bucket!


Santa Claus
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You probably froze:
I walked around the city,
Frozen the beard ...
Put your nose on the battery.
I'll warm you now!


Hedine New Year
That's the trouble! On New Year's Eve!
The hedgehog hit the ice.
Mom to the poor hedgehog
Brought soon the green ...
And now, in green, hedgehog
It looks like a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree
I chose dad a Christmas tree
The most fluffy.
The most fluffy
The most fragrant ...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom gasped right away!


More looks like a snowflake
Look at the picture:
"F" looks like a snowflake.
Here, and here is another -
"F" flutter by the window ...
The letters in the air are spinning,
They go to my palm.
Here are three more letters "g" ...
No, melted already!

Our bug barks loudly.
But she is not angry at all.
If guests come to the house,
Bugs bug not with anger
And it wags a tail for nothing -
Happy New Year, congratulates!

The hare is cold in winter.
My bunny freezes.
- Hare, hare! Where is your home?
-For-and-out ... behind the bush!

Paws are scorched
The breast is freezing ...
In general, chill
The finch is creepy.
And hoarfrost
Frost broke out
And the earth covered the land:
Pink - in the morning,
And in the evening - blue!

The hedgehog decided to study yoga:
He sat crossing his legs.
He even slept on his back
To become a yoga by spring.
The hedgehog on yoga became like -
And now the yozh is called!

Only gets stronger
The first ice
Artist Molbertov
Running to the rink.
Swift ice
Skates cut ...
Draws an artist
The landscape by the river:
Draws a village
Draws bridges,
Displays roads,
Trees, bushes.
Draws snowdrifts
Draws a stack ... draws
Until the leg gets tired.

The skier rode the ravines,
The skier rode the snowdrifts,
The skier rode along the way ...
And I ran into the cobblestone!
This is in the summer - water.
And in winter - icy.

How the bear sleeps
On New Year?
What is the bear dreaming?
Fresh honey.
Then he is one paw
Put it in the mouth
Then another paw
Licks the elasticity.
From the den is heard
Loud snoring…
It is a pity that Mishka has few paws.

New Year
New Year flies from the sky?
Or is it from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year crawl out?
He probably lived a snowflake
On some star
Or hid a fluff
Frost in the beard ...
Maybe he got into the refrigerator,
Or to the squirrel in the hollow,
Or in an old alarm clock
Did he climb under the glass?
But there is always a miracle:
At twelve hours it beats -
And where is it from

New Year comes to us!

There are different windows:
Square, oval ...
And I have in the room
The window is drawn.
Album for drawing
Now I don't need
After all, I am my breath
I draw on the window.
Well, how great
Invented by frost
I want - I draw a finger, I
I want - I draw with my nose.
Here are the sparrows,
Drawings seeing mine:
- Who is breathing there?
- What does he write?

The staff of Santa Claus
Walking through the forest in winter,
Frost will raise a staff -
And the snow will hang with fringe
On pine trees and birches.
The old grandfather wanders along the river.
Quietly hit the staff:
And - again a miracle - by water
It will pass as if a dish.
Santa Claus will come to the holiday
And wave the staff -
And millions of bright stars
They will light up in the New Year!


Who will tell me: where are the crawls winter?
- Maybe in the den,
Maybe in a ravine,
Maybe on a birch
Or on a pine tree
And they fall from there in a dream? ..
Who will tell me: where are the crawls winter?
- Crayfish climb
In Konura to the dog.
Or take up under the bed -
It’s nice to winter in the dark!
Who will tell me: where are the crawls winter?
- Maybe in China,
Maybe in Iraq,
Our crayfish
Fly in the fall to the south ...
- These are enemies! These are enemies!

Crayfish shouted together. -
We winter under the ice
There we have a house in the river!
If anyone does not believe us ...
By the river, in the darkness,
We will show all liar where crayfish winter!


Hedgehog looks at snowflakes:
“This,” he thinks.
White, thorny, and at that - flying.
Spider on a spider web
He also looks at snowflakes:
- Look what bold
These flies are white!
The hare looks at the snowflakes:
- These are hare fluffs ...
It can be seen that the zeal is all in the fluff -
It scratches the fur coat upstairs.
The boy looks at the snowflakes:
- These may be mixtures?
He will not understand why
A lot of fun to him.

The icicle melts:
- Bulk and Bulk ... -
The icicles remained from her.
"February in the forest,
Not July! " -
Thought in horror
- Ay! Guard!
Well, where is the frost?! -
The vessel screams. - Save!

Lies a seal,
Lies all day
Lies on an ice floe lazy ...
And so all day
Lies a seal,
Lies to himself.
There is a bear
The deer runs
An owl flies like a mill ...
But like a dumplings
Lies a seal,
Lies to himself.
Behind the sun - a shadow
During the night - day ...
What will change in life?
So the seal lies.
Lies the seal - it is sealing.

Wave their ears -
Climb into the sky
They want the kids!
Children are delighted
They closed their eyes.
But grandmothers to them

They tied the ties!
Why is Kuzma a cold?
I ate five icicles for dinner.
He would eat the sixth,
Outwardly - got sick!

This month is shorter:
Then he prophesies flowering,
Then she suffers with frosts
Then the spring promises us ...
All deceives the enemy -
Changeable February!

The whole refrigerator has freezed:
He has frost inside.
In the freezer, snow lies,
Here he is, poor, and trembles!
But dad cured him - the refrigerator turned it off!

"C" at the end
There are no winter words on the "c".
But there are words with "c" at the end:
Skate, jelly ...
Who will continue - well done!

The house at the turtle -
Poorly insulated.
Cold is poor
In it in winter, a jelly.
If in this house
Make a stove with a pipe
He would become real he
Russian hut.
There is not enough felt boots
Warm on the legs.
To make the house small
Could wander in the snow.

Fur coat
A fur coat walked around the yard.
There was winter in the yard.
It looked stupid ...
Since the fur coat went itself.
The fur coat was walking like that
And the hem of the snow chalk -
Whether I just walked like that
Either left home.
But the fur coat was walking herself
Independently and bold ...
that means Lyuba again
I put on my mother’s fur coat.


On the porch from the snowball, I blinded my friend.
Very cute, very white
On the porch, the puppy lay.
And then he made a puddle ...
And, probably, he ran away.

Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
Emelya went for water for the hole.
He scooped up water, and to him -
That's how a thing! -
I got into a bucket of magic pike!
And my dad is fishing all the weekend,
With mormyshka, with top dressing, -
But there is no good luck!
Then perch will come across to him, then bream ...
Luck is still a strange thing!

Snow alphabet
We bought the alphabet with this winter
And with the grandmother the letters from the snow were sculpted:
For a month we blinded the whole alphabet ...
Look, what a wonderful look!
But the tail thawed at a solid sign.
A soft dog accidentally broke!

Our Sanka has -
Great sleds:
On them on ravines
He rushed like in a tank.
And the sled after him
They fled on the rope
Bathed in snowdrifts
And they moved from the hill.
But the sun was warmed.
The hill melted ...
And to the sled now
Lonely and bitter.

We went skiing to the forest.
Suddenly from forest thickets
Either goblin, or owl
I just froze out of fear.
Well, dad told me:
- This is the beast - nakhtiosaurus,

The rarest dinosaur.

There is no need to eat -
Melting behind a cheek itself!

In the icy dwelling needle
You can live in any frost.
And Viglu Miglu lives in it-
Wiglu-miglu, Eskimo.
He cut down from Toros
Ice bricks.
And in the dwelling of Eskimos
It is hot, as if on a stove.
He smokes a slowly pipe
Smoke letting through the nose ...
Not afraid of a snowstorm
Wiglu-miglu, Eskimo.

In the north of Dalnoye,
In the edge of eternal blizzards,
Just imagine
There is also your south.
And south of the pole,
On the shore, walruses, sunbathing,
Lying in the snow.
And the walrus speaks
A tired girlfriend:
-Not bad, but still
Hot in the south.
And that, Relekhov,
Answers with difficulty:
-Get a bottle of cola
With ice!


Apples in January
- Apples on the apple tree!
In January! Look!
- What are these apples?
These are bullfinches!

Poems by Andrei Usachev "My geographical discoveries"

Poems by Andrei Usachev my geographical discoveries
Poems by Andrei Usachev "My geographical discoveries"

Poems by Andrei Usachev "My geographical discoveries":

My geographical discoveries: Japanese calendar

There is a Japanese belief
A fairy tale, in other words ...
The animals gathered once
Choose a king.
Gathered on New Year's Eve
A horse, a tiger, a mouse and a cat.
Bull, dragon, goat, pig,
Monkey and snake,
Both the dog and the rooster -
They rushed to the whole spirit.

They began to howl, meow, bark.
Dispute and screams to dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to get into kings.
Flapped on New Year's Eve
Horse, tiger, mouse and cat,
Bull, dragon, goat, pig,
Monkey and snake,
Both the dog and the rooster -
Wool flies and fluff!
But from heaven to this strictly
The Japanese god looked.
And he said: “It's time, by golly,
Stop the commotion!
Will be rule every year
Horse, tiger, mouse and cat,
Bull, dragon, goat, pig,
Monkey and snake,
Both the dog and the rooster -
Everyone is on its turn! "

And went to reign in a circle
Observing the calendar,
Animals, birds - all to each other
Friend, comrade, brother and king.
Got into a friendly round dance
Horse, tiger, mouse and cat,
Bull, dragon, goat, pig,
Monkey and snake,
Both the dog and the rooster -
We got into a common circle!


My geographical discoveries: discovery of America

Three brave cockroaches
We went on a campaign:
Seas and oceans
They crossed.
Crawled through the collapses,
Through the tundra and snow.
Where I didn't go
Still a draw of the leg

Three travelers went
To the unknown shore.
And at dawn they suddenly found ...
Hooray! Found America!
Great event -
America discovery! -
Friends jumped:
- We are the discoverers! -
Odin said: - Purpose
Teachers lie to us ...
Now I know for sure:
Square - Earth!
The other nodded: - Like a cabinet!
The third exclaimed: - Yes!
And their columbus
There is no trace ...
Then the students entered the classroom.
The desks rumbled ...
And conquerors of the Earth
They flew in an instant from the card.

Usachev - "buzzing poems"

Usachev - buzzing poems
Usachev - "buzzing poems"

Usachev - "buzzing poems":

I met a hedgehog in the forest.
The hedgehog lay in the forest of the buzz.

I asked a hedgehog: - Tell me,
Why are you so buzzing?

Yezh said: - I'm not buzzing,
After dinner I am lying.
I ate a terrible for dinner,
Maybe he lies buzzing.

I said the Uzhu: - Tell me,
Why are you so buzzing?

Already in response: - I do not buzz,
After dinner I am lying.
I ate a toad at the swamp
Maybe she’s hunting.

- I shout to the toad: - Tell me,
Why are you so buzzing?

The toad croaked the elabox:
- And I am not at all buzzing.
I swallowed a beetle
The beetle is for sure.

Everyone shouts to the beetle: - Tell me,
Why are you so buzzing?

“Well, buzz,” the beetle answered. -
I expect a normal gum ...
I am always when I lie
After dinner, buzzing!

Usachev's verse "Snail"

Steam Usachev Snail
Usachev's verse "Snail"

Usachev's verse "Snail":

The rain poured from a bucket.
I opened the gate
And I saw in the middle of the yard
Stupid snail.

I tell her: - Look,
You will wet in a puddle.
And she is from the inside:
- It's outside ...

And inside me is spring
The day is wonderful! -
She answered me
From the shells cramped.

I say: - Gloom everywhere,
Do not escape from the cold!
And she answered: - A trifle.
This is outside ...

And inside me is comfort:
Roses bloom,
Birds are marvelous
And dragonflies shine!

- Well, sit with yourself! -
I said with a smile.
And said goodbye to the funny
A stupid snail.

The rain ended a long time ago.
The sun is half a world ...
And it is dark inside me
Cold and wet.

"What is summer?" - The verse of Usachev

What is summer? - The verse of Usachev
"What is summer?" - The verse of Usachev

"What is summer?" - Veck Usachev:

- What is summer?
Isn't it winter?
- An amazing question!
I hope you are not seriously?
- What is summer?
Is this not spring?
- Well, how funny are you -
Summer was confused with the spring!

- What is summer?
Maybe this is autumn?
- It's not even funny
Look out the window ...

Summer is
A holiday full of light.
The whole earth is warm with warmth,
Everything is dressed in a colored outfit.

These are rainbows with rains,
These are berries with mushrooms,
These are songs before dawn
And the fun of the fire ...

What is summer?
This is the best time in life!


The rain poured from a bucket.
I opened the gate
And I saw in the middle of the yard
Stupid snail.

I tell her: - Look!
You will wet in a puddle ...
And she is from the inside:
This is outside!

And inside me is spring
The day is wonderful! -
She answered me
From the shells cramped.

I say: - Gloom everywhere ...
Do not escape from the cold!
And she answered: - A trifle.
This is outside!

And inside me is comfort:
Roses bloom,
Birds are marvelous
And dragonflies shine!

Well, sit with yourself! -
I said with a smile
And said goodbye to the funny
A stupid snail ...

The rain ended a long time ago.
The sun is half a world ...
And it is dark inside me
Cold and wet.

Andrey Usachev - a verse "The terrible story"

Andrey Usachev - a terrible story
Andrey Usachev - a verse "The terrible story"

Andrey Usachev - a verse "The terrible story":

Everyone is afraid in our class
Hear the stories of Vasya.

How to wave his hands,
So will be included in such ecstasy
What is from Vaska with bruises
The whole class scatters.

He is during the change
He began to tell yesterday
How crossed the scientist genes
Dead man and mosquito:

- the old woman walked along the way.
Then the vampire crept up - since ...
(Vaska drove into my ear,
And Smirnova Lenka - in the eye!)

- What was happening next - horror ...
(He grabbed Mishka in the chest!)

- And then he dumped into the grave,
And then pour over the throat ...
And with a club - on the back of the head ...
(Here we rushed to run!)

And the narrator rushes after:
- Further, listen, joke.
The grandfather dragged to her grandfather,
Grandfather grabbed a huge stake ...

If he grabbed the pointer,
Oh, we would have had to be tight ...
But tied it tightly to Vaska
Hands and legs.

Checked in a whole class -
Do not untie for anything:
- Now try, Vasya,
All first tell!

Usachev "Clotted Bear" - verse

Usachev Bear clubfoot - verse
Usachev "Clotted Bear" - verse

Usachev "Clot Mishka" - a verse:

Bear is clubfoot
Walks through the forest
Collects cones,
Sings songs.

Suddenly, the bump fell.
Right to the bear in the forehead ...
Mishka stumbled
And about the ground - clap!

Whistled on a branch
Mockingbird Drozd:
- Bear is clubfoot
Standing on the tail!

And after him after him
Five Zauchat:
- Bear clubfoot! -
They scream from the bushes.

He praised the teaser
The whole forest people.
- Bear is clubfoot
Walks through the forest! ..

He rushed to the den
A little bear:
- What are such legs -
Better to die!

He hid behind the cabinet
And roars roar:
- Bear with a clubfoot
All me tease!

Mom was surprised:
- Stupid son,
I was always proud
The shape of your legs.
I'm Kosolapa,
And dad Kosolap,
Cliped gloriously
And grandfather Potap!

Bear is clubfoot
He became terribly proud.
Washed with soap paws,
I ate a honey cake.

He left the den
And how it will be:
- Bear is clubfoot
Walks through the forest!

Usachev verse "God's cow"

Verse of Usachev God's cow
Usachev verse "God's cow"

Usachev’s verse "God's cow":

Walking outside the city of God's cow,
On the branches of the blades of grass climbed deftly,
I watched the clouds float in the sky ...
And suddenly a big hand fell.
And peacefully walking God's cow
I put it in a matchbox.
The cow was terribly angry at first,
Mumbled and pounded into the walls of the box ...
But in vain! Forgot about her in the box,
Closed the cow in the closet, in a jacket.
Ah, as the poor thing was yearning for in the box!
She dreamed of a lawn, and clover and porridge ...
Really in captivity to stay forever?!
The cow decided to prepare an escape.

Three days and three nights she was torn to the goal.
And then, finally, gets out of the crack ...
But where are the trees, flowers, clouds?
The cow fell into the jacket pocket.
However, she, without losing hope,
Runes from stuffy clothes:
There is the sun, and the wind, and the smells of herbs ...
But instead of freedom, I saw a closet!
The sad and terribly God's cow.
Again she is in a dark desert box.
Suddenly sees: at the top where the key is inserted,
A beam breaks through the click into the closet!
Rather, to free rein! The cow is brave
I squeeze my eyes, storm the keyhole ...
And again she was in a dull box
With a huge chandelier on the ceiling.
However, the cow is extremely stubborn:
I found where the frame was slammed loosely ...
And now she gets out of the window -
Hooray! Finally, she is free!

And again on the familiar lawn Bukashka.
Under her, as before, the porridge swaying,
The clouds are floating over it ...
But he looks at the world carefully cow:
What if this is also a big box,
Where is the sun and the sky inside the box?

Video: Andrey Usachev. Singing fish. Collection of poems for children

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