Poems for children for a reader contest - touching, humorous, funny, Orthodox: Best selection

Poems for children for a reader contest - touching, humorous, funny, Orthodox: Best selection

If your child in the near future will participate in the competition of readers of poems, and you do not know what verse to choose an interesting event for this, then read the information in our article. In it you will find many verses for children for a competition of readers - funny, short, long, different authors.

Poems for children for a reader contest - the best selection

Poems for children for a reader contest - the best selection
Poems for children for a reader contest - the best selection

Poems for children for a reader contest - the best selection:

In Africa, Zebra read the newspaper.
In Africa, the zebra fainted.
Black and white in this newspaper
It was written as if in the world
Where the nasorog's leg did not step,
Poor zebras lie on the roads.
People walk along the zebra in boots,
Varnish shoes and sandals,
In dirty boots, sneakers and sneakers,
Go on zebram on bicycles,
Katyat on rollers and scooters,
We are building soldiers marching on them,
The cats and dogs roam at zebram - -
Everyone obeys a terrible sign:
“Cross the road to pedestrians -
Strictly on zebram, strictly at zebram! ”
In Africa, Zebra read the newspaper.
In Africa, the zebra fainted.
They just did not know, to regret
Rules of road movement.

Three guys on the alley
Playing as if football
They drove a roll back and forth
And they scored her goal.

A unfamiliar uncle walked by
He stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He extended his hand to that mace.

Then, having frowned angrily,
He blew off her dust for a long time
And suddenly calm and open
He kissed her with all.

- Who are you? - the children asked,
Forgetting about football for a while.
- I'm a baker! - The man answered
And he slowly left with a bun.

And this word smelled of bread
And that special warmth,
Which is poured under the sky
The sea of \u200b\u200bwheat gold.

Poems for children of preschool children for a reader contest

Poems for children of preschool children for a reader contest
Poems for children of preschool children for a reader contest

Poems for children of preschool children for a reader contest:


My mother and I are friends!
Where is my mother - there and me!
If I cook soup, I help:
I disassemble cups and pots.

Mom washes the floor - I'm next to her,
I pour it stronger on the floor.
If in the house of washing - I do not shy
I pour powder and do not regret.

Well, if mom is on the Internet
Here I need everyone on the planet!
I help mom a lot:
I press the buttons with diligence!

Mom looks at me. Sighs.
All clear. Apparently approves!
These are with mom we are friends:
Where is mom - of course I'm there!

Touch her inadvertently -
Immediately: - Guard!
Olga Nikolaevna,
He pushed me!

Oh, I pricked! -
Sonin's voice is heard.
Something in the eye hit me
I will complain about you!

At home, complaints again:
- My head hurts…
I would lie down -
Mom does not tell.

The boys conspired:
- We will open an account
Let's count the complaints -
How much will it be a year?
Sonya was scared
And sits quietly.

Blue skirt,
Ribbon in a spit.
Who does not know Lyubochka?
Everyone knows Lyuba.

Girls at the holiday
Gather in a circle.
How dancing Lyubochka!
Best of all friends.

The skirt is spinning
And ribbon in the spit,
Everyone looks at Lyubochka
Everyone is happy.

But if to this love
You will come to the house
There you are this girl
You will find out with difficulty.

She screams from the threshold
Announces on the go:
- I have many lessons,
I won’t go for bread!

Lyubochka rides in a tram -
She does not take a ticket.
Spreading all the elbows,
Makes forward.

She says, pushing:
- Ugh! What a cramped! -
She says to the old woman:
- These are children's places.
“Well, sit down,” that sighs.

Blue skirt,
Ribbon in a spit.
That's what Lyubochka
In all its glory.

It happens that girls
Are very rude,
Although optional
They are called Lyuba.

Spring count of Alice

Hands are not freezing anymore
I'm going to the kindergarten with my mother
I'm not bored today,
I came up with the game.

The snow was almost completely melted,
The color of the sky is blue
I will count today
Everything related to spring.

Once - smiles became wider,
Two - a ray of sun on the face,
Puddles - three, grass - four,
Five - icicles on the porch.

And I hope that nevertheless
At least the task is not simple,
If mom helps me
I will read to a hundred!


The cook prepared lunch
And then they turned off the light.
The cook takes the bream
And lowers into compote.
Throws the logs into the boiler,
Put jam in the stove,
The soup interferes with a nomad.
The coals beats a cook,
Sugar sprinkles into the broth,
And he is very pleased.
That was the vinaigrette
When the light was repaired!

We had kittens - we had kittens -
There are exactly five of them.
We decided, we wondered:
How can we call kittens?
Finally we called them:
Once - the kitten is the most white,
Two - the kitten is the most courageous,
Three - the kitten is the most intelligent,
And four are the most noisy.
Five - similar to three and two -
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
We have good kittens -
Come to us guys,
View and count.

Dialogue verses for children for a reader contest

Dialogue verses for children for a reader contest
Dialogue verses for children for a reader contest

Poems-dialogues for children for a reader contest:

I carried home
Fucking sweets.
And then I will meet me withspeak.
I took off the beret:
- O! Hello!
What are you carrying?
- Fucking sweets.
- How - sweets?
- So - sweets.
- And the compote?
- There is no compote.
- There is no compote
And it is not necessary…
And they are from chocolate?
- Yes, they are from chocolate.
- Good,
I am very happy.
I love chocolate.
Give me candy.
- On the candy.
- And that, and that, and this ...
The beauty! Tasty!
But this one, but that ...
No more?
- No more.
- Well hello.
- Well hello.
- Well hello.
- Where is the apple, Andryusha?
- Apple? I have eaten for a long time.
“You didn’t wash it, it seems.”
- I cleared the skin from him!
- Well done you became what!
- I have been like this for a long time.
- Where is the cleaning of affairs?
- Ah ... cleaning ... also ate.

The hedgehog cries in three streams:

- Oh, why am I a thorny?
Ugly thorns!
Because of them no one
He does not take on pens!

- Sing, great!
- Hello, Vova!
- How are your lessons?
- Not ready…
You see, a harmful cat
Does not give!Just sat at the table
I hear: "Meow ..." -
“What came?
Leave! - I shout to the cat. -
I am not so unbearable!
You see, I am busy with science,
So do not shine and do not meow! "
He then climbed into a chair
I pretended to fall asleep.
Well, deftly pretended -
After all, it seems to be sleeping! -

But you can't deceive me ...
“Ah, are you sleeping? Now you will get up!
You are smart, and I'm smart! "Since his tail!
- And he?
- He scratched my hands,
The tablecloth pulled off the table,
He spilled all the ink on the floor,
All the notebooks
And he slipped into the window!

I am ready to forgive the cat,
I pity them, cats.
But why do they say
As if I am to blame?
I said openly to my mother:
“It's just slander!
You tried it yourself
Keep the cat's tail! "

Once autumn sometimes
On the forest path
Walked the bear to his home
In a warm fur coat fur
He walked, walked to his den
On a country road
And walking over the bridge,
The fox step on the tail.
The fox raised a scream,
The dark forest rustled
And the bear with fright instantly
He climbed a big pine.
A cheerful woodpecker on the pine tree
Squirrel House Konopatil
And said: you, bear,
I must look at the feet.
Since then, the bear decided
That in winter you have to sleep
Do not walk on the paths
Do not step on the tails.
And in the winter serene
The bear is sleeping under the snow roof.
And I'm not happy,
Who was born without a tail!
-Fhedul, what pouted to the lips?
-Catan burned.
-And to sew up.
-There is no needle.
-And a great hole?
-One gate remained.

Poems about children for a reader contest - words

Poems about children for a reader contest - words
Poems about children for a reader contest - words

Poems about children for a reader contest - words:


There are quiet children. Dozing on the shoulder
The affectionate mother is sweet and during the day.
Their weak handles are not torn to the candle, -
They do not play with fire.

There are children - like sparks: the flame is akin to them.
They are taught in vain: "After all, it is burning, do not touch!"
They are wayward (after all, they are sparks!)
And boldly grab the fire.

There are strange children: they have audacity and fear.
Cross slowly overshadowing itself,
Suitable, do not dare, turn pale in tears
And crying run from the fire.


There were cones on the forehead
Under the eye - lanterns.
Well, if we are boys
Then we are heroes.

Scratches. Severns.
Only iodine is terrible for us!
(Here, not embarrassed, tears
The commander himself pours.)

Let the head in green
And in the plasters, the leg,
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, in the patrol!
From those battles of the scars
Still remained.

If I was a girlfriend

If I was a girl -
I would not lose time!
I would not jump on the street,
I would have shirts

I would wash the floor in the kitchen
I would have lost my room in the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I myself would clean the potatoes

All your toys yourself
I would put up the places!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother like that!

Mom would immediately say:
"Well done you, son!"

Touching poems for children for a reader competition

Touching poems for children for a reader competition
Touching poems for children for a reader competition

Touching poems for children for a reader contest:


I always trust my grandfather's secrets.
How I dream of a quick rocket!
And so I waited. I waited, URA-Ah !!
Grandfather gave me a rocket yesterday.
I am very pleased, and grandfather is glad.
In the morning, with a gift, we rushed to the garden.
How high the rocket has taken off!
I hug my beloved grandfather.
And his eyes shone.
The rocket has been playing for half an hour !!
And I stand at the bench and roar.
Tears are dripping right into the grass.
And yet, I love my grandfather very much.
Let him play. I will suffer!


Among other playing children
She resembles a frog.
A thin shirt was tucked into panties,
Red red curls
Scattered, mouth is long, teeth crooked,
Facial features are sharp and ugly.
Two boys, her peers,
Fathers bought a bicycle.
Today boys, slowly for dinner,
Drive around the yard, forgetting about her,
She runs after them along the trail.
Alien joy is the same as your own
Tomists it and is eager out of the heart,
And the girl rejoices and laughs,
Covered by the happiness of being.

Mom is the best friend!
Everyone knows it.
If we are completely unbearable,
Mom can help us.
We will get sick - mom is nearby,
Moms know what we need.
We will cry - can they be drilled,
Mom loves us very much!
Even the most faithful friend
Maybe we can offend us suddenly
Only mothers are our troubles
They can turn into victories.
That's why friends,
Mom cannot be loved,
Even the best friend
He will not replace mom - friend.

Modern poems for children for a reader competition

Modern poems for children for a reader competition
Modern poems for children for a reader competition

Modern poems for children for a reader contest:

The snow -covered bumps,
Under a white cap, snow,
We found a blue flower,
Half -frozen, a little alive.
Probably hotly baked
Today is the sun in the morning.
The flower under the snow became stuffy,
And he thought it was time
And I got out ... but all around is quiet,
There are no neighbors, he is the first here.
He was seen by a hare.
I sniffed, wanted to eat.
Then, probably, she regretted:
You are painfully thin, my friend!
And suddenly fluffy, white went
Cold March Snowball.
He fell, brought the paths ...
Winter again, not spring,
And from a flower on a long leg
As soon as the hat is visible.
And he, from the cold of blue.
The head is weak,
Said: “I will die, but I do not regret:
After all, spring began with me! "

On Arbat, in the store,
Outside the window is a garden.
Blue pigeon flies there,
Bullfins whistle in the garden.
I am one such bird
Behind the glass I saw in the window,
I saw such a bird
That now I can’t sleep.
Bright pink breast,
Two shiny wings ...
I could not for a moment
Turn off the glass.
Because of this very bird
I roared for four days.
I thought my mother would agree -
I will have a bird.
But mom has a habit
It is always not the answer:
I tell her about the bird
And she is about my coat.
What's in pockets in a hole,
What am I fighting in the yard
What is why I should
To forget about the bullfinch.
I followed my mother
He was waiting for her at the door
I am deliberately at dinner
He talked about bullfinches.
It was dry, but galoshes
I obediently put on
Before that I was good -
He did not recognize himself.
I hardly argued with my grandfather,
Did not turn out at dinner,
I "thank you" said
I thanked everyone for everything.
It was difficult to live in the world
And, in truth,
I endured these torment
Just for the sake of the bullfinch.
How I tried!
I did not fight with the girls.
As I see a girl,
I will pursue her with a fist
And soon I go aside,
As if I'm unfamiliar with her.
Mom was very surprised:
- What's the matter with you, tell me for mercy?
Maybe you are sick with us -
You did not fight on the weekend!
And I answered with longing:
“I'm always like that now.”
I sought stubbornly
I tinned on it for nothing.
“Miracles,” said mom
And I bought a bullfinch.
I brought him home.
Finally now he is mine!
I shouted to the whole apartment:
- My bullfinch is alive!
I will admire them
He will sing at dawn ...
Maybe you can fight again
Tomorrow morning in the yard?

Poems for a competition for children of readers are interesting

Poems for a competition for children of readers are interesting
Poems for a competition for children of readers are interesting

Poems for a competition for children of readers are interesting:

Tanya has a lot of things
Tanya has a lot of things:
In the morning she helped her brother, -
He ate sweets in the morning.

Here's how much to deal with Tanya:
Tanya ate, saw tea,
Sat down, sat with her mother,
I got up, went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she said to my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I will help you tomorrow.

Game in the herd

We played a herd yesterday,
And we had to growl.
We growled and mumbled
Lucky barking
They did not hear the comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said strictly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see such for the first time.

We told her in response:
- There are no children here!
We are not Peti and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.

And always dogs are barking
Do not understand your words.
And the cows always mumble
Driving flies.

And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are a cow,
I then - a shepherd.
I ask you to keep in mind:
I lead the cows home.

The mischievous man started with us.
The whole family grieves.
In the apartment from its leprosy
Literally there is no life!
No one is familiar with him,
But everyone knows the same
What is always to blame for everything
Only he is one - no one!
Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,
I found sweets there
And all the papers from sweets
Who threw under the table?
Who painted on the wallpaper?
Who tore the coat?
Who pushed his nose into my father's nose?
Nobody, no one!
- No one is a terrible broken!
The mother said strictly. -
It should finally owe it
Approximately punish!
No one will go today
Neither visit, nor in the cinema!
Are you laughing?
And my sister and I
Not a bit funny!

About the puddle
A puddle was lying in the courtyard
Reflecting the clouds.
I really liked that puddle
Warm the sides on the asphalt.
After an angry winter cold
Just happiness - these puddles,
So beautiful that in the spring,
So many marvelous puddles!
You can jump straight into a puddle,
Even if in a pile of a hole,
And with eyes closed
Jump backwards!
And mom laughs in the window,
But I jump stubbornly.
And my mother threatens my finger,
And he calls me home.
I prepared dinner for me:
- You need tea with raspberries,
Maybe you are a cold with us
Who did you look like? -
And, sighing, she said: “God!
I would be a little younger for me
I would get into a puddle too
Run without galoshes. "

Coming poems for children for a reader contest

Coming poems for children for a reader contest
Coming poems for children for a reader contest

Coming poems for children for a reader contest:

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
Poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into a swamp,
And the poodle in the river drowned like an ax.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle skipped like an ax.
Ivan fell a log into the swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped up the fence.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle in the river fell into the fence.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle skipped on the ax.


Once on the path
I went to my home.
I look and see: cats
They sit with their backs.

I shouted: “Hey, you cats!
Let's go with me,
Let's go along the path
Let's go home.

Come on, cats, cats,
And I'm for you for lunch
From onions and potatoes
I will arrange a vinaigrette. "

“Ah, no! - said the cats.
We will stay here! "
We sat down on the path
And they do not go further.

Very, very tasty pie

I wanted to arrange a ball
And I called the guests to myself
I bought flour, bought cottage cheese,
Brozen a crumbly pie
Pie, knives and forks here -
But something guests are not going
I waited until I had enough strength
Then the piece bit off
Then he moved his chair and sat down
And the whole pie per minutei ate
When the guests came up
They didn’t even find crumbs!

Orthodox poems for children for a reader competition

Orthodox poems for children for a reader competition
Orthodox poems for children for a reader competition

Orthodox poems for children for a reader contest:

I'm going to the temple this afternoon,
I have a date in it.
Right behind his threshold
I will not meet with someone-with God!
No service? No problem:
In every temple, God is always!

Writes an angel with an invisible pen
In an invisible book
Part of God's house.
He watches very strictly,
Who behaves like that
And after the service, God gives a report!

God is everywhere. He is everywhere:
In the sky, air, water. All
He sees, he knows everything
He understands everyone in the world.
He is my savior and yours.
He is everywhere. He is alive!
I accept this sacredly
The Lord Himself went to Earth
And he sacrificed himself
To save us with you.
God from God,
Light from light,
You, of course, know this
And answer the question
Who is he?
- Jesus Christ!

Everything from God
Everything that is in the world,
On my native planet,
Underground, in heaven,
Sea, wind in sails,
Man, dragonfly,
Wolf, hare and goat,
Cat, mouse and elephant,
Apart, which is not even visible ...
No - do not count everything!
All-all-all that is-
Even stones along the roads -
The Lord God created!

What is grace?
I would like to know for a long time
Why is it given
And who can give it?
In grace - the help of God,
To deal with the enemy,
Laziness, anger, fear, lies
And any other sin!

Funny verses for children for a reader contest

Funny verses for children for a reader contest
Funny verses for children for a reader contest

Funny verses for children for a reader contest:

Bear jerked at the pigtail
He poured the glue to my backpack.
And the sister told me:
"It's all for a reason."
He put me a bandwagon
He pushed me with his hand.
And a friend to me: “Perhaps,
From you, he is not his own. "
He threw snowballs at me,
He tore my notebook.
And my friends told me:
"Bear sunk on you!"
He smeared my chair with chalk ...
"All! I will endure him! "
... he has a bruise under his eye,
The bump is on my forehead ...
And the girlfriends all sigh
And they say to me again and again:
“You are so happy
You already have love. "

I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal
I will collect my toys
And I will give Seryozha.
Wooden dishes
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
Nothing that he is lame
And the bear is too smalled ...
It is a pity to give the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw under the bed.
Give the steam locomotive Seryozha?
He is bad, without a wheel ...
And then, I need too
Play at least half an hour!
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal ...
But I seem to be Seryozha
I will not give anything.

"Change, change!" -
A call is poured.
The first of Vova is certainly
Flies out by the threshold.
Flies out of the threshold -
Seven knocks down.
Is it really Vova
Having renewed the whole lesson?
Is this Vova really
Five minutes ago not a word
Couldn't I say at the board?
If he is undoubtedly
There is a big change with him!
Do not steal for Vova!
He look how poor!
He managed in five minutes
Remade a bunch of things:
He put three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha),
Rolled somersault,
On the railing sat on horseback,
Thoroughly plopped off the railing,
I got a slap
On the move gave someone to change
I asked to write off the tasks -
In a word, withhe did everything he could!
Well, here - again a call ...
Vova woven into the class again.
Poor! There is no face on it!
“Nothing,” Vova sighs, “
In the lesson we will rest!

Long verses for children for a reader competition

Long verses for children for a reader competition
Long verses for children for a reader competition

Long verses for children for a reader contest:

Sunny bunny
I am a sunny bunny, sniffing
On the curtains in silence,
Alive, in a zayachny chewing
Wallpaper flowers on the wall.
In the bed of lancet onions,
Who was waiting for dawn at night,
From the twilight,cluscule
I am born and say:
I am a sunny bunny, teasing!
And if I rush, I run,
In vain, the bunny is real
He tries to catch up with me!
On golden smoke rings,
On roofs, groves, sails
I run, tied invisible
A ray of sunrise to heaven.
And I slow down only by night
When the East is fogging,
When it becomes shorter
The beam is a weakened leash.
And shadows - black dogs -
They breathe more and more often behind them,
All lengthened in the darkness,
Everyone is chasing me ...
And I have to stop
And die at the end of the journey,
To the next morning to be born again
And the chant to pronounce.
I'm a sunny bunny, trembling
But not out of fear, I tremble
But because I am in a hurry:
I always hurry to meet you!

Giraffe Jeanne was stubborn
They told her - look, mountain,
And Jeanne kept telling - a pit!
Once Jeanne left a mother,
One left her daughter - and the point!
In the morning, a crocodile woke up a giraffe:
- Zhanna, get up! - He told her.
And Jeanne screams: night still in the yard,
Why did you come to me at night?
The stubborn is sleeping, and time goes.
A neighboring neighbor calls for lunch.
And Jeanne again: well, what dinner?
True, there are no seven in the morning yet.
Now the time comes to dinner,
Jeanne is still leaving the room.
Smallly looks at the sunset in the window:
- Yes, I missed a little.
The sun, apparently, has not yet risen ...
Then, angry, Katyusha said:
- Mom would have arrived sooner,
This Jeanne confused everything!

Raced nanny
The nanny walked along the boulevard,
The nanny of the boy was driving.
The boy was sitting in the sledges,
The boy flew off the sledges.
Sees the nanny - it became easier,
And walked faster.
I visited the bazaar
I looked at the goods.
Come on in a fire -
After all, not every day is a fire.
I bought salt in a bench
And laundry soap.
I met Kuma there,
I found out what's what.
The soldiers were walking past
Each looked like a hero.
And our nanny is behind the system
She walked to the foot to the bath.
Turned around, slowly.
Looks - there is no baby.
- Where did I forget it?
Where did you buy soap?
At the stall on the sidewalk.
Just like that on the pavement
Or maybe in a fire
Washing the boy with water?
And in bewilderment of the nanny
The broken hour looks at the sled.
Well, and the boy is at the gate
Two hours waiting for a nanny.
And he is afraid to go home -
Houses can get angry.
They say: - How did you walk!

Poems about the war for children for a reader contest

Poems about the war for children for a reader contest
Poems about the war for children for a reader contest

Poems about the war for children for a reader contest:

The story of the veteran
I guys are in war
He went to battle, burned in fire.
Merz in trenches near Moscow,
But, as you see, - alive.
He had no, guys, right
I freeze in the snow
Drown on crossings,
Give your own home to the enemy.
I had to come to my mother
Grease bread, mow grass.
On Victory Day with you
See the sky blue.
Remember everyone who is in bitter hour
He himself died, and saved the land ...
I am talking today
That's what guys:
We must protect the homeland
Sildatically sacred!

He was buried in the ball of the earth
He was buried in the ball of the earth,
And he was only a soldier
All friends, a simple soldier,
Without ranks and awards.
He like the Mausoleum Earth -
For a million centuries,
And the Milky Roads are dusting
Around him from the sides.
Clouds are sleeping on red slopes,
Metelitsa are met,
Thunder heavy thunder
The winds take the wind.
Once upon a time the battle is over ...
The hands of all friends
The guy in the ball is laid,
As if in the mausoleum ...

The Red Army soldier was buried here
Wherever you went, you rode,
But stop here
The grave of this road
Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you were - fisherman, Shakhtar,
Scientist il shepherd, -
Remember forever: here lies
Your best friend.

And for you and for me
He did everything he could:
I did not regret myself in battle,
And he saved his homeland.

Reading Competition - Poems about children and friendship

Reading Competition - Poems about children and friendship
Reading Competition - Poems about children and friendship

Reading Competition - Poems about children and friendship:

We quarreled with a girlfriend
And sat down in the corners.
Very boring to each other without each other!
We need to make peace.
I did not offend her -
Only held the bear,
Only with a bear she ran away
And she said: "I will not give it!"

I will go and reconcile
I'll give her a bear, I will apologize
I will give her a ball, I will give a tram
And I will say: "Let's play!"

Friendship is a gift
Friendship is a gift to us from above,
Friendship is light in the window;
A friend will always hear you
He will not leave in trouble.
But not everyone is given
Know that friendship is in the world,
That it’s easy to live with friends,
More fun with them.
Who walked without a friend
On the road of this life,
He did not live - existed.
Friendship is the world of the planet.

I see a friend
Better not Petrova Gali!
We jumped around the hall with her!
And Semenov at the window
I missed a little.

Better no goat lily!
We were in the corner on singing.
Semenov built faces for me
And he was punished too.

Better no Smirnova faith
We decided examples with her.
And the task was not solved -
I got very difficult.

And Semenov, slowly.
He decided everything, decided ...
Happened!Five wagons!
What is your name,Semenov?

Barto poems for children for a reader contest

Barto poems for children for a reader contest
Barto poems for children for a reader contest

Barto poems for children for the reader contest:

Lived in the world of a dump truck

Lived in the world of a dump truck
He visited the construction site
He rolled up in the morning to the gate.
The watchman was asked: - Who is there? -
The dump truck answered like this:
- I brought an excellent slag.

Well done dump truck
Where he just has not been!
He drove a brick and gravel,
But, alas, stuck in the ditch!

He skidded, skidded,
The dump truck barely got out.
Says: don't touch me,
I'm on the repair today.
I have a frame!

-Alexei! - said mom.
Did you manage to get into the ditch?

The fact is that by self -sump
There was Alyosha, glorious small.
How old is he?
Six years old!

The dump truck signaling loudly:
- I have a breakdown now
But in the morning I am again on the road.
“Good,” said mom, “
But while Alyosha be!
You will drink milk and sleep!
Well, Alyosha had to become!
Where is Alyosha? Sleeping already
He sleeps at home, not in the garage.

It was in January

It was in January,
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

One day
Night sometimes
When in the forest is so quiet
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Zaychat and Zaichikha.

Who is hunting for the new year
Get in the paws of the wolf!
The rabbits rushed forward
And jumped onto the Christmas tree.

They pressed the ears
Hang like toys.
Ten small hare
Hang on the Christmas tree and are silent -

Deceived the wolf.
It was in January, -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

We did not notice the beetle

We did not notice the beetle
And the winter frames closed,
And he is alive
He is still alive
Buzzing in the window
Having straightened the wings ...

And I call to help my mother:
- There the beetle is alive!
Open the frame!


Brother is just right of the shoes:
Not small, not great.
They were put on Andryushka,
But not from the place for now -
He took them for the toy,
The eye does not lead from the shoe.
Boy really, with arrangement
Engaged in renewal:
Then stroke shoes,
Then pulls the laces.
Andrei sat down and raised his leg,
The shoe licked his tongue ...
Well, now it's time on the road
You can take the first step!

Poems Yasnov for children for a reader contest

Poems Yasnov for children for a reader contest
Poems Yasnov for children for a reader contest

Poems Yasnov for children for a reader contest:

Grandma got on the bus,
Satu - and began to stand.
Grandma got on the bus -
This is how to say more precisely!

Grandma got on the bus.
Looks-but there is a place!
Grandma got on the bus,
To look around - and sit down.

Grandma got on the bus -
He managed to please her!
Very nice bus -
It is a pity that it's time to go out!

One, two, three, four, five -
The cup came out for a walk.
The teapot flies by -
The cup fills with tea:
Need a sugar in a kuskoy!

One, two, three, four, five -
Sugar came out for a walk.
The spoon flies by -
Sugar in the cup dissolves:
Need a hand -made gingerbread!

One, two, three, four, five -
Gingerbread went out for a walk.
The teeth are waiting nearby -
They play hide and seek with gingerbread:
-Cruster-Hrust!Oh no no no!
Tea spread on the table!

One, two, three, four, five -
A rag came out for a walk.
A rag in tea was taken away,
A rag was snorted and angry:
- One, two, three, four, five -
I don't want to play with you!

The scarf was lost -
Lay under the hanger,
Near the Ushaka,
On a nightstand.
He was home
And he looked like a gentle:
- Do not worry!
I am the caps! ..

All of you are
You pretend to be with might and main:
Like, let's call friends! ..
Do not give yourself
Do not buy
And you disappear -

Kushner verses for children for a reader contest

Kushner verses for children for a reader contest
Kushner verses for children for a reader contest

Kushner verses for children for a reader contest:

Violet, white, lilac,
Icy, blue, stupid
A lilac will appear before the eye.
Summer afternoon is divided into fragments,
Sharp leaves shine of triangles,
And, like a cloud, a shadow creeps.
How much freshness in the branch is heavy,
How important bees try,
The antediluvian shines the beauty!
But look at these outbreaks and sparkles:
Konchalovsky has already visited here,
He touched his brushes and squinted his eyes.
The stronger at the fence with the groove
Our admiration, adjusted
On a heavy museum bouquet,
Above the table, and two clusters on the sidelines,
And from the elbow on the tablecloth, a trace.

Uncle Kolya to a toy brought us -
Clothing frog.
This frog looks like something
On a simple pillow.
Uncle Kolya squinted at us,
He said: You live boring!
- Here! - he said,
- It will jump, as in the field!
He put the key in the tummy.
Shook, trembling frog.
He let her on the floor.
With a loud roar, like a rattle,
She rode on her paws.

Uncle Kolya pulled his neck
And looked from the side.
On his knees, he crawled behind her
Surprisingly was a jump.
He seemed to bending an accordion,
We are below, then higher.
We still stood a little
And quietly came out.

Introductory words
Take introductory words.
The head is spinning from them,
They interfere with the essence of saving
And they slow down our speech.
And all are convenient because
That they give out easily to others
How do we relate to
What, embarrassed, we are talking about.
They will tell me: "Fortunately ..."
And then
Let anything say anything
I'm listening with an open mouth
And I rejoice at everything in a row.
Me, as everyone, more than once, not two
Saved introductory words
And more often than others among them
The words "first, secondly."
They, starting from afar,
They gave a reason slowly
Gather thoughts while
God knows where the soul was.

Yesenin's poems for children reader readers

Yesenin's poems for children reader readers
Yesenin's poems for children reader readers

Esenin's poems for children a reader competition:

The Golden grove was disconnected
Birch, cheerful tongue,
And cranes, flying sadly,
They don’t regret anyone else.

Who to regret? After all, every wanderer in the world -
It will pass, go and leave the house again.
A hemp dreams about all departed
With a wide month above the blue pond.

I stand alone among the plain naked,
And the cranes attribute the wind to the distance,
I am full of thoughts about youthful youth,
But nothing in the past is sorry.

I am not sorry for the years, wasted in vain,
It is not a pity the soul of lilac bloom.
In the garden, a bonfire of the mountain ash Reds burns,
But he cannot warm anyone.

They will not burn ash brushes,
The grass will not fall from yellowness,
How a tree drops quietly leaves
So I drop sad words.

And if time, by the wind, by the wind,
They will roll them all into one unnecessary lump ...
Say so ... that the grove is golden
I dissuaded it in a cute language.

White birch under my window
White birch
Under my window
She was embarrassed by snow
Just silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn
In golden fire.

And dawn, lazy
Going around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

The tired day bent by the night
A noisy wave was silent,
The sun went out, and above the world
The moon is floating thoughtfully.
The Silery Valley is hearing
The murmur of a peaceful stream.
And the dark forest, bending, dozing
To the sounds of the song of the nightingale.
Listening to the songs, with the shores,
Caring, whispering the river.
And quietly heard over her

Cheerful rustle of the bundle.
That's evening. Dew…
That's evening. Dew
Slows on nettles.
I'm standing by the road
Leaning against Iva.
From the moon the light is large
Right on our roof.
Somewhere the song of the nightingale
In the distance I hear.
Good and warm
As in the winter at the stove.
And the birches are worth
Like large candles.
And in the distance behind the river
Apparently, behind the edge,
A sleepy watchman knocks
Dead Kolotushka.

Ginevsky - poems for children for a reader competition

Ginevsky - poems for children for a reader competition

Ginevsky - poems for children for a reader contest:

A desperate teapot
On hot heat.
"Fire - lights,
So you are for me!
Oh, how to your liking! ..
Come on, come on
Sides to me, sides to me
Disaver - Greg - Wai!
I poured the throat
cold water,
But what is cold to you
The water is icy!

Try to my friend,
Try with might and main.
Let me a little
I'll give you ...
Suddenly the kettle whistledyes, how he hissed:
“Who is teahotveryi wanted?

So I do on the moon

I would get enough sleep.
Then abouti would look around:
What can be seen here
Which is not visible;
Where it is light
And where - dark;
The bank is possible
With a jam
Put here
Outside the window.
Looked around and - walk,
Star stones kick.
Neither birch nor Ryabin -
From the stones in the eyes of rush.
There are their whole seas!
I'll look for anchor:
Are there any rusty anchors
From old ships? ..
He took a step, then another.
Legs drown.“Oh! ..
Well, moon dust!
You won’t find such a thing on Earth -
Drown in it with hands
Anyway to me sneeze.
No, what anchors?
I started it in vain.
It is necessary to the station - back.
Good, - the lights are burning ...
I will give a lunch there,
I drink tea, we sing a galet,
And lay on the bed
Rest and dream:

“Eh, the earthlings are expensive,
Strangers, relatives ...
Maybe someone in silence
Suddenly I thought of me:
“What is there to him
Poor fellow alone? .. "
Well, thank you ... not very here ...
Endless nights ...
Forest birds do not sing
In a word, it’s hard to do with a habit
Right in how! .. Well, let.
As you can see, I hold on. "

And when from moonly boredom
Number legs, arms,
I'll inform you then home:
“So and so ... so far alive.
You have the sun there ... and grass ...
My Slavka friend goes to school.
Writes on the board with chalk
Two wears in the diary,
And on this ... on the moon
They put nothing to me.
Sleep - all the weekend ...
Eh, they would send me! ..
And on an old rocket
Somehow I will treat
Do you hear mom? I am your Petya.
Mom, I want to go home ... "

Two goats went expensive.
Two goats, not a donkey
They went to themselves, suddenly they see: delicious
Ahead of the stroke is cabbage.
Who would know: why? when?
He rolled here
Right under the feet of the goats,
Like, divide in half ...
But one to another:“Wait!
It seems to me that he is mine ",
“If you're talking about Kachana
Then I will get it ... "
“No! Dudks! .. I will not give it.
I can handle Kachan myself. ”
"Well, and I - with you and with him ..."
"This is us, brother, we will see!"
The enemy darted to the enemy -
The enemy takes the enemy into the horns,
Wool flies around -
In a word, roar, tarraram.
Here is the fate of the goat
I led to the place of dispute.

He sees: Kachan is lying.
“The product has a fresh look, -
Meanwhile, he thought -
I probably eat a head of heads ",
And - for the matter. I ate, hiccuped
He looked at the fighters.
“Hey you, black! Hey you, Sivy!
Do you protect what?
Well, not a fight, but a ballet,
They did not mix the white light! " -
He said something else
Cauded, stood
And he went to himself, rash,
Further - right on the road.

Rosa has already laid down
It began to get dark
And in the darkness there are two donkey
Continued to fight.

Usachev - poems for children for a reader competition

Usachev - Poems for children for a reader competition
Usachev - poems for children for a reader competition

Usachev - poems for children for a reader contest:

In the burdock lies a boot,
Healthy boot.
- Where, boot, your brother?
Why are you lying alone?
You diverged with each other
And did not find each other?

The British love
There is a pudding for dinner,
Because pudding -
Very tasty dishes.
And often goes to the gangway,
There is no huding
And it happens with fating!

I'm sitting in the sand while
Mom fries pancakes.
I'm from clay and sand
I will prepare the clay.
Sandblasts, sand
Tasty and juicy!

I found a stick today,
Not a simple stick
And the butt, and the rope,
And the geese are driven ...
And I will tie the fishing line to the stick -
I’ll go fishing with a stick!

We were sitting on a nurse
And whistled in two whistles,
And they looked into the sky ...
Suddenly we look - the lethal flies,
Either a fly, or a jackdaw,
Either a whole plane!

We decided to bring down the fly,
They launched a stick into the air ...
Maybe the stick will hit
To an unknown flyer,
Either a fly, or in a daw,
Either in a whole plane!

We did not get into the flight,
And neither in the fly nor in the daw ...
And to meet from the gate
Rider left,
And our stick hit
With a terrible roar in the hood:

We run to all the running
And the driver of the proceedings
How it will chop into an oral,
What will unscrew us in the run.
Tw for a consent
And he will put on the nurse!

Removed the passage.
The lethal flew away into the distance.
The heating pad floats in the sky ...

We were sitting on a nurse
And whistled in two whistles:
Maybe the harbor will come?

The rain poured from a bucket.
I opened the gate
And I saw in the middle of the yard
Stupid snail.

I tell her: - Look,
You will wet in a puddle.
And she is from the inside:
- It's outside ...

And inside me is spring
The day is wonderful! -
She answered me
From the shells cramped.

I say: - Gloom everywhere,
Do not escape from the cold!
And she answered: - A trifle.
This is outside ...

And inside me is comfort:
Roses bloom,
Birds are marvelous
And dragonflies shine!

- Well, sit with yourself! -
I said with a smile.
And said goodbye to the funny
A stupid snail.

The rain ended a long time ago.
The sun is half a world ...
And it is dark inside me
Cold and wet.

Car walked along the street
With a very powerful body.
And the man was walking towards
With a very thick belly.

That car flew
On a man with a belly.
And the car crumbled
Together with a powerful body.

And the man looked
To the remains of the body ...
Well, and the puzovo
I scratched Confuzovo.
Going on a long journey
With different valuable cargo,
You do not forget the driver
This case with the belly!

We played daddling
To the fastest daddling
In the best fern:
I rode, and dad was driving.

He did not agree for a long time
I didn't want to puff seriously
And then how did it part -
And he went, and drove!

Shot down a closet.
The chair fell.
It became close to us in the apartment.
We go to the yard
And we fly to full speed!

That's how dad!
Well, speed!
We went around the car, train,
We catch up with the plane,
We break forward!

Dadge rushes like the wind
To the state border -
Only dust flies into the eyes ...
We slipped abroad -
It was necessary to happen like this -
The brakes refused!

It is impossible to even remember
How many countries we saw ...
Suddenly to meet - the sign of the road:
Caution, ocean!

Dad without slowing down
Disords water with breasts
And - raising the wave, floats -
Real Dove!

From the fog in front of us
Iceberg has grown like a mountain ...
The father waved his hands
Papapolota flies -

Flying over China,
Dad suddenly remembered:Wait!
We will be late for dinner,
Return home!

We flew like a rocket.
We were in a hurry home so
What is in the foothills of Tibet
I have flew a shoe ...

Shouted! ..
But already half the world
Flashed below in the lights.
Here is our city.
Mom was met at the door.

Mom was very surprised:
- Where have you been?
What happened?
The fern rises from the wheels:
-We played a daddy!
We visited different countries
We looked at the white light ...

- Good! - said mom. -
All in dust. There is no boot.
Traveling in different countries,
Come in dirty trousers,
They threw me one ...

- In general, so! - said mom. -
On the weekend, ”said mom,“
I'm flying, ”said mom,“
Together with you to the moon!

Poems of Vladimir Poets for children of readers contest

Poems of Vladimir Poets for children of readers contest
Poems of Vladimir Poets for children of readers contest

Poems of Vladimir poets for children a competition of readers:

Drying the autumn leaves
Gold winds,
In the sky is playful beam
Bloods the shelter.

There is everything in the world -
Old age and end;
That's why summer
The crown flew around.

Is it worth it to saddle
Eyebrow silver? -
This is just the beginning
My old age.

Drying the autumn leaves
Gold of the winds;
Man - thoughts,
Heat of dull words.

Beats and depresses
Hatred of people
Fall out in sorrow
Silver of eyebrows.

Peace, love, peace !!!
And the eagle is two -headed
There will be my angel.

Whether thoughts will come true
My autumn?
In the sky, the beam is playful,
Autumn people.

Vladimir Territory

Vladimir Territory Golden
You sparkle in the distance above the river.
You know, we love you with all our hearts
We are proud of your gray hair.

In the fog of centuries, the capital of Russia
Vladimir Considero Chagall.
Having become a full height in the east of the country,
The Byzantine crossed his cross!

Andrey Bogolyubsky by Assumption Cathedral,
Ah, Dmitrievsky Vsevolod gave
The beginning of the source of the great culture,
Nevsky saved her more than once.

In the bloody years, your sword was picked up,
Protecting you.
And the daughters are steadfastly, heroically worked
In the rear of that great war.

Having spread the quarters like wings in flight,
You throw your vigilant, your gaze.
And you see that the matter of all glorious heroes,
We hold worthy in our hands.

Vladimir Territory, your kindness
The earth is lying around Russia.
White -stone ringing over Klyazma River
The centuries -old soul sings!

Nekrasov - poems for the competition of readers to children

Nekrasov - Poems for the Contest of readers to children
Nekrasov - poems for the competition of readers to children

Nekrasov - poems for the competition of readers to children:

That you look eagerly on the road
Away from funny friends?
Know, a heart was clogged with a heart -
Your whole face flashed suddenly.

And why are you running hastily
Behind the rushing three after? ..
On you, cheerfully, beautifully
The roadway looked around.

It's not a marvel at you
To love you everyone is not averse:
The scarlet tape is playing playfully
In your hair; black as night;

Through the blush cheeks of your dark
A light fluff breaks through,
From under the eyebrow your semicircular
A sly eye looks briskly.

The look is one black -breed savage,
Full spell igniting blood,
The old man will ruin the gifts
In the heart of the young man will throw love.

You will live and go in goodbye,
Life will be full and easy ...
Yes, not that you fell to a lot:
You will go to the man of the man.

Tied a apron to mice,
You will pull your chest ugly,
Your husband-entertainer will beat you
And the mother -in -law in three deaths bend.

From work both black and difficult
You will shade, without having time to blossom,
You will plunge into the sleepless dream,
You will nurse, work and eat.

And in your person, full movement,
Full life - suddenly appear
The expression of stupid patience
And meaningless, eternal fright.

And buried in a raw grave,
How you will go your way your way
Uselessly faded power
And nothing warmed.

Do not look with longing for the road
And do not hurry behind the three,
And dreary in the heart anxiety
Currectly drown out forever!

Do not catch up with a frantic three:
The horses are strong, well -fed and boyish, -
And the coachman under the hops, and to another
Rushing the whirlwind of the cornet young ...


- Well, went, for God's sake!
Sky, spruce and sand -
A gloomy road ...
- Hey, sit down to me, my friend!

Bosa's legs, dirty body,
And barely covered the chest ...
Do not be ashamed, what kind of business?
This is many glorious paths.

I see a book in the lap.
So you are going to learn ...
I know: Old Man to his son
He restrained the last penny.

I know: Old Dyachikha
Gave the quarter,
That passing the merchant
I gave it to the seagulls.

Or maybe you are yard
From the released? .. Well, then!
The case is also not new -
Not timid, you will not be lost!

You will find out at school soon,
Like an Arkhangelsk man
In his own and God's will
He became intelligent and great.

Not without good souls in the world -
Someone will take it to Moscow,
You will be at the university -
A dream will come true in reality!

There is already a field wide:
Know work, do not work ...
That's why you are deep
I love, native Russia!

That nature is not mediocre
That edge has not yet died
What is deriving from the people
Know so many glorious ones, -

So many kind, noble,
Strong loving soul,
In the middle of stupid, cold
And pompous by themselves!

Ladonshchikov’s poems for children for a reader competition

Ladonshchikov’s poems for children for a reader competition
Ladonshchikov’s poems for children for a reader competition

Ladonshchikov’s poems for children for a reader contest:

I love birds
I guys love birds.
I never catch them
Not traps
Not on the network.
I do not keep them at home in a cage.
I will never touch the nest.
Not magpies
Not ravens
Not a starling
Not a sparrow
I have not offended in my life!

Hello, winter-winter
Hello, winter-winter!
We covered us with white snow:
Both trees and houses.
The wind is fierce lightly winged -
Hello, winter-winter!

The trace of the intricate curls
From a clearing to the hill.
This hare printed -
Hello, winter-winter!

We put a feeder for birds,
We pour feed into them,
And they sing pichugi in flocks -
Hello, winter-winter!

Our homeland
Both beautiful and rich
Our homeland, guys.
Long go from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around is their own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
Blue sparkling rivers,
Blue heaven.

Each city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is expensive.
Everything in battles is once taken
And strengthened by labor!

My friends and before me
I love our kindergarten.
It is full of guys.
They are all my friends.
Everything, everything, everything - from A to me!
In the yard they are now
I will introduce you to them:
Alla is watering a flowerbed,
Borya gives water,
Vera is sitting cherry
Galya sings a song;
Dima ball pouts,
Eve with a hedgehog plays,
Zhenya sculpts pies,
Zoya cuts out the letters,
Ira walks with a brief th;
Kolya is building a house with a pipe
Lenya represents a dump truck
Masha waves my hand
Nadia cleans the samovar;
Olya dresses the doll,
Petya revolves a wolf,
Paradise the apron embroiders,
Sasha boasts of a net;
Tanya throws the ball into the net,
Ulya looks at the sky,
Fedya gives her candy,
Kharitosha, sitting, sleeps;
Caesar walks on a bench,
Charlie is dancing on the board,
Shura Schukin with a ruler
S withdraws in the sand.
K and b knows the girl and so.
Emma raises the hoop,
Yura feeds pigeons,
Yasha looks and thinks
How many friends I called.

Together with the grandfather
Melted morning fog,
Spring flaunts ...
Today, grandfather Ivan
He cleaned the orders.
We are going to the park together
Soldier, gray -haired, like him.
They will remember there
Your brave battalion.
They will talk to hearts there
About all the affairs of the country,
About the wounds that still hurt
From the distant days of the war.
Campaigns will remember and fights
Trenial does not fail
And their brave songs,
Probably sing.
Sing the courage of friends,
That they were flying into the ground;
Sing about your homeland,
That they saved from enemies.
The peoples of different countries saved
From slavery and fire ...
I'm glad that grandfather Ivan
Takes me with me.

Hello school
Misha got up today early -
The long -awaited day has come.
Behind Misha is a satchel,
In the satchel - a book and a pencil case.
And in the pencil case - pen, feathers,
Three colored pencils.
Misha thinks: “Now I
Not like a baby! "
Grandfather Artem came out of the forge
Look at the granddaughter ...
Before Misha is nice
That he is ready to sing aloud:
"Hello, autumn is golden,
So I became a student! .. "
Crook, misha, escorting,
Proudly holds the tail crocheted.

Our homeland
Both beautiful and rich
Our homeland, guys.
Long go from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around is their own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
Blue sparkling rivers,
Blue heaven.

Each city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is expensive.
Everything in battles is once taken
And strengthened by labor!

About yourself and about guys
The sun hid behind the houses
We leave the kindergarten.
I tell mom
To yourself and about the guys.
How we sang the song in chorus,
How they played in the Czech.
What we drank
What we ate,
What they read to the kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And in detail about everything.
I know mom is interesting
Know about
How we live.

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