Torn for children - for names, funny, folk, short, offensive: the best selection for girls and boys

Torn for children - for names, funny, folk, short, offensive: the best selection for girls and boys

A selection of teasers for children for all occasions.

Almost every adult in childhood had a nickname that friends and acquaintances teased. Perhaps that is why various kinds of teasers are perceived by us, at a subconscious level, something bad and negative. But in fact, this is not at all the case. And if you choose the right words, then they will just amuse. And therefore, boldly get acquainted your child with these cheerful sayings, because there is nothing offensive in them. We bring to your attention a selection of teasers for children of different ages.

Teasers for names for children

Teasers for names for children

IMPORTANT: Before introducing your child to teasers, explain to him that they are not a way to "hurt the opponent." It is necessary to focus on the fact that these verbal sayings may indicate some character traits or behavior of a person, but this should be done as soft as possible so as not to hurt the feelings of another child.

Teasers for names for children:

  • Aleha-Aleksey, full of sinus of mice.
  • Andrew-Vorobey, do not drive the pigeons. Pigeons are afraid, do not sit on the roof. Drive ticks from under the sticks.
  • Antoshka-Card, a straw leg, itself from the nails, the head from the elbows.
  • Boris - Barberis hung on the rope. As the rope breaks off, so Boris will turn over.
  • Vania, Vanya, simplicity! I bought a horse without a tail! He sat back in advance and went to the garden.
  • VolodyaVova Volodya is full of a hat of crackers. Sukhairi is hot, three pennies.
  • Our Egor - The hero, the blister jumped on the nose!
  • Lenchik - Donut, ate a bar, a pig and a bull. He drank a crown of milk, still ate the crater, three baskets of pies.
  • Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, sit at home, do not walk. Clean potatoes, eat a little.
  • Seryozha He looked around, pouted his bubble, and the bubble in the forest rides, jumps like a fungus.
  • Anna-Wow, Gutalin, hot pancake on the nose
  • Diana - Tin’s head, hook, mouth with a box.
  • Valentine -A huge basket, in front of the elastic band, behind the drum-in all cities “Tara-Ra-Ra” is heard.
  • Katerina - A kitten, a greasy pig, rolled from a slide, choked with lard.
  • Dissolled Masha braids, and behind her all the sailors.
  • Olga - Mura, I blew into the forest, went into the forest, I found a penny. I bought a soap, washed a stigma.
  • Tanya - sour cream, a cat ran, licked sour cream. Tanya had a face without a flaw.
  • Lida - Snail, stretch the horns, give you bread, a piece of pie.
  • Mandarin named Irina. I did not teach lessons and received a deuce.
  • Sveta The pancakes were baked, the frying pan dropped, she broke her head.

Funny teasers for children to cheer up

Funny teasers for children to cheer up

INTERESTING: In modern pedagogical practice, teasers are used as a way to develop an articulation apparatus. The child is asked to pronounce all the words and letters that favorite sayings as clearly as possible, thereby making his speech correct. In such a playful form, subconscious automation of the pronunciation of difficult letter combinations occurs, and the child ceases to “crumple” the words.

Funny teasers for children:

  • Girl - forbirth, bow to the bottom! Pour, smile and stay alone!
  • Repeat, Uncle Hryushka, licked the whole trash and did not say thanks, but in the garbage diver, he ate you, and saved me.
  • Who has four eyes, he looks like a diver.
  • The chicken got up - the place was gone.
  • A sailor from the Bryak stove - stretched out like a worm!
  • Madame Fufu climbed into the pipe, the pipe is cracking, Madame squeals!
  • He fell ill at the resort and stared under the bench.
  • Fat, fat, passenger train!
  • Who has 4 eyes, he mows under a diver.
  • Red-haired, hemp, killed his grandfather with a shovel.
  • A curious barbar at the bazaar was torn off!
  • Garefly rolled through the forest and choked on a needle!
  • My brother is sick, there is no appetite, 3 pots ate a soup, one hundred and one cutlet.
  • The Voro-Voro-Robei drank a jar of snot.
  • I will tell you in your ear about a green frog. Don't tell anyone, because it's you.
  • Moklokli, your eyes are wet. If you cry for a long time, you will become a frog.
  • Say the "basement" - the skeleton kissed you. Say "towel" - you have two Germans in your nose!
  • Fu-you. Well, you are oppressed. Hands - in the sides, eyes - into the ceilings!
  • Behind one is not a race, you will catch a pig.
  • Do not run to the meadow, on a steep on the shore. You will eat you a mouse, either a swallow, or a gray top from behind a bush.

Tensions for children for children

Tensions for children for children

As for the tongue twisters of the teasers, they can also be used not only for games and entertainment. In this case, the regular repetition of a certain phrase will also help the little crush to pronounce the letters, phrases and sentences as correctly as possible.

Tensions for children for children:

  • The first word is more expensive than the second! The second word ate a cow! This first word was eaten by a cow!
    The second word is more expensive than anyone!
  • Forty -eight - we ask half. Forty -one, I'm not a store.
  • The plane, the plane, take me into flight, and in flight is empty, the cabbage grew, and in the cabbage the general washed his diapers!
  • Do not stick your nose into someone else's question, otherwise the barbos will bite your nose!
  • The pig was whitewashed, stupid, half the yard linked, dug, and teased.
  • The hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog, a haircut with a strip and a haircut were frightened.
  • From the body to the body there was an overload of watermelons. A body fell into a thunderstorm in the mud from the cargo of watermelons.
  • She sewed Sasha Sasha’s hat, Sashka knocked down the bump with a hat.
  • Caramel’s ship drove, the ship was running aground, sailors for two weeks Karamel at Meli spruce.
  • Ivan-Bolvan chatted milk, but did not stop.

Folk teasers for children - the best selection

Folk teasers for children

If you think that teasers are the fruit of the imagination of modern children, then you are deeply mistaken. These funny sayings exist as much as humanity exists. Therefore, we bring to your attention a selection of teasers for children invented by the people.

Folk teasers for children:

  • What are you frowning, not cheerful? I lowered my eyes, hung my head!
  • A bunch-eyed owl-his eyes in a spoon, does not see a baby!
  • Look straight-a hole ahead!
  • Trus-Trushka fought in the war, as he saw a machine gun-he was immediately scared!
  • Available-wicked! It’s drunk to the hole, somehow dressed, your song is sung!
  • Who has a shirt in a cage, he looks like a stool.
  • Those who have a strip of pants are like a cigarette.
  • Chat, chat, don't lose your tongue!
  • The grumpy vale in the bazaar was bitten!
  • Plaxa-Vaksa-gutalin, a hot pancake on the nose!
  • Cry - I will give Kalach! Blacks - I will give as many as three!
  • The commander of the regiment, nose to ceiling, ears to the door, and himself - like an ant.
  • It's funny to the fool that the mouth is on the side.
  • Everyone is on a watermelon, and he is a belly! And the fool listened, I eaten three frogs!
  • The chicken got up - the place was gone, raised the ass, lost the place.
  • The strongman Bambula, raised three chairs, the third bed, but could not raise the match!
  • What kind of howl? What kind of roar? Is there a herd of cows? No, there is not a cow-this is a girl.
  • A revision came out onto the porch, Reva wrinkled her face. I won’t go anywhere! I don't like the garden!
  • Oh you, a grimace girl, where did you smear your hands so? Black palms, on the elbows - paths.
  • Lygeboka lives bitterly - the bed of Legeboka is high.
  • Blink brackets, where is your courage? You climbed from the midge of a moska-komar under the porch yesterday, I saw a spider and fell with fear in the mud!

Russian teasers for children - for boys and girls

Russian teasers for children

In this part of our article, we offer you a selection of more timely teasers for boys and girls.

Russian teasers for children:

  • They deceived the fool for four fists! Everyone is in Irisk, and he is cleaning, bunks and remnants!
  • Let me ride, your priest is not good! If the priest is not suitable, then you have to share the great!
  • Today is Sunday-Girls Jam, and boys, fools, a dirty stick on the sides.
  • Do not be afraid of the knife, but be afraid of the fork - one blow, four holes.
  • In the morning I went breakfast, only came to dinner! In the morning I was going, in the evening I barely reached.
  • Little lazy, clean up behind you!
  • Walks, walks a beggar. Asks, asks: Give me, give. Give me a piece of pies, give a sip of milk.
  • Pinocchio - a long nose, hiled a manure!
  • Grind the log, put on the knee, aspire, and shout!
  • Do not stick ahead, do not shove from behind, do not touch in the middle, do not come after.
  • There was a dog across the bridge, four paws, the fifth tail. If the bridge collapses, then the dog will fall.
  • Boy with a top, head with a pot, hat with a peg, legs with a log.
  • A boy is traveling on a bull, a balalaika in her hand, a balalaika fell, she broke the knife a bull.
  • Raven, raven, tail broken, tail broken off, nose is restrained.
  • Skok, Magpie, Skok, Magpie. Blind from the eye, crooked from the sides.
  • Vyur-Vyuk, siring sock, siring sock, pluck.
  • Robin Bobin Barabek was eaten by forty people. And a cow, and a bull, and a crooked butcher.
  • Crochet nose, hair with a cloak. Well, just a beauty!

Short teasers for children - about Yabed, Zhadin, Plax, Slistunov

Short teasers for children

You can use this selection of teasers for children if you need to point out certain character traits of the child. As the heading is clear, with the help of these sayings you can show your negative attitude to Yabeda, greedy, crybaby or boast.

Short teasers for children:

  • Zhadin, beef, angry chocolate!
  • Zhadin is a pierced cucumber, lying on the floor, no one eats it. The fly flew in - sniffed and ate.
  • Zhadin is stolen by sausages, it is angry with me.
  • Zhadin is a stubborn, salty greedy, boiled on the fire!
  • Zhadina-Jadin, hands are reminded! Eat, eat quickly, but look, do not lace!
  • Salt Yabeda, boiled on the fire!
  • Yabeda-bunde, Salt Beard!
  • Yabeda-bied, Tarakanya food!
  • Yabeda-brown, cloth beard!
  • Yabeda-bunde, salty Baba Yaga.
  • Salty yabeda, boiled on the pot, dumped with cones, so that there is no angry!
  • Plax, Vax, Gutalin, swallowed a burning pancake.
  • Crybia, crybaby, three kopecks of Vax!
  • Reva-Korova, give milk, how much it costs-three piles!
  • I imagined the first variety gathered at the resort, and came from the resort - I imagined even more.
  • I imagined the tail pressed and ran away under the stove, and swallowed an imagination under the stove.
  • Imagine number five, allow you to give in the face!
  • They boasted, boasted - fell into a barrel.
  • Who boasts, he will fall into the pit! And it is unlikely to get out.

Songs of tearing for children

Songs of tearing for children

Songs of tearing for children:

Fried chicken, soared chicken,
I went around the city for a walk.
He was caught, arrested
They ordered a passport to show.
He took out a passport,
He moved in the face
And he prepared to run
Behind him is a chase, four horses
And a policeman without panties.

(Teaser for drachun.)

Where are we going with the heel?
On a meat processing plant.
You took a fork, spoon, knife?
Of course not! Then we go back!

(Teaser for an forgetful child.)

Sweet the barrels with gasoline.
We are pioneers, children of Georgians.
Dad is approaching with a thick belt,
Cloud of Pioneer - Let's take it off!
Click Pioneer - Let's take it off ...

(Teasing for those whom parents take from the playground early.)

Fatigue is forgotten, the child is swaying,
And again, the boys knock on our wall.
And we have no peace either at night or day,
On bunks, on bunks, on beds, in beds
Bad with a belt.

(Tearing from girls to boys.)

Dean, Don, Dili-Don,
What a strange chime?
It is heard from all sides:
Dili, Dili, Dili-Don!

We are cuties
Nevalia dolls,
Nevalia dolls,
Bright shirts.

(Teaser forlentyaev.)

We do not sleep, we do not sit
And we don't want to go to bed
We are standing day and night,
We are very fun.

(Teasing for too energetic children.)

What a wonderful day!
What a wonderful stump!
How wonderful I am
And my song-la-la !!!

I'm not bored with no longer
I sing when I want!
What a cheerful I am
And my song!

(Teasing for the most funny and funny children.)

Schemes teaser for children

Schemes teaser for children

Schemes of teasers for children:

Nobody needs a hippo now,
He rang the hippo eyes.
The raccoon came running and comforted him.
The dragonfly flew, comforted.
The dragonfly, crouching on the bush, sobbed loudly.
A hippo from suffering is exhausted.
And the raccoon rinsed a diaper in the stream,
It was a hippo scarf.

Uncle Step with a long nose
He came to me with a question:
How to reduce this nose
So that he does not grow up anymore? -
You buy a sulfate
And put him to the nose,
Pick up with a bite
The nose will fall off later.

The lust did not wash his hands,
I didn't go to the bath a month.
So much dirt
So much abrasion!
We will plant a bow on the neck,
Turnips - on the palms,
On the cheeks - potatoes,
Carrots will rise on the nose! -
There will be a whole garden!

Kopush girl
Kopush girl
For an hour chewed a pear,
Two - washed
Three - wiped.

The monkey Chi-chi-chi sold bricks.
I jerked for the rope and accidentally faded.
And the workers came: what, bricks stink?

A monkey without a pocket, lost her wallet,
And the police found out - put on the pot.
And the pot is hot, the monkey cries.
And the pot is stack-tuk-tuk, a monkey-a bunch of bundles.

The neighbor Mary Ivanna
They broke the toilet.
And they wrote on the door:
"Fantomas did it!"

There used to be bows,
And now pigtails.
There used to be girls
And now the psi.

Once upon a time there was a granny
By the name of a whistle,
Once I went to the dance,
I landed right in the basin.
The basin got angry
In the cellar and fell.

I am a little girl
I don't go to school
Buy me sandals
I get married!

Aunt Motya in the swamp
Lost my wallet
And the police found out -
Put on the pot!

Pictures of tearing for children

Dear can be not only verbal. We live in the age of digital technology, and it is bad or good, but our children get acquainted with Internet technologies very early and begin to communicate with online friends. And since it is difficult to convey the right emotions on the network with words, the teasers are due to be not verbal. It will be better if it is just funny pictures that will cheer up.

Pictures of tearing for children:

Dear for children
Dear for children
Dear for children
Dear for children
The boy tears

Office teasers for children

By offering the child a selection of offensive teasers, explain to him that although they have the right to exist, it is better to use them in relation to loved ones. If the baby focuses outsiders on the negative qualities of someone else's person, then this can lead to negative consequences. And a real friend will simply joke in response, and soon everything will forget.

Offective teasers for children:

  • Chatterbox, chat, but know the measure! Chat, chat, don't lose your tongue!
  • Well, Bunny, get out! What did you hide in the bushes? Lower your ears, otherwise you will be bruised!
  • Among the white clouds is a school of fools. The damned is the nine hundred twentieth.
  • Tepa, muddler, chicken ass!
  • There is a mash in our class, instead of a nose - a nail!
  • Repeat - Uncle Hryushka licked the whole trash and did not say thanks.
  • Fat Donut, give me a coupon. There is nothing to melt the stove!
  • Eryway Karga, the cat gave birth to you, the priest was baptized and lowered the pants.
  • The ambulance, red erysipelas, is similar to Tatar.
  • So you need - a barrel of lemonade, or chocolate!
  • Dear, dear, why so thin? Come to me in the village, you will be fat like a ishak.
  • Dad will buy a goat for me - I will not show you!
  • Dad will buy a basket for me - I will move you on the face!
  • Dad will buy confesses to me - I'll hide everything soon in the bag.
  • Laughter for no reason is a sign of fools.
  • So you need, a chicken-license!
  • Tatar-barin sharpens his teeth, wants to eat us.
  • Your dad lives in Africa, he eats banana every day: "I want a banana, I want a banana!"
  • A scythe, oblique, do not go barefoot, but go shod, wrap his paws!
  • The curious in the market pinched the nose in the basket. The curious recently pinched the nose in the doorway the other day.

How can you answer teasers: Best ideas

Ideas for answers to teasers

After you introduce your child to teasers, be sure to specify that this method of communication between close friends implies quite interesting answers. With their help, you can quickly discharge the situation, even if he did not really like the words spoken to the child.

How can you answer teasers:

  • Harse, Emelya, your week. It was (a) I would, yes, yours! The same ten times
  • Walked a crocodile, swallowed your word, but I left mine and put a seal!
  • Call me at least a year, anyway you are a hippo.
  • Call me at least a century, still I am a man.
  • You call me, transfer me to yourself.
  • Whoever calls this is called that himself.
  • At least call a pot, only do not go into the oven!
  • Lady behind you, it does not apply to me!
  • You can’t put a handkerchief for every company!
  • I don’t listen to you, I eat and eat.
  • Call me a hundred years, you are still an old grandfather.
  • The ticket office is closed - I have the key. Who calls on - to himself!
  • Do not stick your nose into someone else's question, otherwise the question will bite your nose.
  • Although I imagined, but I didn’t call anyone!
  • Call, call on! I will give a surrender, do not hesitate!
  • Call, call on, stay without girlfriends.
  • Torn - a dog snout! Call to the fall, you will fall - I will be glad!
  • Call, at least hook, nothing will stick to me!
  • You call you like that because you yourself are a weakness!
  • I have an answer to your nipple!
  • Call, call on, how to swell a frog! Kv-kva, kv-kva-that’s all your words!
  • You you you! Cats plug you, and gray cats on an empty path.
  • Nothing hurts, the chicken is happy
  • And I will put a ladder and stop all the letters
  • As I give the head, you will fly on the pot!

Video: teasers for children - how to react?

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