Poems-visits for contests at school, kindergarten-for teams, girls, boys: the best selection

Poems-visits for contests at school, kindergarten-for teams, girls, boys: the best selection

In our article you will find interesting business cards in verses for school and preschool children.

Business card in verses for competition at school

Business card in verses for competition at school
Business card in verses for competition at school

Business card in verses for the competition at school:

Good afternoon everyone, friends! My name is (name).
I will be happy to tell you about myself.
I ask without panic. The story will not be long.
You will not have time to get bored in the process.

I'm as many as seven, and I recently went to school.
I study willingly. Exclusively “five”.
I am a hardworking and cheerful person,
I love to communicate with friends, draw.

I am proud of my family - sports, musical.
Granny, grandfathers - thanks for the talent!
It is transmitted to the genes. Everything is real.
And this is not a convention, but a real fact!

Another on different musical instruments
He can simply play delightfully.
Well, my great -grandmother is generally a legend
He sings in the ensemble, continues to perform!

My two grandmothers were friendly with sports
And they rode great skates.
They also instilled love for skiing to me -
I can ride, forgetting about all matters!

I am actively engaged in cheerleuding -
Medals at home gathering a set.
I try to support with performances
His favorite team "Avtodor".

And in the arithmetic mental, I know.
I want to study English thoroughly.
I always help parents at home,
To be a sensitive daughter and care.

I and my mother, with my dad, was unusually lucky -
They are ready to support me in everything.
I can easily share a secret with them,
The three of us to cope with any problem.

I have a turtle named Roma.
He is a faithful friend, a favorite of my whole family
And the talisman, with whom it is so comfortable at home,
Without words, we understand with Roma we!

I am still a modeling school, I am attending school,
I can swim and dance perfectly.
I think he is versatile with a person,
I strive to develop these talents in myself.

I believe in success. However, at the same time,
I want good luck to the rivals!
Extremely sincerely hope to win
Well, if I worthy of it, I just decide it

Kindergarten business card in verses for competition

Kindergarten business card in verses for competition
Kindergarten business card in verses for competition

The business card of the kindergarten in verses for the competition:

(The name of the child) is our best assistant.
He will convert things easily.
The nanny will help the teacher.
Hardworking and very diligent.

…… - beautiful girl! Always in a new dress.
And patient is always in the lesson.

…… is friendly with sports
He does not need a sofa.
There is no time to lie -
I’m ready to run everywhere.

.... He loves books.
Reading boy.

....... always helps the kids,
The care of attentive protects.

.... - The girlfriend is true
And the girl is approximate.

…… (for example, Kolya) Prize for the best dream.
Here he is just a champion.

…… that eats the faster of all,
And it grows up very quickly.

…… will always gather toys,
The order in all corners will lead.

…… fabulously draws -
Her colors/it always excite it.

.... , of course, naughty a little
But in general, she (or he) will not offend the cat.

…… are the best sings.
The whole day is a whole for flight.

... .. will come up with a game
And entertains the kids.

... .. he will read the poems wonderful.
Rhymes and lines - everything is so interesting.

……. Sails like a real dolphin.
Here is the result, undoubtedly, brilliant.

....... In the dance, it is so dizzy.
This skill will come in handy.

U ....... to the waist is just a braid.
We have a fairy-tale virgin.

U ....... such a wonderful laughter.
Funny always awaits success.

... ... we know all the animals,
He reads a lot of magazines about them.

…… is always very polite and sweet.
That would have only been like that.

... .. Skillful hands.
He makes everything, not knowing boredom.

……. He always asks questions.
He will learn a lot about everything.

……. sits in class, listens,
Sleeps well and eats perfectly.

....... - a coquette, a star, a laughter.
Mom's daughter and chatterbox.

……. It will always support and understand.
If you suddenly need, it will come to the rescue.

…… will build a house in the sandbox,
Maybe he will go to the builders later.

....... growls like a real tiger.
This is our speaker.

....... I want to play
And do not go to bed at all.

……. not rude,
He is a real erudite.

…… dresses dolls,
He dreams of a fashion designer.

Boxing team in verses for the competition

Boxing team in verses for the competition
Boxing team in verses for the competition

The business card of the team in verses for the competition:

Reliable friend (name):
He knows everything, knows, maybe.
He is not in doubt
And friends will always help friends.
And he sings, and plays
On the guitar, or in the field,
As an athlete - he understands everything
In basketball and football.

Funny - (name).
She likes her humor and satire.
She knows how to cheer everyone
He has a craving for delicious donuts,
Helps loved ones, if necessary,
Hardly believes in Dracula and friendship.

(Name) - Spanish blood
Gave her the lyricism and faith in love
Calm, good, and in communication - sincere,
It’s so good to be silent with her sincerely.

(Name) - Cinderella from a fairy tale:
Smart, correct, loves affection.
The girl has good eyes
And a very long braid.
Well, who would have thought about her,
What is this girl a shooter?

Will certainly achieve
Everything that he wants.
She is busy for everyone.
Good, Mila, beautiful.
To be happy in her life.

(Name)- Bright mind.
He is the Lord of his own thoughts.
The character is burning, energetic,
And in general - the guy is pretty.
He is independent in his views
And in life in love is in love.

(Name) Sometimes impractical
But always cheerful, artistic, plastic,
More than once, the school and the class, as best she could, helped out,
She played for us, danced, read,
Honest friendship is true, ready to help everyone,
Here she is ours ...

In any weather
The guy is non -sounding
Smart and courteous.
Can study
And have fun.

She is in the mood
Sings, dances, knows
And shoots well.
Persistent, true,
Sports, fair,
Soul company,
Soulwear good!

(Name) - one
In the class, an unpainted blond,
Loving like a macho,
Solves difficult problems
And in the lessons, and outside the school.
He appreciates friendship and jokes,
Among the peers is noticeable,
Social, authoritative.

Cheerful (name),
Like a modern Divchina,
Self -confident, but in moderation,
He and people know the price,
He loves outfits, entertainment,
But she also has a hobby.

Laughs very cute.
She's a funny
Good girlfriend.
With the help of a comb
Beautiful hairstyles
Knows how to create friends,
Talent has talent in this.

- Girl - Malvina:
Smart, diligent,
Very obligatory.
Loves understanding
Requires attention
Honest pleasant
In the case is neat.

In the class - just a queen.
Masterfully draws,
Dance well.
Creatively active
Very promising.

Well done (name)
In class is our pride.
Inquisitive, active
And slightly demonstrative.
The traveler is excellent
And the swimmer is very decent.
Looks, listens, reads,
He first knows about everything.

(Name) cute.
Both weight and height are very decent.
In addition, Konstantin athlete,
A little more and-Superman.
Laughter, humor to him.
He will study at TNU.

U (name)
There is not a single defect:
Modest, kind, smart, brave
And in all matters skillful.
He admitted to you honestly
- I liked the teachers.

Class business card in verses for the competition

Class business card in verses for the competition
Class business card in verses for the competition

Class business card in verses for the competition:

Our motto:
Maximum knowledge,
Maximum laughter
So we are all together
We will achieve success!

1. There is nothing more beautiful than our school,
She brings us the joy of knowledge.
There is nothing more reliable than friendship
With which we are moving forward.

2. You visit the museum - find out
Who worked here and did.
Think, what will you leave?
What did you bring to our school?

3. Victories and awards in tournaments,
In the Olympiads, first places.
Care and support in those campaigns,
Where kilometers were so up to a hundred!

4. And next to us are our teachers,
Torless friends are teachers.
They will guide in choosing a road
And the wisest words will tell us:

5. Connect together together
Do only good deeds.
You will definitely see, believe me,
That life is beautiful and bright!

6. School! The best friend,
Our second house is native!
Here we comprehend the course of sciences
We are a friendly family!

7. Here is the school system -
It will help to educate us
Will, mind and feeling!

8. We knew how to read for a long time
But there is no time to miss school:
After all, they began to teach us from the first grade according to "Harmony"!

9. Well, and we are not just class
"Twenty -first century" with us.
We are not used to losing weight
We want to know everything.

10. In life it is difficult to defend
Your point of view,
And avoid mistakes,
And remove doubts.

11. We learned to put forward many ideas.
And we found in the walls of the school of loyal friends!

12. In the lessons you do not have to get bored -
We are used to getting a lot of knowledge.
Find out so interesting
What happens to thoughts closely.

13. We are not just a class, yes class,
All of us are artistic.
There are singers and dancers,
That we do not count all.

14. There are artists,
We have poets.
They will be recognized soon
All in the world?

15. "Maximalists" - fidgets,
Not used to lose heart!
Everything is interesting to us in life
We want to know everything!

16. We arrived at the marathon,
To comprehend science.
Turnip and projects
In the way they will drive away boredom!

17. We learn to think about the main thing, about the new.
For us there are no tasks with the answer ready.
Maximum thought, maximum actions -
Here is our motto. And here it is appropriate!

School business card in verses for the competition

School business card in verses for the competition
School business card in verses for the competition

School business card in verses for the competition:

  1. You are welcomed by comprehensive school number ...School No. ... - these are ... students, ... teachers, director, 2 head teacher, deputy. Directors for educational work and 2 organizers, as well as librarians, manager and maintenance personnel.

2. Song "Little Country"
We call our school "Little Country".
Here people with good eyes
Here the life of love is full.
Children can have fun here,
There is no evil here,
They don't let us be lazy here
And children are given light.
Chorus: Small country - 2 times,
We will tell you, tell everyone
Where is she, where is she.
Small country - 2 times
Where the soul is light and clear,
Where is always spring.

3. What is she, our school?

4. Small, cozy, clean, bright. Quiet on vacation and noisy when classes begin.

5. Children are a miracle of light
I saw it myself
And he ranked a miracle to the most wonderful miracles.
We are in response to the future: our joy is pain and sadness,
Our future is children ... is difficult with them, well, let.
In our children - our power, extraterrestrial worlds of lights.
If only the future was as bright as they.

6. Our school is also the parents of our students: responsive, caring, household.

7. And finally, our school is a teacher. Smart, responsible, energetic.

8. Song.
Who is the teacher? This is a heart
Given to children in the lessons.
How many hundreds he does not sleep with a single thought,
So that everything is kind to each other
Chorus: Again, they are happy to see all of you,
We want to wish you now
Happiness, jokes.
Sleepless nights
Only from love for his bright school.

9. A school teacher is a station wagon, this is a person who primarily thinks about his homeland, and then about himself.

10. Song:
Teacher's work is dangerous and harsh
You will find a lot of thorns and spikes in it,
If some are still with us
It doesn't want to be smart
So with them we conduct an invisible fight,
So is appointed fate for you and me;
We teach days and nights.
Often we hear reproaches from our relatives,
That we work almost seven days a week
What to the exhibition, to the theater or cinema
We do not go with them,
But we always have other worries,
Taking their children at the same time,
With the class we go to the circus.

11. If you got to school,
Don't consider that the century is gone,
After all, work is more interesting
You will not find.
If you took up the Guise
Thirty you will get a shower
And each has its own character is not simple
And sometimes you say quietly: "Oh!"

12. If someone broke the window, then we are not funny at all.
The school knows everything that this is our children.
This is my favorite class, he has a reserve of ideas,
And try in advance, guess
But again you will say cheerfully to yourself: "Ay!"

13. The principles of our work:
Be persistent, inquisitive and stubborn!
Remember! The teacher teaches others as long as he studies himself.
Be truthful, generous and merciful!
Remember! The hand that gives will not be impoverished.
Love your neighbor; Love children, protect them with love and truth.
Remember! The successes of your pupils are your success.

14. When on the slopes of eternal fuss
You will get tired of running from failures fiercely
Give the steps of the path of kindness
And the joy help someone to find.

15. No matter how life flew - do not regret your days,
Do a good deed for the sake of the happiness of children.
To make the heart burn, not smoldering in the darkness,
Do a good deed - we live on earth!

Business card in verses for a girl - at school, kindergarten

Business card in verses for a girl - at school, kindergarten
Business card in verses for a girl - at school, kindergarten

Business card in verses for a girl - at school, kindergarten:

My name is (name)! Greetings to all!
I hope for a warm welcome and success!
I will tell you objectively about myself -
Smart, cheerful and positive in everything.
I love to dress up, I love to draw
And I like to help mom around the house.
I am swimming and skiing on skiing,
I’ll try to become an skater!
I want to be always under the number first,
So that the younger sister is an example in everything!
I will work hard and long,
So that mom and dad can be proud of me!

I (name) - Best of all,
A great success awaits me.
I'm beautiful and slim
Charming, smart.
The nature is modest,
Energetic, cheerful.
Study on five, sing, sing
Dance and have fun -
Everything you want, I can
I will prove it to you!
I will certainly achieve my goals
Miss (name) I will become instantly.

Hello everyone my friends!
(Name) my name is!
8 years old to me,
I'm quite beautiful!
I came here to win
Get the first place!
The jury appreciate me honestly
See the truth I'm lovely!
I can sing and embroider
I can compose poems!

I'm not a simple girl,
Such popular
I'm not sitting on the spot
I go on dates.
I am very beautiful
But slightly talkative.
I'm like a mill,
I love to chat very much.
And in general, I must admit -
I love to hang out.
Juices, phantles, karaoke -
From me, the boy is in shock!
This does not harm the school!
My mother will confirm!

Not many years have passed
When a miracle happened -
I appeared in the white light
Everyone knows where!
I'm standing on stage here, now
And glad you will appear!
I will try for you
So that everyone in the jury will like it!

My name is (name) and me ** years old
I really like to have fun, and there is no reason to be sad here!
I love nature and friends,
To communicate and walk.
Well, what else to tell you?
I am active, funny, I am a removal girl!
Already in the 10th grade I am.
Our camp is like a family to me!
I can sew and draw,
Yes, compose poems here.
In general, I want to win,
Because I'm standing here!

The viewer today you support me!
And only shout for me loudly!
The jury is strict today, they will have to judge a lot!
But do not take your eyes off me
I'm a girl just a class!
I can sew, weave, knit,
But I also like to study science!
Play with friends in the yard
And I know a lot of songs perfectly,
I often invite friends somewhere!
I go to the cinema with the boys!
And I love in the bathroom!
I study only 5!
And I like to shoot a video!

I want to tell you -
(Name) my name is!
I will come from (from which city)
I study perfectly.
I like to sing and dance,
To light in a word.
But, and most importantly, of course,
Dad, help mom.
I'm a cheerful girl
Mischievous laughter.
I love to play very much
And walk with the girls!

Greetings to you all, friends!
(Name) my name is.
I am 13 years old from the clan,
There are no harmful habits yet.
I have average ratings,
But I can do a lot:
Knit, cook, embroider,
Crow, weave and dance.
My character is not at all angry,
But it happens changeable.
Promises to friends
I always try to fulfill.
What else to say to yourself?
I dream of being happy in life
And I wish you all!

I want to tell you that (name) call me,
I am a cheerful girl, a mischievous laughter.
I like to read books and walk with girlfriends,
Here I stand in front of you - appreciate me yourself!

(Name) My name is!
I study at this school.
If you ask me, how to work out -
I will answer frankly
I was lucky with my studies.
I read a lot and always looking for an answer.
Modest, attentive I,
I have many friends!
Their friendship is very valuable
And I never bring it up!
I do not suffer idle
I also sing, dance, embroider and draw.
You look at me and you will appreciate me!

Bright, beautiful,
With a mischievous smile.
Your meeting with me
It will not become a mistake.
Making friends with such a lady,
You will be like a comet!
I explode constantly
Firing all inadvertently.
Energy - more than enough,
But life with me is just paradise!

Poems a business card for a boy - at school, kindergarten

Poems a business card for a boy - at school, kindergarten
Poems a business card for a boy - at school, kindergarten

Poems of a business card for a boy - at school, kindergarten:

I will appear in front of you -
(Name) My name is,
I really like the girls,
They say beautiful! Do not lie!
I am at the competition for the first time,
But I'm not afraid of a bit!
And for an honest victory
I’ll fight in advance!
Friends are sick for me
I am more fun supporting me
I will try very much
So as not to bring friends!
I wish everyone victory
All are worthy to win
But to whom to give the victory,
Only it is given to you to solve.
I will lose - I will not pay
Everything is ahead of me
Good luck to all rivals
I wish from the heart!

I was lucky to be born a man
To be strong and persistent, all troubles in spite!
So far I am at school a simple student,
But my deuces are not spoiled by my deils.
I do not lazy to learn diligently at all,
And I willingly strive for the new knowledge.
I love a computer, football and a fight, -
I made my fate with sports.

I am a boy - a holiday, just a riot of colors,
In which there is both lightness and pressure,
The reality of life, faith in the miracle of fairy tales ...
The bright palette agreed on one pattern.
Kaleidoscope made of mathematics, dreamer,
Reader, athlete, from the singer, artist,
Artist, thinker, inventor,
From a musician, activist, comedian ...

School friends here painfully painted me here!
I almost recognize myself, and my face still burns.
I am not an Easter egg. One of those who are many,
They do not like, if they are judged strictly, they do not tolerate, if against the will,
Prefer salt sugar; Who can hang out together
And work hard when necessary, and, if possible, is too lazy.
One of those who have fun, and who are sad during leisure hours,
Who appreciates a devoted friend and does not accept lies, treachery,
Those who are ready for half a dancer (without regret) to give.
I love to read books, I write a little, I draw a little,
I am friends with sports and dance, I do not stand out among others.
But for the sake of the school I will try to show myself well
And a competitor strong to become other worthy contestants,
Shining knowledge, the talent of sweets speak.
I will try to win!

I am a hero, although man -made,
I was brought to you by a scientific trail,
My character is active, but stubborn
The crowd will not cope with me.
A rumor about me will go throughout my village,
Will pass to the western - and turn back,
Friends and school will be proud of me -
Just think - I am a biocacker!
And for a long time I will be useful to the people,
That the craving for knowledge aroused,
Textbooks did not tear and guarded nature,
And I did not expect mercy from fate.
No, I won’t leave, my spirit in a healthy body
The jury and the hall will now be remembered at least for a moment,
I have many products in reserve,
After all, I'm not used to being lazy.

Gentlemen! Get to know me!
I'm not bad,
I'm good at school
And my dishes at home.
All football teams
I know for a recalculation
And what is the result.
I love to play football,
Very fun with me.
I have a younger brother -
I am always glad to play with him.
Dad tells me at home:
- Be an example for the topic,
Fuck yourself well
And read it.
And then your family
Will be glad for you!
If you study well,
You can achieve a lot -
You can become president
And issue laws.
Then we will accept the law
Encourage students.
Those who are studying for "five"
Protect laptops.
All then students
There will be all excellent students
Since children in our time
Everyone plays on the Internet.
You can read news
And play football on the network.
And although my younger brother
Goes only to kindergarten,
I will study well
So that he could be proud of me.
So that he takes an example from me,
He performed on the stage,
Teachers respected
And he received five!

Business card for a girl in verses

Business card for a girl in verses
Business card for a girl in verses

Business card for a girl in verses:

Hello my friends! (Name Surname) Me!
I go out onto the stage, I don't look at the hall with fear
It is easy for you to look from the hall, as I am trembling on stage!
The pen goes there, the leg goes wrong,
Mom and dad told me: "This, (name), does not matter!"
Once, a palm, two, my palm I am not a star yet,
If you like at least a little, you pat it then!
I have a big family:
Grandparents, uncle, aunts,
Mom, dad, and, of course, me!
And whoever is not believed - let him make sure!
The whole family was gathered, they gave me parting words:
"We must, __, try, smile, not be shy."
I listened, and now - the people are looking at me!
I'm not Chinese and not French,
And I'm a good girl Russian!
I like to count and draw, pour flowers in the group,
Swim in the pool, watch the theater, I love to sing songs!
I also like to dance and imitate everything in my mother!
Time will fly quickly and I will go to study ...
And I will say that I will become the best student!
Who is here, in the heart - sad?
This contest for you is vitaminochka!
All girls today are beauties!
But the jury is famous for justice!

My name is Vika,
Eleven years.
I'm glad to see you.
I will tell you: “Hello!”
There are many friends here
And there are parents
And the judges are beautiful
It’s just not counted here.
I want to be:
Actress, singer, doctor.
And the series has nothing to do with it.
While I am only in 5-V.
But our friendly class
I really like it.
Yes, he is the most noisy
But smart of you!
And no doubt our best class!
No wonder my mom
“Victory! Name.
I want to get it here.
After all, everyone wants
Become a princess of the ball.
This is not to take the eye.
Beautiful and smart,
Happy, reasonable.
With the eyes, like the sea, and the skin is shine.
So that the shoes sparkle,
Eyes to shine.
And the judges told you: “Yes!”.

Good evening, my dear friends!
Welcome to you (name).
I live in a big family,
So beloved and dear,
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
The youngest in her is me.
Active, perky,
Beautiful, stubborn.
I like to sing and dance,
I like to draw beautifully.
I help my mother around the house
And I never lose heart.
I am happy to go to school
And I am friends with sports.
I strengthen my health
What do you, friends, wish you!
Smile more and never upset everyone!

Funny and mischievous,
Everywhere there will be friends -
You ask: "And who is it?"
The answer before you is me!

My name is (name) is a name
On Greek, how the sun sounds.
And really summer is my time,
I love the sun bright rays.

I study in the sixth “A” class,
The gear of sciences granite.
Only one who is educated
The peaks will conquer.

And after all the lessons
I'm running without feeling my legs
To the beloved most,
Radio-technical circle!

Today I wish everyone
Good luck to catch the tail.
We are all worthy, I know
The princess of the ball to become!

Hi all! Whom I see!
Mom, dad, all relatives!
I'm so glad that today
Everyone is rooting for me.

Do not think that in eight
It is impossible to be a star
If you want something
You will win at all costs.

Here I am stubbornness wisdom
I comprehend from an early age:
I master the rebellious
Difficult satin ribbons.

I also love beads -
Oh and painstaking work!
But how beautiful -
Gives joy and comfort!

But this is not enough for me,
So I want to create!
So mom prompted
Learn me music.

Everywhere I have time:
And study and play,
Well, I ask you to pat,
Support to support the hall!

Hello, honest people!
Please get to know me.
I, Barbara - beauty
Long braid.
I came to the competition,
To show yourself.
I can't count the talents,
I like to dance and sing songs.
I also like to read poetry
And also draw,
Beloved mommy
Help the house.
But I will not show you
Suddenly I will get tired on a business card.
Well, the whole competition is ahead.

I was born in early May,
My constellation Taurus,
My name is Anyuta
And at school just well done.
I study in the 10th grade I
And my whole class is my friends.
I play football cool
I dance beautifully.
I am the right to conscientiously teach
And I want to become a lawyer.
I love flowers and compliments,
I hope for applause.

Business card in verses for a young man

Business card in verses for a young man
Business card in verses for a young man

Business card in verses for the young man:

My name is Olesya.
I go to the third grade.
And if interesting
I'll tell you about myself.
I love mathematics
English, physical education,
And singing with grammar,
And literature.
When the lessons end,
I am running to the House of Culture.
I want to learn music.
Without this, I cannot.
On the synthesizer I want
Play without difficulty
Then perform on stage
And listen to congratulations.
When I learn lessons,
I get for work.
I will help dad with mom
I will try very much.
Well, I have a hobby -
Do not list in three days.
I do origami
From colored paper,
I also draw -
See for yourself!
I embroider ribbons
And I ride the videos.
I love magazines I read
And play different games.
Checkers, cards, dominoes,
Chess, I don't care.
Often I win,
When my family plays.
I'm friends with the TV.
"The smartest" I look.
I also studied
New program,
To create albums
About yourself for glory.
If you want, look
I have many friends:
Vika, Galya and Sergey.
We sing songs with Zhenya,
We’ll go for a walk with Ksyusha.
Polina: And Abai is all day
We are not too lazy to tease us at all!
We live together at school:
Together we learn, grow.
Seryozha: everyone needs to be friends -
Ilya, Nikita and Danil.
We are all best friends,
We can’t do without each other.
Ksenia: We smart and grow,
We live cheerfully at school.
Let the teacher believe -
We will not let her down!

To begin with, I will appear:
Everyone's name is Nikita.
My disposition is funny and open,
And how to help - I am here!
After all, I am Nikita - that means
That I'm not afraid of anything
And even in the boys competition
I will fight easily on stage!
But I need support now
My friends and friends,
After all, it is much easier for me with you
And, of course, more fun!
I ask for a speech
Do not regret your palms,
Lunch me happiness and luck
And together to cheer for me!
My rivals are lucky
I wish them victory I
If I lose - I will not pay,
But it’s hard to defeat me!
After all, I am Nikita, I am a soldier,
And no, moreover, to me back,
I believe that she always stores
I'm a happy star!
I am Ivan, but you can Vanya,
I am almost five years old
I'm obedient and good
And dressed from a needle!
The guy is very impressive,
And inside is doubly beautiful,
I am educated, gallant,
And completely relaxed!
You have noticed, probably
There is another feature:
That I'm modest immensely
In general, a guy at least where!
The color of my hair is wonderful
He speaks for himself
I'm not a boy - just a song
And victory here is mine!

Who said I am not a prince! Prince! And on that point!
I would have disference about this - it is a pity that there was no bell.
How a prince I like to study and play sports,
I love to dousise with water in cold morning.
How a prince I love to sing songs, I know how to dance,
I will not endure offense - I will make you respect!
How a prince love my family and mother and father,
And I love the elder’s brother, Mikhail - Well done.
I love my mother’s mother very grandmother.
I'm not a prince? Tell me what! Only what is small in tall?
And today why did I come out of this scene!
And then, so that you put on your face with a smile!
And then, what would everyone have to root for me together!
I want peace worldwide, abundance in the apartment,
so that our garden flourishes, so that the father does not get tired
And he would play longer with me in the evenings!
You do not judge us strictly, go out onto the stage yourself!
When you get out here, you will find out about trembling in your knees!
Thank you for your attention, for your understanding!

Business card in verses for presentation at the competition

Business card show in verses
Business card in verses for presentation at the competition

Business card in verses for presenting at the competition:

Important: the names of children, if desired, can be changed to another.

As an artist our Dasha
Draw you landscapes,
Still lifes and portrait.
There is no better than our Dasha!

Sasha is a serious guy,
So as not to lose time -
He quickly performs everything
And he runs soon to play.

Our Tanya is the vocabulary
Always sings songs.
And what a hostess -
All toys will take!

Quickly Vladik matured,
He managed to learn everything.
He strives for new knowledge.
It will come in handy at school.

Our Nastenka is smart
Kindness is endowed.
We believe that only "4" and "5"
There will be notebooks to fill it.
From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost.

Stasik, you're a strangler
You are well done in everything.
Feel free to school you walk
And comprehend science.

Alina - a voiced voice -
And slim, like a spikelet.
He loves to help adults
And do not find kinder.

Lena, we wish from the heart
Good friends to meet,
Be the same kind, glorious
And receive five.
Dancer, at least where!
And I took it with my mind.
We will miss you.
Promise to visit us.
Likes to build, make it up
Talk a lot.
We wish him from the heart
It is better to count, write
Read many books.

It’s sad to part with Cyril,
But still we will smile.
After all, there is so much interesting at school,
Unknown, wonderful.

Andrei loves to draw
Adults loves to help.
He has a lot of talents.
Let there be a bright road!

We wish you faithful friends,
A lot of health and sunny days
Success and only good in study.
May your life be full!
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.

Children respect Dima,
Everyone wants him success.
You know how to sing beautifully
Dance, read poems,
You can even on the piano
Playing plays to play.

Golden Sun
We have in the group.
Golden Sun -
Luchikov cannot be counted.
We wish Vick
And shine everyone at school.
Good marks
Bring from school.

Egor is escorted to school
And with all our hearts we wish
So that the lessons answered
Without hesitation, without difficulty,
And the teacher even gasped
And he said: "This is yes!"

We see for school to school
We wish you all my heart
At school you try
Take a diligently.

The third day, as from a bucket,
The rain pours. And from the yard
From the heavenly whim
Sadly Lisa, boring Lisa.
Lisa began to speak
Began to whimper and ask:
"Our dear sky,
I would run on the grass
I would play with friends,
I just have to walk! "
He heard the clouds Lisa
Left. And much better
Became birds, trees and people ...
We won’t forget thanks to Lisa?
When someone Nebushko asks for what-
We call this request for such a request.

See - Yulenka! Curls -
Barashki jumps through the meadows -
White river.
Look at the sun across the sea
How the wave runs
Like curls at the open
Directly spring.
Look, Yulenka,
Radiant in the mirror
You will see, dear
Kudri is golden!
Handles are white, smooth
Eyes are small, knives,
And they shine like beads,
Blacks with a black arc,
Do not find another!

Our Ivan is a shirt guy!
He will not disappear anywhere.
Well, and if necessary,
He will lead behind him.

There are no equal Lesha in the gym.
We wish him victories
Best to count, write
And “excellent” receive.

Our Alena is a laughter,
Merry and glorious girl.
He knows how to read, draw and sculpt.
At school, they will love her very much.

Christina loves to sing, dance,
Reading books read.
We wish to learn only to her on "5"
And at school, to develop their talents.

Artem loves sports, movement,
He strives for achievements,
He is not used to retreat,
At school - the best student!

Nikita is the winner
Nikita is our hero,
He easily copes
With a candy mountain,
He easily copes
With hot chocolate,
Fights with compotes
And with a delicious marmalade.
From these tests,
Parents will tell you
Nikita is mandatory
It turns out the winner!

Ilya Assistant in aspirations
And respect in achievements;
Suitable for the case thoroughly
It works very diligently.
Avoids noisy companies,
Only a narrow circle prefers
Friends who know personally -
In the middle of them, he is familiar with him.
If you are called Ilya,
You will not be mistaken in life.
You will be strong and healthy,
Always necessary, always new,
Because dad with mom,
Grandmother and grandfather
Strong and important
The name was given to the detail.
Be proud of your name,
Never in vain be angry
And then around you
Earth will be happy!

Danilka -Malchik is good -natured
Hospitable and welcoming,
And although he is calm in appearance,
In it, the heart is brave.
Danil fearless is not for a look -
Danil will not give offense!

We see Sasha to school
And with all our hearts we wish
So that the lessons answered
Without hesitation, without difficulty,
And the teacher even gasped
And he said: "This is yes!"

Julia is escorted to school
We wish you all my heart
At school you try
Take a diligently.

It is sad to part with Ira,
But still we will smile.
After all, there is so much interesting at school,
Unknown, wonderful

Our rum is very teaching
And he is smart and beautiful.
To other boys he is an example
Roma is a true gentleman!

Nikita is a serious boy, not proud.
Who to be? He has known this for a long time and firmly.
He will become firefighters when he grows up.
Girls, he will save any of you!

We have a polynka, we have
The girl is a picture.
Friends with dance, friends with a song -
No girl is more interesting!
The blue skirt, ribbon in the spit.

Who does not know Olenka? Everyone knows Olya.
Girls at the holiday will gather in a circle.
How Olenka sings here! The louder of all friends!

Business card-reporting contest in verses for New Year's costumes

Business card-reporting contest in verses for New Year's costumes
Business card-reporting contest in verses for New Year's costumes

Business card-reporting for a competition in verses for New Year's costumes:

Brother did not obey me
And now it turned into a goat
When cinema water
He decided to get drunk on a sultry day.

Baba Yaga
I fly in a mortar,
I notice traces.
Without miracles, an old woman
It is boring to live in a hut.
I live in a forest hut
Very cute old woman.
Knock knocking my foot.
Everyone calls me Yaga.

Not a dragonfly and not a bird
Like a mowing bow.
Multi -colored, alive,
I flutter above the flowers.
Mommy smiled:
- Ah, what ... butterfly!


The squirrel jumps on the branches,
From Christmas trees to the Christmas tree,
In a bright dress is dressed,
The tail sticks out with a panicle.
She has nuts with her -
Help yourself, children!
Together, of course, fun
We note the New Year!

I am not in vain by God's cow,
I always dress up in a red dress.
I am a very good insect,
In the afternoon I fly, and my rest at night.
Nobody is afraid of me, even children,
I am very useful on this planet.
To you, I flew in vain for your holiday,
Everyone wanted everyone to like it!

No one, no one,
Ask the whole world
There is no nose thinner than mine,
There is no longer a nose!
I wear a long, long nose,
I'm not easy boy
An adventure postponed,
But in the end, he brought
For all his friends, he brought
I'm golden key!

I will replace the cloak, gotham City
It will be started from sleep.
You will ask the hero
If you need help.
Scatter, villains,
Batman will ask you soon!
I free from evil,
Good people, all of you.

I am the glorious Bear Winnie the Pooh!
Anyone will understand me:
So that my spirit is cheerful and cheerful,
I really need honey.
A pot of honey is a dream
Which calls.
Friends, forward, follow me, on a campaign!
We will eat honey!

Gray brother in the grove dulls,
The teeth will seem to flash
And he is looking for pressing food,
And sometimes scares you.
Don't be scared, this evening
I will not touch anyone -
On the New Year and I am careless -
And I wish one:
Dance so that it becomes hot.
And I also want - gifts!

I'm flying mice and rats
Crocodiles, hares, foxes,
I bandage the wounds
African monkey.
And anyone will confirm you:
That I'm a doctor ... Aibolit.

Here I am a monster
Three -headed, big,
I'm flying above the earth

Tiny girl,
I left the flower.
Life seemed marvelous
In red petals.
Only the soul is tender
Fixed into darkness.
The animals are angry, greedy,
What do you have to do with you?
I would be blue on the sky
At least once to look.
Say goodbye to the sun
And fall asleep forever.
I hear: in the sky ringing
Your song.
Swallow is darling!
You found me.

Jump, jump-skok.
I'm on a Christmas tree, my friend.
How many people I see!
The entire primary school here!
There, in the forest, there are a lot of Christmas trees,
Only here a special look:
Like a sunny fragment
Bright glow burns.
Hey girls and boys,
Be a friend you are a bunny!

I will count all the stars,
All comets list -
So I will find out the past
And I read the future.
There are many puzzles in the sky -
I know them.
He will always put things in order
In star cards, star -maker.

Poor I am and a bastard
I got used to the ash.
It is very hard for me during the day
And I dream at night.
But I'm not crying, I don't cry
I smile and endure.
I believe in happiness and good luck
And I regret everyone and love.

Verse business card about yourself for the competition

Verse business card about yourself for the competition
Verse business card about yourself for the competition

Verse a business card about yourself for the competition:

I am a girl smart, hardworking,
A little coward - I am afraid of Zhukov.
I'm modest, tender, very beautiful,
I am always striving to be the best!

I am attending the violin lessons
And from the age of 4 I am learning to dance.
I dream of becoming a famous violinist
Or maybe an artist to draw.

I love any animals so much
What a veterinarian would like to become.
But what should I do, because I'm with the younger sister
I want to create a music group?

I'll think about it later, probably -
I want to enjoy my childhood in full.
And just like everyone else, I certainly want
Go to Disney Land, to the country of magic.

I love to participate in competitions of different ones,
To be the best of the best, to receive prizes.
Well, today I'm not in vain here -
I really want to become Miss Thumbeline!
I'm glad to welcome you today!
I want to tell you about myself now.
I am a smart girl, moderately stubborn,
I am the best in the world of mother's assistant!

A little coward - I am afraid of Zhukov,
But with this fear I am successfully struggling.
I'm very modest, very good,
I have talents I have unmeasured:

I draw perfectly, I sing perfectly,
And from four years I have been going to dancing,
Lessons on the violin I attend
And I dream of becoming a famous violinist.

I want to create a music group,
Where I will play with my beloved sister.
And I want to be a veterinarian too
After all, I love animals very much!

Or maybe the artist will become good?
I don’t know, I'll think about it later.
I also want to visit Disney Lande,
To see a magical and fairy -tale world.

I often participate in different competitions
And here I do not stand in front of you.
After all, the best of the best I dream I to be
And I want to get the first place!

Business card in verses for a beauty contest

Business card for a children's competition in verses by names
Business card in verses for a beauty contest

Business card in verses for a beauty contest:

In turn: Nastya, Nastya, Nastya and Natasha, Vlad, Dasha
Chorus: Here is our team!
We are girls what we need!
We are a joy for your eyes!
We study almost five,
We love to perform everywhere!
It is not difficult to show talent,
You just need to try!
We went out again,
We will try everything very much!
Our motto is very simple:
In chorus: "We are standing a mountain for the class!"

Good afternoon, and I am a barbarian, I wear a rare name,
And now on this scene I will tell to myself.
I can read from three years old
From four - I can look
In the web of the Internet
To any question is an answer.
I choose games itself, I load them into the computer,
Not on purpose, at first, I didn’t download them for free ...
I help mom with her work with hunting
We create presentations together for brands.
I can paint, take the brushes and sit down,
I can play with the kitten, sing and cheerfully dance.
And I can tell you the alphabet from “A” to “I”,
I already know how to read, we are friends with letters.
I know the numbers and I can count confidently,
And in the mornings I am happy to run to my kindergarten.
Everything is fine in my family - there is mom, dad, brother and me,
You can’t live without them, my family is my friends.
We play dolls with mom, we sew funny clothes,
Together we love them to be launched, and feed all the dolls from the spoon.
We read a fairy tale with her, close our eyes,
Do not find her better glory - the kindest, better than the most.
My dad is funny, but strict and honest,
It’s interesting to read and play books with him.
And it’s boring without a dad on a sled to ride,
No one knows how to laugh so loudly.
My dad is a wizard, he is the best
He instantly turns into what you ask
He can become a clown, a tiger, a giraffe,
But best of all, he knows how to be a dad.
I hug him and whisper softly:
"My daddy, I love you tightly!"
I am very, very proud of my brother,
And in this now I admit you all,
Familiar from birth and since childhood are friendly,
Therefore, each other needs each other.
And I'm in a hurry to say to the contestants:
“We certainly are not enemies with you,
And here, on stage that evening we must
Show what we are capable of! "
Do not judge too strictly, be us in all help,
Oh, and it’s hard for you to evaluate all of us now,
We expect compliments from you,
And the solutions are certainly
We tell you: “In a good hour!
Crazy for us! "
Evaluate with pleasure, everyone will be the winner!

We are the future of Russia! (Sly 1. Kremlin)
We will conquer the new peaks! (Slide 2. From space)
We will lead the country to new scientific discoveries! (Slide 3, Laboratory)
We will achieve the highest Olympic records! (Slide 4, pedestal, medal, 1st place)
We present a team of school No. ...: “Sturm” (Slide 5 The whole team, the coat of arms of the school, against the background of the flag of Russia).
The "Sturm" team is always ahead
Command "assault" - with fire in the chest
The "Storm" team - knows how to win
The “Sturm” team - wants to know everything!
Names (everyone's motto)
The country spread from Kamchatka to the Baltic,
There are many heroes of Russia, we have one Russia!
Strong army, powerful fleet,
Russian power is a reliable stronghold!
The country is governed by the new president,
Let's make an emphasis on this.
Putin will lead Russia forward,
Together we are power, the Russian people!
A lot of talents, a lot of effort,
Nobody won us on the planet!
The young generation moves forward,
It follows progress, does not lag behind the elders.
The two -headed eagle on the coat of arms protects the boundaries of the country,
The peoples of Great Russia are strong, friendly and equal!
Russia is proud of the great country!
Russia is a powerful military power!
Russia is advanced science and technology!
Russia is the discoverer of the cosmos!
Russia - talented and advanced scientists!

Today is the holiday - Miss Spring!
Hearts burn, eyes shine, and there is one - dear, such good!
A good girl Tanya lives in Volgograd,
Good girl Tanya as a delicate snowdrop blooms!
Her gold mowers are tightened, like bundles!
The guys from our class give Tanyosha flowers!
No wonder the neighbors look out of the window with the approval of the cheerful,
When she passes for classes at school with a briefcase!
In the window glass, reflected around the world goes slowly.
Good girl Tanya. Why is she good?
Ask the boys who are friendly with Tanya,
They will tell you the pure truth. These words are very important.
Our Tanya loudly ... and loudly in the lessons answers,
He studies the history of Russia with interest.
It is always ready for tests and control.
He does not run on changes, well, maybe sometimes !!!
Our Tanya jumps loudly in physical education lessons!
I have not met such an active nature in life!
Our Tanya laughs loudly, always on a positive, he will achieve his goals!
Our Tanya sings loudly, conveys the energy of happiness to us!
Our Tanya is the leader of the team, lobbies the policy of the school asset!
Guys, thanks for the kind words, you are my best friends!
Now I ask you a little about ourselves, do not lose consciousness!
Blonde with intelligence, a strong combination, I have a rare natural charm!
I study perfectly, dance decently, compose poems, beware of the grooms!
Since childhood, I like to draw sunsets, prepare surprises to my family, dream about the future!
I wish my rivals, of course, good luck, let any tasks be on the shoulder!

Business card of the school museum in verses

Business card of the school museum in verses
Business card of the school museum in verses

Business card of the school museum in verses:

The school museum is always visitors -
Everyone will find something important for themselves-
Schoolchildren, teachers and parents,
We will explain everything and show everyone here.

From the school annals of photography,
And the exhibits in the windows are laid out,
There are biographies of graduates of many,
There is everything that is supposed to medalists.

About teachers who retired,
About the teachers that are working here now.
Labor can only be compared with a song,
Labor is illuminated by children with care.

Memory is stored about heroes,
Those that won in the Great War.
Their orders and trophies will remind
The feats that the country committed in honor of the country.

Our museum is Karbyshev's name,
And we have a detachment of Karbyshevites.
They are glorious by their affairs
The hero is honored daily.

Exhibitions, competitions and conferences,
Olympiads and various ranges,
We think it will be out of competition
All the work we conducted.

It’s good that there are museums in schools.
So, the thread of time was not interrupted.
So, we will still be able to
With the past, to keep the connection invisible.
You came to the museum not just a guest,
Memory of the heart here you revive.
Maybe it will become at least a little easier
We understand today's days
Touch someone else's fate and life,
You will bow to the exploits of fathers.
Learn to serve as a homeland,
To live with dignity your life!
Let the path not overgrown with the museum,
Let our children torment
Let everyone be aware of:
Tomorrow grows out of yesterday.

Family business card for competition in verse

Family business card for competition in verse
Family business card for competition in verse

Family business card for a competition in verses:

Family - how much in this word
Love and tender kindness!
She is all the basis!
And I believe in this and you.

We are Gerdov - we are proud of it!
We can’t find us friendly in the world.
We are one striving to be in everything,
Help each other.

Eleven - the number is large,
We are wonderful children!
And we live without knowing grief,
Full of desires and ideas.

Parents for everything: “Thank you” -
We are talking daily.
They give love and strength
We are grateful to them with all my heart.

After all, mommy is always in worries:
Erases, cooks and bakes.
To be a mother - a difficult job -
Then strokes something, knits, sews.

She is in business, our dear
Bends harmony to the family!
Does not forget to cherish us,
And whispers to everyone: I love!

And we are very proud of dad,
After all, he is an example for us in everything!
We strive to imitate him,
And we worry about him.

Raising the family is not a few.
He works zealously for us!
And loves our mother very much
For the sparkle of her radiant eyes.

And we are sports guys!
After all, sport is our most faithful friend.
You need to train in life
Activity drives the entire ailment.

Even without music, I must admit
We can’t live all of us.
Alina loves dancing,
Her notes are best friends!

So often inspired by the muse,
Poems compiles for the soul.
So draws to Alina's work,
Her aspirations are good!

Seryozha Master on the button accordion
Soul of the music play!
He is a good assistant to mom,
And the younger ones can support.

And Romka is very growing very:
Like a top or yula!
Either he spoils, then laughs!
Yes, so that the head is around!

Anutka learns a little
It is useful to be in a large family.
But we are in a hurry to her to help her,
When it starts to wash the dishes.

Sometimes it happens with tears
Cleaning is arguing with us.
But we all know how to ourselves
And we can handle it together in an hour.

There is still younger Alina.
She is an assistant in everything!
Grows obedient, kind, sweet,
With a smile, illuminating the house.

And we have a cat -man, we have a biologist
And he loves flowers with all his soul.
And the cat Vasily and the child,
They will receive a rays of kindness.

Yes! She is beautiful gardener.
Love gives plants.
And there will be chrysanthemums, asters
At the house to show off again.

In the entire family, the family boils,
We have exams soon.
We finish together, no doubt -
The ninth is a very important class!

And we will act to study
All at will - where!
It is useful to strive for a family,
We will never get tired!

Let very different, of course,
But we are so friendly among ourselves!
We wish to be successful in everything,
Proud of such a big family!

And friendship unites us!
We will be together day after day.
There is no happier family,
Than the one in which we live!

Video: Original business card (business card) for the competition

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