Poems for children of preschool, school age: the best selection

Poems for children of preschool, school age: the best selection

A selection of poems that will help schoolchildren and preschool children easier to absorb school subjects.

In modern pedagogical practice, there are many ways to facilitate the assimilation of teaching material. But unfortunately, it is still difficult for children to master the first school skills. And all because our children are used to getting what they want easily, without the slightest effort. They do not want to learn letters and numbers for hours, days, weeks, learn to read and write. Not to mention memorizing the simplest things - flowers, days of the week, months of the year. All this seems to them a boring routine. The way out of this situation can be the memo verses that will help your baby develop correctly and in a timely manner.

Preschool children's memoirs for preschool children

Preschool children's memoirs for preschool children

Poems for preschool children:

To, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -
Crucian carcass flew.
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, to -
So, they have a nest here!

Olya painted the leaves at the maple
In red, orange, yellow, green.
And Seryozha advised to color
In blue, blue and purple.

The rain ended and flashed over the house
Rydugi poultry tail seven-color:
Red, orange, yellow, green,
Blue, blue and purple.

On the hand of his boy Petya
I found five fingers:
Little finger, nameless, medium,
Indicative and large.

Looked out the window of the grasshopper
Night, morning, day and evening
Then he went to bed
After all, the night is again.

A planet flies in a circle
And sings himself
Winter, spring, summer,
Autumn and winter again.

In the ocean of the full list:
Atlantic, Indian,
Quiet and entrusted to us
Arctic North.

Poems for children about children's parts

Poems for children about children's parts

Poems for children about children about parts of the body:

At night in the room for the kids
A mosquito arrived in Zudishka.
Wants to bite the children
He wants to suck blood!
But nothing will come out
Just sit - beat him!

He sat on the knee,
Bite the cheek Lena,
Zoe sat on the elbow,
He sat down to Demyan - on the navel!

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

Tamara sat on the ankle,
He sat on the top of the head of Irishka.
He sat down on the barrel,
Mitya sat on a fist.

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

On the back of the head sat Prokopa,
Leonida sat on the ass,
Valentina sat on an eyebrow,
Love bit his nose.

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

He sat down on the collarbone,
Tanya sat on the lower back,
He sat on Stepan on the hip,
He bit Peter in the ear.

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

Nastya sat on his lip,
Sitting Oksana on the wrist,
And now he is on his chest
Gerasim is sitting.

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

He sat on the chin of Ole,
Julia bit his lower leg.
He sat down on the temple,
Wife - on top of the foot.

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

He sat on the palm of his hand,
Dima bit his neck.
Margarita sat on the brush -
Fry, Komarik! Get out!

Beat! Beat! Do not be sorry!
Let the mosquito mosquito die!

He sat on the forearm of Masha,
Book in the shoulder blade Dasha.
He sat down on the caviar,
Here and grief of Komaru -

He is his palm -
Clap! - Yes, in a cake!
The kids shout: "Hurray!"
There is no more mosquito!

They love my ears
Soft pillow.
The eyes are falling asleep right away,
Handles, legs rest,
The mouth yawns widely
And the nose sniffs.
The night sings to me: -Bay!
Sweet and grow up sweet!

Eyes see mom, dad,
Lies a club of clubfoot,
The nose sniffs, how delicious
The apple and pear smell!
Ears hear: ay - I am qi,
Do not tear books, leaf through!
The mouth eats blueberries,
Both bananas and strawberries!
Handles clap their hands,
The legs walk along the path!
And in the bushes, noticing the cat,
They catch up with a little
Here is a girl
The girl is a chorus!

Hands, shoulders, head,
Mouth, and in the mouth of halva.
Cheeks, eyes, ears, nose.
Hey Andryukha, you have grown!
Legs, priest and stomach.
Lunch lives in the stomach.
Everything works for us -
Breathes a nose, looks an eye.
The ears hear, the mouth laughs,
The pens drag what they will have to.
The legs stomp on the floor.
Well, we will play another school?

The verse about the traffic controller is the memor "if the stick looks ..."

The verse about the traffic controller is the memor "if the stick looks ..."

The verse about the traffic controller is the memor “if the stick looks ...”:

Commanding the rod, he directs everyone.
And one controls all the intersection.
He is like a wizard, cars trainer.
And the name is a traffic controller.

And if the traffic light breaks,
The mash with the movement was created.
The controller will help everyone,
He will pave the route with a rod.
A specific code will give,
Give transport to pass.

The stick is fixed the top - he tells everyone,
If the stick looks into your mouth, make a right turn.
If the stick looks right, you have no right to go.
If the stick looks to the left, you are on the road of the queen.
The chest and back are a wall for the driver.

Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
Ow their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.
I stand face to you -
Be patient, be great.
I look at you strictly -
So the road is busy.
If I raise my hand,
There is no movement to anyone.
Now I turned sideways -
The path is free ahead
Do not yawn, cross.

Poems for children about children about the days of the week

Poems for children about children about the days of the week

Poems for children about children about the days of the week:

On Monday, I washed
And on Tuesday it swept.
On Wednesday with honey, pek kalach,
And on Thursday I played the ball,
On Friday, washed the dishes,
And on Saturday I bought a cake
On Sunday I was resting,
I read good tales.

Here is a week. It has seven days in it
Pick up to get to know her.
The first day for all weeks
It bears the name Monday.
Tuesday is the second day,
He stands in front of the environment.
The middle of the environment-
The third day was always.
And Thursday is the fourth day -
The hat wears a slap.
Very fashionable girl.
And on Saturday - the day of the sixth -
We relax with the whole crowd.
And the last - Sunday -
We appoint fun during the day.
Tomorrow again kindergarten ...

Among days of any week
The first will be Monday.
The second day followed him,
This Tuesday came to us.

We can’t get anywhere ...
The third day is always the environment.
He is the fourth here and here
This day is Thursday.

In a series of working days
Fifth Friday now.
All finished work
The sixth day is always Saturday.Seventh day?
We know him!Sunday - we rest!

Once upon a time there was a fly-chistuha.
All the time a fly bathed.
She bathed on Sunday
In excellent strawberry jam.
On Monday - in cherry bulk,
On Tuesday - in a tomato gravy,
On Wednesday - in lemon jelly,
On Thursday - in jelly and resin.
On Friday - in yogurt,
In compote and in semolina ...
On Saturday, raining in ink,
She said: - I am no longer able to!
Terribly, terribly tired,
But it seems cleaner did not!

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
The cook boble was cooked for dinner,
And on Thursday and Friday -
Caracatic soup,
For Saturday with Sunday
He welded the pelvis of jam
He stood over the pelvis
Yes, and ate everything at once.

In the zoo crocodile
Every day went to visit:
On Monday to the bear,
And on Tuesday to the mouse,
On Wednesday to Leo, on Thursday to the beaver,
On Friday to two kangaroo,
I went to the buffalo on Saturday,
On Sunday - to the hippo.
And a neighbor came to him -
There is no crocodile at home.

Poems for children about children about months in the year

Poems for children about children about months in the year

Poems for children about children about months in the year:

Twelve months a year
They play the Czechard in their own.
January loves to ride a sled.
February loves to throw snowballs very much.
And March loves to let the ships very much.
April removes the whole snowball from the ground.
And May puts the trees with foliage.
June - he brings a strawberry with him.
July loves children to bathe.
And August to collect mushrooms.
September will paint leaves with different colors.
October pours rain, as if from a barrel.
November covers the lakes with a ice.
December draws patterns on the windows.
And with December the year ends,
He carries a Christmas tree as a gift.

Remember the calendar
Winter - December, January, February.
Followed by March, April and May -
Spring has come, take off your coat!
June, July and August - Summer!
Runes with a portfolio autumn after:
September will pass, October, November,
And then the winter is again - December!

Forever after each other
Months go in a circle:
In January and February
Snow lies all over the earth,
In March and in April
The ringing of a drop is heard
How snow and ice melt
May will come to us with flowers,
But in June and in July
It will become hot, as in a pan.
And for August since September
We will collect the crop.
In October and November
Forest beast will fall asleep in the hole,
And when December passes
There will be a holiday - New Year!
Buy a new calendar
And January will come again!

On the snowdrifts walked January,
All the frosts of the winter king!
Called it on February -
Lost a shawl from a blizzard.
Mart came up to replace
He rang: Spring, to start!
April sailed through the streams,
He is in the pocket of his drops.
Majesty rustled May:
- Take a warm jacket!
Dandelion carried June.
Do you want a miracle? Just Dun!
And in July, and in July
We rested at sea!

August was buzzing with bees,
Yes, he sat in a mushroom in the forest.
In the golden September
We forgot about the heat!
The wind blew October
We will pick yellow leaves!
November froze us,
The first snow threw to the ground.
Here is December coming to us,
Finishing a long year!

Poems for children about children about the alphabet

Poems for children about children about the alphabet

Poems for children about children about the alphabet:

Hello, a little friend!
Sit down, listen to my poem.

To rather become adults,
You must be able to read
So as not to be a nonsense,
You need to teach the alphabet:

A, BE, VE, he, de, e, e, - -
How is health, friend, yours?
Zhe, ze, and, and short, - -
Oh, sweet jam!

Ka, el, em, en, o and PE
They go on a train, in a compartment,
With them - Er, Es, Tae and U,
The steam locomotive is buzzing with them: wow!

eF, Ha, CE, Che, Sha and Scha
They catch bream in Lake.
A hard sign is such an eccentric!
I ate all the rolls on an empty stomach.

In the word "fish" there are two "s"
And one - in the word "we".
There is a soft sign in the word "know"
And in the words "read", "write".

U, Yu, I, e, yu, I -
The letters are a cheerful family.
Together - a whole alphabet,
He stores letters in himself.

Letters in it are as many as thirty -three,
Memorize them all, look!
Fold the letters - there will be a syllable,
To read it.

Behind syllables and words -
All science is not new,
And you will start to read the primer,
You can soon become a knowledge.

You will learn a lot of words.
Well, study, and be healthy!

You can find a large selection of poems about letters by link.

Poems for children about numbers, multiplication, mathematical terms

Poems for children about children about numbers

Poems for children about numbers, multiplication, mathematical terms:

Zero looks like a bun,
He is puzata and round.
A cat looks like him
If it turns into a ball.

This figure is a unit.
A thin nose, like a knitting needle
Hanged down, sad,
After all, she is only one.

Bend like a deuce, neck
I probably won't be able to.
Maybe you can? Barely!
They will be able to swan with a number 2.

Troika number as a threat
Sets three splinters,
Three hooks for fishing,
Between them there are two shafts.

Someone at night old chair
He turned down his back down.
And now in our apartment
He became a digital 4!

Look at the number 5.
Taking a five -handed man by the handle,
You can draw like a bucket
Water and sand are loose.

If a hinged lock
Up raises the proboscis,
Then we will see here
Not a lock, but a number six.

I can't this figure
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But the grass cannot mow -
Not sharpened at all
And the number 7 does not mow.

Two bagels together we lay down,
The figure will come out. This is 8!
8 - Together Two Walls,
Or two zeros together.

Nine nine - bun?
Or maybe a ball?
This cat Barsik is sleeping,
And the tail lies with a hook.

You can find a large selection of poems about numbers link.

What is multiplication?
This is a smart addition.
After all, smarter - multiply once,
Than to compose all an hour.
1 × 1. One penguin walked in the middle of the ice.
Lonation alone is one.
1 × 2 alone in the field is not a warrior.
Two two loners.
2 × 2. Two athletes took weights.
This: twice two - four.
2 × 3. The rooster sat down to dawn
To a high pole:
- Cook! Twice three,
Twice three - six!
A pair of forks pierced the pie:
Two to four - eight holes.
3 × 3. Coffee drank two bugs
And they broke three cups.
What is broken, then not to glue ...
Three times three - nine comes out.
3 × 4. All day he repeats in the apartment
- Three multiply by four,
Three multiply by four ...
Twelve months a year.
4 × 4. Four lovely pigs
Dance without boots:
Four times four - sixteen bare legs.
4 × 5. Four scientists of the monkey
Books leaf through his feet ...
On each leg - five fingers:
Five times five to twenty.
5 × 5. The hares went for a walk:
Five five to twenty -five.
5 × 6. The fox ran into the forest:
Five six - thirty comes out.
5 × 7. Five bears from the den
We walked through the forest without a road -
For seven miles, Kisel is sipping:
Five seven - thirty -five!
6 × 6. Six old women spun wool:
Six six to thirty -six.
6 × 7. Six networks of six ruffs -
This is also thirty -six.
And I got into the network of roach:
Six seven - forty -two.
7 × 7. Fools do not reap, do not sow,
They themselves are born:
The family seven - forty -nine ...
Let them not be offended!
7 × 8. Since the deer asked the moose:
- How much will the family eight? -
The moose did not go into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!
8 × 8. Vacuuming with his nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight per eight -
Sixty four.
8 × 9. Eight bears chopped firewood.
Eight nine to seventy -two
9 × 9. The pig pig pigs decided to check:
- How much will it turn out "nine for nine"?
- Eighty - Eve - one! -
So the young lead answered.
9 × 10. Cooline is small, and the nose is:
Nine ten - ninety.
10 × 10. There are a dozen mole in the meadow
Each digs ten beds.
And for ten ten - one hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

Mediana is a monkey,
Which has a keen eye,
Jumps exactly in the middle
Side against the top,
Where is it now.

The height is similar to the cat
Which, bending back,
And at right angles
Connected the top
And the side of the tail.

I read a new poem for you,
Whoever remembers is well done.
The detachment of anyone
There is a beginning and an end.

Suddenly in the sky because of gray dark clouds
The long -awaited sun seemed to be
Who will tell you a secret,
There is a beginning, but the end, guys, no

Everything that is in a holy life,
We are not entitled to deny.
The straight line has no, guys,
Neither the beginning nor the end.

A person has two shoulders
And in the day day and night.
Two rays were called an angle -
With the beginning at a common point.

Where labor does not know laziness,
Things are going well!Where numbers and divisions,
It turns out a scale.
The length of each division -
Unit of measurement.

We want to find a fraction from the number,
No need to disturb anyone.
We need this number

Addition rules
Children need to know.
Like multiplication -
Learn, understand.

Signs are different for numbers?
We do this:
We will read the modules
We put a sign more.

Two negative? Few
There will be concerns:
Put the minus at the beginning,
Steel modules later
If these are the rules
You will perform
So you are provided
Do not hesitate, five!

Plus minus, minus, plus!
I am not afraid of multiplication!
Change the modules is a trifle.
The most important thing is not to forget about the sign.
Plus a minus multiplying,
Put the minus without yawning.
Plus, plus - and plus in the answer.
All five will be, children!
Minus will multiply with a minus
Plus, the answer will be too.
Learn the poem -
The teachings will go more fun!

Poems for children about children

Poems for children about children

Poems for children about children:

A rainbow will flash
Seven layers at the pie!
Red - sweet, from raspberries,
And orange - with sourness.
Yellow - ripe clogging,
And green - kiwi baby.
Blue - from blueberries,
Blue - plum and blueberries.
Violet piece - blackberry sweet juice!

Rainbow - plate,
They are waiting on a plate
Different fruits -
There is a whole garden here:
Red strawberries,
Orange grapefruit,
Yellow melon,
Green grapes,
Blue blue,
Blue blueberries,
Violet plum ...
How beautiful!

In the distance, opposite the clouds
Multi -colored bridge is visible:
We will learn with you now
All the colors of the seven lanes.
We will remember the color
And draw a drawing.
The first is the red tomato
Leaves its pattern.
Orange color - carrot
It will draw very deftly.
Yellow will give us a lemon,
Although he is very sour ...
Green color will give a leaflet,
Blue - heavenly piece,
Further - Blue Vasilek
The belt will paint us
Violet - violet
Complete the drawing bright:
The rainbow is watching
In the forests and in the meadows!

Red radishes grew on the bed,
Nearby tomatoes are red guys.
Red tulips on the window are standing,
Red banners are burning outside the window.

Yellow is the brightest color!
Like the sun, the primrose,
Bright yellow water lily,
And in chamomile - the middle.

In the blue sea, a blue whale.
In the blue sky, the cloud is sleeping.
On a blue plate
Plums blue mountains.
Take a blue jacket
And let's go for a walk with you.
If the cloud suddenly wakes up,
Blue rain is overlooking us!

Here is a green pencil:
Summer -wonderful landscape with him!
He will draw grass
And foliage from all sides,
And on a slender Christmas tree
Green needles.

Violet paint
Creates the color blue with red.
Purple violets
We give a bouquet as a gift.
Brown color - simple,
Red and green fold.
We get the color of the earth,
We, of course, know him.

White snow lies in winter,
The white cat runs to the window.
Mix the rainbow -
We get white.

The gray bunny jumped up
Gray painted.
We mix black with white
And we get our gray color.

Poems for children about time

Poems for children about time

Poems for children about time:

Watches will run, minutes
Will gather together on a day.
They have twenty -four hours,
And the arrows work miracles.
The arrow of the first circle passes -
Noon to visit us comes to us
And she is in a hurry again
An hour after an hour to celebrate.
The arrow of the second passed, -
I came to visit us midnight,
The day passed, passed and night, -
They ran away for a day away.

I want to explain to you
How to divide the day.
Everyone can
The time of the day is to see for yourself.
In the morning the sun gets up,
The window will dawn.
We have to wake up
Go to kindergarten in the morning.
It's light on the street
The afternoon time has come.
We are walking for a walk, we are going
A lot of things happens day!
So the sun sits down,
This evening is knocking on us.
The whole family will return to the house,
Glue at the table.
The day ended a long time ago.
The yard is completely dark.
The night comes.
She wants a good sleep to us.

For a second, the score is going on
The gnomik escaped forward,
But he does not know yet
Like a second short.
Look at the clock-
Arrows here are not for beauty:
They indicated for us
For a second, minute and hour.
A second - thin,
A minute - long,
And short - an hour:
This happens every time.
Sixty seconds passed -
We came by the minute.
Well, and sixty minutes
Together they will give for an hour.

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for schoolchildren

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for schoolchildren

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for schoolchildren:

Spelling a capital letter.
Rivers, mountains and plains,
Names, surnames, valleys,
Nicknames of all animals,
Patronymics of people -
All with the title letter,
You write soon.

Spelling vowels after hissing.
We know firmly that Zhi - Shi
We write only with vowel and,
And in the words where the cha
We will only write with a.
Where will we meet Chu - Schu,
Then we will write with the letter y.

What is an inclination?
I quickly cheat the word
I am writing it on cases.
I call it a declension
We need to remember this.

Spelling is not with verbs.
Every schoolboy knows this -
It does not avoid the verb.
Do not forget, friends,
You cannot write together!

Three declensions of nouns.
I am called a noun
I share three declensions:
1 declension - with the end - a and me -
Female and Men's clan, friends.
2 declension - a kind of male without end,
And the middle gender - o - e is a smooth sound.
3 declension - feminine genus with b at the end of all words
Remember - this is a rule for all students!

Memory of cases in verses for schoolchildren

Memory of cases in verses for schoolchildren

Remote of cases in poetry for schoolchildren:

There are six cases of cases
There are no friendly in the world.
They live in agreement
And the order is guarding.
Nominative case
He is the most important of all.
To the questions - who, what, answers
Subject to the sentence.
And now the case genitive,
It is no less significant.
No one? What? Worried ...
And with a pretext in the rhyme is consistent.
(Near, C, for, without, from, from, to, y, around, except, after.)
Dative - Dobryak,
Everything tends to do this:
Give to whom? What?
Faster - by, k (a) - there are no prepositions friendly!
Accusative the case is always admiring
I see! What? Whom? Worried about
Through, in and on, for, about
The pretext is consistent easily.
Instrumental the case broadcasts
To be proud of whom? And what? Solves ...
Prepositions: between, with and above, for, under
With words, he protects friendship.
Prepositional Success promises you
About whom? About what? He thinks about everyone.
He does not forget his prepositions,
At, in, oh, oh, on - he exclaims loudly.

Speak correctly-orthoepic verses-memoirs for schoolchildren

Speak correctly-orthoepic verses-memoirs for schoolchildren

Speak correctly-orthoepic verses-memoirs for schoolchildren:

They ate cakes for a long time -
Shorts did not climb!

The bell rings calls
They call the call

So you can remember correctly.
Fekla is red as beets! or
In the garden, Baba Fekla, her beets in her bed!

They cut down the spruce, tore off sorrel.

Do not say the catalog, but only the catalog.
And the cottage cheese? You can cottage cheese, but you can also cottage cheese!

Like our Martha
There is a strip of scarves!

In the morning skirmishes
Because of the keys in the communal apartment.
Forget the squabbles
Buy keychairs!

The phenomenon calls on Wednesdays.
Having accepted the contract by year,
He gave an escort experts
Airport petition.

Dancer with a dancer love
Pamper their kids.
On the kitchen table on the dish
Let the kittens dance.

The driver and I set off in the mud
And, for a long time in the mud,
Broke through the communication department -
The typographer sent us blinds.

Who is friends with the rules
He is firmly convinced:
We really need porcelain
But porcelain is not needed.

This is not to say the alphabet
But you can an alphabet -
Who says the alphabet -
He says incorrectly.

When we are by car
We fly to full speed
Then we are not lucky,
And the driver is lucky.

And let it not now
Secret for the guys,
That the park is not a statue,
And the statues are worth it.

And if you are to the theater
You will come, for example,
You will not be missed in the ground,
Get in the ground.

My nozzle neighbor groans,
The phone does not call him.
The apparatus is silent,
Waiting for someone to call.
On the green light,

Don't go
And do not go
And never driving -
Go! Remembered?
- Yes!

Poems of memories - stress in words for schoolchildren

Poems of memories - stress in words for schoolchildren

Poems of memories - stress in words for schoolchildren:

Beetroot began to cry,
Until the roots:
I guys are not beets
I guys are not beets
I guys beets.

Flew away from the fire
And went out quickly -
If it is wrong, then a spark,
If right - spark! ..

To quickly in the library
You could find the book,
There is a card index in it,
Special catalog.

Get to the turn:
Here is the palace, here is the entrance - the gate.

Paints the walls of us a painter.
Shelves make a carpenter.

How reluctance to work!
I defeated us a nap.

On the same day, the queen is angry
Good news, expecting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question ...

Forlanding You ask
Pilot release the chassis.

Before you finish things,
You need to start them first.

It's a pity all, so give me at least
Cupcake your lifter.

Here is a bucket
Look, people:
Here is yours
garbage chute!

If you have talents,
Tie a bows on the holiday.
Without talents if you,
Tie yourself bows.

I am terribly tired -
Brother does not sleep a newborn.
Does not close his eyes at night
A scream loud wakes us up.

For builders at the time
The car will bring cement.

This stone is very strong
And beautiful enough.
Beat him at least all day.
Flint will not split.

English recording poems for schoolchildren

English recording poems for schoolchildren

English recording poems for schoolchildren:

Near Forest a wonderful house.
In it lives the baby Mouse.
Mouse loves to read Book.
And it is sweet to sleep on Sofa.
It sweeps purely Flat.
Cook Apple for lunch.
You need to visit Grandmother.
Here the old woman will be glad.
She looks at Window.
Near House Cat sits.
Cat claws in Cat.
Waiting for prey for lunch.
Door opened. On the threshold
A terrible DOG runs out.
Help! Ah ah ah!
And he answered: "Good Buy!"
DOG is worse than a shark.
So Mouse Cat "inflated".

Morning. It is necessary to get up.
Kitchen-garden water.
Here Tomatoes watered,
Carrot tore off the beds.
Flowers carries a bouquet,
Near House he sees CAT.
-Mouse, how do you do!
I will come to you now.
Mouse sees: it's bad to business
Basket put on the enemy.
I flew to Apple-Tree.
Fruits from above: One, Two, Three.
Well, now I will eat you.
No, cat, ”Ram answered.

So Winter has come,
White Snow covered everything.
Good on Skates ride.
And on Sledge they rush from the mountain.
Mouse puts on Skis,
But behind the Christmas, a surprise awaits.
Mouse rushes faster.
CAT, like Wind, flies behind it.
Oh, yes this is a springboard.
Cat rolled alone.
Turned into a snowball,
Again, it's a somersault.
The guys have Play today.
And the Cat-Sleager Day.

The sun is Yellow, the sky is blue.
I love to look very much
In the glass color, Glass,
Closing the left eye.
The sky is Purple, the sun is red.
Guess what color
At the magic glass,
Since there was a birch Pink?

I went to the forest, Forest,
I did not take a gun, no bullets -
I'm not afraid of a wolf, Wolf.
I will not destroy at all
Having met a bear, Bear.
I want, grab the tail
Red fox, Fox.
Only that I am not a coward
The neighbor's goose forgot.
He stood menacingly in the way.
How can I go into the forest now?

Poems-memoirs in German for beginners

Poems-memoirs in German for beginners

Poems-memoirs in German for beginners:

Physical school-membrane

Kleine Zwerge, Jung und Alt,
Geehen in den Gro? En Wald.
Tanzen, Singen, Turnen Hier,
Stehen Kopf, Spielen Klavier,
Springen, Helen, Rufen: "Schreck!"
Lachen und Schnell Laufen Weg.

Rhyme - greetings
- Guten Tag, Kinder!
- Guten Tag, Wir Sind Die Kinder
DIE GUT Deutsche Lieder Singen!
- Singen Lieder? Freut Mich Sehr!
Konnt Ihr Doch Vielleicht Noch Mehr?
- Sprechen, Lesen, Malen, Schreiben,zahlen, Rechnen, Flei? IG Bleiben!
- ihr Seid Brav! Nun Wir Beginnen.
Viel Erfolg Beim Lernen Immer!

The first acquaintance with grammar is the conjugation of the verb sein
Ich Bin Gro?, Du Bist Klein,
Er ist Klein, Sie Ist Klein,
Ihr Seid Lustig. WAS IST LOS?
Wir Sind Gro?, Wir Sind Gro?!

Torte, Kuchen, Limonade,
Kasebrote, Schokolade,
Cola, Eis, 1 Liter Saft,
Alles Hab? Ich Schon Geschaff
und Dazu 3 Tassen Tee.
OH, mein Bauch Tut Schon Weh!

Free time
Ich Fahre Gern Fahrrad,
Ich Sehe Gern Fern,
Ich Spiele Gern Fu? Ball
und Schwimme Sehr Gern,
Ich Schlafe Nicht Lange,
Ich Helfe ZU HAUSE,
ich Gehe Spazieren

Memoirs in chemistry in verses for schoolchildren

Memoirs in chemistry in verses for schoolchildren

Memoles in chemistry in verses for schoolchildren:

Memorization poems in organic chemistry
Remember, friend, and I, and you,
What is the difference between alcohols -
They have carbon and hydroxide,
And every alcohol is easily burning.
R - it means radical,
He can be great and small,
The ultimate or non -shaped.
But this is a separate conversation.
Aldehydes smell pleasant,
But the group C (h) o them will give
Among carbon acids
Well -known "persons" of a lot.
In acids - carboxyl groups,
But all the acids here are non -senile.
In ketones, the group has CO,
But this is also nothing ...
Acetone is burning perfectly,
And the solvent is also it.

The Lakmus indicator is red - it will indicate the acid clearly!
The Lakmus indicator is blue - the alkali is here, do not stand worse!
Phenolftalein in alkalis raspberry

Sulfur, sulfur, letter S, 32 - specific gravity.
Sulfur in the air burns - we get anger.
Angidride yes plus water - it will be acid.

Halkogen often together,
And what of them we will ask about them -
Everyone lives in the sixth entrance
"Mendeleevsky House."
We have been familiar with them for a long time.
“I am the tenant of the apartment eight.
I can light up the dispute
A match, a stove and a fire.
Who gives you all -
Atmospheric oxygen! ”
Who is sixteen at number?
“I am ready to admit to you:
I see myself on the throne
In the eight -house crown.
I'm not hovering in the atmosphere
It’s hard for me to live, SERO! ”
Red or gray,
The light is ready to catch selenium.
(Unusual element!)
And the tellur of darkness arose,
This is a semiconductor.
And everyone has a manner -
Exactly like sulfur.

One, two, three, four, five - the nitrogen went out for a walk.
Sodium, potassium, silver with hydrogen at the same time - one -time for a long time.
Copper and mercury are separate - two, one alternately.
Aluminum, boron and chrome are called trivalent.
And iron, everyone knows, two and three always happens.
The remaining elements are mostly double -glurated.

Ion metabolism reactions
If gas is released, this is time;
And the water will turn out - these are two;
And the insoluble is also besieged the product.
“There is a sediment,” we say.
This is the third important point.
The chemist will never forget the exchange rules:
As a result, there will certainly be gas or water,
The sediment will fall, then - order!

Planets of the solar system-a verse-memo for schoolchildren

Planets of the solar system-a verse-memo for schoolchildren

Planets of the Solar System - a verse of a memorial for schoolchildren:

Zvezdokhi lived on the moon
He recorded the planets:
Mercury - one
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars,
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - uranium,
Eight - Neptune,
Nine - the farther of all Pluto,
Who does not see - go out!

What is the sun?

The sun is a coin, ”grumbled stingy.
No, a frying pan! - Gluttered cried out.
No, Karavay, - said the bakery.
Compass, ”the sailor said with a conviction.
The sun is a star, ”the astronomer announced.
A kind heart, - the dreamer decided.

Natural satellite of the Earth - Moon

Well, and the companion is the moon
Cool and pale.
But while it rotates with the ground,
Her disk moves.
Because we see at night
(only sister of the earth, only daughter)
In different phases appears,
And the people smile at her:
“That pancake, or a sickle!
Can hide later!
And it will appear again
Night in the sky to shine! "

Our solar system!

There is no space in space
And there are nine different planets there.
And the sun is a star in the very center of the system,
And we are all connected with attraction.

The sun-set was bubbling with a volcano,
Brozol, like a boiling boiler, constantly,
Protubens take off with a fountain,
Life and warmth gives everyone tirelessly.

The sun-star is an overgrown ball
The light radiates, as if a fire.
Well, the planets reflect that light,
The sun has adored!

Many planets around the sun fly.
Maybe people live on them?
Come on, in the rocket we will sit with you,
We rush from the sun in the darkness of blue!

Maybe Mercury will please us?
And a whole class will bring us friends!

Planet Earth is our darling home.
But how much, children, we know about him?
We constantly solve her riddles.
But we do not know the shape of the earth to the end.
And the shape of the earth without rivers and seas
The geoid is called! Teach and smarter!
And what's inside? We accept on faith.
The core is not visible. We fly to the atmosphere!
We are grateful to her that we can breathe
And we can solve many problems with her.
It is great that we are closed by the atmosphere
From evil and insidious meteorites.
Stones burn out from friction in the air
And with a star, beautiful rain, fall out.
Ozone layer, without any doubt,
We are protected by bad radiation.
The land is incomparable! Nature miracle!
She is inhabited by animals and peoples.
Life on Earth is defenseless, fragile,
We protect it badly for now.
So that life on the planet is to save,
We must try not to dirty her!
And how many years have been talking from year to year.

Poems of writing vocabulary words for schoolchildren

Poems of writing vocabulary words for schoolchildren

Poems of writing vocabulary words for schoolchildren:

Two rows of trees
In a shady alley.
Two "l" in this word
Write bolder.

In me, do not forget the two “k”
Beautiful, clean and tidy -
In one word - neat.

Pay attention
On "here, health, building."
H cannot be separated in them,
So as not to damage the meaning.

In the city of Bordeaux,
On Bordovo Street,
The sunset is crimson and crimson.

There is always a man at work,
To achieve a high rank.
And the woman is true to the kitchen
She cooks delicious cabbage soup.

Small rain per day foggy
Call the frozen,
Snow hook made of fog
The frost scatters.
Morning, what will you send us?
The letters just decided everyone:
"C" at the end - and there will be rain,
"Z" at the end - and the hoarfling will lie.

Shovel deftly works all day,
The shovel is not laziness with dense snow.
So that the shovel does not burst with zeal,
We will give the letter “o” to her, guys!
I have been a faithful assistant for a long time:
My dishes in the kitchen.
In the word "dishes" vowel "o"
I will not forget to write.

Early on duty will come to school,
Flowers neatly in the class Poles,
The sponge will wet in clean water.
In the word "duty" write the letter "e"!
I'm lazy at school, friends, I am not used to it,
I teach the Russian language diligently.
And in the lessons I am not in vain.
In the word "language" I will write the letter "I"!

He walks around the field as an agronomist.
In this word we will find three vowels
In the word agronomist, there are only three vowels in total.
At the beginning of the word we write "a",
And then two letters "o".

A woodpecker sits on a pine tree
The bark of the tree is hollowing.
He is looking for food for himself.
In the word woodpecker after "t"
Write the letter "E".

Sorry read.
Here are three "and" we saw
And only one letter "E"
You need to write at the end.

The cow gives milk to people.
After "K" in the word cow
Write the letter "o".

Schoolchildren have notebooks
Should always be in order.
Write in them beautifully
Neat, good
And at the end of all these words
Do not forget the letter "o".

Video: Cartoon about 12 months of the year. Seasons. Poems for children

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