Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for schoolchildren-the best selection

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for schoolchildren-the best selection

Absolutely all children do not like to teach grammatical rules. And in the end, this can lead to the fact that the child will make mistakes both in oral speech and when writing dictations, independent work. In order for your baby to grow up with a competent person, invite him to study the rules of the Russian language in a poetic form-with the help of poems-memoirs.

Poems with grammatical errors

Poems with grammatical errors
Poems with grammatical errors

Poems with grammatical errors:

Mistakes, no doubt,
Change the words of meaning.
Natasha, Peti, Vera,
Here are the examples of this.

A steam locomotive and paw
A steam locomotive, steam locomotive
He rushes people under the knock of wheels.
The steam twists its wheels,
On time at the station it will be.
Paw, paw
The cargo from the doubles to school was taken:
For Viti and Tamara
And for all other guys,
What they do not want to study.


Citizens and Garazhans
Citizens, citizens
They always live in cities,
To work and from work
They scurry along the streets.

Garazhans, Garazhans
In garages all days stick out,
They exchanged cars
Wives, kids and grandchildren.

If you have taken the handle,
Then think, do not rush
Otherwise you will settle people
You are forever in garages.


Samovar and somovar
The samovar snaps, noisy,
He will boil water himself.
The crane, brilliant will turn
Tea in cups will pour everyone.

Somovar is completely different
Not capable of this.
Somovar - friend to fishermen,
He will weld the soup to us.
SOMS will only come across on the network -
Somovar is already dragging children.

So think, friend, first,
The letter about write il A.
Who does not know how to write
There is no one to see tea.


Boyfriend, boyfriend and pile
The boyfriend brings flowers
And he asks for a movie with him.
He is to care for an amateur
Compliments the speaker.

The boyfriend - the ear is sipping,
He does not know the best food.
All the other is nonsense
Five pots - in all the ear.

Plyozhor - he is more terrible -
Run away as soon as possible.
How noble he meets,
He bites his ears.


Blinks and tails
Blinks without stopping
Love to boast about new things,
And about what they drank, ate,
And about what they got sick,
And about where they rested, -
All such people met.

The tails are weaved in the tail,
At the last desks, they are clinging
The tail is packed with fear,
If they are called to the board.
And how will the call give the call -
The back of the pipe has a pipe
Everything is ready for a fight.

You must understand
Where is the bracket, where are the tails.
To scatter all doubts,
Put the words under stress!


A wallet and a purse
The wallet is stuffed with money
Go to the store so that mom.
Puppet porridge from porridge,
What made mom to Masha.
You will burst into the store with this -
You will not get a laughter!


Pretty and petty
Pretty person
Very cute and pleasant,
Cute, neat -
This is clear to all of you.

Melovicious man
On the face of whiter chalk:
Il turned white with fear,
Or something got sick
Il gave all the blood to the doctors,
Or he does not sleep at night.

You can help the poor fellow
To become pretty again,
If a handle on paper
You will write in the word "and".


Kindergarten and grandsadik
In the morning in a kindergarten
The kids are coming
Dads and mom
They lead them there.
They will be there
Frolic, play,
Letters and numbers
Write in notebooks.

In the morning to the dead man
Grandfather is coming
Grandmothers all of them
They lead under the handles.
They will be there
Read newspapers
And in dominoes
Knock very hard.
Will be in sleep
They snore loudly
Military songs
They will sing there.

If wrong
You will write
There will be a baby
To get to the old people.
Will be there with them
Bones to knock
Instead of,
To learn to read.


Lesopros and fox
Lesopros on the sawmill
Long logs are lucky
Unloading, in the forest pine
Again, he will come to the cutting.

Fox zoo
The fox delivers like gifts,
Stop scaring the bunnies -
Let the kids please.


Peskar and squeak
Loves the bottom of the sandy sand,
Pure, transparent water.
You don't fry the baby like that
Let it frolic in the sand.

Likes to squeak days
The pyruscar that with the letter "and" is so friendly,
The squeak does not give him peace
We do not need this at all.


Caravans and cow
Camel caravans
Go through the dunes.
They are quietly raving
The thorns are only chewing.

Lugams flooded,
Such green
Miner coin
Leads the shepherd Ivan.

When you write a word
Then remember first:
In the camel caravan
Always three letters "a".


Arctic fox and scribe
In the north, the snow fox lives,
Everyone recognizes his fluffy fur coat.
His relatives have a red fox,
But he does not write letters with a cunning sister.

The scribe in the old days wrote all the papers,
Beautifully and quickly, and knew the letter.
Heeded tons of feathers and tons of ink,
Until the friend-computer has changed it.

Confuse the words -
There will be a sin to you:
Not at all that
Shoot on the fur.


Solonka and the cabin
In the form of a mushroom or a barrel
A solon always lives in the house.
Salt poured the hostess into the salt shaker -
Every Dunno knows about this.

Lard in the cabin lies with a piece,
The housekeeper cat is circling with her.
There used to be only a butter on the table,
Today the novelty shines - the cabin.

There is little good in your mistakes,
Seeing, after all, “a” awaits all the lard.
If you deprive them of delicious hope -
There will be a reward to you the title of ignorant.


Rooster and Pete
Rooster - strict husband
For clicking chickens.
Pete in Russia -
The one who drank too much.
Who is it to yourself
He will not chop on the nose,
That cockerel
He will not wake up at the dawn.
He will drink it all day
As a famous marf,
And get a deuce
Then for the lesson.


Take away or take it?
If you need to take your brother to the kindergarten,
Then you will have to walk with your brother.
Try to quickly walk,
For charging so as not to be late again.

If you need to take a brother to the kindergarten,
Then you will have to find a travel card
And then shake in a rumbling tram,
With the brother in chorus five minutes yawning.

If you want you to choose a short path,
In the word, the letter "C" do not forget to write.
If you are, my friend, make a mistake
Then you have to ride a tram.


Villy and Villa
Pitchfork - garden manual inventory,
There are today, there were also up.
Very much more similar to the fork,
Sharp teeth are poking too.

Villas are building a people outside the city,
To relax in them, not knowing the trouble,
To swim at the house in the pool,
Breathe, enjoy the air clean.

If finances allow anyone,
These people insert two “l” into the word.
Who else has not digged money for himself,
With "l" I bought only one pitchfork.


Baroness and Baraness
Baroness, Know, - Baron's wife,
An important, arrogant person.
She is proud of her title
The light of his pearls is scoring.

Baraness, know, - Baran's wife,
It goes out to the meadow to graze early
Her curls are very good,
Next to her, her sons are lambs.

Errors insult the baroness,
Baroness does not forgive the Baroness's mistakes,
Who in titles make mistakes,
The baron calls those to a duel.


Play and speaker
They come to a nap to the speaker,
An hour or two to sleep quietly.
See calmly colored dreams,
After forgetting about all the affairs of daytime.

And the play comes to see,
To warm the soul with art.
To think, empathize,
To make smarter, kinder and better become.

If you looked into the theater so as not to sleep,
Then in the "performance" you need to write the letter "e".


Discipline and dysclin
Discipline - the guys:
Everyone is sitting at school quietly.
Dysitsylin - at chickens:
Behind the hen in a row.


Basyak and tramp
Basyak in the choir sings with bass,
A tramp is going on without boots.
The boss did not pay the salary,
Here is the tramp and Bos.


Pigger and Pezhon
Pezhon is driving a foreign car,
The Emblem "Peugeot" shines by car.
Pigzon flaunts with his outfit,
We look at the dandy with a smile.


Okholist and Acusolist
There is a brave specialist
Under the naming Acusolist.
He treats his teeth to sharks,
Very terrible scribbles.

Okholist, by the way,
He treats children, adult eyes.
It's easier to call his eye socket,
Everyone is used to looking in the eyes.


Cutlets and catlet
In the plate of your catlet
Cannot accommodate the athlete.
There is only a cat in a cutlet
Placed and lives there.


Hard and stop
In the cold I sat
And he was completely scourged -
I turned into a head
Well, what a blank am I.
If I looked into the dictionary,
Then it would be stiff.

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language are words for the development of vocabulary

Poems -memoirs in the Russian language are words for the development of vocabulary
Poems-memoirs in the Russian language are words for the development of vocabulary

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language are words for the development of vocabulary:

Katya and Klava are pleasant girls,
Such tiny, and what neat!
But what is especially pleasant in them:
The second “K” is not forgotten in the word “neatly”!


Walks along the alley -
Two letters "L" write soon!


Vali has a small album
But beautiful, bright, new.
"Album" - remember this word,
We will start it with the letter "A".


Anya in a pharmacy bought a medicine,
Anya is time to take the medicine.
You hope you haven't forgotten
The word "pharmacy" with "a" start?


Birch and birch bark.
Remembering it is very simple
It’s time to remember this,
What is called birch bark
Birch trees white bark.


I never got into the cinema -
I was looking for a ticket for an hour.
I got off my feet - the ticket disappeared.
Nowhere, nowhere is the ticket!


Like ours with Polinka
Bots, boots, boots.
Clinking loudly, shine
They want to be friends with the letter "o"


We definitely will not go to the swamp,
We will go around the swamp for a hundred meters.
A marshy swamp, it is dangerous,
Do you want to get into it?
Write three letters "o"!


Felt boots.
Let Lena does not wear a valek in the summer,
Let Lena wear boots in winter.
But in the word felt boots at any time of the year
We must write the letter "E" with you.


Railway carriage.
Want to write "car"?
I don't need courage here at all,
But only a pen and paper,
And yet remember first:
The second letter is the letter "A"!


Here in the east the sun is rising.
East - window for the sun
How is the word written "East"?
Of course, it has two letters "o".


Fun, wind.
The wind flew to the north.
Fun the wind sang a song to us.
I like the song and you.
Do not forget to write the letter "e"!


Rhymes on Oro, Olo:
And forty, and crow, sparrow and nightingale
Write two letters "o"
All children are asked together!
Runes into the distance, the road in a hurry.
We will come to the city soon.
And the wheels of the car -
Like a combination of "Oro".
A cow on a straw is sleeping -
Ah, what a grace!
Do not forget the combination
"Oro", "olo" write.


Croacol Gena-Hero,
Friends are a mountain.
He is always a hero everywhere.
Do not forget about the letter "e"!


Rushy Egor rides from a hill.
Like the apples of the cheeks burn at Egor.
They burn like fire in the cold they are.
Eh, good New Year's days!


Every day children in the classroom are on duty.
It is necessary to have a lot to have a time on duty:
He will crush the notebooks
Change water in a vase,
Wipe the board.


From a tree of a house in a village,
Grandfather has a wooden house.
"Village" is a difficult word.
Two letters "E" I write in it.


Zhenya and Lena are studying at school.
Zhenya and Lena have an iron will.
They know ironly always and everywhere:
In the word "iron" there are two vowels "E".


The hare Yashka clearly knows:
We need to teach the rules!
In the word "hare" promises
The letter "I" cannot be missed!


Health, health we always wish everyone
And in the word "Hello"
Two letters "B"
Do not forget to write!


In the clearing - strawberries.
How many berries, look!
At least you will get around all the lands
You won’t find sweeter berries!


Breakfast on the grass
It’s time for us to arrange.
Do you write the word "breakfast"?
Write two letters "a"!


In the Christmas tree, hook is whitening,
Slows and sparkles on it.
And snow stars in the sun
They burn more stronger and stronger.


Three girlfriends - Katya, Paradise, Dasha
All the pencils were lost,
To console them, you are three times
The letter "A" in "Pencil" write.


I bought a frog-ahead of the apartment,
Kvass of the neighbors treated her.
Kvakali guests, tasted kvass:
"Kwam-KVA-Quarter you have just a class!"


The ship goes far,
Melted in the blue sea.
We write “ship” with the vowel “O”.
(I don't even argue).


Kostya breeds a bonfire in the meadow.
I will help the bonfire of the bonfire -
I will put my sharp braid,
I will put brittle branches in the bonfire.


Ours in the room
We need to accommodate.
I need to do in the room
Locate order.


Cabbage, potatoes, pots.
Potatoes with cabbage
They cooked in the pan
And in the letter "A"
Extremely proud!


Thick coca and thick cat
They ate together


Often I play the "Ladushka" with Lada.
Our game is getting fun.
All the diplomas would have to be remembered -
In the word "palm" we write a vowel "a".


Shovel deftly works all day,
The shovel is not laziness with dense snow.
So that the shovel does not burst with zeal,
We will give the letter “o” to her guys.


Masha raspberry was collected in the forest.
Masha found little raspberries.
Masha saw a bear in the forest.
In the word "raspberries" write the letter "a"!


The magician has big troubles -
The magic paper ended.
The magician knows: he has one way out -
Go to a magic store.


I bought protein furniture,
Put in a hollow.
Let's in the word "furniture"
Write two letters "E".


A clear month stood over the garden.
On the porch we will sit nearby.
Let's sit next to it, sit
And let's look for a month.


The honey bear decided to taste
Forest bees went to visit.
Now he roars with annoyance -
The biting was honey!


Here the milk is pouring into the bucket,
Rather, substitute a mug.
When you write "milk" -
Three letters "o" do not forget.


I sailed in the carrot sea
In a carrot boat I sailed,
I had a carrot dream -
I loved the carrots very much!


How our country is beautiful,
There is no country in the world more beautiful.
And they know our people -
There is no better native land!


Wake up in the middle of the night
I will answer anyway:
Round word "nut"
We start with the vowel "o"!


The clouds are floating in the sky
The clouds shine slightly.
Someone, apparently, white varnish
Cloves clouds!


Garden and cucumber.
Tomatoes in the garden,
In the garden cucumber.
Have you forgotten about the letter "o"?
You let you know, well done!


Dad and Pasha bought a coat.
Dad and Pasha bought a coat.
Grandma and mother of a coat showed
Grandmother and mother said: "Not that!"

Petya, Petya, Cockerel
He sang a song to us at dawn,
Will wake everyone in the yard


Peggy dog \u200b\u200bburied in the sand
White bread.
The dog is sure - two pieces
Growing out of sand!


Pencil case.
Merry Petya walked to school.
In the portfolio, Petit has a new pencil case.
Pete is now out of forget
In the word Penal, the letter "E" write.


The clever swimmer on the river sailed.
The clever swimmer even overtook the raft.
The clever swimmer will float far.
In the word "swimmer" write the letter "o".


Lara has a scarf and Lada a scarf,
The pattern on scarves is beauty.
As if in the sky on a cloudy day
The rainbow suddenly blossomed!



Students and students
Whispers, wheat rustles:
“Do not forget that in me
The third letter is the letter "E".


Two letters "C" sit on the plane,
Two letters “C” went on flight.
Two letters "C" perfectly rolled -
They turned into funny passengers.


I have been a faithful assistant for a long time -
My dishes in the kitchen.
In the word "dishes" vowel "o"
I will never forget!


Do not sit at home on a holiday
And come out of the house.
Walk all day, walk,
Do not miss the letter "D"!


We got up early
We worked all day,
We are glad that we are not lazy to work,
But still we work in the morning
And we still have to relax.


I made a missile cancer
I launched right in the river.
The crayfish shouted: “Hurray!
It's time to fly into space! ”


Rita's drawings are pleasant for the eye.
Rita draws - go, look -
Irisov blue is a full vase.
In the word “drawing” write the letter “and”.


Brightly rowan brushes are burning.
Brighter than clear dawn in the sky.
Golden ripples in the eyes from mountain ash
In the word "mountain ash" write the letter "I".


Sasha himself decided to clean the boots.
Well, you help Sasha a little.
To began to sparkle the boots,
In the word "boots" we need to write.


Everyone knows how to write a “secret”.
And there is no secret here.
Even the children are known:
We write two letters "e" here.


The sun shines, the soldiers are coming from the war,
The medal shines on the chest of the soldier.
You are a glorious word - "soldier"
Always write with the letter "o" guys.


How is the word “advice” written?
I can give the answer accurate:
The second letter is the letter "o".
There is no other letter there.


Living in sugar is not sugar,
There is a terrible heat.
Let's in the word "sugar
Write two letters "a".


If we want to meet,
“Goodbye” we say.
We will see friends again.
The letter "and" write soon!


With the first snow, with the first snow
Bullfins flew to us
And on a white birch
The fringe of scarlet sat down.


Faster and faster
Dragonfly in the dance curl,
Sparkle like arrows,
And in the hands are not given.


My friend saved me yesterday.
He saved me for the tenth time.
I thank him -
“Thank you” to him.


Boris Borisovich did not work on Saturday
Boris Borisovich rested on Saturday.
But in a word called "Saturday"
I did not forget to write two letters "B"!


I want to write the word "dog"
I must not forget about the vowel "o"
But it’s very easy for me to remember the letter -
After all, the vowel "o" is similar to the collar.


Tanya was diligently soapy,
Tani's plates began to sparkle.
Well, she didn't forget in a notebook
In the word "plate" - "a" write.


A dispute came out between us:
How is the "ax" written?
But everyone has known for a long time -
In the "ax" two letters "o".


The old tram goes slowly.
"Old tram, you drive me!"
"Well, sit down, there is enough space for everyone here."
(In the word "tram" write the letter "m").


Dinner is shaking off your own.
The letter "and" write soon!


The outside.
Our street is excellent
Even better than the metropolitan!


In the field rye, in the field of rye.
The harvest is good for us!


I take a hockey club.
Comfortable club and light.
When I write "hockey" in a notebook,
I always write two letters “K”.


There was silk.
Brave Hedgehog, Brave Hedgehog
Walked along the silk grass.
Brave Hedgehog, Brave Hedgehog
He was a tortilla in the sleeve.
Brave Hedgehog, Brave Hedgehog
Told me: “Do not rush
You are the words and "walked" and "silk"
Through the letter "e" write!


Black and yellow.
On black silk
Yellow bees
Shine, shimmer,
Guess what are they called?


Highway and chocolate.
I'm walking on the highway, biting chocolate.
I'm very good - I'm glad of chocolate.
Why am I good today?
And because I write “sho” with vowel “o”!


I'm not used to being lazy
I teach my native language.
I advise you, friends:
“Language” write with the vowel “I”.

Poems for the correct stress in words

Poems for the correct stress in words
Poems for the correct stress in words

Poems for the correct stress in words:

Beetroot began to cry,
Until the roots:
- I guys are not beets
I guys are not beets
I guys beets.


First -
Cut them on pieces.
And then -
Open your mouths -
And with pleasure
Eat cakes!
There will be an error
There are cakes!


Flew away from the fire
And went out quickly -
If it is wrong, then a spark,
If right - spark! ..


We bought
And to the kitchen
Entered, -
But not at all


Get to the turn:
Here is the palace, here is the entrance - the gate.


He is a boss, and at the moment
The document will sign us.


Paints the walls of us a painter.
Shelves make a carpenter.


For builders at the time
The car will bring cement.


How reluctance to work!
I defeated us a nap.


Here is a bucket,
Here is garbage.
Here is a long one
Garbage chute.


This stone is very strong
And beautiful enough.
Beat him at least all day.
Flint will not split.


To quickly in the library
You could find the book,
There is a card index in it,
Special catalog.


On the shelf of sour cream,
On the shelf of cottage cheese.
I wanted to lick the cat
But he could not get it.


Fill out the pie,
You buy cottage cheese!


On the same day, the queen is angry
Good news, expecting
Secretly took a mirror
And she asked her question ...


Ask for a landing
Pilot release the chassis.


Sun. Hot. Bring
We are for the windows of the blinds.


Before you finish things,
You need to start them first.


If you have talents,
Tie a bows on the holiday.
Without talents if you,
Tie yourself bows.


In prison for three years will be a thief -
The court declared the verdict.


Work was hard -
In the body is now a smack.


It's a pity all, so give me at least
Cupcake your lifter.


They cut down the spruce
Torn sorrel.


Our woman Fekla
Red as beets! "


Like our Martha
All striped scarves.


I am terribly tired -
Brother does not sleep a newborn.
Does not close his eyes at night
A scream loud wakes us up.


We are all day
With you laugh,
I don't want to ...
To say, or rather, -
We do not want.
We are laughing,
Yes, laugh! ..


They ate cakes for a long time -
Shorts did not climb!


The bell rings calls
They call the call
So you can remember correctly.


In the morning skirmishes
Because of the keys in the communal apartment.
Forget the squabbles
Buy keychairs!


The phenomenon calls on Wednesdays.
Having accepted the contract by year,
He gave an escort experts
Airport petition.


Dancer with a dancer love
Pamper their kids.
On the kitchen table on the dish
Let the kittens dance.


The driver and I set off in the mud
And, for a long time in the mud,
Broke through the communication department -
The typographer sent us blinds.


Who is friends with the rules
He is firmly convinced:
We really need porcelain
But porcelain is not needed.


This is not to say the alphabet
But you can an alphabet -
Who says the alphabet -
He says incorrectly.


When we are by car
We fly to full speed
Then we are not lucky,
And the driver is lucky.


And let it not now
Secret for the guys,
That the park is not a statue,
And the statues are worth it.


And if you are to the theater
You will come, for example,
You will not be missed in the ground,
Get in the ground.


Splastic pipe with him,
Looks at the sky astronomer.


Helps us to read,
Teaches letters to distinguish,
He is famous, famous
The alphabet necessary for all of us.


Although it is burning, it is beautiful
The well -known nettle.


Here, Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman.
And Toli and Vera have
Both mothers are engineers.


No need to pamper children,
It is simply impossible.
Pamper  - another thing:
You can, only carefully!


The water supply conducts water,
The gas pipeline carries out gas.
There is nothing to do with it, remember,
And right now!


Whoever teaches Russian poorly
They will give a gift to that.
And who is glad to study
He will be handed to him!


- I want to chat with your mother,
But if busy, I will call back.
- I'll call, only the phrase is not the same:
Mom is not busy, but busy.


How it becomes insulting
When you hear "I envy me!
But more offensive at a hundred times,
If they shout "enviously".


Comrades Pupils!
Let me notify you
What about the meeting on Thursday
You need to inform moms.

Poems-memoirs for the rules of the Russian language

Poems-memoirs for the rules of the Russian language
Poems-memoirs for the rules of the Russian language

Poems-memoirs for the rules of the Russian language:

In the words "beets", the stress falls on the first syllable (written with the letter E).
In the garden, Baba Fekla,
She has beets in her bed.


In the word "catalog", the stress always falls on the last syllable, and in the word "cottage cheese" - on the first or on the last.
Don't say the catalog
And only the catalog.
And the cottage cheese? You can cottage cheese
And you can also cottage cheese.


Indefinite pronouns are written through a hyphen (some, somewhere, once, somewhere, etc.). Particles “same”, “whether”, “would” - without a hyphen (yet, whether it turned out, no matter how etc.).
Some, or, then, something -
Do not take a hyphen in them.
And particles, whether, would
You write separately.


Remember the correct forms of the sort.p., many the names of some vegetables and fruits.
Six hectares of oranges,
Apples, pears and tangerines,
Eggplant of beds five,
Tomatoes - do not collect.


Remember the correct forms of the sort.p., many the names of some peoples of the world.
Respect a person
At Turkmen, Tatars, Uzbeks,
Tajiks and Armenians,
Mongols and gypsies have
Yakuts and Tungus,
Bashkirs and Belarusians,
The Kyrgyz and Georgians,
The Buryats and Ossetians.


Remember the correct forms of the genitive case of the words “boots”, “boots”, “socks”, “stockings”
In the children's fairy tale Kolobok
On the grass could roll
Without boots, without boots,
Without socks and without stockings.


The prefix "Million" is written with double ll.
In millimeters, grams, -liters
Measure anything
But in the prefix about double
Do not forget the letter LL.


After Zh and Sh, the letter is written and, after h and p - the letter A.
Words in which Zhi and Shi,
You always write with the letter "and".
And if you meet cha and you,
Then only "a" is friends with them.


Remember the words-exclusion, in which, after the consonant, Yu.
In words where there are Chu-shi, zhu-shu,
After the consonant - the letter "y".
There are only three exceptions with the “yu”:
Book, parachute, jury.


Remember the words-exclusion, in which, after the consonant, the c is written.
Gypsy rose to tiptoe
And dug up on the chicken: "Tsyts!"


In the root of the word “participate” (and the one -rooted) there is no letter V. But it is in the root of the word “feel” (and the words of the same root).
In the word "participate" in no, it is found,
Never dare to champion.
But in the word "feel" as expected,
You can always cure.


Remember the difference in writing the words “in general” and “in general”.
"In general" is written in two words,
“Generally” is always one.
Just remember that in the last
There is a double letter OO.


In the phrase “day (what?) Birth” the word “birth” stands in the genitive case, so it has the ending -I (in no case).
On your birthday
We will come to visit you
We will celebrate birth,
We will drink tea with a cake.


In the word "more beautiful" stress falls on the root, not on the end.
They tell me, I'm more beautiful
Than the Hollywood star.
But I do not believe such words!
Beautiful - undoubtedly, yes.

Poems of spelling for schoolchildren

Poems of spelling for schoolchildren
Poems of spelling for schoolchildren

Stress over the vowel -
Immediately the letter will become clear.
To flutter - to hang (flag),
Try on - try on (tailcoat),
Develop - develop (science),
To reconcile - the world (girlfriends).

You always write so consonant
How she would sound in front of the public:
Pillars - pillars, kosba - mow,
WHO - Vyzhek and carry.

Both terrible and dangerous
Letter T write in vain.
Everyone knows how charming
The letter T is appropriate.

Play, drama, epic,
Amphibrah, gallery,
Humanism and folio,
Iambic, chorey and amateur
I will tell you a secret:
There are no double letters here.

Alternating vowels
Everyone remembered for a long time:
Before w, we write O.
You can’t forget in any way:
Before g we write A.
Believe, but put
Attach, but attach.
The word canopy - exclusion,
No doubt.

If after the root A,
We are fundamentally write and always.
Remember the example:
Wiped your legs? Wipe!

If we see a suffix A,
In a horse we write and always:
I touch, touch,
I do not touch, I will not touch.
And a braid, scythe, mow
As an example is not to give.

We write gar
Without a drilling - mountains.
For example: sunbathe, tan,
On the contrary, ZAR-RID.

There was a Rostovman in Rostov,
His name was Rostislav,
He sold sprouts
Different beneficial herbs.
The industry gave income.
You know where oh, where ah?

Diping the feather in ink,
We write in the root and beautiful.
I get wet and wet-
We write in the root only O.

My young friends!
The word plain is written with a!

Vowels after hissing and c.
Jury, brochure, parachute -
They live in friendship only with the yu.

Rustle, clinking, slums,
Seam, gooseberries and thickets,
Shorts, poncho, hood,
Chop, jockey, dope,
Plus a ratchet, zor, major,
And heartburn and bohead,
And also a juggler, glutton
Ramrod, shock, chokh, show, show,
Chocolate, highway, driver -
Here is almost the whole set.
We will write all the words with o-
It is not easy to remember them.

The gypsy dagged: “Tsyts!”-
And the chickens fell by the NIC.
All stood on tiptoe
And the "gypsy" dangled.

The puppy named was nicknamed,
Kotov was terribly angry:
All yard cats
Treated him to "you"
But they wrote a nickname,
To regret, through O.
How to teach cats
To be friends with spelling?
Once our hero was walking
In the yard I found glasses.
He attached two rounds
For the sake of the nozzle on the cap.
How good the puppy is!
I got it like the letter E.
Here luck is so luck!
The problem has now been solved.
Walked in the yards
Declaring all cats:
"Word went to write everything
With two points above e! ”

Spelling of prefixes
There are no consoles.
Every schoolboy knows this.
Building, here, neither ZGI and health
They are written with h, of course, in the root.

You remember that the prefixes.
One, from, from, bottom, wing, through, without
Before the consonant deaf
Quickly replace Z to S.

Who guys understood right away
Why put the phrase
"Shepherd Foca, do you want a brine?"-
That, of course, well done!
Who did not understand, are there such?
All consonants are deaf!

In a difficult word to calculate
We will write two with
And the calculating, calculation -
We write only the root of even.

Under the pancake - the prefix grew,
Without a races shock,
For example: painting-decorate
And the stories-stories.

If very and trans
Then write the prefix pre.
If proximity, approximation,
Incompleteness and addition,
Then write the prefix at.
Take the dictionary in your hands,
And do not suffer in vain
Kohl value is unclear.

Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for high school students

Poems of the Russian language for high school students - parts of the word
Poems-memoirs in the Russian language for high school students

Poems of the Russian language for high school students:

Parts of the word, as part of the plant,
They know the basis and even division.
There is a root at each basis. Noticed:
He is unchanged and durable.


Prefix and suffix He is surrounded
And related words are added to him.
Prefix - before the root,
And the suffix - behind him,
The word should save the basis.


But to bind the words in speech - there is no vocation,
For this they serve in words endings.
They agree to change at the end of the word,
Two words are ready to tie the ends.


Spelling spelling in the root of the word
In the root of the word certainly
Sounds must be checked.
Sounds love changes
They should not trust.


Vowels and consonants
There are, sometimes, dangerous.
We will be again and again
Rules for them apply:
If there is a doubt in the vowel -
Check with a stress.


And in the consonant I am not sure -
We will check next to the public.
Vowels and consonants
Not so dangerous,
If we know on "5",
How to check them.


Unstressed vowels
The sound was unstressed to be shocking,
We need to change the word regularly.
We will pick up related words to him,
And we will find an unstressed sound in them.
Sound under stress
We will hear without a doubt.


Paired consonants
The consonant need to be checked,
If at the end she, we do not believe her.
But there is a native word in stock
Where you will have to put a vowel nearby.
The steam consonant is not always dangerous,
If vowel behind her
We are more audible.


Unpronounceable consonants
There are consonants in words
Immediately not noticeable,
Only next to the public
They will become noticeable to us:
“D” is hidden in the heart, but not forever.
"D" opens a heart, heart.
The local pasture “T” hides in words.
The shepherd argues differently from the place.


Doubled consonants
There are words where there are two consonants
They stand next
It is very important to remember them,
Repeat more often.
Here for this now
Let all ... (class): (class):

If the speed of a pedestrian
Multiply by two hours
Then we will learn something
That you can’t forget in any way.
I know this word I-
This is ... (distance).

Wide road,
Everyone is going quickly
Will be remembered for a long time
The name is her ... (highway).

Having bought a transport ticket,
He is in a hurry somewhere
Worried in vain
Now he ... (passenger).

Always without being late
Big ... (distances).

On the rail or without
He will pass by instantly ... (express).

Where are birches, pine trees, ate
Along the tracks in a row stand,
There is shady ... (alley) -
A lot of space for the guys.

All the words that you called
Two consonants connected.
I'll add you yet
One word ... (kilogram).


If the word on the line is not included
Repeat the transfer as soon as possible.
It is necessary to divide the word into syllables.
Pick up to transfer the syllable:
You can't divide the word with one syllable
With one sound, the syllable will not work,
If you notice a soft sign in a word,
He will not leave the consonant.
In the same way with a solid sign
He is friends with the prefix. However,
About double consonants
Do not worry in vain
Between them, the bridge is built
In each line one at a time.
To endure words,
You chant the syllables.


Dividing b and b
Soft sign and hard sign
You will not confuse in any way:
A hard sign with the prefix is \u200b\u200bfriends,
In front of the vowel, it serves in the root,
If the prefix suddenly
At the end, consonant sound.


In front of the vowel “I”, “e”, “e”-
A hard sign is suitable.
The explanation is understandable?
With a soft sign, everything is more entertaining:
With a mild consonant is friends
And, of course, it is very necessary.
Consistent can be divided
With “E”, “E”, “I”, “And”, “Yu” he too.
It stands in the root, at the end.
Do not confuse give a promise!


B in nouns 3 declensions
Affectionate, muffle female clan -
B will fit.
And the male - always harsh -
There is no sign there.


B in the verbs of the present and future tense of 2 people the only number
You - then you - now - write at once.


Combinations: -chn-, -chn-,-h-, -chk-
-H-, -chn-, -chn-, -chk-
Write without a soft icon!


Writing the suffixes:- Chin- and--schin-
Suffixes are -chin
Do not confuse them, citizen.
If the lady, the hair is long,
So this is a woman.
The gentleman walks decorously
Write soon - a man.
- Chin - suitable for men,
And for women- only- noise


Spelling of prepositions
A short word is called a pretext.
It is not always possible to recognize it,
But between the pretext and the word to others
We always have a question or a sign.
And if we still doubt, we will
Then we will not forget the song with pretexts:
- On, for, in, from, without, and y -
I will be a preposition.
From and to, and under, and pro,
Oh, about, near, and in -
I write in them the letter "o",
And also: K and C - here are the songs end!


Prepositions - with names,
With verbs - prefixes.
But better than yourself
Insert another word.
And if it doesn’t work out
Then with the prefix cases.


Parts of speech
"Who?" and what?" - The subject is
A sign, he is always "what?",
And "what?" And "what?"
- This is firmly learned
Well, the action is it
It should always act!
And now we will give the names to all words.
In terms of speech, we only have one way out:
The subject really exists
And his name is a noun.
And the sign - it is attached to the subject,
So, it is considered an adjective.
Trying “verb”- they say
Verbs are ordered to act.


Members of the sentence
There are many words in the sentence.
Ready to understand them?
There is a subject in it
And the predicate here,
There is also an addition,
But the definition
I will also say without boasting
I love circumstances.
There are all members of the proposal,
Then I will put the point here.


Subject - who? What?
The designation is simple:
We are one feature
We emphasize now with you.
And what is doing? It-
Then in the predicate is given.
We emphasize a double feature
You and I are certainly.
For questions: Whose? Which?
Determination of cutting.
And the advice is again simple:
The wavy emphasizes the feature.
To case questions
Will answer the addition.
Everything again is extremely simple:
Dashed selection.

Where? When? Where? Where?
Questions are evidence.
Stroke - dotted line
We note the circumstances.


Spelling not with verbs
Not with the verb by all means
You write always separately.


Declension of nouns
Spring! This word!
It is cheerful.
And declension for a long time
In the spring it is remembered:
(I.P.) Spring will come. Excellent!
(R.P.) Wait for spring, excellent student!
(D.P.) - Hello spring! Sing,
(V.P.) Let's go to meet spring.
(Etc.) breathe spring in spring
(P.P.) And think only about spring!
We, having learned,
We will remember everything completely.


Own names
In ancient times
Own names
They wrote from the red letter.
We supported the law:
Observe respect -
Start with a capital letter.


Verbs exclusion II conjugation
To write verbs,
We need to know the conjugation.
Verbs of exception
In the second conjugation:
Drive, hold, breathe, and see,
Watch, hear, hate.
Here is the advice to you, my friend:
Remember them well.


Unstressed ending of adjectives

The end to know
It is only necessary to ask a question,
Or choose a word,
But - a shock again.


Words with an unverified spelling
If the word is not checked,
Open the dictionary soon.
You can believe the dictionary
But do not forget to teach.
If you write correctly
"Dictionary" does not work
The student is analyzing words
Let him do more often.
In terms of meaning, he will explain the words
History of birth.
Will definitely learn the "dictionary"
With such accompaniment!

Poems of spelling-primary grades

Poems of spelling - primary grades
Poems of spelling-primary grades

Poems of spelling-primary grades:


The point is placed at the end.
Really, girlfriends?
If the points are on the face,
Their name is freckles.


I'm a busy girl
My name is a comma
I barely have enough day
Everything, a little, call me!


If suddenly the rise is cool
Il is a long track,
Meeting a semicolon point,
Rest a little!


I am calling me a colon
And I'm not what others
I am a terribly important sign
Take a look - I'm two -story!


I'm not a dash, not a minus
I ask you, do not confuse us.
Everyone is called me "Dia"
I need it - I will be here.


We are bored without each other
We are with each other -


Quotation marks ""
What kind of stupid habits:
Everywhere apart and everywhere apart.
We are quotes, we are sisters,
So it happened to us:
Together we walk,
We meet holidays,
We are very firmly friends
In the "syntax" we serve.


Elderly. . .
There are three nearby
Sisters of the point,
So there is no end
At the line,
This is shown here in the figure.
We are called a multi -plate,
If we pick up hands,
So in the line
Something is not allowed ...


Attention! Attention!
We are punctuation marks!
Dash, a sign of exclamation,
Quotation marks, colon,
And so on, and so on ...


Exclamation point:
My friends, friends,
I have been living for many years
Accept the exclamation
My fiery hello!


Question mark:
Different questions
I ask everyone:
How? Where? How?
Why? What for?

Me, ”said the interjection,“
It is interesting to live in the world!
I express my encouragement
Praise, reproach, prohibition,
Gratitude, admiration,
Indignation, hello ...


She has a special post
In the smallest line.
If the point is
The conclusion is simple:
This means -

The phrase should finish
If the point is nearby.
The point must be respected
You need to listen to the point.

And although it is firm
In the book and in the notebook,
Without much difficulty
You can get along with her,

If only thoughts are thread
Rid of the water,
If you don't forget the point
Put in time.


Question mark
I ask different questions to everyone:
How? Where? How? Why? What for?
Where? Where? Which? From what? About whom?
Who? To whom? Which the? Whose? Which? What?
That's what a mastic I am -
Question mark.


Exclamation point
Friends! In works
I stand in order
To express excitement,
Anxiety, admiration,
Victory, celebration!

No wonder I'm from birth -
The opponent of silence!
Where am I, those suggestions
With a special expression
They must say.

Poems for schoolchildren-cases

Poems for schoolchildren - cases
Poems for schoolchildren-cases

Poems for schoolchildren-cases:

What is an inclination?
What is an inclination?
I quickly cheat the word
I am writing it on cases.
I call it a tendency
We need to remember this.
Ivan gave birth to a girl,
He ordered to drag a diaper.

Ivan is nominative
Born - genitive
The girl is a dative
Ordered - accusative
Touching is the creation
The diaper is prepositional


Spring cases
Everything was awakened from sleep:
Spring is walking around the world.
As if we bloom,
Feeling the arrival of spring.
And I wanted to go out
Towards the young spring.
In the foliage of green drowned
And I blame this spring.
Nature breathes only one
Unique spring.
Squat, crouching on a pine tree,
Gorlanit songs about spring.
Tell others about it
And you repeat the case.


The nominative exclaimed:
- My birthday is that
Which is amazing
Science learns!
“That,” said the genitive, “
I deny who
Can't without parents
Put on your coat.
“That,” answered the Danubor, “
I will give a bad name
Who did not love diligently
Do the lessons yourself.
“That,” said the accusative, “
I will blame
Who is the book expressive
Can't read.
“With that,” said the Create, “
I'm just in the fret of
Who is very respectful
Refers to work.
“About that,” said the preposition, “
I will offer a story
Who can do in life
Useful for us.


He is a novice case,
Questions - who? and what?
In it - mom, dad, elephant, arena,
Both school and coat.

Questions: No whom? WHAT?
I don't have a brother
And Khomyakov - not a single ...
All mom is to blame!

This is an apple, tell me
I will give to whom? What?
Maybe Lena? Or Vita?
No, perhaps to anyone ...

Ouch! In toys - a cavard!
I don’t understand in any way:
To blame whom? and what?
Doll? Cubes? Lotto?

I want to compose songs.
WITH WHOM? What should I study with notes?
Write to me with a pen or a pen,
Or a colored pencil?

I think about who? ABOUT WHAT?
About school, about verbs.
Brotherly, I think about
How tired of the school ...

But now all the cases
I firmly memorized.
Try to teach like that too
After all, knowledge is power!

Poems-memoirs in spelling

Poems-memoirs in spelling
Poems-memoirs in spelling

Poems-memoirs in spelling:

Winkers on Z- and on C- ...

Prefixes on Z- and on C-
They nourish great interest
To the consonant il vowel,
Standing behind her.
And you look at the words as soon as possible:
Before the call and the consonant - always the letter Z,
And C - before the deaf consonant:
Excessively, spread, put down - already,
In my opinion, everything is now clear.


I am part of the speech is not simple ...

I am not a simple part of the speech,
And not everyone knows me.
I have a friend a verb
And I am attached to him,
But at the same time certainly
It is surrounded by commas.
How many actions can be immediately
Just take and compress!
Just need to know a lot.
“Jumping, playing, dancing;
Lying, writing and eating;
Singing, I paint something
And squatting. "
Not a verb, but something like
I am partly acting
Exclusive in a kind.
I am a participle.


The union is the service part of the speech ...

Union is a service part of speech,
But our meetings are so frequent with him!
After all, the union reigns between words
And among the phrases there is a fortress of the Uz!
We either choose something
Or maybe we are collecting together,
However, we are from the Union
Not only one burden!
But - our union is not driven,
And immediately it will become easier with him:
Then the words will become stronger connection
Or painted the phrase Vyaz!
Unions: yes, a, but, or, but, but,
And, or, whether, not that, not
However, as, despite, despite
It’s as if, for sure-it is not in vain-
Because, due to that
(And this must be remembered by everyone!)
And only when, for now, barely -
So that ... - Unions are alive!


The prefixes have pre- and

The prefixes have pre- and
A lot of tricks inside,
To write them correctly,
This is what will know:
Always in meaning very much,
Or is close to the prefix re-:
Tumbling, prejudice.
But where should I get patience?
Pri-- in the sense of close
Or annex,
Activities of incompleteness -
This letter is simple.
I crouched, pushed the book
And carried away with a reading too much!


Part of the speech is amazing ...

Part of the speech is amazing
With quantity - numeral!
Changes in numbers, childbirth and cases,
But we must learn and cope with him!
How to do without a number
Could science accurate?
Calculation in any business is needed
And you are friendly with the numeral!
You certainly need to know -
How much five five will be!
That not all numerals
Nouns are given to us:
Three - rushing with a quick three,
Two by her deuce "brisk",
And for a long time everyone has known
That seven will become seven!
Ten is a dozen!
But not everything is so smooth!
If this is a million -
He is essential!

We are often surprised
But we are trying to count -
All these transformations -
They will leave impressions!


Attention! Attention!
Here is the phrase.
The words go in it,
But they are not equal to their rights.
It is always the main word in it
Walks with the dependent.
And who is who is - without difficulty
The question determines.
The question is from the main thing
To the dependent word,
And never - on the contrary,
Remember as a basis.


Proposal for the purpose of the statement
For the goal, always differ the sentence:
In the narrative - a message,
Question in questioning (give an answer?)
And in the motivation - a request, advice.


Questions of indirect cases
You know accurately already.
If you set them, without delay
Additions will be found right there.


Sign of an object or phenomenon
Denotes the definition.
Whose and what - the answers are simple,
Only a wavy feature is not enough.


To the questions: where? When?
How? Where? And where?
The circumstance is answered
Will always give you.

Seven questions are just a miracle!
Remember them just like that:
Where? When? Where? Where?
Why? What for? And How?


All of us when communicating
Appeal will help.
To people, stars or birds
You can safely contact.
Only, friend, don't forget:
Arrange the commas.


Dismantication of a sentence
When the analysis is ahead,
Determine first his view,
The main members and secondary
And in the end - if there is an appeal.



One sentence is simple with another
They decided to live with a proposal alone.
There can be three, four, and five,
But it is important to separate them all with a comma.


Foliage is divided into the leaves,
Words are divided into syllables.
We are in the word syllable shock
Find it elementary.
We call that syllable shock
Remember if you want
Which we will say
Stronger than all and louder.


Phonetic analysis
Phonetic analysis -
And he is uncomplicated, and Skor:
We need to at first sensibly
Divide the word into syllables
And - there is almost no labor in that -
Find stress.
And then on the same leaflet
Sounds to characterize.
How many letters and how many sounds
Count - and all science.


Could not mischievous soft sign
Find yourself a place in any way.
In a murmuring, transparent stream
A soft sign swam in front of E.
I noticed a raven flies
And cleverly flew up in front of Yo.
Unfortunately falling into a Repie,
Out of it straight before and
From there climbed to the ant
Sitting down, just before the yu,
And when the pig walked past
He climbed to her before me
And he sang loudly: “Before e, yo, and, yu.
I always stand a dividing sign.
I am a dividing sign, know friends
You will find me in words before me. ”



In the children's fairy tale Kolobok
on the grass could roll
without boot, without boot,
without socksand without stocking.
Six hectares orange,
Apples, pearand mandarinov,
eggplant- Boxes five,
tomatoes Do not collect.


Poems of the Russian language-parts of speech

Poems of the Russian language - parts of speech
Poems of the Russian language-parts of speech

Poems-recording poems in the Russian language are parts of speech:

Parts of speech are overturning to me
Everyone prevents them from teaching them
And they contradict themselves,
To confuse, confuse.

I teach, I teach all the parts,
There is one bourd in my head
Tired of my misfortune
There are so many of them, here's the trouble.

The noun is
Who and what? The question is simple.
Everything consists of the subject.
Adjective, oh!

Answers questions:
And which one? AND WHICH?
And what? Means
A sign from the subject. Wait!

The yard is green, the door is oblique,
The janitor is harmful, the day is good!
Though the road is speedy
You will now find a noun and adjective.

Here we touch the verb
He is a little aside
From special grinding:
The action of the subject. To me…

Here he is seen by the question
Made all of the "labor",
With a curious long nose,
He climbs everywhere without harm:

"What should I do? What should I do?"
He is still taldychit.
I already blushed already
Like a real tomato.

I am now easy and clear to me
Find parts of speech.
I taught me not in vain
We will analyze the example again:

The gray car is going
In it, the driver is a groovy.
The traffic light shines Mina ...
Red: "Driver, wait!"

There are more pronouns:
I and you, he and her,
We and you, they are doubts
Dissolve in full.

Everyone is indicated strictly
On objects, bar properties,
But they cannot call the syllable
Even the syllable of their names!


There is a numeral too,
We will call part of the speech.
It looks like a number
And we will understand the quantity

All objects in circulation,
In the numbers of complex and simple,
And their order in the score.
HOW MANY? AND WHICH? - about them

Those questions. Skip
Helps to understand everything
Three holes or third hole,
It's not difficult to distinguish?


We will discuss the adverb,
Not everything is just with him.
We will not climb into the wilds now,
And we will remember only everything:

A sign of action will show -
Know to the verb burns.
A sign of a sign Kohl will lie down -
It stands with the adjective.

The adverb does not have a kind
There is no number and case.
No declension (in passing),
And not a penny.

We are talking about the main thing now
It does not change!
And we will remember that right!
Knowledge in the head is full.

He answers questions
WHY? WHY? Walls

We will remember everything without errors,
Or maybe by Thursday.
The mind is plastic, very flexible.
I want and I can.

There are particles and prepositions,
And there are also unions.
I will summarize my results:
There was a mood, but disappeared all.

- What is it?
- The letter, window, floors ...
- Who is it?
- Vera, Nikita and Sveta ...
- Where are the nouns, tell me?
- These are animals, people, objects!


I learned, remembered, pricked,
I came, drew, sang,
What does the verb do now?
What did and what will do?

What, what, what and what?
Please tell me who you are?
We are different, necessary, mandatory,
Beautiful, friendly adjectives!


The pronoun is "it",
In the house, the window also became "it",
In the sky, the moon turned into "she",
And the phone is a friend, it is "he."


Noun - school,
Wakes up - a verb.
With the adjective cheerful
The new school day has come.
We got up - a pronoun
It beats the numeral.
For teaching, without doubt,
Everyone needs to be accepted.
We are excellent dialect
In the lessons we get valor.
We observe us habitually
Discipline and regime.
Not and not - we have particles,
We need to repeat them.
And not be lazy
And not to lose an hour!
After school, as you know,
We ride in a sleigh.
It is especially appropriate here
Interjections: Oh and ah!
And then at a warm stove
We repeat parts of speech!



It is very difficult to live in the world
Without assimilating interjections.

If you get lost in the forest -
Shout: au-au!

Suddenly, fear has taken over -
It escaped involuntarily: - Ah!

The patient was removed -
Groaned in pain: - Oh!

If a friend failed at all -
You are reproached to him: -Eh!

The match for the championship of the courtyard -
We win: - Hurray!

I ate chips - up to one -
Surprising himself: - Wow!

Jokes are not new -
With chagrin: - Alas.

Rushed quickly, in full
And tired, of course: - Wow!

So that? It’s easier to live in the world
If you know interjection?

To the question is always this
We will answer now: yes!

Maybe another answer?
Let's say: - Of course not!

Video: remember without cramming - ready -made memories for each

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