Eduard Uspensky verses for children is the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4

Eduard Uspensky verses for children is the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren 1, 2, 3, 4

Eduard Uspensky wrote a lot of interesting poems for children. The kids like his works, as they are very easily perceived by ear. They can simply be read, memorized for competitions. In our article you will find the best verses of Eduard Uspensky for children,

Eduard Assumption Poems for preschoolers

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for children
Poems by Eduard Uspensky for children

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for children:

Funny elephant

One simple fairy tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
I want to tell.
I remember her since childhood
Or maybe not from childhood,
Or maybe I don't remember
But I will remember.

In one old park,
Or maybe not in the park,
Or maybe in the zoo
Mom with dad lived
One funny elephant,
Or maybe not an elephant
Or maybe a pig,
Or maybe a crocodile.

Once a winter evening,
Or maybe a summer evening
He walk in the park
Without mom wanted to.
And he got lost immediately
Or maybe not immediately
He sat down on a bench
And roared loudly.

Some adult stork,
Or maybe not a stork,
Or maybe not an adult
And very young,
I decided to help the elephant
Or maybe a pig
Or maybe a crocodile,
And took him with him.

- Is this your street?
- This is my street.
Or maybe not this
Or maybe not mine.
- Is this your cage?
- This is my cage.
Or maybe not this,
I don’t remember exactly.

So they went for an hour
Or maybe two walked
From cage to pool
Under the sun and in dust.
But the house where the elephant lived,
Or maybe a pig,
Or maybe a crocodile
In the end they found.

And dad and grandmother at home,
Or maybe mom and grandfather
They fed now
Hungry son,
He stroked him slightly
Or maybe they didn’t stroke
Slightly slapped him,
Or maybe not slightly.

But from now on the elephant,
Or maybe a pig,
Or maybe a crocodile
I memorized my address
And he remembers very firmly
And even very firm.
I remembered him myself
But just forgot.


What is the boys in your pockets?
Like girls on a dress
There is a pocket for a scarf,
And the girl holds in the hand
There are two heels on the subway.
That's all her luggage ...

Well, what about our boy?

And the boy has a dress
Five pockets or six.
Nasal scarf - I don't know
And there is definitely a slingshot.

Author, batteries,
A strap from the quilted jacket.
Switch, lighter
(Does not work, but sorry).

Chalk in a box and an eraser,
Bubble and tadpole.
He was in a bidon,
And the can has leaned down
To save him now,
We must take it to the river ...
Pencil, feather, sharpener,
Weight and increasing.

In cellophane pie -
One puppy is a duty ...

What is he, our boy,
And what is his baggage.

For him and a dump truck
Obviously, there will be little.
Give him for baggage
Five cars from the garage.


Poem Matryoshka
Sat in the nesting doll
Another nesting doll
And very missed
Matryoshka in a nesting doll.

And in this nesting doll -
"Matryoshka in the nesting doll" -
Sitting missed
Another nesting doll.
Sitting missed
Another nesting doll
Size, of course,
A little less.

In the nesting doll "size
Less than a little "
Sitting a nesting doll
No more than peas.
Sitting a nesting doll
No more than peas
And also missed
Unhappy baby.

And what is interesting
In "Unhappy that baby"
More accommodated
Four nesting dolls.
More accommodated
Four nesting dolls,
About the same
Like flies and midges.

Anyone understands
What is every nesting doll
I wanted to run
In the garden along the path,
I wanted in the grass
Lie down a little
Mark your pens,
Mark your legs.
But what are they
Can be done, nesting dolls?
They have wooden
Handles and legs.
They have wooden
Handles and legs.
They miss the nesting dolls
And then the Ponaroshka.


If I was a girl ...
If I was a girl -
I would not lose time!
I would not jump on the street,
I would have shirts.
I would wash the floor in the kitchen
I would be in the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I myself would clean the potatoes.
All your toys yourself
I would put up the places!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother like that!
Mom would immediately say:
"Well done you, son!"

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 1

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 1
Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 1

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 1:

About Sidorova Vova
It turned out that the boy Vova
He was terribly spoiled.
Clean and fresh,
He was a terrible gentle.

It all started with dawn:
- Give it! Serve it!
Put on the horse.
Look at me!

Mom with a grandmother
He frying his pancakes.
Grandmother with a mother
Learns gamma with him.
And his beloved grandfather,
He is dressed in a warm fur coat,
Hour, or even all four
Walks and brings in the "Children's World".
Because there are chances
Buy jeans for a boy.

For the sake of the boy
Aunts and uncles
Did the impossible:
Baked a cake
Give a race
Bicycles and skates.

Why? Yes, very simple
We do not want to make secrets:
There were many adults in the house
And the child was alone.

But now the years are running
How nowhere and never.
The year has passed
Another passes ...
Now it's time to come
In the Red Army to serve,
To be friends with a discipline.
Vova goes into the army
And he leads the relatives with him.

To the location of the part
He came and said:
- Hello!
This is myself,
And this is my mother.
We will serve with her,
I can’t do anything alone.

Dali Marshal telegram:
“Sidorov's conscript
He brought his mother with him.
He wants to serve with her together. ”

The adjutant did not dare to report.
An hour has passed, another ... Alas!
There is no answer from Moscow.
“Okay,” said the regiment commander,
So be it, serve for now.

On the same day for mom after
Grandfather appeared in the unit,
Grandma with a pillow
And aunt with a clash:
- A child will disappear without us,
The plane will fall on him!

And everyone served skillfully
And everyone was found.

Imagine: a landfill,
Morning, gold shoulder strap.
Sun, music, and here
Vovin the platoon goes on a hike.

First, cheerful and healthy,
Vova Sidorov himself goes.
Without rifles and caps -
He gave the rifle to her aunt.
And the bud at the ready -
As it gets tired and eats.
Stubbornly go next to him
Aunt, grandmother and mother.
Grandma - with a pillow,
Aunt - with a cot:
- What if he gets tired of the road?
So that there is where to stretch your legs.

And a little away
Grandfather on a raven horse
Covers the left flank.
The right covers the tank.

So they are a meter meter
They walked a kilometer.
Mom sees the hay
And commands: a halt!

Grandmother with grandfather
They took up dinner
And Little Little
Give a spoon for a spoon:
- You will eat one for mom,
Another - for the foreman.
Well, for the colonel
No less than the ladle.

Only lunch ended -
The council immediately began
About campaigns and battles
And about military operations.

- So, who will we send in intelligence?
- Of course, grandfather and grandfather.
Let them, like two tourists,
Three hundred kilometers will crawl,
To find out where there are rockets
And where they sell sweets.

- And who will keep the defense?
- Call Uncle Andron.
He works as a watchman in the trust
He will lay all enemies in place.
- Well, and Vova?
- Let it rest.
He is our only joy.
We need to protect Volodenka.
Give mom a hand machine gun.

So Vova Sidorov
Ground just be healthy!
In a nutshell he was as follows:
Stupid, lazy and stupid.

It's good that other soldiers -
Completely different guys.
They can stand in the patrol for a day ...
Swim on a boat in the raging sea ...
Any of any
And they will never fail.

All, like him, were spoiled.
We would have been won for a long time.


A multi -colored family
There was an octopus
With its octopus,
And they had
Octopus is a little.

They were all
Different color:

The first is green,
The second is purple,
The third is like a zebra,
All striped,
Both are black -
Fourth and fifth,
The sixth is dark blue
From nose to legs
The seventh octopus,
Eighth -
Like a ripe berry
In a word, not children
And tubes with paint.
I had the kids
Bad feature:
They wanted
Changed colors.
Blue in a minute
Could become golden,
Yellow - brown
Or spotted!
Well, and twins
Fourth and fifth,
Everything was striving
Become striped,
Be sailors
Dreamed twins -
And who saw a sailor
Without vest?

Mom will wash
Green son,
Looks -
And he is not green, but blue,
Blue Mom
I haven't bathed yet.
And begins
The matter is first.
Hour is his rubbing
About the washing board,
And he has already become
Light gray in stripes.

No, he is swimming
Does not want at all
He's just his head
Mom is fooling.

Dad with children
Turns easier:
He will put it in a string bag
And in the bath he rinses.
Back with each -
Is there a lot of honor?
He is in a minute
They will wash them together.

But once a flounder
I called my mother to visit
To with her in the depths
Chat in private.

Mom got up early
Mom gathered quickly
And dad for kids
Remained to observe -
They had to be woken up,
Put on, wash,
And feed,
And take for a walk.

Only mom for the threshold -
Babies from beds skok,
Sit chairs,
Pillows to curse -
And let's fight!

Long sleepy octopus
I could not understand anything.
The yellow son sits in the countess,
Blue rides a buffet,
And green on the chandelier sways.
Wow the day begins!

And twins, twins
They took the scissors
And with a needle with a sharp one
The sail is sewn from the sheet.

And only striped
One is sitting on the sidelines
And something very sad
Plays on the comb
He was the most calm.
To the joy of dad with mom.

- Here I will ask you now! -
Dad shouted to the kids. -
To dive up!
I’ll beat everyone in a row!

Only how to wean them,
If they are not distinguished?
All became striped.
Not guilty of anything!

It's time to cook dinner,
But there is no mother, but there is no mother.
Well, dad - that's the trouble!
Never cooked!
But by the way, there is one way out.
And dad rushes to the store:
- I'll buy fish oil now
And I’ll feed the children.
They will like food!

He was mistaken, as always.
Nothing scares the world like that
As everyone is well -known
Fish fat.

No one wants to drink it -
Neither children nor adults
And feed the children
They, right, are not easy.

Half a day rushed with spoons
Father for octopuses:
I have never fed,
To whom he poured fifteen spoons!

The sun warms the stove,
Dad is asleep on the porch.

And the children-ozminoks
Something is drawn on the path:
- stick, stick, cucumber,
So the little man came out,
Now add the legs -
It turned out the octopus!

Silence at the bottom of the sea.
Here crawled crab crawling.
Round, like a frying pan.
The slope sailed, followed by a cod.
Herring is spinning everywhere,
Under so far.

In a word, everything is in order now.
But some kind of peanut
Somewhere I got a slingshot
And let's shoot at the jellyfish.
Dad caught the arrow
And he beaten slightly.

And it was at all
Not dad's son,
And just a neighbor
Alien octopus.

And dad is alien
Speaks very strictly:
- I am my little
I don't touch my finger.
I want to get even with you now.
Give me you will beat yours.

- Okay, take what you want
Just not really pounding.

I chose a baby octopus for myself
He took and spanked him slowly,
Only looks -
And the baby is dark blue
For some reason I suddenly became
White as hoar.
And then the dad shouted a stranger:
Yes, this is mine!
So we spanked
Only mine.
So now
You owe me two!

Well, at this time
They rushed with a flock
Behind one fish ...
We ran into the threshold
And they got confused in a ball.
Dads became blue,
Dads became white:
- What did we do
What have we done?
Confused the kids
And now you will not distinguish them!
So, like your ears
Do not see our kids!

- That's what, -
The neighbor says -
There is no other way out!
Let us simply
Divide in half:
I'll take half
And half is to you.

If it were not trifles:
Nineteen in half
It seems not to be shared.

Tired, exhausted
Both families
And they sat next to them
On a long bench,
Are waiting:
- Well, when
Will our mothers return?
Moms in children
They will figure it out.

Eduard Assumption Poems for grade 2

Eduard Assumption Poems for grade 2
Eduard Assumption Poems for grade 2

Eduard Assumption Poems for grade 2:

About Baba Yaga
About Babu-Yagu
They say very stupid:
Bone leg,
Blood and stupa.
And hands are crooked,
And teeth asleep,
And the nose is very long
And crocheted.

I am the appearance of the established
I will quickly destroy:
Please look
In my clean soul.
And there you will open such
What never is
Not seen.

I am good at heart,
Good, fair ...
Not so much
But still beautiful.
And in each I only
I see good
I'm even a boat
I will not offend in my soul.

But if I'm good inside
And beautiful
Then from above, outside,
Cunning and dangerous.
I am in the life of any of you
I will overcome
And then I will kill ...
But I will regret it in my soul ...


Plasticine crow

I remember Vorone,
Or maybe not a Vorone
Or maybe the cow
Terribly lucky:
Someone cheese sent her
Gram, I think two hundred,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

She took off her spruce
Or maybe I didn't take off
Or maybe on a palm tree
The raven climbed.
And there she have breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
She was calmly gathered.

But then the fox ran
Or maybe I didn't run
Or maybe this is an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe this janitor was ...
He walked in rural areas
To the nearest hazel
Behind a new broom.

- Listen, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow,
Well, how good you are!
You have such feathers,
Your eyes are like that!
The hooves are very slender
And a delicate soul.

And if you come up,
Or maybe you will won
Or maybe soak -
After all, the cows are mumbled -
Then the saddle is large for you
Carpet and TV
As a gift they will immediately be awarded,
Or maybe they will be handed.

And a stupid crow,
Or maybe a cow
Or maybe a dog
How loudly it will.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing
Falled, of course, fainted
From laughter, all the people.

And the cheese at that raven
Or maybe dogs,
Or maybe cows
I fell immediately.
And right on the fox,
Or maybe ostrich,
Or maybe on the janitor
I immediately hit.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale,
Or maybe not fairy tales
Not only an adult will understand
But even the little one:
Do not stand and do not jump
Don't sing, don't dance
Where is the construction
Or a load is suspended.


He began the city
The fisherman gather.
I took a fishing rod
To fish,
I took the raincoat
To take care of them,
I took a samovar
To boil tea.

He took the bed
To sleep on the bed.
He took the carpet
To sunbathe on it.
He took firewood
So as not to look for them.
I took a suitcase -
Why not take it?

Took Kerogaz,
A towel, a washcloth,
Books, magazines,
Rocking chair,
Lamp, gun,
Boots, blanket.
He took the dog
So that she guarded everything.
Exactly two thousand
Necessary things
He began to lay down
In your boat.

The boat swayed
She scooped up water
Rolked over
And instantly drowned.

Exactly a week later
From the river
Things pulled out

And they said;
- Listen, eccentric,
Anyone you
But not a fisherman.
After all, for the good
For a fisherman
The fishing rod is only needed
And the river!

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 3

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 3
Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 3

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 3:

Grandmother and granddaughter
The dusk was poured blue
In the sails of the frigate ...
Collected on robbery
Grandmother Pirate.
Pistols laid
And for gold a bag.
And also, of course, soap
- A spoon here.
The cup is here
There is a clean shirt.
Here is a fired musket
Here is the barrel of Roma ...
It is so absent -minded
He will leave everything at home.
An old grandmother
Sedding head
Grandma said
Affectionate words:
- Our dear breadwinner,
The falcon is one -eyed,
You look at boarding
Do not climb in vain.
Do not visit without need
Zlamic brothels.
Do not offend the orphans in vain
Take care of cartridges,
Do not drink without a snack of rum -
This is very harmful.
And always go with a tambour
If there is no course.
Silver put in a chest,
Gold - into the pillow ...
But at this place the grandson
Interrupted the old woman:
- Listen if that is all
So you know
You come on yourself
And I will stay at home!


City of Hippo
I was in Africa
I went hunting
And he got into the city,
Where the hippos live.

In narrow trousers
And in the skirts of the short
They hurry to school
In the morning of hippo.

The hippos of cows graze in the field,
Hippoposits of the catch are being taken from the sea.
In black cars
In huge buildings
Hipples rush
To meetings.

In the house of models
They demonstrate there
Salm dresses.

And at concerts
Arias perform
By notes.

So guys,
All hippos
Busy with business.

Well, in the evening,
Returning from work
They are at the houses
Surge the gate.

And I said
With a hippo-scientist,
Professor title
About what is in the world
Oddly enough,
There are still people
They have their own countries,
She sat down
And your cities.

And he for me
He said: nonsense.
People live in a zoo,
In the garden, and they are hippos
They bring food.

He wanted me
Plant in the zoosad,
But I ran away
And he returned back.

In Moscow I said
With one scientist,
Very solid
And very gray
About what is in the world
On distant latitudes,
There is a city
In which the hippos live,
The fact that recently
I went there.

And he for me
He said: nonsense.
Animals live in a zoo,
In the garden, and they were in jail
They bring food.

He laughed for a long time
Well, just like that
A solid scientist
The fat man is a hippo.


Translation pictures

Like Marinka
Translate pictures.
Here is her pot,
On it, the picture is a cockerel.
So she took a flower
And transferred to the door.
Translated pictures
On my mother’s boots.
The older brother got out of bed,
On it is a picture - grapes,
On the portfolio - Brutsyva,
On the cap - cranberries.
The neighbors say to dad:
- And you have mushrooms on the hat,
- from the side of the rider on horseback
And the frog on the back.
Dad took pictures
And hid from Marinka.
Marinka raised crying:
- Dad, dear, - do not hide!
- I will not be anymore
- Glue them everywhere.
And since then the order in the house,
And mushrooms grow in the album.


Scary tale

The boy does not want to cut himself,
The boy crawls from the chair,
Rests with his feet,
It is filled with tears.
He is in the male and female hall
The whole parquet flooded with tears.
And the hair is growing!

The hairdresser is tired
And she did not cut the boy.
And the hair is growing!
And the hair is growing!

The year has passed
Another passes ...
The boy does not come to cut his hair:
And the hair is growing!
And the hair is growing!

Grow, grow,
They are braided in pigtails ...
“Well, son,” said the mother,
We need to buy a dress.

The boy was walking in the dress,
The boy became a girl.
And now he walks with his mother
Curl to the female hall.

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 4

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 4
Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 4

Poems by Eduard Uspensky for grade 4:

What do children eat?
In life I saw a lot of pictures.
Once my dog \u200b\u200bate a boot,
But it was a case
Not the most powerful.

Boy Vova is five years old
I ate a bus ticket.
Dad paid money,
And he took and swallowed.
Here, the cunning is dangerous,
Suddenly the controller comes in.
And as soon as he comes in
Immediately from Vova does not take his eyes.
- Your ticket.
- There is no ticket.
- Oh, I don't like it.
So you are not to do
So we will fine.
Give a thousand rubles
And look more fun.

Poor dad sat down:
- The child ate our ticket.
We are always going with a ticket,
Only he is eaten today.

But the cunning is also dangerous
The controller laughed:
- I do not believe you, parent,
You are not true.
I have been living in the world for a hundred years,
But I don’t remember the children ...
So that they ate tickets.
Well, cutlets, well, meatballs ...
But in our country advice
People do not eat tickets.

Everyone around how they will be dangled:
- No, they eat, eat, eat ...
- For example, my grandson Anton,
He eats cardboard all the time.

- And our Petenka, for example,
Eats sawdust and plywood.
If the pinch lies,
He will come running now.

- And we had that!
Our child erected soap.
Badchugan was frightened -
He took and hid in the closet:
Behind closed doors
An hour spat on bubbles.

And the driver said from the place:
“My daughter is almost a bride.”
She probably already five
You have to choose a husband.
And she chews cigarette butts
And pieces of plaster.
And my son is Roman Romanch,
He eats a nipple overnight.
And he almost cried into the microphone.

In this moment a controller
From confusion
Lost half confidence:
“However, maybe I'm wrong.”
I can reduce the fine. -
And the bus has blossomed
And such a speech led:

- And we have one child
I ate fifteen
Pieces of diaper,
Rug, blanket
And he said that little.

- And we have a boy Vitya.
He is such that sorry.
He started a fight
And bit the dog.
- And we have one neighbor
He took and ate a bike.
Imagine a child
I ate a piece of eagle in pieces!
- Apparently, the house was not enough
Vitamins and metal.

- In our collective farm "Obli"
Somehow a truck drove.
We unloaded the goods
Then the guys came running
All overwhelmed to the wheels.
The driver spilled a sea of \u200b\u200btears.

“But not a driver, but a driver.”
- He almost shed from tears.
- Not shed, but died!
“I'm not Homer!”
- Yes, not Homer, but Homer!
- I have Tremer from you
“Not Tremer, but Tremer!”
- Give the premer.
“But not a premer, but an example.”
“Well, I said I am not Homer.”
- Not Homer, but Homer ...
- Ugh you! What would you die!

- And it happened like this -
Our children ate a tank.
Tank - it is also in metal.
They flew, gnawed ...
Very fast, very clean
Grounded to the tanker.

Here the stop is suitable.
The controller spun deftly,
I looked at everyone around
Yes, and suddenly fell:
- I will manage without their rubles,
This is a very dangerous audience.


Academician Ivanov
The well -known mathematician
Academician Ivanov
I was so afraid of anything,
Like hospitals and doctors.

He could stroke the tiger
On a striped skin.
He was not afraid to meet
On the lake with pirates.
He only smiled
At gunpoint,
He easily withstood
Two actions of the ballet.

He was not afraid of darkness
He jumped into water from a height
Two meters and a half ...
But one evening
He fell ill with a sore throat.

And you have to call soon
A doctor from the "Ealleys",
And he is afraid of all doctors,
How the mouse is afraid of cats.

But neighboring boy Vova
He wants to help the patient.
He picks up the phone,
Telephone pipe,
And calls on the phone
In the district clinic:

- Please send us
Doctors with a machine -
Academician Ivanov
He fell ill with a sore throat.

The worst
Hospital doctor
I took my most
A terrible syringe, and
The worst
Your bathrobe, and
The worst bandage, and Vatu,
And his sister took the elder -
The most terrible.

And from the gate of the hospital
Already the car rushes.
One call
Another call.
And the doctor enters the threshold.

He comes to the bed,
Where is the famous mathematician
I lay five minutes ago
But there is no patient - he ran away!

Maybe he climbed into the buffet?
Hiding under the bathroom?
It is not even in the stove.
Oddly enough.

They rummaged around everything around
And he hid in the chest
And looks at the doctor
Through a key hole.

The doctor looks at the residents:
- Where is the sick, after all?
I arrived for treatment,
And not for entertainment;
If I don't find now
Your patient,
I will have to cure
Someone else.

Go to the middle
The one who called the car!

And he laid out on the table
Syringe, castorca, validol.
Five glass ampoules
And the quartz lamp!

For residents at the sight of a syringe
The faces immediately stretched out:

- We did not joke with the doctor.
We, by golly, have nothing to do with it.

The doctor frowns sternly
But Vova comes forward:

“Treat,” he says, “me.”
I called the car. -

And he is a doctor at the same moment
He boldly showed the language.

Dr. Mirror put on,
Dr. Vova looked around.
Knocked a hammer
He shook his head.

“You,” he said to Vova, “
Excellent health.
Still, I'm in front of the road
I'll fly you a little:
I'll give you raspberries
Honey, oranges,
And also cookies -
That's all the treatment!

Neighbors with admiration
Look at the daredevil
But then she opened with a roar
The cover of the chest.
And surprisingly
Doctors with a sister,
I got out of there
True patient:

- I'm not used to hiding
For other people's backs
If they are given nearby
And I see that healing -
Not such a torment.

Glory to good doctors!
Glory to the boy!
I'm more in the chest
I will not hide!

- These are all trifles! -
Vova answers. -
Do not be afraid of doctors -
What is it!
If people say,
They may laugh.
Hairdressers -
That's who you need to be afraid!

Eduard Uspensky - poems for children about animals

Eduard Uspensky - Poems for children about animals
Eduard Uspensky - poems for children about animals

Eduard Uspensky - poems for children about animals:

The tiger went out for a walk
One, two, three, four, five,
The tiger came out for a walk.
They forgot to lock him.
One, two, three, four, five.

He walks along the street
No one is pestering
But for some reason from the tiger
The people scatter.

Who climbed onto the tree
Who hid behind the stall,
Who was on the roof,
Who hid in the drain.

And on the Christmas tree, like toys,
Two old women were located.
The whole city is empty in an instant -
After all, jokes with a tiger are dangerous.

Sees the tiger - the city is empty:
“Give me,” he thinks, “I will return.
In the zoo more fun,
There is always full of people there! "


Bird Market
Bird market, bird market ...
Golden June day
Between cells and baskets
We walk with the pope together.

See - fish are sold,
The fins burn with fire.
We looked at the fish
And they decided that we take it!

I distributed kittens for free
A nice seller.
We looked at the kittens
Looked -
And they finally took it.

Then we were offered a squirrel.
- What is the price?
- Five rubles. -
We looked at her
Looked -
We must take her soon!

And completely before leaving
We saw a horse.
We looked at him
We looked ...
And bought for me.

And then went home
Taking all the animals with them.
Here we approach our door,
So we decided to knock.
Mom looked in the crack
I looked
I looked
I looked
I looked ...
And I decided: do not let it go!


Today in our city,
Large metropolitan city,
Everywhere conversations
And noise and vanity ...
Around the crowd,
Since the population
Rushing to the exhibition

Important go everywhere
Arriving citizens:
Seniors, gentlemen,
Monsieur, Panov, Miss ...
And they say lords:
- At the exhibition without disputes
Josephine cow
He will receive the first prize.

- Yes, for nothing in the world!
The director of the exhibition said. -
Yes, so that I am
Did you allow misfortune?
Yes, I am Ivan Vasilich
I call, Ivan Vasilyevich,
So he is his Burenushka
Rather brought.

And already along the street,
On the street, along the street
The car is dusty
Three -ton is coming.
And in it Ivan Vasilievich,
Smirnov Ivan Vasilievich,
Branuska cow
Lucky at the exhibition.

But here is something in the motor
How to knock on something-
And the car froze
Almost halfway.
So now - now a burenus
In the homeland
Driving all sorts without medals
Take it back?

- Yes, for nothing in the world! -
Said Ivan Vasilievich. -
Returning is simple
Leaving is not cunning
And we hurry to the exhibition,
To the exhibition, to the exhibition! -
And here they are with Koronov
We went to the subway.

- Yes, so that her, horned,
Lead the escalator?
But where is it visible?! -
The attendant shouts. -
We are the best transport in the world!
We carry foreigners
And here is your cow
Will he take and close?

- But, as an exception,
At the request of the population
Let the Burenushka! -
The people are worried.
- Well, as an exception,
At the request of the population
I take off the objections.
Let her go!

But just stand on the right,
And go to the left.
And in the premise of the station
I ask you not to wash.
For every moo
I will have a remark.
But I don't want at all
To answer for it!

And here she is, the cow,
Horned head
Goes along the escalator
He stands aside.
Stands and does not butt
And people are surprised:
- Well! Animal,
And how behaves!

- What, right word,
Nice cow! -
I noticed passengers
Professor Ivanov. -
I lived in Italy for a long time,
Paris and so on,
But I didn't even see it there
So polite cows!

- She, of course, is smart!
Said Ivan Vasilievich. -
And I am my burenus
I will reward for this;
The horns are covering varnish,
I will buy her a bun with poppy seeds;
And if there is time
I take it to the cinema!

And at this hour at the exhibition,
At the exhibition, at the exhibition
Cows compete
From various countries:
Italy and Sweden,
Bulgaria and Greece
And even from America,
From the state of Michigan.

Calmly one after another
They go in a circle -
Both black and red
The sides are swaying.
Of course, there are a lot of cows,
And the judges are very strict
They measure the udder
Hooves and horns.

Josephine cow
From the city of Turin
Just like a ballerina
The exhibition goes.
High, beautiful,
With black-bearing eyes,
She, of course, she
All bonuses will take:

WHO Clover Honey
From the crop of the new,
Huge TV,
Matter of the cut,
Four hundred cakes,
On velvet laid,
As well as a vase with the inscription
"Long live progress!"

But here is Ivan Vasilievich,
There is Ivan Vasilievich,
Runes Ivan Vasilievich,
Bunnushka leads.
And a glorious burenus
Well, just like a swan
Like an ancient hawthorn
Swims through the air.

And the judges were surprised
And the judges left
And the judges began to think:
"Ah, what to do?"
They spoke half a day
Shouted and smoked
And they made a decision:
Both to make!

Immediately take out buckets
And two milkmaids are proud
They go to the middle
The decision to execute.
Sit on benches,
Put the seeds
And they ask for a newsreel
Studgers to calm.

Burenka won!
She was ahead of
Cow Josephine
For as long as half a bucket.
And immediately all the audience,
And children and parents,
And loudspeakers
How to scream: - Hurray!

Come on Ivan Vasilich!
Grab Ivan Vasilich!
Super Ivan Vasilich!
Swark Burenushka! -
They were downloaded for an hour.
- Long live! - shouted
So far, Ivan Vasilievich
I didn’t shout: - Stop!

Here it is firing
To the owner of Josephine
And he says: - Please
I honor me.
Take Josephine
Take off the car -
Let's go to the hotel
There are cakes.

They got into the car.
Cakes ate
And best friends
Broke up at last.
The owner of the Josephine
Was from Turin,
And he was a foreigner,
But he was well done!

Funny verses of Eduard Uspensky

Funny verses of Eduard Uspensky
Funny verses of Eduard Uspensky

Funny poems by Eduard Uspensky:

Continuous ballad

The great king
It was incredulous.
Therefore, everywhere
Secret introduced.
He did not believe the oaths
I did not believe the words
And he believed the papers
Seals, rights.

Once a king
Bathed in the pond,
And it happened -
He fell into trouble.
While he was swimming
Splashed, dived,
Some kind of tramp
I stole clothes.

Here comes to the castle
The Great King,
Stands at the gate
And does not remember the password.
Perhaps the "rifle",
Perhaps the "watermelon" ...
Well, well, such
Turned out to be embarrassed!

But still the guard
Let the king let in -
The king put him
Four rubles,
Deciding to himself:
“Wait, Pharaoh!
I'll take everything
When I sit on the throne! "

Then he decides:
“I'll go to my wife,
I will tell her to give out
A certificate to me.
Do not wear it
Nothing on me
The wife will recognize
His king! "

But then came
A tickling moment.
The wife says:
- Present the document.
Perhaps you are right
You have on the throne
Or maybe you -
Foreign spy.

The king collects
The court nobility:
- Must finally, you guys
Identify me!
Come on, look
On this portrait!
Well, I look like
On him or not?

From the mass of the courtiers
It turns out alone:
- We cannot
Identify, citizen.
On this portrait
The king is young,
And you, look, -
Quite gray!

The king right from the place
He rushed to the square
And very long
He shouted to the people;
- Well, answer me
Beloved people
I am the king to you
Or vice versa?

The people consulted
Four o'clock.
Cursed, spit
Hitting the backs.
Then he says:
- Maybe you and the king
But only you
From the answer of the dismiss.

We have not seen
His king.
In a closed carriage
They carried him.
Who was taken there -
You or not
We cannot answer.
This is our answer.

Upon learning that the people
Refused flatly
The king got angry
And climbed into a fight.
Then he swept away
I ran into tears
And he died literally
Everyone in front of their eyes.

At the old castle
The path is running
And next to the path
The grave lies.
Who is buried there?
I will answer, please
In the grave lies
Unknown king.

Since then it has run
Two thousand years,
And to people now
There is no mistrust.
Now you have a word
Anyone will believe
Of course, when you have
Certificate with you.


The task for the prince

In a huge reception
Fifteen tables,
Fifteen ambassadors are sitting behind everyone,
Fifteen hours, not counting minutes
The ambassadors of the young prince are waiting.
Well, and the prince go to them
Does not agree in any way
Due to the fact that he has
The problem is not solved.
The guy's head is cracking,
Well, the task is as follows:

“Fifteen tables are in a huge reception,
Fifteen ambassadors are sitting behind everyone.
Fifteen hours, not counting minutes.
The ambassadors of the young prince are waiting.
And you need to find out how long
Spent by the young king. "

Tsarevich tries, thinks,
Tsarevich tables on the ambassadors multiplies:

- Fifteen tables
Fifteen ambassadors ...
It turns out two hundred
This is something new.
Probably, he is in size from a hippo.
He eats after him, and drinks,
Because of himself, he never gets up.
And if he decides to go to the bed,
Where is he to put extra legs?

He would be half a kingdom
I gave it to the time.
In the reception, meanwhile
The scandal erupted.

The ambassadors jumped
The ambassadors shouted:
- Where are we: the king
Or are we at the station?
Fifteen hours
We are sitting and sitting!
Fifteen hours
We eat nothing.
Fifteen hours
We don't go anywhere -
And all because we are waiting for the prince!
Hey you, bearded,
Do not stand at the door
And call the prince here as soon as possible.

To which the bearded servant replies:
- Believe me, it upset me.
But I'm secret to you
I'll reveal the secret.
Tsarevich does not sleep
And not busy with the game.

He just does not hasten here,
That very difficult
Solves the problem.

- What task?
Tell the convent.
- Please listen
All for health:
"In a huge reception
Fifteen tables.
He sits for everyone
Fifteen ambassadors.
Fifteen hours,
Apart from the minutes
The ambassadors of the young prince are waiting.
And you need to find out:
How much time is in vain
Spent by
Young king. "

The ambassadors jumped.
The ambassadors rustled:
- Why is it difficult
Let's not hesitate
We will help the child
Let's change the tables to the ambassadors.
Fifteen minutes -
And the decision is ready.

But the main ambassador
Suddenly demanded the words:
- No, not then we came here,
So that we are multiplied by the tables and cabinets,
Tables today,
And tomorrow sofas.
And we represent
Great countries!
And I do
I propose otherwise -
Fifteen minutes
The solution to the problem.
And if the prince does not solve her
And if he does not hurry to us here,
We are all like one
We leave the country
And all as one,
We declare war.

The prince could not master the task of -
And the power is dang
Under the roar of a boot.

Fifteen centuries
From that time it has run
And the unresolved task lay.
You hurry to help the prince
And this difficult task solved:
"In a huge reception
Fifteen tables,
He sits for everyone
Fifteen ambassadors ... "

Children's poems by Eduard Uspensky

Children's poems by Eduard Uspensky
Children's poems by Eduard Uspensky

Children's poems by Eduard Uspensky:

Doctors' advice

My story seems to be about nothing
And at the same time about everything.

One famous one
We opened all our eyes to
Something that we considered that
Meanwhile, it is not at all.
And it's time for us to part with him
And replace it with others.
And immediately in all places -
In houses, canteens, kindergartens -
Everyone began to implement a new one,
And to eradicate the old.

Or this is or not that -
Nobody understood around.
Half a year or a year has passed -
Implement does not give any use.
And here is some famous
Suddenly, for some reason, no one became.
And the point was
That he was mistaken in something,
And somewhere, and in some places.
In short, everywhere.

And another recipe was appointed:
To do everything the same, but otherwise.

And immediately in all places -
In houses, canteens, kindergartens -
Everyone began to implement a new one,
And to eradicate the old.
Otherwise it is or not that -
Nobody understood at all.
And it got worse than koy
From this implementation.
We really believe that
Who creates teachings.

Science moves forward
She will understand in a hundred years,
What you need to eat, what you need to drink,
What you need to fry, what to cook
And what to insist on what,
But we will have nothing to do with it.


Street incident

Ivan Ivanovich Smirnov,
Living in the house number one hundred
On the Leningradskoye Shosse,
The apartment is eighty -five,
One morning on the weekend
He gathered around the city with his wife.

The weather was grace:
Fifteen degrees in the shade.
In some places rain, in some places snow,
And the wind from north to south,
And the sun flooded the yard
But this is not about the conversation.
Ivan Ivanovich wanted
Today to visit the cottage,
Wash the floors, ventilate the house
And plant tomatoes.
He held a string bag in his hands,
Four asters and loaf.

I note right away that Smirnov
There was a very smart person
I did exercises in the morning.
He loved the newspapers to read
And watch the TV.
And he, of course, ordered
Taxi to go to the station.
Two to two or five on the phone,
Zero-zero, as well as two zeros.
To get to the station faster
Do not regret the ruble.

Driver Taxi Vasiliev A.
There was an eternal steering wheel.
He respected passengers
And exceeded the plans,
I went to the museum in the evenings,
He had a wife and two friends.

And he came to the house one hundred,
As soon as I received an order
(Plus or minus exactly half an hour),
There he planted passengers
And quickly flew forward.
He always rushed what was the strength,
Since the passenger asked him.

And at this time, someone E.,
More precisely, speaking, Petrov,
Patlat and almost barefoot
With a smile cunning on the lips
He went to the store for sausage.
He decided to treat himself
Although he did not like to pay.

He was a famous slobber.
I didn't want to do exercises,
I did not find happiness in the work,
And if I went to the plant,
Then only out of love for money,
And so I would just not go.

Around - cars, noise and howl,
And he goes along the pavement
And does not look around.
At the intersection red light,
Well, he does not care.
He thought he would run around
But slipped - and lies.

Green traffic lights are burning,
Vasiliev rushes at full speed,
But suddenly he bulged his eyes
And pressed on the brakes:
There is Petrov ahead.
Yes, the position be healthy!

And then it was, as always,
When the trouble happens:
Around the police whistles,
And "ambulance help" flies,
And after her doctors run,
Like after the Rook tractor.

Ivan Ivanovich Smirnov
I still got to the cottage,
Washed the floors, ventilated the house
And planted tomatoes.
And the asters raised their own,
Such - do not tear the eye,
Well, at least sell in the market!

Driver Taxi Vasiliev A.
He repaired his car
(He only replaced the headlight)
And the plan, as before, fulfilled,
He only chased more carefully.

What did E. Petrov achieve?
I got to the hospital to the doctors,
He is bandaged in the morning.
One leg under the ceiling
The other in gypsum.
The brakes screech above the ear,
And the teeth in a rag lie.
And he did not buy sausages.

On this I finish the story
And I will ask, reader, you
Do not come across doctors,
Exercise in the morning,
Go to the museum in the evenings,
Love and respect friends
And remember: if the red light,
That smart people have no progress.


Little schoolgirl

I'm walking in a new dress,
I have a white apron on me.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Goodbye, familiar kindergarten,
Now I need to go to school!
- Galinka! - The kids scream
And they wave me out of the garden.

They call them: - Come on now
In our kindergarten cheerful!
- No, - I say, - I need to in the classroom,
I will come from school later.

And everyone congratulates me
Gathering in the garden early
After all, since today
I will study at school.

The funny verses of Eduard Uspensky

The funny verses of Eduard Uspensky
The funny verses of Eduard Uspensky

The funny verses of Eduard Uspensky:

About a cold for children

A cold is included in the yards
Wandering in search of a hole.
Where the cold is crawling
Everything freezes immediately.
We will not release heat
For window glass.
Let's handle the cold ...
Vata, brush and glue -
Here is our weapon.


Stresses for children

Who is friendly with the rules
He is firmly convinced:
Farf? P, do we really need
And f? RFFOR is not needed.
Don't say Alf? Vit,
And only the alphabet.
Who says Alf? Vit -
He says incorrectly.
Don't tell Kat? Log,
But only rolled?
And TV? Rog? Can you TV?
Can you have a creature?
And if you suddenly go to the store
Then don't go to the magician? Zin -
Do not buy briefcases.
When we are by car
We fly to full speed
Then we are not lucky?
And the driver is lucky.
Driver, he loves business
Your profession.
And with w? Ferah we are safe
Let's get into an accident.
And let it not be a secret
For adults and guys,
What is not a stat? And,,
And st? Thui are standing.
And if you are to the theater
Appeared for example,
Then don't go to?
Get in the desk? P.
I ask you guys
Listen all this
And immediately it will become easier
Get five.
No wonder I guys,
Textbooks leafed through
Almost a whole KV?
And right - quart? L.


About announcements

It is known: announcements
We need us in order
So that the population knows
Reading ads,
What, where, when and why,
Why and for whom.
“We need a kindergarten launder,
Call in kindergarten. "
“A kitten left us
Nicknamed Marmelad. "
“Summer summer cottage surrenders
With a goat and garage. "
“There will be a lecture in the theater
About life abroad. "
“We need a cart with a horse
And the movers at the warehouse. "
“The next day they are expected
Thunderstorm and leaf fall. "
"Teacher teaches singing
And drawing. "
And "Nanny is required
Into a good family. "
Suddenly he dropped the set -
Mixed in ads
Words and sentences,
And in these where, when, why
The cheese-brow occurred.
“I need a kindergarten nanny
With a body to the warehouse. "
“The teacher left us
Nicknamed Marmelad. "
“The next day is expected
Thunderstorm abroad. "
“There will be a lecture in the theater
"Goat above the garage."
“The kitten teaches singing
In addition, drawing. "
And "a horse is required
Into a good family. "
The population laughed,
Reading ads,
And who could not laugh,
He was at a loss.

Read poems by Eduard Uspensky

Read poems by Eduard Uspensky
Read poems by Eduard Uspensky

Read the verses of Eduard Uspensky:

The boy’s affairs are bad:
Again he brought a deuce.
He is threatened with shepherds
Give or to a construction site.

And he did not run, did not play,
The lazy people are not a couple.
And he trained all year
Neighboring cat.

And the cat who was forever slept
And did not catch mice
Now he has been hunting
In the garden for kids.

He danced excellently
He gave his neighbors a paw
And by order he submitted
And slippers and a hat.

But the statement was angry seriously:
- I'm taking the baby to the collective farm -
But also on the collective farm, as luck would have it,
He was not lucky again.

The cows wandered into the oats,
And in the garden - calves,
And the sheep generally left
From the region somewhere.

But he did not run, did not play
And did not doze on the stove.
And he was trained a bull
On the field near the river.

All day they are together with a bull
Listened books with a tongue,
Learned to fall and get up
And serve the ball from the river.

First resisted the bull,
Then he resigned himself and got used to it.
He even distinguished numbers
And the Russian songs mumbled.

But the chairman for oats
He arranged for the boy the spit:
- Why did you come to us -
Count the raven on the sides?
When would you think less
I would have become a man for a long time!
A lot of them, professors,
Of those who previously pass the cows!

He took the hat and a whip,
And they are being taken to the city of the boy.

Since then
Fifteen years.
And so I bought a ticket to the circus
And there I saw a miracle.

There was a lion on stilts
And made a crocodile rack
On two humps of a camel.

There the hare of Russian danced
And with chalk on the board he wrote:
"Long live guys!"
And the elephant with the viewer played,
He checked the strength of the hall
With the help of a rope.

To the right, he pulled the rope,
To the left - a thousand guys.
The elephant would lose, this is a fact
But he helped out his intermission.

The audience was delighted
And the tamer called.
And so he went out to bow.
I look and see: it's him,
The same loser.
In one hand he held a whip,
In another, he kept the task task.
He just this fall
Moving to the ninth grade.

- Well, if I teach others,
I myself want to be a scientist.
And without education
What is the base
Consider yourself smarter
Hedgehogs or uns,
Elephants and hippos,
Raccoons, sperm whales,
Deer and seals,
Walruses or cutting?
Funny, friends when talent
Has a deuce for a dictation!

In my opinion, guys, he's just well done!
And I have nothing to add
Therefore - the end!


Vera and Anfisa
The girl Vera now has a girlfriend,
She is not a kitten, she is not a toy,
She is a foreigner, she is an intorist,
She is a monkey nicknamed Anfiska.
Anfiska, Anfiska, Anfisk.
Her dad is glad, and her mother is glad.
They don't need to give birth to another sister,
After all, there is a foreigner, because there is an intorist,
After all, there is a monkey named Anfiska.
Anfiska, Anfiska, Anfisk.
Their girl Vera grew lonely,
She could become angry, could become cruel.
Now she will grow up with good herself
And it will probably become a beautiful mother.
After all, there is a foreigner, because there is an intorist,
After all, there is a monkey named Anfiska.
Anfiska, Anfiska, Anfisk.

About courage
Three -year -old citizen
Named Tatyana
Was not a clog
She howled a boyak.
Only the fly will be drunk,
Tanya runs to her grandmother:
- Hide me, granny!
I'm afraid of her.
If the puppy runs,
Tanya to mother with all legs:
- He will bite me! -
Girl, and cowardly.
The situation is at least crying.
Then a new doctor arrived.
How he entered the house -
Tanya immediately Shmyg under the table.
He then approaches the table
And from Tatyanka does not take his eyes:
- I brought pills to you
Against damp and tears.
Who will swallow pills,
He will cease to be afraid.
How the tablets were used,
Tanya seemed to be replaced.
She was a boyak
And she became Zabiyaka.
Walks, fun
No longer afraid.
Not a shaggy puppy.
Not a picture of a spider.
Not a big cockroach
What is growling from under the sofa.
And these were not tablets,
And ordinary sweets.

Eduard Uspensky - verse "Memory"

Eduard Uspensky - Verse memory
Eduard Uspensky - verse "Memory"

Eduard Uspensky is a verse "Memory":


- I will not praise myself in vain
I say everyone everywhere,
That any proposal
I will repeat right away.

- “Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on the belt
And the old woman at this time
Soap cactus on the window. "

- Well, what is there to talk about?
I would praise myself.
I have a story about Vanya
It’s very easy to repeat:

Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on the belt
Well, and the cactus at this time
The old woman washed on the window.

I rode a cactus on a horse,
Led the dog on the belt
And the old woman at this time
Soap Vanya on the window.

Vanya rode on the window,
Led an old woman on a belt
Well, and the cactus at this time
Washed the dog on a horse.

I know what I say.
He said that I will repeat.
So it turned out without errors,
Why boast to want?

Verse "defeat" of Eduard Uspensky

The verse "defeat" of Eduard Uspensky:


Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off bots
Mom comes to the house,
Mom looks around.
- Was there a raid on the apartment?
- Not.
- Did the hippo come to us?
- Not.
- Maybe the house is not ours?
- Our.
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our.
Seryozha just came,
We played a little.
- So this is not a collapse?
- Not.
“So the elephant did not dance?”
- Not.
- Very happy. It turned out,
I was worried in vain.

The Assumption Edward is a verse "Above our apartment"

Assumption Edward - a verse above our apartment
The Assumption Edward is a verse "Above our apartment"

The Assumption Edward is a verse "Above our apartment":

Above our apartment
Above our apartment
The dog lives.
The dog barks
And it does not give sleep.
Does not let us sleep
And over the dog
The cat lives.
The cat meows
And does not go to sleep
Does not let the dog sleep
Well, above the cat
The mouse lives.
The mouse sighs
And it does not give sleep.
Does not give a cat to sleep
At night on the roof
The rain knocks.
That's why
And the mouse does not sleep
The mouse does not sleep all night
The sky is sad
Clouds run.
Clouds sob,
And tears flow
Tears flow in rain
And the clouds offended
Little thunder
Which in the clouds
Pound a fist
Pound with a fist -

The verse "Scattered nanny" is Eduard Uspensky

Verse scattered nanny- Eduard Uspensky
The verse "Scattered nanny" is Eduard Uspensky

The verse "Scattered nanny" is Eduard Uspensky:

Scattered nanny
The nanny walked along the boulevard,
The nanny of the boy was driving.
The boy was sitting in the sledges,
The boy flew off the sledges.
Sees the nanny - it became easier,
And walked faster.

I visited the bazaar
I looked at the goods.
Come on in a fire -
After all, not every day is a fire.

I bought salt in a bench
And laundry soap.
I met Kuma there,
I found out what's what.

The soldiers were walking past
Each looked like a hero.
And our nanny is behind the system
She walked to the foot to the bath.
Turned around, slowly.
Looks - there is no baby.

- Where did I forget it?
Where did you buy soap?
At the stall on the sidewalk.
Just like that on the pavement
Or maybe in a fire
Washing the boy with water?

And in bewilderment of the nanny
The broken hour looks at the sled.
Well, and the boy is at the gate
Two hours waiting for a nanny.

And he is afraid to go home -
Houses can get angry.
They will say: - How did you walk
If you lost the nanny?

Verse "Hunter" Eduard Uspensky

Verse hunter Eduard Uspensky
Verse "Hunter" Eduard Uspensky

The verse "Hunter" Eduard Uspensky:

I'm not a hunter to jokes
What will I say - I will say seriously.
The hunter walked along the street,
The bazaar carried prey.

They fled cheerfully nearby
His dogs, who were called:
Guard, fire, friend,
Suitcase and pie,
Red-bombed scam
And guess the huge.

Suddenly from the market gate
A cat came to meet them.
Guess waved his tail
And he rushed behind the cat.
And followed by a fire, friend
A suitcase and a pie.

Our hunter was laughed
Cried all his throat:
- Guard! Friend! Fire! -
The whole bazaar was alarmed.

And the hunter is not silent,
He shouts to himself one thing:
- Oh, fire! To me, here! -
People understood - trouble!

Such a crush has risen
That two shelves broke.
Where can I find dogs here
God forbid to carry your feet!

The hunter was saddened:
“I'm a bad worker now.”
I can't knock out the squirrels,
Do not get a fox.

The hour has passed
The other passed
He came to the police:

- I have, friends, missing.
Either case, or theft.
My friend disappeared
A suitcase and a pie.

The elder listened to him
But I did not understand anything.
- Do not rely something.
Repeat: what is gone?

- A suitcase, my friend, throw it.
- What else?
- Guess!

Captain, frowning his eyebrows,
He was angry, shouted:
- I'm a school in Tambov
Not finished for this,
To guess the riddles,
Throw suitcases!
I can’t and will not,
Not for that put here.
But back to the suitcase ...
Does he have signs?

- The coat is thick,
Crochet tail.
He walks a little barrel.
Loves pasta with meat,
Loves sausage,
Barking a diskant and bass
And trained on the fox.

- Suitcase?
- Yes, a suitcase. -
The captain was amazed.

- As for the friend,
He is a little more than a pies.
Gives familiar paws,
He does not growl on the neighbors.

Then the duty officer collapsed to the floor,
And then how to scream:
- I'm confused in my friends,
suitcases, pies!
Why did you come here?
Or are you crazy?!

- And the fire disappeared
The one who ran away!
- Dare yourself, citizen.
Call zero one!
Oh, I'm afraid, as it were, for an hour
I myself did not bother with bass!

Our hunter was sad,
He lowered the Dole's eyes.
Sad after the conversation
He goes to the porch.
Before him is a dog pack:
All favorites are obvious.

The suitcase got bass,
The friend held out his paw,
They jumped with a bent
Guess the pie.

I'm not a hunter to jokes
And I'll finish the story like this:
- If you, my friend, hunter.
Think about how to call dogs!

Video: The best verses of Eduard Uspensky. Poems

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