Poems about numbers - for preschoolers, schoolchildren, English poems about numbers, poems about mathematics and numbers: Best selection

Poems about numbers - for preschoolers, schoolchildren, English poems about numbers, poems about mathematics and numbers: Best selection

A selection of poems about numbers for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Not all children are easily given training, and, as a rule, it is mathematics that children are most difficult for children. The first problems appear when studying numbers. Modern first -graders love to receive knowledge not in the form of boring rules, but rather in a playful way. To interest them, teachers have to be sophisticated, for example, to introduce students to the world of numbers with the help of poems. You will find a large selection of verses about numbers in our article.

Poems about numbers for preschoolers - the best selection

Poems about numbers for preschoolers

Poems about numbers for preschoolers:

Zero looks like a bun,
He is puzata and round.
A cat looks like him
If it turns into a ball.

A unit is a bird
Long beak, myself - like a spoke!
Just a bird ate little
And she lost a little.

Two on a swan looks like
The neck is a tail too.
Swan can tell
How do we find out two.

The banana lies on the table -
We still put it.
The number three turned out!
Look - it looks like?

I have a flag in my hand!
Look sooner, my friend,
How good he is
It looks so much to the four!

Girls and boys!
Count the fingers!
The first, thick, big,
The index is the second.
The third finger is just middle,
He has two neighboring ones.
And the fourth is nameless
So he was called strange.
The fifth finger is very small -
And he became a little finger.
Each finger counted
And named by name!

Six mushrooms Ninochka
Brought to the basket.
The first mushroom is a raincoat,
He is good, at least small.
Supplery - the second,
The third is a young redhead;
Next to him is Borovik
He lay down the fourth on the barrel!
Rawdock is the fifth,
A little crumpled.
And the sixth with a red hat
The mushroom was dangerous:
The fly agaric is beautiful in appearance,
Only very poisonous!

The goat has envy wolf
There were seven goats!
Seven funny, very friendly
Wonderful guys!
The first was a smart goat,
And the second is noisy noisy
The third was always obedient.
And the fourth is simple -minded.
The fifth goat is mischievous,
He loved to draw the sixth.
And the seventh was very small -
In the cradle, the papilla sucked.
All the kids knew knew -
The doors were firmly locked!

We asked the octopus:
- You are not many eight legs?
The octopus answers:
- Well, what, that eight legs?
These two legs in work -
Constantly on the hunt.
And I need a couple of legs
So that I could nurse the kids.
The third couple I wash
And I sweep the fourth.
And although I am an octopus
Sometimes I curl off my feet.
After all, this happens that
Eight legs, but not enough!

The cat lay down on the cornice,
The fluffy tail hung down.
Cat, cat, what
You look like nine!

Poems about numbers from "1" to "10" for grade 1

Poems about numbers from 1 to 10 for grade 1

Poems about numbers from "1" to "10" for grade 1:

One is a wand, a small tail,
And two “This is a swan floating to visit you.”
Three the humps are so similar to camel
Four - Fleet, poker with a stick too.
Five - Excellent super -certification.
It will not replace it with a change either.
Six - Ring, a small tail from above.
The whole account is interesting, but not at all simple.
Seven - Spit, that the cows of grass
Always briskly mows in the summer meadow.
Eight - From the balls of two snowmen,
But he wilted a little without carrots.
Nine - Six, but only upside down,
And zero “He is an oval that stands in front of us.”
Funny numbers are our friends.
We cannot count anything without them.

Here is the nine - Euguza,
She has one leg.
And how it gets upside down
It will become a different dial.
Guess which one?
The eight has a non -naval
Only round shirts.
Round bottom, and round top.
Eight, you are rounder all!
At the seven, to the left of the chubchik
Comb him, darling.
Seven is a happy number,
You remember, friend, him.
Here is the six - laughter
Like a round cheesecake.
She has a funny abdomen,
And above the abdomen are a twist.
Proudly arched a chest forward
There are five behind the four.
Five is a great mark!
Hook on the leg, to the right cap.
And four, look
She goes after the number three.
Very sharp elbow -
Make friends with her my friend.
And the triple has a snub nose,
Chub and tail is very sharp.
Crowned, but slim
She is third in the account.
Two with a fashionable curl,
With a long neck and tail.
Libe - what
And remember the number or two!
The unit is so sweet -
She is very important
After all, from her any people
Each account starts.
We will have to try
To figure out the numbers.
We will study the numbers,
And then let's start counting.

I'm all day
Consider not laziness
I hasten to get up sooner
Then I am looking for a whole day-
What to count?
The cow in the yard is one,
And the sheep - two,
Three kittens at the window,
Fourth on the grass
Girls go for a walk-
Two and three, and together five.
There is a bus - six wheels,
And passengers - seven,
Their driver was driving along the road
I took away from us at all.
The birds sat on the fence
Eight small.
And one flies into the yard
So, nine birds.
Ten eggs demolished us
The chicken is Ryabay ....
I could no longer count,
I'm tired, counting.

Poems about the number "0" for children

Poems about the numbers "0" for children

Poems about the number "0" for children:

Number 0 - empty place
Or simply - nothing.
Zero swelled in protest,
To notice him.

You learn to write him.
You have already drawn
A neat oval?
There is nothing easier:
Zero looks like the letter "o".

Zero, remember, children, -
Only from the bagel of the hole.
The bagel was made from the dough.
So we wrote him.
The result is an empty place,
There was nothing left.
There is nothing, in fact.
Zero cannot be counted.
With this bagel, what they ate,
We will mean zero.

What kind of digit is this zero?
If zero, then it means empty.
Zero sweets - we are very sad.
But if zero problems
We all like this.

And yesterday girlfriends came,
They brought me the bagels
Babliks are large, drying -
All edible zeros!
There are zeros around. May be,
And there are other numbers.
I am more pleasant to me.
Nulik-pound can be eaten.
And there is no zero, I do not argue,
I saw zero at sea.
Ships walk along the sea
And they have a zero-shuttle.
There is a "shoe" at the car.
I am glad to these nolics.
Zero - four tires -
Whole? So, we are going to the garden!

Poems about the number "1" for children

Poems about the number "1" for children

Poems about the number "1" for children:

This is a unit number.
She is the first to seek!
All straight and even,
The rest are all behind her!

I hunted a stork in a pond for frogs,
Green, loud, throat kwakushki.
He caught alone, stands and is wondering.
Faith. And not a bird already - a unit.

Unit, unit -
The figure is thin as a spoke.
She is very slim
Everyone and everyone is visible.
The first song sings,
The first to dance always goes.
From this figure every day
We are counting all things.
There is a great motto, children,
That one for everything is responsible,
Musketeers honor him,
They are torn into battle for one.

Let's start counting: one, one
My native country.
We call her homeland,
Here is our native, beloved house.
Fatherland, homeland - one
Each of us has one

In a cold park, among ice floes,
The swan misses, he is alone.

Day after day
The friend is watching our house.
Mom is surprised
How does one cope?

Poems about the number "2" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "2" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "2" for schoolchildren:

The back is arched coolly, -
Maybe she is sick?
The head bowed down
The poor fellow has two numbers.

The water glides barely
Like a swan, the number is two.
She arched her neck with an arc
Rocks the waves behind him.

But this is the number two:
There is a tail and a head,
With a long neck swan,
The neck goes into the back.
Draw a tail to the back
The deuce is quite clear.
The spelling is complex:
Training here is needed!

Bend like a deuce, neck
I probably won't be able to.
Maybe you can? Barely!
They will be able to swan with a number 2.

Mice Proshka and Eroshka
In the mink they hide from the cat.
And they will give them sausages,
The noses are immediately sticking out.
There is one grass in sausage,
The mice became two.

Poems about the number "3" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "3" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "3" for schoolchildren:

Troika number as a threat
Sets three splinters,
Three hooks for fishing,
Between them there are two shafts.

Half rings and half -rings
We put it up, look,
And we soldered two ends -
The number 3 turned out!

Troika where? The question is complicated!
This is a chair, and a three -year -old.
Three legs at the piano,
What are in the concert hall.

Three funny bugs
Shobs stroked.
Three buttons on them,
And three pockets.

Troika does not sit idle,
The three construction is being started.
Three chief commander,
And the foreman and the foreman!
Three funny mosquitoes
Three buckets are dragging paints,
Three rooks saw the boards,
The wolf carries three bricks.
Three kitten with hammers,
Nails wear three ducklings.
Three moles are digging a trench,
Three bears are covered with a roof.
Three goats folded the stove,
Three sheep paint the windows.
Each beast came, helped:
It turned out to be a tower!

Poems about the number "4" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "4" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "4" for schoolchildren:

The table has four legs,
And at the cabinet and at the cat, -
The four -lad told us
She counted all day.

The number of the cat explained:
The legs can be at the cabinet,
You probably forgot
I have no legs, paws.

Take a closer look at you to the square
He is healthy, tormented,
He is more reliable, like a friend
Than too a round circle.
Everyone may be a witness
That virtue breathes in it
There are four sides in it,
And all sides are equal.
Without deceit in front of us
On paper he is with corners,
Honest every feature
Each angle in it is straight

Four time a year -
I have a conversation about them.
Winter is white and cold,
She carries fluffy snow.
Spring throws grains into the ground,
And the summer is working quickly.
During the summer, autumn is golden
Bends crops of the crop.

Very strange four.
Angular and not twisted.
Leaned down,
Raising the leg up.

Here is the four. Not complicated
In spelling she:
Left - angle in front,
Lead on the right.
There is even shorter the path:
We need to turn the chair.
On the left - the leg, on the right - the back.
Very accurate picture!

Poems about the number "5" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "5" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "5" for schoolchildren:

The star has five children
Five sparkling rays
They don't sleep at night
They want to shine everyone.

I will receive at school
I am five in all subjects
I am always with five
I will not spill water.

The palm has five kids,
Five cheerful huts.
They grab everything in a row
They rest only at night.
What is the name of them, guess,
Counting the kids.
Fingers are easy to find out -
There are exactly five on the arm.

What is the case of the five?
She has cleaning!
Five beavers wear water,
The windows are washed five cows.
Five mice carry a panicle,
Five goslings repair her shelf,
Five kittens are erased
Dust is wiped everywhere,
Five funny mosquitoes
They knock out dust from carpets,
Five green frogs
They hurry to the rescue to the rescue.
Wash the five hedgehogs.
It became purely - just a miracle!
Then they sat at the table,
They drank tea and buns ate!

Again flaunts in a notebook
The number is five, as in the parade.
There are five numbers in a person
You can immediately see:
Five fingers on the hands,
Five fingers on the legs.
On a five -pointed star
Five corners shine forever.
I love the number five
We receive in a notebook.
This means you are an excellent student
And you behave decently.
This figure is just a class!
Very pleasing to all of us.

Poems about the number "6" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "6" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "6" for schoolchildren:

Six on the apple looks like:
The same tail, roundness too.
And her sister is nine.
But, let's in order.

If a hinged lock
Up raises the proboscis,
Then we will see here
Not a lock, but a number six.

There are six cucumbers on a branch,
We can’t eat so much at once.
Tasty make a salad
Let's treat them all the guys

There are no angles of the number six,
Only an arc with a circle is.
You start writing from an arc,
And wrap a circle.

The number six is \u200b\u200beasy to write:
No strokes, no corners!
Behind your hand, follow:
Smooth the line in the line.

Poems about the number "7" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "7" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "7" for schoolchildren:

The number seven is slim, thin,
Here is an elegant leg.
The number seven is a big lady,
From above - fashionable Panama.
Rainbow, everyone knows
Loves seven numbers very much.
The number seven is a lifting crane,
I looked to visit us.
I took seven colors with me,
In the sky, I lit a rainbow.

I can easily take away
From seven and three, and five.
But take away from Sanka
I can’t do the sled.

Seven looked at the sky:
I would fly to the sun.
I'm not afraid of anything -
I'll ride with a boomerang!

The number is seven! The number is seven!
The number is easy at all!
I will bring a braid and draw that braid!

Poems about the number "8" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "8" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number 8 for schoolchildren:

The eight looked out the window in the winter:
Snowflakes flew, and it was dark!
The lantern was lit, and in night silver
She saw a friend in the yard.

Eight cats missed the bench,
Cars stood in various colors.
Without looking at the cats, printing a step,
Eight dogs walked along the street.

Under the roof, eight vessels hung,
And eight forty on the birch sat down.
There was a snowman in the middle of the courtyard.
He said to the eight:
- Well, hello, sister!

Look, how we look like each other:
You are from the circles, and I see, too!
The eight replied: you know, my friend,
Looks like you are higher for a whole circle!

The octopus walks quickly.
- He has eight legs!
Quickly the thread weaves spider.
- He has eight hands!
Who could attach to me
Eight hands
And eight legs!

Poems about the number "9" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "9" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "9" for schoolchildren:

Number nine, or nine,
Circus acrobat:
If it stands on your head,
Six nine will be the number.

Nine, like six,
Only the tail is not up
And down.

Nine - see for yourself
Similar to six
Upside down,
Looks like a door hook
On an inverted castle.

The wind was strong and blew,
The cherry turned over.
The number is six, tell me the mercy,
Nine turned into a number.

More than this figure - no!
Nine balls - planets
According to physical laws
Circle in spaceless space
Near the sunny star
And on the third
You and I!

Poems about the number "10" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "10" for schoolchildren

Poems about the number "10" for schoolchildren:

Ten is five and five,
You can count your fingers!
We write like this:
One dozen
There are not a single one.
Units - not a single one?
So we put “zero” on the right!

The unit sinks in the river-
There are rings on the water.
It is necessary to help out the figure,
Circle to throw!
The number "zero" is similar to a circle,
We will help a unit!
The one grabbed zero
“Ten” swam along the waves!

I can’t lose a zero,
I disappear without him,
I will become a skinny unit
I will cry and get angry.

Number 10 for lunch
The vinaigrette rushes.
It has a dozen vegetables.
List them soon.

Short poems about numbers

Short poems about numbers

Short poems about numbers:

ONE. John was left alone -
He is a gentleman.

TWO. The mouse flew into the window
And I wanted to climb into the pot.

THREE. Behind the poor mouse cat
Next jumped out the window.

BUT FOUR who? Puppy!
He ran and sat down at his feet.

FIVE - The old woman is a turtle.
The puppy screeched with fear!

SIX. Appeared, oddly enough,
The postman is a carrier.

SEVEN. A crow flew to them
And John grabbed her nose.

EIGHT - tiger! A terrible beast
He opened the door to the apartment!

NINE. He entered the house secretly
Black uncle barefoot.

Very difficult mystery!
How to achieve order here?

Poems about numbers with pictures

Poems about numbers with pictures:

Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures
Poems about numbers with pictures

Marshak's poems about numbers for children

Marshak's poems about numbers:

Here is one il unit
Very thin, like a spoke.
But this is the figure two,
Libe, what!
Bends a deuce neck,
The tail is dragging behind it.
And behind a deuce - look -
The figure is three.
Three - the third of the icons,
It consists of two hooks.
They go for three four,
Sharp elbow of the protrusion.
And then went to dance
On paper the number five.
She extended her hand to the right
The leg curved abruptly.
Number six - door lock:
The top is a hook, a circle below.
Here seven - Kocherga,
She has one leg.
U eights Two rings
Without beginning and end.
Number nine or nine -
Digital acrobat:
If it stands on your head,
There are six numbers
Nine will become.
The figure is like - the letters "o" -
it zero or nothing.
The round zero is so pretty
But he does not know anything!
If on the left next to him
A unit by the post,
He will weigh more
Because it - ten.

They lived in a task book
One yes one.
They went to fight
One on one.
And soon alone;
Crossed one
And now there is no left;
Nothing from them.
And if they were friends;
They are between them,
Then they would live for a long time;
And there would be two of them!

Two sisters - two hands
Chop, build, dig,
Tear out weeds on the bed
And they wash each other.
Month dough two hands - left and right,
Water and rivers
Road, swimming.

The traffic lights have three colors,
They are understandable for the driver:
Red color - there is no passage.
Yellow - be ready for the way,
A green color-kati!

Four in the room of the corner.
Four legs at the table.
And four legs
The mouse and the cat.
Four wheels are running,
Rubber shod.
That you will pass in two hours,
They are in half a minute.

Before you is the five brothers.
They are all without dresses at home.
But on the street but
Every coat needs.

Six tobuilding
There is xbuilding.
Give them porridge with milk.
Let them varnish with your tongue
Because cats
Do not eat from a spoon.

Seven nights and days in a week.
Seven things in our portfolio:
Blind and notebook,
And a pen to write
And elastic to stains
She was cleaned carefully,
And the pencil case and pencil,
And the primer is our friend.

Eight wooden dolls,
Chubby and ruddy,
In multi -colored sundresses
We live on the table.
Everyone is called nesting dolls.
The first Tolsta doll,
And inside it is empty.
She is distinguished
To two halves.
Another one lives in it
Doll in the middle.
Open this doll-
There will be the third in the second.
Slue the unscruption,
Dense, dull - and you can find
Fourth doll.
Take it out and look
Who is hiding in it inside.
The fifth is hiding in it
Puppet doll,
And inside is empty.
The sixth lives in it.
And in the sixth - the seventh,
And in the seventh, the same.
This doll is the least
A little more than a nut.
Here, put in a row,
The doll sisters are standing.
- How many of you? - We will ask them,
And the dolls will answer - eight!

By nine without ten,
By nine without ten,
By nine without ten
You have to go to school.
In nine, a call is heard.
The lesson begins.
By nine without ten
It’s time for children to go to sleep.
And do not lie in the bed - you will peck your nose!

This is zero or nothing.
Listen to a fairy tale about him.
Said a cheerful, round zero
Neighbor - unit:
- Let it be next to it
Stand on the page!
She gave him
An angry, proud look:
“You, zero, are not worth anything.”
Do not stand with me!
Zero answered: I admit,
That I don't stand anything
But you can become ten
Kohl I will be with you.
So lonely you are now
Small and fan
But you will be ten times more
When I will be on the right.
They think in vain that zero
Plays a small role.
We’ll turn a deuce into twenty.
From triples and four
We can, if we want
Make thirty, forty.
Let them say that we are nothing - with two zero together
A hundred will come out of the one,
From a deuce - as much as two hundred!

English poems about numbers

English poems about numbers

English poems about numbers:

1 ... 2 ... buckle my shoe
3 ... 4 ... Knock at the Door
5 ... 6 ... pick up sticks
7 ... 8 ... Lay them Straight
9 ... 10 ... a Big Fat Hen

One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
I Caught a Fish Alive.
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten,
I Let Him Go Again.
O-U-T Spells Out Goes You!

Zero is round,
Nobody’s Gere.
Turn Over the Page,
And Find Somebody there.
One Hippopotamus
Likes to Dance.
He Jumps and Spins,
Given the Chance.
Two Snakes Together,
Entwined and Kissing,
Happy and Content,
No Longer Hissing.
Three Little Pigs,
Playing a Game.
Running Around,
There and Back AGain.
Four Frogs Leaping,
Landing in Puddles,
Jumping in and out.
Five Geeze Singing,
Looking up at the Sky.
And Some Singing High.
Six Happy Hamsters,
Holding Very Tight.
At a Great Height.
Seven Sleepy Bears,
So Close Together,
There Isn’t a Gap!
Eight Happy Rabbits,
Boys and Girls Together.
Eating Their Dinner,
Enjoying the Weather.
Nine Frightened Elephants,
PIled Up High.
Scared of the Mouse,
Whonders who.
Ten Smart Mice,
Dressed in Bows.
One is jumping
With Pointed Toes.
One Hundred.
One Hundred Bees
Buzzing in A Swarm.
Flapping Their Wings,
To Keep Themselves Warm.

Poems about numbers - Grade 5

Poems about numbers - Grade 5

Poems about numbers for grade 5:

Five will hit his brother soon.
I teach him to count
But he does not want to study.
Then I came up with a thing.
I say, let's hand,
You will be considered bunny-
One, two, three, four, five.
These fingers are hare.
The first hid somewhere.
Bend a finger - one.
How many of them do we have now?
Brother spread his hand
And suddenly answered - four.
Well done. A capable boy.
Beat your finger again.
How many of them are there - look?
Brother thinks - once ... two ... three ...
The third hare suddenly disappeared:
The prankster ran into the forest.
Our bunny hid barely,
Brother is already screaming to me - two!
We left everything
How many fingers? - One.
And then this bunny
He lay down in the crib on the barrel.
Bend the fifth finger,
And now what remains?
The brother looks cunningly, laughs: -
It remains ... a fist.

Twice two is four,
Three times nine to twenty -seven.
Everyone knows this in the world
And everyone has long known.
Six eight - forty -eight
Five -nine - forty -five.
This is where we will ask,
They know everything and will know.
Well, if someone
Suddenly he will say that this is a droop
He will not launch a rocket
Will not build a plane,
And I argue on the candy -
On the magical
It will not fall for anything!

In the sky of clouds -
Eight things,
And further -
Thirteen clouds.
And further
On the sidelines - five.
Next to them -
Five again.
If withlying
These clouds,
Then you will get droof
In the answer.

Poems about mathematics and numbers

Poems about mathematics and numbers

Poems about mathematics and numbers:

Natural numbers row -
This means "everything."
Very simple, look,
And consider: one, two, three ...
We do not consider only "zero",
Skip it please.
We start with a "unit" -
The smallest particle.
And remember in advance
What to count, at least a whole year,
These numbers have no limit!
You can even boldly argue.
For centuries, it has been conducted,
"Paul" is called
Through the centuries andgenerations
That is the calculus system.

I now know all the numbers
I will count everyone at home.
The red cat lives with us
The lazy cat is once.
I think without error
Two - in the aquarium fish.
Three - beloved granny
Knitts mittens in a chair.
Dad walks around the apartment
It will be with us - four.
Well, mom is five,
How not to count it?
Who sings the songs to us loudly?
Six, I think my sister.
Grandfather with a newspaper is seven,
He fell asleep in a chair at all.
My sister and I ask for a dog.
If they buy, there will be eight.
Well, nine is me,
That's my whole family.

We start our story:
Once upon a time there was a gnome-this time
Two: the gnome had a chest,
Three: Someone lived in it-tuk-tuk!
And four: this someone
I ran to the swamp at night!
Five: he teased the goblin,
Six: Our gnome caught it!
Seven: in the wind the dwarf flew,
Eight: Filin laughed!
Nine: someone was scared,
Ten: he climbed into the chest!
The pus of home took the chest,
Until the morning I slept calmly!

There was a chanterelle along the edge:
Once in the basket strawberry,
Two - like the sky blue,
Three - ruddy lingonberry,
And four - here's a cloudberry,
Five - a little currant,
Six - like a bead of viburnum,
Seven - like the sun mountain ash
Eight - in the paw of a blackberry,
Nine - blue blueberries,
Ten - juicy raspberries.
That's the full basket!

The numbers began to appear -
Here are eleven, twelve ...
The number is running
Make friends with a unit!
Zero pouted from resentment,
Even became round in appearance.
Everyone laughed, and then
They offered to become a jester.
To pay off them,
Two and zero became friends at twenty!
Zero became immediately with her
Nineteen stronger.
The wayward twenty
From the throne dropped the top ten.
They can go to her retinue
Everyone who is more than ten!

Poems, proverbs about numbers

Poems, proverbs about numbers
Poems, proverbs about numbers

Poems, proverbs about numbers:

You can’t build from one tree at home.
You can’t cook porridge out of one request.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

You can’t fit two watermelons under an armpit.
Two brothers - on the bear, and two self -handy - for jelly.
Two centuries do not live, and the century - not to bother.

Three heels per day, where you want there and a day.
Forgive three times, and in the fourth henchness.
Three sons, and he himself.

The brow is four, and the fifth is helping God.
The jury has four eyes, and not in one conscience.
Four rigid millstones will not be good.

It is not worth a penny with a groin, but looks a heel.
There are five fingers on the hand, and which does not bite - it hurts.
For which four: lives about five.

The gear is a brigadier riding.
It is better to forgive six guilty than one innocent to execute.
There are three cowls, the hotel is - there will be six.

Seven is not alone, we will not give offense.
Seven are not waiting for one.
Seven one straw is raised.

Two friends, eight enemies.
Eight hryvnias are not enough to the ruble.
Spring and autumn - eight on the day of weather.

The ninth month is born.
Nine mice pulled together, pulled the lid from the tub.
Nine people are like a dozen.

Ten knowledgeers do not cost one that the job does.
You will figure it out ten times - you cut it out once.
You will get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow.

Poems, sayings about numbers

Poems, sayings about numbers
Poems, sayings about numbers

Poems, sayings about numbers:

Once you can’t, in the second - you will learn.
Once protect yourself from fire, another time from water.
Once you look - flowers and roses, another time you look - the wind and Buran.

Two dogs are fighting - the third do not bother.
Two fights in the field, and one grieves at home.
Two fights - the third do not stick.

Three money a day where you want, there is a day.
Galled for three days, and at a day and a half ate.
He had three wives, from everyone endured.

Four floors, and sides are bare.
Four countries on four seas are laid.
Four corners of the house on the building, four times a year to complete

I trade for three altyns, and for five debt.
He has thresh on five ovins.
This is marvelous - the pig has a pyatak.

They forgive five times, and the sixth is beaten.
Those who have six children, in six places wealth.
When six women go to mourn, everyone cries about its own.

Measure seven times - cut one.
They ate seven times, but did not sit at the table.
She drained seven rivers, did not moisten the canvas.

Everyone is seven, and I am eight.
For future autumn, after eight years.
He was silent for seven years, cried out on the eighth.

The brave man has ten valor: one - courage, nine - dexterity.
Having lost once, you will win nine times.
If you want to live 9 days - stock up on 10

It is better to turn 10 times than 1 time to milk.
On a penny of ammunition, for ten ambitions.
One arrow of the top ten beats

Poems and riddles about numbers

Poems and riddles about numbers

Poems and riddles about numbers:

How many years in the egg are chicken,
How many wings the kitten has
How many numbers are there in the alphabet,
How many mountains will swallow the tiger,
How much mouse weighs tons,
How many raven are there in a pack
How many hares a mol has eaten,
Only the figure knows ... (zero)

How many sun is behind the cloud,
How many rods are in the fountain pen,
How many noses have a noses
How many hours are on the hand?
How many legs do fly agaric
And attempts by the sapper,
He knows and is proud of himself
The number is a little ... (unit).

How many ears on the top of the head
How much legs is half a fellow
How many somes have a mustache
At the poles of the planet,
How many halves are generally,
In a pair - brand new shoes,
And the front paws of the lion
Only the figure knows ... (two)

How many months are in the winter,
In the summer, in the fall, in the spring,
How much eye the traffic lights have
Base on the baseball field,
Fine at a sports sword
And strips on our flag,
Whatever us tell us
The figure knows the truth ... (three)

How many paws of mongoose has
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on the chicken leg
And on the back of the cat,
Tanya's hands with Petya
And the sides of all in the world
And oceans in the world,
Knows the dial ... (four)

How many fingers on the arm
And kopecks in a patch,
At sea star rays,
The beaks of five rooks,
Blades of maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion,
Talk about all this
The figure will help us ... (five)

How many letters do the dragon have
And a million zero
Different chess figures,
The wings of three white chickens,
Legs at the May beetle
And the sides of the chest.
Kohl we cannot consider ourselves,
The figure will tell us ... (six)

How many flowers are there in the rainbow
Whales in the week in the week.
Gnomics at Snow White,
Twin brothers at the pawn,
Notes that even children know,
And all miracles in the world,
Deal with it all
The figure will help us ... (seven)

How many winds are at sea
And hooves in two donkeys,
The tentacles at the octopus,
And Klykov has a couple of dogs?
How many legs the spider has
If we ask about it
The figure will answer us ... (eight)

How many pirates are there in a dozen
If the three went somewhere,
Months a year without summer,
Nonnet performers,
A stray cat in lives,
And in a dozen flies without midges?
Do not look for the answer anywhere, because
The figure has an answer ... (nine)

Nolik, become a unit,
For his own sister.
This is the only way when you are together
They will call you ... (ten)

Video: Learning numbers from 1 to 10 in verses. Developing video

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