What could be heartburn: reasons. Can there be heartburn during pregnancy, from alcohol, physical activity, drugs, antibiotics?

What could be heartburn: reasons. Can there be heartburn during pregnancy, from alcohol, physical activity, drugs, antibiotics?

If you want to know what may be heartburn from, read the article. It has a lot of useful information.


At least once in his life, almost every person experienced heartburn. Most often, it appears due to excessive use of certain categories of products. This is especially true for holidays accompanied by a traditional feast. Too acute, fatty, salty or acidic food can cause this unpleasant symptom.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn at home, described in the article on this link. You will find in it a list of tablets and other drugs, and also find out which doctor you need to contact this symptom.

It can be eliminated using a special tablet or emulsion. However, it is worth starting to worry if the heartburn began to appear quite often, while there were no special reasons. Such a symptom can be a signal about the occurrence of some problem in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Read more in this article.

What is heartburn: symptoms


Heartburn is called a person’s sensation of discomfort in the esophagus and stomach, which is expressed in the appearance of a sufficiently strong burning sensation behind the sternum. In medicine, this is called "Gastroesophageal reflux".

Read more read about symptoms of heartburn in another article on our website.

The essence of the problem is that the contents of the stomach enters the esophagus. Since the stomach contains juice, which is acid, this becomes the reason that a person begins to experience an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus and even sometimes pharynx. This is one of the main symptoms of heartburn. You can also attribute here pain in the stomach.

Can there be heartburn with low acidity?

Heartburn can occur in those patients who tend to lower acidity of the stomach. It just occurs much less often. The fact is that violations of the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice negatively affect the digestive process. This becomes the reason that part of the undigested food enters the esophagus, which becomes the main factor in the occurrence of heartburn.

Can there be heartburn from honey, sugar, chocolate, sweets?

Chocolate causes heartburn
Chocolate causes heartburn

Heartburn can begin from excessive consumption by a person of those products that contain too many sahara. This is especially true for carbonated drinks and juices, because they contain a huge amount of this product. The same applies to various confectionery and Sweets:

  • It should be remembered that you should not exceed the norm recommended by nutritionists, otherwise it can provoke the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom.
  • This is especially true of cases if a person has one or another diagnosis associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey it is a natural productwhich has many valuable healing properties:

  • But do not forget that it is a fairly strong allergen.
  • In addition, this product contains a fairly large amount of sucrose, fructose, glucose, therefore it is not recommended to use it often in large volumes.
  • For those who are faced with heartburn, it is recommended to eat honey in small portions and no more than twice a week.
  • Honey itself cannot cause heartburn, but with incompatibility with other foods, it may well.
  • For example, ghee and mustard are incompatible with natural honey.
  • Any type of alcohol does not combine with this product at all.
  • Do not add it to any hot dishes, as carcinogens begin to stand out, which can cause heartburn.


  • This is the product that can cause an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus.
  • The fact is that it contains not only sugar, but also a large amount of fat.
  • It is recommended to give preference to its bitter version in small volumes.

Do not use per day more than 20 - 30 grams.

Could there be heartburn from coffee, green, black, mint tea, Ivana, chicory?

Black tea can cause heartburn
Black tea can cause heartburn

It is believed that such drinks as green, black tea, chicory and coffee Not able to cause heartburn. However, here it is necessary to take into account some nuances. For example, if the coffee was sweet or contained special syrup, then this may well provoke an attack of this symptom. Especially if cream or fatty milk was added to the hot drink. The second reason why coffee can become a factor contributing to the development is the presence of a person in a certain diagnosis associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, this is gastritis.

Mint tea The burning occurrence can lead to, especially in people whose mint causes an attack of an allergic reaction. Blooming Sally You should not use it with individual intolerance and, together with antipyretic agents - heartburn will be provided.

Can there be heartburn from fruits and berries: watermelons, melons, banana, persimmons, lemon, oranges, tangerines, cherries, dates, raspberries, grapes, pears, apples

Oranges cause heartburn
Oranges cause heartburn

Fruits and berries are considered a useful product. But if there are too many of them, this can cause harm to health. In addition, some of them can cause heartburn even in small quantities. Heartburn is provoked by all those fruits that contain a plentiful amount of acids. Among them, the following can be distinguished:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Grape
  • Various types of citruses - lemon, orange, grapefruit, mandarin

But there are those fruits that are safe and guaranteed not to provoke an attack of heartburn:

  • Pear
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Dates
  • Sweet cherry
  • Raspberry
  • Persimmon
  • Banana

But this applies only to cases if you do not allow their excessive use and adhere to portions recommended by nutritions - no more than 500 grams per day.

It should be remembered that we are talking exclusively about fresh fruits. Sweet compotes, jam, jams, and so on - is what can provoke an attack of heartburn.

Could there be heartburn from fruit and vegetable juices, pomegranate, tomato juice, cranberry fruit drinks, apple and fruit puree, jelly, compote?

Fruit fruit can cause heartburn
Fruit fruit can cause heartburn

Nutritionists strongly recommend that people who suffer from heartburn avoid those products that contain too much sugar and acids:

  • For example, it is strictly not recommended to use fruit juices - apple and others.
  • The sugar and fruit acids contained in them will inevitably cause an unpleasant symptom.
  • The same applies fruit puree, even if sugar is not added to them.
  • Grenade and tomato juice located under a strict prohibition.
  • Compote It can be a great option, but only if it does not have sugar or it is added in a minimum concentration.
  • MorseIncluding cranberry-a bad idea for those who are often tormented by bouts of heartburn. They contain not only acids from berries, but also a plentiful amount of sugar.

Vegetable juices It is possible, but only freshly squeezed (except tomato). Well suited people with gastrointestinal problems vegetable smoothies. Kisel - A useful product. The starch envelops the gastric mucosa, which prevents the appearance of an unwanted reaction of the organ and an unpleasant symptom. The exception is milk sweet jelly.

Can there be heartburn from raw and boiled vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, radishes, beets, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage

Tomatoes cause heartburn
Tomatoes cause heartburn

Those who suffer from heartburn should be responsible for their diet. Nutritionists recommend abandoning the use of fruit and some vegetable juices made from the fruits of the nightshade family.

  • We are talking about tomato juice - too strong concentration of acids.
  • The same applies to a natural and freshly squeezed option made from tomatoes.
  • It is not recommended to include in the diet cabbage. Especially if it is salty or sauer.
  • The same applies radish and radishes.

With problems of the digestive tract, nutritionists recommend the following products:

  • Potato
  • Cucumbers
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli
  • Zucchini

Vegetables can be consumed in fresh, stewed or boiled form. But from fried options it is better to refrain. All useful raw vegetables Green colour. Beet It can cause the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, as it has a lot of sugar. It is recommended to be consumed in small quantities and in boiled form in the form of a salad with the addition of vegetable oil.

Can there be heartburn from dairy products - milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream, cheese?

Ice cream causes heartburn
Ice cream causes heartburn

Sometimes heartburn becomes the result of eating dairy products. The fact is that this category is considered one of the most useful for the human body, but in some cases such food can also be detrimental.

  • As a rule, unpleasant sensations arise if a person has eaten too much product that has high fat content.
  • Another option is too much sugar in the composition.
  • Most often this applies to fruit Yogurts.

Ice cream It causes an unpleasant symptom if you combine it with chocolate and different tops. This product can be rarely consumed and no more than 150 grams.

Do not drink milk adults. This product is intended and useful only for children. In adults, milk causes incorrect work of the intestine, which leads to the appearance of various symptoms, in that strength and heartburn.

Concerning cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream:

  • It is recommended to adhere to a simple rule: to give preference to those options that have an average percentage of fat content.
  • It is equally bad to choose a too fat or low -fat product. Both can cause heartburn.

The main condition for good health: A small portion of a dairy product per day-100-150 ml, fat content of 1.5-2.5%. This simple rule will help to avoid heartburn.

Some varieties cheese have a large amount of salt in the composition. They should be abandoned by those who are often concerned about the bouts of heartburn.

Can there be heartburn from nuts, seeds?

Nuts cause heartburn
Nuts cause heartburn

Nuts and seeds are those groups of products that are very saturated with fats. That is why their use in large quantities can cause a person’s heartburn. The portion recommended by nutritionists should not exceed. For an adult, it is about 30 - 40 grams per day.

It is strictly not recommended to include various sweets made on the basis of nuts or seeds:

  • In combination with sugar and oil, such a product will inevitably cause a burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach.
  • That is why confectionery such as halva and Kozinaki should be avoided.
  • Nuts covered with sweet icing are another bad dessert option for someone who regularly encounters heartburn.

Nutritionists recommend replacing them with something easier and low-calorie (linen seed, cedar seeds, sesame seeds). Then unpleasant problems can be avoided.

Can there be heartburn from smoking, cigarettes?

The cause of heartburn can be such a bad habit as smoking cigarettes. The fact is that the substances contained in smoke are very harmful. Many of them are able to negatively affect the state of the stomach and esophagus, damaging their mucous membrane. That is why smoking can cause an unpleasant symptom.

Can there be heartburn from oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, millet, wheat, semolina?

Sweet oatmeal can cause heartburn
Sweet oatmeal can cause heartburn

The main reason because of which heartburn may occur from porridge is its improper preparation. For example, porridge in milk or cream becomes quite a fat and high -calorie product. This is especially true of cases if oil and sugar are added there. Such a dish will cause poor health.

For those who often suffer from bouts of heartburn, it is recommended to give preference to the following types of cereals - buckwheat and barley. They have low calorie content and will not cause any discomfort.

Other cereals and cereals:

  • Semolina or rice - it is a bad idea. Both options not only have a large number of calories, but also a sufficiently high fat content. They may even cause constipation.
  • Millet Do not use those people who suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases. This is a heavy digestive product.
  • Wheat porridge You can sometimes include in your diet. There will be no heartburn.

Separately, it is worth noting fast -cook porridge. The fact is that they are very different in their characteristics from unprocessed cereals:

  • Such porridge is much more high -calorie and its composition has a smaller amount of fiber.
  • Often in the store you can find bags with such a product.
  • Cook oatmeal Of the whole grains - healthy and tasty.
  • In addition, many manufacturers add flavorings and sugar there, which can negatively affect the digestive process.

That is why those who are faced with heartburn are recommended to give preference to porridge without additives that are customary to prepare in the traditional way. They are useful and do not contain dubious components.

Could there be heartburn from raw, boiled, mineral, carbonated water, lemonade?

Soda causes gas formation and heartburn
Soda causes gas formation and heartburn

Sparkling water - This is not the best idea for those people who suffer from heartburn. This is especially true when it comes to lemonade. The abundant sugar content makes such a drink extremely incomparable for people suffering from various disorders in the digestive tract.

It is worth knowing: For a good body's work, preference should be given boiled or rawbut filtered water. These options are considered the safest. This is guaranteed to help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Mineral water A prescribed by a doctor according to indications. If a patient with increased acidity will consume water intended, for example, for low acidity of the stomach, then he will definitely have heartburn. Therefore, the mineral water must be consumed as intended with the doctor.

Can there be heartburn from alcohol - beer, red and white wine, vodka?

Heartburn may occur due to the use of alcoholic beverages. Some of them are categorically contraindicated to those who often suffer from bouts of heartburn, have problems in the work of the intestines or stomach. This applies to vodka and fastened red and white guilt.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. It is recommended to give preference to the minimum number of alcohol - no more than 30-50 ml. This will help prevent discomfort. It is better to give preference to those drinks whose degree is not too high, for example, beer. But it is permissible to drink it no more than 1-2 bottles per week.

Could there be heartburn from fish oil, linseed, olive, sunflower, butter, fatty foods?

Olive oil is good for health
Olive oil is good for health

Nutritionists warn that eating fatty foods is one of the main causes of heartburn. Therefore, you should very carefully approach the choice of dishes and give preference to small portions. The same applies to the inclusion in the diet of various varieties of oil - the recommended norm should not exceed. For those who suffer from heartburn, it is unacceptable to include fried in the diet on sunflower or butter products. Almost all of them will inevitably lead to the fact that very quickly the attack of heartburn will be taken by surprise.

Cold pressing oils are useful - linen and olivebut in minimal quantities. Add them to salads or you can drink In the morning, 1 tsp in a day.

Fish fat Useful, especially for children. Adults should not be taken with diseases of the liver, stomach and pancreas. It can cause heartburn, an attack of pain and violations in the work of the organs.

Could there be heartburn from garlic, onion and green onions, ginger, horseradish, turmeric, spices and spices?

Garlic causes heartburn
Garlic causes heartburn

Very often the reason for heartburn is the use of garlic or onion and green onions. It is recommended to avoid these products, since even heat treatment does not help prevent unpleasant consequences. Those who periodically face heartburn should completely abandon the use of such products:

  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Horseradish

Each of the listed options has irritating properties, which will inevitably lead to unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

With spices and spices The same caution should be shown. Especially it concerns acute red pepper and turmeric. It is recommended to put any spice in food in a minimum amount. Otherwise, an attack of heartburn will inevitably arise.

It is worth knowing: For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to use spices. Instead of spices, only salt is used in minimal quantities - 6-8 grams per day, and a little black pepper. If it turns out, it is better to refuse salt and pepper at all.

Can there be heartburn from boiled eggs, meat?

Properly cooked eggs are useful for the body
Properly cooked eggs are useful for the body

Frequent inclusion in the diet meat from meat It may become one of the reasons that causes heartburn. This is especially true for fatty varieties - pork, duck and goose meat. Even in a boiled version, such meat is quite difficult to absorb that it can entail heartburn.

  • Turkey, chicken, beef or rabbit - This is the most correct choice.
  • Such meat is perfect for those who often suffer from bouts of heartburn.

Boiled eggs They are a permitted product, but only if they use them in moderation. It is not recommended to eat more than two eggs per day. It should be remembered that an excess of protein is able to provoke an attack of heartburn.

Important: Cook eggs no more than 4 minutes. If you digest them, they will turn into a product harmful to the body. Read also in another article, which is more useful protein or yolk.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the method of cooking meat. The best option is to boil. Another way is to put out. The fact is that that such a product prepared in such ways loses part of the fat - it goes into the broth. This makes the finished dish easier for digestion.

Can there be heartburn from greenery: dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, spinach, celery ,rugol, mint

Arugula can cause heartburn
Arugula can cause heartburn

Greens are considered one of the most useful products. But not every option is suitable for those who periodically encounter beams of heartburn. For example, it is recommended not to include in the diet:

These are very spicy herbs, and onions are sharp. If there are too many of them in the finished dish, then this can cause uncomfortable sensations in the stomach.

Parsley, dill, mint - Great for, but do not add them too much. The same can be said about cilantro. Mint is prohibited for use if it causes allergies. Spinach and celery - Useful herbs, and they can be added to salads and other dishes, even people with gastrointestinal diseases, but not in the acute period. With exacerbation, it is better to refrain from using fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Can there be heartburn from black and white bread?

In Russia, bread is a traditional product. But we should not forget that there are people to whom this familiar product is contraindicated. Those who have heartburn should be removed from the diet rye, brown bread. The ingredients contained in its composition give it a sour taste, which inevitably causes irritation in the digestive tract. The same rule applies to white breadbut only if it is freshly baked.

Those who have problems with heartburn are recommended to avoid sweet bakery products. The combination of sugar, flour and oil is that which will inevitably lead to unpleasant sensations and burning in the stomach.

Advice: Replace bread with non -free bread bread with whole grain flour. Such a product has a good effect on the digestion process and does not cause unpleasant symptoms.

Can there be heartburn from folic acid, magnesium, calcium?

Folic acid causes heartburn
Folic acid causes heartburn

Vitamins are what a person needs to maintain health and well -being. However, it should be remembered that their excess can lead to the opposite effect.

In the event that there is a need to drink a course of vitamins of a certain group, then it is previously important to carefully read the instructions without increasing the recommended dose. It should be remembered that in too much concentration folic acid, magnesium and calcium can harm human health and well -being.

Important: Before the use of any drugs, including vitamins, consult a doctor.

Can there be heartburn from drugs, antibiotics?

Some drugs and antibiotics can cause heartburn. Before their use, you should carefully read the instructions and find out if the patient has contraindications for a specific drug.

It should be taken careful when taking this or that drug. Many of the drugs are strictly forbidden to take on an empty stomach. This can lead to a side effect in the form of heartburn and other discomfort.

Remember: Many antibacterial drugs are prohibited from taking with increased acidity of the stomach. This can even lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases - gastritis, etc.

Can there be heartburn for pancreatitis, liver diseases?

Heartburn for pancreatitis
Heartburn for pancreatitis

In case if the patient has pancreatitis Or chronic liver diseases, then the appearance of heartburn is an alarming signal. So the body reports that some kind of failure occurred in the digestive organs. You should not delay the visit to the doctor, as unpleasant consequences may occur.

Perhaps drugs were selected incorrectly, or they are incompatible with other pills that the patient is already taking. It is necessary to consult a doctor and eliminate the cause that leads to heartburn.

Can there be heartburn from physical activity?

Heartburn may occur as a result of physical exertion. As a rule, this happens if they were too heavy. The occurrence of heartburn may be associated with the inclusion in the diet of low -quality food additives. Those who play sports should be remembered that after eating must go through at least one hour. Only after that can you start training.

Can there be heartburn on the nervous ground?

Heartburn on the nervous ground
Heartburn on the nervous ground

Heartburn on the nervous ground is a sufficiently frequent phenomenon today. Constant stress is capable of negatively affects not only the well -being of a person, but also on his state of health.

  • This is especially true of cases when a person is constantly experiencing anxiety or chronic stress.
  • This condition can disturb the metabolic processes occurring in the body.
  • This becomes the reason that before or after eating, a person feels discomfort in the stomach and esophagus.

At the same time, such a symptom is not associated with the quality of food eaten. Heartburn may begin even if exceptionally useful products were eaten in optimal quantity, but a person is a lot of nervous.

Can there be heartburn before menstruation?

A woman can experience various ailments before menstruation. This is due to some changes that occur during this period in the body. Heartburn can be one of these problems. If a similar situation arose once, then there is nothing wrong with it. But if heartburn begins almost every time, then you should seek a consultation with a specialist and undergo an examination. Perhaps this is how the body gives a signal about some kind of problem.

Can heartburn be a sign of pregnancy?

Heartburn can be a sign of pregnancy
Heartburn can be a sign of pregnancy

Heartburn is included in the list of symptoms that occur as a result of pregnancy. In the first months, the reason for this can be an increase in the uterus. It exerts pressure on the stomach, the juice from which begins to enter the esophagus, causing a burning sensation.

Another reason is a high level in the blood of progesterone. As a rule, over time, this symptom disappears by itself. But if the uncomfortable sensations are too strong, then this is not just a sign of pregnancy. It is recommended to consult a doctor and find the best solution to the problem.

Can heartburn be before childbirth, a harbinger of childbirth?

According to medical research, heartburn may be a harbinger of the beginning of childbirth. At this time, the uterus goes down, which can affect the work of the stomach. It is before childbirth that many women have heartburn.

Can there be heartburn from hunger?

Usually discomfort occurs from overeating. But heartburn can occur at the moment when a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger. This provokes gastric juice entering the esophagus. It is this juice that causes uncomfortable sensations that are expressed in the form of burning.

Such a state may be a symptom of the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such a state may be a consequence of malnutrition and bad habits. Attention should be paid to your own health and lifestyle in order to prevent any serious problems in the future.

Can there be heartburn from osteochondrosis?

From osteochondrosis can be heartburn
From osteochondrosis can be heartburn

Osteochondrosis may well be accompanied by bouts of heartburn. The fact is that with muscle hypertonicity, nerve roots are suffering that are responsible for the work of the stomach. This is precisely what provokes the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus, which becomes the cause of the attacks of heartburn.

Heartburn from smells: reason

Some people react very strongly. Among them, there are enough complaints of dizziness, nausea and heartburn. Most often, such a problem occurs in women during pregnancy. The reason is a change in the hormonal background. As a rule, this problem goes by itself in a certain period and does not require drug treatment.

Can there be heartburn due to parasites, worms?

There may be heartburn due to parasites, worms
There may be heartburn due to parasites, worms

From the point of view of symptoms, parasites can be disguised as various diseases. Besides, some types of worms It is quite difficult to detect without a special examination and collection of a number of tests. It should be remembered that parasites exist exclusively due to the resources of its owner.

The danger lies in the fact that the products of their vital activity can have a negative effect on the human body that is similar to intoxication. One of the symptoms of the presence of worms can be heartburn. If this unpleasant symptom does not pass after changing the diet, then it is recommended to take the necessary tests and undergo an examination in order to exclude the infection with the list of possible diagnoses.

Video: heartburn - causes, treatment. How to get rid of heartburn at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have heartburn due to chronic increased acidity of the stomach. Very strong, and diet, although it helps, but weakly. They were assigned to drink a rabeprazol-cz course for 1 capsule per day, 20 mg. After 20 days, she began to take in a day, then every 3 days. Heartburn did not bother from the first day of admission. And now it does not bother.

  2. Yes, during pregnancy, this is the most common problem. She gave birth to herself twice, and both times in the beginning toxicosis, then heartburn. I know that heartbrins, chewing pills with mint, helps well. The most important thing is that the composition is unmanded, also protects the mucous membrane of the stomach from the negative effects of acid.

  3. Heartburn occurs episodically, if you eat something wrong. Often from Bulgarian pepper happens. I am well eliminated by the sparkling pills of Izogozhoff Evalar. I like its form of application. It turns out a pleasant sparkling drink. It does not harm the stomach, quickly absorbs.

  4. Before the NSAIDs were prescribed from inflammation in the joints, the ventricle did not bother me at all. But as she began to take them, from the third day in my stomach it began to burn, and so on all the esophagus. I turned to the doctor. He said that NSAIDs very often cause pain and heartburn in the stomach. But due to the fact that I had no problems, I hoped that it would cost. But still appointed Rabeprazol-SZ, for admission in the morning. The drug helped to get rid.

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