Heartburn - how to quickly get rid at home: a list of tablets with instructions and folk remedies, recommendations of a gastroenterologist

Heartburn - how to quickly get rid at home: a list of tablets with instructions and folk remedies, recommendations of a gastroenterologist

A list of drugs for heartburn - folk remedies and pharmacy.

Heartburn- this is An unpleasant phenomenon, which is a frequent companion of people who have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of heartburn with the help of folk remedies and pharmacy drugs. 

Why does soda help from heartburn, how to drink it?

Many of us know and have heard from childhood that you can cope with heartburn with a solution of baking soda.

Why soda helps from heartburn, how to drink it:

  • To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water until turbidity appears. As soon as all of the soda, you need to drink it in one gulp.
  • To improve the effectiveness of the product, you can pour about a teaspoon of lemon juice into the resulting solution.
  • Further, all this is mixed, and while a chemical reaction passes with the release of a small amount of foam, the mixture must be drunk.
  • However, this is not the only tool that is used for heartburn and increased acidity of gastric juice.
Tormenting heartburn
Tormenting heartburn

What to eat from heartburn at home?

For these purposes, you can also use buckwheat. However, it is necessary not in boiled form, but in fried.

What to eat from heartburn at home:

  • To do this, you need to pour three tablespoons of cereals into a dry pan and fry with constant mixing until a dark brown color is obtained. Further, all this is poured into the coffee grinder, crushed to the state of the powder. After that, the powder is taken 2 g daily, 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this before eating. This is a great option if you suffer from gastritis and chronic heartburn that appears after each meal. 
  • Fennel. Using both fruits and leaves of the plant. You can even brew tea from fruits. The drug is taken three times a day in small quantities. Sometimes you can get rid of heartburn with the help of salad leaves. To do this, grind 3-4 sheets on a blender and pour a glass of water there. Turn on the device again and turn everything into muddy, green water. Drink it in one gulp. This is an excellent remedy and emergency help with severe heartburn,if there is nothing suitable in the first -aid kit. 

Coding soda is an unsafe tool, so it cannot be accepted. This is an exclusively drug of emergency care, when you have nothing suitable at hand. After prolonged administration, the amount of soda must be gradually increased. This is due to the fact that when taking soda, the acidity of gastric juice is sharply reduced, and the body gives a response in the form of increased acid production. That is, you got rid of acid with soda, but it is again produced in large quantities. Therefore, we recommend taking safer drugs.

Means for heartburn
Means for heartburn

What to drink from heartburn: pharmacy drugs

Please note that some funds are not very useful, so take them only in extreme cases.

What to drink from heartburn, pharmacy drugs:

  • Renny. The drug contains calcium carbonate, as well as magnesium. In its action, it is very similar to food soda, but it does not cause such a large number of side effects. Renny can be taken regularly and even pregnant women who suffer from heartburn. Tablets can be purchased with mint and orange taste. The maximum amount that can be taken per day is 11 pieces. In the package, 12 pieces are sold. The drug can be used regularly on an ongoing basis, without fear of any problems with the gastrointestinal tract. 
  • Vikair. A domestic drug that is very cheap. It is recommended to take one tablet three times a day. The composition of the drug is diverse, the packaging indicates that sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, bismuth carbonate, as well as the rhizomes of the circle are contained. Thanks to such a combined composition, it is possible to have an antispasmodic and relaxing effect on the walls of the stomach. Thanks to this, it is easier to go to the toilet,get rid of gases, as well as heartburn. The drug is prescribed for ulcer, gastritis, recommended for burns. The instructions indicate that it is best to use the medicine for 1 month, by peculiar courses. Only after that is the effect of taking the product is observed. 
  • For the treatment of heartburn, other drugs can be taken, one of which is Phosphalugel. It is characterized by the lack of side effects, and is immediately excreted from the body. Main cast- this is Aluminum compounds that resemble gel. When the product enters the stomach, it reacts with hydrochloric acid, with the formation of a smooth, protective layer on the walls. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of heartburn, as well as minimize the actions of aggressive gastric juice on weak walls. The drug can be used even to young children on a regular basis. This is a symptomatic treatment of heartburn, which does not fight the main reason. Typically, the drug is prescribed both in the form of a separate drug and in the complex, when taking funds against poisoning and various viral infections of the stomach and intestines. 
Preparations for heartburn
Preparations for heartburn

Heartburn tablets inexpensive - list

You can purchase very effective and inexpensive drugs that have proven themselves well.

Heartburn tablets are inexpensive, list

  • Gaviscon. This is a drug that is sold in the form of a suspension and contains sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, as well as sodium alginate. This is a tool that is made of seaweed.Thanks to this composition, the product is very effective. Prescribed as in heartburn,provoked chronic ailments, and with a sharp increase in the acidity of gastric juice. You can take the drug on an ongoing basis without afraid of addiction or increased production of gastric juice. This drug, when it enters the stomach, reacts with acid, with the formation of a special gel. The resulting substance settles on the walls of the stomach and prevents irritation. Relief after taking the drug is observed after 5 minutes. The product can be called a wand-wand with heartburn, which occurs extremely rarely. It can be taken on an ongoing basis for chronic diseases of the stomach. 
  • Maaloks - This is a drug that consists of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. Thanks to this composition, it is possible to sharply reduce the acidity of gastric juice and cope with heartburn. The drug can be taken on an ongoing basis, since it does not cause hymard production of hydrochloric acid and does not occurrebound effect after taking the product. The main advantage is that the medicine is affordable and very common in Russia. 
  • Almagel. The composition of the drug is the same as in maaloxes, it contains aluminum hydroxide andbenzocaine sodium. This is an anesthetic that reduces pain in the stomach. Therefore, the drug helps not only from heartburn, but also relieve painful sensations if the stomach hurts as a result of chronic and acute ailments. A drug in the form of a gel in comfortable bags is sold. Take three bags per day. Actually, the product is an emergency substance, so it can be taken once, without repeated techniques. 

What helps with heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that almost every woman faces in position, especially after the second trimester. During this period, the internal organs of a woman are shifted due to the actively growing fetus and uterus. That is why the position of the stomach changes, it is much higher, so the casting of intestinal and gastric juice into the esophagus occurs quite often.

To avoid such phenomena, it is necessary to eat right at a certain time, and in small portions. In addition, it is advisable to introduce some products into the diet that reduce the possibility of heartburn.


Products that help get rid of heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Milk. Drink it immediately after you felt an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region. Next, try not to abuse this product, because the maximum amount of milk is only half a liter per day. Milk perfectly affects the state of the stomach and remove heartburn, but can cause increased gas formation and pain in the intestine, which very often happens during pregnancy due to frequent constipation, with an increase in the production of some hormones.
  • Flax-seed. Now in almost all supermarkets in the departments with healthy nutrition there is this seed, it must be taken on a teaspoon three times a day. This is a natural source of many unsaturated fatty acids, in particular omega-3, omega-6, omega-9.
  • Greens. It affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract a green salad, parsley, also celery. Greens must be inserted into your diet and replace a large amount of fatty products.

Try to prevent the stomach overflow, so eat in small portions. Because of this, the food will have time to digest, and there will not be a lot of gastric juice. Before each meal in 30 minutes, drink a glass of water. This will launch the stomach in idle, prepare the digestive system for digestion of food. Of course, during pregnancy, you can resort to the use of tablet drugs, but they should be prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

Heartburn during pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy

The best option during pregnancy is activated carbon or enterosgel. These are absorbents that absorb part of the gastric juice, reaction with it, and reducing the acidity of the internal environment. Thanks to this, it is not thrown into the esophagus and heartburn does not appear.

Video: What helps with heartburn?


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Comments K. article

  1. If heartburn, of course, you can drink one of the drugs and forget. But if you have it constantly, then a doctor’s consultation and a full treatment are required here.

  2. Yes, without treatment in any way. I also had heartburn, the stomach was sick and periodically felt very bad. I drank all soda, but I swallowed some pills. Then I got tired of all this, went to the gastroenterologist, it turned out that I had a garb. He said on a diet, plus appointed Alfazox, a new remedy,
    Fullly treats this disease. Acts
    Directly in the esophagus, contributes to the healing of its damage. I feel an order of magnitude better, I continue treatment)

  3. There is heartburn after I drank coffee, but I still can’t refuse this drink, because I really love it. I just found a way out for myself, chewing mint tablets of Izogoff, they help me just a couple of minutes after receiving. I also like them because they have a pleasant taste, I do not like all sorts of suspensions and gels. I also want to note that the price is cheaper than almost all analogues.

  4. With the help of a doctor, I took up the treatment of heartburn, that is, high acidity of the stomach. Since she could no longer endure, and even a mucous esophagus was damaged. I already go seriously, I accept Rabeprazol-SZ in the morning. There is no heartburn, I'm waiting for the end of the course.

  5. “I already go seriously, I accept Rabeprazol-SZ in the morning. There is no heartburn, I'm waiting for the end of the course. "

    As far as I know, Rabeprazol-SZ can not be drunk every day (for example, every other day), because efficiency has been kept for a long time. Or the problem is very serious, once for every day was appointed. It does not help me from heartburn right away, after 20 minutes it begins to weaken, after about 40 minutes it passes completely. But I drink no more than 1 (maximum 2) capsules per week.

  6. I have heartburn episodically. I checked the stomach -everything is good. Increased acidity. I eat something wrong and bang .. heartburn. I keep in the first -aid kit the sparkling pills of Izogozhoff Evalar. They quickly help me. Dissolve in water and a pleasant hissing drink is ready.

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