What is more useful in chicken eggs: protein or yolk?

What is more useful in chicken eggs: protein or yolk?

The benefits of chicken yolk and protein.

Chicken eggs are a very useful product that vegetarians have chosen. Many people who follow their figure, who are fans of protein diets, often as the main source of protein, as well as useful elements, choose eggs. In this article we will tell you what is more useful than protein or yolk. 

Yolks and proteins: benefits and harms

There is an opinion that in no case should you eat more than one egg per day. This is due to the fact that the composition of the yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol, which can increase the number of cholesterol plaques in the body, which will lead to atherosclerosis, and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks.

Yolks and proteins, benefits and harms:

  • However, more recently, studies have shown that even people who eat four eggs daily, blood cholesterol in the blood is much lower than in those who use only one egg. During the study, it was found that the value is not the cholesterol that enters the body with products, but produced by its own liver.
  • If you use a decent amount of cholesterol from the outside, then it is practically harmless to the body, as it is good, and does not lead to gluing blood particles and the formation of blood clots. 
  • Regarding the composition of the yolk and protein, then undoubtedly, the yolk wins the food and energy value. It contains 90% of all trace elements and vitamins available in the egg. That is, only 10% of useful substances gives protein. 
The structure of the egg
The structure of the egg

The composition of chicken yolk and protein

The composition of the chicken yolk: 

  1. Omega-3 and omega-6 acid. That is why some vegetarians who do not consume meat and fish introduce a large number of eggs into their diet. After all, the consumption of 4 yolks can completely cover the consumption and necessity of the body in these acids. 
  2. The yolk contains a lot of fat -soluble vitamins, for example, group B vitamins. These are B1, B12, B6. All these components positively affect the condition of the skin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. However, if they take them without related substances, then they are poorly absorbed in the body, as they are fat -soluble. That is why the consumption of yolks is an ideal option that will contribute to the absorption of beneficial vitamins.

The composition of the chicken protein:

  • Vitamins contained in the protein are represented by themselves, that is, without fat. They are such as in the yolk: B1, B12, B6.
  • Accordingly, the absence of omega acids in the protein contributes to the fact that useful elements will be washed out of the body, and those that come along with food will not be absorbed.
Options for cooking eggs
Options for cooking eggs

What is more useful in the egg: yolk or protein?

Protein is considered not the most useful part of the egg. In the course of recent studies, it was found that protein in its structure can be harmful to the intestines, especially if a person suffers from some serious ailments. It is proved that the use of a large amount of egg protein contributes to the occurrence of autoimmune diseases. 

What is more useful in the egg, yolk or protein:

  • Protein in chicken egg- this is A kind of bag that protects the yolk and the embryo from damage, as well as the penetration of bacterial infections. The protein contains proteins that have antibacterial properties.
  • Which helps to protect the inside of the egg from bacteria and viruses. If you use protein in large quantities, then these proteins can act on the human body as antibiotics. They worsen digestion, and can reduce the absorption of nutrients.
  • That is why a lot of protein should not be consumed. The protein, which is contained in the composition of the egg, prevents the absorption of biotin. This is a substance that helps to correctly break down and synthesize fatty acids that regulate blood sugar. That is why protein is not recommended for people with diabetes. 
Useful eggs
Useful eggs

Which is better, protein or yolk: heat treatment rules

All beneficial substances that are contained in the yolk are preserved only if it is fresh. That is raw. However, in most cases, people subject the eggs to heat treatment, fried and boil them. 

How to maintain the benefits of eggs? To do this, it is necessary to resort to certain heat treatment methods. It is best if the protein is boiled and the yolk is liquid and fresh. Therefore, the preparation of glazing, or eggs of Pashot, would be the ideal option.

Which is better, protein or yolk, It doesn't matter if Cook eggs of soft or bag. Thus, you will be able to boil the protein, but the yolk will remain liquid. This will contribute to the preservation of the beneficial properties, vitamins, minerals, as well as fatty acids that are in the yolk. 

Home eggs
Home eggs

It is best balanced to eat and limit the consumption of fat, smoked meats. It is this food that becomes a source of harmful cholesterol.

Video: which is better, protein or yolk?

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