Vegetable smoothies. 20 best recipes. Smoothies for children

Vegetable smoothies. 20 best recipes. Smoothies for children

Smoothies are something between juice and fruit puree. The basis of such cocktails can be not only fruits, but also vegetables. Smuses made of greenery are also very common. This cocktail is prepared with a blender or food combine. This article will talk about drinks that can be prepared from vegetable ingredients.

There are quite a few recipes for vegetable cocktails. In many countries of the world, they form the basis of detox-diet. Their benefits are not only in saturation of the body with useful vitamins and minerals. The composition of such cocktails includes fiber. The necessary element of proper digestion. By the way, in the "competitors" of this drink - juices, the amount of fiber is minimal.

Vegetable smoothies recipes

Based on tomatoes. There are a lot of vegetable cocktails. You can start getting to know such drinks using a mixture of tomatoes, pepper and basil.

To prepare such a cocktail, wash tomatoes (2 large), pour them boiling and remove the skin. Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.) Need to be washed and cut into two halves. From them you need to remove the seeds. Basil leaves (8 pcs.) Also need to be washed. All ingredients need to be placed in a blender and added ground pepper (on the tip of a knife) and ice cubes (4 pcs.). Beat to a homogeneous state and serve in a long glass, decorating it with leaflets of the basil.

Smaws from pumpkinBased on pumpkin. Pumpkin cocktail is ideal as the main dish of a cleansing diet. Pumpkin (300 g) must be steamed in the oven or microwave. It is necessary to extract the pulp from it, grind it and place it in a blender. There you need to add oatmeal (3 tablespoons), milk (1 cup) and honey (1 teaspoon) and grind to a homogeneous consistency.

Such a cocktail can be cleaned with the intestines and normalize the metabolism.

IMPORTANT: duffed or crushed in a blender to the state of mashed potatoes are better absorbed by the body. That is why smoothies are ideal not only for adults, but also for children. They can be used as feeding children from 8 months.

Green smoothie recipe

Green smoothieBased on spinach.The cocktail below may not like everyone. But, its benefit is simply huge. Therefore, in order not to deprive yourself of the benefit that this drink can give, add a little honey to it.

Spinach (500 ml), soy milk (150 ml), crushed crushed wheat (3 tbsps) and pumpkin seeds (1 tbsp. Spoon) need to be added to the blender bowl. If you have ginkgo leaves (and this product of useful food today can be ordered in any large city), then add them (1 teaspoon) to this cocktail.

The drink received when mixing the ingredients in a blender must be served in a long glass.

Based on cucumbers. Another green smoothie will like the inhabitants of our country more. The thing is that it is prepared from ordinary cucumbers (2 pcs.). They need to be cleaned of the skin and cut with rings. In addition to cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic and bunches of dill are placed in a blender bowl. If after mixing the cocktail it turns out too thick it can be diluted with ordinary water to the desired consistency.

Such a drink can be used to quench the heat. To do this, before serving in a glass, you need to put several ice cubes.

Cocktail Smoothies

Smoothies melonBased on melon. A great useful cocktail can be a melon drink. To prepare it, you need to cut the melon (200 g) into small pieces. Add lime or lemon juice and several ice cubes to the blender bowl. All the ingredients need to be beaten and served the resulting drink on the table, decorating a glass of mint leaves. The beneficial qualities of this cocktail can be supplemented with ginger.

Children's smoothies with vegetables

If your children do not like vegetables, milk, kefir and other products prepare tasty and healthy drinks based on them. Which child does not want to drink such a smoothie, sipping him through a tube, as adults do.

Carrots from carrots for children

Carrots are very useful for a growing organism. But not all children love this vegetable. Therefore, in order to include it in the diet, you can go to such a "trick". You need to take three average carrots, wash and clean them. Then this root crop must be cut into small pieces and immersed in boiling water. You need to cook carrots for at least 20 minutes.

Boiled carrots must be cooled, loaded into a blender and add apple juice (1 cup) there. The ingredients need to be mixed until a homogeneous mass. If you need to add a little more apple juice to the bowl.

Smoothies for children

Smoothies "Winter Tale" for children

This cocktail is prepared from almond milk (you can cook yourself by mixing chopped almonds and ordinary milk), dried apricots, raisins, prunes and oatmeal. For taste, you can add honey (2 tbsp. Tablespoons).

To prepare this cocktail, rinse dried fruits (choose their number to taste), pour them with hot water and leave for several minutes. After they soaked, you need to drain excess water and fill it into a blender. There you need to pour almond milk (500 ml) there, pour flakes (5 tbsp. Tablespoons) and mix the mass until a homogeneous state. Serve on the table in a beautiful glass.

Carrot darkness

Carrot darknessAn excellent cocktail for breakfast will be a carrot-puller cocktail. With such a drink, you can cheer up after sleep and activate the action of the immune system. To prepare it, pour a glass of water into the blender and add peeled and chopped carrots, an apple (1 pc.), Spinach (2 handfuls) and a tablespoon of grated ginger. Mix the cocktail for 40 seconds to the state of mashed potatoes.

Dairy smoothie with vegetables

Milk rarely combines with vegetables. But there are several cocktails in which vegetables and milk complement each other well.

Smoothies "English traditions"

To prepare this delicious cocktail, boil milk (175 ml). Add onions to it (2 pcs.), Pasternak (1 root), celery (1 stem) and fennel (50 g). Cook for 15 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

The contents of the pan should be poured into the bowl from the blender. Place nutmeg (a pinch) and Badyan there (1/4 tsp) there. Mix the ingredients for a minute at low speed. Then the speed should be increased to maximum and mix for another 30 seconds. You can serve the dish hot or cold.

Smoothies "French potato soup"

Smoothie from potatoesPotatoes (1 pc.) Need to be cleaned from the skin and cut into small pieces. Grind the onions (1 pc.) And parsley (1 tbsp. Spoon). We clean onions (25 g) from the upper scales and cut the rings. In a small saucepan, boil the vegetable broth (50 g) and add crushed ingredients to it. Cook 12-15 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pan into the blender and mix. Then fill the milk (125 g) and cook the dish at maximum speed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Oatmeal with vegetables

We clean the potatoes (1 pc.) And carrots (2 pcs.) And cut into small rings. Grind spinach (50 g), celery (1 stem) and parsley (1 bunch). We bring the vegetable broth to boiling. Add potatoes, carrots, peas and celery. Cook for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add oatmeal (1 handful) and spinach. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pan into the blender bowl and mix at low speed for a minute. Then add parsley and cream. Mix at a maximum speed of 10 seconds.

Smoothies with spinach

Smoothie from spinachSpinach is an excellent source of vitamin C and K. To prepare cocktails based on it, you can use both fresh spinach leaves and frozen. They can be used in various cocktails. For example, mixing in a blender along with the pulp of a pear and the juice of the half of the lemon. If the mass is thick, it can be diluted with water.

Broccoli smoothies

Broccoli is a valuable source of substances useful for the body. In addition to vitamins and minerals, this vegetable includes compounds helping to get rid of excess weight and toxins. But the biggest benefit from the use of this product is the ability to reduce the amount of cancer cells in the body.

An excellent smoothie, which includes broccoli, is a “cheese breakfast”. To prepare it, it is necessary to clean the potatoes (250 g) from the peel T boil it. Then you need to clean and cut the garlic (1/2 clove). Chedder cheese (75 g) also before laying the blender bowl should be cut into small pieces.

It is necessary to pour milk (175 ml) into the blender, add cheese to the bowl, potatoes chopped into squares, garlic, broccoli (250 g) and carry (1/2 hours of spoons). The ingredients need to be beaten for 30 seconds. Then pour warm milk (175 ml) into the bowl and continue whipping. Before serving, the cocktail must be salt.

Smoothies from beets

BeetAlmost all vegetables when cooking lose their beneficial qualities. The exception is only beets. Even after thermal processing as a beet, a large number of nutrients that improve the brain and can remove toxins and toxins from the body remain.

Beetroot has one drawback - not a very pleasant taste. But, it can be “brightened up” with mint and apple. And you can add a drink of piquancy and increase its benefit using ginger.

Celery and apples smoothie

Celery and apples. An excellent mixture with anti -aging effect. And if you add kiwi to these ingredients, then the resulting cocktail will become not only a source of iron and healthy fiber, but also fill the body with one of the main vitamins - ascorbic acid.

If after mixing the mass is thick, it can be diluted with water.

Smoothies with greens

Green cocktailTo prepare cocktails from greens, you can use parsley, spinach, salad leaves, celery, dill and other ingredients. A very tasty and healthy cocktail with such ingredients will be a spinach mixture (1 cup), peach (1 pc.) And orange juice (1 cup).

Smoothies with ginger

Ginger has a lot of advantages. But, most often, the root of this plant is used as a means for burning fat. A cocktail with a ginger can become an important component of the diet aimed at losing weight.

To prepare a drink with a fat -burning effect, you need to mix ground ginger in a blender (1 teaspoon), kefir (150 ml), ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon) and cherries (it is added for taste).

Pumpkin smoothie

Pumpkin cocktailA short-orange muffin cocktail is perfect in order to replenish the needs of the body with iron, potassium, calcium and vitamin E. It is very easy to cook such a drink. You need to clean the pumpkin (200 g) of the peel, core and seeds. Its flesh must be cut into small pieces and immersed in a blender.

There you need to place apples peeled from skins and seeds (100 g), honey and a pinch of cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous mass. If it turned out to be a thick drink, you can dilute with water. The cocktail is served in high transparent glasses.

Smoothies with a cucumber

If you want to fully replace dinner with a smoothie, then it is best to mix the ingredients such as cucumber (2 pcs.), Avocado (pulp of the halves), apple (1 pc.) And ginger (to taste). Avocado pulp is not only useful for its vegetable fats, but can also replace animal products. And cucumbers and apple will add freshness to such a cocktail.

Smoothies with parsley

Smoothies with parsley

The best drink for the evening can be a cocktail of parsley and cucumber. In addition, such a drink can satisfy thirst in hot weather. The ingredients can be mixed to taste. Someone loves more parsley, someone adds only a couple of twigs to give the drink a piquant aftertaste.

Smoothies with celery

Amino acids and other beneficial substances included in the composition of celery can restore cells of the body tissues. But, in themselves, few people eat celery. Therefore, it is best to make vitamin drinks from this vegetable. For example, mix celery with an apple. Such a drink can be cleaned by the body of toxins. It can be consumed both for breakfast and dinner.

Smoothie from tomato

Smoothie from tomatoTomatoes contain a large number of known vitamins. In these vegetables, compounds of overwhelming cancer cells in the body were also found. Preparing a cocktail of tomatoes is very simple. To do this, they are cleaned of the skin and mixed with other ingredients. Kefir (1 cup), tomato and dill (to taste) can be very useful. Such a drink can be replaced by dinner.

Smoothies with avocado

Avocado in vitamin cocktails can have a strengthening effect on the skin, hair and nails. In addition, avocado drinks have an anti -aging effect.

For such a purpose, you can prepare a green cocktail of avocado pulp, large cucumber, salad leaves, water and ice. The ingredients are mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency and fed to the table.

What are the smoothie for breakfast?

For breakfastNutritionists believe that for breakfast food intake should be the denser. Therefore, for the first meal after awakening, hearty smoothies are suitable. You can use this recipe.
We clean the pumpkin (20 g) from the skin and bake in the oven and bake. When the pulp becomes soft, put it in a blender. We pour almond milk (100 g), arachic paste (1 tbsp. Spoon) and honey (1 tbsp. Spoon) into the bowl. Mix and serve on the table. Oatmeal and spices can be added to the basic recipe.

What are the darkness for dinner?

Salad-puree, which can also be attributed to the described dish, can be used as a dinner. Of the vegetable recipes for this, this version of a delicious cocktail is ideal.

Cut broccoli (4 inflorescences) into small parts. Clean carrots and apple. We also cut them into small pieces. We lay the ingredients in a blender. We put spinach there. Beat at low speed and serve. Such a smoothie is better not to drink, but is a small spoon.

What smoothies can be at night?

Smoothies for the nightBut for dinner, it is advisable to consume lighter dishes. To eat before bedtime, you can prepare cupherm bunches. To do this, you can mix light kefir (1% fat) with greens (celery, dill, parsley, onions, etc.). Such a cocktail can be used to burn excess fat.

Smoothie visitamin

Vitamins are very important for the proper functioning of the body. “Close” the daily need for some of them can be such a cocktail called the “vitamin bomb”. To prepare it, you need to bring the cabbage (1 handful) and spinach (2 handfuls) using the blender to the state of mashed potatoes. Then add half a glass of orange juice to the bowl, chopped carrots (1-2 pcs), banana (1 pc.), Low-fat yogurt (1 cup) and frozen berries (1 cup). Mix the ingredients at maximum speed for 45 seconds and enjoy a delicious and healthy dish.

Vegetable smoothies: tips and reviews

The benefits of the darkness

Kristina. In my opinion, the most delicious cocktails are obtained when mixing acidic and sweet vegetables and fruits in a blender. Drinks of vegetables that grow in our area are best absorbed.

Vlad. I always cook such drinks for breakfast. They enrich my diet with useful vitamins and minerals. But, you need to remember that liquid food cannot replace hard. Our body is so arranged that it necessarily needs solid food. Therefore, the second meal after eating food is, as a rule, solid foods.

Video. My creative: vegetable smoothie | Exclusive recipe | a sea of \u200b\u200bvitamins and a healthy positive

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