How to determine: do a person have worms?

How to determine: do a person have worms?

Ways to determine the infection with worms in humans.

Hlybon invasion is dangerous for both children and adults. However, most often, children are infected with worms due to an immature immune system, and ignoring personal hygiene rules. In this article we will tell you how to understand that a person is infected with worms. 

How to determine if a person has worms?

You can become infected with worms, anywhere and whatever you like. Almost every product on its surface contains worm eggs. With the help of meat and milk, you can pick up ascarides, and if the child touches the sand on the street, and drags dirty hands into his mouth, you can get the cuts. Determine if a person has worms It can be difficult. The helminthic invasion is not always obvious. There are two options for symptoms, including hidden and obvious. The most interesting thing is that quite rarely you can find obvious infection with worms.

Among the symptoms is a sharp weight loss for no reason. In this case, the pallor of the skin and a bluish tint join. However, such types of infection are not always manifested. Most often, the infection with worms is hidden, and a person treats anything, but not worms. Typically, parasites lead to poisoning of the body, and exacerbation of chronic ailments. After all, toxins that are in the feces of worms are very harmful toxic to the human body. It is they who provoke various ailments of internal organs.

Medicines for worms
Medicines for worms

Worms in a child: symptoms and signs

Nhidden are presented symptoms and signs of worms in a child 

  • Constant diseases of an infectious nature. This is due to a decrease in immunity and the toxic effects of worms. Parasites, being in the human body, take part of the nutrients from it. Thus, a significant part of vitamins, as well as trace elements, is not absorbed in the intestines. A constant lack of nutrients affects immunity. It is because of this that there is an exacerbation of chronic ailments, as well as frequent colds. What is mainly found in children. Typically, the treatment of sinusitis and stomatitis does not bring results, the child is sick more often and more often. This is observed just due to worms and reduction of immunity. 
  • In girls, worms are often manifested in the form of diseases of the female organs. Inflammation of the ovaries, constant vaginosis and vaginitis may occur.
  • Bad feeling. There is no specific ailment, but there is constant weakness, dizziness, sometimes nausea is present. In children, helminthiasis manifests itself in the form of creaking with teeth in a dream. Nightmares may appear, attention worsens. If you notice that your child began to study poorly at school, then the reason to do the prevention and treatment of worms. 
  • Allergy. Indeed, all the feces of worms are perceived by the body as allergens, and an alien body that is not characteristic of the human body. Usually there is asthma, rhinitis, and a causeless cough appears. Therefore, if your child suddenly began to cough, but at the same time he has no other symptoms, he is generally healthy, this is an occasion to contact the laboratory for examination for worms. The allergy is very often confirmed precisely due to the presence of worms. 
  • Violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually in children who are infected with ascarides, there are rarely diarrhea or vomiting. The kids have a solid chair without any impurities. But it happens that children, due to worms, on the contrary, suffer from constipation, as well as pain in the navel. 
Worms in the body
Worms in the body

Worms: symptoms of adult infection with enterobiosis, trichocephalosis, round worms, ascaridosis, trichinell, liver bicarry

Depending on the type of wormsmaybe Symptoms, as well as signs. After all, parasites differ in size and functioning. Accordingly, they use different nutrients and cause various harm to the body. The table describes in more detail about the methods of infection, as well as signs, symptoms and incubation period. Signs of infection with worms and symptoms in an adult can be found in the table.

Type of parasites Method of infection Symptoms The incubation period
Tips are ordinary enterobiosis A person is usually infected after taking unwashed vegetables or fruits. That is why they are recommended to wash with boiling water or with soap. Among the symptoms you can find itching in the sphincter and anus. Most often, it manifests itself at night. Very often parasites in feces are found. These are small white worms. Pain in the navel can be observed, but they quickly pass. Symptoms appear a couple of days after infection.  
Trichocephalosis Infection is due to eating food, which is prepared with non-compliance with norms and rules. That is, it is insufficient heat treatment or the use of dirty dishes, products. There are no symptoms at the initial stage. Only with a severe degree of damage, severe abdominal pain is observed, a person decreases appetite. Inflammation of the appendicitis may be observed. Children have a growth retardation, also the rectum loss. Sometimes diarrhea is observed. After the manifestation of infection, symptoms can occur in a few weeks.
Wide tape Usually they can become infected if you eat infected fish that lives in the rivers. He lives up to 20 years in internal organs, there are no serious manifestations and pronounced symptoms. This is usually an allergy, constant weakness, vitamin deficiency. In severe lesions, intestinal obstruction, as well as its mechanical damage, can be observed. Very often diagnosed ulcers, as well as erosion. Symptoms may appear a few weeks after infection. 
Round worm Infection can occur due to walking with bare feet on infected land. Oddly enough, but first of all, the feet react to worms. In this area, constant itching, as well as swelling, can be observed. They can swell the legs, and the places in which the parasite will penetrate. Along with this, a cough with sputum appears a little later. This is a worm that affects the bronchi, light ones, at the same time dizziness can manifest. In women, a failure in the hormonal system occurs, the frequency of menstruation is disturbed. Symptoms are manifested a few weeks after infection. 
Acaridosis You can get infected with ordinary vegetables and fruits from the beds, or purchased in the market, but not washed, not scalded with boiling water. They are manifested by pain in the intestines, liver disease, as well as pancreas, can be observed. Children may have frequent bronchitis, with the transition to inflammation of the lungs, a strong cough. Worms can move, immigrate from the stomach to the respiratory tract, so suffocation and dry, causeless cough, which is difficult to stop, often occurs. Symptoms appear 3 months after infection.
Trichinella You can get infected when eating meat and fat without heat treatment. After the use of such a product, diarrhea, heartburn, as well as vomiting and nausea are observed. Symptoms appear 2 days after infection.  
Liver bicarry You can get infected with the use of fruits, vegetables, as well as dirty water. A person can freeze. There are acute abdominal pains that quickly pass.  2-4 weeks after infection, dry cough, a deterioration in appetite, chills can be observed.

How to determine if there are worms?

As you can see, a huge number of symptoms, and confusing them with some disease is quite simple. Indeed, in many cases, therapists are trying to treat not the cause, but a specific disease. That is, pancreatitis, or disorders in the work of the intestine. They cannot even think that worms became the cause of the disease. Therefore, if you have found one of the symptoms described, this is a way to see a doctor. Typically, a blood test is carried out or the easiest smear around the anus is taken. But it is informative only in some cases.

Most often, the result is positive when the defeat of ascarides is observed. If these are liver worms, then in scraping it is impossible to identify them. Therefore, the best option is to donate venous blood. About the causes of the disease, methods of infection with worms, as well as about treatment methods, you can find out here. Many people think that by Kalu to determine if there are worms are simple. But pinworms are only one option from a huge number of types of parasites. And they come out with feces not so often.

Hepatic worms
Hepatic worms

In feces, only 15% of worms can be found. The remaining parasites are not identified using feces. Therefore, they are given blood without fail.

Video: Symptoms of infection with worms

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Comments K. article

  1. that's exactly what they are almost invisible, and you will find out that you have a genol only when you come to a doctor with some kind of migraine or constant pain in your stomach, then we drink a paraxan and everything is fine until you grab them again

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