Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman on the cheeks

Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman on the cheeks

Physiognomy - we determine the characteristics of a person on the cheeks. It is interesting and simple.

Physiognomy is a whole section of science related to psychology. He studies the features of reflected emotions on the human face, based on his psychological states.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head".

Everything that a person sees during communication on the face of another, thanks to his facial expressions, helps to more accurately determine the thoughts and feelings of the speaker. The external features of the human face allow him to arrange him to himself, or to experience rejection. From the article below, you will learn how to determine the nature according to physiognomy on the cheeks. Read further.

How to determine the nature of a man and a woman on the cheeks according to physiognomy?

Each person is individual not only as a person, but also has a unique appearance. The completeness or sapness of the cheeks create an oval of faces. How to determine the nature of a man and a woman on the cheeks according to physiognomy?

  • A man and a woman, owners of full cheeks, are too emotional. They easily follow the occasion of feelings, and in case of failures they experience severe suffering.
  • But thick cheeks will indicate an inanimate and scandalous character.
  • Slodes characterize a jealous or excessively curious person.
  • In sensory and generous natures, you can notice a slight trembling cheeks towards the nose.

A clearly defined lower part of the cheek indicates the echo of the character of the owner, and sometimes the scarcity of the mind.

Dimples on the cheeks on the face: physiognomy

Dimples on the cheeks on the face
Dimples on the cheeks on the face

The dimples on the face on the cheeks, it looks so cute. According to physiognomy, this is what it means:

  • Well visible dimple on the right cheek, indicates the contact and ability to do several things at the same time.
  • A distinct left dimple indicates a sensual nature.
  • Such people live in their imaginary world, filled with their own experiences.
  • They are stable in relationships, they are not characterized by the desire to change attachment.

In addition to many positive qualities of character, there are negative aspects. Fys on the cheeks can indicate the despotism and authoritarianism of the owner. At the same time, these people are ready to help and can be generous. Among them there are many creative personalities.

Shram on the left, right cheek: Chinese physiognomy

In China, physiognomy pays very much attention and interest. The whole person is divided into the region corresponding to age by year. And if a scar appears on it-a scar from an injury or operation, it is believed that at this age “plus or minus one year”, an accident or illness awaits a person.

  • If the scar (especially on the right cheek) was received in childhood, and the label indicates an older age, therefore, you will have to meet again with the fact that you will encounter your previous emotions.
  • The scar on the left cheek serves as a pointer that the owner will be given another chance to correct a long -standing problem, regardless of his desire to do this.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Physiognomy: pronounced cheeks

Expressed cheeks
Expressed cheeks

Pronounced cheeks and cheekbones According to physiognomy, it is considered to be symbols that endow the owner of power and force.

  • This is a leader who has a high status who knows how to attract attention and combine the community.
  • The routine tires such people, they need adventures and new events. After all, their nature is prone to adventures.

Failed cheeks vice versa:

  • Indicate indifferent and indifferent personalities.
  • Narrow cheekbones, and, therefore, not very protruding cheeks, speak of an energetic person.
  • It can be compared with the runner for short distances. Abrah work, fast pace of life.
  • Such people adopt sluggishness and measured lifestyle.

Pronounced cheeks will also talk about the strength and endurance of the owner. He is always tuned to win and any work begun is able to finish.

Rush cheeks: Determine the character

In Russia since ancient times, it was believed that ruddy cheeks indicator of health. Why can cheeks be stained with a blush? Of course, on fresh frosty air. In the cold, the capillaries narrow, and expanding in a warm room, give the very healthy blush. We also determine the character:

  • How many unpleasant minutes does a blush bring at the wrong time. This is partly an indicator of complexes in humans: shyness, uncontrolled excitement, stiffness. Often this happens if a person is experiencing about his appearance and getting into a new company, seeing extraneous views from excitement blushes like cancer.
  • There can be many reasons to blush in a person, some are lucky and they can cope with such troubles. There is even a saying "lies and does not blush."
  • In others, when the feelings appear that they laugh at him, red spots on the cheeks appear. In psychology, this is explained as a result of sociophobia. Fear of communication, the desire to remain outwardly invisible.

A person is not able to stop reacting in this way, but he can learn how to cope with his own embarrassment and excitement:

  • One way to learn how to control the situation will be before the sensation of the beginning of the appearance of a blush to tell the interlocutor: "You're embarrassing me" or "I am awkward".
  • Over time, this will become a signal for the brain, and you will learn not to blush.
  • Stop angry with yourself for the inability to cope with the blush, believing that he gives out your indecision, uncertainty, fear, timidity.

Usually such a nuisance is characteristic of adolescent and youth. With growing up, it goes away. For girls and girls, let it be a cute highlight of their modesty and shyness. And for boys and young men, an articulated phrase is suitable: "I blush so as not to seem impeccable."

Smiling person: physiognomy

A smiling person
A smiling person

It is generally accepted that a smile is a sign of happiness, a good mood. Such an emotion, intended for another, sign of non -verbal communication, conveying goodwill to others. Smile more often, psychologists advise, this will help relieve stress, facilitate a feeling of fatigue, and will raise an emotional background.

It is worth knowing: A smile can be called the message of your mood to the world, and the response will help to calm down, relax to relieve yourself with alertness in an unfamiliar environment.

A smile increases the capabilities of the body and improves the functioning of all organs, raising their tone. Physiologists have found that a smiling person has tension of the muscles of the eyes and mouth, which enhances blood supply to the brain. Smiling, a person increases his activity. Another feature has been noticed. Often a smiling person, due to its positiveness and optimistic, helps the body to produce hormones that increase activity and energy that improve the functioning of the heart, stimulating the immune system as a whole. All this prolongs human life.

A smile can say a lot about a person according to physiognomy. If you associate it with work, then the breadth of a smile will help determine friendliness and professionalism, as well as honesty as the employer and employees. Too wide a smile can alert with its unnaturalness. Especially if it is combined with a cold and prudent look. Such people need to beware.

A smile has a figurative classification. Determined by lips:

  • Open - He has his sensuality. It can also be false with excessively naked teeth. The open and joyful smile never confesses, because the shining eyes of the eyes, the dilated pupils are the main criterion of its sincerity.
  • Lip compressed with a smile They will say about a person who constantly keeps himself under control. Hiding and hiding emotions, they spent them spoke them. Sometimes contempt can also be hidden behind such a smile. It is very difficult for people with this smile to trust, especially if you are unfamiliar.
  • A mechanical smile is also found. This species is absolutely devoid of charm. More often such a smile is observed with condescending or forced communication. Or maybe a severe patient or a very tired person answering questions.
  • False and smile. He speaks for itself. An absent or inexpressive look, ajar lips. It feels tension and unnaturalness, in an attempt to depict the location.
  • You can only smile with eyes. So only a completely self -confident person, devoid of regrets and worries, any negative feelings. So the mother looks at her sleeping baby.
  • Impeccable. It is characteristic of people who can go ahead, confident in themselves, devoid of moral principles. Often we see a flickering of such smiles with unnaturally displayed upper teeth on TV screens. The smile does not have, it is like a trademark of its owner. A relative of impeccable can be called a predatory smile.
  • Comprehensive. It is given for the first time a smiling child. Children cannot smile differently at all.
  • A stretched smile As if freezing on his lips, rather recalling the grimace. It is difficult to determine the attitude towards you of a smiling.
  • Cold smile, you can determine it by pursed lips.
  • With bitterness - slightly pursed lips, sad eyes, an admixture of doom.
  • Embarrassed - In a moment of excitement, or to smooth out awkwardness.
  • Provoking a smile. Flying out, calling for the action of a partner of the opposite sex. In men, she shows a desire, and women with such a smile are characterized by coquetness. It is with this view that we are trying to find the chosen one.

A smile with its speed is able to reduce any distance that comes closer to people.

Amimic face: physiognomy

Amimic face
Amimic face

Amimic face - On it you will not see any emotions, except for the expression of endless fatigue. It resembles a mask, otherwise it is called - Mask -shaped. The lack of expression and reaction can serve as a formidable sign of a mental disorder - schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, various neurological diseases. From the point of view of physiognomy, such an expression on the face does not have any specific descriptions. It's just fatigue or illness.

It may appear as a result of a side effect when taking certain drugs. The characteristic features of the amimic face will be:

  • Wax skin
  • Thinned lips
  • With difficulty opening
  • Not completely open eyes

Mimic movements on the face are absolutely devoid of emotional coloring. To avoid dangerous consequences, you should consult a doctor. The studies will help determine the cause and start the treatment in a timely manner.

Expressiveness of the face with amymic degrees:

  1. Normal expression on the face with corresponding emotionality.
  2. Almost invisible, mild violation. The masking on the face is barely noticeable, manifests itself only in a decrease in the frequency of blinking the eyes.
  3. Light shape. The frequency of blinking is reduced, the amymicity manifests itself only in the lower half of the face, the movement of the mouth is weakened, and spontaneous smiling is less likely.
  4. Moderate form. The face acquires stable masking, the mouth remains half -open for a short time.
  5. Heavy shape. Mask -shaped, lifeless face, the mouth is half -open almost constantly.

Of course, it is worth contacting the aspects of physiognomy, but it is better to trust your feelings that arise when meeting with new people.

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