Heartburn during pregnancy - the causes of occurrence in the early and later stages: what to do, how to get rid of?

Heartburn during pregnancy - the causes of occurrence in the early and later stages: what to do, how to get rid of?

In the article you will find information about heartburn during pregnancy. You will also learn how to get rid of this problem effectively.

Heartburn is not a very pleasant physiological phenomenon, which is probably familiar to every person. And probably, you should not even talk about how much discomfort may cause if any measures can not take. And the point here is not easy to burn in the esophagus. If you do not eliminate the root cause of the problem, then all this can lead to the appearance of erosion on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

And if heartburn appears during pregnancy, then you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. After all, any negative changes in the body of the future mother have an impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, let's understand the possible causes of heartburn during pregnancy, as well as ways to eliminate pathology.

Heartburn during early pregnancy - causes

Eliminate the problem on time

As a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy, heartburn rarely appears. If it begins to appear brightly, then only by the end of the full first trimester. During this period, the female body is just beginning to restructure, and therefore the load feels minimal. And therefore, if heartburn began to torment a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, then most likely this is due to the wrong way of life.

Heartburn during early pregnancy - causes:

  • Incorrect diet - The woman does not eat regularly. For example, it always has breakfast, but it passes lunch, and is very eaten in the evening. All this leads to the fact that the digestive system is overloaded, and the food is not absorbed on time. It lingers in the gastrointestinal tract, provoking excessive production of gastric juice. The longer the food is in the gastrointestinal tract, the higher the probability of heartburn.
  • Love for products containing caffeine. Fans of coffee and tea know that sometimes after eating these drinks there is heartburn. As a rule, this happens if you drink coffee and tea on an empty stomach. What is the reason? The fact is that caffeine stimulates the production of gastric juice, and if this happens on an empty stomach, then this becomes the cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and the appearance of heartburn. If this will happen regularly, a pregnant woman, with a high probability, finds out what gastritis is.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester - the causes of the occurrence

In the second trimester, the condition may worsen

In the second trimester of pregnancy, changes in the body are already more noticeable. The fetus was already well fixed in the uterus and began to intensively increase in size. All this leads to the fact that the organs of the abdominal cavity begin to change their position, including the stomach. A strong displacement of the latter most often becomes the cause of heartburn during pregnancy.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester - causes of occurrence:

  • Intensive production of progesterone - This hormone has a direct effect on muscle tissue in the body of a pregnant woman. More precisely, he makes them more elastic, they begin to stretch even with minimal pressure. On the one hand, this is necessary so that the fetus is comfortable in the uterus, and on the other, this leads to the fact that gastric juice begins to enter the esophagus, causing burning.
  • Hack. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the hormonal background in the woman’s body changes greatly. The body no longer perceives the fetus as something alien and works exclusively for its protection. Against this background, some processes in the body of women begin to slow down, and the digestive system is the first to feel the first. Due to the slower digestion of food and heartburn appears during pregnancy.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester - the causes of the occurrence

In the third trimester, a burning sensation in the esophagus appears in all

As a rule, in the third trimester of pregnancy, heartburn torments almost all women. It was previously believed that in this way the body of the woman in labor reacts the growth of nails and hair in a small person. But nevertheless, gynecologists do not connect these two processes in any way. And the first thing they draw the attention of a woman to her clothes. If a woman wears outfits strongly tightening the body, then thereby disrupts blood circulation, and as a result, the saturation of the body with oxygen. With a lack of the latter, heartburn may occur.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester - causes of occurrence:

  • Too large size of the fetus. In the third trimester, the size of the child’s body reaches significant indicators, which further squeezes the internal organs of a woman. All this leads to a noticeable decrease in the size of the stomach. In this case, the amount of gastric juice secreted does not change, and a certain amount is regularly thrown into the esophagus. As a result, a woman begins to feel heartburn.
  • Fluid retention in the body and excess weight. Both of these factors are the causes that affect the appearance of heartburn during pregnancy. Too large fat layer and constant swelling, adversely affect the uterus. They cause an increased tone of its walls. This leads to the fact that the baby begins to feel a certain stiffness, and in order to get rid of it, begins to look for a more convenient pose. Very often this leads to a pathological displacement of the stomach, and as a result, the appearance of heartburn.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the late stages

In the late stages, one must be especially attentive to your body

In the late lines of pregnancy, the woman’s body is already preparing for childbirth, because the load on it is enormous. A woman is closer to childbirth both physically and morally. Therefore, even constant experiences and excessive anxiety can cause heartburn.

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy in the late stages:

  • Late toxicosis. Most often observed in women who have problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, blood pressure suffering from diabetes. It is these diseases that provoke constant nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. During the process of emptying the stomach into the esophagus, along with food, gastric juice is thrown. It irritates the walls of the esophagus and provokes heartburn.
  • Reception of antispasmodics. Very often in late lines, women are prescribed drugs that normalize the tone of the uterus before childbirth. They affect the body almost as much as the hormone progesterone. All muscles in the body relax as much as possible, and in the digestive tract including. They stop holding the gastric juice below the level of the esophagus, and it enters its lower section. As soon as this happens, a woman begins to feel an intense burning sensation.

Heartburn during pregnancy - how to get rid of quickly?

Heartburn during pregnancy

IMPORTANT: We immediately want to say that getting rid of heartburn is quite possible. But at the same time, you must clearly understand that you remove exclusively a symptom of the problem, and not the cause of its appearance. If you do not get rid of the root cause of heartburn, then it will be a constant your companion.

Heartburn during pregnancy - how to get rid of quickly:

  • Alkaline water like Borjomi, Essentuki. If heartburn appeared after eating fatty foods, then this is the most ideal option. To begin with, you can have a gulp in a gulp 200 ml of mineral water and wait 20 minutes. If the burning sensation does not decrease, drink another 100 ml. As a rule, after this burning in the esophagus disappears.
  • Vegetable juices - carrot and potato. All that you will need to do in this case is to pure the vegetables in a convenient way, and squeeze fresh juice. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, 50 ml of juice will be enough. But keep in mind that only fresh juice eliminates heartburn, if it stands for more than an hour, then fighting the problem will be less effective.
  • Milk. Perhaps the most affordable and safe tool for burning in the esophagus. Milk can be consumed both cold and slightly heated. Here the woman should decide which option for her is more acceptable. As practice shows, literally a pair of sip of milk is enough to get rid of heartburn.

What is possible from heartburn during pregnancy?

What is possible from heartburn during pregnancy?

It is clear that not all means can be used to combat heartburn during pregnancy. So, for example, on the Internet you can find advice to eat a piece of lemon or grapefruit. Women who have experienced this method on themselves claim that citrus fruits perfectly neutralize gastric juice, and most importantly, they do not allow it to be produced in large numbers.

In principle, lemon and grapefruit can help reduce burning sensation in the esophagus, but this method is suitable for women who are slowly reduced by the acidity of the stomach. If you have it a little higher than normal physiological indicators, then this method is definitely not for you.

So what is possible from heartburn during pregnancy to all women without exception:

  • Fofshaugel
  • Smectu
  • Izogozhoff
  • A decoction of oats
  • Cereals
  • Not very sweet jelly

IMPORTANT: If you fight heartburn with a jelly or oat broth, remember that they have an enveloping property. In view of this, an excess of these fluids in the stomach can interfere with the normal absorption of food, and as a result, diarrhea may appear.

Strong heartburn during pregnancy - what to do?

Strong heartburn during pregnancy

In the later stages of pregnancy, women often face very strong heartburn, which cannot be removed completely. More precisely, a burning sensation disappears after taking a pharmacy or folk remedy, but literally after an hour or two reappears again. If you have a similar problem, then immediately tell your gynecologist about it.

In this case, it is necessary to check whether the hormonal background of the woman is normal, because the correct development of the fetus depends on it. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the development of serious pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Strong heartburn during pregnancy - what to do:

  • Change the number of meals a little. If you eat three times a day before, then go to fractional nutrition. Leave the amount of food what happened, but at the same time increase the number of meals to six times.
  • Try to eat two, ideally three hours before bedtime. During this time, the body will be able to cope with all the food, and by the time when you go to bed, your stomach will be empty.
  • Half an hour before meals, exclude any liquids - clean water, teas, compotes, juices, herbal decoctions. All this will reduce the concentration of gastric juice, and food will not be processed by the body on time. If the food linger in the digestive tract longer than necessary, then severe heartburn will be guaranteed to appear.
  • Necessarily eat every day products that help normalize acid balance digestive system. These include cottage cheese, cream with minimal fat content, biocuphire, boiled meat and fish.

Soda from heartburn during pregnancy

Strong heartburn during pregnancy

Probably, every person at least once in his life drank soda from heartburn. This tool is very popular among people due to its accessibility and effectiveness. And pregnant women in this case are no exception, in the event of heartburn, they often take soda. But can you do that?

Soda from heartburn during pregnancy:

  • It should be borne in mind that soda has alkalizing properties, Therefore, its uncontrolled use is fraught with a pathological change in the acid-base balance. This can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of a pregnant woman.
  • In addition, soda affects blood pressure. If you drink it regularly, hypotension may develop, which will be accompanied by dizziness, headache and severe weakness. All this can cause premature birth.
  • Despite the fact that soda is widely used in cooking, its an excess in the body can cause intoxication of tissues of internal organs pregnant woman. In this case, a strong load on the kidneys and liver will begin.
  • Another negative property of soda - The ability to retain water. Edema adversely affect all body systems, but in particular the cardiovascular system suffers. If there is a spasm of blood vessels, the right amount of oxygen ceases to enter the body, and this is fraught with intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.

Therefore, we will summarize, you can take soda from heartburn during pregnancy, but only once, until a gynecologist or therapist will select you a safer product.

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

IMPORTANT: When choosing folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy, consider that they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, for starters, use the minimum dose, and only by making sure there are no negative manifestations, begin to take the product on an ongoing basis.

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Walnuts. Grind the nuclei of the nuts as finely as possible and take a dessert spoon 3 times a day. If you need to quickly get rid of a strong attack, use 1 tablespoon.
  • Mint. This fragrant greens can be taken in two ways. Ideally, you need to brew tea with dry or fresh mint, and drink it chilled. But if there is no way to brew a mint, then just chew the leaflets and drink them with cool water.
  • Banana puree. The banana has enveloping properties, and therefore, when it enters the stomach, it begins to protect the mucous membranes from gastric acid. To remove the attack of heartburn, you need to eat banana mashed potatoes throughout the day in small doses.
  • Sunflower seeds. So that the seeds can save you from the problem, they must be raw. Therefore, in no case do not give in to even minimal heat treatment. To improve the condition, it is enough to eat a handful of purified seeds.
  • Honey comb. Such a product can quickly reduce the acidity of the digestive tract. The only thing to remember is honey an allergenic product, so it must be taken with caution. To get rid of heartburn for a long time, chew honey in the honeycombs you need to 10 minutes half an hour before meals.

Heartburn tablets during pregnancy

Heartburn tablets during pregnancy

IMPORTANT: When choosing pills for heartburn during pregnancy, do not forget about the drugs to stimulate the motor skills of the gastrointestinal tract. If you accept such funds as Motilium and tserucal, then food will move much faster to the intestines, and this will significantly reduce the severity of burning in the esophagus.

Heartburn tablets during pregnancy:

  • Heviscon - They act for 5 hours, the tablet is chewed and not washed down with water. Active substances do not affect the fetus.
  • Renny - They begin to lower the acidity of the stomach 5 minutes after consumption. They act up to 6 hours. They help even with very strong heartburn.
  • Maaloks - They remove heartburn for about 4 hours. The tablets are allowed during pregnancy, but you can take them no more than 3 days in a row, since they intensively remove calcium from the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Rutacid - These pills are able to protect a woman from a burning sensation for 4 hours. Most often they are prescribed for women suffering from gastritis and having ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane.
  • Iberogast - The drug of the new generation based on natural raw materials. As part of the drug is highlighted lemon balm, mint, chamomile. The drug affects the body as softly as possible and acts at least 3 hours.

Video: heartburn during pregnancy

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Comments K. article

  1. This is some kind of torment ... There was no way to get rid of this infection, especially in the first trimester. I even had to contact a doctor. It’s good that I have selected a suitable remedy for me ... I now take it, in which case, Izogoff is a chewing tablet that is allowed pregnant. It acts quickly, literally in 5 minutes and there is no trace of heartburn)) at least to live a normal life of the beginning ...

  2. If there is no gastrointestinal pathology, then during pregnancy the manifestation of heartburn is natural, very frequent. There are two main reasons: in the early stages - a change in the entire biochemical composition in the body. In the later ones - an increase in the size of the unborn child and the placenta as a whole. What presses on the stomach. Especially if the fetus is large. Then the use of some antacid drugs that the doctor will prescribe is allowed.
    Unfortunately, there are cases when heartburn is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, chronic increased acidity, esophagitis, cardia insufficiency. Then, even before pregnancy, you need to solve the problem completely. For this, there are appropriate modern tools, very effective (rabprazol-SZ, steam, nolpase). Often, after their exchange rate use (especially the first two), the acidity is normalized for a long time.

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