What is the basic: views, colors. What does the Basil plant look green, purple, red, black: photo. What is the other way called basil?

What is the basic: views, colors. What does the Basil plant look green, purple, red, black: photo. What is the other way called basil?

In this article, we will consider the familiar Basil plant to everyone - its species, colors.

Do you like fragrant herbs? You prefer the basilic, you would like to grow it on your own bed, but do not know how to grow this plant? Then our material will definitely help you in this.

What is basil: description

A noble, fragrant or ordinary basil, having pepper smell and an acute aftertaste, is considered an important basis. Thanks to this basis, many species were derived that have large, smooth and often wrinkled leaves. As a result, many breeders were able to get plants with vanilla, menthol and lemon smell.

The tetrahedral shoots of basil sometimes grow up to 60 cm high. Some plants have a height of about 70 cm. Leaflets of fragrant grass can have different colors, for example, green, purple or burgundy. In the ends of the shoots, inflorescences consisting of several buds are formed. The flower of this plant is also a variety of color, starting with white and ending with purple.


As a rule, basil blooms in the middle of summer and throws buds until autumn. In the cups, stems and leaves of the plant are glands that accumulate essential oil. Thanks to this clock, the plant has a pleasant aroma. There is also a sour Saponin, plus tannin components, carotene and other substances in the basilica.

What is the basic: views, colors

In total, in nature there are approximately 70 varieties of basil. But the most popular today are the following:

  • Genoese. The most popular variety among others. The leaves of this plant are dark green, the flowers are white. In height, the grass reaches up to 60 cm. The variety is considered very fragrant, it has large, oval leaves, which are slightly pointed on the tips.
Basilica varieties about 70
Basilica varieties about 70
  • Curly. This variety has a strong aroma that gives it with sweet notes. The leaves of the plant are large, in color, like lime. There is also a species with purple and brown leaves.
  • Provencal. This variety also has an intense aroma. The leaves of the grass are medium, smooth.
  • "Fino Verde." It has a strong aroma and small dark green leaves.
  • Greek bushy. This basil, when it grows, takes the shape of a ball. Grass height 40 cm, has small leaves and a strong smell.
  • Turkish bushy. It has a sweet aroma, small leaves.
  • Citric. This variety in its own smell has notes of lemon. In the height of the grass is 40 cm, and his leaflets are narrowed.
Lemon basil
Lemon basil
  • Mexican spicy. It likes pepper and anise. The leaves of the plant are pointed, the flowers are red.
  • "Siam Quin." It is very similar to the Mexican basil, only it has darker leaves. The aroma of the grass is anise, giving varnish.
  • Wild. It has a floral aroma, the color of the basil is lilac. To taste, the plant is very similar to mint and ginger.
  • "Wildes Purpur." A very large plant having a bright aroma. The foliage of the basilic is red, with pink flowers.
  • "Africa Blue." This species with green leaves on which red veins appear. The taste of the basilica is tough, the aroma mixed: between cloves, anise and mint.
Basil is with large and small leaves
Basil is with large and small leaves
  • Cyprus bushy. This basil has very large, flesh foliage, but the aroma of the plant is very bright.
  • Russian bushy. The leaves of the plant are medium, green, very fragrant.
  • Kubinsky busy. Almost the plant does not give flowers, but at the same time has a strong smell.
  • "Roles Lesbos." The foliage of the plants is red-green, covered with spots. Pink flowers.
  • Business "Corfu". This basil is very fragrant, it has lowered leaves.
As well as bushy
As well as bushy
  • "Tulasi." This variety has red-violet shoots, green leaves on which there are red veins. The plant is aromatic, but often it is used during religious ceremonies.

What does the plant of the basil green, purple, red, black look like the plant

Basil is considered a valuable, aromatic plant that grows only one year. Depending on the variety of the bushes of grass, compact or very branched.

  • Black. This variety differs from others in that it has a more unusual coloring and a brightly exposed aroma. The stems of the plant are purple, sometimes even quite black. In nature, you can find a small basil up to 30 cm high or tall up to 65 cm. The taste of grass is pepper, perfectly preserved even after the basil dries.
  • Violet. Spicy grass, which belongs to the family of mint plants. This variety is considered annual, reaches up to 50 cm in height, covered with a large amount of saturated purple foliage.
  • Green. This variety is also considered an annual plant. It has a spicy aroma and green, delicate leaves. Green basil is a wide variety of varieties.
Multi -colored basil
Multi -colored basil
  • Red. This variety refers to annuals, has a spicy aroma. The basil is quite branched, no more than 20 cm grows in height. The leaves are red, almost purple. Depending on the species, it can have a greenish or reddish tint. More species differ in colors that are of different tones and values. This variety can have different aromas, for example, vanilla, spicy saturated and so on.

What seeds look like, sprouts, leaves, basil seeds, what a young basil looks like a bed: description, photo

Basil is a thermophilic grass that requires careful care during cultivation. Today, seeds of this plant are sold in every specialized store. There are a huge number of varieties: from the most common to exotic, unusual (red, lemon, black). The seeds of the plant are small, therefore, they plant them superficially, covering them with a thin layer of soil. When the seedlings are about 5 cm high, you can transplant them to the place where they will grow constantly all summer. Click a little top so that the bush during growth becomes wider.

To plant basil use universal soil. Moisten the soil after planting slightly, after which the container is covered with a film so that the necessary level of humidity is maintained. Put the container in a warm place. After 1 week, the plant should give the first shoots.

The shoots do not require special care, but you will have to ensure that the soil is moderately wet, that is, it does not dry out, is not very wet. If the black leg is striking the seedlings, urgently treat the seedlings with this solution:

  • Copper sulfate - 1 tsp.
  • Water - 2 l
Basilica seedlings
Basilica seedlings
  • Dilute the solution, treat them with young shoots. You can sow seeds both in a separate container and in open ground.
  • Planting around in June, spilling the grooves of the bed in advance with any growth stimulant. As soon as you sow the basil, cover the bed with a film, and remove after the first shoots appear. But do this exclusively in the afternoon, at night for 14 days of the plant, also cover with a film until the air temperature is more than +20 ° C.

From the very beginning, plants look very small, but over time they begin to branch. In order to appear more shoots, just remove the emerging peduncles. This will allow you to get several batches of fragrant and delicate leaves of grass in one season.

What place does basil like when growing?

Growing this grass, as a rule, occurs in two methods:

  • With the help of seedlings
  • Using seed sowing
Turn the plant correctly
Turn the plant correctly

But, since the basil is considered cultural, heat -loving grass, it is advisable to grow it with seedlings. When choosing a place for seedlings of basil, also consider these moments.

  • Choose the area for the basil, which is well warmed up by the sun, with a rich soil. The most ideal soil is the slightly acidic, which had previously introduced organic fertilizer.
  • Prepare the soil better in the fall. The site on which you plan to grow basil, dig up about 25 cm to a depth. Add organic and mineral fertilizer.
  • When spring arrives, sprinkle nitrogen fertilizer on the surface of the site, and fill the soil with rakes.
  • Plant the basil so that between each plant there is a distance of at least 20 cm. Leave about 30 cm between the rows.

What is the other way called basil?

The birthplace of Basilica is tropical Asia and Europe. Today in many European countries, as well as in the Caucasus, Central Asia, India and even in Africa, this fragrant grass is grown. The plant is thermophilic, one -year -old, popular among many cooks. People, as a rule, are called the basil of different names:

  • "Basilica garden"
  • "Red Cornflower"
  • "Fragrant cornflowers"
  • Real Armenian
  • Reagan Azerbaijani

Also, the people very often basic are called “darling”.

Video: beneficial properties of basilica

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