TOP-50 smart words that will help you seem intellectual

TOP-50 smart words that will help you seem intellectual

In this article we suggest you replenish your vocabulary with words that will help you seem smarter in a conversation.

TOP-50 smart words for the intellectual

It is always pleasant to talk to a smart person. We do not urge you to get bored and put everyone in an awkward position with your smart speeches. But sometimes it is useful to use some smart word in a conversation.

In new words, it is useful to replenish your vocabulary. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you want to know and learn smart words, we bring to your attention the top 50 smart words.


This term means human thoughts when the focus of his attention is located from the third position of perception. In other words, when a person puts himself outside the situation, over the situation. It can also be said that abstraction is a mental distraction. Abstraction - This is the subject of abstraction.

Offer CO Withfishing: Daria is a terrible bore, but an excellent specialist. If colleagues can abstract from her boring, they will be able to work.


Abulia is a synonym Leni. But this is not just classic laziness. Abulia - This is a complete lack of will, desires, and the ability to make a decision. Doctors should work with Abulia.

Supply with the word: If a person has Abulia, then this is certainly and must be accompanied by indifference to the world around him.


This is when the same phenomenon, an object, a person evokes dual feelings. Splitting, duality of attitude to something.

Supply with the word: Natalia has unconscious ambivalence towards men - she is looking for a father and runs away from his stepfather.


The ambidecster is called a person who simultaneously owns the left and right hand well. According to studies, ambidecsters Quickly think and make decisions. Congenital ambidecstria occurs in 1% of children. Among the famous people, Abidecstraks were Leonardo to Vinci, Nikolo Tesla.

Supply with the word: Very few people can use two hands equally well. Such people are called ambidecsters.

Who is Abidecster?


Apatrics are called stateless people and without evidence of their belonging to any state. Apatride You can become for several reasons:

  • If the parents of a person became apatrides, and the state in whose territory he was born does not give the right to receive citizenship born in this territory.
  • A person was deprived of citizenship for political reasons.
  • A person voluntarily abandoned the country's citizenship.
  • If the state has ceased to exist.

Supply with the word: He was a stateless refugee, and until the end of his life he remained Apatride.


Excessive protection, biased justification, praising someone or anything.

Supply with the word: Do not perceive my speech as an apology of slavery.

Binomial theorem

Initially binomial theorem - Mathematical complex formula. But in the philistine speech, it is used as a designation of something simple, nowhere easier. For example, the phrase "I am also Newton's bin!" means something very simple.

Supply with the word: For my classmates, this task is not Newton's bin.


The behavior of a person who is guided only by his whims and is completely not considered to be other people. Word "voluntarism" It can be used as an assessment of human actions that you personally do not like.

Supply with the word: “Nikolai drank all the cognac. This is a real voluntarism! ”


The effect of incomplete action. For example, you are engaged in sales. You had many customers with whom the deal went well. But there was one, the deal with which was difficult and unsuccessful. In the first case, you do not remember customers, but you will remember the last problem client. That's what it is gestalt.

Supply with the word: The sooner you finish this gestalt in a relationship, the faster you can make a new acquaintance.

What is gestalt?


Grassing - This means talking in a French manner, rolling around the letter "P".

Supply with the word: His speech was accompanied by decisive gestures, besides, he confidently grassked.


Deviation from the norm. Saying a word "Deviant" implies a person who violates morality and norms of behavior. For example, he commits crimes, excessively drinks alcohol, behaves pervertedly.

Supply with the word: Her deviant behavior was confused.


This is when you can’t stand something or someone, do not tolerate the spirit.

Supply with the word: Julia from the personnel department in relation to the light from the accounting department experiences easy idiosinocrazia.


A psychological disorder, in which a person is always afraid to find a severe deadly or hard -to -healing disease.

Supply with the word: Do not cultivate a hypochondria.

What is hypochondria?

The cognitive dissonance

This is when a person’s ideas about this situation come into conflict in connection with previously formed ideas.

Imagine the situation, your colleague goes through the park, whom you know as a modest and quiet person. He does not see you, but you noticed him. And then you see that he screams at his wife, behaves rudely and seems to be a completely different person. Cognitive dissonance occurs inside you.

Supply with the word: I would not want to call our readers cognitive dissonance.


Joint work of people or organizations to exchange experience, to achieve a common goal. Cooperation. Do not confuse with collaboration.

Collaboration - Voluntary cooperation with the enemy in his interests.

Supply with the word: We were able to achieve such a result in collaboration with our American partners.


A clash of opposite processes, strength, actions, interests.

Supply with the word: Let us leave in the past all the conflicts of our lives.


The consistency of verbal and non -verbal gestures, compliance, equality.

For example, your girlfriend does not want to go to the cinema, referring to a bad mood. At the same time, it is clear that she has sad eyes, there is really no mood. it congruence.

Another example: The teacher at a lecture in bright colors talks about the dangers of smoking. But at a break, the first takes out a cigarette. This is non -union. This phenomenon can cause you cognitive dissonance.

What is congruent?


The consent, which the participants in the dispute were able to achieve as a result of rapprochement and discussion.

Supply with the word: We strive for consensus and that no employee feels infringed.


A person who is a adherent of traditions and old customs. He does not want to accept anything new.

Supply with the word: Alexander in the soul was a ossified conservative.


The situation that has developed in some area. Status. The current situation is in any area.

Supply with the word: Life does not stand still, human needs, market conditions are changing.


In a literal translation, the word means “braid” - a suit, “play” - a game. Cosplay - This is a masquerade, game. People arrange costume parties, dress up in famous heroes.

Supply with the word: In our city, a cosplay festival will be held in August.

What is cosplay?


The property of hiding your condition, intentions, not to manifest yourself in a clear way.

Supply with the word: During menopause, women increase the latency of sleep. That is, the time, meanwhile, how you close your eyes and fall asleep, lengthen.


Translated from German lumpen means rags. Karl Marx called Lumpen the lower layers of the proletariat. Since then in a word lumpen They began to call tramps, homeless people, descending people.

Supply with the word: In response to Victor’s words that living in debt and without normal conditions is normal, Nikolai exclaimed: “No, this is a complete lumpenization of society!”


Emphasized by male behavior.

Supply with the word: All his attempts to demonstrate machism caused laughter in the girls.

Common man

A person who has limited views. Common man Deprived of an expanded horizons, he lives his petty interests.

Supply with the word: Most lead to a quiet and measured life of ordinary inhabitants.


Translated from the ancient Greek language, Oxymoron means "witty-deep." Oxymoron They call a combination of words with the opposite meaning. For example: a living corpse, a public secret, educated boor.

Supply with the word: I would like to believe that we will be able to survive the times when the phrase “honest politician” sounds like an oxymoron.

What is Oxymoron?


The orthodox person, in the general sense, adheres to his worldview, faithful, devotedly to the following of his concept. Synonyms: constant, traditional, proven.

Supply with the word: He managed to outline the circle of friends and events. Now he felt normal, he was an orthodox.


The space in which the entire insitre is visible. For example, an office can be called panoptikum. However, know that this word is used with a negative shade.

Supply with the word: Comments on this article made up a real panoptic.


A well-established template, a model of something, a universally recognized sample. Paradigm is an example of how to approach the solution of the issue in this situation. Basically, the word is used in application to worldview.

Supply with the word: His personal paradigm consisted of his attitude to life, to work and surrounding people.


The person who is on the side of the world. The pacifist opposes the war in any manifestation of it.

Supply with the word: The admiral was never a pacifist, and he was not going to become him.

Who is the pacifist?


People who work for a black salary do not have a social package and are not officially employed. Precariat cannot count on a pension. In a literal translation, the precariat means dangerous, dubious.

Supply with the word: Prekariat originated in our society at the turn of the 21st centuries.


The desire for severity and purity of morals. In cooking, Purism is a desire for the preservation of traditional recipes. Language purism - The desire for the purity of the literary language.

Supply with the word: We do not want you to accuse us of purism, and immediately hurry to correct.


Study, survey of the area.

Supply with the word: Entering the hall, I immediately spend the reconnaissance on the ground.


An involuntary partial memory, an echo, an echo of the unconscious, a vague memory.

Supply with the word: This opera caused me a pleasant reminiscence.


Snob - This is a person who seeks to get into high society, imitates him and deliberately emphasizes his belonging to the highest layers. Snob is not indifferent to what other people think about him, he imitates manners and follows the tastes of the society that he emphasizes worthy. Snobbery - The concept that characterizes the behavior and manner of Snob.

Supply with the word: Your snobbery will not help you gain authority among classmates.

What is snobbery?


The ability to cunningly prove something in an erroneous way. The ability to wake up and think, dispute any statement. Sophistry Breaks with a game of words, tautology. Sophist can prove anything to you. Even the fact that you have horns.

Supply with the word: A way out can be found through sophistry.


In chemistry, sublimation is the transition of a substance from a firm state to liquid. In cooking, this is the extraction of ice from frozen products. In a modern interpretation sublimation means redirecting internal negative energy to classes that are approved by society are socially significant. For example, a person with strong sexual energy can do professional sensory dances.

Supply with the word: It is very important to free energy, sublimate it.


A person who is easier and easier to tell about his feelings, experiences in the message, letter, SMS, text than live.

Supply with the word: The novel is more than a textivert than an extrovert. He loves to communicate live only with his loved ones.

Who is the textivert?


Banality, well -known truth, which is stupid to prove.

Supply with the word: In the conversation, try to avoid truisms and cliches.


Reception, when the process of activity is controlled to increase efficiency. The method of work, when a more experienced person takes an equal position with team members and helps them achieve a result, master certain skills,

Supply with the word: Our goal is not feedback, but facilitation. We strive to encourage our workers to the result.


Feedback with clients, visitors, readers. For example, you can write a comment on this article, and it will be a feedback.

Supply with the word: After the show, there was a good feedback.


With this smart word, you can replace everyone with the usual goosebumps.

Supply with the word: This scene from the film caused me Frisson.

What is Frisson?


Disappointment, tension due to the inability to achieve the goal.

Supply with the word: He became a victim of his own frustration.


Replacing one word with another, softer or appropriate. If you cannot use a word in speech, it is applied euphemism. For example, instead of “torture” they write “strict methods of interrogation”.

Supply with the word: She used euphemism, which designated a bathroom in their apartment.


This is when a person is too focused on himself, on his desires, on his feelings and interests. At the same time, he experiences complete disrespect for the borders of an outsider. Egocentric cannot put himself in the place of another.

Supply with the word: He was an egoist, an egocentric, a spoiled child.


The word went from the English word "age." In fact, eijism - This is discrimination by age. For example, when they say that young people have not yet grown before resolving these issues. When people are not taken to work due to inappropriate age.

Supply with the word: Eijism flourishes in the labor market.

What is eijism?


Connection, mixing of different styles, incompatible ideas, solutions.

Supply with the word: Catherine is very eclectic dressed.


The desire for wealth, easy life, a tendency to satisfy sensual desires and pampered life.

Supply with the word: The epicurery attracts those who tried to live like that.


Gradual strengthening, growth, increase. This word can be applied to war, conflict, and dispute.

Supply with the word: The reasons for the escalation of this war were not fully studied.


The ability to put himself in the place of another person. When a person misses the situation "through himself."

Supply with the word: Empathy is one of the important qualities and abilities of a person.

Now your vocabulary can become richer. Apply smart words appropriate, otherwise, it will be ridiculous and ridiculous. Are there any unusual smart words in your stock? Share with our readers which of them you use in everyday life.

Video: Words you need to know to seem smart

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Comments K. article

  1. You write: "In chemistry, sublimation is the transition of a substance from a firm state to liquid." But in fact, on the contrary: sublimation (also recruiting) is the transition of a substance from a solid state to a gaseous one, bypassing liquid. The reverse process is called desuminate (transition from a gaseous state to a solid, bypassing liquid).

  2. Thanks a lot. I wrote everything to my diary, I will teach!

  3. Anghedonia, yes, yes, I suffer 🙁
    But! Now I am unacceptable for you.
    So, Angeedonia is a state of constant anxiety and the loss of the ability to have fun. Thank you for your name, my name is Marx.)

  4. Thanks for the comments about sublimation and the Anghedonia, they defrost me. Respecting the article with a new word feedback. (Fidback, profitbecil, fidbekhir.) 😄#

  5. % 80, or even 85 meanings of these words, I know. In short, not a fool ...

  6. I'm smart now

  7. Now any girl will be with me, because I'm smart!

  8. Quite an interesting article, thanks.

  9. Almost all words are ordinary, and such as FID BEK AIIMI generally worthless Englishisms in which there is nothing smart

  10. One memorized a number of words from a similar article and I believed that it was smart. Now I remember her smart speeches and laugh at thisfts

  11. I'm genius

  12. Very clear explanations, a good selection of "living" words. Thanks))

  13. Evolate you everything here

  14. Your comment is waiting for verification.

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