Is it possible to eat expired dumplings frozen, with an expired shelf life: do dumplings disappear in the freezer? Is it possible to eat dumplings that lay in the freezer for a year?

Is it possible to eat expired dumplings frozen, with an expired shelf life: do dumplings disappear in the freezer? Is it possible to eat dumplings that lay in the freezer for a year?

Exhausted dumplings frozen for some more time for use.

Dumplings - a favorite dish and every housewife knows how to sculpt them. Modern production technology has eliminated the time -consuming process of their preparation. Machines make minced meat, knead the dough, roll out and mold dumplings. It is more correct to call them "dumplings." The name consists of two words "bread" and "ear".

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How tasty and quickly fry frozen purchased dumplings in a pan?".

In Russian cuisine, dumplings are a national dish, but other peoples also have their analogues. They differ in shape, modeling and filling. From this article you will find out how long is the storage of dumplings and whether it is possible to eat an expired product. Read further.

Difference in store and home dumplings

Home dumplings
Home dumplings

To please the family with a delicious dinner or dinner, it is not necessary to sculpt a lot of dumplings, they are usually cooked a couple of times. To cook fresh and one frost. In the store you can buy only frozen.

  • At enterprises that produce dumplings, at the end of the preparation process, they are subjected to shock freezing. Therefore, they are stored for a long time - up to six months.
  • At home - it takes place in a gentle mode. Cooling and freezing is performed in the freezer. Therefore, the storage periods are smaller - within a month or a little more.

The thickness of the dough for dumplings is about 2 mm, the filling in each should be at least 45% of the weight. These are requirements for the product produced in industrial. There are no requirements for domestic dumplings. For store dumplings there are standard fillings: minced meat or fish, additional components. At home, the hostess herself determines what to add to the filling or what to make the dough. All this affects the shelf life.

What is the shelf life of store dumplings?

Like any food product sold in the store and produced at enterprises, dumplings correspond to GOST.

  • According to him, the shelf life at the manufacturer should not exceed nine months, temperature not lower than -24 degrees Celsius.
  • In store refrigerators, the temperature does not exceed -18 degrees. Therefore, the expiration date is reduced up to 3 months.

It is worth knowing: Indicating the date when packaging the goods, the manufacturer calls it the implementation period. During this time, you can sell, then it is called expired.

An important factor in storage will be the composition of dumplings. The more natural it is, the shorter the expiration date.

  • Cooked dumplings, completely from natural ingredients, are stored only 30 days, a temperature not lower than -10 degrees.
  • If preservatives are added to the filling of “minced meat”, antioxidants are used, the shelf life is extended to six months.
  • If the packaging indicates the shelf life of nine months and above, you should think about the qualitative composition of such dumplings. Most likely, the filling has little in common with real meat.

Pay attention to the external state of the semi -finished product:

  • The dough dumplings should be light in color, this indicates the quality of flour and observing the temperature regime during storage.
  • The cracked dough on a frozen product is the low quality of flour, as a result, insufficient elasticity, when cooking, they will simply collapse.
  • Dumplings should not be sticky, this fact indicates that they were subjected to repeated freezing.
  • There should be no snow plaque in the package.
  • An unnatural, red filling means the presence of artificial dyes.

All pelmen brands are divided into several categories - 40% of the products make up the economy class, the rest is medium, higher and premium.

  • A high -quality and natural product cannot be stored for a long time, carefully read the composition on the package. The meat should be 45-55%.
  • Pay attention to the size. 100 grams from 7 to 15 dumplings. The smaller the size, the less meat in them. The higher the category of goods, the higher the price.

The purchase of store dumplings should be approached carefully. Buy only a well -established product, from a well -known manufacturer and a trusted seller who clearly complies with the storage conditions of products.

What is the shelf life of home dumplings?

Storage of domestic dumplings
Storage of domestic dumplings

The best option for freezing and storing home dumplings will be their division into portions. After modeling, put them on cutting boards sprinkled with flour or covered with cling film, "so as not to stick." After that, put in the freezer until completely freezing. Then distribute the packages, removing excess air from them, you can use the vacuum. It is advisable to put the package date on each package.

  • Dumplings that are not fitting in the freezer can be stored in a refrigerator on cutting boards up to 48 hours.

After this time, they need to be prepared, you cannot freeze. This is especially true for dumplings prepared with store minced meat. In fact, you do not know the time of its preparation, based only on the date of packaging.

  • In the winter, if weather conditions allow, put on freezing and store dumplings on loggias, observing all safety standards and tightness of the packaging.

It is worth noting that in the northern regions of our country, where dumplings harvested long and cold winters for almost six months. Relatives gathered in the villages and dumplings were flooded in turn for each family. Frozen and poured into bags of fabric. As a supplement to the filling, some dumplings were done, adding finely chopped sauerkraut. And for young children, for juiciness, they put a tiny piece of homemade butter in dumplings. Given the frosts for -30 degrees, about the preservation of the product could not be worried.

Storage at home in the refrigerator depends on the temperature supported in the freezer:

  • 30 days, if not higher than -12 degrees.
  • Up to 3 months, from -12 to -20 degrees.
  • Up to nine months, the temperature should not rise above -20 degrees.

To comply with these conditions, packages with dumplings must be stored in a separate compartment of the freezer. In this way, you will maintain the freshness and safety of the product for your health and all family members.

Is it possible to eat expired dumplings frozen, with an expired shelf life: do dumplings disappear in the freezer?

The term is specifically indicated on the product as a regulator of use. Of course, dumplings with the expired fit yesterday will not be dangerous today. In fact, the fitness of the suitability remains another 30% of the time from the packaging. This is the manufacturer.

  • If the temperature regime is observed in the freezer, then dumplings can be stored for a long time.
  • Various chemical reactions passing in the product slow down, but do not stop. Therefore, dumplings can disappear even during storage in the freezer - remember this.
  • Over time, the taste may deteriorate, it all depends on the components added to the filling and dough.

In general, there are expired dumplings frozen, with an expired shelf life, it is possible if several days have passed from the last date of storage. If too much time has passed, then it is better to refuse such a product.

Is it possible to eat dumplings that lay in the freezer for a year?

Is there any sense in this? If for a whole year you did not want to eat these dumplings, then they can be safely thrown away. But it happens that you accidentally found a product in the freezer and do not know what to do with it. On the one hand, money was spent, on the other hand, the goods lay for a long time and can be dangerous to health. So, is it possible to eat dumplings that lay in the freezer for a year?

  • If there is a desire to cook, carefully look at the dumplings.
  • Whether the color has changed, try the smell.
  • Most likely, if the temperature regime in the refrigerator is not violated, they can be risked and eaten.
  • The taste will certainly change from prolonged frost.

In extreme cases, you can get the indigestion of the stomach for the set experiment. Therefore, if you have a “weak” digestive system, then do not risk - throw out and make a fresh dish or buy a new pack.

Storage of cooked dumplings

Cooked dumplings
Cooked dumplings

It happens that the cooked dumplings remained. Having cool down, they will turn into a sticky mass, the desire to eat them will not arise. How to store cooked dumplings correctly? Read more:

  • The first way. Lay separately each on a cutting board covered with a film and send to the freezer. So you can save for several days. When repeated preparation, just put them in a pan, pour sour sauce with sour cream on top and heat over low heat. You can heat up in the oven, pouring a little ready -made hot broth in dumplings. Cover with a lid, and sprinkle with cheese at the end of cooking, leaving for several minutes to form a crust.
  • The second method. Such a shelf life should be no more than six hours. Pelmen with butter or vegetable oil should be spread and lay out separately on a plate. Cover with a film or foil, and put in the refrigerator. Heat in a microwave or use the option from the first method.

Leaving after cooking in water is prohibited. The finished dough swells and becomes sloppy. As a way of storage is unacceptable. Homemade dumplings are always much tastier even the most advertised store. Every housewife knows this. Correctly store the product so that you can feed your family only the most delicious and fresh dishes!

Video: 16 products that can be consumed after expiration date

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