Is it necessary to add an egg to the dough dough: what gives, as much as necessary, recipe, useful tips

Is it necessary to add an egg to the dough dough: what gives, as much as necessary, recipe, useful tips

It is not necessary to add an egg to the dough dough. But it will be tastier.

Today, dumplings are considered one of the integral attributes of Russian national cuisine. However, the name was borrowed from the indigenous peoples of Siberia, in translation it sounds like "Boiled ear".

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose the right stuffing, meat for minced meat on dumplings?". Pork, beef, chicken dumplings are the most delicious recipes with detailed ingredients and step -by -step preparation instructions.

There are many different options for making a popular dish. They may differ in various modeling options, a recipe for cooking and a composition of dough. Nevertheless, there is a classic version of the knead of dumplings, which today we want to share. Read further.

Do eggs add to the dough dough: is it necessary and how much?

You need to add eggs to the dough dough
You need to add eggs to the dough dough

The classic recipe for dough dough involves the use of eggs in the composition. Thus, for modeling, you can use all available varieties of flour, and the integrity of the outer membrane of the products will be provided due to the ability of protein to curl up during heat treatment.

As a rule, we dilute the egg with water and salt, and then mix the resulting composition with flour so that the dough comes out.

  • Tentatively used 1 egg per 3 cups flour. Although the formula is considered approximate.

It means that for 4 glasses of flour You can still take it 1 large egg And only starting with 5 glasses there may be 2, not yet very large.

Why add an egg to the dough dough: what does it give?

Flour has its own gluten, which allows you to knead the dough without an egg. However, the quality of the flour is a variable, the percentage of the adhesive mass is noticeably different, so the highest variety is still not 100% guarantee of good gluten. Therefore, the dough made without an egg can undergo a test with boiling water, or can begin to collapse during the first scalding. That's why an egg is added to the dough dough. What else gives?

  • Also, a negative impact on the integrity of dumplings can be frost.
  • The dough involved without an egg, from the effects of frost, loses its elasticity and may crack, spoiling the quality of the product at this stage.

Egg protein during freezing has the ability to harden, but at the same time it forms durable compounds due to its structure. As part of the test, this component acts as a reinforcing fiber. Even its small percentage allows the substance to maintain elasticity at sharp temperature differences.

Recipe for home dough with egg: how to cook?

The classic recipe for preparing dough for dumplings involves the use of a certain formula. However, the amount of flour in it may vary depending on its quality. For this reason, first add ¾ from the prepared volume, and the rest of the house as necessary. In addition, you should have a small supply, just in case. So how to cook? Here is a recipe for a home dough with an egg:


  • Flour - 3 glasses
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.

Cooking technique:

  • For the manufacture of dough, it is best to use enameled or plastic dishes. Further actions should be built in a certain sequence.
  • Pour 2.5 cups of flour into the prepared dishes for the dough.
  • Add salt.
  • Dilute the egg until a homogeneous state is 1 glass of warm water.
  • Combine the resulting mass to flour.
  • Knock the dough.

Bring the dough to the table already on the table, gradually adding flour in small portions. It is very important to knead the workpiece well. A homogeneous elastic mass should be obtained without small interspersed.

Useful tips for making delicious dumplings

Tasty dough dough
Tasty dough dough

In the manufacture of dough for dumplings, it is best to use well warm water. In this case, gluten absorbs the maximum amount of moisture, providing the best viscosity. Such a dough will easily roll out, it will be well glued, but at the same time it will not be very pestering. Here are more useful tips for making delicious dumplings:

  • In chilled water, gluten swells much worse, which leads to excessive elasticity of the dough. Such a composition is very difficult to roll into a thin layer, and the resulting blanks for dumplings will be poorly glued and pestering to the fingers.
  • Formed blanks for dumplings must be kept under a layer of film so that they do not be rude with weathing.
  • When the trimming from the form is combined into a common ball, to make the last portion of the blanks, they turn out to be too clogged with flour and are poorly glued. In this case, it is recommended to knead with flour lump with wet hands. The dough will take water again and the lost viscosity will return.

Now you know how to make a tasty and correct dough for dumplings, and also know all the tricks of its preparation. Take a lot of dumplings with meat and delight your household with a delicious and favorite dish. Enjoy your meal!

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