Do I need to add an egg to the lazy cabbage rolls: in what cases?

Do I need to add an egg to the lazy cabbage rolls: in what cases?

You can not add an egg to the lazy cabbage rolls. But there are recipes that cannot do without this product.

Lazy cabbage rolls are a simplified version of the usual recipe. They are prepared in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker, a pan. The preparation method depends on what ingredients will be used in the dish, but minced meat with cabbage remains unchanged.

Read on our resource another interesting and useful article on the topic: "Do I need to add water and sugar to sauerkraut?". You will learn how to pick up this vegetable correctly and you will find a recipe for cooking delicious sauerkraut.

Most housewives are wondering if it is necessary to put an egg in the lazy cabbage rolls. Let's understand together. Read further.

Lazy cabbage rolls: Subtleties of cooking

Unlike the original recipe, in addition to minced meat with rice cereal, chopped cabbage is added to such a dish. The dish differs in the form of feed. Even a novice housewife will be able to cope with such cabbage rolls, since the cooking process is as simple as possible:

  • They also put rice, onion, cabbage to the minced meat - then mix.
  • “Cutlets” are formed from this mixture and fry them in oil.
  • They are stewed on low heat or baked with sauce in the oven.

For baking, you can choose any sauce: tomato, sour cream or combined. There is also a recipe for very lazy cooks. All components are simply mixed, fried in a pan, and then extinguished in the sauce.

The secrets of lazy cabbage rolls are the subtleties of cooking:

  • Rice is suitable for any, but more round -grained, because it helps “cutlets” to grab it. It must be poured with water for a certain period of time or boiled until half-and-and-handed. If desired, rice can be replaced with wheat, oatmeal or pearl barley.
  • The meat should be chosen than the “cutlets” to keep the shape better. The cooks also recommend mixing beef with pork. A spatula is perfect - it contains juicy meat and there are fat layers.
  • The ideal ratio of meat and rice cereals for lazy cabbage rolls - 1:12. So 50 g of rice requires 600 g of meat, and another 200 g of cabbage.
  • Cabbage can be tied in the form of squares or straws. If desired, even kill a blender. The smaller the cabbage is chopped, the tastier the dish turns out. The dense cabbage of the winter variety is pre -poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, and then extinguished to a state of softness. But the young vegetable will not have to be stewed before cooking.
  • Be sure to add onion to the minced meat so that it turns out juicy.
  • If the dish is baked in the oven, it should be covered with foil so that the products from above do not quickly burn.

Advice: The taste of minced meat can be improved by garlic, carrots, spices and tomatoes. It all depends on taste preferences.

Do I add an egg to the lazy cabbage rolls: do you need, in what cases?

It is not necessary to add eggs to lazy cabbage rolls, since in a meat semi -finished product pork with beef is enough own juice and fat. They will help the ingredients to striking among themselves.

You can add eggs if minced meat from poultry or lean meat is used. In this case, without eggs, the minced meat will simply crumble. Egg protein hardens during frying, so the cabbage rolls will keep shape well.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat and egg

Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat and egg
Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat and egg

Povers baked according to this recipe resemble cutlets. The gravy makes the dish very appetizing. It is easy to extinguish such cabbage rolls. Here is a recipe with minced meat and egg:


  • ½ stack. round -grain rice
  • 0.5 kg of pigster
  • 0.5 kg of cabbage
  • 2 EGGS
  • 2 onions-hunkers
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • Paning - ground crackers

For sauce:

  • 1 carrots and onions
  • 150 g of sour cream
  • 2 Garlic tooths
  • 300 g of tomatoes
  • 0.5 l of boiled water
  • 3 tbsp. RAS. oils
  • Salt, seasonings and pepper


  1. Finely cut the cabbage and pour into a bowl with this crushed vegetable - boiling water so that it becomes soft. Cover the lid, and let it be while you deal with other ingredients.
  2. Boil rice cereal in slightly brackish water. Remove to a colander and do not rinse.
  3. Pass the meat with a beam through a meat-cut, sunbathe and add your favorite spices to it.
  4. Strain the cabbage through a sieve, and then squeeze well with your palms.
  5. In the container, mix rice groats and chopped vegetable with minced meat. Add the egg there and mix well until smooth.
  6. Form a lazy pigeon in the form of a cutlet and roll it in panic.
  7. Make the baking dish with oil and put the cabbage rolls in it. Cook at t ° 180 degrees. About 20 minutes.

At this time, cook the sauce:

  1. Cut the onion finely and fry, constantly stirring so that it does not burn. Grate the carrots there and stand out for 5 minutes.
  2. Clean the tomatoes from the peeling and grate on a large teero board, send to the pan. Then salt, sprinkle the seasonings and squeeze the garlic. Leave the roasting to boil for a couple of minutes and remove.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with warm water and move the mixture to vegetables. Also sunken to make it delicious.
  4. Remove the cabbage rolls out of the oven and pour the sauce abundantly. Send the form back for 40 minutes. In the oven.

Serve the dish hot. If desired, you can sprinkle parsley and dill with chopped green twigs.

Recipe for lean vegetable lazy cabbage rolls without an egg

Lenten vegetable lazy cabbage rolls without an egg
Lenten vegetable lazy cabbage rolls without an egg

A great option for those who do not eat meat or follow a post. Here is a recipe for lean vegetable lazy cabbage rolls without an egg:


  • 1 stack. Rice
  • 1 kg of cabbage
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 tbsp. Oils are plants.
  • 2 lavrushki
  • 30 g of greenery
  • Salt, coriander and pepper


  1. Pour the washed rice groats with water and bring to the appearance of boiling bubbles. Boil about 20 minutes over low heat.
  2. During this time, you can cut the cabbage, clean and cut the pepper with cubes. Clean the carrots and shake finely, and chop the tomatoes in the form of cubes.
  3. Heat the oil in an enameled container with a thick bottom or a ducklman. Fry tomatoes, carrots and pepper in it for 3 minutes.
  4. Send cabbage there and sunbathe. Mix, cover with a lid and simmer for 6 minutes. On low heat.
  5. Rinse the rice groats and put it on vegetables. Line for 5 minutes.
  6. Throw spices at the end.
  7. It is recommended to serve such “lazy cabbage rolls” hot with sour cream or ketchup.

This dish, both in meat and leaning version, is juicy with any cooking method, although their lovers say that they are much juicier than the classic recipe. Such cabbage rolls do not need complex side dishes at all. However, if desired, they can be offered greens, tomato or sour cream sauce and vegetables.

Video: lazy cabbage rolls - less troubles

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