How to sculpt dumplings manually on the dumplings: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

How to sculpt dumplings manually on the dumplings: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

From this article you will learn how to sculpt dumplings beautifully.

Sometimes I want dumplings, but I don’t want to mess with them for a long time. Is it possible to sculpt dumplings both fast and beautiful? How to do it? We find out in this article.

What is the shape of dumplings: views, photos

Dumplings - This is a Russian dish. They are made in the form of a chubby crescent, with corners connected together. Russian dumplings are boiled in large amounts of water.

Dumplings can be sculpted manually or using a special device - dumplings. If you sculpt dumplings on the dumplings, they are usually obtained by pentagons. Manually dumplings can be given a different shape.

Other peoples also have dumplings, but a different shape, and prepared differently:

  • The Chinese: Baozzi - It is prepared from yeast dough, it is collected on top of the filling.
Chinese dumplings - Baozzi
  • Jiazi - Products are wound from above with folds, steamed.
Chinese dumplings - Jiaoca
  • Shao-May - Nodes from dough with meat, mushroom filling, or seafood.
Chinese dumplings-Shao-May
  • Azerbaijanis: Dyushbar - Little dumplings, they are served in a soup.
Azerbaijani dumplings - Dushbara
  • The Koreans: Kimchi-Manda - Dumplings of rice flour are similar to Russian dumplings, but with the edges bent upwards.
Korean dumplings-Kimchi-Manda
  • Chekhov and Slovaks: kandliki - flour products in the form of balls with filling inside, steamed.
Slovak dumplings - Kandliki
  • The Jews: group - Products of a triangular shape, served in a soup.
Jewish dumplings - Grodlakh
  • At the Dagestanis: kurze - oblong dumplings, pinched with a pigtail on top.
Dagestan dumplings - Kurze
  • Chuchvara - Uzbek dumplings, similar to the Urals.
Uzbek dumplings - chuchvara
  • The Indians: modak - Sweet dumplings of rice flour, reminiscent of khinkali.
Indian dumplings - modac
  • The Mongols: buuzi or they are also called poses - They look like manti, boil for a couple.
Mongol dumplings - Buuzi
  • The Italians: ravioli - They sculpt like dumplings, but smaller in size and with a curly edge.
Italian dumplings - Ravioli
  • Tortellini - They look like Ravioli, but the corners are pinned so that the hole is obtained in the middle.
Italian dumplings - Tortellini
  • Turkish manti - They look like Central Asian manti, but small ones.
Turkish dumplings - small manti
  • At the Crimean Tatars: yufakh ash -Small dumplings with nails, 6-7 pieces are placed in a tablespoon, served with soup.
Crimean dumplings - Yufakh Ash

How to sculpt dumplings correctly so that they are not pasted: tips

So that dumplings are not pasted during cooking, you need to knead the dough correctly. These are the following requirements for the test:

  1. The dough on the dumplings must be kneaded, pouring flour, at least 10 minutes, it should be cool.
  2. We check the readiness of the test like this, press the finger into the dough, and remove it if it straightens quickly, then it is ready.
  3. The main ingredients of the dumplings on dumplings: flour, cold water, egg, salt, water and flour should be in a ratio of 1: 6.
  4. If we take water at room temperature to knead the dough on dumplings, then it will be tight, if ice is soft and elastic.
  5. Then we cover the dough with a bowl or cellophane, and let stand in a cool place, or at room temperature, at least half an hour. During this time, the dough will acquire even greater elasticity.
  6. Now you can roll out the dough, sprinkling the table with flour, cut the circles, and sculpt dumplings.
  7. Try to roll out small layers of dough, and do not cut out a lot of circles at once, otherwise part of the circles on the table will have time to dry while the turn comes to work with them.
  8. If the dough sticks to the fingers, we dip them in flour, and continue to work.

How to manually sculpt dumplings with a pigtail: step -by -step instructions, photo

To sculpt dumplings with a pigtail is quite simple:

  • From a rolled large stratum of the dough, cut out circles of 5-6 cm in diameter.
  • We take a circle in the hand, put in the middle of the minced meat.
  • Close a circle with minced meat in half and click the edges - it turned out to be a crescent.
  • We go through the seam fingers again.
  • Next, we continue to work from the right edge of our workpiece - crescent, wrap a small corner of the dough, and press it along the seam.
  • We wrap the resulting corner again - and so to the end of the crescent.
  • The resulting dumplings are connected to the corners together - and there will be a dumplings.
Sculpting dumplings with a pigtail is pretty simple

How to sculpt dumplings from ready -made circles: tips, video

Here is what shape we can get if you sculpt dumplings manually from circles:

  • Ordinary dumplings - We fasten 2 sides together - it turned out dumplings, then we connect the corners together - and there will be a dumplings.
  • Baskets - We fasten 2 sides of the dough in the middle, sculpt 2 perpendicular lines along the edges of the dough, connect the corners of the lines together.
  • Stars - sculpts from 2 circles that are fastened with each other. Then we make rays with our hands with a round dumplings - it turned out an asterisk.
  • Georgian khinkali - We pinch the dough above the headlight folds.
  • Hats - Pinch 2 sides of the circle as for dumplings, then we pass again along the blind edge, make it thinner and more wavy, we fasten 2 corners with each other.
  • Nodes - We raise the edges of the circle up and fasten 4 points together. The places where the minced meat peeps, and these are 4 sides, we pinch with each other, we connect the corners 2 together.
  • Chamomile - Raise the edges of the circle up, pinch together the dough with folds, as for a khinkali, we press the resulting tail into the dumplings.
  • Roses -We make from an oval or 3-4 circles. We apply the filling on the middle of the dough with a thin strip, pinch 2 edges of the dough together. We pass again on the wound side, making the edge thinner. Twist the dough with a roll into a roll. That side of the test where the filling is located will be the base of the rose, we straighten the wound edge of the roll - these will be rose petals.
  • Shells - Pinch 2 sides of the circle like this, one side is flat, the second - with folds.
  • Crown - Pinch 2 sides of the circle as for a shell, then we connect 2 corners together.

Video: 12 methods of modeling dumplings

How to sculpt dumplings manually quickly: methods, tips, photos, videos

In an inexperienced mistress can also apply a lot of dumplings in a short time, you only need to know the ways that allow you to do it.

Method 1:

  • We roll a piece of dough subtly into the layer.
  • With a special knife for the dough, cut it first with stripes, and then into small squares.
  • On a square in the center we put meat or mushroom stuffing and pinch the edges.
  • From the squares you can sculpt dumplings of round, triangular and square shape.
Sculpt dumplings-triangles from squares quickly

Method 2:

  • Cut the rolled layer of the dough with a regular knife on the stripes.
  • Sprinkle strips of dough with flour, put one on the other in a pile, and cut the squares with a knife.
  • We fill the squares with minced meat and sculpt dumplings.
It will quickly turn out to sculpt dumplings and this shape

Method 3:

  • Roll out the dough in a large circle.
  • Cut it with stripes of 6-8 cm in width.
  • We put the minced meat in a package, cut out 1 corner at the package, and squeeze the minced meat with a continuous ribbon on one of the strips. The minced meat should not be in the center, but a little shifted on one side.
  • We cover the minced meat with a free part of the dough, with the fingers on top of the test, divide the solid line of the minced meat into the tubercles, and crush around the tubercles.
  • Cut the tubercles with minced meat with a knife into squares.

Video: Quick method of sculpting dumplings

Method 4:

  • Roll out the dough in a large circle.
  • On the edge of the dough we lay out 1 row of minced meat tubercles.
  • Cover with free dough, slightly press the dough around the tubercles.
  • Cut the dumplings with a glass.
You can quickly sculpt dumplings with a glass

How to sculpt dumplings on a dumplings: step -by -step instructions, photo

Dumplings - a special device made of plastic or stainless steel with cells in the form of cells, you can sculpt 40 dumplings at once.

We sculpt dumplings on the dumplings in the following way:

  1. Roll out 2 thin stages of dough.
  2. We cover the dumplings with one layer of dough.
  3. We lay the minced meat on theup cells.
  4. Cover the second layer of dough.
  5. We rode the cells with a rolling pin, crushing well.
  6. If the dumplings began to fall out of cells, then you do everything right, if they don’t fall out, ride a rolling pin and further.
If you have a dumplings, then you will get dumplings quickly

How to sculpt small dumplings: tips

If you want to sculpt small dumplings, then the dough circles need to be cut with a diameter of 1-2 cm, a glass or a special mold.

How to sculpt dumplings from squares: tips, photos, videos

From the squares you can sculpt dumplings in different ways.

Round dumplings:

  1. Roll out the dough into a large thin layer.
  2. We tighten the layer on a rocking rod, then gradually promoting it, fold it with folds like an accordion.
  3. We cut the accordion from the dough into squares.
  4. If such a square is stretched, you get a strip.
  5. Pour the strips with flour, fold in a stack and cut into squares, with a square side of 2-4 cm.
  6. In the middle of the square we put the minced meat, fold the square in half, pinch the top, and fasten 4 corners together.
So you can sculpt round dumplings from squares

Round dumplings with ears:

  1. Roll out a small layer of dough.
  2. We cut it into strips.
  3. We cut the squares from the strips.
  4. In the middle of the square we put the minced meat.
  5. We bend the square in half, pinch around.
  6. We fasten the corners that are closer to each other, and with the help of 2 other corners the dumplings acquires ears.
You can sculpt dumplings with ears of squares if 2 corners are connected together, and 2 leave


  1. As in previous cases, cut the dough into squares.
  2. Put the minced meat in the middle of the square.
  3. We pin the edges so that the triangle is obtained.
  4. We fasten 2 corners together-so it turned out to be a dumplings.
To sculpt dumplings-fucking is simple

Quadrangular dumplings:

  1. Cut the dough into squares.
  2. In the middle we put the filling.
  3. Raise all 4 corners up.
  4. We pinch the places where the filling peeps out.

Video: quadrangular dumplings

How to sculpt Chinese dumplings: tips, video

In China, a large variety of dumplings, but they are called:

  • Jiazi
  • Baozzi
  • Xiaolunbao
  • Shao May
  • Huntun

The Chinese do not roll the dough into a large layer like us. Their actions are fast, and the following:

  • We ride a thin sausage, and cut it into small round pieces.
  • We flatten the pieces and roll out with a rolling pin to the circle.
  • In the middle of the mug we put the minced meat, and with the fingers of both hands, in one movement, press the dumplings a lot.

The Chinese are also boiled in a special way:

  • We lower dumplings into boiling water.
  • When the water with dumplings boils, and they pop up, pour a glass of cold water to them, and wait until the dumplings are boiled again.
  • Then, after boiling, again pour 1 cup of cold water.
  • After the next boil, cook for 5 minutes - and the dumplings are ready.

Video: How to sculpt dumplings in Chinese?

How to sculpt Uzbek dumplings: tips, video

What is the difference between Uzbek dumplings from Russian or Ural?

  • The meat on the minced meat does not grind in a meat grinder, but is chopped finely with a knife manually
  • Baranin or beef is taken for chuchvara
  • Chuchvara on the table is served with broth

How to sculpt Uzbek dumplings?

  1. We subtly roll out the dough layer.
  2. We cut the dough first into strips, and then into squares with sides 2-4 cm.
  3. We put the minced meat on each square and pinch in any way (you can a triangle or so that the corners will not coincide with each other), and then connect 2 corners to each other.

Video: Fast Uzbek dumplings - Chuchvara

How to sculpt large dumplings: views, photos

Different countries have big dumplings:

  • In the Georgians, Khinkali, with minced meat, finely chopped onions and spicy herbs, you can sculpt Georgian dumplings like this - the folds of the dough are collected above the minced meat in the form of a tail. They are boiled in boiling water or fried in a large amount of hot oil.
Georgian large dumplings - Khinkali
  • In Central Asia, there are mantles with minced lamb, fatty fat and a large amount of onions. They are sculpted with a round, unusual shape, from above with holes - for air output. They steam steamed in an ordinary pan, placing a special net on the bottom, or in a mantle.
Central Asian large dumplings - manti
  • Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians have dumplings. They are sculpted with stewed mushrooms, vegetables with meat, cottage cheese, jam, berries and pieces of fruit. Cooked in a large amount of boiling water, or steamed.
Slavic large dumplings - dumplings

So, now, if you want to surprise the guests, you can cook beautiful dumplings, and if you need to quickly sculpt dumplings, you learned how to quickly model dumplings.

Video: How to quickly cook a womb dumplings from squares?

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