How and how much to cook young potatoes in a uniform, with dill, crushed on mashed potatoes, for okroshka, in soup, for Olivier salad, vinaigrette, for inhalation, for feeding the child of a baby?

How and how much to cook young potatoes in a uniform, with dill, crushed on mashed potatoes, for okroshka, in soup, for Olivier salad, vinaigrette, for inhalation, for feeding the child of a baby?

After a long winter, I really want to please myself with fresh vegetables. In the late spring, I probably want to recall my childhood and enjoy a young, sweet potato. How to emphasize its taste, how best to cook it - read in the article.

Young potatoes are appreciated for her delicate sweet taste. It is explained by the fact that sugar in tubers has not yet turned into starch. Find out young potatoes is easy: often, these are small tubers with the finest peel.

However, do not confuse: small potatoes are not always young, and young potatoes can be quite large. Often, potatoes are simply boiled or fried, but there are many secrets how to emphasize the unique taste of the vegetable and maintain useful properties.

Important: try to use young potatoes as quickly as possible, its storage period is much less than that of mature tubers.

How to cook potatoes correctly so that it does not boil and does not darken, on what fire to cook, how much to salt?

Gently clean the young potatoes. This can cause some difficulties, because when cleaning young potatoes, hands can be brown.

  • Scrap a thin peel with a knife, having previously put on gloves to avoid painting hands
  • You can use a brush or a rough side of the dishes for cleaning or the gross. Rinse the potatoes well under running water
  • Pour large salt into the package and put the potatoes there, close the bag. Wipe out and rub the potatoes in the bag well, then wash thoroughly. The thin peel will easily come off. The disadvantage of this method is that not the entire peel can be cleaned, however, if you are going to fry or bake potatoes, the remaining skin will not hurt you
  • If you need to quickly clean the young potatoes, pour it with boiling water, and then place it in cold water. Due to the difference in temperature, the skin will come down itself

If mature tubers after cleaning are placed in cold water until cooking in order to avoid darkening, then cook young potatoes immediately after cleaning. Its storage in water makes potatoes watery when cooking, in addition, the upper layer can quickly boil.

Cook young potatoes over low heat. Salt at the end of cooking.

How to clean young potatoes
How to clean young potatoes

How much is an entire potato cooked in a uniform after boiling?

  • Wash the tubers under running water from dirt
  • Pour young potatoes with cold water so that it completely covers the tubers
  • Salt, salt will not allow you to bake a thin peel. Salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt for 2l water
  • Cook on high heat until boiling, then over low heat
  • Cook the potatoes for at least 20 minutes, check for readiness with a sharpened match or toothpick. She should smoothly and effortlessly enter the most dense tubers
  • Drain the water
  • Let the potatoes cool a little under the lid
  • Serve directly in the peel (it is useful for the heart)

Important: potatoes will be cooked much faster if you add a small piece of butter when cooking.

How to cook young potatoes in a uniform
How much to cook potatoes in a uniform

How to cook young potatoes with dill in a pan?

  • Clean the potatoes
  • Cut large potatoes four times, small - in half. If you wish, you can cook potatoes whole, but it will take more time for cooking
  • Cook potatoes over low heat, about 10-20 minutes for medium-sized potatoes
  • Salt potatoes at the beginning of cooking - salt promotes the tuber compaction
  • You can check for readiness with a toothpick. Do not use a fork or knife for checking - young potatoes are very tender and pieces can fall apart
  • Drain the water
  • Add butter and chopped dill to the pan and hold under the lid
  • After 3-5 minutes, mix the potatoes
  • Let stand under the lid 10 minutes

For a more complete disclosure of taste, add garlic.

Such a side dish is perfect for any dish, whether meat or fish.

Important: ready -made potatoes can be stored no more than a day. After 24 hours, flavoring qualities deteriorate, moreover, the product can become dangerous to health.

Young potato with butter and herbs
Young potato with butter and herbs

How much to cook potatoes on mashed potatoes with milk?

Salt young potatoes at the end of cooking, since salt added at the beginning helps to compact tubers due to interaction with starch.

Cook for about 20 minutes, try with a toothpick for readiness. Drain the water and ceilings. Add milk to potatoes warm, from cold milk, mashed potatoes are tougher and can purchase a grayish tint.

How much to cook potatoes in a soup after boiling?

Since the potatoes are thrown into the soup one of the first, cook it for about 15 minutes before the addition of other products and frying, as the ingredients are added, it will be welcomed in the preparation process.

Cook potatoes in cold or hot water

If you cook potatoes in uniforms, the difference is not so important. However, cleaned potatoes should be thrown into boiling water - this is how more useful substances are preserved.

How to cook young potatoes
How to cook young potatoes

Boiled-gamepress: how much to cook?

  • If you want to cook boiled-fierce potatoes, rinse tubers, clean, cut
  • Lower in boiling water, sun
  • Cook until the half of readiness (7-14 minutes)
  • After you boil the potatoes, fry it in a pan with warmed vegetable oil (you can fry on fat - the taste of young potatoes goes well)
  • You can add spices, onions
Boiled-fucked potatoes
Boiled-fucked potatoes

How and how much to cook potatoes in a pressure cooker, a slow cooker?

  • Before preparing potatoes for cooking, turn on the kettle so that you have fresh boiling water
  • Wash, clean, if desired, cut the potatoes
  • Fold the potatoes in the table for steamed, add seasonings, mix
  • Put a bowl on a steam -steamed stand in a pressure cooker
  • Pour 150ml boiling water into the multicooker bowl
  • Put the cooking time for 5 minutes
How to cook young potatoes in a slow cooker
How to cook young potatoes in a slow cooker

How and how much to cook potatoes in the microwave?

If you use the microwave to prepare young potatoes, then, firstly, you will significantly reduce the cooking time of young potatoes, and, secondly, you will get juicy and crumbly potatoes as a result.

To cook young potatoes in the uniform:

  • Wash the potato from dirt under the crane well
  • The tip of a thin knife, a toothpick or a sharpened match, make a pair of holes in each potato with a couple
  • Pick up a little water to the bottom of the cup, lay the potatoes
  • Put the container in the microwave. Potatoes are prepared for 10 minutes maximum power

You can serve boiled potatoes as a side dish, use for salads or okroshki or as an independent dish.

How to cook young potatoes in a microwave
How to cook young potatoes in a microwave

You can also cook peeled potatoes cut into pieces in the microwave.

  • Cut the washed and cleaned young potatoes in large pieces. Cut large potatoes into 4 parts, and small - in half
  • Pour hot, pre -salted water (about 8 centuries) into the container, lay the potatoes
  • Cover with a lid (a glass cover with an opening opening hole is best suited)
  • Cook for 6-9 minutes at maximum power, turn the potatoes over, then cook the same amount

Serve boiled potatoes with butter and chopped greens

Young potato pieces in the microwave
Young potato pieces in the microwave

I suggest you get acquainted with another way of making potatoes. It is unique in that it does not require the use of excess dishes.

  • Rinse potatoes under running water. You can clean and cut the tubers, or you can leave it in the peel - it all depends on which dish you want to get in the end
  • Fold the potatoes in a plastic bag, add a little salt and vegetable oil there (you can replace the bacon with slices - the potato will acquire an interesting taste and it will turn out to be juicier)
  • Tie a package, make several small holes in it
  • Put a bag of potatoes for 6-9 minutes at maximum power
How to cook young potatoes in a microwave in a bag
How to cook young potatoes in a package

How and how much to cook potatoes in a double boiler, for a couple?

If you have such a useful invention of mankind as a double boiler, this will greatly simplify the task. However, in the absence of it, you can easily prepare young potatoes for steam with a conventional pan and a metal sieve. Pour water into the pan, fix the sieve upstairs - the double boiler is ready.

Depending on the intensity of boiling water in the pan, the duration of cooking varies from 20 to 40 minutes.

Naturally, small tubers or potatoes, cut into large pieces, will prepare faster. Check the readiness of a sharpened match or toothpick. If it easily enters large pieces, the potato is ready.

How to cook young potatoes in a double boiler
How to cook potatoes in a double boiler

How and how much to cook potatoes cut into pieces, cubes?

Despite whether the potatoes are cut, lower it already in boiling water. Salt at the beginning or at the end of cooking - see the circumstances. If you cook potatoes for a salad or a potato variety is easily boiled - salt at the beginning of cooking. If then you make mashed potatoes - salt at the end of cooking.

The smaller the pieces, the faster they will be ready. Check for readiness with a toothpick.

How and how much to cook potatoes for okroshka or salad, vinaigrette?

You can use potatoes for salad in a uniform. In this case, after cooking, cool it in cold water and clean it from the peel.

Salt potatoes at first cooking, salt when interacting with starch will make tubers more tightly, and it will be much easier for you to cut it.

Is it possible to cook soft potatoes or with potatoes with sprouts

It is known that most of the vitamins and mineral salts are preserved in potatoes when cooking in a uniform, but the green potatoes, tubers with eyes or sprouts, are sure to cook in a purified form.

Be sure to clean the potatoes in which the side/sides are green. This means that partially the potatoes peeked out of the ground. Such potatoes have a bitter taste and can even harm your body. Try to refrain from eating it.

Potatoes with sprouts
Potatoes with sprouts

Is it possible to cook eggs with potatoes

Of course, it is advisable to cook all products separately. However, in the case of a lot of haste, an exception can be made. Be sure to keep in mind the following points:

  • Potatoes and eggs should be thoroughly washed under running water
  • It is allowed to cook eggs with potatoes only if you cook potatoes in uniform
  • Eggs boil faster than potatoes, do not forget to pull them out
  • Salt at the beginning of cooking - salt will not allow the eggs to burst. Or will not allow the egg with a bursting shell to swim through a crack
Is it possible to cook potatoes with eggs
Is it possible to cook potatoes with eggs

Is it possible to cook potatoes and carrots together?

You can cook potatoes with carrots if you cook both vegetables in the peel (for example, on a salad). Pay attention to cooking time. If the vegetables differ in size, then perhaps carrots or potatoes will boil before another vegetable.

How to cook potatoes for inhalation?

Inhalation can be done in different ways

  • Potato in the uniform
    Pour potatoes of small size with cold water and cook over medium heat until the smell of potatoes appear. You do not need to drain water. Can you add oats to the potato at the very beginning of cooking - this will enhance the healing properties of inhalation
  • Boiled peeled potatoes
    Inhalation can be carried out at a convenient case. For example, you welded potatoes for slices for dinner, drain a decoction and take 5-10 minutes over hot potatoes
  • Decoction
    A decoction that you drain after cooking potatoes or simply peeled potatoes is perfect for inhalation. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil to the water and breathe over a decoction of about 10-15 minutes
  • Potato peel
    The peel that remains after cleaning potatoes can be used for inhalation immediately, or you can dry it, washed pre -washing well, and put it in a tightly closed jar. So you can prepare inhalation with the peel at any time if necessary
  • Fold the peel in a pan and pour a small amount of water. Bring to a boil, then cook on low heat for about 5 minutes.
    To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of eucalyptus or fir oil. A good healing effect also has the addition of dry chamomile or grated garlic when cooking

Important: inhalations can only be used in full refusal of smoking.

How to make inhalation with potatoes
How to make inhalation with potatoes

How to cook potatoes for feeding a child to a baby?

  • Rinse potatoes under running water
  • Put in boiling water, do not salt
  • Check for readiness with a toothpick
  • If the potato is ready, take it out of the pan and rinse it with cold water - it will be easier to clean it
  • Clean the potatoes
  • Grind in a blender or grind through a sieve to a puree state
  • If you have already introduced another vegetable complementary foods before, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil in mashed potatoes
How to cook potatoes for feeding
How to cook potatoes for feeding

Young potatoes with garlic and dill in a slow cooker, video

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