How to neutralize acetic acid in cooking: secrets, how to remove vinegar from fried meat, salad, Korean carrots, rice for rolls, sauce, dumplings?

How to neutralize acetic acid in cooking: secrets, how to remove vinegar from fried meat, salad, Korean carrots, rice for rolls, sauce, dumplings?

How to neutralize acetic acid in different dishes? There are several ways.

Vinegar is an indispensable remedy for the home. It cleanses, disinfects and even helps prepare original dishes with unique tastes. But there is one drawback in it - it is an unpleasant odor and too sharp taste. Therefore, it is so important not to overdo it with this tool, and it doesn’t matter whether you wash the floors in the room or cook food.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "How to quickly remove, neutralize the smell of garlic from the mouth?". You will find the best ways.

From this article you will learn how to neutralize the smell of vinegar in different dishes. Read further.

How to neutralize the smell of acetic acid?

Neutralize the smell of acetic acid
Neutralize the smell of acetic acid

If you used acetic acid to cleanse surfaces (furniture, clothes, etc.), then you can use these means:

  • Salt and soda
  • Air conditioning for linen or washing powder
  • Ammonia
  • Dishes
  • Household soap

If vinegar hit the body, then it can be washed off with ordinary soap or just water. But how to neutralize the smell of acetic acid in dishes? For example, you overdo it with this acid when you cooked borsch or prepared another dish. Here are the tips:

  • Open the capacity cover and let the acid disappear.
  • Boil the dish for 30 minutes. This will accelerate the weathering process.

It is worth noting that these tips are not necessary to fulfill, since vinegar itself will disappear, moreover, very quickly. But, if you want to speed up the process, then they will help you.

How to neutralize acetic acid in cooking: is it possible to remove vinegar with sugar, soda?

Vinegar is a dangerous product, especially if you pour it into a dish. Each housewife can have such a case when she poured more than this acid in the dish than she needs. Do not immediately get upset. How to neutralize acetic acid in cooking? You can just add:

  • Water
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Vegetables
  • Meat

These products will dilute the taste of acid, but also remember that the amount of food will increase. But this is better than just throwing a dish.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "How to remove Vanilin's bitterness?". You will learn how to fix the dough, cream, cheesecakes if vanillin has overdo it.

Is it possible to remove vinegar with sugar, soda? Read more:

  • Soda. From chemistry it is known that any acid is perfectly neutralized by alkalis or soda. If you pour a little vinegar, then add a little soda to the dish - this will almost not affect the taste of the dish. Remember that to repay a large amount of vinegar, you need a lot of soda. But in this amount, this product is dangerous - there may be heartburn, pain in the stomach. In addition, soda gives the dish a fresh and not very pleasant taste.
  • Sugar. Another option is to add a little sah. Sand. But this method will help if the dish is not very sour. Just be prepared for the fact that this can slightly change the taste of the dish itself. But sometimes it still turns out to be sour dishes successfully sweeten.

More options than you can neutralize vinegar:

  • Honey - If the dish does not undergo heat treatment, then this beekeeping product will help to perfectly neutralize acid, like sugar. But do not overdo it so that it does not make an incomprehensible taste.
  • Carrot - Also perfectly removes the smell and unpleasant taste of acid. If possible, it is better to fry it.
  • Garlic - Unlike carrots, it is not necessary to fry it. Just crush or grind your tooth and put in a dish if the recipe allows you to do.

As you can see, there are many options for neutralizing vinegar, and these are not only sugar or soda, but also other, the most ordinary products that are always in the kitchen of every housewife.

How to get vinegar from fried meat: secrets

You can remove vinegar from fried meat in several ways
You can remove vinegar from fried meat in several ways

If you overdo it with vinegar in a marinade for meat, then this can be fixed. If there is a lot of this acid, then the meat is sour and hard. Therefore, when preparing, you need to strictly follow the recipe.

It is worth noting: If you have overdo it with acid in the marinade for pork, then you should not worry. In this type of meat products, the fibers are located in a special way, so vinegar this meat will absorb as much as necessary.

It is better to initially replace acetic acid with apple vinegar, as it makes the meat delicate and soft. You can also add pomegranate juice, as well as ground kiwi or pineapple. But these products are not found in every kitchen. Great for marinade and mustard. It is a good natural preservative, but there is no acid in it that can ruin the dish.

But how to remove vinegar from already fried meat, for example, in a pan? Here are the secrets:

  • Water, a little salt and sah. Sand - boil again.
  • Spread with the addition of water and sour cream.
  • Mix with the side dish (rice, potatoes or other) and toe.
  • Fry the vegetables, combine with meat, add a little sah. Sand and tomato. pastes. Put it over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with mustard and rinse in vegetable oil.
  • Add herbs, spices and garlic. Put it over low heat.

It is worth noting that vinegar is masked by any seasonings. Therefore, if you noticed a lot of acid in the dish, use your favorite herbs and till the meat again with the addition of water or broth.

How to neutralize vinegar in a salad: methods

Neutralize vinegar in the salad is simply if you rinse the cabbage
Neutralize vinegar in the salad is simply if you rinse the cabbage

Salads are vegetable dishes. They are useful and it is almost impossible to spoil them, since root crops are perfectly combined with each other. However, the taste of the dish will not be the same as it should be if you pour acids into it. How to neutralize vinegar in a salad? Here are the ways

  • If there is a lot of vinegar in cabbage, just rinse the salad in a colander under the tap. Then add a little salt, sah. sand and pour with fragrant vegetable oil - corn, olive or others.
  • Cucumbers salad can also be washed. For example, if it is canned. Drain the marinade, pour cold water and leave it for a day in the refrigerator. Then pour water again, add salt, as a recipe and a tablespoon of a refined plant. oils (200 ml per 1-liter can). Store so no more than 4 days. You can also do with whole canned cucumbers if you added a lot of vinegar to the marinade.
  • With tomatoes, this cannot be done. When washing or repeated pickling, they will lose their taste and collapse.
  • Lecho can be fixed by adding also tomato juice.
  • In a fresh salad, for example, from cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, it is not easy to remove the taste of vinegar. But you can try to do this by hanging a little vegetables.

In general, try not to add vinegar to the salad, as it changes the taste, and if you overdo it, then heartburn is provided. Instead, you can pour soy sauce, lemon juice, etc., you get a more refined and unique taste.

How to remove vinegar from Korean carrots: methods

You can remove vinegar from Korean carrots using some secrets
You can remove vinegar from Korean carrots using some secrets

Korean carrots are a delicious dish. Everyone who loves sharp salads with seasonings and herbs like it. But it happens that the hostess went over with vinegar, which is an obligatory ingredient in this salad. To do it is simple, the taste of the dish will almost not change. How to get vinegar from Korean carrots? Here are the ways:

  • Rinse the salad under a stream of cold water. Then season it again. oil, add a little salt and ground pepper.
  • If you do not want to use such carrots as salad, you can rinse and fry. Such a roast can be added to other dishes with potatoes, onions, meat, etc.
  • Rinse, fold in bags and remove it into the freezer. Then you can use for frying and refueling other dishes.
  • It can be used as a marinade, for example, to fish.

By the way, in order for the carrots in Korean to be more juicy and tasty, you can not only pour the salad with warm-up oil, but add the chopped onion to it and then pull it out. It turns out to be filled, which the taste makes excellent and unforgettable.

How to remove vinegar from rice for rolls: Secrets

So, you cook rolls. They welded rice and have already been refueled with special vinegar. But now, annoyance - this acid was laid too much. This happens even with experienced housewives - do not be upset. How to remove vinegar from rice for rolls? Here is the secret:

  • Wash the rice with hot water and add a little sah. Sand.

Sugar perfectly neutralizes acetic acid. Let the fixed dish brew for 15 minutes, and you can start cooking rolls.

How to neutralize vinegar from sauce?

You can remove the smell of vinegar from sauce using soda
You can remove the smell of vinegar from sauce using soda

Many types of sauces need to be added vinegar. It gives a light sourness in taste and makes the very dish more appetizing. But what if there are a lot of acids in the gas station? How to neutralize vinegar from sauce?

  • Add a pinch of soda, constantly stirring the sauce and tasting. Do this until the tastes and aromas are balanced.

If after the actions done, you do not like the taste of the dish, then it will not work to save it. Just boil a new sauce, but with a smaller amount of acid.

How to remove vinegar from dumplings?

Removing vinegar from dumplings simply
Removing vinegar from dumplings simply

Acetic acid was added to the dumplings in the 16th century Uzbeks. Then they began to use this meat dish and Russians. Now many people like to eat dumplings with vinegar. The meat in the dough goes well with acid in small quantities. But, if there is too much of it, then this is tasteless. How to remove vinegar from dumplings?

  • If you poured it in a finished dish and then felt that you were overdoing, then you can simply fry dumplings in refined sunflower oil until a golden crust appears.
  • You can throw dumplings into boiling water and hold for a few seconds. There will be no trace of the taste of acid. Then scatter the water and season the dish with sour cream or mayonnaise.

It is important to correctly eat dumplings with vinegar so as not to overdo it with acid. For example, make a sauce - mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Such a sauce is placed next to a plate of boiled dumplings. Then the dumplings are poured onto the fork and dipped in the sauce. In this case, it is impossible to overdo it with vinegar - everything will be in moderation. Such a sauce can be done by adding soy sauce, mustard, chopped greens, sour cream and other ingredients to taste.

Not so scary if you have overdo it with vinegar. You can always find a way out. Just remember that one universal method for all dishes does not exist. We must look for an individual option and rely on which products are at hand.

Video: How to remove vinegar from borsch? It turns out everything simple

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