A combination of vegetables, fruits in salad: Rules, table

A combination of vegetables, fruits in salad: Rules, table

In this article, we will tell you how to correctly combine products in salads.

To prepare a salad, it is important to observe the combinations of products. Then your dish will turn out tasty and successful. Some neglect this rule and, as a result, get not at all what they expect. Let's find out how to combine products correctly in order to get the most successful compositions.

Combination of vegetables in salad: Rules

If you decide to learn how to make salads, you must observe a combination of vegetables. Many are surprised at how the culinary specialists masterly connect all components and ultimately receive original combinations of tastes. Beginners should not experiment with a large number of components. It is better to start with 3-5 ingredients. In dietetics, there are rules by which you can combine in one salad a variety of products. To imagine how this scheme looks, products should be divided into several categories:

Table of combination of products
Table of combination of products

It is important when choosing salad products to figure out what can be combined and impossible. The combination rules are as follows:

  • The proteins cannot be combined with vegetables that have starch and undergoing heat treatment. All other vegetables are allowed to be added.
  • Nuts and dried fruits are worth using only in salads from fresh vegetables. Again, you can not add vegetables that have undergone heat treatment.
  • Starchs practically do not combine with fruits, because then they will be digested longer in the stomach.
  • Do not use two or more starch in one salad. The fact is that such vegetables must be carefully digested, and if there are many of them, then it will be more difficult to do.
  • Sour and sweet fruits in one salad will interrupt each other.
  • Squirrels are self -sufficient, and therefore it is not necessary to combine, for example, eggs with cheese fish with eggs in one salad.
  • If you use protein products in the salad, then select refueling without sugar content. Sugar blocks the production of gastric juice and proteins will be digested for a long time.
  • For protein dressing salads, use cream or dairy.
  • If there is cereal in the salad, it is strictly forbidden to add crackers there. They can be used, but only just a little bit, and only in salads with vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat fruits separately from other components. You can add a few nuts to such salads.
  • Acids and vegetable oils lower the level of gastric juice, and therefore, for refueling, you can use vegetable decoctions.

If you competently combine the components, then your salads will always turn out to be tasty and will be perfectly absorbed by the stomach.

Combination of salads: table

When you cook salads, the combinations of vegetables can be used by a variety of. We offer you to familiarize yourself with a special table where a special designer of salads is presented. With its help, you can cook many good salads:

Combinations for salads
Combinations for salads

How to cook salad: an unusual combination

Sometimes cooks come up with salads, a combination of vegetables is made unusual. They turn out to be such when incompatible products are added to the dish. We offer you to get acquainted with five unusual salads that you can cook and make sure that they are tasty.

1. Salad with tomatoes, tsukini and mozzarella

Salad from Tsukini
Salad from Tsukini

This consistency salad looks like a paste. The only thing that differs is that instead of pasta is added to Tsukini.


Cooking method:

  • On a grater-link, or another similar device, grate the tsukini stripes
  • Mix them with olive oil and spices
  • Leave Tsukini for about 15 minutes to marry
  • Cut tomatoes in half and add from to salad
  • It remains only to add grated cheese, basil leaves and vinegar

2. Salad with beets, avocado and spinach

Salad with avocado
Salad with avocado

In this dish, delicious vegetables, greens and lemon refueling are perfectly combined.

What is required?
What is required?

Cooking method:

  • Put the beets in a pan, pour water and put on strong fire. Wait until it boils, and cook for about an hour, reduce the fire. Beets should boil well and become soft.
  • Let beets cool, clean and cut into cubes. Put it for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • Mix the finished beets, cubicized tomatoes and avocados, onions, crushed feta and spinach.
  • Season the salad with a mixture of lemon juice, oil, vinegar, mustard, spices and chopped garlic.

3. Salad with broccoli, nuts and cranberries

Broccoli salad
Broccoli salad

At first it may seem that the mixture is too unusual, but if you try to cook this salad at least once and you will definitely not remain indifferent.

What is required?
What is required?

Cooking method:

  • To begin with, cut the inflorescences in broccoli. If they are too large, then cut them in half
  • Put a large pot of water on a large fire and bring to a boil. Be sure to add salt
  • Place broccoli in boiling water for 30 seconds and immediately transfer to a bowl of ice water
  • Dry broccoli with a paper towel when it is completely dry
  • Now mix it with cranberries, almonds, seeds and Chedder
  • For refueling, mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and poppy
  • Twine salad and refrigerate for half an hour

4. Salad with cabbage, dates and feta cheese

Salad with dates
Salad with dates

This combination is juicy and very useful. A sweet note makes it even more tasty.

Components for salad
Components for salad

Cooking method:

  • Cut the cabbage into thin strips
  • Add oil, lemon juice and spices to it
  • Then add half the dates and half of Fete
  • Sprinkle the salad on top of the residues of dates, feta, as well as chopped parsley and sesame seeds

5. Salad with corn, tomatoes and feta cheese

Corn salad
Corn salad

This salad is ideal with any type of corn. Even canned.

Components for salad
Components for salad

Cooking method:

  • Mix corn, tomato cut, fetet and chopped onion in half
  • Then add the leaflets of the basil. Cut them into thin strips
  • Then the oil and juice lime are added
  • In conclusion, add spices and mix everything well

Salat sheets: compatibility with other ingredients

Every mistress who cares about the health of her family should know what combination of vegetables in the salad is correct to use. Different the stomach can digest a different amount of time. Keep in mind that fruits and salads are absorbed within 3-4 hours.

So, if you use proteins and carbohydrates separately, then the acid-base balance will not be disturbed. If you do not take into account the compatibility of the products, then the process will slow down significantly.

As we have already said, in salads, components can be combined differently. There are even special sheets for the preparation of these dishes. Here is some of them:

Vinagrean cooking map
Vinagrean cooking map
Fruit salad cooking map
Fruit salad cooking map
Vegetable salad map
Vegetable salad map
Salad Olivier Salad
Salad Olivier Salad

The combination of tomato and cucumbers in the salad is harmful?

Many know ordinary salads, a combination of vegetables in which boils to cucumber, tomato and greens. But do you know what a harmful combination is?

The fact is that tomatoes are an acidic environment, and cucumbers are alkaline. Accordingly, when they are connected together, harmful salts are formed in the liver and kidneys. If there is such a salad regularly, then in the end there will be serious problems with these organs.

There are quite a lot of ascorbic acid in tomatoes, which kills ascorbinase. This enzyme is contained in cucumbers. So, if you eat these two vegetables at the same time, then the benefits of one will be “killed” by the other. It turns out that vitamin C, which tomatoes are rich in, simply will not be used by the body, since it will not have time to reach it.

Another feature is that for digestion of cucumbers and tomatoes, the stomach has to allocate different enzymes. He cannot do it at the same time. It turns out that while one vegetable will be digested, the second will begin to rot. As a result, gases are formed in the intestines that cause many inconvenience.

Fruit salad - a combination of fruit: table

Now you know that the combination of vegetables in salads is important to observe. However, a combination of fruit is no less important. They also require compliance with certain rules.

The combination of fruit
The combination of fruit

First of all, in certain combinations, fruits have no benefit. They simply neutralize each other. In addition, the consistency of products should also be correctly selected.

If you are still a beginner, then adhere to simple recommendations:

  • Sweet fruits

This applies to bananas, grapes, dates and persimmons. They are best combined with a little sour and sweet berries. But it is better not to combine bananas with berries, they are more suitable for fruits of the same consistency.

The peach, raspberries and strawberries go well. Dairy products will be ideal as refueling. But do not pamper yourself with such a salad after a dense dinner. The fact is that the salad is quickly split in the stomach, and therefore it will throw off, because first lunch is digested. As a result, severity and flatulence are provided to them.

  • Half -acidic fruits

This includes strawberries, raspberries, currants and plums. Apples, nectarines, apricots and watermelons are released from fruits.

All these fruits are perfectly combined, but choose the right consistency and maturity, because the salad will turn out not so appetizing in appearance if you add hard and soft fruits to it.

  • Sour fruits

All citruses, as well as gooseberries, kiwi and grenades, are included in the acid group. Sour fruits also go very well. By the way, you can add a little sweet and sour berries or sweet fruits to citruses. For example, try mixing tangerines with strawberries and a machine, and a grapefruit with a peach.

Keep in mind that even if the combination is perfect, and the refueling is incorrect, the dish will be spoiled. This component is decisive and sets aroma and juiciness. Thanks to different gas stations, you can create completely different salads with the same components.

Salads - what can not be mixed?

What can not be added to the salad?
What can not be added to the salad?

If you make salads, a combination of vegetables in which you like, it is worth considering that there are products that cannot be added to them. This is especially important for those who decided to lose weight. The fact is that not every salad is useful and contains few calories.

If you are on a diet, then you should refuse the following components for salads:

  • Dried fruits. There are a lot of calories and sugar in the kurag, raisins and prunes. So if you add them to a salad of spinach or brass, then you will not get any effect.
  • Cheese. This mainly applies to soft cheeses and cheeses with mold. Show special caution with Parmesan and engraved. In no case do not use more than 50 g of cheese for salad.
  • Nuts. 100 g of walnuts contains 612 kcal. This is far from the best option for those who lose weight.
  • Crackers. This is especially true for those that are fried in olive oil. During the diet, it is better to generally abandon bread in any form.
  • Sauces. If you want to lose weight, then do not refuel salads with all sorts of sauces. At the time of the diet, the maximum that can be added is cold pressing olive oil.
  • Grilled meat. Fried meat is certainly very tasty, but also very high -calorie. So if you want meat in a salad, then it should be boiled.

Video: I did not know that the combination of baked vegetables and corn is so tasty! Vegetable salad

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