What to do if you added a lot of vinegar to the salad, mushrooms for the winter: how to neutralize vinegar in blanks for the winter?

What to do if you added a lot of vinegar to the salad, mushrooms for the winter: how to neutralize vinegar in blanks for the winter?

If you add a lot of vinegar to some dish, then you need to neutralize it. To do it is simple, the methods are described in the article.

Vinegar is an indispensable assistant housewives in the kitchen. Everyone in childhood saw this transparent bottle with the same transparent as water with liquid. So what is it really? Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid obtained from alcohol.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is the difference between apple cider vinegar from ordinary table vinegar?".

Concentrated acid is called “ice” and is not used in cooking, since it has a strong acidic effect and can damage the stomach. Nevertheless, why is an acid dangerous to humans so widely used in dishes? What to do if you are her added a lot to the dish? Read further.

The use of acetic acid, essence: what gives in dishes?

Use of acetic acid, essence
Use of acetic acid, essence

Acetic acid was used in the Soviet Union, and many housewives of that time remember vinegar as a "unpleasant smelling substance." Although earlier this “fragrant” liquid was used by fans of dumplings as a “seasoning”. Nevertheless, most people dreamed of replacing vinegar with other ingredients in the kitchen - after all, he is sour, foul -smelling, and in large quantities completely pursue a threat to the body. Essence was also used, like vinegar, but diluted with water.

In modern times, vinegar is widely known. There are many types of vinegar, and each of them is distinguished by a feature. Nevertheless, vinegar is better known as the “protector of vegetables”, since it is added to canned food.

  • Poorly processed vegetables will not be able to stretch for a long time without vinegar.
  • This liquid is like formalin for preservatives.
  • And all because vinegar is acid, and in an acidic environment, microbes are unable to multiply and conduct active life.
  • Therefore, in an acidic environment, pests are very soon die.

However, as you know, vinegar is added not only to winter blanks, but also to fresh dishes. The sour taste of vinegar in adequate quantities stimulates the digestive tract, causing appetite. Therefore, it is used “for appetite”, as well as to acidify and give piquancy to the dish. In sweet and sour sauces and dishes with "sour", it is precisely this product. This substance is also used as a marinade for meat, which improves its taste.

Only vinegar must be strictly used in certain quantities, if “overdo it” - this will lead to terrible consequences. If there is too much of it in the dish - the taste will turn out to be unnaturally sour, and the dish will smell of vinegar. What can we say about harm to health! Nevertheless, it is possible to save the dish from the consequences. Read further.

I added a lot of vinegar to borsch: what to do?

Added a lot of vinegar to borscht
Added a lot of vinegar to borscht

Sometimes housewives are added to borscht Borshus so that the color of this dish turns out to be bright and contrasting, as well as to give a “sour” taste in harmony with beets. That's just a fairly common mistake of housewives in the preparation of borsch - it is splashing vinegar “by eye”. The borsch is sour, badly smelling and unsuitable for use.

How to save borsch if the hostess added a lot of vinegar? Here's what you can do:

  • Dilute the borscht with some ingredients. Vegetables perfectly absorb vinegar acid. It is better to add cabbage, potatoes, spices and greens.
  • Dilute the acid with sugar. Add one teaspoon, mix, try. Repeat the procedure until the taste of the dish becomes acceptable.
  • Soda perfectly neutralizes acid. Therefore, pour the borsch into a larger container (since the foam forms as a result of the reaction) and gradually, checking, add ¼ teaspoon of soda. It is advisable not to pour too much. If, after adding soda, the borscht remained sour, add a little sugar - and the soup is saved.
  • Add water, boil again. To make up for the amount of borsch, add the ingredients: especially more onions and carrots. These products also have the ability to interrupt the sour taste.

The main thing in this situation is to remain calm, otherwise you can overdo it again. For example, add too many soda. Act carefully so as not to throw away your efforts.

If you added a lot of vinegar to the salad: how to fix it?

I added a lot of vinegar to the salad
I added a lot of vinegar to the salad

Although the vegetables are very "getting along" with vinegar, they are not able to absorb all the acid. Add a little more - and the salad was soaked with acid. How to fix it if you put a lot of this acid? Here are the tips:

  • If there is not so much excess vinegar, try to just dilute the salad with ingredients or sauce. There will be more dishes, excessive acid will leave.
  • Rinse under water that half of the saladwhich was most damaged by vinegar, and then return it to the second half and mix it. Of course, it is necessary to season the dish again: to make more ingredients and sauce.
  • Add a little sugar. Put carefully and check every time you add sugar, otherwise the salad will have to be thrown away.
  • Add garlic: This product perfectly neutralizes the sour taste, like carrots. It is preferable to add it in raw form, since the astringency of the taste of this ingredient takes upon itself acid vinegar.
  • Brill more on onions into the salad - With his sharpness, he interrupts the sour taste of vinegar.

Nevertheless, a damaged salad can always be replaced with new ones if the ingredients remain. Do not regret throwing the dish, if it is spoiled, it is better to take care of your body and health.

If you add a lot of vinegar to barbecue: what to do?

Added a lot of vinegar to barbecue
Added a lot of vinegar to barbecue

First of all, do not rush to “reanimate” the barbecue. The need for this depends on what type of meat you cook: if pork, you can not worry. The peculiarity of pork meat is that it absorbs the required amount of vinegar, and excess fluid remains outside. Only the meat of another animal will be the problem. How to rectify the situation? What to do if you add a lot of acid to barbecue? Here are the tips:

  • Very effective in this case is grenade juice, kiwi or pineapple. However, in a critical situation, such ingredients are rarely found in the kitchen. Therefore, if you accidentally have these products, you are very lucky.
  • Almost everyone has mustard in the kitchen. Therefore, feel free to dilute the acid with it, because it has opposite vinegar properties. Mustard also softens the meat, making the taste more supple.
  • Washing the meat in boiled cooling water or in kefir or mineral water.
  • Washed in water and add a little wine.
  • If an excess of vinegar is not too critical, Add lemon juice. He will break through the taste of acid, taking it on himself.

Recommendation: In the marinade of barbecue, use apple cider vinegar. His presence in the dish is not felt at all. Also quite often modern housewives use mineral water, kefir or sauce as a marinade.

I added a lot of vinegar to the dough: what to do?

Many housewives have the habit of diluting soda vinegar. But cases “distracted - and vinegar is already a whole bowl”, at the present time are very common. What to do if you don’t want to take on a new dough, but you really need to bake the pie? If you added a lot of vinegar to the dough, here are the tips:

  • If there are much more acids - Try to restore the balance and add more soda. This ingredient is a powerful alkali and turns part of the acid into carbon dioxide. Put a little soda and try. Add until the taste becomes acceptable.
  • Put sugar. Mix the dough well and try it after each added sugar.
  • Add a little salt. Sour and salty tastes are processed with one area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, so one taste is interrupted by another.

Vinegar can always be replaced with sour jam, lemon juice or other acidic liquids that can adopt the acid of vinegar to themselves and interrupt the taste. The dough is an unpretentious thing.

How to fix Adzhika, mushrooms or other blanks for the winter, if you added a lot of vinegar: how to neutralize?

There are a lot of vinegar in Azhika
There are a lot of vinegar in Azhika

Vinegar helps home blanks for the winter "live" for a very long time and not let microbes spread. But sometimes it turns out that housewives accidentally add too much vinegar - and vegetables are already almost unsuitable for use. After all, acid is able to corrode layers of the gastrointestinal tract, which is very life -threatening. That's when the housewives faces the urgent question: how to neutralize vinegar in blanks for the winter? How to fix Adzhika, Mushrooms, etc.? In most cases, the sunset can be saved.

  • Drain the marinade and pour the contents of the jar with boiled cold water. Then tighten the lid and leave the jar in the refrigerator for a day. If the contents of the can still have a sour taste - season it with vegetable oil, herbs and spices.
  • If an excess of vinegar was seen when cookingTry to fix the taste of sugar.
  • Cross your sour taste acute: ginger, soy sauce or pepper.

From "Domestic canned food" you can always cook a new dish. If you hold the contents of the jar under water for some time, and then fry with vegetables, adding spices and greens - you will forget about the problem with acid.

Vinegar is inalienable help in the kitchen for housewives. But it should always be remembered that this is an acid that is able to deliver an irreversible stomach on the stomach. This is especially true for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to throw the product than it is “through force” to the detriment of your body. Take care of your health!

Video: pickled mushrooms for the winter without vinegar! Well, just a foster!

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