I went too far with sugar in jam: how to fix how to remove a sugary sweet taste, what to add to remove sweetness, advice of experienced housewives

I went too far with sugar in jam: how to fix how to remove a sugary sweet taste, what to add to remove sweetness, advice of experienced housewives

If you overdo it with sugar in jam, then this can be fixed. You only need to follow some tips.

Jam is a very sweet product, in itself, and the extra fraction of sugar can completely spoil it, making a taste of sugary. However, not a single person is safe from errors, and even the most experienced hostess can accidentally add too much granulated sugar to the dish.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What does the foam consist of from jam and what are the reasons for its appearance?". You will find out why and how to remove the foam correctly, and what will happen if you do not collect foam.

Of course, it will no longer be impossible to remove excess sugar from jam, however, such a situation will not become hopeless. There are ways to reduce the sweetness of jam, and we will talk about them in this article below. Read further.

What to do if the jam turned out too sweet, I went too far with sugar - how to fix it: the advice of experienced housewives

The jam turned out too sweet, overwhelmed with sugar
The jam turned out too sweet, overwhelmed with sugar

As they say, if there are hitch and difficulties in some business, then the easiest way to cope with the problem is to ask for advice from a specialist. And who can understand cooking, better than experienced housewives? Let's look at some tips on how to solve the problem of too sweet jam. What to do if you overdo it with sugar - how to fix it? Here are the advice of experienced housewives:

  • The first and most logical way to save too sweet jam is to dilute it. And the ingredient for this can be any suitable ingredient, with less sweetness or at all, not in its composition of granulated sugar. Add berries or fruits digested without sah. Sand, then mix two types of jam and boil a little.
  • There are other, no less interesting ways to save the dessert, in addition to dilution. So, for example, you can simply disguise too sweet the taste of jam by adding any ingredient there that has a sourness in its taste-lemon juice, etc.

However, if desired, too sweet jam can not be diluted and left as it is. In this case, the dessert only needs to be consumed in smaller portions, for example with tea. In addition, jam can always be used as an ingredient for other dishes - fillings for pies, buns, soaking cakes, etc.

How to remove the sugary sweet taste of jam, if the jam turned out too sweet: options

It is safe to say that the main problem of too sweet jam is its sugary taste. Therefore, in order to save such a dessert and make it more tasty, you can try to reduce the cloying. Let's look at the most suitable options in order to achieve a reduction in cloying of jam. So, how to remove the sugary sweet taste of jam, if the jam turned out too sweet?

One of the most effective ways to reduce the cloying of jam, according to experienced housewives, is the following sequence of actions:

  1. Posterly sweet dessert must be transferred to a pan, using a spoon.
  2. Next, pour a glass of clean water into this pan and add citric acid, in a small amount.
  3. The resulting mixture must be heated over medium heat, bringing to a boil. At the same time, it is important that the water is distributed evenly, so stir the jam all the time. This process should continue until the desired balance of taste is found.
  4. Lay the resulting jam with spoons in jars, and then, send it to the water bath again-for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Now you can roll up or put in a cool place.

Despite the fact that the method described above is considered effective, it is also not always able to help reduce the sweetness of jam. However, you should not lower your hands and throw away the dessert, since in any case you can find application in any case. For example, jam can become a good adhesive element for decorating a cake, or a glazed mixture for meat during baking.

How to fix very sweet jam - what to add to remove sweetness?

Very sweet jam
Very sweet jam

We have already written above that it is possible to reduce the sweetness of jam with dilution or adding other ingredients. But what components are best suited in order to reduce the cloying of taste? How to fix very sweet jam - what to add? The following will help to remove sweetness:

Adding water:

  • The first ingredient for diluting sweet jam, in addition, accessible to absolutely any housewife, is ordinary, clean water.
  • This method is also good because the water has no taste and sweets, so that jam can be diluted as much as necessary, until the desired taste is obtained.

Fruit mousses:

  • You can also dilute sweet desserts with various mashed potatoes and mousses made of acidic fruits.
  • It is interesting that such an ingredient can not only balance the sweetness of jam, but also give its taste interesting notes.

Other jam:

  • Another ingredient to reduce the cunning of dessert can be the same jam, only boiled without adding sugar.
  • The only difficulty is that this method requires the preparation of an additional portion of the product.

Lemon or citric acid:

  • In the absence of a desire to spend time and products on the preparation of a new portion of jam, you can try to shade the taste of the dessert sour, adding a real lemon.
  • In the absence of fruit, ordinary citric acid is also suitable.

As we see, there are a lot of ways and options for saving too sweet jam and they are all affordable. This suggests that an accidental oversight allowed in the process of preparation should not be an occasion to give up and throw out the just prepared product. Moreover, as already mentioned, no one is safe from errors.

Digested the jam: what to do?

Too many sugar is not the only problem that the housewife may encounter when cooking jam. Although the process of making sweet mixtures and looks simple at first glance, it is full of difficulties. For example, jam can be accidentally digested. At the same time, it is not the very fact that the jam was digested (it does not deteriorate from this), but the consequences of this incident. For example, digested jam can make a corny or become too thick. What to do and how to deal with this problem is described below.

The jam was digested and burned:

  • In a situation where in the process of cooking, the jam was buried to the dishes, the most important thing is not to mix it.
  • To begin with, it is necessary to transfer the product to another pan.
  • Then add lemon juice to new dishes - in a ratio of 50 ml to 3 liters.
  • The task of lemon juice will be to remove the smell of Gary.

If the jam thickened:

  • Another nuisance inherent in digested jam is thicken.
  • In this case, the product must simply dilute with boiled water to the desired consistency.
  • Then cook additionally for five minutes.

It remains to add that as already mentioned above, digested jam is not a spoiled product in itself and it can be eaten for food. In order to avoid the risk of digestion or minimize it, you can adhere to the rule during cooking "Pyatimetoki jam":

  • Boil it for no more than 5 minutes, then set aside for a day and repeat the next day.
  • In general, the essence of this recipe is to bring the product to a boil, and then cook 2-3 times, for 5 minutes-no more.

The dessert will turn out to be delicious, with a bright berry tint and a unique fruit aroma.

Ways to save the jam that has sucked: options, how can it be used?

Jam that sucked
Jam that sucked

Probably every person is familiar with such a situation when in an open jar of jam, not the usual liquid substance is found, but something vaguely reminiscent of marmalade. This process, characteristic of jam, is called sugar and despite the fact that such a dessert itself is not considered spoiled, the possibilities of its use are greatly reduced. Indeed, for example, you can’t smoke such a substance on bread. Is it possible to return the previous consistency with sugary jam and if not, how to use it?

There are simple ways to save the jam that sucked. These options and the description of how it can be used:

  • Melting in a water bath

This method takes very little time. In order to melt the jam in a water bath, you need a pan, water, dessert and spoon itself (preferably wooden). The further process is as simple as possible: the container with jam is placed in a pan and begins to melt in heating water. At the same time, the product itself must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. By the way, the use of wooden spoons, instead of iron, will preserve the maximum amount of vitamins.

  • Melting in the microwave

This method is more technological compared to the first and at the same time takes less time. Open a jar of jam and place it in the SV-fuel, installing pre-high power. As for the time, a half-liter jam bank usually melts on average in 5 or 7 minutes.

However, trying to immediately save the sugared jam and attributing it to the accounts is also wrong. After all, such a product has many ways to use:

It is worth noting that the jam cooked in accordance with the technology should not be sugared. However, if something has gone wrong, the tips and recipes described above will always come to the rescue and help you save a ruined dessert at first glance or at least find it a new application.

Homemade jam is not only a sweet dessert beloved from childhood. This is also a great way to preserve the sweet memories of the summer. In the end, the season of berries and fruits is short. And how nice it will be to open a jar of fragrant jam in a dull, dull, winter morning and at least for a short while to return to a warm and sunny, summer day.

Video: What to do if the jam is burnt - we save the spoiled homemade jam

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