Sauerkraut is fast, crispy and very juicy: 7 most delicious recipes

Sauerkraut is fast, crispy and very juicy: 7 most delicious recipes

Recipes for cooking fast, crispy sauerkraut.

Sved cabbage is an original Russian dish that has been popular from ancient times. Oddly enough, it is precisely such pickles as sauer cabbage that leave the table the fastest, unlike exquisite salads, olivier, crab or fur coat. In this article we will tell you how to quickly cook sauerkraut. 

Sauerkraut in 15 minutes

Of course, it taste slightly different from the one that is prepared for 3 days. But in general, having spent a little time, it will be possible to get a vitamin product in 15 minutes.


  • 3 kg of cabbage
  • 270 ml of oil
  • 220 ml of vinegar
  • 210 g of sugar
  • 1500 ml of water
  • 1 carrots
  • 50 g of salt

Recipe for sauerkraut in 15 minutes:

  • Select a dense head with light leaves. Do not take products with green color, it is very hard, it will be difficult to chew. The head of the head should be very dense. In this case, the pieces will turn out quite thin.
  • In a small container, chop the carrots along with the main ingredient, after washing and cleaning the vegetables.
  • Put water on the stove, bring to a boil. Add all ingredients except vinegar. Boil 3 minutes, pour in vinegar.
  • Lay the mixture into jars and cover with boiling solution. Leave warm for 2 hours. Before serving to the table, cool.
Fast cabbage
Fast cabbage


The main difficulty is to prepare a dish, you need to spend about 3-4 days on a pickle. Many are not ready to wait so long, so they are looking for faster recipes that allow you to prepare such a treat. Unfortunately, in this case, the cabbage will turn out to be less useful, because the composition of the dish will certainly have vinegar.Below is the simplest recipe. 


  • 120 g of vinegar 
  • Big cabbage cabbage 
  • 30 g of sugar 
  • 10 g of salt 
  • 500 ml of water 
  • Spices 
  • 1 large carrots 

Quarrel sauerkraut, recipe:

  • The number of carrots can be increased, depending on what color you want to get the finished dish. The more carrots, the brighter the finished treat. It is necessary to remove dirty leaves from the head, and cut into thin strips.
  • This can be done with the help of shinkling, or a sharp knife. Of course, if there is a kitchen technique, such as a combine, then it will come in handy. It will become an indispensable assistant if you need to prepare a large number of vegetables.
  • After your cabbage is prepared, it is necessary to remove the skin from carrots, grind on a grater. In order to make the dish more beautiful, we recommend using not a classic grater, but Korean. As a result, you will get long strips, or straw.
  • Now in the container it is necessary to mix the vegetables and rub them with your hands. It is necessary that they mix well with each other and let the juice. Now, using a bush, or a wooden rolling pin, tamp the vegetable mixture into a jar and press.
  • It is necessary that the vegetables lie very tightly in the container. After that, boil water in a large pot, enter bulk ingredients, add spices. Last of all, it is necessary to pour in vinegar and vegetable oil. Let the liquids boil for about 2 minutes. After that, when the brine is still hot, pour it into the vessel with vegetables. Close the lid and put in the cold. After about 12 hours, the dish will be ready, you can use it in food. Additionally, you can transport on onions and herbs. 

Quick sauerkraut crispy with onions and garlic

This is an option for lovers of piquant dishes who simply adore pickles, and garlic. 


  • Head of cabbage 
  • 2 large large carrots 
  • 1 large onion head 
  • 5 cloves of garlic 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 
  • 100 ml of vinegar 400 ml of water 

Fast sauerkraut crispy with onions and garlic, recipe:

  • A rather simple option is the preparation of cabbage with onions and garlic. The taste is very piquant, unusual and interesting. To prepare a disorder, you must chop the carrots in a small container with cabbage, add onions and kill throughgarlic coding garlic.
  • Please note that all manipulations on the shinkling of vegetables can be performed in the kitchen combine. Now, in a separate container made of metal, it is necessary to boil water, pour vinegar, salt, sugar vegetable oil. Further, the entire vegetable mass is poured with a hot brine in a large wide container.
  • This option is not sucked in a bank, but in a pan or in a large bowl. It is necessary to lay out a dish on top, which in diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan and set a three -liter vessel filled with water on top. Thus, something like oppression is obtained.
  • As a result of the exposure of the mass, the cabbage is very quickly seeped and impregnated with the taste of the marinade. You need to leave it for 6 hours. After that, the finished dish is laid out in jars, covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator. After about eight hours, you can eat a cooked dish. 
Fast pickles
Fast pickles

Fast sauerkraut crumbling in a jar with bell pepper

You can use the recipe with Bulgarian pepper. It will be appreciated by lovers of piquant dishes, snacks.


  • 200 g of pepper
  • Large head of cabbage
  • 300 g of carrots
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 30 g of salt
  • 50 g of vinegar
  • 50 g of vegetable oil

Fast sauerkraut crumbling in a jar with bell pepper, recipe:

  • To do this, take a large head of mature cabbage, best of all winter or late. She has more dense leaves and she crunchs perfectly. Such cabbage does not get dark, does not become soft.
  • Cut the vegetable into thin strips, pour into a large pan, grate a small amount of carrots. On average, it should be approximately 5 times less than cabbage. After that, take the bell pepper, cut into thin strips. Of course, it is best to use red bell pepper, as it looks more interesting and brighter in the finished snack.
  • After that, it is necessary to mix Bulgarian pepper with vegetables and set aside. Now in a small container it is necessary to place sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil and spices. As spices, it is best to use fragrant pepper with peas and bay leaf. Before turning off the brine, it must be boiled for 3 minutes. Cover the vegetables with a hot solution, and lay out in jars.
  • You can tamp vegetables in a jar in advance and only then covered with a finished marinade. Cover everything with plastic lids and take it to the balcony for about 12 hours. It is after what period of time that you can use the appetizer inside. 

Cricking and juicy sauerkraut

Of course, nothing can be compared with the classic option of cabbage, so it is prepared without the use of vinegar, and cabbage sours with lactic acid bacteria. Undoubtedly, the taste is different, and is fundamentally different from a dish prepared with vinegar. However, these dishes also have their own fans. You will need more time to prepare classic cabbage. Moreover, it takes very little active time, but it will take about 3-4 days so that the cabbage spreads naturally, with the participation of lactic acid bacteria. 


  • Big cabbage cabbage 
  • 2 large carrots 
  • 1000 ml of water 
  • 30 g of sugar 
  • 30 g of salt 
  • Spices 

Sved -coat of quick cooking crispy and juicy, recipe:

  • Measure the cabbage with thin strips, or so, How do you like. For this recipe, it is best to use tires. Obrate the attention that the thinner the strip, the faster it isand burn. Grinde Carrots and mix with cabbage. Sun.e Changee hands, So that the vegetables let the juice. 
  • Pdink this in a saucepan water, Add salt and sugar.Nput the bay leaf and pepper in a jar and cover with a cooled marinade. Do not use in any case boiling water. The best option if the brine is slightly warm.
  • After you fill the containers with vegetables, Cover with a brine, it is necessary to putcontainers in deep bowls, To liquid, which is sour, did not spill out of the banoK
  • Nand the last timeyeni Sprinking, About 3 days, It is necessary to pierce the cabbage with a sharp knife andwhether to mix fork. It is necessary, to make the brine evenlyandlesy andeverything was stuck. 

Fast sauerkraut crumbling without vinegar

This recipe is verysimple, allows Fuck vegetables in 2 days. That is, in 48 hours. The following ingredients will be required to prepare: 

  • Large cabbage cabbage, about 2 kg 
  • Large carrots 
  • 2 apples, preferably Simirenko 
  • 30 g of salt 
  • 30 g of sugar 

Fast sauerkraut crunchy without vinegar, recipe:

  • Remove the leaves from white cabbage, cut into 4 slices. Now turn each of them into thin strips. Remove the skin from carrots, grind on a grater. Now clean the apples, remove the middle, cut into small pieces.
  • It is necessary that from one apple it turns out about 8 slices. Now put everything in a deep, large bowl and mix the ingredients, pour all the salt and sugar. Now remember with your hands to form a lot of juice. Movements should be the same as when kneading the dough.
  • Next, fold everything tightly to the jar and leave at room temperature for 48 hours. Please note that it is best to lay cabbage to the top, leaving about 5 cm. This is necessary that the juice that forms in the process of fermentation freely stands out and does not flow out of the jar.
  • Once a day, it is necessary to move cabbage with a knife or fork. So that the brine even penetrates into the pieces, and there are no unconcerned areas left. 

Sauerkraut recipe Crispy fast in a pan with beets

It turns out very tasty cabbage with beets. It is fermented for the winter, it turns out with excellent taste, without adding vinegar. 


  • Large head of cabbage 
  • 2 carrots 
  • Beets weighing about 400 g 
  • 300 g of celery root 
  • 50 g of salt 
  • 30 g of sugar 
  • Spices 

Sauerkraut recipe is a crispy fast in a pan with beets, recipe:

  • It is necessary to remove dirty and damaged leaves from the vegetable, rinse under water and finely cut. Root crops must be cleaned of the skin, rinse and grind on a grater or in a blender.
  • Mix cabbage with root crops, grated, and remember with your hands. Try to cook the brine early. It is necessary to mix bulk ingredients with hot water and introduce spices. You need to bring everything to a boil, then let cool to a temperature of about 30 degrees. Now pour the vegetables obtained with liquid, so that the bank is filled to the top.
  • Be sure to move with a fork and leave at room temperature. It is prepared for about 2-3 days. It is best to store a can under a plastic lid in a cold place. Ideal storage conditions in the cellar. Additions for this salad are not required. It can be eaten without adding sunflower oil. You can use such cabbage for both borscht and adding to vinaigrette. 
With beets
With beets

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