How fun and fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students: ideas, script

How fun and fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students: ideas, script

In our article you will find ideas for contests, scenes, as well as ready -made scenarios, with the help of which it will be fun to celebrate the New Year to high school students.

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a small company - ideas for contests, scenes

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a small company - ideas for contests, scenes
How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a small company - ideas for contests, scenes

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a small company - ideas for contests, scenes:

Christmas decorations

  • The guys and I will play an interesting game:
  • What the Christmas tree is dressed up with, I will call the kids.
  • You listen carefully, and be sure to answer
  • If we tell you right, say: “Yes” in response.
  • Well, if suddenly - it’s wrong, say boldly "No!"
  • Multi -colored crackers?
  • - Bolt and pillows?
  • - Coarse and cribs?
  • - Marmalades, chocolate?
  • - Glass balls?
  • - Wooden chairs?
  • - Teddy bears?
  • - Books and books?
  • - Buses multi -colored?
  • - And the garlands are light?
  • - Snow from white cotton wool?
  • - Ranks and briefcases?
  • - Shoes and boots?
  • - Cups, forks, spoons?
  • - Brilliant sweets?
  • - Tigers are real?
  • - Golden cones?
  • - Radiant stars?

Critical - "Merry Round dance"

Father Frost:
In the yard at the Christmas tree in the New Year
There is a cheerful round dance.
Sitting tightly on the bitch,
The rooster shouts ...
Father Frost:
And every time in response to him,
The cow is mumming ...
(Children)-Mu-u, mu-ou, mu-ou!
Father Frost:
To tell the singers wanted “bravo”,
But only the cat came out ...
(Children) - Meow!
Father Frost:
Do not make out a word in any way
Sold the frogs ...
Father Frost:
And something whispers to the bullfight,
Funny pig ...
Father Frost:
And smiling to himself
I sang a kid ...
Father Frost:
And who is this on the bitch?
The cuckoo shouted ...
Father Frost:
Here is such a cheerful round dance
In the yard at the Christmas tree on the New Year!

The game "Prove the word."

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts it to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... (Frost)

He flies from heaven in winter
Do not go barefoot now
Everyone knows
That is always cold ... (snow)

He is from the snow alone,
His nose is from carrots.
Slightly warm, crying instantly
And melts ... (snowman)

He was once water
But suddenly changed his appearance,
And now for the New Year
On the river we see ... (ice)

He is good, he is strict
The beard to the eyes is overgrown
Reddish, red -cheeked,
Our beloved …… (Santa Claus)

Quietly, quiet, like in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (snow)

From the sky, everyone slides fluffs -
Silver ... (snowflakes)

To the villages, on the meadow
Everything is reduced ... (Snowball)

Here is the fun for the guys -
More and more ... (snowfall)

Everyone runs ahead
Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)

Nearby is a snowy figure -
This is a girl - ... (Snow Maiden)

In the snow, look-
With red breast ... (bullfinch)

Here are a few more ideas for festive competitions:



Funny scene "Three girls" in a modern way

The girls are sitting on a bench, staring at the phones.

1st girl: “If I were the queen,-
Storyteller: writes the first girl, -

1st girl: I would be a priest-king
I would take the seas!
In the New Year - yes to Tahiti.
You marry me the king!
Ol inclusive, sea, pictures ...
Farewell, warm tights! "

2nd girl: “If I were the queen,
Storyteller: her sister writes here,

-2nd girl: then for the whole baptized light
I prepared a bundle!
Foie-grade, shrimp, sushi,
Oysters, pork ears ...
And chocolate fund
-The king-priest is delighted.
I don't like diets
I will feed the autocrat. "

3rd girl: “If I become a queen,
- The third writes the post girl,
Then I will give the priest-tsar PlayStation the fifth.
He is tired of editing the world
It is necessary to slow down.
He will play games,
There is densely to sleep. ”

Storyteller: only managed to publish,
A hundred likes flew in.
And Korolevich Elisha is knocking on her.

The king enters the stage and takes the 3rd girl by the hand.

Tsar: What a miracle, what a wonderful!
And you are wise, and beautiful.
Sometimes you understand
In male psychology!
I'm hurrying up with business
I will marry you right away.

1st and 2nd girl: how insulting! God sees
I will write about this on the blog!

Tsar: Do not make noise you girls.
Color the eyelashes as soon as possible.
I am too under the crown
I will give everyone, finally.

A conductor and gourmet entered the stage, everyone takes hands.

Storyteller: the king, of course, well done,
He gave them all to the aisle.
The first is the husband - the conductor,
I got used to travel.
The first girl with him
Rides all along the foreign countries.
Second husband-gourmet eastete
Knows the entire composition of the cutlets.

Everything is in chorus: in the fairy tale it is not a lie - happiness where you do not wait.

The scene "Two greedy teddy bear"
Participants: Bear 1 - Toptyka, Bear 2 - Bear, Fox.

Two bear cubs are tired of raving through the forest.

1. It would be nice to relax, but eat something!
2. What do you whine all the way?
Be patient a little more!
There is a good tree to the Christmas tree,
We’ll sit there, we’ll rest!
Suddenly they see the cheese on the path.

1. What is, take a look, Toptyka!
2. Why, this is cheese, brother!
Very tasty, very fresh!

1. Listen, brother! Do not be ignorant!
Give my cheese here!
2. Look, there was a commander!
I will not give you cheese!

1. Well, here I will ask you!
They begin to "fight" the fox,

L. What is? Noise and fight!
What are these sculptures?
Hey Hey hey! Wait, brothers!
How are you not ashamed to fight?

1. Toptyka is to blame for everything!
2. The first to fight Mishka!
1. He did not give me cheese!
2. He topped around my paws!

L. ah, you are dear guys,
Dear cubs!
I'll make you quickly!
I will share the cheese exactly!
Here you have a piece, Toptyka!
Here you have a piece, Bear!

1. Look, he has
The cheese is more than mine!
The fox takes the cheese, pinchs off in his pocket, holds out, licks himself.

L. That's how she divided exactly!
2. No !!!!! Mishka has more cheese!
The fox "divides" again

1. It became more at the Toptyka!
2. Oh-oh-! A big piece of Bear!
1. Toptyka has become more!
2. No !! Come on, Delhi at first!
The fox shakes off the paws on the apron, there is no cheese!

1. How could this happen!
The fox deceived us!
2. That's all you, greedy!
1. The same greedy itself!

L. ah, you are dear guys,
Dear cubs!
Glorious! Elegant!
But so greedy!

Chorus: You will remember friends!
You can’t be greedy at all!
Because of this greed
Only trouble!

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a large company - ideas for a quest

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a large company - ideas for a quest
How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a large company - ideas for a quest

How to celebrate the New Year 2023 to high school students in a large company - ideas for the quest:

Hi all! Your Santa Claus
Somewhere he picked up sclerosis.
I came to you guys,
And the gifts hid here.
I was in a hurry for your holiday
And I failed into a snowdrift.
And while I got out
And while I got to you,
I was completely confused!
Where did my bag go?!
Yes, riddles, how to find?
Were confused along the way! ..
If you find my path,
You will find a gift!

The place where the gifts are
It is related to the opening bright.
I remember how I held it in my hands
And, thinking, tore ...
All pieces scattered.
And where? .. There are only lines in my head.

Well, come on, don't be lost,
In search, you go!
And now start -
Guess the first riddle!

  • The first festive task is to find all the differences


  • The second festive task - count all the grandfathers of Morozov

  • The third festive task - guess

New Year's-quest-for-children-3

  • Fourth festive task - find the same snowmen

Ideas for the clues of the quest

The first hint
I look at everyone silently
And everyone looks at me.
Funny see laughter
I cry with sad.

Guess the riddle and find the next hint!
One leg is shorter
One leg is longer.
At the same time, by the way,
Twelve times faster!
But despite this,
They go somewhere
From sunset until dawn,
From sunrise to sunset.
The answer to this riddle is the clock.

If you guess this riddle, you will find out the place of the next clue!
Not on the floor it
And not on the shelf.
And he looks into the house
And he looks at the street.
The answer to this riddle is the window.

There is snow and ice sparkles,
Winter itself lives there.
This winter is forever
They brought from the store.
What place? You guess - where you find out the hint.
The answer to this riddle is a refrigerator, a freezer or a freezer.

The quest you go on and guess the riddle!
There is a back, not lies.
There are four legs, not walking.
It himself is always worth it, but he tells others to sit.
The answer is a chair.

Guess this easy riddle, guys!
What place? Guess - where you will find out the tips.
On mine, friends, the screen
Then the seas are noisy in the fog,
Then the fruits pumps the garden.
There are cartoons for the guys.
The answer to this riddle is the TV.

You solve the last riddle
And find out the last tickle.
All pieces are in the postcard, add up
Where is your gift, tell me!
In the summer it is cold, hot in winter.
What's this?
The answer to the last riddle of our New Year's quest is the battery.

How fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students - ideas for a festive lottery with prizes

How fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students - ideas for a festive lottery with prizes
How fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students - ideas for a festive lottery with prizes

How fun to celebrate the new 2023 to high school students - ideas for a festive lottery with prizes:

Pencil sharp nose
To sharpen her is not a question!

Draw the sun, cloud,
Forest and sea-a miracle hand!
(A pen)

You from the forest are a friend
This one handed the notebook!

Hold the pencil as soon as possible
And draw them from the heart!

For luxurious for hairstyles
Get, my friend, comb.

Get a friend, as a gift
Super balloon
A real girlfriend
I'll give you now.
She loves tea from a mug
Chupa-chups, juice and kvass.

In order not to chat without measure,
You can seal their mouths (joke)

It always whispers to you
That you are sweet on earth!

To hide the hole in your pocket,
They can be sewn up with them.

For you, a surprise is a ring!
A joke is a sweet egg.
(Kinder Surprise)

I wanted to give you a pill
But okay, hold the candy.

To improve the mood
Eat, my friend, cookies.

You inflate you with her soon
One hundred huge bubbles.
(Chewing gum)
A real girlfriend
I'll give you now.
She loves tea from a mug
Chupa-chups, juice and kvass.

In order not to chat without measure,
You can seal their mouths (joke)

It always whispers to you
That you are sweet on earth!

To hide the hole in your pocket,
They can be sewn up with them.

For you, a surprise is a ring!
A joke is a sweet egg.
(Kinder Surprise)

I wanted to give you a pill
But okay, hold the candy.

To improve the mood
Eat, my friend, cookies.

You inflate you with her soon
One hundred huge bubbles.
(Chewing gum)
A real girlfriend
I'll give you now.
She loves tea from a mug
Chupa-chups, juice and kvass.

In order not to chat without measure,
You can seal their mouths (joke)

It always whispers to you
That you are sweet on earth!

To hide the hole in your pocket,
They can be sewn up with them.

For you, a surprise is a ring!
A joke is a sweet egg.
(Kinder Surprise)

I wanted to give you a pill
But okay, hold the candy.

To improve the mood
Eat, my friend, cookies.

You inflate you with her soon
One hundred huge bubbles.
(Chewing gum)

How to cool the New Year to high school students - New Year's disco

How to cool the New Year to high school students - New Year's disco
How to cool the New Year to high school students - New Year's disco

How to cool the New Year to high school students - New Year's disco:

With solid faith, with renewed vigor
We will go forward ...
Hello, our guest is light -winged!

Hello, New Year!
Well, now we answer a smile with a smile,
And the New Year holiday is starting!

The music sounds, the Queen Winter comes to the stage.

Queen Winter.
Well, the Queen of the Flows Winter,
I will fulfill a miracle today myself:
I will give a wonderful holiday to you
I will create a marvelous wonder for you.
There will be games, dances, fun -
In the morning, a hangover will be pleasant.
And so that you can do all this,
I propose to fill my heart with fun.
Good luck and happiness to all of you, friends!

Queen Winter is leaving. There is a dance pause for 15 - 20 minutes, after that Santa Claus enters the stage.

Santa Claus (sings on the motive of the song "I am a water").
I'm Santa Claus, I'm Santa Claus,
Who wants to froze your nose?
Drinking (dizzy) to the music,
Have fun with me.
Eh, where is my girlfriend,
Snow Maiden-girl.
We have fun and in a cold
And no one for us, and no one for us,
And we do not need no one.
Oh-th, I'm coming to you
In the forests and in the mountains.
That's where I found you
My path was not easy
But I found this hall, and friends, and a Christmas tree.

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden? It's time to start a holiday, receive gifts, but it is not yet. And let's call her all together.

(The name is chorus: "Snow Maiden!")

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga.
As a lot of people in the hall,
The glorious holiday will be here.
The telegram was sent to me
That they are waiting for me here
Well, so I came! And you meet more likely to the grandmother-yagusu and clap loudly!

(Sings on the motive of the song "Baba Yaga" from the repertoire of the group "Na-on.")

It is not for nothing that I am called Baba Yaga,
I am always joking and laughing at all.
I know the secret, how fun to live:
To sing, dance, do not bother about anything!
I'm a woman-grandmother Yaga
Our pop star.
Well, who else is like me,
Funny sing and dance?
Yaga I'm, and for the belt I
I will shut up all competitors,
So don't regret for me
Their applause.

(The song "Happy New Year" of the "accident" group sounds all dancing.)

Father Frost.
Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am
He dented well.
And now I will rest
Here I will sit at the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga. You, Santa Claus, sit, and the guys and I will hold a fun contest!

Funny New Year's puzzles-obstacles for children

On Blue January day
Lilac blows (in May)

On a female day a bouquet of mimosa
Gives to the ladies ... (men)

A pack of cigarettes to school
Dragged ... (classmate)

Waxes with wolves of snowstorms
In the winter month ... (February)

Winter nights
Summer ... (longer)

Carpet of leaves on the ground
Nature creases ... (in October)

New Year is celebrated
Palma people ... (they dress up a Christmas tree)

You get used to the snow, blizzard,
If you live on ... (north)

Father Frost. Now let's hold a music contest “Support the song”.

At the forest on the edge
Winter lived in a hut.
She salted snowballs
In the birch tub.
She twisted the yarn
She wove the canvases
Otvka ice
Yes over the rivers bridges.

Ice ceiling,
The door is creaky.
Behind the rough wall
The darkness is prickly.
How you step by the threshold -
Everywhere holes,
And from the windows of the steam
Blue - blue ...
(Song "Winter" on Sl. S. Ostovoy.)


Rivers cooled, and the earth has cooled down,
And a little at home.
This is warm and damp in the city,
This is warm and damp in the city,
And outside the city is winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away and take me away
In a ringing snow distance
Three white horse, eh, three white horse -
December, both January, and February.
(The song "Three White Horses" on L. Derbenev from the film "Sorcerers".)


Somewhere in the world,
Where there is always frost,
The bears rub their backs
About the earth's axis
Gets float by,
Sleeping under the ice of the sea
Rub on the axis of bears -
The earth is spinning.
("Song of Bears", Sl. Derbenev, from the movie "Caucasian captive".)


On this black, disgusting evening,
When snowmail along the roads,
You throw it, dear, on your shoulders
Orenburg downy scarf.
(Song "Orenburg downy scarf" on see V. Bokova.)

Along the street Metelitsa, it is marking,
My nice blizzard goes on a snowstorm.
You wait, wait, my beauty,
Let me look at, joy, on you!
(Russian folk song "Metelitsa".)


Oh, frost-fashion,
Do not freeze me
Do not freeze me, my horse,
Do not freeze me, my horse,
My horse is white.
(Russian folk song "Oh, frost-mod ...".)

(The winners team are awarded with applause. Music sounds, the Queen of Winter comes on the stage.)

Queen Winter. Dear friends! Now the solemn moment of our holiday will come, soon the clock will break through twelve and the bird of happiness and the symbol of this year will appear - a rabbit.

A bird of happiness appears.

The Bird of Happiness.
I am a golden bird of happiness
My luster does not blind my eyes.
I will take the wing of bad weather
And a thunderstorm will pass by you.
Who only once saw me,
He will be happy and rich.
Who did not have my subsidies
He will receive them without barriers.
I will give you light, people,
And he will bring you happiness!
And the New Year will be special,
Catch my gift.

(Throws chocolate medals in the gold foil.)

Baba Yaga and Santa Claus (together)
We want to wish you good luck in everything,
So that you believe in a fairy tale at night and day,
And so that your whole family is having fun,
So that friends came to you on the New Year.
More gifts, happy laughter,
In all endeavors - only success!
(The clock beats twelve.)

Queen Winter.

Now, when it beats twelve
New Year comes to us
Happy congratulations,
With nice mood.
Away, hardships and misfortunes!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!

(The song sounds to the melody of the song from the movie "Carnival Night", all artists perform.)

If you, frowning,
You will leave the class,
Because the deuce
There is in the diary
Let you smile
All friends once -
And you will purchase right away
You are a happy look!

And a smile, without doubt,
Suddenly your eyes touch
And a good mood
You will be all year round.
If our whole evening
I was a success
And a cheerful holiday
I penetrated your heart,
Artists are standing here
Shout them: "Bravo!"
They tried from the heart - remember them!

After the final word, the cheerle of the disco for high school students begins.

Modern scenarios that will help to celebrate the New Year 2023 original - “New Year turnip”, “New Year with Pinocchio and Malvina”

Modern scenarios that will help to celebrate the New Year 2023 original - “New Year turnip”, “New Year with Pinocchio and Malvina”
Modern scenarios that will help to celebrate the New Year 2023 original - “New Year turnip”, “New Year with Pinocchio and Malvina”

Modern scenarios that will help to celebrate the New Year 2023 original:

"New Year's turnips"

New Year's music sounds, presenters appear.

Presenter 1:
Walked the snowball and wrapped everything in
Minutes run more fun
The heart wants to sing, dance -
It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Presenter 2:
Friends gathered all together
Congratulations read, sing songs,
Have fun and dream,
The best holiday is celebrated.

Presenter 1:
The winter forest freezes -
I really want miracles
For friends and relatives,
For kids and big!

Presenter 2:
So let's dream
We have fun, play.
On this day, cheerful, clear
We invite you to a fairy tale ...

(Fairytale music sounds, the leading people find themselves in a fairy tale about the turnip. At the festive table in the hut, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse are sitting in the hut. The granddaughter is openly missing)

Well, girls, midnight,
And it's time to decide:
Tell us conversations
Or maybe play?

A cat, a bug and a mouse (rejoice in chorus, clap their hands):
Play, play,
To sing and dance a song!

Why not play?
Do not refuse your hand.
Honey granddaughter, forward:
Stop a round dance!

Granddaughter (angrily):
On-do-lo! I do not want.
How much can you really?
How much is already hanging here -
We sang with you twenty times.

Christmas tree, table, hut and stove:
It lasts forever
New Year has come - so what?
Every time the same thing!

Granddaughter, baby, how so?
The yard is a desired holiday
Grandma, poor, one
Prepares a bunch of dishes of different ...

Tired of your scrapers -
A bunch of dishes, and all from turnips!
Republic cake and hot ...
Well, what is it?

Grandma (bewildered):
This is a repable lemonade,
I thought my grandfather would be glad.
Why are you, granddaughter, not happy?
So our ancestors lived.

You will also be instead of a Christmas tree
Your turnip was dressed up!

No, friends, you can't live like that:
In the yard, twenty -first centuries,
The time of the show, foi-grade,
And we are a trellis of nerves!

Granddaughter, baby, not buzzing,
What I came up with - tell me
We will fulfill all dreams
So what do you want?

New Year's light
To come to our corner!
Real most stars -
To sing everything seriously,
New songs, new dances,
So that everything is like a gloss.
And also ... I want an iPhone!

Baby, maybe to the doctor?
We lived peacefully without troubles
They performed all the vagaries ...
Told you, grandfather,
We bought a TV in vain!

You puzzled, granddaughter.
Well, let's figure out the best
Preparation is needed here -
Apparently, it will not be up to bed ...

(Bug, cat, mouse whisper, everyone diverge, the scene is empty. The sound of a howling panel is heard, the wind blows. Suddenly, a morgoren with a song on a motive appears from a Christmas tree)

Morgenstern (sings):
Private Morgenstern is somewhere here,
Glory, what have you done?
Ay, prepare the Christmas trees, to her, e-e-e
She, her

Where is my lambo? I want to go home,
I went to the concert, and then the forest is solid,
Why didn't I buy a plane?

What to do here? It’s completely cold
I grabbed my problems in the New Year,
I took the girls well with me,
Ol, come here to run, I said to whom?

(Buzova appears with a song on the motive of "tangerines")

Buzova (sings):
I wanted, not hoarfrost hoarfrost,
Wintering us with a fluffy winter ...
Well, let's celebrate the New Year with you here?

I will never see now, probably
I will be lost and I will not return to the stage, I
Help us soon, New Year!

(Klava appears with a song on the motive "Leave the chat")

Klava (sings):

Our song is sung, they are silent around the Christmas tree,
What kind of village is this, where there are no guys?
And what, we returned a hundred years ago?
Civilization exactly left the chat!
Chat, chat, chat, h-h-chat, chat, chat, chat, chat,
Left chat, chat, chat, chat, h-h-chat,
Chat, chat, chat, cha,
La-la-la-la ...

(Grandfather, granddaughter appear)

Well, why is it so right away?
There is civilization here,
There is something to do with us,
There are a lot of all kinds of miracles.

Granddaughter (delighting with unexpected guests):
I don't believe my eyes
After all, doors opened to dreams,
Only we realized here -
The stars themselves appeared!

So let's go to the table
We have a brine from a turnip,
Republic salads are standing ...
They don't eat like that?

Why, everyone eats
And “thank you” they say.

And they even ask for supplements
Fasting stars!

We accidentally brought us
To your distant village
But, of course, very happy
That you were there!

So let's have fun
On the threshold of the New Year,
On the window, the pattern sparkles,
Who will sing a song to us?

I have a favorite song
She is not more wonderful in the whole world.

Oh, I know, I like it too!
This song is no more expensive.

Stand down, go ahead
We will drive a round dance together!

(The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds))

Wait a minute, wait,
I know this song!
What do you want to tell us
That she is not more wonderful?!

And there is. We are this song
From childhood we love, like everyone else,
And with great interest
We sing on the New Year everywhere.

We also had a childhood
Christmas tree, holiday, lights,
Morning with a wonderful forest -
To lie to us definitely out of hand.

And about the Christmas tree in the forest,
And about the winter-beautiful
We will sing with pleasure.
Well, we are going to sing with us!

(Perform the songs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “At the forest on the edge”, “Once frosty in winter” and other thematic)

Our songs are good -
They are exactly for the soul
With him, legs are dancing,
And the hearts around sing!

With the song of good, New Year's
Anything will become better:
Dance, friendly meeting
And a Home Quiet evening.

That's for sure. Now - I believe!
Good in our forest,
Our happiness is not to measure
Like Buzova - a braid.

(The granddaughter touches the Buzova braid, it remains in their hands. It becomes clear that Buzova, Morgenstern and Klava is a bug, cat and mouse)

Do not be angry with us, baby,
If we had enough excess.

We please you
Everyone conceived, loving.

You wanted a bright holiday
Fashionable stars were waiting for beautiful ones.

We decided to please -
To portray the stars for you.

But we were given a braid.
Or bugs eyes?

In general, granddaughter, don't be angry,
That desires have not come true ...

And I'm not angry at all
I, friends, are very happy for you
And admitly, I'm not afraid
Meet the holiday next to you.

Without thinking, she said.
But let's forget what happened
Because we are a family,
We are relatives and friends,
Let the chimes beat - bolder -
It will be more fun together!

Well, it's happy to hear.
After all, the sense has come out of the idea!

So everything is wonderful with us
We’ll meet a good holiday together.

Let him soon come to us -
Happy New Year!

(Music sounds, presenters appear)

Presenter 1:
Tales and morality have
We will not put it in the distance:
Even a recognized talent
The children's song will be glad
Klava you or Morgenstern -
You can have fun for everyone.

Presenter 2:
Adult you go a child,
At school you or in diapers,
Do not forget that the new year
Happiness carries everyone in full!

"New Year with Pinocchio and Malvina"

Music sounds, Pinocchio and Malvina appear.

Hello everyone, guys, in the hall:
We know - you were really waiting for
And, of course, they waited -
Happy, friend, smile!

New Year is coming
Let him bring happiness
All good luck and success,
And a cheerful sonorous laughter.

Congratulations are preparing
We will open the doors to him,
And arrange a bright holiday
For children of various!

But tell me, Pinocchio:
Frost did not pass by!
Shorts and cap - not that ...
Why are you without a coat?

Ha, forgot! Wood
I'm a guy without a flaw
And I don't know problems
I'm not cold at all.

Okay, let, but you kids,
Remember: it will not be superfluous
Win a warm scarf
And put on gloves!

Let's play?
We will make riddles,
You will have to guess
What we need to wear!

(Pinocchio and Malvina hold the game "Guess.")

The game "Guess.".

I can dress:
Tied socks on the neck, (no)
I put on the mittens on his back, (no)
The scarf on the neck is very long, (yes)
And shoes on hand, (no)
And berets on the legs, (no)
A jacket is worn on the shoulders, (yes)
And the ears in gloves are cool, (no)
A hat - what, on the knees? (Not)
In the bag is a brand new shift? (Yes)
Maybe felt boots with you? (Not)
My sister and I have? (Yes)
Well, we are fine, we are fine
New Year we celebrate cool!

Our dear Pinocchio:
I do not want to enter long
So let's get it as soon as possible
We will delight children.

It's time to celebrate the new year
A bright holiday to celebrate
We have a goal today:
Open the door with fun!

It is necessary, you need to open the door,
But you have to wait:
You need to find the key
And with him to meet our holiday!

So look, my friend, rather
New Year is waiting for us outside the door,
Will give us happiness,
Entertain and amuse!

(Pinocchio rummages in pockets, does not find a key, but finds a hole, scares)

The incomparable Malvina ...
I must admit, right:
I'm very guilty
And now we have problems.

Pinocchio, what happened?

The hole is ... tell me to mercy:
How could I lose the key?
Where can we look for him?!

After all, it is known, without a key
You can’t celebrate the New Year,
After all, the door will not open
By the year new now ...

Here is a muddler. But calmly!
We will celebrate the holiday with dignity
We will return the festive attitude,
We will find a golden key.

Malvina (whistling):
Artemon, our faithful friend!
Look around
Take a trace and find
We are magical keys ...

(Poodle Artemon appears, sniffs, tries to take a trace, shows a paw on Pocket Pinocchio, to the ground where the key lay, and spreads his paws)

This is Malvina, then?
What is he jumping in a circle?
Where is the key, glorious dog?

Someone took our key.
Artemon told us
That there was definitely a key.
But now he is not here:
Someone took. And who is the secret!

Pinocchio (grabs the head):
What to do, how to look?
Who will help us?
I am to blame - the whole secret
But there is no key at all!

We will ask a friend to help:
She is not visible in the pond, a blizzard
We will look at Tortilla
We will find the key soon!

And so that the path becomes more fun,
We will sing with you soon
Well, guys, come out:
Luck is waiting ahead!

(Pinocchio and Malvina gather children in a round dance, the children perform the song “New Year”, “a Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “Once frosty in winter” and other thematic ones. Meanwhile, a Turtle Turtilla appears - that means we are already on the spot)

Turtle tortilla:
So-so, who do I see?
Come closer to me
Yes, you are really, Malvina,
And my good Pinocchio?

This is us. Hello tortilla!
You ask for help from you
The fact is that Pinocchio
The magical key has lost.

Turtle tortilla:
Ay-yai-yay, what a pity!
I have no other
There was definitely no left,
I remember a fabulous plot.

We, tortilla, do not ask for the key,
We came to you with a question:
Where can we look for the key?
It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Turtle tortilla:
Let me think ... So.
Pinocchio is not a fool.
He would not lose the key
Maybe he gave it?

No, no, no, I know for sure
Without a key, I understand
We will not celebrate the New Year -
Wait at least until the end of winter!

Turtle tortilla:
Well then I guys guys
I'll tell you who is guilty:
Who is cunning and insidious here?
Who is constantly wandering?

Cat Basilio, yes!
With him, Fox Alice.
That's who the master of chewing
Everyone will be dragged quickly.

Well, thank you! You, tortilla,
Very, very helped
We will immediately find them,
And things will be given.

Well, thanks. Let the reverse
We are already waiting for us,
Artemon is waiting for us
He will find a fox with a cat.

We make a dance out of habit
Are we a return trip with you?
Soon everything will be fine
There will be time to rest!

(Malvina and Pinocchio invite the guys to play the dance game “Dance like ...”)

The dance game "Dance like ...".
The task of the participants is to drive a round dance to New Year's music, but not just dance, but on the command of the host.

We returned home.
Artemon, my friend!
Where are you, rather here,
We are nowhere without you.

(Racus Poodle Artemon)

You tell us, Artemon,
If you can - quickly
Where to find Basilio
And Lisa Alice?

(Poodle Artemon runs away and soon returns, pulls the cat Basilio and Fox Alice)

What is this nonsense?
Respond vividly:
You climbed here?
And give the key!

Lisa Alice:
I protest! What kind of key?
We did not take the key
You are the villains for this.
Have you caught dogs?

Cat Basilio:
I did not see and did not take the key,
And never met
Well, why do we need it, why
From the palm of the Golden key?

And how do you know
What is our key - gold?
Very, very interesting,
Maybe he is with you?

Lisa Alice (backs):
No, no, no, we don't know the key,
We just think-goads.
Maybe we want to help ...
Or is it better to go away?

No need to help.
Just honestly answer:
You know, New Year
Will it come to us without a key?

Cat Basilio:
Well, okay, these are fairy tales!
So will not come at all?
After all, the kids are even clear
There will definitely be a new year!

Lisa Alice:
Well, and the key, I believe,
It is needed only for beauty:
He would have changed his money,
To instantly fulfill all dreams ...

So, fox, are you confessing?

Lisa Alice:
We don't even think. Didn't take it!
Who needs the key - he will not leave.
Look for where you have lost!

Well, friends. Let's go to the trick.
We need to help out the key,
Otherwise, there is no meaning
To celebrate this New Year!

Cat, fox. I suggest
Together with you play:
You will have to questions
Answer quickly and quickly!

Cat Basilio:
We are ready to play.

Lisa Alice:
Yes, let's start
We will answer in chorus!

That in winter for a dark forest
Does it spray from heaven often?
Accelerates the sled running
White-white slippery ...


Chimes are beaten, this is a sign,
Midnight on the clock,
And it will come here about-
The best in the world…

New Year!

Every year in its turn
New Year comes.
The holidays are held quickly,
Who took the key?

Cat Basilio:

The joyful holiday is quietly sneaking,
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is given to anyone,
The key stolen the fox not her:
Where does it hide it?

Lisa Alice:
Behind the back!

So it turned out a secret!
Get a fox, key,
Do not steal our holiday for you,
Do not create clouds on the heart.

Fox Alice (pulling the key from behind):
Guessed, cunning,
We conducted a rogue!
Well, of course, well done -
It turned out deftly.

Cat Basilio:
You will forgive us, friends,
We won’t.
New Year's time -
Everyone is kindled by people ...
You can do this time with you
New Year should we celebrate?
After all, he will come now ...

You don't mind, children?

(Children answer)

Well, then I suggest
Slowly open the door,
And under the festive under the Christmas tree
Hug everyone and forgive everyone!

Say congratulations for loved ones
Wish for dreams, goodness,
So that sparks burn in the eyes
From love and from warmth.

The door open the magical key,
New Year to let in more
Let him replace
For the smiles of all friends!

(Pinocchio opens a symbolic door with a key, a Christmas tree lights up, New Year's music sounds, dances are announced)

The script for the celebration of the New Year of high school students - "New Year rushes to us"

Scenario for the celebration of the New Year of high school students -
The script for the celebration of the New Year of high school students - "New Year rushes to us"

The script for the celebration of the New Year of high school students - "New Year to us rushes":

New Year's songs sound in the hall.
Suddenly a fight of chimes is heard.
Lights flare up on the Christmas tree, and the Christmas tree burns

(sounds a record)

In your New Year's room
I shone today.
To be together together
Meet the New Year holiday.
Let the songs sound everywhere,
And a cheerful sonorous laughter.
We will have fun with you
There will be a lot here!

Dance music sounds.
Boys of girls call
You become pairs now.
This music is for you!
Rap and twist, and shake, and waltz.

Dance minute (lights on the Christmas tree go out)

Suddenly cosmic music sounds.

Under the ceiling of the hall “Stars fall” (light rays)

Presenter 1:
We flew from the distant star,
So that at the festival to be here.
So that in a magical and fabulous holiday
Fun, do not bother at all!

Presenter 2:
Let all the stars are circling here in the hall,
Let the miracles end in the system.
Let the guys sing, have fun,
And they dream with you today!

The waltz from the movie “Beware of the car” of Petrov sounds and girls - stars run out into the hall. They perform the "Dance of the Stars."

Presenter 1:
How many New Year stars today!
How many bright beautiful guys!
Make friends, study perfectly,
And they want to make happiness!

Presenter 2:
Let him smile at all happiness,
So that everyone is happy to live!
To the guest of the forest today
Helped to love and be friends!

Presenter 1:
Flace, Christmas tree, again with lights,
And everyone has the desires of all Ozari!
We will all be, of course, friends,
Christmas tree-elaborate, say "Gori!"

A starfish appears in the hall (magician magician)

I got up early today,
The stars counted everything.
Laid them out and collected them,
This is what I learned from them.
New Year is coming, what
Will he bring you?

Aries -
The star gives a hint
The star reads:
You will be successful
The friends, everyone has guys!
Only you do not rest
And do not be shy!

And the Taurus? (another star runs out)
They are very modest.
Quiet, calm,
Many worthy.

Gemini will be friends
They will live very brightly.
Just not to be lazy,
It is worth it to work hard.

Crayfish, you don't crawl.
Make a good luck
And do not miss her,
Very - take care very much!

Lions, wealth will bring
Good to people will be distributed.
And they will get a lot in the wir,
This is such a lesson for Lviv!

Virgo, relax less,
Do not be lazy, do not walk.
If you want to live in glory
We must be friends with loved ones

Libra-you are back and forth.
Calm down, gentlemen.
Install the path even more,
What happens, look?

Scorpions will be everything
At excellent height.
Half -winter to this height,
And take friends with you

Sagittarius shoot only at the target.
Just take care of the spruce.
Let the dreams come true
Do not be afraid of it.

Capricorn, like gods
They will light up everywhere.
If a barrier will meet,
So don't retreat

Slavs the era of Aquarius!
Aquarius is an idol for everyone.
Luck is waiting for him in everything
And everyone has great success!

The fish will suddenly speak
Everyone will delight the guys
Kindness in the whole fate.
I wish you all happiness!

Here is my horoscope
I could read from the stars!
Let all signs New Year
Only good luck will bring!

Dance minute!

Presenter 1:
Everything is calm in the star world,
The whole universe is worthy
Continues the bright path.
On New Year's Eve, I want to look!

Presenter 2:
Dear Gentlemen!
Guests are coming here.
Year of the snake and the year of the cat,
Year of tiger and bull,
Year both rats and pigs,
And we are familiar with them.
Before the Christmas tree miracles,
Guests came to us here.

Dancing representatives of the eastern calendar.
At the end of the dance, they say:

For a long time we doubted
What is the year to name?
They quarreled and consulted what to think and guess.
The mind still prompted
Rabbit is a cat, a pedestal! (rabbit step forward)

Rabbit - the cat will pass along the roof,
He is always closer to the stars.
He is a star - he will get a dream,
It will become very wise, smart.
Will caress everyone around
To protect everyone from troubles.
He will be friends with happiness,
It is glorious to live in a peaceful world!

Thank you all, gentlemen!
A fairy tale comes here

The melody of the song "Snow Small" sounds around the hall is a girl with a basket

Young woman:
Oh, what silence
I am alone in the meadow.
Oh, I would not get out of the way,
Where to find snowdrops?
What awaits me here?
Oh, fire, sparkles in the distance (moving over to the Christmas tree)

12 months come out:

Our New Year's fire
Sparkles throw.
As if in the sky for the New Year
Stars opens.

The flame of our fire is warmth and kindness!


He will warm everyone and make friends,
They will support all those who push.
It will illuminate in bright light,
It will keep pure soul.

Let him warm the earth today,
Spring will be warmer here.

All months:
Bright you, fire, Gori!
The path to us to the stars of Ozari!

Oh, here the star is one hiding from us.
Is it really afraid of us?
Go to us, the soul is a girl!

What are you doing in the forest?

Young woman:
I'm looking for snowdrops.

Know, girl, snowdrops bloom in April,
And today in the yard are blizzards before the snowstorm.

Young woman:
Evil, stepmother ordered
I can find snowdrops.
So I spun through the forest,
Apparently, I lost my way.

No snowdrops, believe me
In the yard is not April!

Young woman:
What to do? What do i do?

Forget the evil stepmother.
With months to stay here,
Together to be surprised at the miracle.

You see, the moon is in the sky.
The stars shine, silence.
And the Christmas tree sparkles here,
The guest of the main one is waiting for.

The guest here is glorious and mustachioed
The snow is all and bearded.
He comes on New Year's Eve
And the hotels carry everyone.

Stop basking around the fire
It’s time for a guest to meet.
Cheeks freezing, free nose,
Our Santa Claus comes to us (all with the help of spectators in the hall)!

Santa Claus enters to the solemn music and says:

Happy New Year to all the guys!
I am glad to see everyone again.
The Christmas tree was gloriously dressed up
They caressed, fluffed.
I know the songs here sounded
In the New Year's room.
The stars fell, sparkled,
Friendship fire was kindled.

Santa Claus, we were waiting for you
The fairy tale was shown in the hall.

Father Frost:
I heard your fairy tale
Who was looking for snowdrops?

Young woman:
Do not be angry, I was looking for them,
The stepmother sent me.

Father Frost:
Do not worry what the question is,
I am a wizard Santa Claus (knocks 3 times with a staff)

Sounds the "snowdrop" of P. Tchaikovsky. Sniffons are dancing at the Christmas tree. At the end of the dance, each of the dancers puts a flower in a basket of a girl.

Young woman:
It’s hard for me to believe, friends!
I am grateful for the miracle.

Father Frost:
Glad and me! Believe me!
Become a granddaughter for me now.
Here is a fur coat, hat, boots,
Turn a little, a little.

Wonderful miraculous.
Come to us by the Snow Maiden!

Everyone repeats the last two lines, at this time the girl dresses up in the Snow Maiden.
Shostakovich sounds “waltzed”, a snow maiden appears with snowflakes and dances.

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With the New Year's round dance!

Father Frost:
We call you all to the Christmas tree,
Sprinkle the song together.

Round dance and games around the Christmas tree, dancing are held.
The chimes are beaten.

Snow Maiden:
Good, grandfather Frost,
Did you bring gifts to everyone?

Father Frost:
What is the granddaughter of the question?
Here are the whole WHO gifts!

Santa Claus gives the guys gifts

At the end of the distribution of gifts, magical music sounds and Santa Claus says:

It's a pity to part with you
But it's time for us to say goodbye.
Again next year
I will come to you for a holiday!

Snow Maiden:
I'll leave my grandfather and I
See you, my friends!
Horses are waiting at the gate.
New Year is coming!

Snegurochka and Santa Claus leave, leave under the song "Three White Horse".

Rabbit - cat:

Meow meow
I am already entering.
The symbol of the year, know, rabbit - cat,
So meet the New Year!

New Year's disco for schoolchildren is compiled on request.

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