Scenarios of fairy tales for adults in roles - the best selection for holidays

Scenarios of fairy tales for adults in roles - the best selection for holidays

A collection of fairy tales for adults - funny, original, in poetic form.

A fairy tale for adults - a script for roles about the blue beard

A fairy tale for adults - a script for roles about the blue beard
A fairy tale for adults - a script for roles about the blue beard

A fairy tale for adults - a script for roles about the blue beard:


The young count lived in Paris.
He had a meek temper.
He fulfilled obediently
Mameni will in everything.

How he was fulfilled
Forty years, he fell into the spleen.
He ate badly and slept badly,
It stopped shaving at all ...
A beard is very soon
It grew to the abdomen.

Doctors came together in the opinion
The count is hammered in solitude.
To cheer him up
It is urgent to marry.
Count the diagnosis heard,
He danced with joy!

“Mom, because I have a wife
Be sure to need!
All alone, but alone.
Others have men
There are children and children
And I'm alone in the world! "

Mom got drunk
And she thought firmly.
Earlier in the castle, she is
Disposed of one.
Count Mamanu spoiled
And in all of her indulged.
And the wife will appear,
Mom will not need ...

Mom was very upset
But for a look agreed
Grease a son
In the neighbor's daughter.
She thought all night
How to help with his trouble
And by the morning the mother decided
How to scare her brides!
In the morning, he says to his son:

Countess Mother:
“You don't have a fashionable look!
To marry you faster,
It is necessary to change the image!
Here you are, son, advice,
Colorize blue!

Count Maman did not overpower,
It painted that evening.
All Parisian girls
The count began to shut off.
His beard
I caught up with fear on women.
He wooed twenty times
And everywhere he refuses!

Count his wife took from the village,
And he registered in his castle.
After the night, marriage
Happy newlywed
The center hurried to the center,
To buy an update to his wife.
One wife was left.
The mother -in -law knocked on her.

Countess Mother:
“Good morning, my daughter!
I want to treat you!
I baked pies
From the most selected mushrooms.
Make me happy, my friend,
Eat mom's pie! ”

The daughter -in -law ate the pie,
Shook and froze.
The count returned home,
They sing for the repose there.

"Mom, what happened?"
The countess was slightly embarrassed.

Countess Mother:
"I am such a conversation
I didn't want to, but ... glutton
After all, the deceased was.
From that and died.
She broke in an hour
Product all supply!
She chewed and chewed ...
So it was torn! "

The count was not a widower for long,
He brought his wife again into the house.
After all, brides from villages
Rub - a bucket on a bazaar day!
After a wedding night
The count is very pleased
In the morning I hastened one
To the jewelry store.
He wanted his wife
Buy a diamond necklace.

Mom did not hesitate,
And she ran to the daughter -in -law.

Countess Mother:
“Good morning, my angel!
You have breakfast with me.
Brought mushrooms
I am for my beloved daughter.
I gathered them myself
And she pickled herself.
Make me happy, child
Eat this carrier! "

The daughter -in -law chewed
And she was gone.

"Mom, what's with my wife again?"
Mom began to sigh.

Countess Mother:
“I say without a reproach,
That she was a glutton.
To feed one,
The oligarch needs to be.
I swallowed everything without analysis
This thick glutton!
It didn't go to her for the future,
There was a heater in the gut! "

“Why in bruises
Does your wife have the whole body? "
Mom blushed.

Countess Mother:
“I wanted, God sees,
Solve everything without bruises!
I cooked, tried ...
And the bastard refused
From mushrooms! Well, how to be here?
I had to persuade! "

Count with fate resigned himself,
And no longer married.
With a fashionable blue beard
So idle.

Script for adults about a mermaid

Script for adults about a mermaid
Script for adults about a mermaid

Scenario of scenes-tumors for adults about a mermaid:

At the bottom of the sea of \u200b\u200bblue
The daughter lived the king of the sea.
The king did not offend his daughter,
However, he kept in strictness:
Did not give a piercing,
I did not let the dates
I didn't allow you to drink
And forced to study!
And then she fell in love
In a slender and young
Undead fisherman!
Boiled from love!
The beauty swam
To the fisherman in the boat,
Rybolov pulled his stomach
He smiled at the whole mouth:

“How dashing you are dashing!
You are probably Morzhikha?
Today autumn is in the yard -
It's hard to swim in October!

You can't force local women ...
Will you leave the phone number to me?
Maybe somehow
I will invite coffee! "
The mermaid flushed.

“I don't feel sorry for the phone!
For you from the ocean
And I will get the Titanic! "

“By the way, I'm a bachelor ...
And I see no obstacles,
Meet closer!
Come on, climb into the boat! "

“Here are the times! This is a thing!
Either a woman, or a pike ...
You look from above, like a woman!
What do you, infection, need you? "

"I fell in love with you!
I am exhausted from passion,
I am burning and burning!

“If you were with your feet
Maybe something with us
And it happened a couple of times
But with the tail ... Well, do not seek!

“He doesn't like the tail!
Be I at least with one foot
Anyone fell in love with me!
And anyone would have married me! "

“I am embarrassed and ask
Where to love you?
Previously intimate affairs
I had no tails ...

“The tail in love is not an obstacle!
My relatives are years
Propagated and with tails!

Only after a couple of days
Sleeed from reeds
A joyful couple,
Fisherman and mermaid!

They began to live together
And in harmony and love.
And every year from reeds
The stork for the kids wore them ...

The script for adults is the old fairy tale "Cinderella" in a new way

Adult script - old tale Cinderella in a new way
The script for adults is the old fairy tale "Cinderella" in a new way

The script for adults is the old fairy tale "Cinderella" in a new way:

Forester lived: wife and daughter Malaya.
But the house came to the house in accident
The mistress of the house fell ill
And, the daughter, leaving, died.

Cinderella (sits under a tree, next to his father).
Here the sun disappeared in the height,
Without mom, it will be sad for me.
We were left together ...

Father (daughter).
With you, baby, we will live.

I can’t forget your wife
Forester grieved for a long time,
And often, sorry for the girl,
He called the orphan.
How an angry stepmother appeared -
So in the forester house everything has changed:
She loves her daughters
And Cinderella drives Cinderella from home soon.

The song of the stepmother

1. Where is this Cinderella? Where is this wreck?
It is not removed in the bedroom, in the kitchen not metheno.
Where is this Cinderella? Where is this fool?
Why didn't you get a chicken?

Very lazy, very shy,
And inept and ugly.

2. I help her, I advise her.
And once a year I treat it with candy.
Sluggish, ungrateful,
You spoil everything to me, the girl is insidious.


3. We do not want cutlets.
Cinderella, give me a gale!
Cinderella, empty buffet.
I got a bouquet in a vase!
We do not want a galet.
Cinderella, give me a cutlet!
And the parquet will not be rubbed!
With Cinderella there is no public! - 3 times

But what are these sounds? These are royal heralds.
Now they will read the new decree of the king.

The heralds leave and trumpet into pipes.

Servants (loudly).
Listen! Listen! Listen!
Listen! Listen! Listen!
By the will of the queen! By the will of the king!
The prince is obliged to marry - 2 times
Let the whole earth know.
And therefore girls
They must appear on the ball.
The prince will choose one - 2 times
Bride and wife.

The servants are leaving. The daughters of the stepmother run out. The forester is worth it.

What kind of turmoil immediately began-
It is impossible before the prince
Face to hit the mud!

1st daughter (arrogant).
I want to surprise everyone at the ball
For a dress, buy my brocade in a shop.

2nd daughter (capricious).
I get a grater with a cleaning
And the red dress is a pattern.

Stepmother (forestry).
Let's go for a fashionista to sew our hats,
Let our caps be rich.

1st daughter (whimming near the mirror).
You, Cinderella, tie the ribbon to the spit.

2nd daughter.
What a buckle to put on, tell me! (Stomping with a leg.)

1st daughter.
When will you stroke the skirts?
What are you doing in the morning?

2nd daughter.
Lord, what are you pulling?
It’s time to comb me.

After all, in the local district everyone knew Cinderella,
Both daughters and stepmother - everyone understood -
You can ask Cinderella for Cinderella:
What is now for fashion? And how to wear everything?

Daughters perform the song "We are going to the ball"

1st daughter (sings).
What a dress is a dream!
The most fashionable style in it:
Rucks, bows, frills.
And the chiffon is beautiful, thin.

The beauty became in him,
Everyone will like me.

2nd daughter (sings).
This dress is brighter than a sunny day for me:
Soft velvet and a border, even a gold bow!

The beauty became in him,
Everyone will like me.

Stepmother (mocking).
Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?

Cinderella (dreamily).
Ah, ball is music, laughter, carnival!
Of course I wanted!

The stepmother (waves his hand).
I hope I hope!

1st daughter.
Ah, just scream - I’ll get dirty on the ball!

2nd daughter.
The prince did not even call you, Zamarashka.

1st daughter.
You surprised us, what a desire!

You made us laugh - empty start!

Stepmother (prenulent in front of the mirror).
Baby, don't laugh, because your sister,
You sewed the dresses, there was good to you! (Laughs.)
Cinderella, listen, baby, work a little more:
Rewinding all the dishes, and the floors are everywhere,
Firewood for a month was chopped, for a year they were in coffee,
Plant among flowers, forty pink bushes,
And while they are growing, sweep the paths here.
If you try, you will do everything to the end,
Then you can admire the ball at the window of the palace. (Stands up.)
Well, we'll have to go long!

Everyone is leaving. Cinderella sings a sad song.

The first song of Cinderella.

1. I live a house at the stream
Everyone calls me Cinderella.
After all, I sleep in the kitchen on the ash
The maid I am in my family - 2 times

But I don't be sad at all
I live a fabulous world.
Oh, how I like to dream
In a dream and in reality.
I so want to become a princess
In the old castle with the prince to dance,
To play a delicate waltz orchestra,
So that this hall sparkles with lights.
So that flowers grow around the palace,
And all my dreams came true.
But now it's time for business
I didn't have time so much!

2. On me the whole house, I can do everything:
I wash, stroke and cook,
I knit scarves and sew dresses,
And very, very tired-2 times.


Where do you go, justice?
Well, tell me for mercy:
I get care, only dirty work.

(Crying. Magic music sounds, and a fairy appears.)

What is the matter with you, my child?

Very difficult life.
I work from morning to night
I'm tired, there is no urine,
But no one will regret
The soul will not warm the soul.

I see, my godson, and I am sad about that.
They are undeservedly scolded, for no reason upset.
Now the king called the city all to a lush ball,
But they did not take you.

I know, godmother, they hardly let Cinderella on the ball ...

Fairy (sighs).
Yes, you get a scandal!
Just remember, I'm a fairy, I can do a lot. -
Only be clever - be about work, forget
You find a gilding pumpkin in the garden,
I tell you about this so that you have a carriage.
I will touch the thick crust, so that the carved are sash.

Cinderella brings a pumpkin.

Ah, the carriage is just wondrous: so rich and beautiful!

Go to the pantry, bring the mousetrap.
There will be horses from mice gray in an apple stripes.
Cinderella leads four mice.

Horses stately custody, harvesting with silver.
Here is a harness of gray horses in an apple strip.

There is not enough coachman - it's time to go for a mole.
He will rule the harness and will deliver you to the ball.

The fairy waved a wand, and touched the mole a little:
The coachman came out - a sight for sore eyes, all the moles surprise!

Fairy (horses and coachman).
Go to work! You take care of Cinderella.
Time to go to the palace. Are you happy, finally?

Ah, I can’t believe me, Fairy, I want to go to the ball soon!

In the palace is one to know! In silk you have to dance.

Cinderella's dress is a miracle charge:
Diamonds, diamonds are so bright.
Everything shines with brilliance, brocade is silver
The diadem sparkles on the head.

But what kind of shoes? Shoes are wonderful!
They will interfere with you at the ball.
(Boys a boy-student.)
Let me introduce the student
He is only a boy, but very smart.

I'm not a magician, I'm just learning,
But I believe in friendship, I want to help you!
Crystal shoes carry happiness,
Put on them, Cinderella, - and in a good way!

A student’s boy drops to his knee and puts Cinderella with crystal shoes.

Grateful to you, friends.
I am ready to hug you
Miracles were surprised
(In confusion.)
I do not know what to say…

You should understand one thing:
What is no later than 12 you need to return from the ball.
As it breaks up 12 times, everything will disappear at the same time -
Kucher, horses and carriage. Cinderella, remember this!
And now in a hurry to the ball, have fun there from the heart!

I will remember your order and I will not let you down!
Horses take Cinderella in the carriage to the ball.

But the road is so long. So winding, duty ...
Cinderella is like a princess.
I took a place in the carriage and with a smile on my face
Found herself in the palace.

And in the beautiful palace there was the best ball in the world.
But the prince in the corner on the throne desperately missed.
Suddenly the doors opened, and now she came -
The beautiful princess, sweet and cheerful.

Cinderella enters the hall. The prince gives her a hand. Everyone looks at Cinderella.

The hall immediately calmed down, guests, conductor and violin.
The prince gives her hand, leads her to dance.

The dance "Menuet" is performed

Dreams begin to come true!

The second song of Cinderella.

1. How beautiful everything is and how many colors are there!
Beautiful music plays!
The best of my wonderful dreams
This evening reminds me!

Prince, it seems to me that I dream about it.
Prince, it seems to me that this is all in a dream.

2. Dear friend, what a blessing to be near!
All dreams will come true, I believe!
Just a pity, the clock of ancient fights
Soon they will close me into the tale of the door.


The prince fell in love! What a blessing!
Everybody is dancing!

The audio recording of the song "Good Beetle" from the movie "Cinderella" sounds. Cinderella dances with the guests.

Only time rushes quickly, and not to return to the clock.
Already the clock 12 beat, they sing Cinderella.

They beat the clock 12 times.

Prince, goodbye! Ah, terrible!
It’s time for me to rush.

Prince. Well, stay for a while!

Cinderella. No, I'm sorry, I can't.

King. Where is the princess?

Prince (sad). She ran away.

King. Servants, all here! Catch up!
What did she tell you? What is the name and where to look?

Prince. Ah, king, she disappeared, only they found a shoe ...

King. To search the whole kingdom and get out of the ground!

The prince is thoughtful and sad,
The prince dreams of Cinderella.

The song of the prince.

1. Oh, princess!
You are so fabulously beautiful.
You are my fate, it became clear to me right away.

It is strange to think that we could crumble- 2 times
Oh, a magical dream, how sorry to wake up.

2. Oh, princess!
I hoped and believed that one day
You will enter these doors.


I will help, son, you.
Who will be crystal on the leg,
You are that girl give a wedding ring.

Everyone leaves.

Cinderella returned to the house, looked around.
Sad went to the kitchen, where she was waiting for her ash.
Again she in the kitchen and washes and downs
The ball recalls, and cries, and sings.

The third song of Cinderella.
1. In the castle of snow -white and wonderful
I suddenly found myself at the ball.
I danced and sang songs,
How did it not understand.

Chorus 2 times.
Maybe I dreamed that?
Maybe I was a little forgotten?
Maybe I read it in the book?
Maybe the fairy told?

2. I was a mysterious princess.
The prince beautifully danced with me.
And then the clock was struck by midnight,
And soon I returned home.


Cinderella approaches the fireplace. The stepmother and sisters are returning from the ball.

There was such a cheerful ball!

Cinderella (sad).
Nobody remembered me?

1st daughter (laughs).
What are you talking about?
You will scare your appearance.

2nd daughter (with his hand touches Cinderella's forehead).
What are you overwhelmed?
Or what did you dream in a dream?

1st daughter. How sorry I am, poor thing!
There was such a wonderful ball.

2nd daughter. If only you saw: the prince with the princess danced.

1st daughter. How beautiful she is!

Stepmother. And what an outfit on her!

2nd daughter. The prince fell in love, this is clear.
Everyone in the castle says.

Stepmother. Exactly at midnight she ran away, and no one could catch up.

1st daughter. She just lost her shoe.
The prince ordered her to look.

All the girls' girls, -
The king himself issued a decree - we must try on the shoe.
If it is just right, that bride of the prince will become ...

2nd daughter. Someone knocks on our door!
The trumpet of the herald is trumpeted. The guards follow them.

And again the royal heralds.
What is this time?

Attention! Attention! New decree!
Listen, people, we will read for you.
The prince entrusted us with a crystal shoe,
So that we could try it all to the girls.
What beauty is she suitable
That marry the prince will immediately go!

The stepmother pulls the shoe.

1st daughter.
I got my fingers, I can't put it on.
I can grate the corns with it!

Try the second daughter, put on,
No need to be able to do a lot for this.

2nd daughter.
Ah, the heel does not fit into the shoe,
Keep me, I am losing consciousness.

I need to try on the shoe.

Stepmother (indignantly).
Try to others? (Presses the shoe to the chest.)
We will not give anyone! Where is this loafer? (Looks around.)

Cinderella where? (Cinderella is running away.)
So that this shoe was on the leg!

Who will you order me to put on?
The stepmother (points to one of the daughters).
Elina can be able to be a princess.
Cinderella puts a shoe somehow.

The 1st daughter is crooked with pain and tries to go with great difficulty.

The order was executed, went to the palace.

The stepmother (joyfully).
Let the prince lead my daughter to the aisle.

From the foot of the 1st daughter, a shoe flies and falls in front of Cinderella.

Sorry, ma'am, a strange thing,
The crystal shoe from the legs flew!
But how did you manage to put it on? She is small for you!
Well, you have to be able to! (Cinderella.)
Do not cry, ma'am, I will try on you ...

Stepmother (angrily).
She is a place in the kitchen, believe me!

I have an order to put it on to everyone, and I will execute this order!
(He puts on a shoe Cinderella.)

1st daughter (surprised).
I will not believe my eyes!

2nd daughter (spreads his hands to the sides).
She is her just!

I will lose consciousness now!

Yes, this shoe has come to you. And where is the second?
(Takes a second shoe from the hands of a tearful Cinderella).
So, I found it!

Magic music sounds, and the fairy enters.

You worthy of happiness, worthy of good,
And now get ready - it's time for the wedding!

The fairy tale is over, but we will not forget
The old story about good and love.
The fairy tale is over, but the memory will leave
Eternal plot about good and love.

Scenario of a fairy tale for the birthday of an adult - "Gifts from Baba Yaga"

Scenario of a fairy tale for the birthday of an adult - Gifts from Baba Yaga
Scenario of a fairy tale for the birthday of an adult - "Gifts from Baba Yaga"

Scenario of a fairy tale for the birthday of an adult - “Gifts from Baba Yaga”:

Baba Yaga:
Yaga came to you from a fairy tale
In a bag, I brought a gift from the forest today,
For a long time I gathered, dressed up,
At night with dear, she was chatting, kissing.

(Gives the birthday to the main gift.)

Our water is completely crazy.
The trade was famously turned around
He sent tinctures to you
He called a live water.

(Baba Yaga takes out a bottle of champagne.)

And tortilla, then tortilla
I forgot everything in old age
Instead of the key, she
Oldey sent here.

(Gives hygienic gaskets.)

And the wild boar is, and the wild
He dug potatoes
Maybe in our garden,
Maybe I stole it in yours!

(Baba Yaga presents a package of potato chips.)

Cursed water
He created what with me
Says: "Saught"
This item, I got it.

(Gives the birthday man a remedy.)

The wolf lifted a sheep for you
But nature is as
Only the skin from the sheep
You got only one.

(Gives a woolen scarf.)

The spider weeded a web
So that the tears do not drip from the eyes.

(Gives a handkerchief.)

Option for a man

Baba Yaga:
TPRU, broom, stop!
I arrived, it seems
The Russian spirit smells here
Everyone around is chewing and drinking.
Pour me too
Do not regret it more fully.
Do not look at the yaga
I can still drink!

(Baba Yaga poured a glass of champagne or wine.)

So that you are always like that
Energetic young
Then Koshchi sent an egg
And punished
Store the egg in the duck
You will live a very long time.

(Baba Yaga gives the Kiner Surprise egg to the birthday man.)

And I swam in the closet
I was collecting a potion
To be strong in love
Take the carrot.
Grate her, you grate,
With milk boil
Then take it more often
And at least open a harem.

(Gives the birthday man carrots.)

So that the pressure does not torment
Here is such an instruction.
Eat more often you grapefruit

(Gives grapefruit)

You will be like this fruit.
If he is very shibat
You will eat chicken.

(Takes out a bag of crackers.)

And the back so as not to hurt
You dive into the nettle boldly
Since she is not in the country
Plant - here is my advice
So that the cold does not torture
Eating onions is not at all bad.

(Gives a bulb.)

It is useful and good
And takes off the ailment and trembling.
So that the vessels are cleaner
Drink a decoction of spruce cones

(Gives the birthday a pack of tea.)

So that there is no plaque in them
Here is a package of Kozhi porridge.

(Gives peanuts in chocolate.)

Helps effectively
Become healthy and active.
So as not to torment heartburn
Eat frog your leg.

(Gives dried squids.)

I lingered a bit
Drink on the staff.

(Drinks the glass to the bottom.)

I flew, my friend!

(Goodbye and leaves.)

New Year's script - fairy tale for adults

New Year's script - A fairy tale for adults
New Year's script - fairy tale for adults

New Year's script - a fairy tale for adults:

Action 1

Leading: Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman.
They lived among themselves together,
With mischievous ditties and songs ...
Here is the new year on the nose,
And they yearn in the forest.
And now they do not have fun, but they miss
Yes, they remember the previous life.

(Dance in an old-fashioned "Kalinka")

Old man: You, the old woman, go to the barn,
You mark there on the suski,
Gather all the flour on the scoop.
Maybe enough for the bun?

(to the music in the dance creates the dough;

Old man: How magnificent it turned out, and ruddy
Around without flaw!

Old woman:Here, I went to the barn, there I scrape the torment,
I knocked out a little dough. Baked.
Now help to take
I have him for a cool place.

(put the bun on the window of the hut)

Old man: While he will cool down
We can sleep with you.

Action 2

Leading: Suddenly the bun rolled.
Yes, from the window to the bench rolled up,
And then he rolled down under the table ...

Kolobok: While the grandfather and the woman are resting,
Idle, I do not save
Whom in the forest I will meet
I will invite for the New Year.

Kolobok performs 1 verse of the song “If there was no winter” from the m/f “Vacations in Prostokvashino”.

Leading: And the bun went through the forest,
Singing loudly your song ...
Lawlessed in the forest - rabbits -
Very nimble girls!

(Hares dance and sing the song "New Year's toys"; sit on stumps)

1st hare:Remember the dance school?
2nd hare: Several movements were learned.
3rd Hare: And now, when on the heart is longing,
4th hare: We need a dance of heels and socks!
1st hare: The arrow moves forward
2nd hare: Soon the holiday New Year ...
3rd Hare: And we sad again ...
4th hare: If only they were invited to visit ...

Leading: Kolobok because of the busle
Quickly runs out
And little bunnies
Similarly, he knocks the hemp!

1st hare (trembling): You are so scary for us so,

Kolobok: I am a rosy side bell!
I left my grandfather
And he left his grandmother,
To invite guests
To us for the festive table!

1st hare: Inviting is very happy!
2nd hare: We will be sure.
3rd Hare: Let us bring the rabbits with us -
Together are wonderful artists!

Kolobok: We will be glad, come
And bring the bunnies.
And I will run further into the forest,
Maybe I will invite whom to visit ...

Leading: Hares ran quickly
Only the heels in the forest sparkled ...
And the bun is going further
And about the winter sings a song ...

(Kolobok waves his hand after; sings the 2nd verse of the song “If there was no winter”)

Action 3

Leading: The wolf is watching the Christmas tree -
Kolobok does not notice
Believe me, waiting, will it,
Kolobok throw in the mouth ...

Wolf (with sarcasm):
What is this miracle rushing?
And not a beast, not a bird ...
And not a lion, and not a fox -
Frankly, miracles!

Kolobok: I am a rosy side bell!
I am in a scraped box,
I am a meten for a suser.
I was baked in oil,
They brought to the window ....

Wolf:Really Kolobok?
Did not recognize! I am a good wolf -
Friend of the nearest Mishin.

Kolobok: I have not heard about this!

Wolf: I want you to see you
Equally admire.
That's just wolf vision
Weakened - straight to attack.
So that I can consider
How strong, tall
And how can you sing!
Do not be afraid, go closer,
So I’d better hear.

Kolobok: Nothing to go closer to me
You will hear her anyway:
“I am a rosy side bell!
I am in a scraped box,
I am a meten for a suser.
I was baked in oil,
They brought to the window
They put on the window
And they left the stent ... "

Wolf: I would eat you without looking,

Kolobok: Yes, I would have left the post ...
While the grandfather and the woman are resting,
Idle, I do not save
I decided who I will meet,
I will invite everyone to the New Year
I have gone grandfather
And he left his grandmother,
To invite guests
To us for the festive table!

Wolf: You say there will be a feast at the table?

Kolobok:It will be fun and the songs are bored ...

Wolf: So I will be there for you,
And I’ll definitely arrive on a visit!

Kolobok: So happy! Let's wait!
Meet you bread and salt!

Leading: Kolobok waved the she -wolf
Well, he ran with his path.
And the path runs forward,
Kolobok sings our song!

(Kolobok waves with his hand;

Action 4

Leading:Bears appeared in the clearing,
Yes, they set off in a cheerful dance.

(Bears perform the song "Somewhere in the world ..." from the movie "Caucasian captive")

3rd bear: So we will dance,
So as not to freeze on the way.

1st bear: (indignant)
We must sleep tightly in the winter.
And quietly suck a paw in the den,

2nd bear: And we went to look for Santa Claus
And they didn’t find the way home ...

3rd bear: Something very tasty runs along the path-
Lush, ruddy - pens, cheeks, legs!
So, we will quench the hunger now,
We will eat very satisfying.

(Two bears are hidden behind the Christmas tree, and the third is sneaked towards the kolobok)

Kolobok: I am a rosy side bell!
Idle, I do not save
I decided who I will meet,
I will invite for the New Year.

(sees a bear and backs back)

Come to celebrate the New Year to us.
Do not forget your brothers - do not forget -
Santa Claus promised to look.

3rd bear: We will not find the path to the den -
Here we are sitting here the three of us.
Help, be a friend, bun,
Tind us the way: is it close or far?

(Kolobok indicates the road with a gesture and, escorting, waves to the bears after)

Leading: And the bears hastened to the den,
To gather the hotels for the holiday.
Well, and a lush and ruddy bunker
He ran along the path with all legs.

Action 5

In his way I saw a fox.

Kolobok: (trembling voice)
I am a rosy side bell!
I am in a scraped box,
I am a meten for a suser.
I was baked in oil,
They brought to the window ...

Fox (interrupting Kolobok):
How magnificent and ruddy you are, my friend,
Let me even lick you on a barrel.
Before the aroma, I am not your mouth.
Only I will bite a piece and swallow.

Kolobok (Krubes):
You, Lisichka, are in no hurry
I suggest resting from the heart!
Come New Year to meet us:
Songs to sing, joke, dance.
And so that the appetite is still shot down,
Let the "sneakers" treat you.

(runs into the forest)

Action 6

Leading:Kolobok came running home,
And there they lost peace.
The elder Kolobok searched -
So they stayed with anything.
They sit and grieve,
About life, everyone is brainbuilding.

Old man: Where? Where is our bun?

Old woman: And where could he get?

(Kolobok appears, singing a song)

Old man: Oh, old woman, look soon!
Who came to us, you just look!

(Baba rubs his eyes to a skeleton)

Old woman: Grandfather, where are my glasses?
Oh, well, where?
Yes, here they are!

(Kolobok performs the song "If there was no winter")

Kolobok: I am a rosy side bell!
I am in a scraped box,
I am a meten for a suser.
You baked me in oil,
They brought it to the window.
I ran away from you for a while -
He invited us to guests for the New Year.

Old man: We are very glad to receive guests.
But what will we treat them?

Old woman: We can get so in advance here.
How to invite to an empty table?

Kolobok : They will not come empty -handed -
They will bring you hotels,
But someone is already coming
Yes, so gloriously sings a song!

(Fox, hares, bears appear, singing the song "New Year's toys")

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come to the music; frost sings the song “Herbel tree was born in the forest”; all the heroes joyfully greet them, clapping their hands)

Freezing: Greetings my friends!
I see you are glad to me.
With you a holiday is miles to me,
Your laughter is a reward!
To the stars with rays
They lit a bright height
Let's say together, say together
Fir -tree light up!

(all together repeat the words of Santa Claus; lights are lit)

Snow Maiden: Festive Christmas tree is waiting
When we sing and dance
A cheerful round dance
We show for guests!

Freezing: Rub the hands together,
We start a round dance.
Song, dance and fun
We celebrate the New Year!

(the music of the song “Three White Horse” from the movie “Sorcerers” sounds; the kids run up and starts a round dance around the Christmas tree; the Snow Maiden sings the song; the chorus performs everything together)

A humorous fairy tale script for adults about a red cap

A humorous fairy tale script for adults about a red cap
A humorous fairy tale script for adults about a red cap

Scenario of a humorous fairy tale for adults about a red hat:

I lived in a white world
Happy family:
In a suburban summer cottage
I spent all summer.

Red hat (stretching):
Oh, I'm tired
It's time to relax.
On the disco - early.
Or maybe take a nap?
No, better before granny
I rush lightly
I'll take the keys to my mother
From the jeep in the garage.

(Red hat comes to mom, who bakes pancakes in the kitchen)

Red Riding Hood:
Hello mothers today
I want to my grandmother.
I will spend an old woman
I will take the pancakes to her.
You are keys from a jeep
Where, mom, removed?
I quickly drive
Until the evening, huh?

Mom (wipes his hands with a towel):
No, daughter, I am keys
I won’t give you yet:
Driving a car
You are too tough.
Well, remember how clever
I drove into the boutique,
I decided that parking
In the fitting room is worth it.
No, daughter, no need
You risk it like that.
And spend your grandmother,
There is a house nearby.

(Mom prepares a red cap with a basket with provisions for her grandmother.)

Red Riding Hood:
I'm walking along the path
I'm going completely alone.
My legs will get tired
From hard work.
You will have to go to the salon
And do pedicure
And a lot of all sorts
Magical procedures.

(In the bushes behind a red cap is watching a hungry wolf)

How aromatic smells
Blinks and meat!
Looks like they are in the basket,
Covered with scarf.
I have a hunt for me like that!
To take away the basket
And do not touch Divchin -
There is no meat in it.
They sit, here, on diets,
And there is nothing to look at.
I read yesterday in the newspapers -
Weaken from diets.

(The wolf attacks a red cap. She hides in fear in the bushes)

What did you hide, Divchina?
Are you so sorry for your basket?
Where do you keep your way, tell me
Perhaps we are not on the way!

Red Riding Hood:
I'm going to my grandmother,
I bear the basket of the basket.
You go kindly
Well, I will call the lads!

Do not boil, you, dear,
Do not call your brothers, huh?
I will indicate the path-road,
And I myself will pass!

(The wolf indicates the wrong road to the red cap, and he goes to his grandmother)

Deceived granddaughter
Another path went
And the wolf, clicking his teeth,
He went there
Where the grandmother is dear
I lived so many years
One, without knowing,
Hidden from troubles.

(The wolf knocks on the door of the grandmother's house)

Who came to such an early?

Well open the door!
This is me, your granddaughter,
Blinov brought the basket!

(Grandmother opens the door. When he sees the wolf, she faints, and the wolf, meanwhile, rushes into the kitchen)

That's the kitchen! Here you are!
Where does the grandmother have food here?
What do I see! Only soup?
Apparently, grandmother is poor.
Well, the pension now,
The grandmother has only kvass.
Okay, at least Kvas, I drink
I will not live to live until the morning.

(Red hat goes to the grandmother's house and knocks on the door.)

Who knocks on the door in the morning?

Red Riding Hood:
This is me, your granddaughter,
I came to visit you.

I fluttered a little
I can't get out of bed.
For the lace, quietly turny,
You will open the door by magic.

(Red hat opens the door and enters the house. A sick grandmother-wolf lies on the bed)

Ah, how it smells, dear!
Apparently, you came from paradise.
My pension is small
To buy a ball.

Red Riding Hood:
Don’t cry, my grandmother.
Eat pancakes. I will help.
Well, I grew your ears
You yourself. I cant.

(Red hat giggles. Wolf eats pancakes)

This is to hear better
What the neighbors say.
They recently discussed
Oligar outfit.

Red Riding Hood:
And what your eyes!
Steel more than two times!

This is me from the store, granddaughter,
I haven't left yet!
There are now such prices,
Whatever the shelf is two zeros.
Oh, they are very stunned!
Just around the head!

Red Riding Hood:
And when I managed to teeth
To do, grandmother, yourself?
There are such firemade ...
Do you clean them at all?

I brush my teeth regularly.
These are not my teeth.
These jaws are inserted
I bought at half price.

(Suddenly a grandmother comes out of the pantry, holding onto her head.)

Ah, wolf cursed,
You get off the bed!
To the provisions of someone else
Do not open your companies!

(The wolf jumps out of bed and runs away. Red hat calls on a cell phone and calls brothers.)

Well, to attack these wolves,
All the people were intimidated!
Everybody snows without stopping
They think they are lucky.
They stole chickens from a neighbor
The forester has a horse.
Ducks missed
At the nearest pond.
Sorry for them, but what to do?
Life is not easy today.
They don't want to work
So they are in poverty.

The wolf was alive,
Put in a truck.
All the paws were twisted to him,
So as not to rummage around the strangers.
And forced to work:
Protects the wolf at home.
Now his life is in worries
It flows until the morning.

The script of a pirate fairy tale for adults is for a drunk company

Script for a pirate fairy tale for adults - for a drunk company
The script of a pirate fairy tale for adults is for a drunk company

The script of a pirate fairy tale for adults is for a drunk company:

Introductory song-on the motive “We say byki-bugs” from the m/f “Bremen musicians”

I bought a ticket
On a cruise ship.
The husband said that a month is not enough
To go for a year.
La-la-la, la-la-la,
I went to the cruise!
La-la-la, la-la-la. Wow!

On the other side of the scene - “at sea” - a pirate and assistant pirate appear.

Conscience has not gone to us for a long time,
To rob - our craft.
Our "cheerful Roger" runs,
So you are not lucky.
Yo-hoo-ho, yo-hoo,
It is not easy for us to refuse!
Yo-hoo-ho, yo-ho-ho ... Amba!

Lady (until he sees pirates, they are still far):
Travel began,
I ate a comprehensive lunch.
Only something got bored
I have no interlocutor.
I’m silent for an hour ...
I want to chat for a long time!
I'm burying now!.

Pirate (looks into the telescope of the "deck"):
Ahead is a chic liner,
The chests will be full.
Get out a gold,
Open the wallets.
One hundred devils, one hundred devils,
They say that I am a villain.
One hundred devils, one hundred devils ... money on a barrel!

The dance of the pirates, during which they burst into the "deck of the ship" with pistols in their hands.

Carrab! All - on boarding!
We captured your liner!
Kohl want not to be at the bottom
Cook the ransom! Money - to me!
Brillants, gold - with you?
Any one will go here ...
More grams and carat ...

The lady (not at all scared, boring begins the interrogation):
Do you have a certificate?
Imagine a license, pliz,
Fluorography, tolerance, SNILS?
Is there a declaration for a year?
Or maybe it's all a divorce?!
I probably want to know
Why will I pay the money!

Pirate (menacingly):
Oh, devil! Baba is evil!
Madame, but you are not lucky!
There is the most important document
Now I will get it ... (takes out a huge “pirate certificate” with a photograph).

(speaks towards the audience)
The nuances in these matters are important.
Before the law - everyone is equal!
(Turns to the pirates):
And since your tax has been paid,
Now I will get a wallet.

He runs into the "cabin", then returns with his luggages.

The first day of pirate captivity was walking ...

The melody "Burnt sun. 1st option

There was a second day of pirate captivity ...

Sounds "Burnt sun. 2nd option ". The lady is still rummaging in the bag.

Voice behind the personnelM:
There was a fourth day of pirate captivity ...

Sounds "Burnt sun. 3rd option

Pirate (impatiently):
What soon? Rum is already at the bottom.
I do not see your purse!
During this time we were able to
Highlight the carib a hundred times!

Lady (digging in trinkets):
Now ... now ... Already almost ...

The seventh day of pirate captivity was walking ...

Pirate (nervous, gets up):
I count up to ten!

Oh, well, you have to - a stocking!
And the lost keychain! ..
Pregnancy test, earring ...
The cookie ... (tries) fresh for now.
The glove is left ... well, here,
And I was looking for a whole year!
Oh my God! What do I see?!
Look - my photo!
Here I am three years old ... (thinks) or five?

Pirate (continues to account, menacingly):

Lady (accepts at his own expense, shakes her head negatively):
No, not two ... I'll ask my mother ...
What a pity, does not catch Beeline here ...
Or maybe go to her online?

Pirate (already growls):

The lady (again does not pay attention, begins to discuss about age):
Hmm ... probably, there are three ... (nostalgias)
Years fly ... don't say!

Pirate (beside yourself from anger):
Patience ended mine!
Where is the wallet?!

Around the crook!
They stole, apparently along the way,
Once I could not find him.
A thief on the ship wound up, know!

Pirate (continues, growls):

The lady (according to his head, on her wave):
And perhaps five!
(Makes a "best" face)
There is a gang! A whole team!

Where's the money?!

Lady (it overshadows):
Need a detective!
I read one novel ...

Music from the movie "Gentlemen of Good luck" sounds, the lady to the music sounds silently, expressively gestures. The pirate rolls his eyes

There was a third week of pirate captivity ...

Sounds "Burnt sun. 4th option. " The pirate is lying on a chair, in a half -fainting state.

Lady (with excitement):
And the husband returned - he was drunk in the insole,
And confused his entrance,
The floor, apartment, and ... disappeared!
And it all came out because of the cutlets! ..
Oh, by the way, I can give a recipe.
Write: half a killer fillet ...

Pirate (wheezes from the last forces):
Hey, someone ... on the ship!
Splapping Roma! .. (he brings it off from the assistant) but not for me!
Her! Let it silent even in a dream ...

Scenario of the fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" for adults

Scenario of the fairy tale Kurochka Ryaba for adults
Scenario of the fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" for adults

Scenario of the fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" for adults:

Who will tell me, with what words the fairy tale begins?

Guests: "Lived once.."

Leading: So, there were a grandfather and a woman.
Our grandfather was old, but weak.
He loved to sit near the stove on a bench.
(MUZ. Track "Grandfather Exit")
- But the grandmother is young, mischievous, funny!
(Muses. Track Dolce Gaban)
- She did not offend her grandfather.
Loved him, kissed.
First in one cheek, then on the other.
(Muses. Track kiss me in the stomach.)
- And my grandfather with a grandmother of a chicken is a chicken.
(Muses. Track for striptease)
- And who will tell me what our chicken should do?
Properly demolish the testicle. But for this we need someone? Of course, the cockerel.
(Muses track "Scream of a rooster")
- Good Petya! How does he wave it wings?
And how does he scream when he sees a chicken?
And after that he begins to run diligently after her ...
(Muses. Track "I am a boom-boom you, you are me boom-boom-boom")
“And so he caught up with her.” And a little trodden ...
(Muses. Track what movements ...)
- And then the secret process of the appearance of the testicle occurs.
(Muses. The track hurts me ...)
-Well, finally, let's see what came of it ... Here it is, what an testicle!
The applause of the chicken, it was not in vain to suffer.
(MUZ. Track "Chicken coop")
- the grandmother was delighted, the grandfather was delighted! And they decided to cook eggs. Grandfather Yaichko Bil-Bil ... did not break. Grandma Yaichko Bila-Bila ... did not break. Grandfather is crying.
(Muses. Track Vitas howls ...)
- Grandma is crying ... Everyone is crying ... And then a mouse appears.
(Muses. Dance the track while young)
- And who will answer me that our mouse will need now? Well, of course, the tail.
Here it is our tail ...
(A thin tall man comes out)
- Where should the tail be? Correct from behind. Take the tail of the mouse by the waist.
(Muses. Track "Lambada")
- And now the mouse is spinning around the testicle ... runs ... sniffs ... and like a tail waved ... The testicle crashed ...
- Grandfather is crying. (Muses. The track Vitas whines ...) The grandmother is crying ... everyone is crying ...
- And then the chicken says to them:

Do not cry, grandfather, don’t cry, a woman, I’ll demolish your testicle not simple, but gold.
Grandfather with a grandmother was delighted. Grandfather dances
(Muses. Track "Bird of Happiness")
-Babka dances ... everyone is dancing ...

The script of the fairy tale "Kolobok" adults

Scenario of fairy tale adults
The script of the fairy tale "Kolobok" adults

The script of the fairy tale "Kolobok" of adults:

Lived - there were a grandmother with a grandfather,
The side on the side lived together,
Once on birthday
Grandfather asks to bake the pie.
Grandma is a playful young man,
Merry and talkative ...

There is no money for a pie
I'll bake a bun
So that I have less consumption
I will knead flour and water.

Okay, grandmother, I agree
The bun will be beautiful
You cook it with your soul
And at the same time singing songs.

(bailiff to grandfather)
Ah, you, dear old man,
Let me touch the barrel.

Get rid of, go and cook it,
And don't bach me yet,
The night will be ahead
Then come

(Rolled "bell" - a balloon or ball, while sings)
Kolobok, Kolobok,
There will be your ruddy side
How old an old man is
Will become strong like a bull
Again he is like young
Average with me
I will be happy then
And I will forget about the years.
(The grandmother blinded the bun, laid it on the window and left)

Hello everyone!
I am an old dinner grandfather.
By the day of birth like a pie,
And I am calling - Kolobok,
I have a hot side
Until my grandfather appeared,
I rolled away ...

Kolobok rolls through the forest, and to meet him a hare.
(Running, trembling, empty bottles are ringing in the bag)

Hey hello!
Who are you?
Where are you, scythe?

I'm running to the stall on the case,
Koresh here sent for Belaya.
He wanted to drink a lot
I quickly and flew.

(bypassing around the hare)
Who is your friend, spine? Kozlik or Cockerel?

What are you, that you are not, of course,
My friend is so sinless.
His name is the gray wolf.
Real Babi Plut.
He with Kuma - he walks with a fox,
Well, it lures the heifer,
He loves to have fun
For free to get drunk.

Okay, okay, don't shake
Well, relax, smile ...

What is your name friend?
Oh, what a hot side!
The bread spirit stands around ...

I am called Kolobok
I can only listen to me
But don't try to eat me,
They didn’t bake me
Where went, go there.

In the forest, why are you shaking stupid,
What will you eat, are you not afraid?

I know from enemies
I invite everyone to the holiday,
Grandfather's birthday,
Come and you are to dinner.

Well, then I'm leaving
I will warn everyone in the forest

Kolobok rolls further, and to meet him a gray wolf.

What are this miracles
Not a pie, not a sausage?
There are no hands, and there are no legs ...
Hey, who are you?

I am a bun.

Come on, you, billiards with eyes,
Let me feel the barrel ...

Immediately feel, Izh what!
Are you not blue for an hour?

For your words now
I will eat you ...

Here are the times!
I will eat it right away,
Waste wolf,
Come to visit the buddy
Do you know the grandfather's house with a grandfather?
Come there for dinner.

Okay, persuaded.
Well, for now, I tried.

Kolobok rolls further, and to meet him a bear.

What the ball is
Does it jump in my meadow?
Hey rosy, who is it?
(Kolobok shunning, wants to pass by)

I'm not delicious ...

Hey, wait!
I want to break you at a time
Then I will stomp further.

Yourself, who are you clubfoot?

I am a bear, a thunderstorm of animals!

Okay, Misha, don't growl,
Better come to visit
To grandfather for birthday
I invite guests
Come and you are soon.

Okay, since such a thing
I will come, go, not brave.

Kolobok rolls further, and to meet him a fox.

Who else is this?
Oh, what bodies!

Oh, ruddy bunker
Wow, what a fragrant side!
You come to me a friend
I remember you a bit.

Oh, beautiful fox,
The wolf of the gray girl,
I will not go with you
I'm afraid of your friend.

You don't be afraid of his friend
I'll figure it out with the wolf.
I'm afraid of him myself
But I will amuse you
And then I will be treated.

Oh, you are cunning, you are a rogue
Well, I don't shine with a bast
You will come to my grandfather
You will spend the night with me.

Okay, I will come, of course ...

I'll have fun, who is not sinless?

It's strange, where is the bun,
The birthday man is a pie?
What to go to the grandfather,
What to lure by night?
What, is you ready to have a treat?
On mine, for my birthday?

Hey masters, hello!
Have you prepared dinner?
Guests will come to you now
I called them ...

Here are the times!?
Grandfather, look miracles
Kolobok opened his eyes
I got a bun
It turned out to us a son

Ah yes grandmother, well done!
At least back down the aisle
I gave me my son
Can we do my daughter?

Oh, you are a sweet old man,
Is your “pod still alive?

Oh, you are naughty all the old woman,
Cover soon on the table,
Get plates, mugs
I went for champagne.

Regret a birthday, only once a year

(enters with a bottle in his hands)
Kolobok, where are the guests?

And here they are.

One, two, three, four, five
We will congratulate the grandfather
We came to congratulate my grandfather
Happy birthday with the whole guty ...

All animals:
You are a mistress, don't be shy,
Together with us, sing a song!
(Sing everything)

Song of animals
(on the motive of the song "Wonderful neighbor")
Grandfather's birthday
The table is set for all guests
You are the master, smile
Pour us champagne
Toasts for you today
They raised everything more than once
You have a holiday today
So the holiday is with us.
Congratulations on birthday
And we wish you many years
Because you are darling
A wonderful neighbor
Together with us, dance,
The song is a ringing binge
We celebrate your anniversary
I am amused by the crowd.
Chorus: the same

You take, the birthday man,
Instead of a bun, a pie,
So that he is your birthday
Together he could celebrate his dreams.
(Give a cake or pie).

The fairy tale "Teremok" is a script for adults

Tales Teremok - an adult script
The fairy tale "Teremok" is a script for adults

The fairy tale "Teremok" is a script for adults:

Not low, not high, not wide,
He stood in the forest Teremok.
Without thinking about anything in advance
The animal company settled there.
They began to live in heap, the main thing is not boring.

Frog (mouse):
I wanted to tell you:
You ate my candy
Bread whistled the hump,
The mushroom pulled out of the tub,
From a glass of milk
I sipped three sips.

You are not leaning
On decent animals,
And visitors from Mukhosransk
You have to be a little kinder.
We came here,
Where is the food and where the water;
And she lived with herself, where before
The stinky pond!

Ah, you are a rat!

Ah, you are a toad!

Why did the women clasped?

Do not worry it's okay,
This is instead of physical exercises!

Better girls didn’t yell,
And in the kitchen they took.

I'm from Tajikistan yesterday
Hired two cockroaches
They promised to clean up and eat the remains.
And today there are already
Twenty pieces on the floor.

If this goes, then here
They will devour us without a trace.

It is necessary to release the law
And drive out migrants out!

Only something seems to me something
What does not care about the law,
Because our people
He lives on concepts.

So that the country is strong,
We will build for centuries
Here is an elite reserve!
We must ruin everything for now ...

Hare (bear):
You, Potapych, are too cool!
Since they do not lie,
One has already tried to us
Build communism here.
At first persuaded everyone
I took everything and divided it,
Well, who did not give
They collected and shot them.
And from all his undertaking
It began to live still loud.
And now it decorates
Local history museum.

I do not believe everyone in a row
But people say
That of those who disagree
They will do a servel.

I heard such a passion:
Crime crawls into power.

I'll bring you more:
Crime is already in the forest!
In the morning the present is just
Someone knocked out a squirrel of eyes
And yesterday some urck
He took off a black buckthorn from the fox.

This is fleas, so I knew
Divorced crime here
Because to us, probably
They sent them Ben-Cathedral.
You hear, gray, give me an answer
How are you authority
You tell your friends in the hut
Will there be no boach?
Behind the bottle of whisk
The huntsmen spoke
That the shooting of the fur beast
They announced here not in vain.
Apparently, it's time to hide.
Drapan in the morning
I have under Arzamas
There is a secret hole.

Wolf (mouse):
What was the part of Pava?
I have a present for you
And do not stand, open your mouth.
Who cut my compote?!
You don't dare rattles
Here at the right animals,
And not that to the flour will erase.
That's it, hily in your hole!

Criminal, Ham, ignoramus,
And your compote was stale!
I will complain to the court
For such a slander!
I will remember everything in the memoirs ...
Maybe even on Victory Day
I’ll go to Moscow.

Wolf (hare):
Here's what I wanted to say:
There is lawlessness.
Two rams near the river
The barbecue is frying.
And cuckoo, over there, dolls,
And no one roofs them!
Tomorrow, somewhere by three o'clock
I will pass to the addresses,
Only I will not touch the bees -
Their bear is roofing himself.

Mouse (bear):
Misha, lend your mobile
I completely forgot to call.
(calls on the phone Zyuganov)
I'm calling from afar,
This is a mouse from the tower.
I, like an old Bolshevik
Is it not supposed to solder?
I can't work.
The victim of the Stalinist repressions
I deserved a dried apricots!

Frog (hare):
Remember the red fox
What ran abroad?
So they said on the telik
So that we do not wait for her.
She dumped the hill.
I created my cartel there -
I supplied chickens to the brothel,
There, according to the documents,
She became our resident.
Witched a crocodile
And she changed her last name.
Looking for fox since then
FSB and Interpol.

The life of the fox is not sweet,
Even a pity her slightly
But why is she an infection,
Deceived Kolobok?!

Mouse (continues to call):
Is this the UN mission?
Is this their phone?
Where the chairman goes there,
I need him in the case.
Perempt to Haiti,
You fly here soon!
Here is hunger and scurvy,
I have a pain in my leg,
Write down the exact address:
This is a mouse from the tower.
Urgently send a helicopter,
I will meet you at the gate
Do not forget Swiss cheese
And from the peaches compote.

Oh, I don't like it
The situation is in the country.
The moment is worried
That the president is smaller.
There will be a teleconference tomorrow,
I will ask them my question:
Maybe the namesake of Gorbachev
I was chosen to be on the highest post?

What are you, fell with sequoia?
Well, we must invent this!
If life does not warm you,
In the Red Book, sign up.
Distributed, commander,
Out, go wash the toilet,
Scraper from the walls litter,
Maybe the fool will pass.

Why not dream?
And there is a character and become
And I can when I have to
Dance on the rostrum.
Let's draw a banner,
That I'm a mulberry guarantor
We will connect the television,
Why am I not an option?

And really, let it go
The people were already bored,
Maybe for an alternative
It will just suit.
We are a signs of a sink
Attach over the tower.
Yes, he is one road-
The presidency is straight!
From the bear here and here
Proposals and rod,
Maybe his phrases
The quotes will be dismantled!

Mouse (continues to call):
Is this a secretariat?
They call you from Russia.
Urgently need Yanukovych,
Let me connect.
There is little money on the account,
This is a mouse, send a sala,
I'm calling from the tower
To the pable, for now.
We hope for you
And not that - turn off the gas!

Who will tell me, these birds
That they fly from abroad
From China and Carib
Do not drag bird flu?
On TV now
There was a government hour.
Maybe it's not too late yet
Should I buy a gas mask?

How to get drunk
Recalls about sins.
Your place is at the parachie
All the roosters are sitting there.

What did you say now?
You will run into the scandal.
I have a certificate,
That I'm all fit.
I was shell -shocked more than once
A crest is torn out, an eye is knocked out
And the rumor is almost lost.
I am a well -deserved rooster!

I'm talking about bird flu in the morning
The sister will explore everything;
She has a kuma in the Ministry of Health,
There she has a hole in her floor.

Whose bag is TNT?

I bought it in a stall.
Gave me to his change
Two fuses in addition.
And let yourself be stored
Everything on the farm will come in handy.
There is a frog in reserve
Moonshine three tubs,
Yes, and the wolf gathered himself
Under the bed arsenal:
Two grenades from Afghanistan,
Three assault rifles from Chechnya,
Five years for them for cartridges
And a fascist gun.
Let it have a bag with the edge,
He does not bother anyone.

I will rivet the ram now
Written off the grenade launcher,
He has a cool look
There is no asking - let it be worth it.

There is some kind of movement
In the sense of armed forces,
Everyone is preparing for war,
I will not be away
I'll show you now!

And the bear pecked in the eye.
Misha rattled from a chair
And here everything rushed !!
All from Brest to the Urals
Threw this explosion ...

One morning at dawn
All gathered in the yard
And they decided: everyone is better
He will live in his hole.

Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" for adults

Scenario Tale Turnip for Adults
Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" for adults

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip" for adults:

Leading:Dear viewers,
Do you want to see a fairy tale?
Familiar, surprisingly,
But with creative additions!
In one, well, very rural, terrain,
Very distant from fame,
That in Russia there are often
Grandfather once planted a turnip!
We will put the turnip on the stool,
What grandfather prepared in advance.

(Gesture offers “repch” to take its place)

- Our turnip grew up in the morning
And shakes in the wind in the wind.
And now everything is in order:
Grandfather went to the beds in the morning.
Grinkled, but reached out
Yes, turned into a turnip
That's the miracle of the 5th!
Grandfather Trings her eyes,
Because he was surprised:
That's how the vegetable was disgusted!

Grandfather can with the participants in the scene:
Hand over
Turn the turnip by the head
Pull by the rope in the hands of the turnip
Try to raise a chair with a turnip

Pulls, pulls, cannot stretch!
The turnip did not go from the bed,
Knowing, I settled in the ground tightly!
What to do? Call the grandmother
In order to tear the turnip more handy.
Grandma in a half -pier
Grandfather is ready to help.
The grandmother came closer
Grandfather Grandma to go in an armful!
Grandfather again to crap a turnip!
And come on, pull and tear!
They pull, pull, they can’t stretch!
-Babka called her granddaughter,
So that the granddaughter helps them.
Only granddaughter, to be honest,
It's all not interesting!
Granddaughter is a fashionista, which means
The granddaughter grows his nails thickly.
She, admitted, is
Somehow not to vegetables.
But so as not to angry the ancestors,
Well, I decided to equip it.
Granddaughter for a grandmother,
Grandma for grandfathers,
Grandfather for the turnip.
They pull, pull, they can’t stretch!
- Grandfather with the grandfather is very sorry -
The crop disappears.
The granddaughter allowed the case
I called the bug to help.
The bug quickly ran away
I didn’t even absorbed the bone
Yes, with all that
He waves his tail joyfully.
Bug for the granddaughter,
Granddaughter for a grandmother,
Grandma for grandfathers,
Grandfather for the turnip.
They pull, pull, they can’t stretch!
- Naughty a little tail,
The bug decided to call a cat.
An hour later she appeared
Frowned, washed.
Her appearance told her:
Someone had lunch deliciously.
There were very few oils,
And now it is not at all.
The cat greeted sweetly,
She extended to the bug.
Cat by the bug,
Bug for the granddaughter,
Granddaughter for a grandmother,
Grandma for grandfathers,
Grandfather for the turnip.
They pull, pull, they can’t stretch!
- Apparently, everyone is tired too much.
We must call the mouse to the rescue!
The mouse went out into the garden
The people pushed pushed
Grasped tightly by the tops
And took out the root crop!
And see all signs
This is not a simple mouse.
Our fairy tale is the end
And who listened - well done!

Video: A fun corporate fairy tale!

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