Tables of roles for a noisy company - role -playing, funny, cool, short

Tables of roles for a noisy company - role -playing, funny, cool, short

A large selection of poetic caustic fairy tales by roles that will help you make funny holidays.

Treaty of roles for a noisy company

Treaty of roles for a noisy company
Treaty of roles for a noisy company

Tagging of roles for a noisy company:

Fairy Tale at the table "Drums"

Actors and noise actions:

  • Grandfather Barabashka - rustling newspapers,
  • Grandma-barabashka - Thunders dishes
  • Father-Barabashka - stomp them three times and make a creak of the door opened
  • Mother Bashashka - makes the sound of scratching on a wooden surface
  • Son-Barabashki - Clapping his hands three times
  • Family of the drums - All those present produce sounds at the same time.

The host reads the text, and the participants make noise:

The house has thirteen on Mira Street
In a very wretched old apartment,
That our communal woman calls.
Family of the drums He has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Where does not step a person’s leg.
This closet, for a very long time cluttered,
Family of Drum It suffers two centuries here.
Other residents of a communal apartment
They forgot about this family a little:
Used to their usual noises and sighs -
Under the roof of one they did not live badly.
Grandfather Barabashka He loved at leisure
Slightly playing a little trick on the dear wife:
Rusted Grandfather An old newspaper in the corner,
Driving Grandma rustling in longing.
Grandmos in revenge frightened dishes,
How Son-Barabashki I was scared more than once.
Father-Barabashkawhen I was out of sorts
He arranged a mess in his house:
He stomped his feet, creaked doors
And all these sounds are tired of all.
BUT Mother Bashashka She loved him so much:
I did not scold for these tricks at all.
And as a sign of their delicate and fiery feelings
Mom He was bought by a watermelon.
Father-Barabashka it was not known by click -
The watermelon certainly shared between everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
They heard the family together.
Son-barabashki I tried more to everyone:
With a lounge, he was eaten up.
So amicably Family of the drums lived,
Until a big trouble happened:
They suddenly decided to resettle the residents once.
And this house was urgently demolished.
The people left the communal apartment,
Family of DrumOf course, they forgot.
Now they are looking for another housing
Where they will be satisfying, comfortable, warm,
Where Grandfather Barabashka Without any interference
Will continue to rustle the newspapers with his pile,
Where sometimes Drum-Babulya
Will be able to thunder with his old pan,
Where Son-Barabashki You will clap your hands,
Father-Barabashka Suddenly hesitates,
And the mother-barabashka Sometimes without fright
It will scratch at the door of the dear spouse.
You will respond, people who are not very against
Hear all this late at night?

Bonus: the scene "Women of the East" - a cool fairy tale in a new way

Funny scene for the corporate party "Seven Kid"

  • Mitty 1 - “Smiryo! Stand on the rack! ")
  • Mitty 2 - "Blue Moon!"
  • Mitty 3 - "Who has gobbled up my cabbage today?"
  • Mitty 4 - "Sha, brother, sit and be silent!"
  • Mitty 5 - "Oh, I can’t, I’m dying, in kind!"
  • Mitty 6 -“Grandmas Tol! A racketeer came to you! "
  • Goat- “Where are you, goats? Here I am, your confused! "
  • Wolf - "People, let me in the impetus!"

The goat has no words, but passes through the room to the left or the right, wagging its hips.

Leading: In the forest on the edge of the mossy hut
The goat was huddled that Eleza was called.
Not so much the goat of the house,
How much that goat was prolific!

She was not embarrassed by the absence of her husband.
To make a child, the husband is not needed at all!
Children were added every year on a thing,

The family grew, so there was no boredom.
There was a senior goat such a broken!
Well, I will not save with him, right ... First father.
He happened to visit the troops,
Commanded ...

Mitty 1. Smiryo! Stand on the rack!

Leading. The second of the goat was a naive fool.
Yes, stupid like a cork, but with a sweet face.
Reddened constantly, and begged the wine,
And he kept repeating the phrase ...

Mitty 2. Blue Moon!

Leading. The third goat was a terrible glutton
Everything cracked and cracked almost indiscriminately.
He always asked his favorite question ...

Mitty 3. Who has gobbled up my cabbage today?

Leading. The fourth goat was all the time -
Well, not a kid, but a real goat!
Both brothers and mother searched for a corner ...

Mitty 4. Sha, brother, sit and be silent!

Leading. The fifth goat also has trouble:
He always tried to rust like a horse,
Forever he will smoke a fool ...

Mitty 5. Oh, I can’t, I’m dying, in kind!

Leading. And the sixth goat was like Rothschild, rich
It was made in pockets a lot of money,
And his business was old as the world ...

Mitty 6. Grandmas on the table! A racketeer came to you!

Leading. Mom Goat from her sons is tired
God began to pray just for days.
God heeded the prayers of our girlfriend
And finally gave her a girl!
The eyes are slanted, a skirt with a cut,
And for her chest, cabbage is useful.
A goat is constantly repeating the song ...

Goat. Where are you goats? Here I am, your Putan!

Leading. The house is empty, then densely.
Once it ended in the house of cabbage.
Mom go goose has gone for cabbage,
She locked the doors stronger.

Only the doorway closed the opening,
The goats jump: “So cool! We live! "
The cry he heard a hungry top ...

Wolf. Children, let me in a push!

Leading. The doors opened. He stepped on the threshold.
The first goat is a gray -eyed son,
Who happened to visit the troops,
Ordered ...

Mitty 1. Smiryo! Stand on the rack!

Leading. Son number two pours wine,
He repeats in the ear ...

Mitty 2. Blue Moon!

Leading. The third ran almost to the scandal ...
Mitty 3. Who has gobbled up my cabbage today?

Leading. The fourth decided to give the heat right there ...
Mitty 4. Sha, brother, sit and be silent!

Leading. The fifth touched the shabby skin ...
Mitty 5. Oh, I can’t, I’m dying, in kind!

Leading. Well, the sixth, that he bred everyone around ...
Mitty 6. Grandmas on the table! A racketeer came to you!

Leading. The wolf is stupefied and standing without breathing,
Brains, and the soul is numb,
And the threshold from under the feet floats ...
Wolf. Children, let me in a push!

Leading. The voice was heard by the girl-cosa,
With a mascara of overseas, drawing his eyes,
She went out, shaking temporarily with a village ...
Goat. Where are you goats? Here I am, your Putan!

Leading. Then the poor top could not stand it ...
Wolf. Children, let me in a push!

Leading. This goals could not demolish it,
They helped to go out with kicks.
After the meeting, they said popularly,
The wolf by the side of the goats bypass everyone.

Table tales of roles at the table to raise the mood to guests

Table tales of roles at the table to raise the mood to guests
Table tales of roles at the table to raise the mood to guests

Tables of roles at the table to raise the mood to guests:

Impromptu at the table "Shepherd and Princess"

The text reads the text. The heroes named by him pronounce their replica.

Actors and replicas:

  • Princess - "I am a decent girl, what is needed!"
  • Old woman - "Everyone says, I'm an old club"
  • Dog - "I am for the princess to bite any nose."
  • Shepherd - "Pass, there is no more beautiful than the groom!"

Leading: Our theater is known in the whole world,
It has passions in it, as in Romeo and Juliet.
We will show the drama about two lovers,
Let's raise the curtain, play the melodrama!

Once upon a time there was a princess, they called Lada. (I'm a decent girl, what is needed)
- She was a servant of her old woman. (Everyone says I'm an old stick)
- And the faithful dog guarded their castle ( I am for the princess biting any nose!)
- Princess behind the river, at the grapes ... (I'm a decent girl, what is needed!)
- I saw a handsome shepherd .... (Pigs pass, no more beautiful than the groom!)
- Princess Lada fell in love. (I'm a decent girl, what is needed)
- The arrow of Amur was struck by the shepherd. (Pigs pass, no more beautiful than the groom!)
- And they began to meet those secretly young,
Graze pigs, kiss under an oak.
But all the old woman found out in trouble ... ( Everyone says I'm an old stick)
- Seeing youth fun
And knowing that these novels are harmful,
I decided to remove the old woman from the guy ... (Everyone says I'm an old stick)
- Call the dog to help is not a question (I am for the princess to bit any nose!)

- What began here is scary to tell!
Love had to actively protect.
The dog made an active cross ... (I am for the princess to bit any nose!)
- The shepherd fled, saving the guts ... (Pigs pass, no more beautiful than the groom!)
- roared in three streams of Princess Lada ... (I'm a decent girl, what is needed!)

Passion was boiling until the evening
Until all the misfortunes receded.
Active old woman is barely alive ... (Everyone says I'm an old stick)
- Princess Lada Lada is not happy ... (I'm a decent girl, what is needed!)
- And the dog barely breathes from the loads ... (I am for the princess to bit any nose!)
- All the pigs scattered from the shepherd ... (Pigs pass, no more beautiful than the groom!)

- The moral of this fairy tale is known:
Know each in life their place!
The old dog should growl and bark ... (I am for the princess to bit any nose!)

- The old woman should stand for morality ... (Everyone says I'm an old stick)
- Princess to play in love of joy ... (I'm a decent girl, what is needed!)
- But admire the open shepherd ... (Pigs pass, no more beautiful than the groom!)
- Who will compensate him for the costs of pigs
And here is not up to Shakespearean passions.
We seek off the applause of the actors,
The talent of the actors is very respected!

Bonus: Fairy Tale about "Red Red Riding Hood"

Tale of roles at the table "Crow and fox

Actors and replicas:

  • Crow - "Raven - a bird is very difficult!"
  • Oak - "To be an oak destiny that is very bad"
  • Fox - “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power! ”
  • Wolf - "I need only a liter for a hangover!"
  • Bear - "Life without freebies is very difficult"

Heroes pronounce their phrases on the hint of the host, and depict the action.

Leading: This story is known to the world:
God threw a piece of cheese to the ground.
He was found by a raven Shebutny.

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

Leading: The raven instantly flew to the oak, groaning.

Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

Leading: The hungry bird does not fit in.
For that misfortune, the fox fled with a bottle.
She was lucky: she got alcohol ...

Fox: “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power!

Leading: She is looking a crow here - a glorious snack!
“Well, share! Here is such a law! "
The reply of the raven into the anger plunges him.

Crow: Crow - a bird is very difficult!

Leading: The gray wolf fell on all fours,
“Give me a sip at least a sip.
There is only a pack of cigarettes in the pocket,
And I have no more stash!
And the head is so aching, so hurts! "

Wolf: I only need a liter for a hangover!

Leading: As soon as he said his words,
Suddenly a huge flurry rose,
Cracks, noisy, rumbles in the forest,
Shakes with fear of a wolf and a fox.
Our wolf looked at the bitch with great longing,
Jumped up with a painful head,
Then even a huge oak did not stop, gasped.

Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

Leading: Bushes moved apart, and under the bitch
The bear comes out, our old friend.
Hungry, evil, does not even want to live,
He would rather soak the throat,
Smok a little bit and bit slightly.

Bear: Life without freebies is very difficult.

Leading: “Fox, crow, wolf, hello, brothers.
What, friends, open their mouths?
I'm not empty - here are my matches,
I share with you, after all, relatives! "
A crow closes the cheese with wings.

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

Leading: The wolf of cigarettes hides on the bitch in a hurry.

Wolf: I only need a liter for a hangover!

Leading: The fox covered the bottle with a tail.

Fox: “Cedar” or “Zubrovka” is power!

Leading: The bear is blind from arrogance!
"I will get vodka, I will not be my own!"
He shook the oak from all bear forces:
Like, I asked you good at first!
There is only one thought in his brain ...

Bear: Life without freebies is very difficult.

Leading: And the booze flew from the oak.

Oak: To be an oak destiny, which is very bad.

Leading: The fox fell, the wolf behind her at once,
Having knocked down the bear’s impudent right eye.
You have not seen such miracles spawn:
The three of them are not moving!
Raven, flying with a bitch,
I wrapped my friends slightly.
Here are matches, cigarettes, here is a bottle ...
And on a snack cheese in huge holes!
And she retired away with all her good,
Leaving the others to lie in a row,
At the same time, crooked, sorry, singing ...

Crow: Raven - the bird is very difficult!

Tagged tale on roles at the table cool - "Bremen musicians"

Table tales of roles at the table cool
Treaty of roles in the table at the table cool

Tagging tale on roles at the table cool:

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

The characters are a donkey, a dog, a cat, a rooster. At the signal of the host, participants in the fairy tale repeat their phrases:

  • A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
  • Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!
  • Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
  • Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

In the village of neighboring year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He kicked out all the living creatures that in the house
For fifteen years now, I lived on the side.

And all these years in the world lived with him
The donkey of Shebutnoy ...
A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
A dog that has not growled ...
Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!

There lived an old robber who loved sour cream ...
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
In the company of this rooster, it was not superfluous ...
Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

The company was quietly wandering along the road
Tired of the poor and paws and legs.
Suddenly the light appeared in the hut of the forest -
The terrible robbers have a native house there.

And they began to discuss friends right here,
How best to scare the robbers to them.
The dog suddenly said quietly quietly ...
Dog Hav! I want to wet my throat at first!

The donkey decided that he was not passive either. Still would!
A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
The cat was very afraid of the night ram
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!

The rooster invited the gang to scare all.
I decided to disperse the robbers with a scream.
After all, if not he, who will help others?
Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

The animals went quietly to the hut
And loudly, they shouted all at once. (Everyone shouts together)
The robbers instantly ran away from the house.
Who settled in it? They know us.

And they lived for many more years in the house in the world
Brave donkey ...
A donkey - I am a horse in the future!
The leading dog who growled menacingly ...
Dog - Gav! I want to wet my throat at first!

And a thin connoisseur of home sour cream ...
Cat -Moore-humu, suddenly I will become fat and important!
And the main thing is a rooster, he is not at all superfluous ...
Rooster -Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! In Moscow you can even hear!

Tables of roles for a fun company

Tables of roles for a fun company
Tables of roles for a fun company

Tables of roles for a fun company:

"Kolobok"-a song-tale with movements

The host sings and shows movements, and the guests are repeating after him:

The grandmother sowed flour,
On the top of the spider,

To arrange in front of themselves at the chest level of the hand, as if they hold a sieve, and make rhythmic movements from and on themselves.

Yes, Mose of the dough
In the bast shoes.

Cook your hands in fists and make rhythmic movements up and down, imitating the testing of the dough.

The dough in the lap came up

Raise your hands up and spread them to the sides.

It didn’t leave the house.

Walk in place.

Scraped off the porch,

Do the scratch movements in a horizontal plane in a horizontal plane.

I stuffed it into the stove.

Pull your hands forward with your palms up.

It turned out a bun
Both blush and round

Combine your fingers with a lock, raise them over the head, rounding your hands so that you get a circle with a face in the center. Rhythmically and synchronously slightly tilt your head from side to side.

Yes, while I was stitched,

Blow and wave the hands, driving away the air from yourself.

He rolled into the forest.

Place your hands bent in your elbows and quickly rotate them around each other.

I met a bunny there

Put your palms to the crown and move them like ears.

That he knocked on the stump with his foot.

Rhythmically knock on the floor.

Kolobok tried
To eat, but he was not given!

Make a quick grasping movement with your hands.

Kolobok rolled away.

Place your hands bent in your elbows and quickly rotate them around each other.

Suddenly to meet the gray wolf.

Bend your fingers and depict your open and closing mouth with your hands.

Kolobok tried
To eat, but he was not given!

Make a quick grasping movement with your hands.

Further Kolobok rushed

Place your hands bent in your elbows and quickly rotate them around each other.

And the bear met.

Raise your hands over your head, lowering the brushes, and, with a clap, clumsily shift from foot to foot.

He tried him
To eat, but he was not given!

Make a quick grasping movement with your hands.

It swept for two hours

Place your hands bent in your elbows and quickly rotate them around each other.

The fox met

Press the elbows to the chest, hang forward the brushes and coquettishly swing the upper part of the body from side to side.

Says: “Druel!
Sit on my nose! "

Touch your index finger to the tip of the nose.

Kolobok sat on her nose,
I sang this song

Close the tip of the nose on both sides with the thumbs, and connect the rest of the fingers above it, forming a circle, depicting a bun that sitting on the nose. Rhythmically shake your head from side to side.

But the fox did not listen,
Close your ears with your palms.
Amp it - and eaten.

Make a quick grasping movement with your hands. Stroke the tummy in circular movements.

Bonus: fairy tale for adults - "at the Lukomorye"

Treaty Tale of Rings "Turnip"

Actors (7 people) and their words:

  • Mouse: "Elya-Pala, Sha, Atas!"
  • Turnip: "I am now the first friend!"
  • Cat Murka: "Where are you wandering, my happiness!"
  • The dog of the tail: "Let me eat, I have little bones!"
  • Granddaughter: "Well, think about it!"
  • Grandma: "For another you need power!"
  • Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"

Where the mountains are high, in the house near the river
There was a grandfather Tolik, he was an alcoholic with the soul.
How to drink, so let's yell:
Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"

Grandma Dunya lived with him, oh and was harmful!
Growth - a giantess, disperse - chieftain!
Grandfather in binge - she is to a neighbor, for an intimate conversation
Although she kept repeating:
Grandma: "For another you need power!"

The granddaughter was visiting them there, this granddaughter is just power!
Mini-skirt, and the cut is like in a skirt, like-without ...
Breasts - melons are bulk, lips are poured with juice.
Like a rose blossomed ...
Granddaughter: "Well, think about it!"

When farming at the gate
There was a nimble glorious male, nicknamed the tails.
Not at all from boasting, he was just without a tail.
Either God did not give him, or where he himself tore,
But the absence of waving did not annoy anyone.
The dog barked rather sluggishly:
The dog of the tail: "Let me eat, I have little bones!"

The cat Murka lived there, was clean,
Murka was young and cherished innocence,
And in the dreams of her girlish prince the young was waiting.
In her soul badly, she has:
Cat Murka: "Where are you wandering, my happiness!"

There lived a mouse at a time,
He was stronger and higher.
And in the village the whole people called the mouse - "Mormorrot"
It's just a class to communicate with him:
Mouse: "Elya-Pala, Sha, Atas!"

Well, now you all know the inhabitants of their home.
So, further-part two: once in the beginning of May
The alcohol-dog thought came to trouble:
He decided to plant a turnip. He went into the field from dawn,
He flooded the grains in the ground, buried it, poured water ...
Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"
And the moonshine went to drive.

Turnip matured, poured, but washed with rains.
So by the fall, she became large and sang.
Everyone admired ...
Turnip: "I am now the first friend!"

Grandfather came out on the field, looking -
Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"
Grandfather was tired, but only one belt
Burnt, frail, from movement - after all, what a tension!
Turnip - there, at least something. Grandfather tried again
But there is no progress!
Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"

And he went from the field to finish his moonshine.
And at that time, the grandmother went from a neighbor after a conversation.
He sees the grandmother: turnip in the field, and twice the fields are more.
The Syak pulls and pulls, but the stock is exhausted.
I was in vain to my neighbor went ...
Grandma: "For another you need power!"

He sends the granddaughter of the light to be pulled to dinner.
The granddaughter led the eyebrow -
Granddaughter: "Well, think about it!"

I went out in the field to tear, and does not know - how to become to her?
And it will pushing it sideways, and will press it on the contrary ...
The girl broke the stockings - the turnip in the same place!
The girl spat with annoyance, and went to change the outfits.

At the fence, the tails tease its strap.
To eat first:
The dog of the tail: "Let me eat, I have little bones!"

The tail was untied, they ordered the turnips.
I ran, my teeth - to curse! - And let's bite her!
Only turnip is all in place
Smiles, sits, and struggling with a bog ...

And about these all the affairs of Murka was already in the know.
On the porch rested and saw the picture all.
Passion suddenly boiled in Murka:
Cat Murka: "Where are you wandering, my happiness!"

So terribly she wanted to apply a maturity somewhere,
She pulled her paws, pouted her lips with a bow,
To the Repe, the back crept up, but with its claws how it dug!
She pulled that there was strength! Only the claws turned off
She shook her off, curved - and returned on the chair.

Then he recovered with a drinking room Tolik-Dart on an old bunk,
And decided to attract the people together to go to the garden,
Around the turnips, make a circle ...
Turnip: "I am now the first friend!"

Grandfather's grandfather clamps in two hands,
The granddaughter also came running and stimulated in a pose, stood up,
The scoundrel of the tail clung to her for the stocking.
Well, Murka, our light, is looking for a tail-but it is not!
Murka was very surprised, the tail clung to the paw ...

Here they pull that turnip, only the forces are withering, withering ...
Who swear like a tattoo:
Grandfather: "We will live, the Mother is poison!"

Who tries cute:
Grandma: "For another you need power!"

The granddaughter of everyone has already brought:
Granddaughter: "Well, think about it!"

The dog whines again: first
The dog of the tail: "Let me eat, I have little bones!"

Murka hisses straight from passion:
Cat Murka: "Where are you wandering, my happiness!"

The heavy Burlatsky howl heard our hero mouse.
The mormorrot hurried to showdown in the garden,
And I decided to help at least once:
Mouse: "Elya-Pala, Sha, Atas!"

The Repe is not very in a hurry, it looks around the arrogant, with a glance,
It gently hugs turnip and takes out from the garden!

All around ...
Turnip: "I am now the first friend!"
Then our people reached out, started up, looked around,
And he went to drink moonshine - good that he is always.
And our story is over.
Mouse: "Elya-Pala, Sha, Atas!"

Treaty of Roles for Roles for Birthday in Family Circle, Friends

Treaty of Roles for Roles for Birthday in Family Circle, Friends
Treaty of Roles for Roles for Birthday in Family Circle, Friends

Tague fairy tale on birthday roles in the family circle, friends:

Fairy Tale of Roles "Birthday Birthday"

  • Squirrel-ironic - Thank you for coming
  • Fox - Here are those on!
  • Hedgehog - Well, so -so walk.
  • Hare - How cool friends are sitting!
  • Boar “Will you treat me with a cigarette?”
  • All - Happy Birthday!

The beast gathered in the hut,
To celebrate the day of birth together
And to congratulate the birthday girl to Belchikha.
Settled the animals at the table and chorus everything in an instant - Happy Birthday

The fox is already a little drunk
She said in surprise - Here are those on!
And the bun's coward is gray
He shouted from under the table timidly, yes - How great we are sitting friends!

Only the hedgehog was not in the mood
He, seeing a general embarrassment,
Volyaly fell apart on the couch
Well, so -so walk.

But the animals did not pay attention to him
And again in chorus, Happy Birthday, Shouted
And the squirrel of the anniversary, having sent his arms,
She whispered embarrassedly
Thank you for coming.

Fox, pouring a squirrel of wine,
Suddenly shouted , here are those on!
Here Zainka, noticeably bolder,
I recalled, as if chasing! How great we are sitting!

A pig assented him. Yeah!
And her husband is a forest boar
It was already a fairly drunk.
He approached everyone with the question: Do you treat me with a cigarette?

Only a hedgehog that was lying on the couch,
And quietly repeated: Well, so -so festivities.
Well, being from the holiday under the impression,
All guests were buzzing again: Happy Birthday.

Suddenly, the Squirrel of the anniversary, discarding all his doubts.
Said confidently: Thank you for coming
Here the animals were all amused,
Apparently ate already, got drunk.
All the ones were set off to dance
And invite the birthday girl to the dance.

The fox of fatigue is a little drunk,
During the dance process, she often repeated - Here are those on!
Well, the wild boar rolled to the ceiling
He beat off the hooves
And again he molested everyone with the question
Do you treat me with a cigarette?

And the hedgehog is all drunk from smoke and fog
He muttered under his breath - Well, so -so walk.
But all forest residents are satisfied
Everyone drinks, dance, they are free
And endlessly shouting surprisingly
Belchikha anniversary - Happy Birthday!

Bonus: fairy tale for adults "Teremok"

Role Tale at the table "Flowers congratulate"

  • Bettlenousist-Sadnian - "All right now"
  • Guests - "Happy Birthday!"
  • Tulip - "Everything will be in openwork!"
  • Rose - "Both on!"
  • Narcissus - "Full sucks!"
  • Colored daisies - "Wet a glass?"
  • Bumblebee - "Well, damn it, you give!"

Let's try together, all together, say congratulations not by prose, not a song,
And a simple creation folded in rhyme,
Funny with such a small performance.
Once a gardener came to the garden,
Leaving his worries and things.
And suddenly she is a little breeze breath
From the flower bed, it reported:
Guests: Happy Birthday!
Gardener, knowing his mission,
In response, she promised: all right now

On the flowerbed tulip, he is a Frenchman by nature,
The gardener shouted: everything will be in openwork!
Flowers and trees to her for a moment
They said the worst already: Happy Birthday!
She, correcting her hairstyle,
She calmly answered: I pour everyone right now!

Here the rose, thick aromas is full,
I added my word: both-ow!
Tulip, giving an important look of a modest figure,
Added imposingly: everything will be in openwork!
And the garden in the morning was filled with a pend
And together buzzes with might and main: Happy birthday!
Gardener in this garden - like in paradise,
And again he answers: I pour everyone right now!
Narcissus grew on a flowerbed, admiring himself,
I reacted to everything: full sucks!
And the rose, the bud was opened, pale,
A advertisement is only: Both!
Tulip, he is close to the temperament to the storm,
I proved loudly: everything will be in openwork!
The flowers bloomed surprisingly everyone
And the garden rumbled already with might and main: Happy birthday!
The gardener called him like his friend.
She promised: I pour it all right now!
Colored daisies, girlfriends-blowjobs,
They whispered to each other: we wave in a glass?
Narcissus to support its image,
I looked only contemptuously: full sucks!
And the rose, opening completely from wine,
She kept heavily shy: both!
Tulip, suddenly thinking about the Amur,

I decided to repeat that everything will be in openwork!
And the garden was filled with wonderful flowering
And he did not get tired of congratulating: Happy birthday!
Gardener gives her smile
And chirping sweetly: I pour everyone now!
Suddenly a bumblebee flew in everyday care.
He just looked at the garden: well, damn it, you give!
He took all pollination cheerfully and briskly
And also looked so that no one would be sober.
He first directed his path to the daisies,
They were satisfied: we wave in a glass?
The Narcissus is disturbed by the usual peace,
And he was unhappy: full suck!

Beauty Rose in Shmelya is in love,
And whispers playfully to him: Both!
Tulip, at least a Frenchman, but a man by nature,
He drank with a bumblebee: everything will be in openwork!
Garden in admiration, garden in touch
Comes together now: Happy Birthday!
The gardener remembers about the date of its
And the garden will answer: I pour it all right now!

Wish trees, bushes and flowers,
So that the life of incredible beauty!
Success in the family, success in work,
Health and happiness! Well, damn it, you give!

Treaty of roles on the anniversary of a man, a woman

Treaty of roles on the anniversary of a man, a woman
Treaty of roles on the anniversary of a man, a woman

A table fairy tale on roles in an anniversary to a man, woman:

Tagging fairy tale for congratulations

The anniversary day is sparkling with gold,
Such dates are not often!
So that our holiday is completely good,
Let's pat your hands together!

Ah, anniversary! And flowers and gifts,
Guests are smart, full of cups!
And congratulations and compliments,
And in honor of the birthday girl applause!

You conquer everyone with kindness
Light in the eyes, latitudinal.
Better we can’t find hopes!
Let's applaud more likely!

Everyone gathered - both friends and relatives,
There is a snack and guilty wines.
Let these moments be remembered!
And again the applause will sound!

There will be fun today,
In the dancing of swiftness we will spin,
Laugh more and sing a call!
Do not regret your hands, clap louder!

Time came from the bottom of the heart to have fun,
Let them bloom with smiles of the face!
Our holiday will become just a sensation.
Let everything drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bovation

Spring is almost in full swing
And the snow melts everywhere
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

Today is a holiday in the house
We all know about it
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink !!

You are addressed to the praises
We compose in chorus
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink !!

With love, the anniversary
Give a gift
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

Your anniversary is solid
But we do not count
For this you have to drink
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

And you are all good
We notice it
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

Happy days, health
We wish you more
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

And know our dear
Soul in you is not tea
For this you have to drink
And we do not mind, clap and drink!

Bonus: Tale for the anniversary "Three Pigs"

Fairy Tale-crown "You pour in a glass"

Divide the hall into two parts. One side says the phrase - "to drink guests with vodka."
The second - "You pour in a glass!"

The host reads poetry, and the guests take turns shouting the phrases in turn:

Day today is unusual
We have excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...

"Watch guests with vodka."

We will dance together
Songs sing, play games.
And so that it was more fun ...

"Pour in a glass!"

We celebrate Victory Day
We are happy to meet guests.
How can everyone please them?

Watch guests with vodka.

We made the program
Competitions were composed to you,
And so that the games go haze

You pour in a glass!

Okay, do not scream
And do not wake your neighbors!
Pour it soon
For a cheerful anniversary!

"Men's Revelations"-a table fairy tale-entertainment

The host pronounces the text, women in the hall say “yo-hoo-ho”, if they agree with what the presenter says, or “oh-oh-oh”, if they do not agree. And men all together repeat one phrase: "And a bottle of beer." The host conducts the hall.

So I would like a car! ("Yo-ho-ho", "and a bottle of beer").
In the wife-Prima-Balerin! (“Oh-oh-oh”, “and a bottle of beer”).
In the wallet - one currency!
In Nice - at least for a minute!
Every day on the table is a barbecue!
And girlfriend is just chic!
Call the buzz on football!
From the tap - vodka generously pour!
And work would be easier!
And the health would be stronger!

Tag tale on roles short

Tagged tales of roles are short
Tag tale on roles short

The table fairy tale is short:

Comic fairy tale-exprof "Diagnose"

The host reads lines of songs. And players on characteristic features should “make a diagnosis”:

I. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why is the light so often fading so often? (Fainting)

2. I rush into the night to catch up with you.
But I understand that I am standing and I can’t run. (Paralysis)

3. Unfortunately, but fortunately I am not one
I got into your dependence insidious. (Addiction)

4. We walked with you.
I roared, oh, roared. (Hysteria)

5. This girl is nothing.
And this is not enough.
And this, I note
Puzo is sulking from tea. (Binge eating)

6. Ah, and now I myself have become unreal,
I will not get home with a friendly drinking house. (Alcohol intoxication)

7. The eyes are black, passionate eyes,
Burning and beautiful eyes!
How I love you! I am afraid of you!
Know, I saw you at an unkind time! (Hypnosis session)

8. I'm not an angel, I'm not a demon,
I am a tired wanderer.
I returned, I resurrected
And he knocked on your house. (Clinical death)

9. I never said
But there is no more patience. (Dumb)

10. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! As if I will split.
I do not see anything.
I hate myself. (Chicken blindness)

11. And my heart stopped,
And my heart froze. (Acute heart failure)

12. If you don't hear me,
So winter has come. (Otitis)

13. And I will know the sweet one by gait. (Flatfoot)

14. I tried to get away from love
I took a sharp razor and ruled myself. (Suicide syndrome)

15. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia)

16. What are you, dear, you look squinted,
Tilt your head low? (Osteochondrosis)

17. And the dawn is already more noticeable,
So, please, be good ... (Hangover syndrome)

Role table fairy tales are funny and perky for adults

Role table fairy tales are funny and perky for adults
Role table fairy tales are funny and perky for adults

Role table tales are funny and perky for adults:

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"

Author: Dear viewers,
Do you want to see a fairy tale?
Familiar, surprisingly,
But with creative additions!
In one, well, very rural, terrain,
Very distant from fame,
That in Russia there are often
Grandfather once planted a turnip!

To the music, jumping cheerfully and laughing, turns out a turnips and sits on a chair.

Turnip: I am a wonderful turnip,
I'm sitting on the bed tightly.
Tasty so,
Fashionable, cool!

Ay, yes, turnip, just wondrous!
And it grows as beautiful!

Turnip: Grandfather, quickly pull me
Free from the ground.
(Grandfather is trying to stretch the turnip)

Grandfather: What to do? How to be here?
Call the grandmother to help!

Grandfather: (waves his hand):
Grandma, grandmother - where are you?
Help the turnip to pull!
(a twisted grandmother comes out)

Grandma: Oh, my pens weakened.
I will call the granddaughter to help!
Well, granddaughter, run,
Help the turnip to pull!

(The granddaughter runs out, grabs the grandmother. They try to pull out the turnip)

Granddaughter: That's the turnip! Well, the vegetable!
Know, you have to call for help ...
Bug! Burch! Run,
Help the turnip to pull!

(He runs out, a bug, grabs his granddaughter.)

Bug: Oh, you have to click the cat,
To help a little.
Cat Murka, you run
Help pull the turnip!
(Gently stepping, a cat comes out)

Grandfather granddaughter Bug cat

Once - this is a kind!
Two - like this!
Not! Do not pull out in any way ...

Grandfather: Admire the guys,
We pull the turnip we from the garden
We beat, we beat for an hour
We do not have enough strength.

Grandma: Waiting for me in a hut
Yes, grandfather is painful sorry,
I know what he
Severe alone.

Granddaughter: In the field I grazed a goat
She sang the song loudly
I hear my grandmother calls -
Let the goat wait
Without looking back, she came running
Only this is not enough.

Bug: What a strange tenacious root
Do you have your teeth?

Grandfather: There is no sense in five
It may be easier with an ax

Grandma: I see us not to cope
Can pour boiling water on

Cat: You are saying a kind

Bug: And eat here in the garden

Granddaughter: Stand, I know the reason
They read the book in the garden
There is a fairy tale about a turnip
I should read it.

(runs away after the book, returns).

I'll see it myself at first
Well, of course, I knew that
Listen, Baba, listen, grandfather,
Why, there are no mice with us!

Grandfather: Well, mouse, well, lazy!
Grandfather is not at all sorry!
But he knows that she should help the family

An elegant mouse enters! Yes, how dressed!

Mouse: I don't want to work
I cope with my birthday!

Grandfather: Mouse! We need help
It’s impossible without you!

Mouse:I don't want to help
I can melt the dress!

Bug: What a breath!

Cat:Of course!
I am trembling like a sheet with anger

Grandma: Throw quarrels and threats
Wear your tears with your sleeve
I will persuade the mouse
I'll give her fat (leaves)

Grandfather: That's how grandmother! Nenila!
Look - how I realized!

Grandma (enters) to the mouse:
For you a piece of fat
I took out of the closet
I know Myshkin, I'm tastes
Here's the beads on your neck.

Bug: Here's my bell
He shines like gold.

Cat: Here at the bottom of this jar
Tablespoons two thick sour cream.

Mouse: What kind of wonderful gifts?
This tasty, this bright
I will arrange a feast in the garden
Of course, I'm waiting for everyone to visit.

Grandfather: We would come with hunting
Yes, it's not over with work
A turnip is waiting for us in the garden
With her there is a lot of trouble with us.

Mouse:If you get together together
You don't need to bother at all
Well - ka, took
One two Three!
That's the turnip - look!

Turnip: Here are the intakes!
Well, thank you, you, relatives!
Come on, quickly, bug, cat,
Somewhere there is my accordion,
We are for joy now
Until the morning, we will dance.

Bonus: Fly-Tsokotuha in a new way

A fairy tale about the mermaid ..

At the bottom of the sea of \u200b\u200bblue
The daughter lived the king of the sea.
The king did not offend his daughter,
However, he kept in strictness:
Did not give a piercing,
I did not let the dates
I didn't allow you to drink
And forced to study!

Mermaid in Adriatic
Studied mathematics,
And then I sent it
The king is to study in Baikal.
Days and night
She knocked on accounting.

I studied for a month,
And then she fell in love
In a slender and young
Undead fisherman!

Early in the morning
He came to the lake
And he brought with him
Eleklight and TNT.
On one fishing
It got a mermaid ...
Electric discharge
Fucked the mermaid in the ass,
From the category everything inside
Boiled from love!

The beauty swam
To the fisherman in the boat,

Rybolov pulled his stomach
He smiled at the whole mouth:

“How dashing you are dashing!
You are probably Morzhikha?

Today autumn is in the yard -
It's hard to swim in October!

You can't force local women ...
Will you leave the phone number to me?
Maybe somehow
I will invite coffee! "

The mermaid blushed.

“I don't feel sorry for the phone!
For you from the ocean
And I will get the Titanic! " The fisherman was excited.

“By the way, I'm a bachelor ...
And I see no obstacles,
Meet closer!
Listen, it's cold already
Enough to swim in negligence!
Tea, October, not May!
Come on, climb into the boat! "

The mermaid climbed into the boat.
The fisherman became hot!

“Here are the times! This is a thing!
Either a woman, or a pike ...
You look from above, like a woman!
What do you, infection, need you? "

The mermaid was embarrassed.

"I fell in love with you!
I am exhausted from passion,
I am burning and burning!
So don't give me an abyss,
Satisfying the passion soon! "

The fisherman spread his hands.

“If you were with your feet
Maybe something with us
And it happened a couple of times
But with the tail ... Well, do not seek!
Look for another! "

The beauty was offended:

“He doesn't like the tail!

Be I at least with one foot
Anyone fell in love with me!
And anyone would have married me! "

Rybolov was heated!

“I am embarrassed and ask
Where to love you?
Previously intimate affairs
I had no tails ...
How to get to you,
I dont know! And marry ...
You, girl, do not be sore,
I will not, so know! "

She crouched with laughter.

“The tail in love is not an obstacle!

My relatives are years
Propagated and with tails!
You, darling, hurry
Hide the boat in reeds!
I will teach you
How to love mermaids! "

Only after a couple of days
Sleeed from reeds
A joyful couple,
Fisherman and mermaid!

They began to live together
And in harmony and love.
And every year from reeds
The stork for the kids wore them ...

Funny table tales for a small company

Funny table tales for a small company
Funny table tales for a small company

Funny table tales for a small company:

A funny cool tale for a corporate party "Do not drink."

  • The male: “I am a macho!
  • Work: “Yes, he is lying!
  • Head: “And they didn’t see that!
  • Wife: “Where did you hang around?
  • Young woman: “I'm your pussy!
  • Flowers: "Best gift
  • Family friend: "Everything is fine, girls!"
  • Bucket: “Well, make me in the end!
  • Pillow (voice: Kashpirovsky): "All sleep!"

A tipsy man comes home from work.
He has a slightly dizzy.

In his hands he carries flowers for his wife.
Suddenly ... he sees a beautiful girl.

A drunken man gives flowers to a girl.
The girl goes with a man to his house.

The man tells his wife that he was at work.
Then a family friend comes out of the bedroom.

The man does not like it, and he beats his family's friend on the head.
An enraged wife beats her husband with flowers on the head, hugs a family friend, kisses his broken head and leaves the house with a friend's friend.

The man remains with the girl.
But he is very tired of work and therefore immediately falls asleep, dropping his head on the pillow.
Morning came. Flowers are lying under the bed, a man’s head hurts terribly.

He is trying to remember where this terrible girl came from.
He escorts the girl to the door. He throws flowers into the garbage bucket.
He puts his head under cold water, and is going to work.

Applause for you! Well done, you coped with this task!

Toast: So let's drink for
So that we do not chase the beautiful temptation and
In order not to lose your head!

Bonus: A fun fairy tale for the anniversary "Ryaba chicken"

The tale of the blue beard

The young count lived in Paris.
He had a meek temper.
He fulfilled obediently
Mameni will in everything.

That Maman does not want
The count dutifully performs.
And always maman him
She decided everything for him:
What to serve for dinner,
When to lie down, when to get up,
What to read and what to wear
Whom to visit ...

The count meekly endured.
He dressed and ate,
How Maman ordered him.
So forty years flew ...

How he was fulfilled
Forty years, he fell into the spleen.
He ate badly and slept badly,
It stopped shaving at all ...
A beard is very soon
It grew to the abdomen.

Mom did not wait long,
The doctors called to her son:
Proctologist, urologist
And otolaryngologist.
Doctors came together in the opinion
The count is hammered in solitude.
To cheer him up
It is urgent to marry.
Count the diagnosis heard,
He danced with joy!

“Mom, because I have a wife
Be sure to need!
All alone, but alone.
Others have men
There are children and children
And I'm alone in the world! "

Mom got drunk
And she thought firmly.
Earlier in the castle, she is
I controlled one.
Count Mamanu spoiled
And in all of her indulged.
And the wife will appear,
Mom will not need ...

Mom was very upset
But for a look agreed
Grease a son
In the neighbor's daughter.
She thought all night
How to help with his trouble
And by the morning the mother decided
How to scare her brides!
In the morning, he says to his son:

Countess Mother:
“You don't have a fashionable look!
To marry you faster,
It is necessary to change the image!
Here you are, son, advice,
Colorize blue!

With a fashionable blue beard
I will not end up from the brides! "

Count Maman did not overpower,
It painted that evening.
All Parisian girls
The count began to shut off.
His beard
I caught up with fear on women.
He wooed twenty times
And everywhere he refuses!

Parisians are indigenous,
Oh, such moody!
Grooms want the rich
Smart, young and stately ...
Marry anyone
It is not worth it to go out.
He could not marry
Poor count in the capital,

And finally decided
Walk down the aisle
Not with a young Parisian,
And with a provincial.
Village girls
Completely without ambitions.
Marry anyone
They are ready to go!

If a girl in the capital
I wanted to settle
I need to pick up my husband,
To get a residence permit.
Let him be old, ugly ...
The main thing is to be with an apartment!
Parisian is indigenous
(Even with a blue beard)
It has a chance to like
Young beauty ...

Count his wife took from the village,
And he registered in his castle.
After the night, marriage
Happy newlywed
The center hurried to the center,
To buy an update to his wife.
One wife was left.
The mother -in -law knocked on her.

Countess Mother:
“Good morning, my daughter!
I want to treat you!
I baked pies
From the most selected mushrooms.
Make me happy, my friend,
Eat mom's pie! ”

The daughter -in -law ate the pie,
Shook and froze.
The count returned home,
They sing for the repose there.

"Mom, what happened?"
The countess was slightly embarrassed.

Countess Mother:
"I am such a conversation
I didn't want to, but ... glutton
After all, the deceased was.
From that and died.
She broke in an hour
Product all supply!
She chewed and chewed ...
So it was torn! "

The count was not a widower for long,
He brought his wife again into the house.
After all, brides from villages
Rub - a bucket on a bazaar day!
After a wedding night
The count is very pleased
In the morning I hastened one
To the jewelry store.
He wanted his wife
Buy a diamond necklace.

Mom did not hesitate,
And she ran to the daughter -in -law.

Countess Mother:
“Good morning, my angel!
You have breakfast with me.
Brought mushrooms
I am for my beloved daughter.
I gathered them myself
And she pickled herself.
Make me happy, child
Eat this carrier! "

The daughter -in -law chewed
And she was gone.

The count cried around his wife
I returned the necklace to the store
Got drunk a couple of times
And again married!

In the morning, the count came out of the house
A joyful newlywed,
And at lunch he returned to the house
Again, the poor count of the widower ...

"Mom, what's with my wife again?"
Mom began to sigh.

Countess Mother:
“I say without a reproach,
That she was a glutton.
To feed one,
The oligarch needs to be.
I swallowed everything without analysis
This thick glutton!
It didn't go to her for the future,
There was a heater in the gut! "

Count began to doubt.

“Why in bruises
Does your wife have the whole body? "
Mom blushed.

Countess Mother:
“I wanted, God sees,
Solve everything without bruises!
I cooked, tried ...
And the bastard refused
From mushrooms! Well, how to be here?
I had to persuade! "

Count with fate resigned himself,
And no longer married.
With a fashionable blue beard
So idle.

Tagging of roles at a table for a large company

Table tales of roles at a table for a large company
Tagging of roles at a table for a large company

Tagging of roles at a table for a large company:

Tale - impromptu for any company "Castle Koshchei"

Actors, replicas and movements:

  • Koschey: “Wow, you!” He threatens with all his hand.
  • Device: "Oh you!" - coquettishly straightens the hairstyle.
  • Firebird: "Oops!" - He waves his hands, as if flying.
  • Well done - the remote: "OPS!" - demonstrates biceps
  • Dungeon: "Oh you!" -Hands Cross
  • The snake is three -headed: "Op!" - hands shows the mouth of a crocodile
  • Egg: "The kidneys!" - Oval, hands are connected above the head
  • Noruska mouse: "Both on!" - Drizes his hands, such as "did not wait?!"
  • Sword -Sword: "Ege-gay!" - Everyone waves their hand, as if with a saber and running around the chairs

The host reads the whole text:
Here is the castle that built Koschey (Wow, you! - Movement)
And this is a colorful girl, (Ah, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Movement)
In the castle that built Koschey (Wow, you! - Movement)
And this is ... a fabulous firebird, (UPS! - Movement)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Movement)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you! - Movement)

But well done, a light-faced man, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals the pen at the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that built Koschey (Wow, you! - threatens)
But the fire -breathing snake is three -headed (Op! - mouth)
He wants to kill the young man of a Udatny, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals the pen at the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that built Koschey ( Wow! - Threats).
Here is a slap sword, maybe not sorry, (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand)
Easily kill a three -headed snake, (Op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
Wants to kill the young man, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals the pen at the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you! - threatens)

But Koschey himself is a bully and a scoundrel, (Wow, you! - threatens)
Which hid the sword - a personnel, (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand)
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (Op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
Wants to kill the young man, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals the pen at the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that built Koschey (Wow, you! - threatens).

And this is an egg ... And in it, not old, (Opochka! - Oval)
The death of a hooligan koshchei is stored ( Wow! - threatens).
Which (bastard, impudent and scoundrel!)
The sword-ladder hid somewhere (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (Op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
Wants to kill the young man, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals the pen at the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which languishes in a dark dungeon (Oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that built Koschey (Wow, you! - threatens).
And this ... prankster mouse-norushka (Both!-shrugs)
She appeared from the old tub.
She waved her tail - everything changed at once!
Yaichko immediately crashed with death! (Opochka! - Oval)
And then comes Koshchei kapets! (Wow, you! - threatens).
And then a sword-ladder appears, (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Cuts off all the heads of a fierce snake, (Op! - mouth)
Who did not know such an end
And did not gobble up the young man, (OPS! - Biceps)
Who with a smile of his light fairy
I abducted the pen at the time of the firebird, (UPS! - Flies)
Therefore, she missed the girl, (Ah, you! - hairstyle)
Which came out of the dark prison. (Oh, you! - Cross)
And then a well done appeared - a strangler! (OPS! - Biceps)
Applause to the participants - a fairy tale end!
Special ovation to the mouse, if not for it, (Both!-shrugs)
This story would never end!
(Participants bow - viewers clap)

Morality: (for an adult cramped company)
Fear the mice that they run by
Take care of the eggs, gentlemen in them our power!

Video: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. In a new way. 16+

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