Quiz for the New Year - cool, comic, funny, original: questions with answers

Quiz for the New Year - cool, comic, funny, original: questions with answers

Ideas for funny quiz for the New Year. In our article you will find a material that will allow you to amuse on New Year's Eve both children and adults.

Comic quiz about the New Year - "New Year's shifts"

A comic quiz about the New Year - "New Year's shifts":

  • "A huge birch is hot in the summer." (A small Christmas tree is cold in winter).
  • "Osin dried up in the swamp, she fell in a swamp." (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest).
  • "Birch, birch, marsh stink, she does not need ugly rag at all." (Christmas tree, a tree of the forest aroma, she really needs a beautiful outfit).
  • "For the old day, nothing is slow to us, nothing happens slowly." (New Year rushes to us, everything will happen soon).
  • “Wow, heat, heat! Fry him, his canary. " (Oh, frost, frost! Do not frost me, my horse).
  • "You tell me the movie about 60 seconds." (I will sing a song to you about five minutes).
  • "Near the swamp, summer in the palace lived in the more one." (At the forest, winter in the hut lived on the edge).
  • "And here he is scattered on weekdays fled from us." (And here it is elegant, for the holiday came to us).
  • "Your worst fear is me!" (My best present is you!)
  • The fog lies, sinks, lowers. ” (Snow is spinning, flying, flying).
  • "Red, red rain fell on the road." (Blue, blue hoarfrost lay on the wires).
  • “In the desert dried Baobab” - (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
  • “Not Gray him, someone else's camel” - (“Do not frost me, my horse”)?
  • “Bracelets threw and lay down in a row” - (“Buses hung, stood in a round dance”):
  • “Here in the black sky, more than ever, the heat”-(“somewhere in the world where there is always frost”);
  • “He will read the report for himself for two hours” - (“I will sing you a song about five minutes”);
  • “White, white water rose to the ground” - (“Blue, blue hoarfrost lay on the wires”);
  • “In the open, summer under the fence died in often” - (“Winter in the hut lived at the forest on the edge”);
  • “One black donkey, one black donkey” - (“Three white horse, three white horse”);
  • “If there were always summer” - (“if there was no winter”);
  • “Shtil told me a rhyme, get up, get up, an oak, get up”-(“a snowstorm sang a song, sleep, Christmas tree, buti-bai”)
  • "For the old day, nothing is slow to us, nothing happens slowly." (New Year rushes to us, everything will happen soon)
  • "No need to crawl beautifully to drivers in the snow." (Let pedestrians in puddles run awkwardly)
  • "A stranger wolf, you are my wolf cub." (My bunny, I'm your bunny)
  • "Abroad, the cloud floats affably." (Clouds go frowning at the border)
  • "The fog lies, lowers, sinks." (Snow is spinning, flies, flies)
  • "Here, before the clearance, occasionally sober." (There, behind the fogs, eternal drunk)
  • "Hello Jewish Sarah!" (Goodbye, gypsy sir!)
  • "You, Boyskauts, parents of intellectuals!" (We pioneers, workers' children!)
  • "The girl is reluctant from Tver, I guess, Lyalya-Lalya-Lalya-la-fu!" (The boy wants to in Tambov, you know the chiki-chicks-chicks-tech)
  • "50, 50, 50 black lilies outside the door, outside the door, outside the door I hear." (Million, a million, a million scarlet roses from the window, from the window, from the window you see)
  • “Oh, heat, heat! Cool him! " (Oh, frost, frost! Do not freeze me)
  • "Oh, so you have to leave, oh, so it is necessary to disappear from the village!" (Ah, how I want to return, ah, how I want to break into the town!)
  • "The poplar died at the park, he drove out of the park." (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest)
  • "Here they are boys, long pants." (Well, where are you girls, short skirts)
  • “Jung, Jung, frown” (captain, captain, smile)
  • "I am preventing me from destroying and dying." ("We help us to build and live")
  • "Girls are so little married." ("There are so many idle guys")
  • "The Birch was cut down in the field." ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")
  • "Great cypress is hot in the summer." (A small Christmas tree is cold in winter)
  • "The brave wolf is black on oak." (Coward bunny Grinky jumped under a Christmas tree)

Merry quiz for the New Year - "Who lives where?", "Fairytale errors"

Merry quiz for the New Year - “Who lives where?”, “Fairytale errors”
Merry quiz for the New Year - "Who lives where?", "Fairytale errors"

Merry quiz for the New Year - "Who lives where?":

  • Baba Yaga - ... (in a hut on chicken legs).
  • Two dozen well done, fulfilling all desires - ... (in the Pokhom. "Two from Suma" / in the casket "Two of the casket, the same from the face").
  • Lukovo grief - ... (in the bulb).
  • Emelya - ... (on the furnace).
  • Tsarevna-Frog-... (in the swamp).
  • Vyun-Goryun-... (in a pot).
  • Goldfish - ... (at sea).
  • Noruska mouse-... (in mink).
  • Squirrel-user singing songs-... (in a crystal house).
  • Santa Claus-... (in Lapland).
  • Incorrect bees - ... (in the hollow).
  • Cancer, clinging the Greek - ... (in the river)
  • The cat is a scientist - (in Lukomorye).
  • Turtle tortilla - (in a pond).
  • Echo - (in the forest, in the well).

Merry quiz for the New Year - "Fairytale errors":

  • Zayushkin House
  • Snow Princess
  • 15 months
    (12 months)
  • For a pike conversation
  • Three frosts
    (Two frosts)
  • Girl Metelitsa
  • Frost
  • Squirrel and wolf
  • At the hare of the command
    (By pike)
  • Winter Zaitsev
    (Wintering - animals)

Quiz for the New Year with answers - "Funny Cipher"

Quiz for the New Year with answers - “Funny Cipher
Quiz for the New Year with answers - "Funny Cipher"

Quiz for the New Year with answers - "Merry Cipher":

Quiz for the New Year - films

  • St. Petersburg does not trust laughter (Moscow does not believe in tears).
  • Badge bumps (gentlemen of good luck)
  • Personal hostility (service novel)
  • Hatred and hawks (love and pigeons)
  • Fake girls (real boys)
  • Mom’s sons (Daddy's daughter)
  • Patients (interns)
  • Decent Moscow (gangster Petersburg)
  • Boys (girls)
  • Aluminum leg (diamond arm
  • Many on the street (one at home)
  • Summer Turtle (Polar Express)
  • Famous facts (secret materials)
  • Enemies (friends)
  • Witch's book (vampire diaries)
  • Scarecrow (beauty)
  • Solar friends (Star Wars)
  • A rag of mob round skirt (sponge bob square pants)
  • Secondary skill (main instinct)
  • Be among the dead (stay alive)

Quiz for the New Year - phrases from films

  • West - idle idleness ... (East is a delicate matter ...)
  • Fly here, a girl and a help! (Go from here the boy, don't bother!)
  • You will be subordinate to the drill! (I will command the parade!)
  • I bought, shed, relax! (Stole, drank, in jail! ..)
  • Not party, lezboka and generally scared! (Komsomol member, athlete and just beauty!)
  • What, comrades ... teetotalers, decent, lovers to work! Which of you is not averse to relaxing?
  • (Well, citizens ... alcoholics, hooligans, parasites! Who wants to work?!)
  • And, which is unusual, they hated the enemy of the enemy! (And, characteristic, they loved each other!)
  • You took a cheerful event from my cottage, Natalia! Drive pensioners! (I brought sad news to your house, hope! Call the children!)
  • What a tasty my fried hot! (What a nasty thing yours is your flooding fish!)
  • Well, why are you so rarely raising it! (Well, what are you dropping me all the time!)
  • Come to me, young, I am delighted! (Leave me, old woman, I'm sorrow!)
  • Eh, Mario ... Do we not be in joy? (Eh, Marfusha ... should we be in sorrow?)
  • You will glue my patch! (You pull the hole on me!)
  • He hates food ... It needs to be released! (She loves to drink ... this must be used!)
  • I will lick myself ... now ... if you go ... (I will kiss you ... then ... if you want ...)
  • Start silent! You attract her! (Stop screaming! You tire me!)
  • Come here! The forks are brought here! (Leave here! Otherwise, my spoons disappear!)
  • Correctly standing, from last summer the cottages have been bought! (Sit in vain, the apartments are not expected until the next spring!)
  • The callous man is the reality of the writer! (Sultry woman is the poet's dream!)
  • We are needed for that sad event of death (we are superfluous at this holiday of life)

Quiz for the New Year - the encrypted name of fairy tales and cartoons

  • Castle (Teremok)
  • Girl-s-hand (boy-s-firing)
  • Prince on the watermelon (Princess on the pea)
  • Slave of the Golden Gorge (mistress of the Copper Mountain)
  • Village of direct glasses (the kingdom of crooked mirrors)
  • Rusty master line (golden key) white mustache (black beard)
  • Smart Marya, Barshman's daughter (Ivan the fool, peasant son)
  • Steel ducks (geese-swans) Baba and protein (man and bear)
  • Chernushka and chamomile (Belyanochka and rose)
  • Anna in an ordinary village (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Peter Petrovich and the White Hare (Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf)
  • Dog in felt boots (cat in boots)
  • On a hare refusal (for pike command).
  • Myshkin Saray (Koshkin House)
  • Dressed subject (naked king)
  • Stometero girl (inch)
  • Goat and seven wolf cubs (wolf and seven goats)
  • Copper mollusk (goldfish)

Quiz for the New Year - encryption of proverbs, sayings, fables

  • Below the heels you can land (you can’t jump above your head)
  • Great idle is worse than a tiny business (a small thing is better than a big idleness)
  • For the only fool, there are not enough difficulties (for any sage is quite simplicity)
  • Puppies to scare - to run near the park (not to be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest)
  • Freeze the lizard under your back (warm the snake on your chest)
  • Satiety disappears per minute of hunger (appetite comes during meals)
  • One happiness - many questions (seven troubles - one answer)
  • This is bad if it starts badly (everything is fine that ends well)
  • Idle hours - despondency for a year (time - funny hour) the cow occasionally hides cleanliness (the pig will always find dirt)
  • The teetotaler of the puddle to the chin (drunk sea knee
  • Lies of ears caresses (though the eyes are baked)
  • The night has fun in the morning, because there is no one to relax (the day is bored until the evening, if there is nothing to do)
  • Fifty -four - peasant cucumber for the first time (forty -five - woman berry again)
  • Lysina - male disgrace (braid - girlish beauty)
  • From the courage of the back of the head is small (the eyes are great in fear)
  • Alien dress is far from the face (your shirt is closer to the body)
  • Weight - five, and two weekends (business - time, fun - hour)
  • The eyes of the old people are silent for a lie (the mouth of the baby verbs the truth)
  • You will also abandon the bird in the sea with the lazy one (you can’t easily pull out the fish from the pond)

Competition Victor for the New Year-"Riddles-Pretensh"

Competition Victor for New Year-Riddles-Pereshertysh
Competition Victor for the New Year-"Riddles-Pretensh"

Competition Victor for the New Year-“Riddles-Pereshertysh”:

  • In spring and autumn, different lights (in the winter and summer in one color - a Christmas tree)
  • 1 beginning, 1 square, at the end of the screw (two ends, two rings, in the middle of the clove - scissors)
  • In winter, red, yellow in summer. (Gray in summer, white in winter - hare)
  • One swimsuit and weight on zippers (one hundred clothes and all without fasteners - cabbage)
  • Grandmother is worth it, she took off 1 jacket. No one dresses her, no one feels joy
    (Grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him, he sheds tears - onions)
  • A black guy stands in the desert, and a sickle in a barn (a red girl sits in a dungeon, and a braid on the street is carrots)
  • Lies an apple, you can cut (a pear hangs, you can’t eat - a light bulb)
  • Morning and evening stand, come to the point (day and night they go, do not leave the place - hours)
  • He does not undress anyone, she studies everything herself (she puts on the whole world, she does not know the clothes - a needle)
  • With legs, with hands, but he cannot run (without arms, without legs, but they can walk - a watch)
  • Creeps-crawls-crawls, goes, runs-runs (flows-tests-does not leak, runs and running-it will not run out-the river)
  • A little bald, 3 legs, without mustache and wool, one ball above the cap (all the furry, four paws, the mustache itself, two yachons under a hat - a cat)
  • I did not dive, did not wash, but was wet (swimming, bathed, and the duck remained dry)
  • With hands, with legs, walks on his back (without arms, without legs on his belly crawls - worm)
  • One sister, went to the ground to have fun (two brothers went to swim in the water - buckets)
  • He puts on a windbreaker once a year. Who does not walk under the windbreaker? (He takes a fur coat twice a year. Who walks under the shuma? - Sheep)
  • A large number of legs and one pen (one leg, many hands - wood)
  • The napkin is black, a few sky of the section (a tablecloth is white, put on the whole earth - snow)
  • There is no cap, there is a tail (there is a hat, there is no head - an acorn)
  • During the day it does not change clothes and does not change (it changes 4 times a year - Earth)

Quiz game for the new year original

Quiz game for the new year original
Quiz game for the new year original

Quiz for the New Year - guess the words of famous poems:

  • Your Arseny laughs softly (our Tanya cries loudly)
  • You hate my kitty (I love my horse)
  • Louder, cats, dog in the barn! (Hush, mice, a cat on the roof!)
  • You dictate to us, why so little? (I write to you, why is it more?)
  • A prose writer was born, the head of the meanness (the poet died, a slap of honor)
  • The mast blackens in the crowd above the transparent ground yellow (the sail white lonely in the fog of the sea of \u200b\u200bblue)
  • Your nephew of banal untruthful cases (my uncle of the most honest rules)
  • There will be no things in the morning, everything will be beaten (it was in the evening, there was nothing to do)
  • You don't remember the terrible eternity (I remember a wonderful moment)
  • Five guys at the entrance forged early in the morning (three girls under the window were spent late in the evening)
  • Summer! .. Sir, grief ... (Winter! .. Peasant, triumphant)
  • Shut up, aunt, everything is useless ... (Tell me, uncle, not without reason ...)
  • Greetings, washed America ... (Farewell, unwashed Russia ...)
  • The man took for a trip: mattress, briefcase, cosmetic bag ... (Lady handed over to baggage: sofa, suitcase, bag ...)
  • The goat crawls, equals (the goby is swinging)
  • Hummingbirds in the exact place the devil threw the loaf of bread ... (somewhere God sent a piece of cheese ...)
  • You left me without saying goodbye (I came to you with greetings)
  • A butterfly fired from sour cream (the village of Mukha on jam)
  • I stand in the aisle on a dry veranda (I sit behind bars in dungeon)
  • They raised the cat under the ceiling, sewed the cat ears (dropped the bear to the floor, tore off the bear paw)

Quiz for the New Year-Guess the name of the TV program:

  • Bright day, pensioners! (GOOG night kids!)
  • On the battle of people (in the world of animals)
  • Tragik Men (Camedy Wumen) Hour of Shame (Minute of Glory)
  • Figure and lawlessness (man and law)
  • Evening Universe (Morning Star)
  • Forest of horror (field of miracles)
  • Circle of homebody (travelers club)
  • Radio-square (telepusics)
  • Angry Night (Good afternoon)
  • Foreign roulette (Russian lotto)
  • Belarusian Chebureks (Ural dumplings)
  • Do not dare to be silent (let them say)
  • Old pardon (fashionable sentence)
  • Morning Mahmoud (evening Urgant)
  • We will not bring to a divorce (let's get married)
  • Little gait (big races)
  • Somebody! Here! Now! (What where When?)
  • Hot interval (ice age)
  • Even reflection (crooked mirror)

Quiz for the New Year for adults - "Back to childhood", music competition "

Quiz for the New Year for adults - back to childhood, music competition
Quiz for the New Year for adults - "Back to childhood", music competition "

Quiz for the New Year for adults - "back to childhood":

"Return of the prodigal parrot"

Taii, Taiti ... We were not in any Taiti! They feed us well here.
Freedom to parrots! Swo-Bo-do-hey!
Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!

"Adventures of the house of Kuzi"

You are my falcon! And the granny has a yaguli mullet! Come back, I will forgive everything!
-And what about the pies? - And with a surprise.
You have your own fairy tale, and I have my own.

Kuzya Domestenok

- Oh biada, bead. Devastation. The reserves are not measured. Losses are not considered. We’ll go around the world.
- Is that a fairy tale? - This is such a life.
- They say that you were lying happiness? - Shamefully lie!
I'm not greedy, I'm homely!
Happiness is when you have everything at home.
I'm a free bird! Where I want - I'm flying there!
Nafanya, the chest was stolen!
Kuzenka! Come back, my yachont!

"Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

It is not very polite to leave the guests as soon as you eat.
No one can be sad when he has a balloon!
-And it's all because someone has too narrow doors ...-No! All because someone eats too much!
- I thought, thought and finally understood everything. These are wrong bees! - Absolutely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey ...
Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely!
It seems the rain is starting…
- Where are you going? - I do not know. - Then we are on the way.
I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I'm not a bear at all.
Free of charge - that is, for nothing.
Congratulations on birthday, I wish you happiness in my personal life, fluff!

"Bobik visiting Barbos"

-And where is the grandfather sleeping?
- Yes, over there in the corridor. On the rug. And if he does not obey, then I am his broom!
- This is right.
A friend of a dog is a friend - everyone knows it!

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

- Eat, daughter, dietary egg. Or maybe see a doctor?
- I do not want anything!

"The adventures of the pig's piglet"

Focuses are the dexterity of hands and no fraud.

"Once upon a time there was a dog"

I'll sing it right now!

Come in, if that!

"Kid and Carlson," Carlson returned "

And here we know, we all indulge in buns ...
Nothing, it’s everyday life!
Calm, only calm!
- Believe me, not in pies happiness ...
-Are you crazy? And what else?
He flew away, but promised to return ...

"Carlson returned" Freken Bok

I am a man at least where! In full vime, forces.
This is me Shalya. Well, that is, I indulge.
There is still a little jam left?
But what about me? .. Baby, because I'm better? Better dog? BUT?
Oh, I'm the most sick in the world ...
Well, I don't play like that ...
And your milk ran away ...

"Cat Leopold"

Guys let's be friends!
Leopold! Come out, vile coward!

"38 parrots"

- I have a thought, and I think it!
“Can I think it a little too?”
38 parrots
We will not say who, although it was an elephant.
I do not want to be, sorry, fright.
And in the parrots I am Gora-azdo longer!
I don’t know how to think about the same thing twice!

"Wait for it!"

And I'm as hungry as an iceberg in the ocean! And you are as beautiful as in the summer Eskimo ...
We start morning exercises for those who watch us in the evening.
My best present is you!

“Three of Prostokvashino”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”

You are not right, Uncle Fedor, eat a sandwich ... You hold it upward, but you need to put the sausage in the tongue. So tastier it will turn out ...
This is me, the postman Pechkin! Brought a note about your boy!
They go crazy one by one. This is only the flu all together.
What are people greedy for someone else's good.
In such weather, they are sitting their homes, watching TV. Only strangers are rumbling. We will not open the door!
No need to click me out of the gun! I can only start to live - I’m transferring to retirement ...

Cat Matroskin, winter "Prostokvashino"

Congratulations to you, ball, you are the ball!
Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents!
This is an Indian national folk hut - “FIG to you” is called ...
Wow! Your mother is there and here. What the technique has reached!

"Cheburashka and crocodile Gene"

We built, built and finally built. Hooray!
No, we do not want a living corner - we want ... to the pioneers!
Cheburashka, Cheburashka, where are you? ... Here he is, gene, here he is.

"Hedgehog in the fog"

After all, who, besides you, will count the stars?!
It's still good that we are together again

"In the country of unacceptable lessons"

- You can’t have a pardon to execute.
- Execute?! Me?! Ahhh ... for what?
- And for ignorance, laziness and ignorance of the native language
“Did the tram moved?”
- He was moved by the cavity of Peretukin. I solved the problem so that he got one and a half digger.

"The Secret of the Third Planet"

The Bird of Govorun is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit.
I asked for 400 drops ... And here 402.

"Flying ship"

Ah, if my dream came true, what life would have come then.
And I do not want, I do not want to be calculated, but I want love for love.
Eh, my life, tin! Well, in the swamp!
I live like a puzzle, but I can fly, but I can fly, and I have a hunt to fly!
She walked in a forest side, the devil was striving after me. I thought: man. What the hell is this?!

"Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

I am here and here - where they will send. And they are sent often.
As you call the yacht, so it will float.
Ha ha ha! Hands up. Your song is sung ...

"Kitten named Woof"

- Do not go there, there are troubles there.
- Well, how can I not go there? They are waiting!
And let's be afraid together, huh?

Victorins for the New Year for adults - a music competition ":

Words of round dance song "Christmas tree"

Small Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
From the forest a Christmas tree
We took home.
White Zainka
The Christmas tree asked:
"Bring a mint gingerbread to the bunny!"
Squirrel jumped
In a blue fur coat:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, I'll go with you!"
Small Christmas tree
The rooms are warm,
Hare and squirrel
Breathe on the glass.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender,
It was green.
A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!"
Frost wrapped with a snowball:
"Look, don't freeze!"

Song of a hare and a wolf (from the cartoon "Well, wait")

Wolf: I was running after you, Santa Claus.
I spilled a lot of bitter tears.
Hare: Come on, let's dance out!
Wolf: No, Santa Claus, no, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!
Hare: The children are waiting for my gifts.
And you will get from me.
Wolf: Finally, all dreams come true.
My best present is you!

New Year's song (disco accident)

New Year is rushing to us,
Everything will happen soon,
It will come true that there is a dream
That again they will deceive us, they will not give anything.
It’s not long to wait,
There will be a Christmas tree soon.
Only a little sense,
If Santa Claus children will not sing a song.
Hi happy new year! New Year comes to us.
And you can freely expect anything.
Only where the gray -haired old man wears,
Which for children takes out gifts from a backpack.
Hey, Santa Claus, come, we were waiting for you.
And they got me to order my song.
Show us, do not nervous children,
We will shout: "Santa Claus, e-gay!"

New Year's song - Verka Serduchka

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la lamimes
You are tired of worries - everything will pass
You are not a little lucky - everything will pass
Why does the soul sing, the body asks for flight
New Year, New Year, New Year
Why does the soul sing, the body asks for flight
New Year, New Year, New Year
Let it melt the ice in the souls New Year
All sorrows will notice the New Year
There is no time to miss people - we will soon celebrate
New Year, New Year, New Year
There is no time to miss people - we will soon celebrate
New Year, New Year, New Year.

Tell the Snow Maiden, where was it ...

Tell the Snow Maiden, where was
Tell me dear how are you
I ran after you
Father Frost
I spilled a lot of bitter tears.
Come on, let's dance to go out
No Santa Claus no Santa Claus
No Santa Claus wait.
Waiting for my gifts for children
And you get from me
Finally all dreams come true
My best present is you.

Three white horse - a song from a movie

Rivers cooled, and the earth has cooled down,
And a little at home.
This is warm and damp in the city,
This is warm and damp in the city,
And outside the city is winter, winter, winter.
And they take me away and take me away
In a ringing bright distance
Three white horse, three white horse -
December, both January, and February.

While the watch is twelve

When a year is a young one,
And the old goes into the distance,
The snowflake is fragile in the palm of your hand,
Make a desire!
Look with hope in the night height,
Squeeze the hand of the hand,
And all that I dreamed about - ask,
Get out and wish!
And the New Year that is about to come,
Will instantly fulfill your dream ...
If the snowflake does not melt
In your palm does not melt
While the clock is 12 beat,
While the clock 12 beat.

If there was no winter (from the cartoon

If there was no winter
If there was no winter
In cities and villages,
We never knew
These days are funny.
I didn’t circle the baby
Near the snow woman,
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...
If there was no winter
There is no secret in this -
From the heat b guessed,
Tired of the summer.

Quiz about the New Year for children - "Add the word", "solve the natives of the New Year"

Quiz about the New Year for children - “Add the Word”, solve the riddles of the New Year
Quiz about the New Year for children - "Add the word", "solve the natives of the New Year"

Quiz for the New Year for children - "Add the word":

  • Brother - (Ivanushka)
  • Vasilisa - (Wise)
  • Wild swan)
  • Dr. Aibolit)
  • Elena the beautiful)
  • Firebird)
  • Bunny - (runaway)
  • Ivan (Tsarevich /Fool)
  • Emerald City)
  • Ilya Muromets)
  • Whale)
  • Magic carpet)
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse)
  • Korolevich - (Elisha)
  • Koschei the Deathless)
  • Fox - (sister)
  • Dashing (one -eyed)
  • Frog - (kvakushka)
  • Marya (artist)
  • Sword - (Planen)
  • Fly Tsokotukha)
  • Mouse - (Noroshka)
  • Ole - (Lukoye)
  • Island - (Buyan)
  • Gray - (neck)
  • Grey Wolf)
  • Sister - (Alyonushka)
  • Grinding - (self -binding)
  • Far Far Away kingdom)
  • Chromenic - (duck)
  • Princess Frog)
  • Invisible hat)

Quiz about the New Year for children - “solve the riddles of the New Year”:

  • White hats put on houses, the yard drove us snow ... (Winter)
  • Brilliant, light blue decorated the branches ... (hoar)
  • Gray -haired beard old good ... (Santa Claus)
  • In the New Year, the electric carrier gave me ... (Santa Claus)
  • Fierce did not freeze in the cold, only a cold is happy ... (Santa Claus)
  • All guys invites all guys to ski cross ... (Santa Claus)
  • The snow fell pure sample, from it everywhere ... (snowdrifts)
  • Santa Claus Gifts sends: soft snow and strong ... (ice)
  • Waiting with longing for the spring thunderstorm only old ... (Santa Claus)
  • Light a Christmas tree for kids, ... (Santa Claus)
  • In winter, the lakes, the rivers strong ... (ice) bothers frosty in winter
  • I know for sure: after autumn ... (winter)
  • Paints with red color to all the guys ... (Santa Claus)
  • Who brought us gifts? Well, of course ... (Santa Claus)
  • Flies, swirls in the sky, melts in a palm, because it is ... (Snowflake)
  • On the window, bouquets of roses draws us ... (Santa Claus)
  • The calendar begins the month with the name ... (January)
  • He plucked us all seriously winter in the morning ... (Santa Claus)
  • Do not find a friend's house - swept the roads ... (Blizzard)
  • Winter Alenka is not scary - in the new one is hot ... (sheepskin coat)
  • Swow with snow with a sad song ... (blizzard)
  • He loves the runners, does not tolerate wheels - he rolled up in the sleigh in a sleigh ... (Santa Claus)
  • How much business in winter is for shovels! It doesn't give them rest ... (snowfall)
  • Baby laughter on the mountain, everything is skiing in ... (December)
  • The snow is prickly on the ground is driven by the wind in ... (February)
  • Fresh snowy was eaten for breakfast ... (Santa Claus)
  • Who brought the fields with snow? This is only ... (Santa Claus)
  • Winter has excellent fur: it's soft white ... (snow)
  • The blizzard has a girlfriend, call this girlfriend ... (Blizzard)
  • The shawl is silver on the branches of birches, this outfit gave ... (Santa Claus)
  • Woolen bedrooms to children's legs ... (boots)
  • This is a simple question: Snegurki Grandfather - ... (Santa Claus)

The forest is covered with a white blanket,
And the bear is sleeping in the den.
Snow, like a white border.
Who was hosted? (Winter)


What kind of miracle was valid?
At night, everything suddenly became white.
Do not see roads and rivers -
The fluffy covered them ...? (Snow)


Stars fly from the sky
And they shine in the sun.
Exactly in the dance of the ballerina,
Circle in winter ...? (Snowflakes)


Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
On glass bouquets of roses
I drew us ...? (Freezing)


We deftly blinded him.
Eyes are also nos-burgundy.
Slightly warm - will cry instantly
And it melts ...? (Snowman)


He breathed out the window -
It was instantly covered with ice.
Even the twigs of birches
I hid it ...? (Freezing)


The snow from the cold became blue,
On the trees - white hoarfrost.
Even the bobik hides the nose
After all, on the street ...? (Freezing)


Who all nights are long
Snow songs sings?
The wind is a winter friend,
Summaries ...? (Winter storm)


They curl on the ground with a snake,
Howl in a pipe pity
Frightened with snow ate.
These are winter ...? (Snowstorms)


On winter day, a pond lay down on a pond
Very slippery glass.
We are calling us hockey
Blue strong smooth ...? (Ice)


Frozen the sorcerer
Both lakes and stream.
Breathed with cold, and now -
Not water in a stream, but ...? (Ice)


You can make a snowball,
It's not at all difficult!
We sculpt we do not pies:
Need a game ...? (Snowballs)


The grandmother will tie their granddaughter,
So that the pens do not freeze in winter.
Sister will save the warmth -
Woolen ...? (Mittens)


The fingers in them do not freeze.
Like in cheholes, they walk.
We will play hide and seek with the cold,
We hide the pens in ...? (Gloves)


A lot of snow in the yard -
Here's fun to the kids!
We walk in the snow. On the legs
We all put on ...? (Boots)


Caught on the cornice,
He hangs down his head down
Winter Lollice ...? (Icicle)


On snowdrifts near the river
Long boards are traveling,
They are looking for horrors higher.
What are the planks? (Skis)


Two steel brilliant brothers
They rush in circles on the rink.
Only the lights flash.
What kind of brothers? (Skates)

Questions for the quiz for the New Year - "Guess the film on the phrase"

Questions for the quiz for the New Year - Guess the film on the phrase
Questions for the quiz for the New Year - "Guess the film on the phrase"

Questions for the quiz for the New Year - “Guess the film on the phrase”:

H/f "Morozko"

  • Are you warm, girl, is it warm to you, red?
  • A hut-hut, turn in front of me, to the forest-back!
  • Our fool has neither mind nor a figure! All in dad!
  • Here you are, pussy, sour cream bowl! Well, well done you deserve a jelly!
  • No, not the princess - Royal!
  • We are meat, that fish - thank you for everything.
  • Oh, I'm an old fool, head with a hole.

H/f "Sorcerers"

  • The main thing is that the suit is sitting!
  • Here it is, a bachelor life. There is no one to even send to hell.
  • We won’t bother with blood - ink is more reliable.
    - And Alena Igorevna at home?
    - At home. Only it seems, not in yourself.
  • People have passed here! People have passed here ... People ... I will find them!
  • See the goal, believe in yourself and not notice obstacles!
  • Well, who builds this way, who builds it like that?
  • Here and without higher education you come to everything with your mind.
  • The woman is what they want to see her. If you want a witch, you will be a witch!
  • What is crazy, that a lover is the same thing for medicine.

H/f "Christmas trees"

  • The theory of six handshakes, according to which every person on earth knows the other after six acquaintances.
  • Girls need us to be stupidly near if you are not nearby, someone else will be nearby.


  • I am ten years old. TV is my life.
  • This becomes a family tradition. We forget him ... at Christmas! But what is funny - we never forget the suitcases.
  • If you take care of your heart, it is like it is broken.
  • Kevin, if Uncle Frank prohibits it, must be a really terrible film.
  • So that in the house with such a crowd of people there is no shampoo?!
  • There are fifteen people in this house, but for some reason all troubles occur through your fault.
  • Hey! I eat what I want and look at all muck. Stop hiding and stop me.
  • Did he go shopping? Yes, he cannot even tie up his laces.
  • Only girls can hide behind the beds. I cannot afford it, I'm the only man in this house.

H/f "Carnival Night"

  • Is there life on Mars, whether there is no life on Mars - this is not known for science, science is not yet aware of the matter.
  • We see one star, two stars. The best, of course, five stars.
  • People! AU-U!
  • I myself do not like to joke, and I won’t give other people.
  • The speaker will make a report, short, for forty minutes ...
  • We will not take a woman-yagu from the side: we will be brought up in our team.
  • Comrades! There is a fun installation to celebrate the New Year!
  • The lecturer is ready? - Ready! The lecturer has long been ready!
  • We must educate our viewer. You can’t bring him with bare feet. The costumes need to be replaced, the legs are isolated.
  • We must spend our New Year's Eve so that no one could say anything.

H/f "Gentlemen of good luck"

  • And in prison now dinner - pasta ...
  • You, radish, sausage, sausage, Nebuchadnezzar. Hamburg rooster!
  • What a good cement ... does not wash it off at all!
  • Why did you run? Everyone ran and I ran.
  • I have a friend, also a scientist, 3 classes of education.
  • This is not a trifle for you in your pockets.
  • Do not go there, you go here! And then the snow will fall into the head ...

H/f "Happy New Year"

  • Listen, can you do your own operation?
  • As always, there is not enough sensitive leadership to direct the element in the right direction.
  • It must be strewn, he only interferes with his remarks.
  • Beautiful fractures, where did it manage you so much?
  • And with these, what will we do? - Pack them in gypsum, and in the morning we will figure it out. - Better in cement.
  • Doctor, there is no beer, the operation is serious.
  • A holiday without women is like part without a banner.
  • You feel good ... There are only fractures, but bruises.
  • A woman needs to give herself a holy Agnes with a basket of all sorts of mercy.

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

  • We have forgotten how to do great good nonsense. We stopped climbing the window to our beloved women.
  • What a nasty thing ... What a nasty thing yours are your full fish!
  • You see, every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse. This is our tradition.
    Oh, the warmth has gone!
  • I have a valuable broom there!
  • What are you watering me? !! I'm not a flowerbed!
  • Good people were found ... Heated, wiped. That is, they picked up, warmed up ...
  • You have a world mom! She will cook everything and go to the friend.
  • I am surprised that you even noticed him - you never know what is lying there!
  • I have the feeling that for this night we lived a lifetime ...
  • You can’t be offended by the truth, even if it is bitter.
  • When they make an offer to one woman, they do not remember another.

New Year's series of the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

  • Tell me, the Snow Maiden, where was it, tell me, dear, how are you?
  • I ran after you, Santa Claus, I spilled a lot of bitter tears!

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