New Year's scenarios for children of preschool and school age - the best selection

New Year's scenarios for children of preschool and school age - the best selection

Collection of New Year's scenarios for preschoolers and shklniks.

New Year's scenario for children of preschool and school age - matinee "Queen Night"

New Year's scenario for children of preschool and school age - matinee
New Year's scenario for children of preschool and school age - matinee "Queen Night"

New Year's scenario for children of preschool and school age - the matinee "Queen Night":

Leading: Time runs everything forward and forward,
Here is on the threshold the new year.
It's time for us to start a holiday, friends.
Sing, dance, you can’t get bored here!

Child 1: Spray with lights, Christmas tree,
Call us for the holiday!
All desires are fulfilling
All dreams are realized!

Child 2: It smells like a fresh tar,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree dressed up
The lights lit up on it!

Child 3: New Year with a spruce branch,
Again a fairy tale beckons us
Soon, scorchly count,
The arrows are your magical hour!

Child 4: Santa Claus for all gifts,
Will definitely find
New Year with happiness new,
Soon-scorch will come to us!

Child 5: Grandfather with my grandmother is congratulated
Dad with mom later!
And at the holiday today,
We’ll sing a lot of songs!

Child 6: With new happiness,
Happy New Year
We will congratulate everyone, and then
And walk around a round dance
And we will dance and sing

Child 7: Again, we meet the holiday,
Happy New Year, congratulations.
Near the Christmas tree fluffy
We start a round dance again.

Child 8: You are in a hurry to visit us,
In the bright hall, dance
The music calls in the circle of all,
In the New Year's song!

The song "What is New Year?"

Leading: It seems that all the guests have gathered, but Santa Claus is not there.
You need to call grandfather with us New Year.

(Music sounds, night appears).

Night: I am the queen of a black night
I am gloom and the darkness.
Frost will be very difficult
Find a tropino in the forest.
Let the month no longer sparkle,
Stars do not shine in the height,
The lights on the Christmas tree are fading away,
And the darkness of the night to me.

(The night extinguishes the Christmas tree, leaves)

Leading: Guys, did you hear what the queen of the night said?
The month is enchanted, the stars do not shine.
How will Santa Claus come to us in such darkness?
Let us help him.
First, let's try to light the lights on our Christmas tree, so that it becomes a little lighter.
I see many gnomes of assistants DM. They will help us.

Dance of gnomics.

(At the end of the dance, the lights on the Christmas tree are lit)

Leading: Thank you, gnomes!

A month comes to the music

LEADING: A month, a month that you are sad,
Do not sparkle, do not shine?
Month: An angry night was bewitched,
My cheerful shine stole.
How would I cheer on
Brightly light up again?

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, help out
Singer near the Christmas tree.
Let the month smile, let
And then we will drive away sadness.
It will become more fun for us all,
And frost is lighter.

Song "While the clock 12 is beating»
A month smiles, drops a dark bedspread

Month: That's all, there are no more witchcraft!
How beautiful the silver light is!
Full of strength, enthusiasm and me.
Thank you for that, friends!

LEADING: You came to life, it became lighter
But there in the forest the night is thicker and darker.
Would we see how Santa Claus is there?
What if he got lost in the midst of birches?

Month: Okay, I will help!
The month is bright, turn around
Forest is dense, part!
And in a wonderful transformation
Santa Claus show us!

The light goes out, Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost: What happened? I do not understand.
I will not find the roads.
The forest is thicker, darker night.
I can already go in the wrong way!
Stars are a cheerful round dance
For a month I would take ahead ...
It would be easier to go.
Who jokes so much in front?

The night appears, dancing, leading Santa Claus. Light turns on.

LEADING: Dear month, thank you.
I see that my grandfather is in trouble.
What to do? How can we be?

Month: We need to wake the wind.
To make stars in the sky
They began to sparkle fun,
Owe the wind of clouds in the sky
To disperse with your strength.

Leading: Guys, let's call the wind:
Wind, wind, help,
Clouds in the sky accelerate!
The wind appears.

Wind: I do not help you against you.
Yes, the queen is strong night.
To gain power to me,
It is necessary to disperse the dime!

Leading: Well, guys, help out
Sing, play fun!
To say goodbye the wind with a nap,
We dance the dance we are cheerful!

Dance "Suddenly, in a fairy tale"

Wind: I drove off a nap, and here
Stars are a cheerful round dance
In the sky, the clouds are spreading,
Silvers and sparkles.

"Dance of the month of stars."

After the dance, the stars stand in front of the Christmas tree. The night appears.

Night: I feel bad, I feel,
The end will come soon for me.
Dawn is a joyful crown
Meets the approach of the day.
The night is dancing, leaving the Christmas tree.

(Santa Claus and Snegurochka enters the music)

SANTA CLAUS: The dawn has come, the spell of the night fell!
Again, the stars flashed brightly.
Dawn will soon be illuminated
And I have to rush to the guys.

Santa Claus around the Christmas tree, stops in front of children and guests.

SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year to you, friends!
Happy holiday as rich!
Happiness, joy wants
Santa Claus guys.

Snow MaidenA: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, song, round dance!
With new toys,
With beads, crackers!

LEADING: Grandfather Frost, we had been waiting for so long, worried.
But here you are, so we will stand in a round dance,
We will celebrate the New Year with a fervent song!

The song "Santa Claus and felt boots."

Leading:Santa Claus, sit down, rest, listen to how children read poetry.

In a long fur coat, with a beard -
Who came this?
This is Grandfather Frost
He brought gifts to us.

Grandfather Frost is big,
With a kind, affectionate soul,
In the New Year will congratulate everyone
And give children laughter!

Father Frost:Who is talking about me?

He draws on the window
Stars, palm trees, balls.
They say he is 100 years old
And the naughty is like a small one!

The game "Frozen"

Father Frost:
Nimble guys!
I did not freeze anyone!
I'll go, rest!

Leading: Here I got into our circle,
Stay here and stay.
Do not leave for you, frost,
No matter how you tear yourself out!

SANTA CLAUS: You let me go
Nice children!
After all I love to dance
More than anyone else!

Host: Well, guys, come out,
Dry with frost!
Dance with Santa Claus

Santa Claus looks around, looking for something, groans.

Leading: What happened, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus (surprised).
I put a bag here, I recall
Where he went - I don't know at all!
While we sang and danced -
Gifts seemed to run away!
The forest is great, I'll go look for

Voice behind the door:
Grandfather Moro-O-oz!

Father Frost:
Who calls grandfather there?
Let it go here soon!

Runes the "bag" (adult).

Father Frost:
-Ah, you, father ... bag!
By itself, it goes here.
Where have you gotten?

Bag: Traveling to travel ...

Father Frost:
You have to stand still
Or walk with me.

And today, on the New Year,
It will be the other way around!
(Runs away, Santa Claus catches up with a bag).

Father Frost:
Wait, wait, wait,
Do not go anywhere!

I'm not easy bag
I'm magical! That!

Father Frost:
Now tell us ....
Wait, wait, wait ..

Father Frost: I ran after him on the heels
I was struggling, but caught up!

LEADING: Now we will untie it
Yes, let's see what is inside.
Oh, yes here are gifts,
How many of them, look!

Give out gifts.

Father Frost: Here is the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish.
So that you grow big,
I wish you children,
So that you do not know the worries,
And I will return to you in a year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, that’s all, the ball is over,
Funny noisy carnival!
Be healthy, be! Goodbye!
Santa Claus and Snegurochka leave

The children sang at the elegant Christmas tree,
But we have come to say goodbye to you.
Goodbye, dear, funny to you!
Goodbye, mom, dad! Happy New Year to all!

New Year's fairy tale script for children

New Year's fairy tale script for children
New Year's fairy tale script for children

The script of the New Year's fairy tale for children:

Snegurochka (speaks to the hall):
Our Santa Claus was stuck,
The side of the Christmas tree was torn off,
Yes, where is it completely hoarse
He probably has a flu.

Santa Claus (Bredit):
Give me Santa Claus
Chocolate steam locomotive ...

Bunny (touches dm by the nose):
Branding Grandfather Frost,
What a hot nose.

The Snow Maiden calls the phone. He picks up the phone, listens, then answers.

Snow Maiden:
I will not go anywhere
With our grandfather trouble.
His temperature is growing,
He is already sings in delirium.
On a thermometer forty,
He will melt it soon!
(Crying, then listens to what she is told on the phone and answers).

Okay, I'll go out for a moment
I am worried in earnest.
Now I'm for the medicine
Probably gave the kingdom.
(Hides the phone, turns to the hare)
I’ll be back now, but you don’t work.

The Snow Maiden leaves the house. Koschey is enough for the Snow Maiden, covers it with his cloak and drags it.

Oh, treachery! Oh, trouble!
There will never be a new year!
I can't catch up with Koshchei,
It is necessary to get the medicine.
I know a person has
A warehouse of drugs, that is, a pharmacy.

Santa Claus (through nonsense):
People will not give without money
Neither bread, no oil, nor fuel oil.

There were tourists in the fall
The wallet in the forest was forgotten.
It is necessary to save grandfather
And buy the medicine.

Runs away.

The second phenomenon.
Forest. Bunny runs the medicine.

Where are you going?

Do not touch me!
I run for the medicine!

What is the medicine in the snow?

I'm running to the pharmacy!

To a person?

Yes! I have money!

Wolf (in thought):
Or maybe I can eat you?

It is forbidden! Santa Claus fell ill!

Well, what's the matter?

New Year will not come!

The old one will come down to me.

Bunny runs away, while losing money. Suddenly he sees, the dog goes by and sings the song.

I am a yellow dog
I want life to be sweet!
I will come to visit you
And I will bring good luck.

Hello bunny!

Who are you?
I don't know you.

I am a dog.

You see, not easy.
I have not yet seen yellow dogs (sobs).

Did you offend you?

Bunny (almost crying):
I failed all the white light.
I have no medicine.
No money to buy
And cure frost.
And the Snow Maiden of Koschey
I dragged, such a villain!

Do not cry, bunny, I will help,
I can tell the medicine.
There are magical berries in the forest,
From all diseases, curtains.
You can collect them once a year.
I will find them for frost.

Thank you, well done!
We ran at last!

Bunny and dog under the Christmas tree. They look, magic berries are almost at the very top.

Do not jump onto my Christmas tree
There is little use from me.

I'm not easy dog
I know the spell.
Everyone needs to tell him
And then I can fly.

Repeat after me!
The dog-dog is flying!

Dog, I'm proud of you!
Climb, and I will step.

The dog climbs onto the Christmas tree. The wolf rushes to the hare and grabs it by the ears.

Here you are, my dear bunny!
I found you again
And caught! And that means
Living is good in the world! (laughs)

Ouch! Do not eat me, don't!
Better eat chocolate!

He does not run in the forest,
He has no legs!

Bunny sees that there is nowhere to go, begins to pull time.

Did you wash your paws before meals?
Go wash immediately!

I ran all day in the snow,
The paws became cleaner than the snow!
You don't want to become food
So you whine: my paws.

Well, I'm probably dirty
Plus flea and contagious!

Nothing, I'm not afraid.
I eat, maybe I will not become infected.

And the last desire?
Can you, wolf, goodbye?

Okay, bunny, so be it.
Do not just ask to let go.

Since childhood, I love riddles.
On the riddles of hares are the paddles.
Make three puzzles,
And then eat me.

Wolf (rubbing paws):
That's a festive dish!
Three riddles? Well, not bad.
Guess or not
You are still my dinner.

The wolf makes riddles.

Many troubles are hung up.
Wolf, the bear is there and the fox!
Our animal lives in alarm,
He takes his legs from trouble ...
Come on, quickly guess,
What is the animal called? ...

Gray is chasing white,
He wants to have lunch with white.
How to catch up - click tooth:
White -poor, well -fed -...

He lives in the forest,
Sweet burning is lying.
In the summer eats raspberries, honey,
The whole paw is sucking all.
Can roar loudly,
And his name is ...

Bunny sees that the dog descended from the Christmas tree near the wolf behind his back.


Not a dog after all
And the bear!
Well, you are stupid at all!
Now I will eat you!

What do I see! This business!
I haven't eaten a wolf for a long time!

Wolf (without turning around, it will boast):
Who scares me?
Apparently, the wolf does not know!

Here I am! Have you been waiting so fast?

We did not call you!

I was in a hurry!
I was exhausted!
If only they would say thank you!

We did not call you!

Bunny jumps on Koshchei and knocks down. A fight begins.

Snow Maiden:
What happened? Whose idea is this?

We caught the villain!
He wanted to mind Santa Claus,
And to deprive us of all of us!

Koschey (snake):
I'm good! Well, get down!

I am a New Year's dog!
You just can’t deceive me!

Bunny (Snow Maiden):
Have you met a wolf?
They are with Koshchei at the same time!
Well, look out the window!

Snow Maiden:
Well, where did you decide
What is a jacket of a villain?
Go to the medicine
was his idea.

Yes. For the sea we flew
And we got the medicine.
(Takes out the medicine and shows).

This is true?

I don't believe.

An incredulous animals.

Snow Maiden:
Absolute truth
And do not hesitate.
Get well, frost,
Get ready for the holiday.

The Snow Maiden gives the medicine DM and it recovers.

What did I go for the medicine in vain?
I almost landed in the teeth to the wolf?

Shows berries. Koschey sees the berries and suddenly begins to jump with joy.

Show! Where did you get it?
Oh, I don't believe my eyes!
For a hundred years I am in alien
I searched for countries!

They grew up on the Christmas tree. The dog showed one.

Koschey (snake):
Let me kiss you!

Dog (retreating):
What kind of joys are puppy?

Oh, I almost cry with happiness!
These are young berries!
Magic! Real!

Koschey eats the berry and suddenly turns into a handsome man.

Snegurochka, look at me!
That's what real I am!
I was sometimes grumbling,
I was old and ugly.
But now I will change
If I get married to you!

Snegurochka (embarrassed and rejoices at the same time):
Well, of course I agree if my grandfather does not mind.

The recovered Santa Claus gets up and smiles.

Father Frost:
You are in love, this is clear
So everything will be fine!
You will be a wonderful couple
The New Year will be not for nothing!
The dog is with us, then we need
New Year to meet us together!
Joy will bring us all
New Year!

New Year's holiday script for children for Christmas

New Year's holiday script for children
New Year's holiday script for children for Christmas

New Year's holiday script for children Christmas:

Friend: Seeds and crumbs
I am pouring into the feeder,
Will be very happy
Noruska mouse.

The mouse runs out.

Mouse: Thank you, my friend!
Merry Christmas!
Well, Dog, you're not cheerful?
What hung his head?

Friend: Everything is fine with us
In the house elegant,
The treats are all ready ...

Mouse: Maybe Nastya is unhealthy?

Friend: No, she is trying
Jokes, smiles,
But think - one
It’s sad on her holiday to her like that!
You would have to call people to her!
Nastenka guests so glad!

Mouse: We’ll run in the forest soon
Meet me with the beasts.
Maybe we’ll come up with
Something with friends.

Forest. The mouse and friend are inspected.

Friend: Where to look for them?

Wolf: My hare!

Fox: No it's mine!

Mouse and friend: Let him go!

Friend: Don't you know that today is the holiday -
The Lord Jesus Christ was born!

Fox: What are we, wolf, are we doing now?
We are talking beautiful speeches ourselves ...

Wolf: And it came to deed - they forgot about the words,
We meet a Christmas holiday with a drag ...

Fox and Wolf: Forgive us, bunny! (bow)

Mouse: Our Nastenka is sad,
The house is completely alone in the house.

Friend: What should we do, how can we be,
How to cheer on Nastya?

Wolf: That night, there is rumor
People decorate the Christmas tree,
And under the Christmas tree they cope
The bright holiday of Christmas.

Fox: And let's ask a forester, let him bring a Christmas tree to Nastya!

House Nastya. A sad Nastya comes out in a warm shawl.

Where did my faithful friend go?
I was left alone in the house.
But at night, prayer for God is more audible,
And I will pray in silence.
Oh Lord, you are healed as soon as possible
My mother’s godfather!
How long, how long she has been sick,
But you do not go to lose heart.
I ask for mercy to my godfather,
I pray and again and again ...

A friend, mouse, fox, bunny and wolf appear.

Fox: Hello, Nastenka!

Together: Merry Christmas!

Nastya: Hello, hello, dear guests!

Together: Congratulations on the holiday!

A forester appears.

Together: The forester has come!

Forester: My Christmas tree will be just by the way! Merry Christmas!

Nastya (bows): Thank you, uncle forester!
I wish the godfather would have recovered ...

Forester: Well, everything is possible for the Lord.

Solemn music. An angel appears, he leads the godmother.

Nastya: godmother!

The godmother (hugs Nastya): Nastenka!
There is no more grief - it disappeared forever.
A miracle happened - the disease and trouble disappeared.
We will remember this wonderful night -
The Lord has been clothed in the earthly body!

All participants sing a Christmas song.

New Year's performance for children - script "Adventures of Santa Claus"

New Year's performance for children - script
New Year's performance for children - script "Adventures of Santa Claus"

New Year's performance for children - script "Adventures of Santa Claus":

Any of you, of course, is waiting
Funny holiday New Year,
But more than anyone in the world
Children are waiting for this holiday.
Everything in the hall is elegant and new,
It burns and shines with lights.
Come in, guys, here again

Beauty Christmas tree stands.

That's a breeze.
It smelled of cold
Like a grandmother-winter
She waved his sleeve.
Flew from a height
White fluffs.
On trees and bushes
Snowflakes are pouring.

Snowflakes perform the "dance of snowflakes", the music of A. Zhilinsky.

Snowflakes (sing).
We are white snowflakes
We fly, fly, fly.
Paths and paths
We will all be constrained.
Walk over the garden
On the cold day of winter
And quietly sit next to him
With the same as us.
We dance over the fields,
We drive our round dance.
Where, we do not know ourselves,
The wind will carry us.

Somewhere a Christmas tree on the edge
Lonely grew
Now there are toys on it
And icicles made of glass.
Gathered under the Christmas tree
Tales, games, miracles.
More fun and more beautiful
You will not find, friends!

1st gnome.
We tried, dressed up,
And the costumes sewed everything
And today they gathered in the hall,
After all, December is in the yard.

2nd gnome.
We will have fun together,
We will sing and dance
To find yourself in a fairy tale
To celebrate the New Year.

3rd gnome.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
This is the laughter of the guys funny
Near all elegant Christmas trees.

4th gnome.
What is New Year?
Everyone knows ahead:
These are puffs and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles.

Father Frost.
I had me a year ago,
I am very happy to see everyone.
Grown up, large steel,
Did you recognize me?
I'm still the same gray -haired
But just like young.

Snow Maiden.
So let's have fun
Near the Christmas tree to spin.

We waited for this day for a long time
They did not see a whole year.
Swim, links at the Christmas tree
Our cheerful round dance!

Around the Christmas tree, the song “New Year's Dance” is performed, and pirates run out, they sing a verse of songs from the cartoon “Bremen musicians”.

1st pirate and 2nd pirate (together).
PIF-PAF, and we are robbers,
Robbers, robbers.
PIF-PAF, and you are dead,
Dead, dead!
And whoever sees us, he immediately gasped,
And for someone fried will smell!

Father Frost.
Stand, stand, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?

1st pirate.
On Tahiti, we keep the way
There we will hide it somehow
Gold, pearls and diamonds,
Emeralds and topazes.

2nd pirate.
In the chests we have a lot
Brands, Guldenov, rea.
Not enough chocolate
Apples, waffle, marmalade.
And the pirates are dashing
All elements are not afraid of us,
Santa Claus is not afraid of us.

1st pirate and 2nd pirate (together Santa Claus).
Give a WHO gift!

Father Frost.
Really really
Do you want candy?

1st pirate.
Enough, old, to reason!
(Turns to the children).
You can’t see gifts!
Give me, old, your bag,
So that no one would fade.

Santa Claus (putting a bag on the floor).
Farsi-Marcy, Farsi-Chi!
Become, my bag is harder!
Farsi-Marcy, Farsi-Sweet!
Do not untie anyone!

2nd pirate.
What are you, old, you mumble?
Do you want with us to Tahiti?
Stay on the Christmas tree
Let the wolves bite you!

Pirates approach the bag, try to raise it.

1st pirate.
Really bricks?

2nd pirate.
Hush, brother, don't scream!
There are pound gifts!
Again they try to tear off the bag from the floor.

1st pirate and 2nd pirate (together).
Santa Claus deceived us!
Who will give us kulek sweets?

Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus could give you
Only harmful, evil pirates
He will not give. So, guys?

Children answer.

1st pirate.
We will correct now
We will be kind for you.

1st pirate and 2nd pirate (together).
We will sing and dance
Do not offend anyone.
We apologize!
We ask you for forgiveness!

Father Frost.
I will untie my bag-
He saved the gifts to everyone!
He gives all sweets to everyone.

Father Frost.
There are many games in the world
Do you want to play, children?

The dance-game "We will go to the right!"

We will go right now! One two Three!
Now let's go left! One two Three!
We will get together quickly to the Christmas tree! One two Three!
We’ll even quickly disperse! One two Three!
We will sit down quietly! One two Three!
And let's get a pulmonary! One two Three!
Dance, our legs! One two Three!
And pat, palms! One two Three!

Snow Maiden.
Well, guys, we will follow the order:
We are not just a round dance, but a round dance.
In the circle, guys, got up?

Get up!

Snow Maiden.
Repeat your word for word!
Hey, what kind of people are here in a circle?
We ran, ran, only the heels flashed!

"Round dance"

- Hey, what kind of people are all in their hands?
- Hey, what kind of people go backwards?
- Hey, what kind of people are heaing for their ears?
- Hey, what kind of people do people behave?
- Hey, what kind of people are on their knees?
- Hey, what kind of people, like a ishak, yells? Etc.

Father Frost.
Now, my guys,
Guess the riddle!

Snow Maiden.
Guess what kind of toy?
Cap, like parsley,
Small, remote,
It grew up from a felt boot.


Father Frost.
Well done, my guys,
You guessed a riddle.

He takes out a toy gnome from a bag.

Snow Maiden.
Dwarves, gnomes, all here!
Are there gnomes here?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Father Frost.
Oh, granddaughter, look, will be fun here!
Dwarves come to us and go!
Who's jumping, who is dancing,
To please us.

Dwarves take the hands of children, drive them around the Christmas tree, performing the "march of gnomes" from the children's opera.

Father Frost.
The wind is dancing above the fields,
In the painted boots.
Luck is waiting in the New Year
Both large and small.

Snow Maiden.
In the Luchezarny, New Year
Light of holiday lights
We welcome today
All gathered friends!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
With a new joy for everyone!
Let them ring under this Christmas tree
Songs, music and laughter!

New Year's program for children - the script "Sleeping Beauty"

New Year's program for children - script sleeping beauty
New Year's program for children - the script "Sleeping Beauty"

New Year's program for children - the script "Sleeping Beauty":

Sounds music from ballet. A fairy of lilac enters the hall.

They ring with bells of songs
Mysterious melodies,
What kind of taggers, what colors,
The very unprecedented seems to be.
They rustle with grass under the foot,
The star in the lakes swing,
Then they suddenly turn around with Baba Yaga,
And then suddenly - a sleeping beauty.

The fairy leaves for the Christmas tree. King and queen appear.

I'm glad to welcome everyone, friends!
I hasten to tell you the news.
After all, in the castle noise and vanity,
Of course, this is not casual.

The table has already been set
And the candles shine,
There will be a wonderful evening today.
Unable to overcome happiness,
I meet, this is our daughter.

He picks up a doll in a blanket, shows guests.

What a baby!
So cute!
How much happiness brought!
Grow to the joy of the king!

Thank you, I love you all.
So, please start our ball,
Our New Year's Carnival.
Let's drive away boredom, brighter light!
Our first dance is Menuet.
Menuet dance is performed.

Good fairies, rush here,
It was no coincidence that I gathered here,
Each let the magic show us,
A kind word-confusion will say.

1st Fairy.
May kindness live in your heart,
Don't offend anyone,
Give people joy and happiness,
Envy and anger away drive away.

2nd Fairy.
Nightingales will be silent to dawn.
Listening to your wonderful songs.
You will be great to dance
You can play the tools,

3rd fairy.
I want to share the gift of love
Let the smile not leave the face.
Rejoice us all and know how to have fun,
Igniting the love of the heart.

4th Fairy.
Be beautiful like a May morning
Like a dawn over the gentle sea.
The white curl falls on the shoulders.
Like wonderful lilies a bouquet.

Suddenly the music breaks off, the light goes out.

The light went out, and at the same hour
The music was silent with us.
Why everyone runs away
Do the servants of the window close?
Who will answer the question?

This is a fairy of Carabos!

Fairy Carabos.
I will read my spell on your daughter
Let it grow beautiful,
All 16 long years.
And now my advice to you!
At this age, all children
They want to know about everything in the world
You take care of the princess,
Do not tell you to take needles,
Suddenly pricks, then
Sleep will come to her forever.

Fairy Lilac.
Go away, sorceress evil,
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.

Well, let's have fun
Nothing will happen to her.
I command the decree,
Urexite to everyone to give the order:
I have in the kingdom
It is impossible to sew and spin now.

Sounds "New Year's Dance".

So the days went after days,
Well, years after years.
And the princess grew up,
Good, blossomed.
She was 16 years old -
Here and wait for worries and troubles.

I'm walking in the garden
I'll go to the old castle,
What I will find there is unknown
Well, I'm interested in everything.

The princess goes to the castle, sees the old woman, this is Fairy Karabas.

Oh, the old woman is alone here,
What is she doing?
Grandmother, forgive me
And rather explain
What are you holding in your hands -
I can't understand in any way!

The old woman spins the yarn, holds a spindle.

Fairy Carabos.
Here take the spindle -
It is safe.


The princess twists the spindle, cries.

In a finger it dug me!

Fairy Carabos (viciously).
Yes, the curse has come true!

The princess falls asleep. You can hear the howling of a blizzard.

Fairy Carabos.
It has come my turn -
The kingdom will come to the kingdom.
You will not hear anything
Except for the wind of one.

(Laughs, leaves).

Watch beautiful stars from heaven.
The abandoned forest mutters quietly.
In the castle, peace, and around silence.
She protects the Sordovskaya dream.

The cooks all fell asleep
Huge at the pan.
Sitting, the king is sleeping on the throne,
The groom is sleeping, and next to the horses.
The guard is sleeping on the porch,
And the princess is in the palace.

Who will help us now?
Who will open the door to the fairy tale?
There is a magical sorcerer,
We must call him soon.
Who will answer the question:
Who is this?

Children.Santa Claus

Santa Claus enters the music, bypassing the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.
Good evening! Here I am!
I went to you for a long time, friends.
I was not lazy on the way,
I worked hard
Frozen the river with ice,
They spun everything with a snowball,
North wind is my brother.
He is glad to meet frost.
Well, did you wait for me?
After all, they have not seen for a long time.
Where is the songs, where is the laughter?
Enough joy for everyone.

There is silence in the hall. Santa Claus is surprised.

In the old castle silence,
She keeps a long dream.
The princess is sleeping a hundred years,
Well, there is no prince and no.
You can conjure
To call a good fairy?

Father Frost.
In your fairy tale, sadness-tying,
I am very sorry for the princess.
Come on, a staff-sorcerer,
You help us out soon.
The old year ends.
Come on, Christmas tree, light up,
Fairy is kind, come!

(Dizzy around him, knocking the staff).

The fairy of lilac comes to the music.

Fairy Lilac.
Well, my turn has come
Soon joy will come to us!

How can the princess help us?
Overcome the evil power?

Fairy Lilac.
There is magic in the world -
All miracles are stronger.
Witchcraft will be destroyed again
Faith, hope and love.

(Graduates Santa Claus three flowers).


Father Frost.
Hey snowflakes, fly,
Tell the whole light,
That the princess is sleeping in the castle.
Silence keeps her.
Tell us what she
Both beautiful and tender.
You will find daredevil
And lead him to me.

The dance of snowflakes is performed. After the dance, the prince appears.

I heard snowflakes dispute:
The princess has been sleeping for a long time.
The winter wind told me
Which is more beautiful in the world.

Father Frost.
Wait! Do not forget!
Your path will be dangerous.
That beauty will wake up
Who will love her forever.
Faith, your hope and love
They will be able to light her heart again.

Black velvet of the night
The stars are decorated
A month in the sky froze
Unchanged guard
The forest is dense, how to get through?
But I have no way back!

Forest Forest Forest Block the Road.

Fairy Forest.
We will show the tropinochka
How to find a princess, say.
You guess the riddles
Answer as soon as possible.


He himself does not see and does not hear,
He walks, wanders, dulls, fades.
Who will come to meet
Hugs and fights. (Wind)

Miracles, miracles, heaven lit up.
Became ala clouds.
There was a pink river. (Dawn)

Guess only yourself
To the stars who climb
Shines brightly at night
Boda with clouds. (Moon)

The prince goes further to the music.

This forest is unusual
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
I'll relax a little,
Only you can’t sleep in any way.

Sits down to rest, an evil fairy appears, begins to conjure

Fairy Carabos.
Hey you, pine trees, make a laugh,
The prince will surround the prince.
Quiet, music, play,
The forest is dense, fall asleep.

The song "Lullaby" sounds, the prince fights sleep.

What happened with me? He fell asleep a little?
Again on the road, it's time on the road!

(Walks around the Christmas tree. A fairy of Carabos appears).

Fairy Carabos.
I won't miss anyway
And I will not let the princess go to the princess.
Spirits of the forest, you are flying
Blind the prince in a whirlwind.
He will not see anything
Except for your nose.

You called the blizzard in vain -
I will not give up anyway.
We say loudly: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, Gori! "

The Christmas tree is lit. A fairy of Carabos appears.

Fairy Carabowith.
Gasni, light and darkness, come,
The prince of the path you are blocked.

It waves a wand, the light goes out. Faits of lilacs appear.

Fairy Lilac.
I went away, the sorceress is angry!
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.

Fairy Carabos.
Now we will get an answer
What is stronger: darkness or light?

To the music, Fairy Carabos is trying to freeze children.

Fairy Carabos.
Enough, enough, wait,
Stop the music.
Apparently, I was not lucky -
My time did not come.
I'm leaving for my castle, I
Fun without me.

Light is lit, music sounds. Children sit chairs.

Here is the lock on the way
I'll try to enter.

It enters, bypasses the Christmas tree, stops near the sleeping princess.

Here is the celestial creature!
Let the spell disappear!
These flowers will revive you again -
This is faith, my hope and love.
Now wake up soon
Sun, smile at the sky.
The princess wakes up.

How the sun shines high,
And how easily I breathe!
Thank you a hundred times
I would sleep without you now.
The entire castle wakes up.

The night retreated, the dream left.
Now everything will be fine!

Now we can have fun
And in the dance to spin cheerfully.

The waltz sounds (music from the choice of the leader).

Father Frost.
Our Christmas tree, flashed with lights,
Tales are in a hurry to meet us with friends.

Music sounds. Red hat and wolf come out.

red Riding Hood.

Grandma, grandmother, why do you have such large eyes and teeth?

What kind of teeth, what kind of eyes -
This is all from the old fairy tale.
I'm completely different now
Make friends with me.

Sounds the song "Earth of children"

We wish success in the New Year,
More fun, sonorous laughter,
More funny friends and friends,
So that you all laugh around with you.

The music "cat and white cat" sounds.

So the cat goes
And the cat leads with him.

A miracle happened that night.
After all, our friendship drove away evil away!
Let them open wider than the door,
Come in, joy, happiness and fun!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has!
Let it sound everywhere today
Song, music and laughter!

The song "Silver Bouquet" is performed

Father Frost.
Here is the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish!
A lot of happiness to you today
I brought in my bag.
And also brought in addition
Happiness, courage, luck,
Friendship - people,
The world - to the peoples.
Happy New Year to everyone!

Fairy Lilac.
Our ball is over
The music suddenly fell silent.
But is it? It seems now it sounds
And calls us to the unknown gave us,
Rounds, sparkles with a rainbow.
Like an ocean, she is vast.
And every day with a wave will be guessed,
When we are the door to the country of melodies together
We will stop the magical key again!

New Year's performance for children-script-fairy tale

New Year's performance for children - script -tale
New Year's performance for children-script-fairy tale

New Year's performance for children-the script-fairy tale:

Queen (gets up):
Life is unhurried, leisurely.
Here the snow sparkles and sparkles.
Flowers and stars do not melt here.
There are great distances in my country;
Only here you will see the north a radiance!

(Looks at the boy, but he is busy with his own business)

Silent ... Perhaps I forgot everything:
And what is the name, and where he was ...
Why don't the servants go?!
(Stomping irritably with his foot)

Snowmen: We are here, mistress! Right here!

Queen (quietly):
Did you hide his hat?
Now he will not remember anything!

Boy (slowly):
They seem to be waiting for me somewhere ...
Where I am? What is my name?
I have to go somewhere ...
My head hurts! Everything is like in a dream!

(Snowmen surround the boy)

We are your friends.
The snowfield is crying.
I know everything and hear everything
Like a snowflake falls on the roof.

I will answer any question:
I put my nose everywhere -
At any time of the night and day!
Snowonos is called me!

Snow -eyed:
My name is snow -eyed.
And my eye is a real diamond!
I will see everything: on the right and on the left.
(Shows to the queen)
And this is the Snow Queen!
(Snowmen all bow to her)

Boy (enthusiastically):
How beautiful you are! Like a star!
I have never seen such beauty!
But who am I? And what am I doing here?

My dear, please sit down.
You are a guest in the palace! Leave in no hurry.
Here is the kingdom of peace: all around - not a soul!
Only faithful servants are snowmen.

Boy: Well then, queen! I'll stay!

He does not remember anything!
Even your name!

And if the memory returns to him?

No, until there is a hat!

Snow -eyed:
We hid her reliably
And it will be very difficult to find!

Yes, no one will look for!
Perhaps we will go to bed.

So it was difficult to grab the boy!
It was so difficult to deprive hats!

Snow -eyed:
We caught him! And so -
New Year will never come!

(Looks around in fright)

Hush! He should not know
That he is a new year to call!

Now, go away from here!
But do not fall asleep at once!
Something anxious: I feel-
Friends hurry to the aid of the boy! ..

(Everyone leaves. Snegurochka, goby and tigerok appear. They are looking for someone)

Snow Maiden:
Here is a fidget-little one!
Where did he hide? Where?

Or maybe he reads books?
Read and come here!

Or maybe he plays somewhere?
Waiting ahead of his distant path!

I must say goodbye to me.
For twelve years we will not meet!
After all, I am leaving - the year of the bull!
He should say to me: "So far!"

The tiger should take by the paw.
I'm small yet. Let it go!
But soon I will be more than dad
In the meantime, I am learning to growl! Rrr!

Snow Maiden:
Oh, you little tigerok!
You are still a child!
You, tigerok, don't growl -
Better look for your own for a year!
We will not find the New Year -
The goby will not leave here!

How so? Trouble is coming!
Do not go anywhere!
(Grabs the head)

Snow Maiden:
And do not leave the bull!
And do not come to the tigerka!

If suddenly it happens,
Then there will come a cavard!

If suddenly it happens,
Everything will be completely wrong!
After all, there will be no warm days
And there will be no drops
Birds have nowhere to fly!
Berries will not be able to ripen!
The sun cannot get up ...
We need to look for the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Where to look for something? Here's a question!

Goby: Santa Claus will help us! (Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost:
Hello, animals!
Hello guys!
The beard disheveled:
So I hurried to you here!
It seems not late?

Snow Maiden:
New Year has disappeared!

Father Frost:
How - disappeared? When and where?
He feels the heart - to be trouble!

Snow Maiden:
Here he, he was with us, played.

Father Frost:
So where did you run away?
Open, New Year!
It seems that someone goes there!
(Looks from under the hand)
I see: three snowmen.
Well, hide for now!

(Everyone is hiding, snowmen come out)

Let's take a bull with us!

Snow -eyed:
Yes, and take the tiger!

Let's sing something!

(They sing on the motive of the song “And in our yard there is one girl alone ...”))

All snowmen:
And in our palace
There will be a fabulous ball!

Snow -eyed:
In a gilded casket
I saw gifts!

Snow, snowmill (together):
Have you seen gifts?

Snow -eyed:
I saw gifts!

In his palace
We live gloriously!
New Year with us!
The holiday will be - class! Ha ha ha!

TS-SC! Someone else will hear!

Snow -eyed:
Now we will find the bull - and the path!
No one will know
Whom the queen hides!

Hush! After all, this is a secret!

Snow -eyed:
Sorry Sorry! He said inadvertently!

(Santa Claus appears and everyone else)

Father Frost: We heard a lot!

Tigerok: Well, show the road!

(Exposes claws)

They wanted to scare me!
I will sharpen the horns - and the way!

(Tilts his head with horns, hits the hoof)

Snowonomine: The path is far away: there is the plain vast.

Snegurochka (loudly):
We are coming, the Queen is snowy! (Everyone leaves)

(Chambers of the Snow Queen)

Good for you, boy, here?
(Shows his work)
You still folded the ice not all!
He will fold the pattern of ice
And it will remain here forever!

(Sounds "icy, cosmic" music)

Let the years pass ...
Time here is not water!
Let the centuries pass! ..
Time here is not a river! ..
There is only snow from blue clouds!

Boy (screams): I remember! (The music breaks sharply)

Queen (ominous): Remember?

Boy (joyfully):
Sun Ray! (Stands up)
I remember the rain ... birds. Flowers!
And here the chambers of eternal permafrost ...

Queen (quietly, with annoyance):
Why did I say about the river?
(Waves his hand in front of the boy)
You had a bad dream.
(Throws a thread of Mishura around the boy’s neck)
Forget it! .. (to the audience) bewitched!
Now he will be mine again!

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, animals and snowmen appear on the stage)

Father Frost:
Hello, Snow Queen!
Take your guests!

Tigerok (looking around admiringly): Silver both right and left!

Queen (arrogant): What do you want? Speak soon!

Father Frost:
Infantry is something, mistress!
And you meet guests without a soul!
Come on, castle, play the song!
And whoever wants to, dance!

(The melody from the movie "Caucasian captive" sounds: "Somewhere in the world ...")

(At the same time, everyone is dancing as they can: Santa Claus taps the staff)

Wait, frost! Get in, my servants!
I can melt from warmth!

Father Frost:
I demand a response:
Return the granddaughter!

Queen: I did not take it!

(Snow Maiden withdraws the New Year; it goes like in a dream)

Snow Maiden:
And who is this? Say for mercy?
He is ours! Happy New Year!
(Turns with a smile to the New Year, but he does not react)
Oh, grandfather! Something happened to him!
And the one, as if, is not the same!

New Year (lively): I know you!
(Grandfather) I saw you somewhere!
(Reveals hands for everyone)
Let's get acquainted, friends!
(Hugs a tiger and bull by the shoulders)
As your name, name!
It's a pity, I don’t remember myself!

Santa Claus (concerned): Something is wrong Happy New Year!

Snegurochka (with tears): I don't know me! How so?

Pour him tea with honey.
I myself was treated only like that!

New Year:
I feel good!
And I'm not sick!

Well, how, frost? Now satisfied?
(Pushes the New Year)
Go, nephew, play!
Do not bother us in the conversation!
He is the son of Buran, my brother!

Father Frost: And where is his hat?

(Snowmen jump forward, pushing each other)

There was no hat! I swear with an ice!

Snow -eyed:
Without a hat, for sure! Come out, don't work! (Pushes snowballs)

There was a hat, yes disappeared!
It seems to have fallen into the crevice!

(Snow Queen - in anger and annoyance. Santa Claus turns to Tigrenka and Gobby)

Father Frost:
Come on, beasts, go,
Yes, find this hat!

(Tigerok and goby run away)

New Year: I do not understand anything!
I don't know any of you!

Queen (pushing the New Year to the exit).
Go, complete the work!
Lay all the ice in place!
Yes, take it seriously!
It will be too late!

Santa Claus (takes a hat):
Ah yes well done guys!

Snegurochka: Thank you, animals!
(Santa Claus puts on a hat on the head of the new year)

New Year (waking up, looks around):
Where am I? And what happened to me?

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

New Year: New Year, two thousand sixteenth!

Snow Maiden: He remembered! He remembered!

Queen (with annoyance): They won me!

Snowmen (dull):
Apparently, you have to forget about the holiday!

Snegurochka (joyfully):
Come on! Well, what are you?!
After all, we forgave you?
(Looks at his grandfather)

Santa Claus (laughs):
Ay, granddaughter!
Well, apparently, you have to forgive!

Tigerok: Only, Chur!
Do not ask!

Goby: And do not butt with horns!
New Year (laughs):
Why, they have no horns!
Friends turned out from former enemies!
(Turns to the queen)
Please queen! Let's go soon!
At the holiday you will be my guest!

The script of the New Year's performance for staging with children

The script of the New Year's performance for staging with children
The script of the New Year's performance for staging with children

The script of the New Year performance for staging with children:

There are a lot of fairy tales in the world
Tales are very fond of children.
Here we are with you today
Recall the tale of Saltan.

“Well, you are my prince, not cheerful?
What again hung his nose?

She tells him.

“I am sad, my dear,
I don't know about anything
And there are no merchants for a long time
Somewhere they walk around the light,
If only once they sailed here
And they talked to me.
For so many years one and that!
Here you will die out of boredom.
Life, of course, is good
But the holiday is required by the soul. "

“I heard that in the world
Together, adults and children,
New Year is celebrated in winter
And they receive gifts.
Everything that everyone will not ask,
Grandfather brings them a magic.
"Santa Claus" is his name!
So I think here;
Can we handle the New Year?
Let this grandfather come to us. ”

“I understood everything, only
What is New Year?
And also “Winter”, “Frost”-
What is a question? "

“Oh, I forgot about it!
The Buyan is forever summer!
Here you are Grandfather Frost
And ask your questions.
So as not to pull for a long time,
I will try to "trim"
I need to help in witchcraft!
Scream loudly, shout together: "

We are waiting for Grandfather Frost,
To answer the question:
What is New Year.

(Santa Claus comes out)

"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring gifts to me?
Swan told me here -
You give you, to anyone ...
Have you brought me or not ...? "

(rummaging in a bag)
"Well, I will give cookies, sweets ..."

"Chocolate, marmalade
I will give you myself as a reward
If you surprise me ... "

“Well, then hold, baby.
“Although you rudely asked
I give you the whole world.
You will know about everything,
If you learn to read.
Every day on the entire planet
Our children go to schools.
Not in a day - for many years
Light science is known. "

“There are no schools in our city,
We do not sow and do not plow
We do not get food,
We don't read smart books
And all our lives when we want
We drink, walk and eat.
A swan-bird pamper us "

“No, Guidon, it is not good
And, in order, exception,
I will speed up training.
You now know all the letters,
Why don't you read?
Well, a dashing head
Put the letters in the words! "

“Tsa-la-on-nag ... Lyug ... ears. BUT! Frog!

“Three brothers lived in the palace,
They lived peacefully and richly.
Here dad calls us,
Onions with arrows handing
"Go to the pure field
And shoot at the open.
Like, where the arrow will stick,
There is a bride and there is.
At least shoot to death,
But do not return without wives. ”
The brothers immediately shot
And they rushed behind their wives.
I let my arrow let
And he got into the swamp.
I was looking for an arrow for three days,
Like a sliver I was emaciated,
I sat down to rest and here
Someone carries me an arrow.
Toad toad to the jack of appearance
But in Russian says:
I'm smart, beauty,
I can cope with everything;
And cook, and baking,
And the carpets are large.
In general, you listen to me -
Lucky you, Vanyusha! "

“Oh, beautiful girl!
Let's run soon to get married! "
(Holding hands, they leave fun)

Guidon (reads on)
“Ba-Ba Yah Ko-See ... Um!? Braids?!
BUT!! Kos-yo-t-yu-yu. IN!!"

(Baba Yaga comes out with a broom)
-“Lives in the forest in a hut
Nightmare old woman,
Let me even be terrible
But I am beautiful with my soul.
Do not be afraid of me, children,
I am nobody in the world
I will not eat, I will not throw it in the stove,
I am quiet like a sheep.
I'm flying in a hand
And I help people.
Let's go, Guidon, with me,
I will cover the table for you
And I will melt the bathhouse.
Guidonov I love!
You are thin at all ...
I will eat you later!
(Gvidon slapped the book in fright. He can fall from a stool.

Guidon (looking around):
Oh, how scary to live in the world!
Are you afraid of fairy tales, children?!
(All in chorus - no!)
Well, I'll try again
Something I read.
(Several times fearfully opens the book and slamms with fear)
-Wo-ra ... Bura ... T-on ... about the swamp, or what?
BUT!!! Bo-ra and! Who else is this?!

(Papa Carlo and Pinocchio come out)

“Lived in the closet very old
My favorite dad Carlo "

Papa Carlo:
"Without a wife and without children
It was boring to me, her.
Only me.
That's my whole family.
It was sad for me to tears ...
Suddenly brought to me a log
My friend Giuseppe is
As I felt, probably.
Then the log is not simple
And I decided in the same night
Cut your son.
Very nice little boy
But a little bully.
They are nasty Karabas
He was fooled more than once. "

“I punished all enemies of everyone
The golden key took out
And in the closet under the canvas
I opened the door with a key.
And I found this there ...
Have you heard - "Karlovy Vary"?!
If someone has not heard-
I named them in honor of dad.
And the nasty Karabas
Serves as a watchman with us.
Come to us, friends!
Firm - "Carlo and Family"

“Again I want to read
I want to know a lot.
Red Riding Hood.

(Red cap with a basket comes out)
- "I am a little girl,
I dance and sing,
But if I meet a wolf,
Then I will kill him!
(sings the song on the motive "Wait steam")
Good daughter,
Since I go to the forest alone.
You don't even know that every night
In an ambush on the wolf, I am sitting.

"Ko - LO - side"

(Kolobok comes out in a cool tracksuit)
“My grandmother scored me.
And in a huge Russian stove I baked,
Mouse roams on the worships, spiders ...
Is it possible to eat it, old people?!

I told them this and that, and I,
Well, after that I studied this hut,
I found a lasee on their window
And he left grandparents.

I rolled where my eyes look.
Well, now - they definitely won’t eat me!
Only in vain I was confident;
The animals ran after me in crowds.

I was still rosy, fresh,
The smell of animals fascinated,
But under the sun I quickly stained,
That's why no one ate me.

It’s hard without arms, without legs in the world to live,
What should I do so that everyone is useful to be.
I was played in football somehow in the yard;
I am hard - the legs are painful for the kids.
Fate brought me to the stadium,
Somehow I liked it all at once;
The whole earth is covered with a grass carpet ...
And since then I have been working here ... a core.

G Vidon:
"The Wizard of Oz!
We also have a full city after the squirrel
Emeralds. Is this fairy tale about us? "

(Goods in a cap comes out, with glasses, like Harry Potter)

“My name is great and terrible,
But I will tell you - it's all in vain!
In the country of the magical first I am a sorcerer!
In fact, just a sweet liar.

I sewed my mind to a smart scarecrow
And the lumberjack gave the heart,
Gave the courage to the lion, although he was daring,
But I helped my friends than I managed.

And then I entered the same law -
Who is kind and dare - that’s the wizard.
Any miracle to you can do it,
When you help friends! "

“I am grateful to tears.
Thank you, Santa Claus!
I learned to read
I will know everything in the world
I'll forget about laziness!
With the book - a holiday every day!
The book is a miracle of miracles.

“Well, friends, it's time for me in the forest.
I will grab gifts there
And I will fly to the kids.
Children are waiting for me everywhere.
In a year, I will be with you.
What, Guidon, you wish
In a year?

“After all, you know everything!
Our world is so beautiful and bright!
The book is your best gift!

The script of the New Year's play for children "Magic Country"

The script of the New Year's play for children Magic country
The script of the New Year's play for children "Magic Country"

The script of the New Year's play for children "Magic Country":

1st host: New Year! New Year!
In the sky - a star round dance!
On this holiday New Year
The Christmas tree calls everyone!

2nd host: The holiday is approaching!
Guests are going.

1st host: Who is going through the forest
And calls all for the holiday?

2nd host: Three handsome people, three parsley,
Three funny toys!
They go there before everyone else,
Behind everyone is called:

Parsley: We are funny parsley.
Dressed like toys
We go, go three
And we call everyone to the holiday!
New Year is coming!
The Christmas tree is waiting for the holiday!
Come! Come!
Songs, grab dancing!
We will have fun together,
Around the Christmas tree to spin!
New Year! New Year!
Lightless round dance!

1st host: They pounded someone's legs ...
Appeared on the path
Three blush children,
Three familiar piglets:

Three pigs: Evil-chrya, ... Evil-chrya! We are the three of us
We go to the Christmas tree!
Everyone will sing songs,
Will turn your tail!
We love to dance
Grunt and scream loudly!

2nd host: The piglets screeched
And they ran to the parsley.
Just moved forward
They see - Cinderella is coming.
The whole outfit shines her,
As if the sun is on fire.

Cinderella: Dad told me yesterday,
That the Christmas tree will have a ball
And she calls me
Get up with friends in a round dance.
The fairy dressed me up
And she spent on the road,
I have friends with me
It will be more fun together.
And your friends know you all:
Snow White here and gnomes.
It was terrible for me alone
And now they are with me.

Snow White: Together with Cinderella, we go
We will help her in everything
And we will arrange the ball,
So that no one gets bored
And who wants to eat
So we have sweets,
Lemonade and pies,
Here - pot -bellied bags!

1st host: The house stands like in the picture.
Nearby is a girl with a basket.
The name is red cap.
They live with mom here.

2nd host: The girl is trying -
He is going to the Christmas tree.

red Riding Hood:
I already did half the age
I already put a hat.
I will quickly cool the oil
And I'll put it in a pot.
And I'll go soon to the ball -
The wolf told me about him.
And he said that he was always glad
Take me there.
On New Year's Eve, he told everyone
I do not eat red hats.
And at the house, at the gate
The gray wolf sits and waits.

So that it was not scary to her,
I will be near ... I will be with her ...
Everyone, of course, knows me
And the villain is called.
I don't need this glory,
I have a diet now!
I will not open even my mouth
At the ball under the New Year!
And I'll open it - so I will sing:
-Wow! Wow! Wow! U!

1st host:
From fluffy winter dreams,
From snowy bushes
The trail wriggles ...
Someone appears ...

I am Pierrot ... I like to cry,
Swat with tears around.
But now I'm learning to laugh
Dance and smile.
There you can’t sob in the forest:
There will be tears to freeze
Hanging on my cheeks
And with icicles ring.

2nd host:
And behind the far aspect
Suddenly appeared with Malvina
Black Poodle Artemon,
He led her under the pen.

I am Malvina. I am before you
With blue hair.
I look like a Snow Maiden
Only I'm a little stricter.
Here Pierrot went somewhere.
He probably did not get dressed.
Well, I'll go look for him
And then you can be late.
Hurry up, my dear dog,
So that Pierrot does not freeze there.

Ah, what a good dog I am,
Artemon I, Artemosh.
With its mane lion
I'm going to the ball with Malvina.
I really need to try
So as not to fight with dogs.
Only bark and play
And to help Malvina.
Well, what to look for Pierrot!
There he is only to catch up.

1st host:
That's all, Pierrot is saved.
Then the three of them go.

2nd host:
Among young birches,
Someone seemed to have a nose-
Pinocchio! .. Jump and Skok,
And in his hands his bag.

How I was waiting for this holiday!
I buried the money
In the field of fairy -tale miracles -
And a huge forest grew up.
I put money for myself
And now I'm going to the ball.
I will joke jokes
And give gifts!

1st host:
Asterisk rolled off the sky,
A miracle fee appeared.

Yes, I'm a fabulous fairy,
I can do a lot.
Yes, I'm not alone -
I have an assistant.
Together we are a great power!
We will master any evil!
So it should be everywhere,
After all, good cannot be defeated.
True, boy? .. Show yourself
And get closer.

Fairy student:
I am still at Fairy
And I don't still know how.
But now it's time
Do good deeds!
I will really try
So that everyone can laugh
So that no one on this night
He did not offend anyone.
We have to go now
Soon we will be needed.

2nd host:
And they instantly disappeared
As they failed through the ground.

1st host:
At the path, at the turn,
Where the swamp sleeps under the snow,
Three robbers are sitting
And they say about something:

I am a great karabas,
Evil and terrible drum,
Bloodthirsty, like a spider,
Doctor of Puppet Sciences.
I don't want toys
People, dolls and animals
We were going to dance to the ball.
I want to stop them!

We will help you with this,
We can’t stand laughter.
If everyone is playing,
They really bother us.
We will wait for them in the bushes
Scare a terrible voice!
And when we’ll run out of the way,
Then we will lead a swamp.
And there we’ll be there,
And we will arrange such a ball!
They will remember for a very long time ...
They will not forget Alice,
Not Basilio ... go ...
Well, now everyone will run.

1st host:
How the robbers howled
Scrubbing, whined! ..

2nd host:
The guests were very scared
And they scattered out of fear.
Fluffy snapped in the snow,
Almost lost.

1st host:
Only suddenly everything changed -
The fairy with the boy appeared!
The boy is standing next
The boy says loudly:

Fairy student:
Wait, wait!
Do not be scared, don't scream! ..
The fairy was so kind,
What gave me a wand.
I’ll just wave it to her
At that moment, any villain
It will immediately become very kind,
And the world will come everywhere.
Do it, wand, good,
Drive away evil!

2nd host:
He easily waved to her ... one! ..
And immediately Karabas
Before everyone appeared ...
He was almost not angry:

Oh, I seem to be kind
Help me soon!
No ... I'm tired of anger ...
I have already become good!

1st host:
And behind him from the darkness of the forest
There were a cat with a fox.

Cat and Fox:
Oh! .. We are also good ...
Everything is good and kind!
We will not do evil -
Tired of us it!

Well done, the fairy said,
You did everything perfectly:
They stopped angry to get angry
We got out of the bushes to put up
Hug everyone, kiss,
Happy New Year to congratulate!

2nd host:
And now - on the ball as soon as possible
Christmas tree, meet the guests!
The desired hour has come
Unit, everyone went on dance!
Everyone is dancing and singing
The round dance leads!

1st host:
And at the Christmas tree, and at the Christmas tree
All her needles are dancing!
New Year is born!

Video: 10 New Year and Christmas songs

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