Scenarios for the New Year's corporate party in the year of the rabbit (cat) 2023 - cool, original, in the male, women's team, for the host: Best selection

Scenarios for the New Year's corporate party in the year of the rabbit (cat) 2023 - cool, original, in the male, women's team, for the host: Best selection

A collection of scripts for the New Year's corporate party.

The script of the New Year's corporate party 2023 - the year of the rabbit (cat)

The script of the New Year's corporate party 2023 - The year of the rabbit (cat):

Presenter 1:
I hear the soft treading:
Who sneaks in the yard?

Presenter 2:
This old year leaves -
Do not catch him by morning!

Presenter 1:
There were a lot of it in all -
Bright and different,
And we will remember him
Like a cool friend!

Presenter 2:
Year of a cheerful bull,
We tell you: "So far"!

Presenter 1:
Let the New Year come -
In it, we are waiting for a lot of happiness,
There will be jokes in it and laughter,
Enough joy for everyone!

Presenter 2:
Mood to raise,
We have to dance:
Well, guests, become,
Do not be shy, do not be lazy!

The presenters hold a fun game "New Year's steam locomotive".

The game "New Year's steam locomotive"
The guests are lined up with a “train” and sets off for a road to fun music with the jokes of the leading, going around the obstacles and suddenly turning it.

Presenter 1:
Year two thousand twenty -third (2023)
We start a cheerful game
Let it come to us right now
A symbol of the year without any embellishment!

Presenter 2:
We will blur it, we will say
In both cheeks his kiss,
Let him give us both happiness and money,
We will meet together now ...

(A deer appears on the stage, the leading continues in surprise)

Presenter 2 and host 1:
... a year of deer!

I am flattered and very touched
Apparently, you were waiting for me!
Well, are everyone ready for the holiday?

Presenter 1:
What is this nonsense?

Presenter 2:
Year two thousand twenty -third (2023)
Smart rabbit (cat) protects, we know.

Deer (dismisses):
Smart rabbit (cat)? He has a day off
We walk well without it.
He sent me straight to you,
And he ordered the New Year to celebrate,
I immediately ran to you,
To congratulate everyone from the heart!

Presenter 1:
Well, if so - I am very glad to you!
Be, deer, in this room, like at home,
There are many funny undertaking us,
Various, funny and funny.

Presenter 2:
Let snowflakes spin in the window -
We are warm for our cool friends,
I suggest I sing a song to them,
So that we are not in vain!

(Leaders and deer hold the contest “Remember the song” for everyone.)

Competition "Remember the song"
Participants take turns pulling out pieces of paper and perform a song in which these words are found.

Presenter 1:
Let the fun not be silent,
Let the eyes burn stronger
Everything will be at home,
And the smiles have fun!

Presenter 2:
A sea of \u200b\u200bbright wishes
We soldered to you -
Let the desires come true
And life will be - just a class.

Let the year pass with a bang,
And the fun boils:
There is a fun game
With super-congratulations!

(Deer holds the game "Congratulations.")

Game "Congratulate"
The task of the participants is to compose a short congratulation.

Presenter 1:
Well, you asked the task
One word that deer!
Even though everyone managed perfectly,
Not stuck for the whole day.

Presenter 2:
There is a simpler lesson
I propose to rest
And all together in horoscopes
For a year the coming look!

(Leaders take turns reading a cheerful horoscope for the eastern calendar)

Merry horoscope

For mice, as well as rats,
Cooked a year a surprise:
A lot of money is waiting for you,
And down will run away anxieties!

The glorious bull will be strong
And also - slightly in love
And his luck is waiting
All the coming New Year.

Rabbit (cat) will distinguish beautifully:
It will be noisy to have fun
Waiting for him everywhere,
And wealth will call!

Nimble rabbit, he is a cat,
Will be happy all year round
Straightens from victories,
Joyful life without trouble.

Fire-breathing dragon
Will be cheerful and in love
And wealth will fall
In his claws straight!

Verily snake
It will always be joyful -
Her charm
Conquers the cities!

A caring horse
This year will become a star
She can be happy
Every hour and at a moment!

The incomparable goat
Everyone will like it
For beautiful eyes
She will get happiness!

There will be a monkey heart
Not free constantly:
Love always boils in it
And millions of tender words.

This year is a playful rooster
Will surprise everyone with good luck
It will infect a positively positive
And it will hit success!

Well, and a faithful dog
Will live easily all year,
She will only get happiness
Inspiration and honor.

Leaning pig
Will live all year loving:
One fun awaits her
And fervent ventures!

Here is such a horoscope
We promise all signs:
Everyone is definitely lucky in it -
We know this without a doubt!

The wonderful horoscope came out:
It is a pity that there is no deer in it,
We wish us deer,
Happiness and big budget!

Presenter 1:
We wish, we don’t feel sorry.
Be happy, deer.

Presenter 2:
We still have riddles -
For people and for animals!

(The presenters hold the game "Guess")

Riddles for the game

Like vegetables in the garden
They grew up on the Christmas tree,
But count them for a very long time
They are Elkino ...


Multi -colored balls,
Bear, bunnies, beads -
But they are not for the game
Though the name is ...


This is not the eighth of March,
Not mother's day, but still:
We congratulate our women
With new happiness, with ...
(New Year)

Let him captivate everyone
The tree with her gaze,
On fluffy branches
Glows ...

He loves to live in nature,
And known for a whole year:
He is an eared symbol of the year
Glorious, cool rabbit (cat) ...
(Rabbit (cat))

(After response to the last riddle “Rabbit (Cat)”, a rabbit bursts into the hall (cat))

Rabbit (cat):
Here I am! Hello everyone
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
But first with someone
Let me get out.

Rabbit (cat) (exposes a deer):
He escaped from the zoo,
And his watchman did not catch
And he lured me into the cage,
And there he closed it without knowledge!
He delivered problems to everyone ...
Let me eat it here?

(The deer retreats, tries to hide)

Presenter 1:
No, it will definitely not work:
Let him live, because I am sure:
New Year is not the New Year,
If you eat someone in it!

Presenter 2:
Good rabbit (cat), beautiful, formidable,
Maybe we will forgive him?
He did a good job
The symbol of the year replaced ...

Rabbit (cat):
Yes, and okay, as you want
In any case, I am to you
I wish you clear, peaceful days,
And good luck a kilogram!

I am entering my rights,
I give happiness to everyone a bag
And I promise you exactly
That everything will be a hop!

New Year's corporate party - a cool script "New Year's Chipollino"

New Year's corporate party - a cool script "New Year's Chipollino":

In the fruit-ogorodnaya
The most fabulous country
Ruled Prince Lemon by the people
In reality, not in a dream.

Lemon dance:
I am important, important, important,
I am Prince Lemon
And everyone knows me
How smart I am!

The countess living in the castle,
Rules of strict service stations.
And walk and have fun
Everyone is prohibited!

Menuet Countess

Here, one day for a walk
An important Prince Lemon went.
View people at the prince
I came to the main square.

In the top and crowded
Someone, apparently by chance
Pressed his leg,
Oh, how loudly he shouted:

Prince Lemon:
Guard, grab the villain!
Riot in my country!
Arrest everyone, soldiers,
Everyone in prison!
In jail Chipolon,
Oh, how I am angry!
Even if I'm in the crown
Terrible I'm in appearance!

What to do Chipollino
Since father in prison?
He will go around the light
Search wisdom.
Good or bad is it
Find out!

From the onion family big
I am the oldest son.
But I left my native house
And now I'm coming alone.

Perhaps on my way
Friends will meet me.
We will sing the song cheerfully
And I will be happy!

Suddenly he saw the picture:
Signor Tomato
So screams at the kuma pumpkin,
As if he is a thief!

Signor Tomato:
You broke all the borders
Home built here!
Countess Vishni live here,
Your house will be taken!

Kum pumpkin:
Not! Wait, wait!
This house is my house!
I built it for so long,
Is he big?

Bitterly kum cried a pumpkin.
He did not expect.
The dog Mastino roared angrily
And he drove him away.

Dog Mastino:
Rrr-r-go your way,
The house is now not yours!
I am now the master new!
This house is my house!

Stomping with his foot in front of the tomato

Ah, you are a rogue! The fraudster is old!
The master of affairs are bad!
How dare you call a thief?
Kum is not one of those!

Signor Tomato:
Dust, Dust Pusty, whom do I hear?
Come on!
You are painful, you are a bold boy
Come closer!

Chipollino Boy is brave
Closer came down
Senor is tomato
The sweat went hail.
Oh, not sweat, these are tears!
Crying tomato!

Where is the carriage, help,
Let's stop the whole dispute!
I never cried like that
Suddenly I will burst here!
Hey Mastino, give me a paw
To sit in the carriage!

And to help Chipollino
All friends run:
Vinogradka and pear,
And the radish is here.

Dance or song

Runes into the distance, the road runs,
It is fun to go
And there are many friends in the world,
We must find them!

I'm glad of your friends
All together we will win together!
And we will free the father and the kuma pumpkin!

Strawberry runs and waves his hands:

Wait, wait!
I have an answer!
In the old castle, Countess Vishen
There is one secret!

He knows everything about this secret
Old, old mole.
In the dungeon in this castle
There is an underground passage!

He knows how to find the way
Old, old mole!
If we do not hesitate
Then we are lucky!

Yes, friends, go more soon
Success awaits us all!

Singer rather a song
And one for all!

Ah, let's rush
All for one!
We need to outwit the prince
And his soldier!

It is important to meet them
Curses peas.
He, of course, knows a lot,
But for friendship is bad.

Green pea:
I am a green pea important
I am in the service.
Senor is tomato
Keeps accounting!

I know the prison order
Who sits and where.
This is not a hundred beds,
Where is the castle open!

Here friends come to the castle,
Looking for, where is the mole?
Maybe he had long forgotten
Where is the underground passage?!

Ah, friends, I remember the map,
He built the castle himself!
I'll open the gates at night
And I will give you a signal!

The door of the dungeon swung open
And the father is saved!
We are glad to have everything in this fairy tale
Joyful end!

No, wait, but the countess,
Prince and tomato?
How can we be with them from now on?
Honor or shame?

Prince Lemon, Senior Tomato, (Countess), and lower their heads come out.

Here is a fairy tale place today,
We are the actors in it!
There are many different among us,
There are many friends!

We played all the roles to you
But the secret is that
That we did not become bad
We protect friendship!

Oh, the bell is heard somewhere,
Apparently, to visit us,
Santa Claus with his granddaughter
Rushing along the hills!

The script of the New Year's corporate party 2023 - the year of the rabbit (cat)

The script of the New Year's corporate party 2023 - The year of the rabbit (cat):

New Year at the door, guests have been waiting for a long time
Come, invite, treat it with hot tea
Santa Claus will call, let's start having fun
What? Do not want to drink gulls? So there is a stall around the corner.
We are saying invited - everyone drags with his own
Of course, everyone is pleased to get drunk here for free
But the times are not the same, we live almost in poverty
Perhaps there is enough sad notes, and then grandfather crawls
That hungry, is that tired?

Hello my friends! I was not late as if I were!

Hello grandfather, but what's wrong with you, you are not like that
Why are you barely crawling? Do you stick a lot of gifts?

Yes, no bag is empty, from longing I became sick
The Snow Maiden changed me, to Santa Claus swintil.
She does not need a beggar, oh, how sickening my friends!

Grandfather, listen, do not be sad! We can find a replacement
Beauties are not enough in the world, especially in the moonlight?
We declare a beauty contest, you are on the jury and look in all eyes.

I will sit in the jury, but there is no sense in me
Who needs this - the old beggar and sick

Where is your magical staff? What did you forget about him?
Yes, with him you will be everyone. It's good that he is with you
Now the beauties will be a swarm!
Like butterflies in the light, a grandfather will fly to the manure.

Well, let's quickly look for me the one that is sweet.

Well, grandfather, look. We start - one, two, three.
/flies on a broom Baba Yaga/

Baba Yaga
I hear the competition, I rather rushed.
And you don't lose your grandfather.

With such a Snow Maiden, the New Year, perhaps, will not come at all
From such as you beauty, all people will die from vodka
From fear, he will drink and drink, you can’t seduce me.

Baba Yaga
But, no, don't really ask and don't find fault with me
Or you will fuck me, or regret it big!

Here, after all, mymra was imposed on what archive you were lying around?
I don't need you, the Snow Maiden should be sweet

Baba Yaga
What do I do not suit?

Your physiognomy is terrible, your teeth are crooked, and your legs are bone ...

Baba Yaga
Okay, it’s enough grandfather, because you are not 20 years old.

Yes, I'm not beautiful, I'm not young, but normally I have a staff
So that sit down to the side and do not bother me to choose

Baba Yaga
And if you don’t find it better, will you take me to the Snow Maiden?

Only for extreme cases
Let's continue the beauty contest, the following ... Come out!
/Malvina appears/

I heard about the competition and rather came running
I can cheer the guests, let me be a Snowman!

Ah, what a beauty., Here is a cutie. It's true!

Baba Yaga
No, I'll lose my mind now.
Look - beauty outside, she is always deceiving!

What kind of strange words, bad is there about her rumor?

Baba Yaga
She had a rumor, she had two men.

Have you heard that yourself? I take my words back.
You are too depraved you are a girl, you can't be seduced by you

Ah, you are a harmful yaga, it is dry that your leg.

Well, let's continue our viewing, let Snow White enter.

I heard about the competition and rather came running
I will be able to cheer guests, let me be a Snow Maiden

I just saw you, my staff immediately trembled
I probably agree!

Baba Yaga
No, as if I'm crazy with you
You come to your senses, old grandfather, because there is no more depraved
She lives with the dwarves, there are seven of them - she is alone.

And the appearance is modest
No, so dear. To your gnomes turn back

Ah, you are vile yaga, you will not surround the old man

Ha ha! Again mine took. Here the red hat came.
I’ll whisper about her, I’ll shove off my way!

I look, a premium girl, perhaps, can agree

Baba Yaga
I'm ready to get care, are you not afraid to make a mistake?

And what again is crime?

Baba Yaga
Of course there is, so that you fall!

Speak, Yagishchi really!

Baba Yaga
She was in bed with a wolf

Well, you are a harmful yaga. Do not deceive the old man!
The wolf took me a deception, what is the crime in this?

Baba Yaga
So much time was lying and as if she had not guessed
That with you is near the wolf, you know a lot about debauchery.

Yes, fair words, as if Yaga are right.

Well, how you want the old horseradish. In your head, as you can see the roll.
Well, live with your yaga, do not look at.

Baba Yaga
Go, grandfather, to me soon, but hug me stronger

I’ll be better than me alone, I'm scared to look at you!

Baba Yaga
But this is in vain. By the way, I am still a girl.

But who is seduced by you?

Baba Yaga
I can be offended.

I just want to get drunk with you

Baba Yaga
Well, do you want me to become nicer? Well, hug me soon

Not! I will not hug such a monkey.

Baba Yaga
As you want, grandfather, but you will repent for 100 years.
I will not knit anymore
I will get a beauty.

This is a good conversation

Baba Yaga
Look, there is a tent. It lies a large carpet
On the carpet sits a girl, Shamakhan queen
You will stuff it in a bag and demolish your guests
She is innocent and modest, it will be faithful to you.

Yaga, come on a bag here. Where is my magic staff?
/Santa Claus runs to the tent, the noise of the struggle, the satisfied returns. Snow Maiden appears/

Hello Santa Claus, why a broken nose?
Why is the bag heavy and where is the magical manner?

You seem to have fled, it became very lonely
I was looking for a replacement for you, here I stole a beauty.

But who languishes in your bag?

Shamakhan queen.

Allow, I will look into the bag

Grandfather, you are completely flaw, but guests can have fun, looking at your girl
While flying on business, deliver joy to guests
You see, completely crazy.

Yes, that I am deceived again?

Yes, I found a decent replacement for me, there is no dispute here
I will never be able to forget my insult now, grandfather.
I did not cheat on you when I faded to America.

Well, what is my fault, why did I upset you?

You really are a simpleton - a rabbit (cat) lives in your bag.
/gets out of the bag rat/

So what? I'm a rat, don't quarrel, I'm not used to it
Bab Yaga just joked and put it to you
But next year I will bring happiness to everyone
Yes, I, of course, are not a girl, not a Shamakhan queen
But in what kind of house I will enter, the joy of it reign in it
There will be happiness and comfort, they are waiting for me everywhere now
Everything will be in order with me, live in great abundance

Let the New Year enter your house
With hope, joy, with love.
And as a gift with him will bring
Great happiness and health.
Let the snow fall on the shoulders,
Glakes are ringing, stars shine,
And every person believes
That it is not too late to test yourself.
Let's celebrate friends!
Otherwise, it simply cannot be,
Fate is bright and good for you
I sincerely wish.

Under the clock, for the sounds of a waltz
On New Year's Eve, we wish again
Raise the glass for peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

The script for the leading New Year's corporate party is about Koshchei Immortal and his wives

The script for the leading New Year's corporate party is about Koshchei immortal and his wives:

In the tower by the window, 2 wives of Koshchei are slandered about the third wife, who is sleeping.

Martha: (Fat Wife)
Here's a year as we are the three of us
We live behind the Koshcheyushka,
But still unable to understand
How did she mute it?

Fekla: (long, skinny, intelligent)
Yes! Does not cook cabbage soup, does not bake,
And look at her honor.
Here is a museum, not a corner.

And it wears the rams alone,
What I want - he will not ask,
And I am from these barbecues
There are no socks.
I would fly to the bugams,
Yes, I brought Ottol bananas,
Fruits - cool food
From them I will be young!
And like a chicken, so she,
Apparently, she is all miles,
Only feed her for future use
Take a look, a skinny! He will die.

And why should she die
She can’t remove the palace
Do not cook, do not wash the floor,
Do not go for water.

Yes! Sings all day, yes dances,
Get tired, it will sleep so,
Everything plays on the guitar
And Koshchei is waiting.
Road to the heart of a man
Not so short!
And another approach is needed here
More authentic and more and more.

Remember! He flew with Murmansk,
Under the barrel to me, I had an end to me.
One sisi lay down
True, right away.
(Laugh, wave their hands)
I'll go to put pancakes
We must eat too.
Someone crashed
And you sit, look out the window.
How Koschey will appear,
Run to me soon
We will meet him together,
Let the shark sleep all evening.

(Martha leaves, Fekla looks out the window, enters Akulina, stretching out, yawns)

Well, Akulenka, woke up?
That so little has slept?
Or what did you dream of?
Or was the bed a gesture?

I can’t sleep - the head hurts,
Yes, this stupid fat woman
Everything is not sitting in place
And thunders, noisy, buzzes.

That's right, Akulina!
Martha is worshiping
It turned out like a car,
And everything eats with pastries.

From the village of Baba, what to say,
No high feelings
She to cook and wash everything,
But I want to sing now.

Sing, shark, go a girlfriend!
Your owl is here
Your songs, laughter,
At least someone will be crazy.
From morning to night, I am glad to listen
Your voice is gentle, like a zero,
I will bring you to eat -
Martha Pancake baked.

(Fekla leaves, Akulina sings a song, Fekla approaches Martha, whispers something in her ear, pointing to sharks)

I am a log with my eyes? Ah, clothespin,
I'll ask you now
You will remember me tight
Once I move on my teeth.

(Martha begins a fight with shark, the Thekla is getting involved, they run away after another. After a while, Baba Yaga and Koschey enter)

Baba Yaga:
How, Koshcheyushka is?
Have not seen you for a long time.
You are not in yourself
There and a pimple on the lip.
Oh, you will shoot health
On the family trail.
Try the hare drop
He is vigorous, he will pass
He is a kuda of the nuclear med.
At least to taste and not honey.
It tastes, although cool,
And it happens to die from him,
But what survive -
They live until old age.

Oh, yaga, don't say
Surrounded by women - three
I heard auger to Sodom
What sometimes run from the house.

Baba Yaga:
She said, the devil is nosy
That you do not rob three,
I am one wife to you
For a long time, how bread is needed.
Seduced, know on airplanes,
That in the dowry are given
And why do you
Fuck walrus, without a pilot.

Duc I dreamed about the end of the eyelids
And I flew to the bahamas,
And on the Black Sea was
I almost drowned the plane.
I want and move right away
To the river North Vod,
Have you been to at least where
On your bad broom?

Baba Yaga:
And, right, I have no time,
What a noise - ghouls carry,
With a finger, like this, I wave
Immediately birds arrive.
Everyone will tell. Where, how much,
Who fought brick in the Duma,
I know everything about everyone like
I am the second hacamad.
And now I want to say
I stick out of you, Koshchi,
To her - to God, however, I'm not joking,
Marry me - ozol.

Why, you are old, yagusya!
I get married on the Snow Maiden,
A year ago dusted there,
Yes, the water was dissuaded.
Okay, grandmother, forgive,
Do not give up the mouth of the mouth,
My blood became the blood,
And the basket is not empty.

(Dancing leaves)

Baba Yaga:
To steal the Snow Maiden
It is necessary to have a passion and passion
And your task is now
Do not get into the cemetery.

(Leaves and sits down behind the Christmas tree) (enters Koschey and the Snow Maiden, he leads her hand)

Kashchei: (Menacingly, turning to three to their wives)
That's what, women, I will tell you
I'm not friends with you anymore
I took the Snow Maiden to my spouses,
I look at her alone.

And why do you need
At the age of the wife,
After all, you, like a man,
I apologize, the price is worthless.

I want only one
Bring yourself a wife.
All of me in an intimate sense,
As a man, I will not pull.
Nych, there is no lips to blow
Get ready quickly on the road
And you are kakul, your prince
You will leave here forever.
Well, insured girls
And how could I marry you.
My wife, beauty - Snow Maiden,
Let's go-we will go to bed.

Ah, Koschey, the infection is vile,
Loved, loved and immediately won
The times have come bad for us
Again, she should sleep without a husband.

Well enough! What she surrendered
After all, he has long been over sixty,
And his male rampages,
How washed rags hang.

I'll tell you without deception
We are not these Basurman
So that five wives per one,
I want to have a set.

Akulina, Martha, Fekla - whisper among themselves.

Let us poison him
We will leave it easier
Why take a sin to our souls,
We will soon leave what to yawn.

Akulina: (Looking at the hands sitting from under the hand)
I see, I see, I see, I see
Tolya, Sasha, Misha, Grisha
Only that is all miles
Who has a muffle.

(Invites to the dance of a sitting director)

Fekla: (grabbing another man)
I looked too
But this is only half the age
Let's go dance, my dear
We will get along together with you

(All three are dancing with men)

The script for the New Year's corporate party is original from Baba Yaga

The script for the New Year's corporate party is original from Baba Yaga:

Appearing in the hall, Baba Yaga says:
- Eh, stomping, leg, Yaga flew to you!
And whoever is not believed, let him make sure!
Let them meet on clothes, see over the mind!
Give the word to the grandmother Yezhka, otherwise I will take it myself!
I arrived late
Got lost, hurrying to you:
Apparently, the navigator lost,
So similar to a hedgehog.
After the traffic, I stood
But as many as 2 quarters ...
I don't need a "Mercedes",
I don't need a "Volga",
I would have a stupa and a broom
To fly for a long time!

She turns to the guests:
- What are you doing here, do you celebrate the holiday?
Well, celebrate, have fun, this is your day!

Sound New Year's words congratulations from Baba Yaga:
- The year worked tirelessly
Your cohesive team.
You guys deserve
"Ottering" corporate party!
I wish you success
And noble income,
So that the salary allows
Living is very sweet to you!

Baba Yaga turns to the guests:
- What is the date in Russia
Celebrated without songs?
Well, girls, start,
We will sing all together!

Several girls perform a song on the motive "A Christmas tree was born in the forest":
- Grandma was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
And this grandmother was called
"Our light Baba Yaga"!

A blizzard sang a song to her,
The bear sang ditties,
But she was sad
Many, many years!

Then the New Year suddenly came,
And the grandmother blooms -
On the Christmas tree our grandmother
I called an honest people!

Now she is elegant
I came to us for the holiday,
And a lot of joy
I brought guests to all!

Baba Yaga turns to the guests:
- And now I will sing to you ...
Listen to my ditties!
- Look at me,
Why am I not a beauty?
My girlish beauty
Can't help but like it!
My eyes are like a sled
Just do not ride
I don't know what
Leshi fall in love!

She approaches one of the young people in the hall:
- A prominent guy, at least kuda
Turn the tudes-sides,
You definitely come up to me.
Say goodby here with everyone,
Since you leave me!

Baba Yaga turns to the guest:
- Will you fly with me, my dear?
Something, dear, there is ...
Outpowing is useless.
I'm what? I can eat!

She approaches the second man:
- Well, tell me, falcon,
Are you married to al -idle?
I'll cook you
Soup with frogs is not easy.

(Turns to the guests):
- Agree with me, guests -
I'm a stylish granny!
With a figure, with a mind,
Besides, sexy!
Understood, honest people,
Grandma for dance will go now!
Offer soon from the road!
Take care of your legs!

- So that now you do not miss
At the table so as not to yawn,
Yaga and I riddles once
We will make you now.

Baba Yaga turns to the guests and makes riddles:

The people envy him -
It works a day a year.
Such a schedule to have everyone
And from work fanata!
(Father Frost).

The nose tickles, but we do not notice.
If it cracks in the forehead, we will not give back.
We always celebrate the New Year with him,
To the battle of chimes, toasts are speaking.

If the Christmas tree is dancing
The Snow Maiden kisses you,
The snowman looks out the window
So, enough to drink ... (wine).

You can’t do without it!
The whole country loves.
You can eat them and
And sleep in it sometimes.
New Year is taking place with him,
We meet with him January.
An amazing dish
Well, guess quickly!
(Salad "Olivier").

Who amuses us today
And a little naughty?
Who has the glass is poured?
Well ... (Grandma Hedgehog).

Competitions at the New Year's corporate party with Baba Yaga:

1. Who here will tell us a bottle will show us.

2. A toast competition is arranged

3. Then the guests will need to find a way out of non -standard situations.

What to do, if:
Have you given the salary of the homeless?
Have you accidentally doused vodka near the house?
Have you poured tea on a beautiful bust of a colleague?
Are you stuck in an elevator with a beautiful director?

Baba Yaga presents prizes:

- I went in the closet in the closet,
I was collecting an appreciation.
To be strong in love,
Take the carrot.
(Persons one of the guests by carrots).

- So that the hangover does not torment,
I cooked a potion for you
From the purses, toads and snakes.
Drink it without fear!
(Gives another guest a jar of salty cucumbers).

- But from mold jelly!
You did not drink his dossel?
So accept, if it will begin
In the body is a carousel!
(Gives a package of fruit juice).

- The spider tucked you web,
So that the tears do not drip.
(Gives a handkerchief).

- It seems I told you everything.
Well, since there are few advice,
Write to me by email
Tell us about problems.

At the end of the scene, the corporate parties sound New Year's congratulations from Baba Yaga:
- Happy New Year, I congratulate
And I wish you all my heart
Have fun and laugh
Not to be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
All the coming New Year!

New Year's corporate party for adults - script in roles

New Year's corporate party for adults - a script in roles:

Snowflakes (chorus):
Snowflakes on a Christmas tree,
Sparkle and shine,
And the fairy tale is cheerful
We want to listen ...

There is a Christmas tree, he talks to herself ...

- I am a little Christmas tree,
I love holidays!

A man appears.

- And I - a man with an ax!
Now I’ll cut you off!
Behind the Christmas tree New Year
The wife sent
And the New Year - today it!
I need a Christmas tree!

- Oh, don't rub me, man!
I am not a simple spruce!
I will perform any whim instantly!
Come up soon!

-Then come on a large thing:
Raspberry "Rolls-Royce",
Cottage on the beach Malibu,
And so that everything comes true!

A gray wolf appears.

- Another overseas fruit
I got to the fishing rod! -
The angry wolf said. - I'm here
I ran a trot!
The Christmas tree promises me everything
Many, many years ...
Well, finally you came!
Come to me, lunch! (Enough man by the hand.)

A bunny runs up.

- No, I won’t give in to him!
A century of will cannot be seen!
I, a hare, are sad alone
Grout under the Christmas tree!
He will be with me! Hey man!
Do you jump with me?
I am Energiazer, jump, jump, jump,
I am a bunny groovy!

(There is enough man for another hand, and he and the wolf begin to pull it in different directions, leaving to the background)

- In the forest, the song is heard
About the New Year's holiday,
There are sprigs sway -
The Snow Maiden is coming!

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:
-I am a conflict girl,
I boil linen!
Is Tid in a bag here?
In the morning I am looking for him!

Tag appears.

I am Tid, the dream of all the girls,
He left her grandmother
When I leave my grandfather
Everything will be fine!
But if you boil,
Then we will not go to you!
Snow Maiden will celebrate the New Year
With unexpected linen!

(Tid, howling, runs away)

Snow Maiden:
- Oh, how to live in mud now
I am with my grandmother Yaga?
Koschey immortal - my fiancé -
We have no more foot to us!

Koschey immortal appears:
- Well, what, slut, how are you?
Snow Maiden, e-mine!
A year has passed how you have
Lighting is not erased!

(I saw a man, a hare and a wolf)

And who is it without business?
I want to see!
Went all quickly Tid to catch,
And then boil!

- This is stuck under the New Year,
Oh, Christmas tree, save!
Koschey immortal, hare, wolf ...
Spruce, call a taxi!

A taxi appears. The boss crawls out of him.

- I have instructions:
Here to catch a bunny,
And find out the design,
To solve secrets.
What does he jump?
Where does so much strength come from?
And pick out the battery
I decided with him!

(Bunny runs away in horror.)

Koschey Immortal (boss):
Let me ask a question
Since you came here,
Weren't you Grandfather Frost?
Where is your beard?

Well ... I changed my image ...
And you, Koschey, iron?
Is it true, your body is welded?
How interesting it is!

Crazy Tid is running.

- while the specialists are talking,
We will not bother them!
I will ride a taxi
I just could not wash!

Tag hangs a taxi.

Snegurochka (Koshchei):
- Grandfather disappeared a year ago,
They told me just
That the first showed the channel -
He is in Africa now!

Santa Claus appears

Father Frost:
- I barely broke home,
He ran away from blacks
There is a black man chases me,
So that the palm is dressing up!

Santa Claus runs away.

The leader of the Negro tribe runs.

- I am a chocolate hare,
In the snowdrifts I disappeared
Well, Santa Claus, bastard,
The whole holiday broke off!

The leader with a gikan runs after Santa Claus.

Wolf (man)
- You are my best present,
It's time to eat!
Last wish
Ask for a Christmas tree!

- Looks like a song is sung ...
Without a Christmas tree, a wife
Telik, sad,
Sitting all night alone ...

A taxi drives up and a wife appears.

- Both you and the whole company
I will wait with me!
A man went after the Christmas tree!
Four days have passed!
There are blacks, wolf, boss,
Snow Maiden ... sucks!
Well, the final throw, -
Get the Christmas tree - and go home!

And not embarrassed at all,
The people are shocked,
The wife cut down her Christmas tree
Under the spine!

The wife takes an ax from the man, takes away the fir tree from the Christmas tree. Everyone grabs the head, a dumb scene.

Santa Claus (wife):
After all, the Christmas tree is magical!
Are you crazy?

Come on! Not the last
She grew up in the forest!

Everyone goes under the escort of his wife, except for the leader.

- Such an adventure
For the New Year just!
... and the Christmas tree is magical
It is now with us!

To us a magic Christmas tree
Brought our chief,
And promised us a prize
For this jerk!

But after cutting a Christmas tree
A little with greetings,
And all your desires
Will tell the whole light!

Therefore, from each -
Big good toast,
And the wishes of the rainbow!
And so that everything comes true!

New Year's corporate party in the men's team - script

New Year's corporate party in the men's team - script:

In our river, it is noisy
Waiting guests at 12 in the morning
Gold fish,
What to wear does not know!

Gold fish:
I'm good today
The soul longs for the holiday
I will be in gold today,
Near the Christmas tree of the New Year!

Wise sandcar:
What are you, what a Christmas tree?
There are only snags at the bottom!
Will we drive a round dance?
To dress a snag?

Gold fish:
I'm waiting for guests today
And everything must be okay!
Dress what you want
You won’t spoil my holiday!

Wise sandcar:
Well, who is we visiting?
Everything, I suppose, your friends?
All bucks, but roach,
Ruff and other lads?

Gold fish:
Sums over the sea
To the New Year's feast
The telegram is lying!

Wise sandcar:
I would have lived in the blue sea
And I would not know grief!
I thought of who you were
Change the place of residence?

Gold fish:
The whale was a cold, sick,
He lost noticeably,
Ecology is better here!
Yes, and we will not be bored!

Pike appears.

Oh, along the river bank
Walking, fishermen bars!
And they shine with something ...
So try hunting!

Gold fish:
What is glittering? Knives and forks?

It seems that I saw bottles ...

Gold fish:
This means that they
They decided to lure us!
Everything, the problem is solved
In terms of vodka and wine!

Wise sandcar:
So you know, fishermen
Vodka is not fools to drink
And beer and wine ...
Why are you funny?

Gold fish:
I'm golden fish!
I know all the secrets!
I am known, famous ...
Well, who will ask for a trough
Or whoever wants to
To become a noble pillar -
Il cow, or a mare -
So in return from him - a bottle!

Wise sandcar:
Yes, what a trough there is!
The word is forgotten!
And noble women are not in fashion,
Pillars and no, like!
You are a fish, you are a snack!
Here will catch the new Russian,
And order Mercedes,
And you won’t fulfill it, - so will eat!

You, of course, are right, sand,
It’s better not to let the fish!
What a beautiful one is
Young, gold!
As they catch - they will immediately capture
And they will put it in the aquarium!
I'm an old woman, all the same!
I've been retired for a long time!
Fishermen, pecking, look!
I'm ready! Hey, catch!

Fisherman 1:
Oh, pecks! Silence, not a sound!
That's like a fish! This is a pike!

Happy New Year, fishermen!
Be both happy and healthy!

Fisherman 1:
Well, things! What are you fish,
Crazy little?
Once I congratulated - thanks ...
But I must be silent like a fish ...

I can speak for a long time!
Remember the fairy tale about Emelya?
And don't remember, I will tell ...
And I serve you!
I will attach all the old
You think about desires ...

Fisherman 1:
Yes, full of miracles in the world,
And not only on the Internet ...
Let there be three desires ...
What do you want, say!

What are you, everything is wrong in the fairy tale!
I am a sorceress! You are a fisherman!

Fisherman 1:
What you! Everything is wrong in life!
I'm actually an oligarch ...
I can, come on, ask!

Pike (thought, pause):

Bring 2 bottles!

Fisherman 1:
So pike! He drinks vodka!
Miracles, honest people!

It takes 2 bottles of vodka from the table, gives the pike.

First time in thousand years
They give me such a present!
Well, thank you! Happy New Year!
Well, fisherman, let go into the water?

The fisherman releases the pike. The pike floats away.

Fisherman 1:
Interesting biting today ...
My catch floats ...

I took out two bottles!

Gold fish:
Now let's start first!

Wise sandcar:
Look at her!
2 bottles! Vaing!

Gold fish:
If she managed to
Then I take the job!
Fishermen, pecking, look!
I'm ready! Hey, catch!

Fisherman 2:
Oh, pecks! What a jerk!
The float swayed!
Is it a miracle or a mistake?
Hello, goldfish!

Gold fish:
How are you? Mine - great!
... Oh, how nice you are!

Fisherman 2:
Maybe vision deception?
It seems that I'm not drunk yet ...
Oh, magical New Year!
How lucky today is!

Gold fish:
Let me go, fisherman!
I ask for a reason!
I remember the old fairy tale
I will fulfill all desires!

Fisherman 2:
No, please forgive me
I can't let you go!
Nothing more beautiful in the world
I have not seen in our river!

Gold fish:
You don't spoil my fairy tale!
Do you want a chocolate cake?
Do you want a new trough?
Do you want you will be famous?
Do you want the Golden Mountains?
Do you want to sing like F. Kirkorov?
Do you want an oil tower?
However, it will be too much!

Fisherman 2:
What are you, fish! These towers
I have a thousand thousand
I am known, the right word,
And I sing - like Pugacheva,
Nobody needs a cake ...
And I will take a trough!

Gold fish:

Here is a trough, Happy New Year! (Gives a trough to a fisherman 2).

Fisherman 2:
I release freedom!
Eh, you are my beauty ...
By the way, I am unmarried ...

Gold fish:
You are funny, nice ...
Okay ... happiness in a personal life!
I have a groom for the sea
It sails to visit soon ...
Not for long, let it be in a dream
Maybe you will remember me?

Fisherman 2:
Stay with me!
Do you want to be my wife?

Gold fish:
Sentence? Thanks,
But, in fact, I'm fish!

Fisherman 2:
You are a sorceress! If you want -
You will become a good girl!

Gold fish:
It is really simple!
Choose what growth,
Choose what weight
Your bride should be!

Fisherman 2:
Yes, any good
In life, the main thing is the soul!

Goldfish (removes the mask):
Hello, my dear fisherman!
Turned ... Well, how?

Fisherman 2:
Well, business! Neither sit down nor get up ...
Do not tear your eyes right!

Gold fish:
I will return to you at twelve
So as not to part later!
There will only be a request, dear -
Give me two bottles!

Fisherman 2:
Yes, of course, take it!
You want two, but you want - three!

Goldfish (puts on a mask):
I put on a mask again
We continue our fairy tale!

Fisherman 2:
Enchanted place!
I caught the bride in the river!
I won’t leave without her ...
I'll sit, I'll wait ...

Gold fish:
The heart is broken!
I don’t know how to live how!
I fell in love with a fisherman!

Oh, yes, quit this whim,
He is not a fish! He is not ours!
It hasn't gotten it yet!

Wise sandcar:
The table is not assembled, there is little vodka ...
Well, girls, porridge with you
And you can’t cook it on New Year's Eve!
Apparently, my queue ...
Suddenly, what I will come in to with!
Fishermen, pecking, look!
I'm ready! Catch it soon!

Fisherman 3:
Oh, pecks! Cings, pecks!
Well, bite for the New Year!
On the nose is already January,
On my hook ... a peser?

Wise sandcar:
How interesting!
So the meeting, just a miracle!

Fisherman 3:
Oh colleague, sorry!
I am fishing here ...

Wise sandcar:
We have problems at the bottom,
All the same topics -
Just a headache -
Urgently needs alcohol!

Fisherman 3:
Well, what, colleague are talking about!
What to protect alcohol?
Here is cognac, take with you,
Just call tomorrow!
That's what I’ll bring a fright
At the Academy of Sciences!

Wise sandcar:
Oh, five stars, professor,
In the New Year, of course, to the place!
I'm sailing, sorry!
Success and discoveries to you!

The wise sand codes floats.

Fisherman 3 (1st and 2nd):
There is only Kuter in my head ...
Maybe I'm crazy?
I have recently caught a fish,
And gave his bottle ...

Sitting with a sucking.

The wise sand carary "sails".

Wise sandcar:
I found cognac for you!
All the girls! Complete table!
Why are such faces?
Fish! Will we have fun?

Gold fish:
Oh, really! By the way,
Without five twelve nights!
We pick up all the bottles,
We pop up to our fishermen!

Wise sandcar:
How glad I am to leave the river
To see a colleague again!

Fisherman 4:
We will communicate all night,
And now - twelve!
Come on, got up in full growth!
Who will tell us the first toast?

Gold fish:
Santa Claus will come later,
At the table, probably, too!
I wish everyone good luck
Difficult to solve problems,
All love and understanding,
All communication, attention, attention
Everyone will meet with me,
And at a meeting not to be embarrassed!

Wise sandcar:
I wish everyone new knowledge
And success in the berths,
New creative discoveries,
Fantastic events,
So that everything is fine!
So that a fairy tale appears in the house!

And I will tell the fishermen -
Everyone decides everything for himself
Everyone is a fisherman for himself
Unless a fool!
What do you catch - you will catch!
If you understand this ...

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:
Greetings everyone, friends!
Waited? Here I am!
You did not sit in vain
Have you played a fairy tale without me?
I walked along the shore ...

The Snow Maiden appears in a green wig.

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year, have I managed?
I wanted to tell you -
Miracle Yudo-Riba-Kit
Again it has a formidable look!
He wants gold with a fish
Live in the deep blue sea,
How to divorce with a shark,
Immediately he will achieve his!

Father Frost:
Kit - Malek? And beauty!
We are now not up to the whale!
Let not spoil the New Year!
Why isn't anyone drinking?
Be happy and glad
There is no need to be sad in the New Year!
For each - gifts of the mountain,
About a pleasant conversation,
About the sublime, about feelings,
About poetry, arts!

Snow Maiden:
If there is a potion in glasses -
The fun continues!
If not, it's time to add
And worthy to celebrate the holiday!
(Makes sure that the glasses are filled)
Happy New Year! What a holiday!
How frost the window painted!
With the summer of a solar excellent,
And with happiness in a personal life!

New Year's corporate party - cool script in the women's team

New Year's corporate party - cool script in the women's team:

The Snow Maiden enters.

We opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw a forest guest!
High, beautiful, green, slender,
She glows with different lights!
Isn't it a beauty?
Do we all like the Christmas tree?

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Ah, ah - y! I'm coming!
Good evening ladies, gentlemen.
Have you got here well?
Happy New Year,
I wish you all health!

Toast: (offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)

The old year leaves, its last page rustles.
Let the best that was, will not go away, and the worst cannot be repeated!

(Drink, bite.)

Toast: (offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
On the clock is exactly midnight - then the New Year came.
You pour champagne into glasses!
I raise a glass - I congratulate you again,
My dear, Happy New Year!
Do the century and give love,
Despite the year and the weather!

(Drink, bite.)

Game 2: "Riddles"
I have prepared many puzzles for you:

There is a snowball in the yard
It will be soon ... (New Year)

Needles glow softly,
The coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees)

And toys are swinging,
Flags, stars ... (crackers)

Clotted and big
Who is sleeping in the winter in winter? (Bear)

Lay, lay
Yes, he ran to the river. (snow)

It does not burn in the fire,
Non in the water is drowning. (ice)

In the yard a mountain,
And in the hut with water. (snow)

When necessary, they throw it away
When not needed, they raise.
What it is? (anchor)

TOAST: (Offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
The old year leaves. Leaves without a return
The thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.
The times are leaving where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye the old year, goodbye, not goodbye!
The New Year is coming to us and gives a promise!

(Drink, bite.)

Toast 12 hours:
(Offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
Twelve beats, and my glass is raised.
And at that moment mysteriously ringing
My love is fucked up all my affairs.
My first toast is for your voice flying,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For everything that I spent instantly with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us, -
For thirsty that he does not know his upheld!

(Drink, bite.)

SN: (while the guests drink and eat)
By straightening wrinkles in the forehead, we will make fate for the holiday.
We will forget any bad weather, maybe this is really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness come to us at the end of December!

(Offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
Happy New Year, I congratulate you, happiness, I wish you joy!
To everyone who is single - get married, to everyone in a quarrel - to measure,
Too thick - lose weight. Too smart - to become simpler,
So that the bald hair on the top thickened like Siberian forests!
So that the songs, so that the dances never silent.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! May the trouble pass us!
(Drink, bite.)

Game: "Fands"

Guests are invited to complete several comic tasks - jump on one leg, hug a neighbor, portray a dragon.

(Offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
On a snowy winter road
The old year is cleaned away.
Let everything I wanted to be fulfilled.
On the New Year's moon night.

(Drink, bite.)

Game: "Sirtaki"
Hear the music sounded again:
This, friends, began to dance!
Everywhere fun and joy sparkle
In a waltz, let each of you circle!

The word is given to our "ass ass."
(Dancing Sirtaki).

Rather in a round dance, let everyone sings,
The wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for.
The more people, the more guests,
Thus will be more fun.

Dance "Gypsy"
The prize is the most extravagant (selected with the help of the invited).

(Offers to raise glasses and pronounces a toast)
Health, joy and happiness
We wish you on the New Year.
So that no anxiety, no misfortune.
They did not guard at the gate.
So that the sun is affectionately shining,
Everything that was waiting for the heart came true
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, as this year!

(Drink, bite.)

Game: "Poets"

To do modern makeup,
The beauty acquired ... (TRALIZH)

Nudist club as an application
Accepts abandoned ... (swimming trunks)

All the girls fell in love once
Rybnikov in the comedy ... ("Girls")

One can and many krynki
Lucky thrush on ... (market)

Burst with milk package
Pour trousers and ... (jacket)

It was even known
Under the mask of Fantomas- Jean ... (heat)

Tell me, dear frankly,
Was it from your side ... (betrayal)

Wrote one blond so, for jokes
In the column, the country of birth ... (Angola)

Russians have a wide range of names.
Von Voroshilov- that, for example, was ... (Clement)

In Lukomorye, the cat decided
That he is local ... (racketeer, rowdy, old -timer)

Grand of pop and screen
Italian ... (Celentano)

The state spends billions
For epaulets, plaques and ... (cockades)

Worse and more dangerous than a mine
For oranges mountain ... (peak)

For Puritan Erotic
And sin, and art, and ... (exotic)

Is figure skating familiar
The people of the kingdom ... (Great Britain)

The publication is kept by the library.
And domino and cards ... (Igruk)

Maybe the convict would have rushed on the run,
Yes, not passing around ... (taiga)

I, as a karate, will not calm down
If they don't give me black ... (belt)

Already both the halims have expired,
And on the scoreboard is still ... (zero)

Sumo champion for cargo
It’s good to have a big ... (belly)

The sports elite is glad,
Another one is coming again ... (Olympics)

The wolf, having watched football, decided in the end:
“Like me, they are also fed ... (legs)

SN: (Farewell words)
Fun, don't miss
And do not forget about us!
Let it stay in the hearts
Reding laughter, flashing lights!
Goodbye, goodbye!

D.M: (Farewell words)
Goodbye, gentlemen!
It's time with the Snow Maiden
Again we go on the road.
Do not be sad honest people
Wait exactly in a year.

Cool script for the New Year's corporate party from Matrena and Flower

Cool scenario of the New Year's corporate party from Matrena and Flower:

Scene 1
(come out from behind the Christmas tree, the flower sways a little)

C.: Oh, Matrena, these faces ...

M: They are going to get drunk.

C: These people are just a miracle!
These are teachers!

M: This is during the day, from the shift - a pile,
Stretched legs.

C: Their work is hard,
Labor is always held in high esteem

M: Every first is a psycho,
With a bagel in the account.

C: They are loyal to a dream ...

M: With tongues on the shoulder.

C: They bear the Light Light ...

M: But there was no money and no.

C.: They are respected, appreciated, love ...

M: Only in words, and then they will.

C: But they are wonderful artists,
They always go forward, to victory ...

M: Astelovista, astelovista, Baby.

C: You know, Matrena, let's change the subject,
And then you have problems everywhere.
And life is a game and we are all in it ...

M: Toys. There are smart ones, there are just rattles.

C: And all, Matrena, today is a holiday,
And Olivier I crushed the basin,
And from the morning she took a little ...

M: One hundred grams?

C: One hundred grams.

M: You are lying painfully folding.

C.: One hundred grams. And do not get off my place.

M: And if you put your brains, then two hundred.

C: Well, okay, you're right, I give up.

M: Wow, what are you cunning grannies.

C: Matren, look what delights here ...

M: And everyone roars - there is no money for iris.

C: They are sorceresses, well, just craftswomen ...

M: "For all capable" as they say.

C: They are beautiful, dressed in fashion ...

M: Yes, nothing ... dressed like.

C: Let's congratulate them
Well, this is a Happy New Year ...

M: From us two:
Be, girls, with God! (Drink)

C: Our beauties! Our artists! (goes to the table)

M: Well, admit, not 200, but 300. (stops)

C.: Give me a kiss goodbye ... (Breaks out)

M: Waltz of pacification, waltz promise,
Against aging waltz goodbye!

Scene 2

C: Look, Matren, how snow is spinning,
The chest will fill the air clean!

M: Fill something to
Everything that was, has long swept!

C: You scold me in vain
I am a beauty, I'm a star!
I am a scarlet flower ...

M: A little bit.

C: You laugh in vain, Matrena ...

M: Emmanuel, damn it, louse the poison!

C: I made a desire
Meet a barn in the New Year,
So that it was tall, broad -shouldered
And beautiful, muscular!

M: You dreamed a little.
What old age does with grannies!
Your happiness is a goblin
And then stunned!
Our girls, or it is,
Good with the mind and body ...

C: We ask everyone who wants to get married
He wants no urine so that there is no urine!


M: I see your choice is good
Well done, a louse is poison.
I see you will marry,
For whom, the vigor is in the vicinity?
Look at you, Babenka!
Who is the groom there, the louse of the nuclear?

C: I would also get married.

M: Yes, you get your wail!
I parted very much today,
Time to sleep. Goodnight!

Together: Do not sit white with the mouse,
Go boldly down the crown!

Tam-Tam-Taram-Ta-Tam ... (leave)

Scene 3

C: Oh, Matrena, like that!
Ay, yes Christmas tree! How beautiful!
There will be a new year soon
A miracle is probably waiting for us!

M: You yourself are like a miracle
Before that you are sweet ...
(C. Smiles)
I clarify, miraculo yudo,
What did you think about?
(C. is upset)

C: Not a romantic, Matrena,
You do not believe in miracles.

M: Oh, romantic, louse is a nuclear
Develop your eyes.
Economics in decline!

C: Yes, Matrena, everything is in order!

M: Telik, or what are you looking, is not enough?

C.: All day…

M: Che?

C: Series!

M: Ah, then everything is clear ...

C: Yes, Matrena, everything is fine!
To the one who is very waiting for a miracle ...

M: A sluggish flower will come
Click on the door with a club,
Only in a miracle very believe!

C: Not right, Matrena, you,
You have no dreams!

M: It is dangerous to fly in the clouds,
You can not go down. It's clear?

C: What happened to you, girlfriend?
You, grumbling old woman.
Nothing to you in mercy
You would have fallen in love!

M and c: After all, love transforms!
Decorates, decorates!
Submits into the world of fantasies!
It charges optimism!
Therefore, we wish you
From love to go crazy!

Scene 4

M. How many years have not seen ...

C.. How many winters have passed!

M. The skinny silhouette became ...

Ts. Ek, you have blown up ...

M. And again a blessed look
And a smile to the ears ...

Ts. How good is the outfit -
Only they scare the mice ...

M. Also to me, fashion model,
Green as this spruce.
Some solid bones -
They thunder, where do not leave ...

Ts. Well, is it a matter, you are a beauty,
To hug you, but not to cope -
Not enough hands and monkeys,
To grab your flaws ...

M. Well, that's too much
Even with your mind
More precisely with his residue.
Yes, I am like a rag ...
(takes by the breasts and shakes)

Ts. Uh, easier, hands away.
Look what night today ...

M. Well, dark, cold ...

Ts. Durynda, New Year's!

M. And really, to what, careful ...

C.. But what about it.
And you are not a zlyuk at all
Matrenushka, girlfriend ...

M. Let's give each other the word:
We will not be the next year -
Do not think, do not say bad,

Ts. And do not mean the same.

M. Come on a girlfriend, we’ll pick up hands,
We pour a champagne glass for ourselves,

Ts. And let's drink, and still, - get drunk,
And you and I will pull on the vocals ...

On the motive "oh, frost-frost"

1. Oh, sclerosis, sclerosis,
You leave me
You leave me
At least for three days.

2. My pension,
Surprise me,
Surprise me -
Do not end in three days.

3. Girlfriend - you are alone
That's all my relatives
You don't leave me
And even for three days.

4. Oh, my dear,
You are not able to
Bring and forget
What can I say. (looking like a tear)

5. We are together with you
We drink champuline again,
So, we live!
Bim-Bim, Bim-Bim, Bim-Bo ...

Happy New Year!!!!

New Year's corporate party script for a small company

The script of the New Year's corporate party for a small company:

Jokes await you, toasts
Feast, dancing, Santa Claus -
He brought a lot of gifts!
Bengal lights, crackers!
Everything will flash, sound!
Let the cork flies into the ceiling!
A noble feast will begin!
We look forward to all of you,
Do not miss this hour.

1st host
Friends, today, as usual,
We celebrate the New Year together.
For you, I think, familiar
That someone is leading the evening
Reads poetry, balagurite,
Sings and dances like a jester,
And if suddenly it is suppressed,
They put him on his neck.
The bosses are with us. Our ears
The toast is ready to listen to him.

Director toast. A break for food.

1st host
The table is set, the wine sparkles,
Joyful faces everywhere,
And it's time to raise our toast.
It will be extremely simple.

2nd presenter
The year is held and summed up,
As usual, he was composed
There are successes, there are projects,
Prospects as avenues
We are called new victories,
We are “always ready” to them.
Thank God, thank us,
Glory to the years!

1st host
Let's remember the old year with good,
And for a new exchange.
Who is pleased with the whole result
Can drink a little
Who is not quite satisfied -
Drown sadness in wine.
Who is offended by the old year -
He came here not for nothing,
Grams half a gram on the chest,
And forget the resentment.
Rabbit (cat) wise to us -

Hello, Fairytale New Year!

A break for food

1st host
The third toast is always for ladies,
I won’t let him go!
And although I am not Casanova,
But I will fill the glass again.

2nd presenter
And where are we without ladies?
We are neither here nor there!
There are many female professions,
Those that are too tough for us.

1st host
And male deeds bouquet
There is no hunt to recall.
About men's professions
Skuden syllable and dry my verse.

2nd presenter
Where a lady is not needed -
This is one hard labor:
Or a bar in a centner with a huck,
Or dirt, or war.

1st host
Academy of Sciences -
This is the case of female hands!
And even though today everything is wrong
But without ladies - everywhere a mess.

2nd presenter
What to pull the cat by the tail?
We will raise a toast for ladies!
Thank you for being
You for that - praise and honor!

1st host
There is a simple rule here
We will resume it:
Let the men drink standing
And they kiss their hands.

2nd presenter
For the beauties of young
For funny and simple!
And for the quiet and for the noisy,
And for the tender and for smart ones,
That's specifically for these -
You yourself know which!

Video: Script for the New Year's corporate party!

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