The best New Year SMS congratulations on 2023 are short, cool, funny in verses and prose. How beautifully to congratulate your beloved, beloved, friend, friend, parents, wife, husband, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, colleague, boss, man, woman, guy, girl: words, text SMS

The best New Year SMS congratulations on 2023 are short, cool, funny in verses and prose. How beautifully to congratulate your beloved, beloved, friend, friend, parents, wife, husband, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, colleague, boss, man, woman, guy, girl: words, text SMS

Sending SMS for the New Year is very popular. People exchange warm New Year wishes with loved ones, friends and colleagues. Now this is an integral part of our life.

The wishes on New Year's Eve are of their own special significance. New Year's wishes bear hope, it helps people to start a new chapter in their lives. So this is the time to wish each your friend a happy new year.

  • Using the words coming from the heart, you will share them in full with people dear to you.

SMS Happy New Year short in verses

Happy New Year!
I wish you a bag of money, a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter,
Ocean of love, ton of happiness
And boundless health!

Let it be generous New Year,
Let him not skimp for good luck,
Let it light up the stars on time,
So that all your desires to come true.

The clock is knocking. The old year leaves.
His last pages rustle ...
What was good - let it not leave,
And what's unkind - it will not happen again!

An inconspicuous quiet step
The old year left us
Happy New Year with a new happiness
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you!

Knocking the clock, the old year leaves,
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was, will not leave,
And the worst does not dare to return!

I wish you jokes, so much laughter,
It was enough for a year to come.
So that there is not only fun
Under the Christmas tree for the New Year!

When the glasses suddenly closed,
The Christmas tree will win back with a garland ...
Do not forget to smile
So that the New Year is happy!

Drink, sing, have fun,
But do not go to the Christmas tree,
To Grandfather Frost
He did not take a sobering into the detachment!

Let January be silver powder,
Will rest any misfortune.
We wish you everything good
In the coming New Year!

Let the coming New Year
A registration will change you
And many, many joys
Life will present you!

I wish in the coming year:
worries don't know
do not measure the money
Love, hope and believe!

Santa Claus, where did you go,
Red mittens?
And when did you fill
Your eyes are shameless?

Let the New Year not add wrinkles,
And the old ones will smooth out and will shine,
Health will strengthen, will save from failures
And he will bring a lot of joy and happiness!

For the New Year and the sounds of the waltz,
Under the clock, we wish you again
Raise the glass for peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

Let the new year caress
Happiness in life will bring.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

Let all the flowers at your feet fall,
Let the stars turn into emeralds,
Let grief and sorrows go away,
Let your dreams be done in the New Year!

Happy New Year! Let the fun
Cooperation in the souls of the housewarming,
And luck at this hour
He will not slip past you!

Let this best year
Health and happiness will bring you
A sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles and loyal friends,
And a peaceful sky to live more fun!

Happy New Year to you!
In this snowy day of January
Let the fluffy snowflake
It will kiss you for me.

The coveted one in the soul of the desire -
So that this day of great worldly worries
Did not stay like a memory
And lasted long, long, all year round!

Let December silver powder,
Will rest any blizzard
I wish you only good
In the coming New Year!

May happiness smile at you
Let the sun winked at you
Let the most welcome gift
They will give you on the New Year!

Smile more often, please
Take away the longing!
Let it only meet you good
In the coming New Year!

Let the snowflakes show off you
Let your eyelashes whit!
Happy New Year to you
Happy happiness and year of love!

Let it be generous New Year,
Let him not skimp for good luck,
Let it light the stars on time,
I wish everyone to come true!

New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations! Everyone is good!
Only in the best we believe!
It's time to raise a glass!

Let everything go into eternity
With the last sigh of December!
And everything is beautiful, living
It will come in the morning of January!

From the heart I wish,
Happy New Year,
Two thousand seventeen times
I wish to smile!

Let this good New Year
Happiness will look into your house.
And with him luck will come to you
And he will not leave!

New Year is madly rushing
To all our cities!
We wish you to get drunk
But never sleep!

Dance around the Christmas tree
And fill your stomachs,
Teeth so as not to lay on shelves,
So that all dreams come true!

I wish you smiles
Every day and a whole year!
In order not to make you mistakes,
Stock up for the future!

Do not yawn under chimes
Do not be tired of pouring
And make desires
Suddenly it will be fulfilled, know!

New Year is on the threshold,
Meet him happily
Forget about all the worries
Fun and mark!

Let the New Year will add to you smiles,
Let the New Year bring you money,
And all the kindest will leave
And let the sadness go missing!

The year of the rabbit is knocking on the door,
Let him bring good luck
Abrasion, health, happiness
(And also optimism in case of bad weather)!

Congratulations on you on a wonderful holiday
Good luck, I wish you happiness!
Let him be lucky than ever
From today - and forever!

Don't regret what happened
Believe in luck and live!
With new happiness, with renewed vigor,
In the chole, bliss and love!

Let the hopes show off you!
Let your dreams come!
Happy New Year to you!
And I wish you fun, love!

Let the old year take all the sorrows,
And the new one will bring happiness with him.
I wish you love and prosperity
The rest will come to you itself!

Let there be fewer worries this year,
May joy come in this year!
You laugh more, sing
Want more, be able and be able to!

I want sadness, failure, trouble
The new year left the new year in the old year!
I wish you health, prosperity, love,
Good luck by the tail, certainly catch!

I wish in the coming year
Worries don't know
do not measure the money
Love, hope and believe!

Let good luck call you
Let the inspiration come!
Let life become brighter and more beautiful
And it will be successful the next year!

I wish the red car,
I wish a fur coat and manto
And so that you are lucky in everything,
All year long and everyone in spite!

I'm Hello New Year
Now with pleasure send
And I would like to congratulate you
And say that I really look forward to!

New plans and ideas,
New joyful ventures,
Let him give the New Year
Life where it is lucky every day!

On New Year, in the world, 3 million people are sleeping, 2 million eats, 1 million He makes love and only one person whom I really love, reads my SMS.

With an open heart and love
We wish you happiness and health!
Let the New Year with happiness new
The owner will enter your house
And along with the smell of Elov
Success and joy will bring!

New Year is already approaching
Cover soon on the table!
Congratulations to you with the whole family
And we wish you everything: and health,
And money, let all you

Snowflakes soar in the air -
This is the New Year holiday!
Let the purest, like an ice floe.
From the sky, happiness will fall.
Let successes and good luck
Will be in this addition!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will give happiness a whole WHO,
Strong health in addition,
In everything conceived - good luck,
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection and
So that life is like in a fairy tale!

You have more money -
Green and red!
Vivid successes,
Moments of beautiful!
And New Year's lights,
And long -awaited friends!

New Year is coming
Let him rush without worries,
And let him figure it out
That who needs what is there,
And who does not need something.
Congratulations, in general, here!

I wish you in the new year
Calm Mondays,
Love invaders,
Wonderful environments, funny Thursdays,
Cool Fridays and
Sweet weekend!

Congratulations, let you
Very lucky!
You catch good luck to the bird
May she come to you!
We will sing and have fun
Such a holiday is only once a year!

I congratulate you
With a song, with a joke, with moonshine!
With a sky full of stars,
With white hoarfrows,
With the brilliance of Christmas lights,
With faith in the happiness of new days!

New Year is the time of desires
And about the future of dreams!
Let them come true perfectly
All desires certainly!
You love, health, laughter
And of course success!

Let the New Year
A whole pile of gifts
It will bring you on New Year's Eve!
And let life become
Fabulous immediately and bright,
And let the problems go away!

Let the new year of health
It will add to you!
Let the New Year
Happiness will bring you!
And let it leave everything good,
And he will take everything bad!

We wish you Santa Claus
A bag of health brought you!
I handed it to everyone,
Brought a champagne glass,
I took all the sadness of the sadness into the bag,
And hid somewhere in the forest!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
The whole WHO will give happiness.
Money bag in addition,
In everything conceived - good luck!
And also happiness, affection,
So that life is like in a fairy tale!

The best holiday comes to us!
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Fun life without trouble!
To make money in your pocket,
And so that in business - openwork,
And on the heart-Moore-Mur-Mur!

I wish your dream to come true!
Let them be rampant
fun and love
Good friends, money - millions!
May you have happiness
And good luck whole wagons!

With coming! I wish next year: 12 months of good health, 53 weeks of good mood, 365 days of immense happiness, thousands of fun hours and one hundred thousand minutes of love!

New Year is coming!
He carries us with him
A lot of happiness and goodness,
Well, but the old time
Slowly leave,
We can’t take our souls!
And although he was not bad,
Let it sag from all legs!

Here is the new one
Strong and lovely year.
What are we and congratulations to you
And we wish you a car:
Money, happiness and health,
To bloom.
So that everything is wonderful
So that there is no trouble!

On the new year outside the window
The snow falls quietly
Let at your table
There will be joy and laughter
Let an enviable success
Waiting for you in any case
And it will enter without interference
Happiness in your bright house.

Let the glasses ring
Let the wine bend
Let the night starfall
The window will look at you.
On this wonderful night
Without a smile, you can’t.
Pain and sorrows - away!
Happy new year friends !

With all my heart, from all of me
I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness, joy
To this New Year
Was cheerful and perky
More jokes, songs, laughter.
Never sad you
Laugh and joke more.

Let the blizzard drop out outside the window,
And the best, let it be in life
It will come to you yet
Let happiness not be forgotten
And it will not pass by
May all desires come true
You have on the New Year!

Happy New Year! Let good luck
This year will give you
Complex will solve problems
And will bring success.
So that the soul does not know the worries
And at midnight so that an hour
There was a moisture from a glass
You’re drunk for us.

Let the New Year dawn you
Will give you success,
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, sonorous laughter.
May a faithful friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let your home like a snowball,
Happiness always comes!

We wish you good health
And the happiness to be the sea
So that you do not know grief,
For people to respect you,
So that they are more often invited to visit
And so that in your personal life
Everything was always perfect!

If on the night for the New Year,
A strange guest will come to you -
Someone with a white beard
In the red cap fur,
With a long staff in the hand
And with gifts in the bag,
With a loud laugh, with a good look -
So you don’t have to drink anymore!

Goodbye, the old year,
It is sad to part!
Here is the new one:
Twelve watches beat.
You will not hold the shooter run,
The faces were brightened
And old, old snow
New snow lies!

Happy New Year to congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
Live longer, do not grow old
Not back - forward to look,
Despite the years,
To be funny always
Be happy everywhere -
In personal life and in work!

Happy New Year to congratulations
And we want Santa Claus
All sorrows and hardships
Snow took to the kingdom.
Only joy left you
Only happiness, only laughter,
And love, smile, tenderness,
All the good that is!

I am so happy for you
What are you in my fate!
What did you come to my life
You gave me love
You excited my blood!
Be more often
Are you with me,
My kitten is dear!

If before the new year
They will suddenly grab you (here is a shock!),
They will twist, bind, glue the mouth,
Pull you in the bag -
Do not swear and do not get angry
Do not scream and do not be a roam -
Just someone Santa Claus
I ordered you as a gift!

New Year is bright
Fireworks and gifts,
The smell of Christmas trees, Santa Claus,
Olivier, wine, salmon.
Let champagne sparkle
Until the morning, it does not sleep at all,
And then let the whole year
We are unbridledly lucky!

I wish that on the New Year
Everything was done in a fairy tale
You were lucky, you wanted
And everything to come true!
The mood is to be
So that luck loves!
Happy holiday to you,
I wish you an indispensable miracle!

Happy New Year!
Let a cheerful round dance
The coming year will fly
Full of joyful worries!
We wish you prosperity
To spruce it sweetly,
That would live, do not push
And they went happy!

On New Year with a glass of this
I want to wish everyone
So that everyone is only loved,
So that you are eager for a treasure in the forest,
To drink and not get sick,
To eat - and not get fat,
To make money to the river
To have a breakfast caviar
So that a career is strictly up,
And everywhere there is a continuous success!

Under the clock, for the sounds of a waltz
On New Year's Eve, we wish again
Raise the glass for good luck and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

SMS Happy New Year Cool

The celebration of the New Year is always fun. At this event, people celebrate the onset of a new stage. In the New Year, as in a new life. At this time, many public events, parties and concerts are taking place. New Year is a time to visit your relatives and friends, to strengthen relationships and have fun.

We hug, friends, and with dignity we will meet an elderly red -handed man,his relative and crowd of deer - New Year comes to us!

Let the New Year bring you kilobytes of crispy bills, megabytes Sparkling happiness, gigabytes of love and terabytes of good films on a hard drive. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish you a serene path in a contradictory world speeds and traffic jams. Let both take as little as possible, because you can’t refuel with nerves like gasoline. Good luck!

Do you hear a knock? This New Year stands at the door! Take a dear guest dill Champagne, he will bite and give you everything you dream about!

New Year, like a new friend. He is kind, generous and does not oblige to anything! Let your relationship with him be at the dating stage for another 12 months!

I wish in the new encouraging year to try Amazing champagne joys, to feel the taste of incredible dishes of pleasure and success, enjoy delicious love and do not fall in the face either in the salad of everyday life or in the snowdrifts from fully intoxication of happiness!

Let Grandfather Frost will make an unprecedented mistake in this New Year and Give you absolutely all gifts from the bag! Do not rush to restore justice, returning them back. A good grandfather has a countless number - nobody will be offended or deprived!

I congratulate you on the most fun holiday - New Year. Wish, So that on this night all small and major troubles pass by: a traffic jam from champagne - past the chandelier, a cat - past a Christmas tree, a face - past the Olivier salad, and a nonsense Santa Claus - past your house.

Santa Claus asked you to convey that in the coming year every day you Wonderful events, incredible meetings, real happiness, amazing successes and pleasant news will wait! Let it be the way he said! Happy New Year, with the most magical and sincere holiday!

We wish you that in the coming year there was only a cotton Grandfather Frost at the beard. And everything else is love, friendship, mutual understanding, heart warmth and, of course, gifts under the Christmas tree were real. With a happy year!

Well, what friends! The Christmas tree is dressed up, the candles are lit, and champagne is already ontable! You are all smart and beautiful! I want all 365 days of the coming New Year to feel the same as at this moment! Let New Year's happiness be enough for a whole year. You can’t do without problems anyway, but let them be solved easily and at ease! Happy New Year and let everything be fine!

We wish you happiness in the new year, so that everything is the type of top, so that everything it was In the juice. So that you will strongly hold the luck by the tail, and wiped the nose and others with the insight and others.

So the New Year has come: well, quickly march at the table! After all, you have to be in time at 12 To announce the first toast. We will congratulate you now and let's go for a walk. However, we wish you the same. So that I do not get bored.

Congratulations, congratulations! New Year on the heels comes. All things are quickly Throw and let's mark it. Meet the New Year worthy to make life more spacious.

Cool, soon the New Year! All success and luck. To meet, after all, is not Just drink a glass at the table. It is necessary to meet him with dignity so that it does not hurt.

The New Year crept close and stole you to the side: they say, what are you here hung? You will not celebrate that you won’t? Well, quickly march at the table!

The New Year is not terrible for people good and good, because the creak Powder does not look like a pair of parash, and in the general round dance, we don’t hold your hands behind your back ... Congratulations on the New Year! Do not lose hope!

To achieve harmony with the animal patron of the year, in the New Year'sthe night of red champagne should be opened only in a white suit. Try it, then tell. Happy New Year!

Waking up that night in an unfamiliar place, you can doubt: you Once again on the 3rd Street Stroitov. Eh, again flew to Leningrad instead of Pavlik! We have to drive Hippolytus ... Happy New Year!

New Year's developments of domestic designers: Pillow "Olivier", Michen for traffic jams from champagne and baseball bat “Hello, neighbor! What have you crossed? " With coming!

Of course, you do not believe in me. You are already an adult. You learned with With honest eyes, lie about me for children. And you like to receive gifts from me? Look at me! Happy New Year!

We wish the wife to be Snow Maiden (not in bed), my husband has a grandfather-fashion Not very red from alcohol nose, so that the baby likes a gift - a football, so that the glasses are whole at least until the morning. Hooray!

If you have a Christmas tree in your house, this does not mean that the New Year has come, a, On the contrary, maybe he has long passed on May Street. Look around. Happy New Year!

Only the fight of chimes announces us about the new year that has come. And yours Cuckoo in the watch is a fool. Listen only the fight of chimes and hearts. Happy New Year!

Red nose and bag behind the shoulders have not yet indicated that I have come to you It is Santa Claus and that the New Year has come. This may well be a janitor collecting bottles. Happy New Year!

Dear friend! He writes to you the new 2023 year. Clean the files! And then to me go Nowhere, there will be a reboot. If you do not get rid of excess, I will not come! Stay yourself in 2019! Good luck! Your New Year!

May your New Year not look like a groundhog day when all days pass In the same way, like one -tide twin. At least a new pillow - dreams will be sweeter.

Happy New Year! I wish you a serene path in a conflicting world speeds and traffic jams. Let both take as little as possible, because you can’t refuel with nerves like gasoline. Good luck!

Congratulations! I wish: happiness, health, good luck, friends, work, the sun, Seas, love, family, glory, youth, longevity, children, grandchildren, great -grandchildren. Emphasize the right - let it come true !!!

I learned that in order to be happy all year, you need fight Kuntates are constantly smiling, so do not forget, I will check! Happy and joyful New Year!

If Santa Claus with an empty bag comes to you on New Year's Eve, notbright, it was he who left the place to take all the sorrows and hardships from you! And the rest you yourself will achieve!

I congratulate you on Happy New Year, and let it be so new that You yourself were surprised at this, and to whom you told, no one believed you! This will be a real new one!

Let the old year with all his unresolved from you get away from you The New Year will come problems with new problems, but pleasant quickly perceptible!

If you are going to start a new life from January 1, think first: is it so Is it bad old? If so - the flag is in your hands! If not, relax and do not fool your friends! With coming!

Olivier, Christmas tree, president on TV ... Down with stereotypes! You give rollssake, Geisha and Sakura! I wish you to celebrate the New Year as you yourself like!

Rabbit in the yard! Do you know what it means? Correctly! With the beginning of the yearPlayboy, men! Let him bring all of us a lot of spiritual and bodily pleasure.

Santa Claus always confuses everything: you want videos - he brings a satchel, you want The prefix - and you get a brother. Therefore, I wish you that even unexpected New Year's gifts give you joy!

Santa Claus has no right to make a mistake: let it be hidden under the Christmas tree then, What have you been waiting for so long! Decorate it all with a sincere company and hope for the best and wonderful New Year is provided! Congratulations!

Let all the problems absorb in the new year without even starting. And Let the new year be a reason for new love every day.

Let all dreams come true with this festive night, even if it is a cottage, Mercedes and Jennifer Lopez. A house in the village, old Lada and a neighbor - also a good interpretation!

Let New Year's wishes come true in the new year, at least after one, and Let the wardrobe, appearance, work, car and financial situation be updated.

Make gifts lists,
So that he has managed to collect -
The holiday is very, very close,
We must give a chance to grandfather!

Get ready, buddy! I stand under the window
I came to congratulate you.
I will drive into your house to the sounds of chimes,
Accept me good!

Happy New Year!
Get salad, canned food!
I wish you to spend money
But no way, not your nerves!

Have you hung on the Christmas tree?
Trinkets? Take off soon!
Grandfather in a coat is going to congratulate you,
It will only warm him alcohol!

I put on a red robe,
And I smear my nose ...
You are not five in fright back!
Santa Claus came to congratulate you!

The holiday comes.
Let the sadness go away!
Sadness, like snow, melts,
The enemy - he himself will fall!

I want to wish so much
Gifts of New Year's cool
What can Santa Claus get tired
To carry the bag is so heavy!

My good friend, Happy New Year!
Do not hope for nature!
To make our holiday bright -
Buy rather gifts!

Happy New Year, let it come
Happiness that is waiting for you!
Drink a little wine with him
And eat the salad!

Magic for the New Year,
One hundred pounds will happen!
Open your pocket wider -
I wish everyone the apartment!

Let all night with gifts surprise
And all dreams will come true.
Let the heart warm the heart on this holiday
The spruce smell of fairy tale and love.

Let the New Year give smiles,
Put from sadness and troubles,
Will not let mistakes make
And the incentive will create for victories!

They say that on the New Year,
Everything always comes true,
Even that for the whole year,
It cannot be saved

And although he has a red nose
And although he is dressed in a fur coat,
He is hot, albeit frost,
He is still oh-th, albeit grandfather!

When the arrows of the hour at 12
New Year will meet the Earth.
Let me smile warmly,
Happy New Year to congratulate you!

The hardened people do not scare this crisis,
The troubles are much worse, he visited here,
We will meet with dignity, this New Year!
Santa Claus will help, and default will leave!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
With a new pile friends!
Let problems and bad weather
They will never find you!

May Winter become a sweet idyll,
The mood will be lyrical!
New Year will bring abundance,
In personal life, everything will be fine!

Let the January day be May!
Let the frost not cool!
All the alleys will fall asleep with a snowball
And it will become lighter on the soul!

Chimes on the wall beat
Someone is asleep on the table
Guests "in smoke", the owner "in the insole"
“Walked” by little.

Let the New Year share happiness
generous, beautiful, easy,
Inspecting with poetry passionate
And taking the wing under the fortune!

Let good grandfather Frost
Will bring you funny
And strong happiness in addition
Health, joy and luck!

Happy New Year, with new successes,
With new happiness, glorious funny!
We will meet this holiday with admiration,
With a good, New Year's mood!

May there be no tears in the new year,
Let the sea of \u200b\u200broses give every day,
Let them love stronger, respect it stronger
And more often you are called sweet.

I want to wish you health
To grow your capital!
Well, and for a year coming
He became happy for you!

Let the New Year with a fairy tale
You will enter your house quietly
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
It will bring you as a gift with you!

I wish you happiness, the best meetings!
More songs, happiness and laugh!
Yes, so much so that they could not count everything
Until the end of the next century.

New Year comes to us!
Let the new take -off begin,
To achieve large heights
And replenish the bank in the bank!

May this year be stored by fate
From all adversity, sorrows and misfortunes,
And gives everyone around, and we and I,
Hope and dream, love and happiness!

Let the new year be good!
While champagne sparkles,
Let all the good come
And all the beautiful will happen!

Happy New Year 2023 I congratulate
And I wish you all my heart
Laughter, joke, without worries
Celebrate this New Year.

Let the Christmas trees smell resinous
Wake up about the happiness of dreams,
And the holiday is clean with a pure snowflake
In the palm of your hand will come from a height!

Under the ringing of a crystal glass
I wish to celebrate the New Year.
Let happiness pour, life blooms
Not knowing grief and trouble.

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, peace and love!
And on this holiday New Year
All that you wanted!

Leave sorrow for the old year,
Forget the anxiety, resentment, trouble.
Only health, success and happiness
We wish you in the new year!

Let the New Year bring you
Health, joy and success,
There will be no painful worries,
The sonorous laughter sounds more often.

New Year - like a good fairy tale!
New Year is joy and laughter!
I sincerely congratulate you all
And I wish you happiness for everyone!

May there be a new year for you
And kind and happy,
Let every day and every hour
He creates a marvel in the world!

As always, there is no champagne,
And there will be too many salads
So I wish not to fall asleep in the salad,
New Year celebrating at the threshold!

Desires of joyful space
Let him celebrate the New Year beautifully,
The tenderness of the carpet grows
And optimism in the soul will welcome!

If you want to celebrate the New Year have fun, interesting and with adventures, Open champagne with wet hands and be sure to aim with a cork in the eye of a neighbor on the table. Good luck!

Be beautiful and funny
Starting your new year!
But meet him skillfully
So then your body
Sleep did not sniff under the Christmas tree
Right in sharp needles!

I congratulate you on the new one:
With a new smell of Elov,
Happy New Year, new husband ...
Ah, sorry, do you need old?!
Well then families are approximate
And love to the grave is true!

New Year will rush soon,
He will bring the happiness of the mountain.
Forgive pride and arrogance -
At least get into one!
And then you will become glad
Attractive, rich!

Let the old year melt
And he will take misfortunes,
And a good, new one will come,
Very kind and sensible
And give you a gift -
Sausages 12 sticks!

Happy New Year, you guys!
We honor traditions.
New Year will come to twelve
You need to do something:
Let's drink vodka, wine
With pleasure to the bottom!

Hello, New Year's holiday!
The people are tired of you
It is already almost hungry,
Show us your appearance!
Happy New Year, everyone who hears
And so far it is breathing!

Congratulations on the year new!
Entertaining, funny!
He came to us from the north,
I found a haven here!
Happy New Year to everyone, cheers!
We have fun until the morning!

Let this holiday New Year's holiday
It will be beautiful and free:
Santa Claus will tell you stories
Snow Maiden striptease will dance ...
And so that all dreams come true -
It’s not skimping for gifts!

On the threshold of the New Year!
Drinks champagne people,
Santa Claus is a big eccentric -
Dance Salsu and Gopak,
Did you find your gift?
New Year has already come!

On snow -covered roads
New Year has risen to you.
Be cheerful, but not a lot of drink,
So that he is not offended!
Otherwise, the old year
Will give the return move again!

You do not hide from me, friends,
I will celebrate the New Year with you!
And it doesn’t matter, by the way, I do not by the way ...
I decided! And to the wives to all - be silent!
I carry a box of vodka with me,
Cut the sausage quickly!

Dear, I congratulate you
Happy year ... and, by the way,
With us, mom, of course, is mine,
He will meet decency for the sake.
I hear the bodies of falling a knock ...
What happened to you? Falled with joy, friend?

Let the ice tray
Santa Claus in the New Year
Your diamond
The cup will put
It will pour gold health to the edges of the gold.
It will add fun to the snack!

New Year has come unexpectedly,
The round dance spin around him.
Channel glasses
Poured spontaneously,
And with smiles they are waiting for advance,
Calling, fun, joy, stump.

The upcoming New Year
Let the consent carry
And with friends, and with the weather,
And with work and with nature.
Who lives in harmony,
Happiness will gain happiness in life.

What is the best
A holiday in the world?
Naturally, all children know about this.
Beautiful, magical
New Year is coming.
And he is impatient with his whole people.

Happy New Year! And let it go cheerfully, but so that tomorrow you can Recall not only the period before the chimes, but after it! After all, there, as a rule, is the most interesting!

Let exactly twelve
A fairy tale will enter the house,
Meet a smile
Our guest is the New Year!
He will be pleasant
Happy and bright,
Useful and peaceful,
Successful and generous!

I wish you to be abandoned
On the newest year! ..
Not conquered problem
And a pile of worries!
I wish to be selected
Successful fate,
Being fenced
And take me with you!

I wish to celebrate the New Year
You are fine
So that your mind from drunk remains clear,
To the toast of the boss
It was understandable and brief,
So that you do not fall asleep in Olivier,
A beautiful blonde with a long bang,
So that she surrendered to you under the Christmas tree!

Let Santa Claus
It will bring as a gift
One hundred thousand brand new
Green Benjaminov,
Of course, there are few of them on the plane,
But enough for a good car.
Do not be capricious - take them faster,
And meet the new year more fun.

New Year has come again.
This is a reward to us!
Cut the delicious cake,
We are happy with the holiday!
Congratulations, let
All plans will come true!
Never be bored
Let the fogs leave.

Let everything that our people dream of
The New Year will bring us as a gift.
Let them become bald
like mammoths shaggy,
The thin ones are thick, and the poor are rich.
Once ten times
The salary will increase,
And all that everyone from this life needs.

Let on your beautiful Christmas tree
They are not hanging cones and needles,
But only green dollars
Brought by the New Year's wind,
Under the Christmas tree - a barrel with a black caviar,
On it is a ticket to the palm-de-major,
And this is not a deception and not a divorce,
And the new year just comes!

With an ax went into the forest.
Christmas tree is a miracle of miracles!
The house is decorated with tinsel,
The rain is dissolved.
The floor is washed, dusted out.
And champagne bottle.
Olivier in the basin of the mountain.
Happy New Year dear!

He is called the seventeenth,
He promises to be hot!
Let the good return
About the bad everything - to forget!
Let not fail health -
A healthy beggar is better than the king of the patient,
Happy New Year,
The happiness of the largest!

Friend, hello! It's me…
And the first seconds of January!
Well, in short, by the way,
I congratulate you!
Be happy and all that
So that he has one, the other
Well, something like that.
Happy New Year to you, dude!

For good people
Bright Christmas trees are lit,
Good people at the table
And warm and light,
Bad people
already eaten gray wolves,
And traces of those wolves
New Year's snowstorm is covered.

Congratulations, congratulations
Happy New Year!
We wish you a lot of happiness
At this star hour,
Strength, vitality, health
And cheerful eyes
New Year's adventures
And other leprosy!

New Year's snow falls quietly
In the palm of your hand and melts.
You are far away now.
I miss you.
How I would like
It will turn into this snow
And in your palm
Slowly go to bed!

So that your affairs are
With a dream in the fret,
So that the heart of desires
The big ones have not forgotten.
We want to wish
In this new year
To happen,
What was you planned!

SMS Happy New Year funny

It's time to remember your friends, sending them cute and funny New Year wishes. They will feel your love and good wishes. During the approach of the holiday behind the vanity and haste, many forget to stop, look around and notice the charm of what is happening. Your funny SMS will help them in this, knocking out for a moment from the usual turmoil.

Happy New Year! I wish you that you hurt every day In another place, because, according to experienced doctors, real health is when every day it hurts not there ...

Today is December 31, and I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Sorry, I can’t come today. I will come tomorrow. Hangover.

New Year goes to visit us
We will celebrate it right now
If only the bones were intact
And not like the last time!

I wish you on the New Year
Live without worries and troubles!
I wish you to do not know the longing,
To kiss me more often!

Let the crisis perish, like everything bad,
He will leave with the last sigh of December!
And everything is beautiful, alive
Will come to you in the morning of January!

You have more green and red money,
Vivid successes, moments of beautiful!
And New Year's lights,
And long -awaited friends!

They say that in the New Year
Everything always comes true
Even that for the whole year
It cannot be saved!

You have more green and red money,
Vivid successes, moments of beautiful!
And New Year's lights,
And long -awaited friends!

I wish you money a bag, caviar barrel,
Gold wheelbarrow,
And the shares of Gazprom a little, on the stash.
Let it be funny
The coming year.
Health, fun, pleasant trouble.

Smaller deer, more luck
And only simple, good tasks.
Let the success in the inevitable be
And every morning affectionate.

Happy New Year to you guys
Try to drink less,
Because, very drunk,
No one will love you.

To worthy to celebrate the New Year,
I have been convinced in many years
You need to put it into expenses in three days
Your family annual budget!

Happy New Year to you
I wish you good luck, I wish you patience
I wish you health, fun, wealth
I wish, I wish, I wish ...

They beat chimes as usual
Have fun, honest people!
Excellent in the mood
We celebrate the New Year!

He will bring a beast of luck.
You will live very brightly.
You set yourself the task
So as not to bother in life.

Let the old year leave -
A year of unrest and hardships.
We spend a tiger for a year,
(Vodka in stacks is already waiting)
And we will congratulate, loving
You are me, and I - you!

I wish that in the coming year in your house, the table always breaks from Food, and the bed with pleasure!

Mortgage for half a century,
Unfaid loan
Will not break a person -
The crisis will not win us!
We will break through, definitely
In life without grief and worries.
So let's note deliciously
Christmas and New Year!

A muddy look and a red nose,
Where he was another question.
Without gifts, without a bag ...
Santa Claus is slightly cheerful.
Don’t be afraid - look into the eye,
He brought you congratulations!
Happy New Year!
Songs, dance to you!

So to have fun,
In moderation, a little, get drunk,
Swallow something delicious
And, of course, relax.
Sure a little, in moderation.
Discuss friends sphere,
Maybe even kiss.
And in love to whom to admit.

What with the fact that Santa Claus
Isn't he drunk this evening?
He produced gifts to everyone
So I drank on the road!
The beard hangs with a washcloth,
No Snow Maiden, there is no bag.
The staff is also very sorry ...
I got drunk slightly.

With health wishes,
Jokes, confetti explosions.
But in the middle of the fun, remember -
Do not shed to work.
There was enough for a second alone
North pole with the south to connect,
Around the Sun, the earth completed
Turnover to start a new one.

Snow under the Christmas tree sparkles,
A lot of joyful worries.
It is a sin not to get drunk today,
After all, today is the New Year!
He rushes along the planet,
Like a cheerful hurricane
Will make everyone happy in the world
Putting the candy in his pocket.

Soon, soon New Year
He will knock on the door.
A miracle will suddenly happen
The magic will happen
In the coming year
Let the alarms perish,
Let all the sorrows pass.
Joy is the way!

On the New Year, as usual,
Dreams come true:
And now they are transformed
Daddy cowards,
He catches mother
Admiring gaze,
Mom wished,
So that a stripper lived with her.

The holiday is near the wonderful!
We wish in the New Year,
So that Santa Claus is
I ended up at the gate!
Or a call rang at the door,
Or a loud knock on the window ...
We wish you to succeed
This holiday is still!

New Year is a good holiday!
Oh you, grandfather prankster!
Well, why do you need a bag?
Better drink on a squirrel!
Grandfather, it's time for you!
We fly, children!
Beat his urine stronger!
It immediately became more fun!

Santa Claus, however, is a lot:
Santa Klaus, Yolopuki ...
But they have one road -
Bring gifts to your hands!
He climbs heroically into the chimney,
Or in the window, or the door is knocking on the door.
The New Year people dream of
So, he will rush soon!

There is no order and trace
There is no top of the cake
And there are no toys on the Christmas tree -
Only ropes from crackers!
What kind of cat ran? -
Here yesterday the salary lay!
And not a cat, and not a cat,
With new happiness! New Year!

There is "cabbage" - good,
You can multiply
If the wolf found you -
Smile late.
In the New Year, all the same persons
The same drunken Santa Claus.
I want to get drunk with grief
And cry the sea tears.

So for a variety
Let me be so to be
Small outrage
With Santa Claus to do.
Santa Claus knocks
On New Year's Eve.
If only tea would bring him
Or what is stronger ...

Happy New Year! I wish you to be always young and beautiful, So that there was a slightly mot and a shipbuilding that there was a playboy and his guy and, as always, generously and wide soul.

Santa Claus runs into the house,
He is disheveled, red nose,
And he wishes you
There was money to make a million
So that the apartment and the car -
So that at once everything would drive.
So that a smile is from the heart,
To every day - flowers.
This is it - happiness
Sustains from all misfortunes.

Happy New Year to congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish
So that the wife does not change
I cooked, washed,
I applied every day
Once for seven, if you are not lazy!
Do not go to work,
Find the treasure and drink beer!
There is only red caviar,
Go only to Subaru,
Set only on the side -
All that is needed man ...

New Year! New Year!
Happy holiday, guys!
We will celebrate the New Year
As always, shaggy!
We will drink Shampusik,
Eat, overeat,
We will vote songs
Laugh, laugh.
We will create nonsense
Sleep face in salads,
In general, we will just live
Like all year, guys!

Another year will pass
Santa Claus will come again,
He will bring a candy, a book,
He will run away again.
New Year came to us at the time,
He is under the "degree" already!
New Year came to us soon,
By the clock and all in the snowball!
The fight of chimes, fireworks,
Mood, serpentine!
With a sausage cat on a Christmas tree
Sleeps calmly and rumbling!
The guests jumped with a scream:
"Jellied meat is needed yet!"
With new happiness! Happy New Year!
The jelly is eaten! All!

Eh, with unprecedented perseverance
On New Year's Eve, the food was beckoning!
New Year's gluttony
We are brought to the grave!
Just how do we not taste
Fish, meat and herring?
How can we not have lunch
Under Vinco, absinthe and vodka?
In the New Year digestion
Let it not bother.
If indigestion torments
That is the food that is worth it!
To celebrate the holiday peacefully
And do not please under the table
I decided to congratulate you all
And lay in advance:
I'll put a pillow under the table
Blanket and mattress.
It will not be bored under the table,
There is nowhere to fall!

Do not get drunk on New Year's Eve
And do not lie under the Christmas tree!
Do not face the salad.
Make a very happy!
Wait for the chimes,
Sweat with a banner ...
The tiring of their relatives:
There are many more days off -
You will make up in passing!
Well, good luck! Happy New Year!

Let the northern happiness
Blinds you all year round
And the tropical heat of southern passion
It does not allow to fall asleep in a dark night.
Like a deer, luck rushes nearby,
Silver hoof-jump-cut,
And a belly, like a penguin, the body hides
Let your wallet in your pockets,
And there will be so much energy,
In order to rotate the axis to you!
Well, and in the new year it is not long to wait -
Hurry so that all this happens!

New Year: fun, laughter!
We will congratulate everyone with a toast!
Children are welcome all a surprise
On this holiday is long -awaited!
And you are adults, like children,
In the miracle of the holiday, believe me!
So that the work in the buzz was,
And the salary grew!
To make everyone happy,
Never fell ate!
Everyone has their own path!
Happy New Year, friends!

For the fight of chimes for the old year
Take away the pile of all worries,
Make desires
For a new task.
I wish you this year
Achieve the intended heights,
Raise the ass from the couch,
All too lazy to send to the health resort.
The work is interesting,
The salary is durable.
To go to the country less often
Better - the coast.
Santa Claus is generous
And the recreation of the healing.
New Year is already knocking.
Waiting for desire to come true!

How, grandfather, you managed so,
To lose everything in the snowdrifts?!
- What from that ... because I managed
Happy New Year to everyone!
New Year - it's time to clean
Do not be lazy in December
Evil thoughts, omissions
Give you a broom.
Quarrels, stress, illness,
Let the vacuum cleaner swallow
And hardships and suffering
Destroy dichlophos.
Then they will arrive in a clean house
Joy, happiness and love
The money will not forget either,
Visit your warm shelter.
New Year comes again
In every city, in every house.
We are waiting every time that again
There will be happiness in Tom’s house.

SMS Happy New Year in Verses

New Year begins earlier than at midnight. Millions of congratulations, messages and wishes are sent through SMS to friends, colleagues and family members. The wishes that you can send your and loved ones with words full of love, blessings and good are listed below.

And the most remarkable thing is that it will be a wish in verses.

I wish you all the shades of happiness
I wish the warmth of friends,
Health, joy of immense
And New Year's festive lights!

Let December silver powder,
Will rest any blizzard
I wish you only good
In the coming New Year!

Success! Good luck!
Health in addition!
Let the New Year to you
Happy will come!

New Year on the threshold, again,
He will rise a young star!
Let him give happiness and success,
Smiles, humor, good laughter!
Let your every day be bright,
Nice, joyful and generous!
Let it be bright, dynamic,
In all successful and excellent!

New Year is a cheerful holiday,
A lot of laughter and sweets.
Everyone congratulates each other
And there will be no more troubles.
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
A lot of money and good!
Let you go around the bad weather
We wish you warmth!

Happy New Year!
Let the weather good
And in the soul and in nature
It will brighten up this time of the year.
Let this holiday bring
In the house of warmth and a lot of light -
And it was enough for everyone.
There will be joy and success!

Let romantic meetings
Anticipate magic!
Spruce shines, candles flicker,
So decorating the celebration!
Let the holiday, joy and attention
Heat the soul in the New Year!
Let him give prosperity
And your happiness will bring to your house!

New Year is walking again
And it brings you all success,
Vigor, happiness is subjective,
Prosperity and laughter!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that work to the mountain goes
And the apartment is a subject
The bowl was full!

Let a hasty land
It glides along the winter streets!
Let the snow crunch fresh and loudly,
Morning Morning Silet!
Let us see our life contrast,
Brilliant, bright - in the New Year!
Let fate be kind, clear,
The star of love, sparkling, will rise!

The three with bells rushes,
The holiday is in a hurry to visit us.
Happy New Year with a new happiness
Congratulations from the heart.
Let the snowflake on the palm
Suddenly he will take and come to life
All desires will fulfill,
Sadness with him will take away.

Happy New Year,
Let the good come to your house,
Personal happiness without a edge
Peace, fun and warmth,
Let them warm in the winter
You participate in friends,
And the snow melts in the spring,
It will be even more fun!

Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you happiness and love
So that all dreams come true
And all plans were embodied!
To make the table from the treats
Every day you were breaking up
So that peace is in your house
And wealth in it was found!

What do they want in the New Year?
So that there is no trouble
Be healthy and loved,
For friends - indispensable.
Let Santa Claus under the Christmas tree
Will leave you happiness
And in addition
Joy and luck!

Let a miracle come to this night
Under the ringing of a magic crystal.
Let the coming year be bright,
Though feelings are raging, they boil!
Warmth in the family to you, caresses, light,
Beautiful fairy tale, kind words.
Let the summer live in the heart in the heart,
And let love warm the soul!

The watch is loudly ticking
Outside the window the lights are visible -
This New Year has come
So that you become happier!

Let it sparkle brightly, for a long time
And the fireworks are burning,
To the New Year under the Christmas tree
I brought happiness to you for everyone!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and good!
Let all the bad weather go around
Life will bestow you in full!

We wish you attention, warmth,
Smiles and hugs of your loved ones!
Let the cherished dreams come true
And let the new ones hurry to be born!
Let the New Year pleasantly surprise
Give happiness bright moments.
Let your heart not keep your heart.
We wish you a festive mood!

Under the clock of the clock,
To the sounds of a waltz,
On New Year:
We wish you again
Raise the glass
For peace and happiness,
Hope, faith
And love!

This new year
Let miracles happen:
Snowflakes, Christmas tree
Let it bring happiness!
The whole world sparkles and shines,
And everything around is beautiful.
Health, joy, love,
Good luck, positive!

Let the New Year, on the threshold,
It will enter your house like a good friend!
Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, hardships and ailment!
Let them come in the year coming
And luck and success!
Let him be the best
The most joyful of all!

Let the glasses ring
Let the wine bend
Let the night starfall
He knocks on the window.
On this noisy night
Without smiles, you can’t
Pain and sorrows away!
Happy new year friends!

New Year's chimes fight -
And already in another year!
This holiday is popular
Brothers to us kindness!
Congratulations and smiles
At that moment they sound around
Souvenirs and cards:
“Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!”

Santa Claus checks the clock -
He’s time for him for a long time,
He throws his bag in the sled,
Corrects a bit,
And deer harness
Rushes right to heaven,
So that around in one moment
Miracles have come!

And only sometimes
I am a little sad:
There is no woman nearby
I'm so lonely!
Snegurka under the Christmas tree
I will drag it to me
So that it is not sad
And to her inadvertently.

Let your house go into your house with happiness
Bright, generous New Year!
New joys is an armful
Will bring under a snow cap,
You will make you wonder
Inspired, enjoy!
And good luck snowball
Let it fly straight to you.

Congratulations to you sincerely
In this glorious New Year.
What did you think today
Then let him bring.
Side to go around
All insidious need.
So that happiness settles
In your families forever.

Congratulations, congratulations!
We wish you magic, miracles!
Life joyful and long
And strong health.
Let Santa Claus's dreams
Everything will perform without trouble,
Let the desired new year
A lot of happiness will bring!

Opening champagne on New Year's Eve, aiming more precisely: a bottle, not Firing a cork in the ceiling is not considered counted! I wish you in 2023 to prevent a single miss!

Let there be a lot of luck in the new year,
Success and plans solved by tasks!
Let the sail of love do not wander in the darkness,
Look for your half on earth!
Dream, surprise and please your friends,
Be light and happiness for loved ones!

New Year is knocking on the door
Do not regret your desires -
Fill a glass of champagne
And wish everything, wish, wish!
And I wish from the heart
So that everything comes true that you are asking.

This new year
Let miracles happen:
Snowflakes, Christmas tree
Let it bring happiness!
The whole world sparkles and shines,
And everything around is beautiful.
Health, joy, love,
Good luck, positive!

Happy New Year, congratulations!
Live advantage without bored!
Strength, energy, fire!
Good day by day!
Raises, frequent bonuses,
Find the time!
Super -class impressions,
Many different entertainments!

Happy New Year!
Let him bring happiness.
A lot of joy, fun
Let it be in everything.
Let the desires come true
Let the house come to a fairy tale
And health and luck
Do not let us down in everything.

I wish you all my health,
Self -prosperity trailer,
Always a great mood
And happiness do not lose the recipe!
Let it be enthusiastic
The soul is all year old, full of hope,
And the body will be hardened
From all diseases and from troubles!

Happy New Year!
Luck rushes in full swing,
Happiness is also very close,
You grab it soon without risk.
Let the health be near,
And love cheers up with a charge
Let it carry wealth to the house
The best New Year!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
Let you go around the bad weather
Laughter with an assertive stream
Let him fill your entire house
Happiness with him in addition to jumps,
Good luck will be attached to them
And wealth at the same time
It will fly through the window!

Every new year is like a fairy tale
As a birth of a dream.
The new joy comes
In our world, complete beauty.
Happy New Year
And I wish you good
A lot of happiness, and good luck,
And mental warmth!

Happy New Year
And now I wish you
Happiness, joy, fun,
Fairytale mood.
So that the year is successful,
So that the days are not gloomy.
So that, sorrows to everyone in spite,
You were largely lucky in it.

The old year leaves
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was, will not leave,
And the worst - will not be able to repeat.
Let the old year go away
He takes away all the sorrows with him.
I wish that night
There was a ball with champagne and candles,
Cascade of lights and white snow,
Men enthusiastic views
And there was a loved one
On such a night with you next to you!

The last leaf is torn off,
The calendar was removed from the wall.
Waiting for a long time congratulations
The January standing outside the door.
In bright lights of carnival
An hour occurs,
The ringing of crystal glasses
The celebration is included in your house.
Let the luck visit you
Let the inspiration come
May your life become brighter
In a new, starting year!

The snow is fluffy New Year
Spin outside the window -
This means that today
New Year will come to our house,
They will sound the crackers around
And the gifts will stand in a row,
And on the Christmas tree all toys
They shine with bright light,
Multi -colored garlands
Will lead their round dance,
And for the main fight of chimes
New Year will come again!

Frost slides through the forest:
Bends you a WHO gift!
He will present a dream today
What made up on the star.
Let it come true
And gives a lot of heat
As well as light, love, good,
So that again you are lucky in everything!
So that nightingales sang in the heart
And the flowers bloomed on the soul,
Healthy to be you
And I spent the year happily!

All the best to you, the best,
Good luck in all and a happy occasion.
Let your worries be pleasant,
Work brings good feelings.
Let it not bring the new year of grief,
And only your great mood!

All the best to you, the best,
Good luck in all and a happy occasion.
Let your worries be pleasant,
Work brings good feelings.
Let it not bring the new year of grief,
And only your great mood!

Happy New Year!
Let the eyes be filled with happiness
After all, the New Year is a magical holiday
And the heart believes in miracles.
I wish you health, happiness
Strong love, faithful friends,
And so that success accompanies you
All 365 days!

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness.
Let it be densely in wallets,
And in the hearts it will not be empty.
Let the old year leave,
Everything bad will pick up.
Well, the New Year will come
And the joy will bring you!

Let the New Year come to you
With a fairy tale and hope,
Let the joy bring you
Love will add tender.
Let it go to business
Let there be a lot of happiness
Let the sun shine for you
Everyone will bypass the bad weather.

Happy New Year,
I wish your family:
You take care of each other
Let the ailments go around you.
Let the salary grow up
Let luck visit.
Let the work be a joy
So that you forget the fatigue.

I want to wish you happiness
On this holiday, on the New Year,
Mountains of money, sea of \u200b\u200bpassion
And love is a cycle.
Let friends do not upset
And colleagues take care of.
Let your relatives give you
Kindness, warmth, comfort.

Happy New Year, world, happiness,
Let the successes to you rush
And let their health capture
And let it be enough for everyone!
Let the eyes shine with light
Everything comes true at the same time -
What you dreamed about
And today they made up!

It has come so good,
Bright, bright New Year,
Let him live for you
No problems and without trouble,
Let life sparkle with happiness,
There will be a cycle
But only the best will happen
Only joy will come to the house!

I wish you: let this year
Huge salaries will bring
Let it give you health
And happiness in the house, spite of the enemies.
Let miracles happen
Only the white will be white.
You always stand on your own.
Success and victories in everything!

Let the new year be good,
And the door will open in the fairy tale
And he will certainly bring
All the best with you.
I wish you this whole year
Live in love and happiness,
Do not know sorrow and worries
And other bad weather.
Twelve times will break through the clock,
And the miracle will suddenly happen!
May everyone come true,
Joy will knock on the house.

We are waiting for miracles, we believe in a fairy tale,
We are friends, love, we do ...
And on this good winter holiday,
When the lights burn around
When the Christmas tree shines elegantly,
Burnts are thundered every hour,
Let happiness come to us for a long time,
Let the joy leave us.
Let everyone come true,
The sadness of the loser will leave without a trace.
Love, warmth, charm,
Miracles of the magic for centuries!

Happy New Year, new happiness!
Let him be the most cloud
The most generous and simple
So that luck comes with him!
So that you live richly
Money to row with a shovel,
So that fun, noise and laughter
They covered everyone in the house.
To perseverance and aspirations
Turned into achievements.
Positive, magic!
Life to be a song!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let this year give
A storm of feelings and a sea of \u200b\u200bpassion
Yes, love is a whirlpool.
A lot of joyful moments,
Crushing victories,
Travel, entertainment,
Cryst of bills and ringing of coins.
As in champagne melts foam,
Let the load of worries disappear.
Let the successful certainly
There will be the whole coming year!

Only on the New Year can everything be: fall asleep under a Christmas tree, dance with a grandfather Frost and make the most cherished desire for chimes. Yours - be sure to come true! Happy New Year!

The time has come for fairy tales
On the threshold of the New Year!
Let him scatter anxiety,
Will increase your income.
Let him fulfill all desires
Let him give love.
Both success and health
It will attract you like a magnet.

Let the New Year bring smiles,
Impressions of bright swarm
To remove the cream from life,
Judging them with caviar.
Let with the twelfth blow
Troubles will disappear at once,
And good luck, like a fire,
They will flare up here and here.

Let you go to you in the coming year
The first health will come
And after him they hurry after him
Friendship, joy and money,
And they will run behind them
Peace, luck and comfort.
Parties - without a hangover!
Without repentance - fun!
Improving - income!
With new happiness, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
And I wish this year,
Every day to be happy
Without sorrows and trouble!
So that you are bewildered with happiness
Laughter settled in the house
So that you are asked for friends
Money, joy and success!
So that in love they bathe all year -
You are joyful, in spite of everyone.
In the life of personal and in the career
So that you are always lucky!

Let the New Year show you
Money and wealth.
I wish to come true to all dreams
Wanted to be fulfilled.
Good health, love
And joyful events,
I wish you happiness, novelty
And fabulous discoveries.
Let the holiday be every day,
Friends, relatives nearby.
And all the good will come
Magical snowfall.

Happy New Year, Happy Year!
Happiness is not in passing,
Firmly let your house enter
And he will bring
The joy of meetings, the warmth of smiles,
The happiness of loved ones and friends.
So that it could always be calm
You are for those who are all relatives.
To success - a round dance,
No doubt and without trouble.
Happy New Year, glorious year -
Let the victories become a year

New Year - cheerful, sonorous
I have already come to our homes,
Let the troubles go aside,
Let everything be good!
I cordially congratulate
There is a big one with this holiday,
Let the joy come, playing
To your soul, in your life,
Let the dreams come true -
All to one at once,
You are love and understanding,
And the beautiful things!

Let the New Year's overflow
Great joys of KamAZ
And in the ear he will gently sneak
That you are a upper class!
And Santa Claus with a smile let
The clouds will disperse problems.
Like Moshkaru, sadness will slam,
Give happiness a bunch!
Hoping, believing and loving
With gifts in an embrace,
Let him wait under the Christmas tree
Significant other!

Let the New Year give joy,
The warmth of hearts, love of relatives,
Let it be in sweetness every day.
Smaller days are cold.
I wish you happiness full heap
Let life play with paints
Fun, joy, enthusiasm,
Let the everyday life become fairy tales.
Let the luck will not back down,
Let the kindness surround
May the New Year not offend you
And it will always be generous to you.

My loved ones and relatives
Happy New Year!
I want to wish everything:
A lot of money and good luck
Positive and good,
To make the sun brighter
Heated your hearts!
At work, so that with success
You went through your every day.
Happiness, sea and smiles
In this glorious,
New Year's day

Let the New Year bring you good luck,
And happiness will also be over the edge.
Health is firmly pestering you,
Well, let there be eternal May in the soul.
I also wish you prosperity in everything,
And a sweet life, so that they can say:
"Life was a success", or maybe even modestly
Caviar to write this.

Let Happy Happiness to the house with a year
Will come with hopes with a big bag,
As if good Santa Claus
He transferred you to childhood again.
I wish welfare
And fulfillment of desire.
May the world always be color,
And even happiness will be big!

Happy New Year
And I wish you all my heart
Have fun and laugh
Not to be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
All the coming New Year.
Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
To always be positive,
To always be lucky in everything!

The time has come when everyone can
To dream about new plans,
To conceive something carefully
Yes, to make everything under the Christmas tree.
I'm glad to congratulate the New Year!
And with this late evening
Let Santa Claus go in passing
Will give happiness and warmth.
Define herd will come running to you
... They will bring gifts.
Rivers of good to you and delights,
Let your comfort reigns.

Happy New Year, congratulations
We wish the sea of \u200b\u200bjoy
And success and luck,
And universal fun.
And let the dreams come true
Sadness will disappear in the way
The heart is full of love
Warmth and kindness.
Let pleasant surprises
Will be more often in your life.
And we also wish you happiness
So that not life, but a fairy tale!

Let the outgoing year take away
Sadness, care, vanity,
But let him tolerate joy
And multiplies next year.
May new events await you,
And your house fills laughter.
Let there be new discoveries,
Let them bring you success.
Be loved and love
Let the heart sing from love,
Go to your dreams bolder,
Good luck for the New Year.

Let the new year with a smile
We will bring prosperity to your house
May there be love, success in him,
Let the child's laugh sounds in it.
So that all the worries and sorrows
You have never been upset.
So that there is joy and warmth,
So that all of you are lucky in everything.
To achieve and smiles
They overshadowed sorrow and mistakes.
Let only happiness and joys,
Good, harmony, success!

Happy New Year! Let it give
You are a joy for the New Year
Let the happy day come
A miracle will suddenly happen.
And the desire will be fulfilled
Very important yours,
You just need to believe in a fairy tale
We must believe in magic.
Let the success come to you,
Let friends surround
Let Fortune not fail,
There will always be everything.

On the New Year, let your life smile,
And he will solve all the difficulties at a time,
I wish you many emotions
Feel positive now
Surrounded by loved ones, loved ones,
To delight them and give love,
There are more funny days, happy -
I wish to live cool
Congratulations - let the income grow,
Rejoice and prosper life,
And success - let him find you himself,
Only rather you catch him!

New Year is a wonderful holiday.
There is a place in it.
In it, the wishes are sparkling
With him everything is subject to magic.
So let the miracle go to you,
It will flood everything around.
Let them be the best victories
Let the close circle be true.
Let about the sorrows and anxieties of the past
Memory will forget, and in the eyes
Let there be only bright joy
And a clear smile on the lips.

Finally New Year! In the new year, let everyone have everything differently, Only the way you want, and not as you have to! Be happy and successful, love and be loved! Happy New Year to all!

On a frosty holiday New Year,
Luck let your house come to your house
And let the snowflakes
Health, joy will bring
Love, care and smiles
Friends, relatives and closest,
Wealth, profit and prosperity,
In the native country, peace, order,
We wish you to be fulfilled in full
Desires and dreams for the joy of you!

Let the new year
Everything will be again
Love, dream and joy
And even happiness I want
So that it turned out to be new.
Let new feelings
Summarizes the snowstorm
Let the head circle us,
Let the new year come soon,
After all, we really need him.

Here is the new year again,
Congratulations from the heart,
Happiness, joy, miracles
I wish you all my heart!
Let the New Year bring
Luck and luck
So that everything in life can be able to
Doubts went away!
To be vast love
I turned my head
To come true to the treasured
And everything was fine!

I wish inspiration
Whatever you start for.
Let bold decisions
They will allow you to move from the place!
Let sweet dreams
All finally will be done
Always let the condition
In your pockets there are.
Let the New Year from past years
At least something is different,
Let the news are good
More and more often you meet!

Happy New Year to congratulations
And we wish you good!
Sveta, we wish you joy
On New Year and forever.
May everyone come true,
A ball of adversity will go around.
And under your glee
The old year will go away.
We wish you health
Let the comfort be everywhere,
Wherever you are.
Happiness to you all over the earth.

It came again his turn,
We celebrate the holiday - New Year!
I ask for a minute of attention
I want to tell you wishes.
Let the year begin with inspiration,
Problems and troubles with disappearance.
I wish everything
Additions every day:
Love and tenderness in the hearts,
Victories and clarity in business,
In the soul of pleasant warmth,
Big bills for a wallet!

Let the coming New Year
The update will bring
A lot of light and good
At the planetary fire!
The wars have stopped
They lived everything in love, with dignity
To the Christmas tree on the edge
You hung toys.
To rich your family,
The people were prosperous
The whole earth blossomed,
Strengthened so that the family.
The milestones were bright,
Life gave you gifts:
Joy, happiness, fresh fruit
Have not run out for a whole year!

Let in the new year
There will be love with you
And tenderness and happiness,
And joy,
Good people
Meet again
There will be no problems
Let the burden.
Let in the new year
There will be love with you
Leave everything old -
In the old.
Smiles, good luck
Dreams again and again
They will go with you

Everyone walks in the New Year:
Oligarch and pigod
Saleswoman and model,
Husband is sure and male.
First morning of January
We will be like one family
Narrow -eyed and hangover,
And the fun will continue!
All are equal, and everything is relatives.
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I did not have time to look around, and now -
He knocked on our door to the door!
Dry the chimes of chimes,
We wish each other happiness
Love, health and good luck ...
And two bags of dough in addition!
Hold the tail by the tail,
In a personal career - only growth,
So that the children run around the house ...
And a lot of everything else.
So that this year was successful
And only brought joy!

Let the New Year
Will give magic
Will fulfill all dreams and expectations.
Let them come true that night
All the most cherished desires.
Let the cute house be a full bowl,
And let it be life
The sweetest honey -
I wish you all my heart,
Happy New Year today!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
So that there is no bad weather
Life seemed to you honey,
Fragrant, tasty, sweet.
With a new episode in life,
Very sonorous, bright, hot!
Everything that had long been dreamed of
The new year was done,
A happy star
I always lit the path!

Let the new year give
New forces and undertakings,
And let the list fulfill the list
The most daring expectations.
Days of his path fly
Multi -colored firework,
Let you be twisted in dance
Happiness with joy and laughter.
Let health be normal
Let love be with passion
Let wealth be in the house.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Let the New Year give a miracle,
And your house will come into your house.
Under the Christmas tree of the festive elegant
Let you have a bag of happiness.
Let it shine with bright lights
All the guiding star,
You are correctly led by the road
And never fade.
Chimes beat, wine in glasses,
The whole family is assembled by the table.
Happy New Year to you,
We wish you happiness and good.

This New Year
Let you be lucky in everything,
Luck enters the house,
And joy will be in him.
The cheerful laughter of the guests
Your relatives, friends
Fill the house with warmth,
Cozy and good.
Let you have a soul
And at the most difficult hour
Love always shines
And inspires you.

Happy New Year!
And I wish it in it
There was a lot of happiness
And good luck day after day!
So that the health is strong,
Both wealth and comfort.
So that the Snow Maiden is as a gift
Brought a salute with me.
So that frost and snow be in moderation,
So that gifts are a whole WHO.
So that at midnight you come to you
With a red nose, Santa Claus!

In the magic midnight
We will drink to the bottom
For happiness,
A glass of young wine!
Let there be desires
The spirit is awake
Beautiful phrases
Caress your hearing!
Let children's pranks
Will be interesting
Gifts of fate -
Unusual, pleasant!
Let the stars please
And blue the sky!
Successful, kind
New Year!

New Year's snowflake
Caught on the glass
Santa Claus congratulated us all
And he wished everyone good.
I also want to add
So that next year
We did not know about sorrow,
Have not heard about trouble.
Let the hardships take it away
And takes away the old year,
Well, the New Year is lucky
And success will bring everyone.
Let the smiles do not melt
Let love live in hearts,
And let joy and happiness
Enough for us for a whole year.

Happy New Year! It will swept again
Days and months
Continuous Kuter.
Let the bad remain in the past
There will be a very good new year.
Let the old failures forget
And absurd resentment, and embarrassment.
New Year has come, which means
It is necessary to drop the burden of the load.
All good is to save
And increase,
All obstacles in the way -
If necessary, get out of the skin,
But in the end, still succeed!
Happiness plenty
Like in the winter of snow,
In the New Year I wish from the bottom of my heart,
A lot of joy, health,
More laughter
New meetings, dating,
Victories, peaks!

More smiles, more fun!
Let the New Year bring you a snowstorm,
Good luck, enthusiasm, pleasant troubles
And joyful things are still a lot.
Good stories, confident friendship,
Wealth and happiness, good luck in the service,
Family dinners and from the sky star -
We wish you all this in the new year.
Health, hopes and big plans,
Attention, tenderness of the most relatives ...
Let it bring a hundred times more
You are a new, coming beautiful year!

SMS Happy New Year short in prose

The current era has completely changed everything. People prefer to wish a happy New Year to their loved ones in a modern style. The evolution of social media made it possible to use Facebook, Twitter, etc., to express their feelings for each case. But nothing can take the charm of kind words that will be sent to SMS to your smartphone.

I sincerely congratulate you and wish you the most important in the coming year - fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed about, he just becomes happy!

Let everything be as you want in the New Year, and all secret dreams will come true!

A cold winter evening wants warmth. Let New Year's Eve surroundthe warmth of smiles and communication, and the fire in the hearth of your family does not go out!

In the New Year we wish to find the harmony of the soul, calmness of reason and beauty bodies. We wish New Year's perfection in everything!

This New Year should become a colorful bridge in a new life, Filled with happiness, joy, and bringing only pleasant sensations.

On the magical night of the New Year I wish you execution Made desires, huge, like starry sky, happiness and strong, like Siberian frost, health!

Happy New Year, my buddy want to congratulate you! And on the New Year I wish you Only happiness! You have lived a worthy, and let the misfortunes go around you in the future.

New Year is a cheerful holiday. I wish you to mention it cheerfully. To be in the new The year, coming, there was a lot of happiness and money.

I wish you to be happy in the next year, not to know the sorrows anddiseases. I wish you a lot of money and friends, and that you do not have any problems!

Happy New Year! Let all your undertakings at last in the coming year will end with a complete and unconditional victory, and all troubles will remain in the past.

Every twelve years we have the opportunity to increase everything What we have achieved in the year of our animal patron. So let us have twelve patrons! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, I would like to wish conscience to manufacturers of products, mind to the compilers of a festive television program and good luck to the organizers of fireworks.

You didn't think about why no one eats borscht for the New Year? And That's right: why think about some nonsense when such a holiday is approaching? Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Here is the wonderful time when we feel againchildren. We are waiting for gifts, with pleasure we choose what and to whom to give and believe in Santa Claus. Happy New Year!

Find it with champagne and crackers, light Bengal lights. Listen to the chimes. This is the New Year! Happy New Year! Hooray!

The most wonderful and fabulous holiday in white clothes with curls from Serpantine. This is a holiday of hopes and desires. This is a new countdown. Happy New Year!

He's never late. It is punctual, like a gentleman. Comes Worthy and rich. With gifts and champagne and a good mood. It is a New Year. Happy holiday!

Cold sophistication, frameless fun, ringing of glasses, smell ate and Many - many gifts. He came - the New Year. Congratulations!

Let the New Year's Eve be a harsh border guard between the bad and Good. Let us leave everything that did not please last year and strode further with the node of happiness and the van of joy!

Happy New Year! We wish, in addition to the digit, to find something else in the new year new. Let him know that he definitely wants, because he suddenly comes true!

Happy New Year! The smell of tangerines, Christmas tree, crackers, salutes - Let all these fellow travelers remain in the heart for the whole year and delight until the new New Year.

Congratulations! I wish next year to finally find my happiness, to find out, Grasp and not let go anywhere. Be careful with wings, he wants to fly away - let go, so you were not yours, but yours are also next to it!

Happy New Year! So it is not for nothing that people with such honors meet him.So it is not for nothing that they say so much good to each other. So, wishes come true !!! Health and love !!!

Happy New Year! Let as soon as the holiday is full of midnight It begins and your house will be filled with magic and charm, joy and fun, and happiness never leaves you alone!

May the New Year be good, and how all the most will come true by magic Testament dreams! Huge human happiness, luck and prosperity in the new year, which will certainly bring joy with him!

Quietly, quietly on snowy paths, New Year is sneaking to visit us!Let him bring happiness, luck, success and an excellent mood throughout the year!

Let pleasant miracles happen in this year, and love fills yourlife! Let him be happier than all the previous ones! Let your life only change from the New Year!

The New Year is already knocking on your doors, so get ready for the Sea of \u200b\u200bHappiness, Waterfall of miracles and fireworks of love! Let this festive mood leave you all year!

Every year on December 31, we wish each other so that all our problems They stayed in the old year. But this time everything will come true! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Life is an unpredictable thing, something is constantly happening in it. I I wish you that all the surprise and surprises that are in wait for you next year be only pleasant!

If it is true that gifts are more pleasant to give than to receive, then the mosta happy person in the world is Santa Claus! Let him bring you what you have been dreaming about for a long time. Happy New Year!

How do you not like the New Year? You just don't know how to celebrate it! Come To us in the evening of December 31 - and we will teach you! Just do not forget the carnival costume and good mood!

Favorite! I was called in several noisy companies at once, but I Refused to everyone. I want to celebrate the New Year with you and only with you! You are my most coveted gift.

Happy New Year. Let everything you dream about will be fulfilled. And the year will bring Pleasant surprises, peace of mind, stability, fidelity, luck, happiness, success.

In the New Year I wish you kindness, warmth, income and profit, health,creativity and knowledge, realization and climbing, conquest of peaks, smiles, joy, beautiful and fateful achievements!

Happy New Year! I wish this year to be time only Good news, excellent heroic health and boundless happiness!

May the New Year fulfill all hopes and dreams, and life this year will become in A hundred times better than last year.

A lot of happy moments, many successes and victories, so that everything sparkles,it shone and inspired. Snow, Christmas trees, magic and of course warmth. Happy New Year!

I wish that in the new year everything that will think on New Year's Eve -really!

Happy New Year! Laughter, happiness and good! Let you in the coming yearhe will cover the most positive waves of joy!

I wish in the new year: comfort in the house, good friends at the table, a delicious sea champagne, prosperity and abundance.

Happy New Year! Let life now will be aimed only at all Great, like a strong bowl bow, and the arrows of dreams and actions always fall into the apple!

Happy New Year! Joy and fun, good and well -being, unforgettable and A sleepless New Year's Eve, let life be a real fairy tale with a happy ending.

Happy New Year! Great days and good relationships!

I wish to have fun so that Santa Claus, taking out gifts from the bag under Your Christmas tree remained unnoticed. Happy New Year!

I wish to celebrate so grandiose so that this night is remembered for a long time, But it would not have come to the cake. Happy New Year!

Do not get drunk on New Year's Eve, and look that Santa Claus is a detector didn't take it away.

May this holiday bring this holiday the fireworks of emotions, and for this you can Drink, hello, hello the New Year.

I wish you and your loved ones in the new year only good, great love and Complete understanding!Because the family for us occupies the most important place in life.

I wish that in the new year there would be so many joyful and good events, How many bubbles in your glass with champagne. Let all problems be solved and the cherished dreams will be fulfilled in the coming year.

May there always be a place for love and new achievements in your life! Let Thoughts will be light and clean, like the first snow, and troubles, if they are, are as short as the change of the old year new!

For us this year was difficult. And I want to wish all the problems and The experiences remained forever in the past year. And in the new one: happiness, luck and love became our faithful companions. Happy holiday you are friends!

As you know, the New Year's Eve is always held with the results leaving. So, we have something to be proud of! And most importantly, there is something to strive for. And I want to wish love, health and peace to your families!

Let this New Year fulfill all desires! Fill life unprecedented Miracles, give vivid emotions and impressions! Believe in the best and love your loved ones. Be happy!

If you do not believe in Santa Claus, then you do not believe in miracles ... But after all New Year is a holiday of miracles, cherished desires and sincere hopes! Believe only in good, be healthy and happy!

I wish you a tangerine mood! Fragrant-and-haired emotions! Surviving and sparkling laughter! And a frosty-white smile in the new year! Happy holiday!

Let the winter mood become warm, like summer. Let it be under your feet Not snowflakes fall, but bags with money. And let them give heat not heaters, but the hearts of people close to you. Happiness to you in the new year!

Boundless fun and lack of a hangover! Only goodmemories and the most daring undertakings! Believe in Santa Claus, and you will be happy!

I congratulate you and wish you the main thing - fulfilling desires! because, when a person has what he dreamed about - he is cheerful, vigorous, healthy! Happy New Year!

I congratulate you on the New Year that you can come up with! Let him be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised!

We invite you to after the New Year talk show with participants in the festive The trips “Tell me, the Snow Maiden, where was it!”. Entrance to 16 years is prohibited.

If an old, fat man will come to you late at night and will becometo put you in a bag, do not worry - I told Santa that I want you for the New Year.

Let the next year come true what you thought in the one before!.. Congratulations! Let the New Year bring the fulfillment of all your desires!

Let the New Year learn from the old only good! I congratulate you andi wish you the main thing - the fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed about, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!

Let you have many new friends in the new year, new Highly paid work, a new car, a new suburban villa, in which you could sit like an update, our old friendly circle and spend an old year!

With the upcoming magic! Let the most come true in the new year Ambitious plans, let happiness and luck are circling nearby, let the infinitely beautiful love shine in your life! Open your heart for the best!

You can already hear Santa Claus creeping up to your house, dragging a bag Happiness for you! Raise the glass and take the best wishes from me. Happy New Year!

Congratulations! May this year be successful for you in all respects, Happy and filled with the best events! And so that life is like champagne - light, exciting, sparkling and beating over the edge!

Let the next year bring the latest crispy bills, bags Sparkling happiness, tons of love and good mood!

With coming! Let the New Year's rabbit (cat) bring you all the very Cool and cheerful, let the luck be with you, let all the good add, and the bad is deducted!

Hello! Santa Claus with children, and the Snow Maiden walked. So excuse me I will congratulate me! Today I wish to break away with might and main! Good luck and luck in the new year!

I wish life to be a colorful fairy tale to bring the New Year you happiness! Good luck! Victory! Let this year be better than the previous one!

Hi, it's time to throw away all the bad things that happened this year! And all Good to pack good and transfer to the New Year! Happy holiday to you!

I met love, health and happiness, they wandered under the falling snowLooking for a shelter. I gave them your address, wait for them to come to you!

Love - on the floor of the sky! And let everything I wanted to be fulfilled - in New Year's moon night!

I congratulate you and wish you the main thing - fulfilling desires! Because, When a person has what he dreamed about - he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!

Let the New Year come with joyful events, warm meetings and The care of loved ones - with the few, which is called a simple word - "happiness"!

Happy New Year - the most promising, enchanting, successful andalluring! Meet him with a positive, joy and an open heart. Congratulations!

They say that in the New Year everything always comes true even that for the whole yearIt cannot be saved!

The New Year gives a reason when you can wish all your close people with bright words what comes from your very soul, which you sincerely wish them.

New Year brings happiness. It is simply created to enjoy and rest. So enjoy everything that this holiday can give you.

Happy New Year!

Video: Happy New Year!

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