Comic letters to Santa Claus from a girl, boy, adult, funny, funny, original - the best selection

Comic letters to Santa Claus from a girl, boy, adult, funny, funny, original - the best selection

Collection of cool letters to Santa Claus for the New Year 2022.

Letter to Santa Claus from a boy

Letter to Santa Claus from a child of a preschooler - boy, girls
Letter to Santa Claus from a boy

Letter to Santa Claus from the boy:

Dear frost!
I have this question:
There is a big bag in your bag
Puppet good house?
Doors, windows and porch,
Curtains on rings.
So that such as in the picture,
For my sister, Irinka.
Does not indulge, eats all the porridge,
I love our mother very much.
You can give the house calmly
After all, she worthy of him.
For myself, I ask a little:
Ball, railway,
You can a new rifle,
Well, such as Vovka.
All. Thank you! I will be glad!
Signature: Irin Elder brother.


I am writing that for a year
Grandfather Frost:
“Came, grandfather, helicopter
Or a marter rug,
Only without wear.
So that dad does not twist
The pedal is great.
So that mother has a walk
The legs are not tired.
So as not to stand in traffic jams,
When to go,
All friends would ride
It would not be over consideration.
To be a harmful sister
I immediately took it
For a walk on the carpet
She sang differently!
Come on, grandfather Frost!
You are fulfilling the request!
After all, you put it for a year
You're not under the Christmas tree! "


Good grandfather Frost
Help solve the issue
I want to be a hockey player
To bring the benefit of bringing,
Yes, there is one problem
Do not take me to the circle
The form is said to be needed
Without it, hockey is impossible.
Protection, helmet, helmet, shields
Father Frost! Well, help!
You are a wizard I know
I meet you every year
I believe, I believe in you
Everything, until the night of magic!


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
I'm waiting for you that night.
Whatever you bring to me,
I will be very, very, very!
I do not freeze my nose.
Do not forget the house of the house
And I ask, Santa Claus,
Only be real!
On a sheet in a ruler,
With your hand,
The letters with a broken line were displayed:
“Santa Claus, I know
You can do everything
And I write, what would I
In the New Year I wanted-
Give your loved ones
Lonely people,
All patients are medicines,
Disabled - legs.
Residents of Chukotka-
Sunny sky,
Children Nicaragua-
Milk and bread.
Dirty hungry
Uncle from the station
Give me a little good luck
And start life from the beginning.
So that the dog's court
The paw healed
And to the neighbor Lenka
May dad return "


“I really need my friend, little puppy.”
There is no sister, here's the trouble, only Brother Vanyushka.
He always takes my toys.
I do not want WHO gifts, tired of crying.
Dear grandfather Frost, give a dog!
See how brave I am!
All! Take care of your business -
Not a gu-what, and no shu-shu!
Santa Claus I write to you!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Ouch! I understood ... I didn't get it,
I feel, I will not write
But I will ask my mother!
Mom drives by car
She drives cool!
(Lena - Mamchkino name ...
The color of the car is red)
Content of the letter
Will give you it yourself.
You read the letter
And consider our dream ...
Not about dolls we dream.
Not childish? We understand!
Everything is, grandfather, with us.
We would sooner in first grade!
All of our yard
The kids asks you:
I, Pavlush and Nadia,
Both Marina and Andryusha,
In general - all my friends,
Dad with mom and I,
Even little Ira -
Give us in the world of the world ...
In the world we want to live everything,
Having holding hands, to be friends
Dad with mom love
And thank you!
Wealth are not important to us -
They are used to living modestly.
Sincerely, we all
And I, Boy Roma!


Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains,
Behind large cities
Grandfather and grandmother live
Meetings with the grandson are very waiting for
To hug, kiss,
Something important to say
Consider and ask,
To treat something delicious,
Play and shoulder
Yes to give gifts -
And toys and updates,
May we see you again!


Outside the window snowdrifts, a cold,
Fat ice froze on puddles.
The blizzard is angry, the snow is about ...
Soon the holiday is New Year!
Santa Claus will write
And in the letter I will ask
To Grandfather Frost
A surprise brought us to our family,
To be kind, generous
And I gave me my sister.
I will allow her to be so
Wash the dishes all day,
Wipe the dust from the closet
And wash linen in the pelvis.
I will not lag behind her.
I will work all day.
Throat affairs, everyone cannot count:
I have a computer
Five cars, lifting crane,
Very soft my sofa
Games, books, simulator
And the puppy is a ruff.
Santa Claus did not understand me
And he did everything inaccurately.
He gave me a sister -
Lyalka in white diapers.
Yes, there is still a sister
But all day only sleeps, but eats.


Hello Dedushka Moroz!
(The main thing is the beginning)
I am khachu to bring ...
(No, there is little entry!
We need to write more:
That I listened to the elders
That always went to bed
At seven ... and maybe earlier!
That the five brought
Still happened! -
And that the vase did not break,
And she fell!)
I behaved perfectly!
(Oh, ears turn red ...
Maybe hide under the table?
Mom with dad listened!
Okay, enough about me
(Better right away to business)
I'm khachu to bring you
The onion is tight and arrows!
(No, I'll ask you better
On birthday, this
And I will write to the frost,
What ...) Khachu rocket!
Like Sasha in the yard
Just with a milek!
(Why in December
I was so hot?)
And also - a bicycle
Ball, skates and skis,
And in the movie one ticket,
To the center is only closer!
(Something in this New Year
I asked a little ...)
I am khachu so that Irka is to me
I gave it to write off!
(I'll cross out. I'm a little afraid:
Suddenly he knows Irka?
And she’s how to study a lot ...)
Finally, wish
I am a khach ... candy!
You can three, and better - five!
Or to eat until the summer! ..
(It's time to decorate the Christmas tree,
To have time for dinner.
(Ah, yes, we must write :)
From Andrey to Grandfather!

Festive letter to Santa Claus from a child girl

Festive letter to Santa Claus from a child girl
Festive letter to Santa Claus from a child girl

A festive letter to Santa Claus from a child of a girl:

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I have a question for you.
Do you remember, for sure-
I asked for a hamster.
Can be a neighbor Masha
Will you give it to the New Year?
GOD HASE DARI, don't work-
I will agree with Masha!
I'm serious, I'm not joking
I want a skateboard for myself!
Letter to Santa Claus
Author: Svetlana Sincarova
I became Grandfather Frost
In the evening, write a letter.
The younger sister rose
I asked me not to interfere!
"We are waiting for the New Year gifts ..."
I will order him a lotto.
Suddenly again gives sledges
Or something wrong.
Let the piano drag
(I choose a black color).
I want to play like Nina
I will be seven years old soon.
We made a desire:
So that in the evening in the New Year
In the house, like aunt Gali,
A red cat appeared!
And also - skates and skis,
And a large bag of sweets,
Snowfall of the second - lower
(Sister does not have it).
But the parents said:
“Santa Claus will not come to you:
They ordered too much -
Will tear off, fall ... "


Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I have a question for you.
Just answer honestly.
I understand everything I know.
How do you come for letters?
Are you going into the house without keys?
In the freezer ... and without demand ...
So you will be left without a nose.
Where do you get denyuzhka?
What is free ... you're lying ...
By rubles, not snowflakes ...
Even ice floes are not suitable ...
You have one bag.
Not a whole store.
And the kids are a million.
You are not a postman.
They say that Santa Claus.
Very old ... red nose.
The nose is the same as the dad ...
Was on Thursday after the salary.
There is frost on the street.
The slightly lamppost did not demolish.
And the other was breaking into our door.
Kubarem then rolled up ...
Santa Claus Are you an acrobat?
And is it weak for vision?
Is everything all right with hearing?
Do you start a day with charging?
Santa Claus I will open.
I'm going to take a walk.
Waiting for an answer to the letter ...
It is very long ...


Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I ask you to bring
The whole family gifts:
Mom is a bright umbrella.
A new razor for dad,
Grandfather is a felt hat.
For granny - mittens,
Puppet - my sister,
And also on the scooter:
To me and my little brother!
On a sleigh or on foot
Get to us soon!
We will be a grandfather with a bag
Wait for your Christmas tree.


Hello Dedushka Moroz,
You are our best guest!
We have been waiting for you for a whole year
We behave well:
We play and sing, together, cheerfully live!
Congratulations on birthday,
We are waiting for you with impatience
To meet with the kids
New Year with you.
We, of course, love you and wish you
From the heart: be always healthy,
Nimble, bright, friendly, sing, dance ...
We want to wish you a meeting through
A year again, with a kid from all over the country, -
You are very dear to all of us!
May dreams come true in children from all over the country!
Dear you are our grandfather -
We hug and kiss!


I want such a gift
So that everything is in the world
Never shed
Well, not a drop of tears.

Even in Africa distant,
Where evil crocodiles
And also in Ukraine,
Where is the war now.

To make it quiet in the morning
The children got up joyfully,
Mom and dad smiled
And their country loved.

I will be happy then
All gifts are this best!
And toys and nuts,
A lot of fruits and sweets

Give the other guys
Who lives in the basement now,
They are very, very sad for them,
Because there is no sun. ”


Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I really believe in a fairy tale.
Give me the New Year
Doll and stroller ...

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
He behaved excellent.
Earned money WHO.
I would have happiness in personal ...

Hello Dedushka Moroz.
Give grandchildren good luck.
Well, give me health,
And the crop in the country ...

How old we were
We are waiting for the miracle of the meeting.
And magical light is on fire
On New Year's Eve.


1. Hello, grandfather Frost!
Tell me how you live?
Surrounded by sanctions
Are you friends with Santa?
And gifts in the bag
Only a good kid?
There is no place for bad places?
Or are you still a good grandfather?
Bring, if you are not sorry,
Dad beer, mom's rolling pin.
I often fought in the year
What will you give - I will accept everything.

2. I am offended, red nose,
You did not bring the computer.
What kind of deuces in the diary?
How did you study, grandfather?

3. And the father left us.
There are no gifts, well, no.
Only Mom smiled
And less tired.
Brother two, still sister-
Mom pulls us alone.
We, as we can, help,
Only there is not enough money.

4. Santa Claus, I am a daughter alone.
I urgently need a sister.
I will ask about small
Let mom get pregnant.

5. You, Morozko, haven't you cold?
Health, grandfather, you and strength.
And for this wish -
Snowboard me. Goodbye.

6. I can't solve in any way
What to receive as a gift?
Something on batteries ...
Do not forget the batteries!

7. The tree shines brightly, bright,
We are waiting for gifts from grandfather,
But don't come, grandfather, hear,
Without an iPhone and without skis.

8. It will become boring - the nose is higher!
Come to us, Santa Claus,
Call the door more boldly
Believe, you won’t regret it!

9. It is not easy to be obedient,
I studied well.
Hurry up with a gift to seven -
In seven, the alarm clock will call.
Make the night longer for dreams
Somewhere for five hours.
I’m trying in every way-
I don’t get enough sleep!

10. Today, sober come.
Last year on the way
I lost all the gifts
And he got to the police ...

11. Let for the holiday in the New Year
The topic, our neighbor, will come.
He does not take the eye from me,
Secretly, I think, in love.
In our class, the first "a",
I am the beauty alone.
So be it, you can allow
Small into the cheek carefully.

12. I believe, Santa Claus, in you,
Well, my devotion
It lasts as long as seven years!
Cook a steep gift.

13. Santa Claus, shake the stash -
Give your sister chewing gum
And to me - thirty -two rubles,
Since I love you!

14. You have a lot in Ustyug.
How is Snegurkino health?
I will meet you today
And I will not even lie down to sleep.

15. Where are you, grandfather, live?
I would bring a walkie -talkie to me.
That's great! No problem?
Coye wiped his nose.

16. Mom - the sea, dad - slippers,
Well, do I have a sweet gift?
Everyone has - and give me
A set of dolls "Monster Hai"!

17. Why are you, grandfather, cunning?
The old one has become, do not have time?
For you, it happens,
Dad is blown.

18. Hello, grandfather Frost!
We have one question:
And your palace is probably
Like the Snow Queen?
Sorry for us, Santa Claus,
There is one more question:
Can I come to visit you?
Ivanovs - Sveta, Kostya.
Writes to the grandfather of the kids,
She is waiting in response to good.
Grandpa, don't be offended
Try to make everyone happy.

Funny letter to Santa Claus per year tiger 2022

Funny letter to Santa Claus per year tiger 2022
Funny letter to Santa Claus per year tiger 2022

Funny letter to Santa Claus in the year of Tiger 2022:

A furious opponent of vulgar curses,
I will set up an open denunciation:
Hello, Comrade Santa Claus!
(foreign grandfather Frost)
An angry blizzard is blizzard outside the window,
All the village was filled with snow,
And my sending to Ustyug,
Probably just did not reach.
I asked, in principle, a little,
I’ve just been waiting for a year now,
Lay the road to the city,
To be able to drive an all -terrain vehicle.
Forty miles - far enough
To the nearest gas pipe,
There is no electric current
Only over there, separate pillars.
The store is empty on the shelves,
From that and hungly eager
In the summer, Autolayavka came,
Brought a sledgehammer and oar.
Since the time of the dictator Batista,
What did terrible deeds do
Intourists do not visit us,
Drake without reaching the village.
We ourselves are an unprecedented dexterity,
In terms of underpass cows,
Only here in the foreign exchange,
We go to neighboring farms.
Despite these cataclysms,
More fully than our "bins",
Each, exception, from the homeland -
Without brains ... sorry - crazy
Therefore, slack and chaos
Nobody is blamed.
Dear comrade Santa Claus,
Give me a new country.


Well, healthy, beard!
Get ready, go?
I am writing an application, as always,
You don't let you down.
And then, here Santa Claus is alone,
What was in the last year,
He promised gifts, damn it,
And I forgot to bring.
I don't ask a lot,
Do not be afraid, red nose
Now I will write a list:
Computer, vacuum cleaner, iron,
Sheepskin coat, grill stove,
Mobile phone (better - three),
Service, perfume, car,
That your husband - look yourself,
Champagne, self-",
And a couple of cognac
Well, there, what a snack,
And then completely longing.
Pack everything, put in a bag,
So that it was a murderer.
And it will not fit - well, well!
I'll take the euros.
After all, you must, Japan Mother,
(Since the sorcerer),
Materially support
Decent people.
You understand, crisis, grandfather,
All one one:
There is no money, no drink,
In short, life - g. . but.
Son Oboltus, husband Helkash,
Head idiot.
So you, grandfather, respect
At least on the New Year!


Good grandfather Frost!
We have the following question to you:
Why for the New Year
Is the kids waiting for gifts?
Well, are adults not people?
We also love them so much.
We give you an opportunity
To eliminate the oversight,
And you all the department
List helmet, so that without problems
I was able to send gifts to us.
The first we will wait.
Lenka, our secretary,
Man, and to be older.
Let not look at the chef:
This is our shortage.
Give Svetka a cruise,
So that the final point is Tunisia.
Well, Natasha, Togo - Manto,
To go to the car.
Ksyushka - a dress from Gucci,
And the style is the best.
Ninka give cutlets:
I was emaciated from diets.
Masha needs a million:
For lifting, plus an iPhone.
Our chef is a surprise:
Give him a striptease
So that blondes on the table
They danced to Pa-de-de.
I am the last on the list.
Give me a residence permit,
Legalize to already
I in the capital of permanent residence.
With a guard from the department
And with love. Your Stella.


Once, many years ago
About five minutes before the meeting of the year,
The stomach twisted my salad,
And I "closed from the people."
And they say - how you will meet a year,
So he will continue
The sign is accurate, and so -
Like New Year - I run to breathe!
And so for a dozen years -
While everyone is thumping at the table,
My dear toilet
Happy New Year again.
So, comrade is Santa Claus,
After all, you can do everything in the world -
I ask you to bring TV,
Putting me in Close.
Then I will not murmure
For the stinginess of an important moment,
And at that moment I can raise
The glass, for toast from the president.


Santa Claus, I write and cry,
But I will not say anything, at least cut me.
Whatever the request is failure,
I pour out a painful.
I apologize for the blots -
I see poorly from sobbing.
You bring gifts to everyone.
I have fig! And what am I, red?
That I wear - I'm ashamed to say.
All practically undressed.
Remember how you asked for a dress -
Did I get two sweets?
I do not want to believe in fairy tales.
Where is my contribution to epilation?
You always have excuses:
That default, or inflation!
Hat in the holes - tired!
And it makes no difference for a long time.
Below the fur coat spent
So the children at school are teasing.
In general, Grandpa, you are if you.
Look for another fool.
Be healthy, and I'm with Santa.
Do not call. Your Snow Maiden.


Hello good grandfather Frost,
Sorry, I don't know how in patronymic
But I ask you to take seriously
My debut in epistolary work.
I was told in a kindergarten yesterday
The fact that you will fulfill all the desires
If you behave well,
So I am writing my message.
And I hope that for sure
You will definitely fulfill everything requests,
And what in the morning Kolke gave a kick,
These are all the slander's lifes.
Make my dear mommy
Well, at least two limbs.
For cleaning, washing and children
She lacks her hands, although she rushes.
Give dad a car
Instead of the "Lada" dilapidated.
Only, for the sake of God, not dead -
Do not give Russian. Better - imported.
And sister Sand -shaped malahai,
To finally become a beauty.
However, this fool does not give,
All the same, the next day you will disgrace it.
Give Matrase to Uncle Vasya,
You can even with a silk sheet
It hurts to see how he is every time
He sleeps in a naked form under our Christmas tree.
Give the prince to the prince
Only without a horse, otherwise a joke,
There were many princes - as many as three,
But she confused them with horses.
And also perform for me
The most cherished desire
Give me five puppies
And "iPhone" with "iPod" -om for the company ...


Father Frost! The New Year came to us.
This year pretty much screwed:
The people gave his voices
Not the one who really needed them.
And with the weather right nonsense.
They did not send an application in time.
Instead of snow, water pours from the sky.
All! It’s time to resign the government!
And there is also a request, Santa Claus.
Take the traffic jams on the roads.
This is indeed a painful question,
At least there are many other questions too.
You are in your far away
You go without a problem on deer.
And in Moscow you will pass lightly
Only on the counter, if there is no patience.
However, this can be endured,
Drinking into the essence of the current moment.
I would only sit in an armchair,
Justify the trust of the president.
Just to hide involuntary sins.
I take, but only a little, children.
The rest requires the rest.
But for all the switchman in the answer.
Come visit us. I will be glad.
We will sit with you for a glass of vodka.
You, after all, know: even hell is not a brother,
If you drink with friends and hunting.
My whole family is waiting for the New Year,
Even if it is a horse with I-Phon’om.
Tired of the slippery snake.
There is simply no reason to live with her further.

Comic letter to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday

Comic letter to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday
Comic letter to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday

Comic letter to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday:

Santa Claus, I write in great hope,
That the letter is at least this time read.
And I ask as a gift, as before,
Automat washing company "Bosch".
After all, it already reaches a divorce,
For my wife, I ask a machine, grandfather!
Says letters to you for four years,
“Boshi”, as it was, no.
I could buy it myself, but I feel sorry for the money,
I’ll buy it, and you will send yours.
Why do I need two washing rooms at home?
... Here I am talking about this.
And I even had to spend money.
But, having killed for this day-day,
Bought his wife on sale
A basin with a washing board.
What was here - to remember disgusting! ..
I - and stingy, and the Raspery, and Ham!
And then the wife is defiantly
A rocking with a rolling pin in the trash!
So, grandfather, there will be no "Boshi",
Immediately I will file a lawsuit in the Hague court.
And, whatever you are good,
They will find the council there!
The basin, by the way, was also worth the money.
As a financial damage.
But in exchange for a couple of deer
I am ready to forget about him in general.
Just lucky, it looks like ...
They bought this "Bosch" in the folding
Mother -in -law and wife ... they drag ... Well,
You will send Nissan-Patrol in return!


Dear Santa Claus, by old friendship,
What is friendship, you are like a brother to me!
Tell me, brother, you really need
Numbers to the lottery "billion".
This is not at all difficult for you,
Look into the future - and the whole process.
Inform about them than possible -
Telegram, photo, SMS.
The draw will go live
Yourself, just in case, follow,
To coincide the numbers, all four,
And no one was ahead of us.
I'm waiting for the result today,
Do not pull, add a gray hair to me.
Remember in the New Year's lottery,
A billion prize is only one!
Winnings - on a bank card,
I know them, they will be poured along the ruble ...
Well, I am a gift from a billion
Somehow I will buy it myself.


Hello Dedushka Moroz! Tell me when you
Will you stop giving me a shovel every year?
The very first was a scoop for playing sand
And then I was very happy about the gift.
He went to kindergarten with him in winter and in the summer,
He gave others to play only for sweets.
The paint was erased on the scoop, the pen broke.
He asked his father to buy a brand new, from the pay.

You got ahead again. Sprinkled with cotton wool
Near the Christmas tree he put a baby shoulder blade ...
And went - went! What kind of passion is such
I remember, at ten years old, it was simply bayonet.
I curtailed, cover the door, observe the crack,
What will you bring under the Christmas tree this time at night.
But, he fell asleep all the time, and the next morning - again -
Near the Christmas trees there are mainly soviet.

"Komsomolskaya" was, "for tourists" - a couple,
Snow, and one, even steelweight.
With cuttings of plastics, wood, duralley,
And the canvases - from plywood to steamer steel.
Polishing and Teflon, tin and stainless steel,
With cuttings whole, or, in Tuleyki.
So studied shovels, a whole science,
But I do not need them, this is what a thing.

Garden, there is no cottage, they rust in the garage,
I will give everything for the New Year, I will not regret it ...
If you can, customize, at once - a new tractor,
Or children's scoop. Not a shovel.


Letter to Santa Claus, on the eve of the impending Apocalypse

Happy New Year! -
So I will start my letter.
Stars drive round dances
And they guess to the moon.
It is customary to desire gifts
On these fairy days.
Someone wants a coffee maker
Someone is a vacation at Bali.
I'm writing hello to you
With a wish:
They say the end of the planet
The days are not far away
I have one concern:
There is what is, and there is where to sleep,
But here is terrible reluctance
Unmarried to die!
I do not want to have a manor
Laziness rushing to the Canaries ...
You are arranged, frost, my wedding -
Take a walk on the last day.
Yes, about the night to me separately
Let me talk:
So that everything is prohibitive ...
Well, it’s not for me to teach you!
I almost forgot important,
Rentifying, all in silk!
I b, grandfather, asked
Give me the groom!
Well, then give it already
Twenty -first.
The main thing is that she got married!
If it went for that
With a calm mood
You can die with sweet
It will become the pier of the last
Our wedding bed.
I can do without travel -
I have a conscience,
Without that I am a zhism
Yours scored the schedule all.
In general, grandfather, try!
Sending Vincets to you.
Happy New Year! Help yourself
Waiting for the end ...


A letter to Santa Claus from an unmarried girl for a little for 35 ...

I turned to the matchmakers more than once
With the hope of ardor to find a spouse,
But nothing came out ... a couple of phrases
I will now explain to you the essence of the service,
Which I pray to me to provide ...
I know in your power - they will perform
Cherished and secret desires, people,
And therefore, please do not reject
My soul is timid recognition!
My dear, beloved, Santa Claus!
With all my heart, it is unlimited, reckless,
I want to get married and implicitly
I dream, you will solve this issue! ..
At the turn of the fourth dozen
I stopped waiting for a dashing prince,
Which was supposed to fall in love with me
Depriving rest, sleep, becoming a guest of dreams.
He should not shine with his beauty,
Why do I need the envy of our local chicken,
Let it be better somewhat nondescript,
So as not to attract the local interests.
Male brutal or sultry macho
I also do not need, this cattle
In everyday life, there is even useless
Only headache and wild stress.
But also a clogged, modest individual,
Accustomed to living under the heel of mom,
Is unlikely to captivate me and become
The hero of the lustful, languid thoughts ...
I myself confused you, my friend, confused you
With his request that pours out of the heart,
But how to be, if I did not know,
What does it mean to love with all your soul!
Lovely Santa Claus, don't blame me
On you, my dear, one hope!
Free the brain from prejudices
So that the girl finds her fate!

Cool letter to Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

Cool letter to Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Cool letter to Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

Cool letter to Santa Claus on New Year's Eve:

I will write a letter to Santa Claus,
I will ask for health and happiness for everyone.
And you write to him too
Do not be shy, ask!
Ask the children to laugh,
So that adults are not afraid to live,
So that the wars stopped thunder,
So that mothers do not throw children.
So that there are many good words
So that there are more kind people,
So that there is no anger and falsehood,
So that God would be afraid, as before.
So that envy disappears and rudeness,
Betrayal, cowardice and swagger,
And there was enough in the souls to place
For conscience, faith and honor.
Ask your grandfather more
Good in a neighbor’s house,
So that everything in peace and friendship live.
For happiness, what else do we need?


Letter to Santa Claus…
I write not to Santa Claus, not prose,
In verses I write to Grandfather Frost.
Let my letter fly around the light,
After all, there is no spam and advertising in the lines.
And what do I want under the Christmas tree, guys?
Only sincere smiles, as once,
When we celebrated the New Year in childhood,
With parents, the holiday was celebrated ...
I want to be past the crisis, on the sled,
We raced, and did not think about banks,
They did not think about the course and credit.
I want for everyone, do you want too?
And I do not need fur coats and diamonds,
Not Santa Claus brings them, but Santa ...
And I want not earrings at all in my ears
And so that our souls shine with happiness ...
So that the viruses do not interfere with the kids,
So that their healthy eyes shone,
So that their smiles warm their hearts.
I want to everyone, but would you not want?
For adults: so that the liver does not hurt ...
And let it be morning without a soup.
And all who are single today,
Let them meet the New Year's at night.
I want to learn to wait and believe,
To stop measuring everything with money.
Let's remember not only tears.
Thanks, let's say to Grandfather Frost:
For past gifts and surprises,
For future requests and whims.
For happiness - to meet loved ones on the threshold ...
And on the New Year, let the alarms leave.
Well, that's all ... A letter in verses, not prose.
Who is the envelope? Grandfather Frost.
And from whom, he will not ask ...
Below I signed clearly: "People" ...

Comic letter to Santa Claus from an adult

Comic letter to Santa Claus from an adult
Comic letter to Santa Claus from an adult

Comic letter to Santa Claus from an adult:

Letter to Santa Claus from a girl

I beg you, dearest Santa Claus
I hope these requests are not criminal ....
So that any clothes are not a question
Any jewelry is available.

I don't need to write a long list,
You’ll get tired of reading - there will be little use:
I ask you to send an iron horse,
And immediately to the garage, and not under the Christmas tree,
Along the way, the prince came to me with the horse,
Believe me, I'm already tired of waiting for him,
We will turn a little with him at night,
So that I would not miss this New Year.
Since the prince in the kingdom - I will hold for now,
And if without the kingdom - let him go forest,
Having a wheelbarrow, sir
I am without a prince - Princess!


Collective letter to Santa Claus

Dawn Grandfather, accept an application
From the team after editing.
So that everything is fine in life,
Especially at the front!
To replenish the budget,
It was stable in winter and summer!
And make it so that certainly
Health would be excellent!
So that in personal life without doubt,
We were waiting for super-change!
From relatives and friends,
A wagon of pleasant news!
And take care of the grandfather about
To give fun every house
In his career, he was very lucky,
I came across the right oar!
So that everyone knows that this year
His love is waiting for a big love!
For everything, you are our pilgrim,
We will generously thank.
For all the starting and labors
Get a beard gel.
Do you want shampoo? No problem!
Hurry up to business, Santa Claus!


Letter to Santa Claus from a man of retirement age

Hello grandfather. There is such a thing.
For a long time I wanted to ask a straight line.
Not you, I gave an idea, crazy,
To extend the retirement age?
Well, no, I certainly understand everything ...
You have been working, even though old and sed.
However, your schedule everyone clearly knows
Once a year you are at work, grandfather.
Moreover, with you, a young man is nearby,
Your Snow Maiden, a woman in juice.
Yes, and with the dough you are stable - a bar,
Gifts are unmeasured in a bag!
Otherwise, I could not like you, like
Such heresy to come to the head:
Raise the age of the Russians
So that later they have retired!
But we are at work daily,
For conscience, not for you, you are a couple!
And you envied that early
We go to rest like this!
Well, that's what, Santa Claus, repent soon.
How will you be in the Duma - everyone whisper,
So that your whim is corrected, a prankster!
We will forgive the debt. And even without a penalty.


Letter to Santa Claus from a man of bachelor

Neither rumor nor human hatred,
Not afraid to me: my character is cool!
After all, my trouble is completely different -
Women do not take their spouse!
Just get to know - and in the bed
I pull me straight straight.
They are interested in sex, and nothing more.
Well, at least crack from longing!
After all, only the body worries them,
And the soul does not touch at all ...
Well, I really wanted
Just chat, slowly,
Sing a romance to the sounds of balalaika
Our meeting is glorified under the moon ...
I have to have a legal mistress
The wife will bring to his home.
It’s only a pity that the time for sighs
Lacks. Just at the door
Donaga will undress, Dureha
Yes, intimacy requires soon.
Well, after sex, it is already known
A cigarette will shoot and go home!
Then she is no longer interested.
We are talking about something with me.
How insulting to such speeches
About life incorrect,
Sow with a beauty every evening,
Remaining a bitter beavers ...
I ask you, Frost-District,
A woman, a bride, they got down,
So that she appreciates the soul in me,
And not the body for the purpose of playing.
To dream of marriage,
And not just with a foolishness in my head,
Here you give me such a start!
I will exhibit a bottle. Even two.


A letter from Santa Claus from a woman comic - a list of desires

Hello, dear Santa Claus!
I am writing a message
To briefly state
All my desires.
And my desires -
All ordinary
I trust you
Thoughts are frank!
So that my family lives
in the world and harmony,
so as not to touch us
Let them go around the security
crises, inflation,
Let them knock on our door
Only good relations,
Let the finances be to us
Very favorable,
every day and every hour
To go with the bow.
And lay down on accounts -
Just not loans!
In banks we need them -
Multi deposits.
Dividends - so as not to count,
We would have enough for everything
It’s sweet to drink and eat tasty,
To have fun, therefore.
So that on the sunny seas
rest, do not steam,
Appeal, oh and ah!
Gloat - do not grow old!
We will be your family
Very grateful
On the road, our dear Santa Claus,
Drive business!


A letter from Santa Claus from a girl in verses - a list of girlish desires

New Year is not a sin,
Santa Claus, get ready to listen!
I do not need plenty,
I need a minimum!
Give me lipstick
with a violet tint,
This is now a fashion brand
The color of wine, lilac and plum!
Three pasteyle boxes,
A couple of dresses from Galliano,
from Versace and Sportmax
Fendi, Dolce Yend Gabbana
I will modestly ask for dresses
A bust for yourself like Beyoncé
maybe in thoughts and sin
You are grandfather, the best sponsor!
And the figure is welded to me
To envy Lopez,
Ani Lorak, hundreds of Ani,
And Rihanna with a round booty.
And so that to this beauty
You would add my husband to me
For the soul, not for pleasures,
I really need this husband!
To be rich, beautiful
With a sense of humor excellent,
Educated without sprinkling,
And he loved me that it is valuable!
Set out everything as it is
and putting a message in an envelope,
Let them have been called
All girlfriends are in the lasanya.


Letter to Santa Claus from a woman desperate

Listen, Santa Claus is my cry of souls
I will tell you my sorrows
Stop the deer, do not rush
You hardly read such a request ...
I am a woman who wants ....
Then plow to the overtime work,
Come up with a hundred urgent instructions,
Then take away the weekend shamelessly take away.
Send a business trip to the New Year,
And every day to charge some kind of contribution.
To write out unnecessary insurance
The agent tried hypnosis on me.
They want to fool me in the election,
So that my voice lend someone,
Force not to work, but to batra
Salaries to hardly live.
They want to hang ads on their ears,
They want me to believe everything
To give the money into my hands directly,
And this liar, and that.
My name is to markets and salons,
Everyone is wildly attracted by my pocket,
They want to legally, or illegally,
I would poke at least something from shit.
They want the shift to carry a shift
In the kitchen, near the gas stove,
They want to give birth to certainly
For the homeland of children from poverty.
They want me ... to plunge like a camel,
They want to go on to me ...
They want me ... dragged three pounds each
Frasted products from the market itself.
Everyone needs my work, youth, health,
give talent and beauty to everyone
And I want me to love me with love!
And so that kind words sound!
If you, frost, desires performer,
fulfill this request before all
Drive deer, not sparing the agility,
I hope for you and for success!


Letter to Santa Claus from a woman frivolous

My dear Santa Claus,
Sorry, I will not be ashamed.
I'm in verses, or maybe in prose
Briefly I will set out the message.
In the New Year I wish sex
Since the singer is only Lepsa,
If the house is a smart house!
Kohl to teach kamasutra!
If money, then the attic!
Beauty husband, let me in the morning
Cognac will bring to bed!
In the New Year Down with interference,
Give me happiness a whole WHO
And also a wagon of laughter
The pleasure of the steam locomotive.
Let the new boomer decorate
My unegrated garage
So that from the windows of my villa
The sea landscape was visible!


Letter to Santa Claus from a woman modest

Hello grandfather! I write again:
No need to put under my Christmas tree -
Which year I ask you -
(Just like you love, quietly)
Gifts like "to make":
Spirits, cosmetics and soap ...
After all, I need very little -
"Land Cruiser", you can just Prado,
And the house is somewhere in the Maldives,
For extreme cases there is a villa,
Manto made of mink and earrings,
Of course, new boots ...
Do you also know what I want?
Money, well, just a little bit.
Let there be an account in the Swiss bank
There are five millions in the euro ...
To live, grandfather, always in abundance,
And never know the need!
And here's another, like the ambassador:
Bring good luck and health!
Author Svetlana Chekolaeva

Correct letter to Santa Claus for New Year

Correct letter to Santa Claus for New Year
Correct letter to Santa Claus for New Year

The right letter to Santa Claus for the New Year:

Well, hello, grandfather! I am not writing to you often ...
You received many different letters.
I will not take time in vain
There you have an aul without me.
I will not ask either Bentley or Armani
And even Apple does not need to give me ...
Can I climb you in a sled
And before dawn I will speak
About what I wanted in this life?
I wanted a lot ... remember at 25,
I asked for rings, fur coats and bracelets,
And fly on vacation to the Maldives?
And in 27 I wanted a career ...
So that without problems and immediately to take off.
And who knows the measure in gifts today?
You are an eyebrow is not a frowning, you don't suit you.
Do you remember at 30? Do you remember these plans?
A huge house and a bathhouse in the yard?
Do not be afraid, I will not ask again,
As I asked last December.
You know ... I do not want the Maldives.
Yes, and in Armani nowhere to go ...
Do you do so that the plums do not freeze?
I tried to warm them on the warmer,
But you know Russian frosts!
They will freeze - it means that your fault.
I planted roses in the front garden,
Look so that not one to die.
Not that I sinned for the weather ...
But can you have a more lane at least slightly?
So that without rains, without storms and ice?
Did you see the snowman in the courtyard?
I blinded it. Joyful and white.
I tried very much and hurried on time.
You know, I wanted to tell you ...
Would you not be a present for me?
I want perfume! And dress! And lipstick!
Just kidding! Wait! Do not run away!
You know, grandfather, I don't need anything ...
You just don't take anyone ...


Letter to Santa Claus from a girl (about thirty years old)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Whether you have sclerosis
Either you thumped yesterday
And the gift lost.
I'm already like ten years
Send you big hello to you
And where is the fifth line,
I'm writing about the groom
I say, I want to be,
You gave it to me
In a package under the Christmas tree,
You can naked, but with a tickle,
On my tattoo, my image.
But again the bag is empty
I find under the Christmas tree
Everything ... I'm not friends with you.
Deceived, again me
Found a blue horse
Bear, bunny and gnome,
I sewed half a house
There is nothing more.
I'm big, my
I am already thirty, grandfather,
And there is no sense in toys.
I want to get married, no strength
And you, old, forgot again
This is the last time I write
You will not fulfill my order
I will get into you
And I'll go to Baba Yaga,
I'll take her potion
And I am girdle a man,
Anyway, already what,
Will be mine !!! I give, damn it, a word.
I am completing a letter
Ah, I’ll say this.
Then while the prince was waiting for the prince
It became not young,
I'll wait a year old
And I'll take you to my husband.
Although you are a hundred years old
Still, you are strong, grandfather,
I’ll give you a potion
You will be my fate.
Do you want to be idle?
Should urgently get it,
Young groom,
Well, that's all, grandfather for now,
Don't give garbage anymore
Know ... I'll come to Zhenya ...

Letter to Santa Claus to the great Ustyug from the child, adult

Letter to Santa Claus to the great Ustyug from the child, adult
Letter to Santa Claus to the great Ustyug from the child, adult

A letter to Santa Claus to a great Ustyug from a child, an adult:

Hello, Grandfather Frost, a beard from cotton wool!
Give me a couple of skis, better than that of my brother.
Give me you still a sweet kitten,
To fluffy than what sister has.
Give me a mobile phone-so that the most
Games so that there are more in him than in the mobile mother.
Give me a laptop, but not like a dad -
“Stalker” does not go on it - he is with a weak -legged one.
And still don't come without a bicycle -
So that he would drive faster that a neighbor has.
Well, that's all ... I won’t wait for the first I will accept.
You won’t give it - I’ll tell everyone that you are an evil uncle!


“Hello, our dear Santa Claus!
I believe in you and I know -
You live in the edge of the North.
In places where they do not melt snow.
Know, we love you and wait!
Decorate the Christmas tree with balls,
We will bring toys to the school,
And you will meet the holiday with us!
We decided to everyone like this:
Will be our best gift
Blue sky, world in flowers,
And let the sun shine brightly!
Lightly let the birds sing,
To the curly soar of the clouds,
Let mom and dad live nearby,
So that everyone is good for us!
We are waiting for you very much, Santa Claus!
We know that you love us all,
Accept our request seriously.
Bye! Our entire first “A” class.


I write a letter to Veliky Ustyug again
It is time to give gifts - old man, pamper us.
They call you frost and call your grandfather,
Everywhere, wherever it is, everyone will recognize you.
That's just old you are very, and the memory is not the same:
I was asked about Bentley, but got a cat
The cat only eats and shits. Grandfather! "Bentley" I asked!
And this ball is blocked, piled me in slippers.
And I remember: somehow before the two thousandth went on a year,
I got a summons - it would be better to have a cat!
You joked, probably, but the joke is not funny,
I swept the barracks - the whole country was walking!
But once in childhood you clearly gave everything:
When I asked for a sled, I got them.
Lee machine, designer, or new gun
I received as a gift, but now no longer.
I ask for a low miracle - I was good for a year:
He did not fight, did not spit, paid taxes.
Well, you are the best! Well, just kindness!
Return, infection, Bentley! And take the cat!

Letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2022 in verses

Letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2022 in verses
Letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2022 in verses

Letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2022 in verses:

A letter to Santa Claus from a girl (6 years old).
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Here I am writing a pussy.
Outside the window, Sergei Formz,
He licked the icicle.
You know, grandfather, come on
Frost -frost earrings,
He, of course, is a villain
He owes me a three -piece.
But my mother says to me
Happiness is not in money.
His tongue hurts
All in your power ...
Frozen, cheers!
He waves my hand.
And all the children,
It dances near the Christmas tree.
I'm sitting at home,
The flu fell ill.
Here's another thing I will write
I have long wanted to:
Dance near the Christmas tree,
New Year's at night
And receive a gift,
From you today!
Give me Santa Claus
Teddy bear,
And the whole WHO,
And a live book.
I know you are frost
Old already,
Modern, our language
You will not understand at all.
Electronics with us,
Books make books
Here is a tablet, just right,
Everyone dreams of him ...
And I will also ask
To me "X Box Connect",
And for this for everything
Respect from me ...
Everything, I'll finish writing
I realized what I want?
And for that, for everything,
You know, I'll pay ...
I'm here with dad yesterday,
I played on the table
And in his bottles,
I found the money.
He is from their mother, you see
He hid quietly.
So I can take them,
Loss in vain ...
And, and you know, Santa Claus,
Bring dad
You are a vacuum cleaner in the car.
To ask
He gets me out there,
What to sit idle?
I'm there yesterday
I saw the stash ...


Letter to Santa Claus from a girl (16 years old)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Heva, grandfather, old.
Maybe you are not? Well, it's all
I need little ...
Queen of beauty,
I want to be today
Super bite is like that
Today it is fashionable ...
At school, the ball will pass with us,
Give me the jury you bribe
Otherwise dad does not help
He says there is no grip.
And I also want, grandfather,
I'm cool car
Pope help a bit
To buy such ...
And I ask you
To remove the strips,
The second month I am sad
What did the earrings give.
I wrote on the test yesterday,
Two there, here is an infection,
Make it so that until the morning
Sneded right away ...
I promise that I will not give
I'm more than earrings
He is young and a ram
And crooked legs.
I'll give Valera now

He will be cooler
He has a Mercedes,
He loves me in him ...
We will leave to the south
Just help me
Otherwise it will definitely give a kick
Such ...
Make me slim again
Queen Ball,
I told you
That I need little ...
Drunk for a year,
But you can?
Let it leave,
I know you will help!

My favorite holiday -
It is a New Year!
Because to visit
Santa Claus will come.
The whole family we write
Grandfather is a letter.
Let it be faster than the wind
It will fly.
I will ask my grandfather
Red kitten,
The hamster of the living
And maybe the elephant.
Grandpa is a wizard:
He can all, all!
Mom smiles
Dad looks stricter ...
Of course, I know:
Santa Claus is so busy.
And that's why
Dad helps.


Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Contriber for children's dreams!
You are the kindest in the world
I believe in you for a long time.
Wherever you were, to visit the children
You will rush anyway.
Once a year there is a meeting
Dreams are fulfilled.
On New Year's Quiet evening
You come to every house.
You will bring gifts with you
You lightly light the Christmas tree.
The holiday will be immediately bright,
And then you will leave for a year.
And all year I am waiting for
I am looking for miracles in everything.
Desires are fulfilled
And luck enters the house.
And when December comes up
I believe in a miracle, magic.
New Year is on the way,
I am waiting for him with hope.
I believe that he will knock
Contriber for children's dreams.
I will rush to the house again
Good grandfather Frost!


Poor grandfather Frost!
I feel sorry for you to tears!
You have a new year
Things are completely unprofitable:
Deliver a Christmas tree to each house,
Give everyone gifts,
Snow -white snow silk
Cover all the paths!
You are busy from morning to night
You must get tired very much!
I'm waiting for you at the window.
You will relax a little from us.
Here is hot sweet tea -
Drink, just do not melt!


And I probably will not write to Santa Claus.
I'm afraid he will not understand naive, ridiculous desires.
That's what she would ask, sacredly hoping for a miracle,
Garland on a Christmas tree, a chest of expensive robes?
Yes, I just don't need all this at all,
There are more important things, but where to find their frost?
Live happily and happily, and if possible, together,
In winter, on the porch, find a rose in the dews,
And the sun bunny touched mirrors with touching,
A blue bird rocked on a branch.
Fire licked in an inflated fireplace fireplace ...
I want this, even I confess to you, I dream.
It is naive, of course, to read Santa Claus is unlikely to be,
He is busy with others, probably by deeds.
Write - not write to me, will be able to understand whether to understand?
I decided, I will consult with you for now.
It will be funny to grandfather to read about some bird,
Especially ... where will he get solar hares?
It is unlikely that anyone else will see such a way,
Fantasies are female, - the mustache is fingering, grinning.
I would like happiness? Of course I would like, very much!
The seconds closed the clock to slowly.
So that the stars caress in cold dark nights.
Shutnitsa, you, Nadia, are ridiculous and desires, of course ...
Aquests of laughter would season bitter lines ...
Eh, I would have heard, performed one thing at least a desire!
The curtain of my desire in the corner is huddled,
I am wide over the window, and in a sweet deputy waiting!

Letter to Santa Claus - a joke to raise the mood

Letter to Santa Claus - joke to raise the mood
Letter to Santa Claus - a joke to raise the mood

Letter to Santa Claus - a joke to cheer up:

Vova, 3 years
Mom wrote for me.
Good grandfather Frost!
I'm good, at least stubborn
And I ask you to bring
Lego to me, because you know,
Kids love him.
Come as you read,
We hurry to the mail.
I'll stand on a stool
And I will read the poem.
I will become kinder and better -
Only you could get!


5 years
I behaved as it should
Good grandfather Frost.
And I ask you to be a reward
The doll in the ball brought.
Girlfriends have such
I have no one yet ...
What are you doing?
Come on, grandfather!


7 years
They don't give me aquarium
Dad with mom. I ask,
I will be glad, since they will deliver
Because I write to you.


9 years
Something I doubted:
Are you, grandfather? Or not?
Vera was somehow lost ...
I ask for a bike.
In general, if you are not,
Dad and mom buy it.
After they say: Santa Claus
I brought us great at night!


20 years

Of course, you should contact you nonsense,
But, if I meet, I will just be glad
With you on a sled in a field ride
And drink together. But not lemonade.
And then we are with the Snow Maiden
We’ll play looking at the houses at home.
One, two, three, four, five!
And you will look for us!


25 years
I am a fifth -sized chest
Like all cool, I want -
I eat all the cabbage without measure.
I hear the bells, Chu!
And then it will not be ashamed
Take the Snow Monk of me.
The bells subsided. Eh, apparently
There is frost, yes there is no fire!


30 years
Grandfather, honey! I want a career.
Although it would not be reduced, if that.
To the kids - a guest. And his wife, holler,
At least the cheapest mantle.


40 years
Our Santa Claus! I am writing with my wife and son:
What an apartment would be as soon as possible!
My path to her was too long ...
You come in, eat and drink.
We will sing with you in our room,
Let's go to the neighbors after congratulations.
... And you know, I dream of a girl!
So come, we will wait very much!


45 years

Vovan, he is Vova 3 years old, from prison.
I will not forget my mother!
I will not forget, Santa Claus,
As he said: I will not be bad -
And you brought Lego to me.
Only here it turned out -
I am in prison I am shaking the deadline.
There is no forgiveness. Goodbye
Come even for an hour!
I'll get up to the grill
And I will read the poem.
Maybe I will even become better -
Only you could get!


50 years
Everything seems to be. And in Turkey there were
And in Greece, they were in Egypt too.
Can you? Probably hardly.
But on the way, go all.
We will show souvenirs from distant countries,
We’ll treat the metax or chacha -
And after all friends we will tell:
There is Santa Claus! And we sat with him!


59 years
Our Santa Claus! It would survive before retirement!
Already gathered - there is a reform: wait.
And then to live and grandchildren would marry.
I wanted to patry the pension allowance.


70 years
I really miss the tablets,
And on the windows are all dear.
And the one who flies on deer -
Ask him: does he help everyone?


80 years
Let the wars stop
There is something to drink and what to eat.
And let you love you
Just for what is.


90 years old, sclerosis
I forgot your name, but still
In a red suit, old, come in!
You are elderly, I'm not younger either,
We’ll eat a herring under a shuma.


95 years old, participant in the Great Patriotic War
Remember how we retreated?
It was bitter, many tears.
Only near Moscow they learned:
The general helped, frost.
Frost, frost, military,
Those who burn the fire fire.
And beautiful, hefty,
At the parade what are visible,
Hold so far in stock -
Let them train.
Come, a bit widespread.
Grandchildren are waiting, you know!


100 years, great -grandmother of a five -year -old granddaughter
How are you? Mine is fine -
What do we, old, wish?
Children, grandchildren, cats, beds.
I love to write poetry.

Nothing is needed,
Better come to the granddaughter.
A doll in a ball - she is a joy,
Do you have something, go?


1 .. years!
They don't live so much in Russia,
Count us on the fingers.
In the New Year we are waiting for the Messiah:
I and my grandchildren forty -five,
Twenty great -grandchildren. Want to,
I will tell you a secret:
Like yourself, you love people -
You will live two hundred years!


Writes to Grandfather Frost Katya a letter,
And they lie on the paper with braids.
Writes that it was obedient to the past year
And now she is waiting for her gift under the Christmas tree.
He asks for a pink alarm clock to get up.
After all, she is very large, she is no longer five.
As many as six years old! Soon to school for her,
And she, like all the kids, is in a hurry to be in advance.
And I also want a cracker, good Santa Claus!
Suddenly Katyusha thought, wrinkling the button.
- How many deer has he? Mom, don't you know?
(Oh, children's questions are not simple at all!)
- Daughter, it seems four, maybe three?
Come on, find the picture. Well, look!
- Nine! - Katya counted.
- Very well! So, nine pieces of carrots! What else would they?
- What tea, you don’t know, mom, love Santa Claus?
(Again mother introduces a question into a stupor Katenkin.)
It is cold to fly in the winter between the clouds.
Mom, bake, come on, grandfather of pies!
And under the Christmas tree we will leave reflection, mothers!
It will immediately understand them: we are glad to guests.
Mom and Katya agreed:
- So be it!
Here, sometimes how adult children can surprise!


Men's letter to Santa Claus

Good grandfather Frost,
I have a question for you
Okay, you have a granddaughter ...
Well, ... where is your wife?
So you are a bachelor's grandfather
This is not a trifle at all
You give out gifts
Children are waiting, and all the people.
I heard what you are doing,
And you accept from adults,
I have an order to you
Take a look for love to me.
Oh, Toshnykhonko already,
Women everything is like in a turn
Then give them the prince,
And they want to get into that paradise.
Then a drunk, or then a player,
Then the facade is not the same
That is modest, otherwise the insolent,
Well, who is they finally?!
That's what I will tell you
Look for my wife,
So that it was modest in everything,
And it would be beautiful with everything.
Grandfather, even though you are already old
Be like a parliamentarian with her,
Everything that Diva dreams of,
Take it beautiful to her.
I'm not young too
But harmonies - oh, oh, oh!
Everything is walking, jumping
Brains purr are already ...
Pick up to me this
Not so, to simple
To spin at the stove,
And not that, you have crains!
I'm tired of dumplings
They do not climb into the mouth, barely ...
Well, let it be affectionate,
Still, the cat I ...- will not lose.
And there will be a storm in bed,
All with her, I am in the sense of forms,
To look at her,
Everything got up - e! My!
But her tongue is chopped off
You don't ruin me
Let not look at the stomach,
This is from beer ...
I can't spin
But as a horse I can still,
Well, in short, I have one
To be everywhere live.
Something women are insolent,
They wanted a lot of power
A bit, they will open their mouth,
And wash off with slopes ...
Well, it happens Fiasco ...
I will reimburse everything with her affection,
Provided - she was silent,
And she did not open her mouth.
That's what grandfather, you can't spend,
Like a man, you will understand
In short, do not thump,
Do not swell the guests.
I know that a year,
Horrower is rocker
You forget what and where,
In our custom -made suffering.
But you will not fulfill the order,
I'll come at once at once
And grab the beard,
I shout as I want!
The answer of Santa Claus
I received your letter
If you yourself are not like shit,
What is this punishment
All letters are only suffering!
Are you a man or not a man?!
In your years, I would have figs -
I would write a letter to Grandfather
The series would begin his own.
You did not give the order real
Yes, and instant,
Look at yourself
You think you are a Grand Prix!
Baba all are not the same now ...
Not used to dumbness,
About sex I will say
From these and I tremble.
Painfully literate steel,
They themselves formed them,
All the devils will be raised at once,
I get into ecstasy myself.
Feed then, they will feed everything,
Otherwise, they have a reform,
Everyone wants to love now
Everyone is boiling to love ...
Our women, a creature,
They need to - skill.
Try it yourself
In your body you intervene.
You stop drinking beer,
And become a little more slimmer.
Women love to turn around
And on it so that you look)
That's what I will tell you
I'll try, I'll take a look
I will not find what you want
I will send, a lousy is in vigor!
I will send you silently
From a harem, let the hut
With the "padishah" I will write off
I’ll go through the planet now.
Do not complain then then
You will have trouble
Do not die at least you on it
Do not call the doctors later.

Santa Claus test test - sample

Test letter to Santa Claus - Sample:

Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample
Santa Claus test test - sample

Video: letter to Santa Claus with your own hands

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