Funny scenes for the New Year 2023 - the best selection in roles

Funny scenes for the New Year 2023 - the best selection in roles

A collection of scenes for the New Year.

Rabbit (cat) 2023 scene for the New Year

Scene for the New Year of the rabbit (cat) 2023:

I am a cheerful cow, I reigned for a whole year
And she brought good luck to kind people without lies.
Let us call Santa Claus the old man from afar,
I will bring him vodka and a little cheese.
Well, grandfather Frost, you are stronger than anesthesia!
Bring the bucket of snow, conjure you seriously.
In the Christmas trees by the wind, the fuck and Lakes Zatudi,
But bite and pinch, so not honestly, wait a minute!
I decided, God sees, for the second there is a term.
Ouch! The cat bites for heels! I run away without looking back!

(Cow runs away).

I am a rabbit and it is clear to everyone that I don't eat home cows
Open only Ponaroshka, as Zoologist Brem said.
I would have a glass of sake so that my nose is always in the grass,
And the bag is four meatballs, so that the stomach sleeps stronger.
Santa Claus is my turn to visit for the New Year,
But do not shout alone-help me the people.

(Everyone is called: Grandfather Frost, grandfather Frost ...)

Father Frost:
I really go, there is no screams, otherwise the dragon will wake up
And the rabbit (cat) will be sharpened in the stomach for a whole year.
Better a rabbit (cat) lurk and sit down under the Christmas tree,
And we guys will say in chorus: “Come on, Christmas tree, light up!
(The Christmas tree lights up).
And where are the Snow Maiden with us? Really on Parnassus
Did you go to eat sausages for the last time?

Snegurochka (enters):
Never! What a prose! The granddaughter of Grandfather Frost
Only hook eats from the branches - give the ice I am alive!
And ice cream with cherries will not be superfluous.
Pour it with honey and congratulate it on the New Year.
I like not to acidify and dance under the Christmas tree.

Rabbit (cat):
And I- page and indulge
And I like to bite children.

Father Frost:
Let me bite my nose, I'm grandfather Frost!
And who does not like to dance, blue will be like sulfur.

Snow Maiden:
Congratulations on the year of the rabbit (cat) of you, girls and boys.
And, as signs say, children can bite sweets.

Funny scenes for the new year

Funny scenes for the New Year:

Actors, replicas:
Speaker - "There is still an hour before the New Year!"
Tamada - "There is still an hour before the New Year!"
Loser “So, maybe today I will pour me?”
Father Frost - "And I brought you gifts!"
Guests - "Hello, New Year!"
Neighbours - "Congratulations to all of you!"

The choice of artists

Leading: To play the scene,
Roles should be distributed!
You, I see, do not be silent (to some of the guests)
And speak all the time.
We need an announcer now,
You come just! (PHOVES a sheet with a phrase for the role of the dictator.)
And to you to say to you - (another guest)
Tamada you, therefore! (Presenting words for the role of toamada)
A person for everyone is not new - (another of the guests)
The well -known district police officer! (Presenting words for the role of the district police officer)
(Man - guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He is late for something! (PHOVES WORDS for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) we will ask neighbors,
We are always very happy with you! (Presenting words for neighbors)
(Another group of guests) Low you guests with us
And play with us! (Presenting words for guests)

Next, the host reads the text, and the guests after the corresponding words pronounce their remarks.

The text of the fairy tale:
The people are going to celebrate the holiday
And, as expected, to celebrate a new year.
The glasses are filled to the brim,
And Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)
But in Telik Speaker not in a hurry at all,
Papers rustle with various papers
And informs, sort of like, us ... (until the New Year is still an hour!)

Stands up Tamada At the full -length table
And pronounces a very fresh toast,
It’s pretty swinging with a glass in his hand ... (so let's drink for those who are now on a horse!)
And in Telik music plays loudly
And Baskov is well -known.
And the glasses are poured again to the edges.
All Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)

Here Father FrostThe late is knocking.
Seeing painfully familiar faces,
Rubs your nose from embarrassment
And whispers ... (and I brought you gifts!)
BUT Guests We decided to raise the toamada.
He can’t get up already!
And he pronounces a toast, as in a dream ... (So we will drink for those who are now on a horse!)
BUT Speaker Speaks specifically for us ... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Probably afraid that we will "get"
And the New Year will not wait!
They called the door. Burst Neighbours,
The wine was dragged and all sorts of worships.
They shout from the threshold ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Smooth slightly, sat down at the table.
Neksta completely, Loser I went in
Seeing our company in the window ... (So, maybe today you will also pour me?)
Neighbours shout ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker... (until the New Year is still an hour!)
Here he takes out his bag Santa Moroh
And whispers ... (and I brought you gifts!)
How great it is to celebrate the New Year together!
And, barely breathing Tamada Ours gets up ... (so let's drink for those who are now on a horse!)
He will not wait for gifts already.
Poured glasses for the main toast,
Everyone rose in a single impulse Guests,
Scandil together ... (Hello, New Year!)
And the arrows of the watch are in a hurry all ahead!
Our Tamada sobered up in an instant,
And again, he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (so let's drink for those who are now on a horse!)
Well, well, we pour and for the New Year we raise the glass of everything!

New Year's scene for adults

In the palace, Bedlam is again
The king was drunk yesterday in the trash.
Today, as everyone got to the table,
He calls Emelyu.

To the New Year celebrations
We need a Christmas tree to the table!
To be beautiful, like a girl,
I could sing and have fun!
Understood? By the deadline to be!
These are, brother, things.

Where to looking for? Where to go?
Oh! Wouldn't go astray!

Gypsies (go along the road and sing saddened): Hai, Neu-na ..
They say alternately:
The people became not at all the same
It doesn't go along the roads.
Everyone in cars drive tediously.
It became difficult for us to work!
(saw Emel)
There is some kind of to us-
We quickly got up in place!

Gypsies surround Emelyu and sing:
Ah yes Shatritsa Rogitzo,
Ande Shatritsa Tea Bidytko.
Ay, yes, well, yes, yes, yes
Dra-da-well, yes.
Ay, yes, well, yes, yes, yes
Dra-da-well, yes.

The gypsies say:
We will guess by hand,
We will recognize your whole fate.
Give us money for labors!

No money! And do not guess!
Here you are a cheerful people
Everyone went back - forward.
Where would I get the Christmas tree,
So that she could sing and dance!

What are you, brother, pierced?
The Christmas tree, it seems, without legs.
At least kill, I did not hear
To make the Christmas tree to sing!

(Gypsies go, Emelya goes on)

I need to turn off the road
Take my legs into the forest.

Baby hedgehogs appear

Grandmas-hlahs sing ditties:
Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-none,
Go ditties grandmother hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk.

I flew on a broomstick
In the human side.
Who is trading, who steals
Well, in general, they drink everywhere!

She walked in a forest side
On the road Snegova,
The devil has rushed after me,
Yes, in the snowdrifts were lost!

Leshius visited us here,
The Forest Code was Fasting:
Like, we will break it - so they will put it!
Only we did not scare us!

Grandmas - Yezhi saw Emel:
What did Emelya lose?
Or who sent us to us?

Where would I get the Christmas tree,
So that she could sing and dance!

We are in the mood today,
Listen to our instruction!
Take a hundred steps forward
Make a full revolution
Side, clap three times
And wipe your eyes!

(Emelya performs the instruction. I saw a Christmas tree.)

Christmas tree sings:
I was born in a dense forest.
It’s boring here, at least scream.
Where to give an ad
To find my husband!
The Christmas tree saw Emelyu, and they sing alternately:

(Music - a duet from the movie "Ordinary Miracle")

You will probably be surprised, you will be surprised
As I saw, I fell in love with you forever!

Christmas tree:
Right, sir, I will say
I really find
That you are a very nice person!

How nice and funny
Invite you to visit us!

Christmas tree:
So let's go rather!

Well, fine! Tram-pam-pam!

The king was delighted with the Christmas tree
Kissed her needles!
The feast arranged for the whole world,
He treated everyone and watered!

All the heroes of the fairy tale sing:
Christmas tree beauty came to visit us,
Joy and fun immediately brought everyone!
We, you need to believe and love everyone,
To live on earth in the world long! All!

Adult New Year - Roal.

Adult New Year - Rings
Adult New Year - Roal.

Adult New Year is a scene in roles:

Oh, Van, look where we got -
Look how many different dishes!
And what did we not know before,
Will they not pour us here?

You, Zin, behave more decent
Yes, do not dissolve the drool!
Here people are very pretty
Do not equal yourself with them!

Oh, Van, so it's management!
Here, the bosses are sitting,
They have such a direction
They are watching the schools!

All this, Zina, Pedagogy:
Children in it teach day and night-
They have such, damn it, a technique.
Suddenly they can help us?

Actually, we went for the vodka,
May they got lost along the way.
They wanted to buy bread with herring.
How to go to the Shopping Shop?

Hey, Zin, have everyone gathered?
It looks like a holiday on the nose!
And you, the womb is insatiable,
Yesterday I finished the sausage!

Well, what are you, Vanya, everything is swearing,
Do you have a wife?
You, Van, run into rudeness,
After all, you know, I am terrible in Kex!

With you, Zin, bots will bent!
She sings to me about the cupcake!
It will get from work in the evening,
And then the balls will flood!

What are you, Ivan, scandalous in society,
Here people drink, and we are Orem!
Around, you look, intelligentsia,
What, they will not pour? Then let's go!

Well, by a god, you made you:
"Pour, pour." Yes, they will not pour!
You, Zin, do not compare with people:
They don’t drink buckets!

What are you, Vanya, I'm cultural,
I also do not drink buckets!
From the bucket in the morning it will be bad,
I better pour into a glass!

You, Zin, run into rudeness,
I saw such cultural!
You are obscenely expressed.
That "no" when I myself heard!

What are you, Van, swear again,
And how are you robbed?
And you do not pour it,
And I don’t let me go!

Forget, Zinul, about intentions,
After all, we just do not pour it.
Let’s at least say congratulations
Il toast we will say!

What to congratulate, Vanya, my dear?
Here is something memory failed!
Yesterday I was so gone,
I forgot why I came!

You look around, sparkles a Christmas tree!
However, the New Year is close!
And let the rooster there, or a chicken,
You will bring a lot of happiness to you!

And let them have everything in their lives, Van,
What will their soul ask,
More they would give a salary more,
So that there was money to a fig!

And from myself I still wish
Love and happiness for years!
And be like my wife,
Beautiful, young, slim!

And let all your innovations
The process will fit into the training!
Write plans, dissertations,
To arouse interest in children!

Then the children, of course, Zin,
Will not pull to the store.
Better to pull them to school:
Wonderful, smart and funny!

New Year is a cool scene for the holiday "Well, you give!"

New Year is a cool scene for the holiday "Well, you give!" :

New Year - Well, you give!
Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
Old women - well, not a fig to
Goblin - well for good luck
Waitress - where are the empty plates?
Guests - Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year
The people have a tradition
The people to the light bulb are crisis, hardships
Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!
But he sits in front of us New Year
He was only born about
Looks at people: at uncle and aunt
And he is surprised aloud .... Well, you give!
And uncles and aunts dressed fashionable
They shout loudly for joy: Happy New Year!
Congratulations rushed (everywhere he sticks his nose)
Tired of the matinees Father Frost
He repeats barely coherently ... Why don't you drink?
In reply New Year: Well, you give!
And what outside the window, there are whims of nature,
But all, still shout: Happy New Year!
Then she got up Snow Maiden, highly moraine,
Although her appearance is far from sexual.
She, apparently, will not be left home,
Warm up from the road, he says: both-ow!
BUT Grandfather Already sniffing ...: Why don't you drink?
In reply New Year ... Well, you give!
And people again, immediately and immediately
They scream louder and louder: Happy New Year!
And again Snow Maiden, the forebodings are full
Smoke, admiring himself ........ Both on!
Freezing Everything grunts ....: Why don't you drink?
Behind him is the New Year .... Well, you give!
SNOW MAIDEN Passion, desires are full
With a temptation and languidly repeats .... Both on!
Freezing yells: why don't you drink?
And after the New Year ... Well, you give!
It goes on everything, goes on its own,
And Guests Again everyone shouts: Happy New Year!
A separate fragment,
But brightly and briefly contributed to Waitress.
She threw the arrows for food,
I asked ... ... where are the empty plates?
Yaguski, forgetting everything in his own
They are sitting, indignant ....... well, not a fig to themselves!
Snow Maiden gets up, intoxies slightly,
Laughs, whispering with enthusiasm ... both-on!
BUT Grandfather Already screaming ....... Why don't you drink?
Behind him New Year.... Well, you give!
And Guests, feeling, thoughts of freedom
Scandilize together again: Happy New Year!
Here Goblin, From joy almost crying,
He gets up with the words ... Well, for good luck!
Waitress, sipping the burners,
She asked ... where are the empty plates?
Grandmosyki, one more cluster
They shout for a couple ....... well, not a fig to yourself!
Snow Maiden Also swallowed wine
And again exclaimed aloud ... ... Both!
And drinks Father Frost, screaming that there is urine ...
Why don't you drink?
And drinks New Year... ... well, you give!
And glasses, as if filled with honey
And they drink everything to the bottom and shout: Happy New Year!
And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called on inspiration ... Well, for good luck!

Short scene for the new year

Short scene for the New Year:

Father Frost: A year of rabbit (cat) comes to us!
Will he bring us something?
Each sign from the zodiac
He expects something from him!
For a rabbit (cat), you can’t drink a sin,
Let all signs be lucky!

Snow Maiden: The dragon has a rabbit in the year (cat)
A lot of happiness and love,
A lot of joy, good luck
And it cannot be otherwise!
If there are dragons among us
Let the toast support this hour!

(The one who was born in the year of the dragon gets up)

Vedas: Per year of rabbit (cat) at the horse
And deeds and thoughts are smooth
Everything is in order, everything is wisely
And success awaits them in everything!
If there are horses in the midst of us
Let the toast support this hour!

(The one who was born in the year of the horse gets up)

Father Frost. Per year of rabbit (cat) at goats
Life in the surroundings of rose,
Inhale their aroma,
But that the rose has spikes
Do not forget!
If the goats are among us
Let the toast support this hour!

(Gate born in the year get up)

Vedas: Per year of rabbit (cat) all monkeys
Book hot novels!
They are smart, they are cunning
And the tongue is sharp!
Since there are monkeys among us
Let the toast support this hour!

(Monkeys born in the year get up)

Vedas: Per year of rabbit (cat) all roosters
Passionate poems write
The laurels of glory reap
And do not lose heart at all!
Roosters Kohl is among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Father Frost: In the year of the rabbit (cat) let all the dogs
Quarrels, fights, fights,
They will have fun peacefully
And be proud of your family!
If the dogs are among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Vedas: In the year of the rabbit (cat) at the pig
A lot of happiness and love!
Many friends and many friends,
Cozy and warm family circle!
If pigs are among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Vedas: In the year of the rabbit (cat) at the Rat Cunning
Things flourish better and better!
Health is in order, friends are always there,
And what else in life for happiness do we need?
If there are rats among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Father Frost: Per year of rabbit (cat) at the bull
The burden will not be easy:
Happiness WHO, good luck shaft
And the fun of the dump truck!
If there are bulls among us
Let the toast support this hour!

Vedas: The tiger does not sleep in the year of the rabbit (cat),
But purrs, does not growl,
It is good to sharpen the claws
It will become famous soon!
If there are tigers among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Vedas: Cat in the year of the rabbit (cat)
Life is solid Maeta:
A lot of joyful surprises,
Festive vanity!
If there are cats among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

Father Frost: Per year of rabbit (cat), believe me,
All snakes on horseback!
This year is a year of success
Will bring good luck to everyone!
If the snakes are among us,
Let the toast support this hour!

We celebrate new, New Year
Let us only wait for us in it!
For the New Year, for the year of the rabbit (cat)!
Raise and drink a glass to the bottom!
(Everyone raises glasses)

Vedas: Wait, have we raised the Snow Maiden or not?

Santa Claus: And now we'll see (he beats the staff on the floor, the Snow Maiden comes out, dancing)

Grandfather M.:
And now, of course, dancing
And fun until the morning!
The holiday will continue!
Well, it's time for us!

Let everyone be a rabbit (cat) this year
A lot of happiness will bring!
How much snow outside the window
So much warmth to your house!
How many bulbs in the garland,
So much joy in the look!
How many bubbles are in a juger,
As much good luck in business!
How many guests are at the table,
So many joyful news!
How many holiday clothes
So many hopes come true!

Dance program and feast.

Original scene for the New Year for roles

Original scene for the New Year in roles:

Music sounds, Koschey and two women Yaga fly into the hall with whistling and screaming.

Koschey. Stop! Don `t move! All be silent!
You forgot to call us!
Grandmas Hedgehogs, everything is behind me!
The holiday here goes cool!

Senior Baba Yaga. Blind your eyes! Wind the light!
A feast is a mountain, but we are not here!

The youngest. Oh, look - koshcha, Christmas tree!
There will be no use without us!

Koschey. So, calmly. We are the three of us
Here we will put the order.

The youngest. (pestering the guest)
Oh, a man, how good!
DiCaprio looks like!
As you want, but with him
I will now sit down the bride!

Older. Hush! Cut off!
There are at least shame!

Koschey (younger). And besides under the moon
You swore to me in love! (Threatens with a fist)

Older. Enough! Enough! Not about that
We are talking!

The youngest. Let's say better:
“Congratulations! We wish you a lot of happiness! "
And now, friends, we will play
In an interesting game:
What the Christmas tree is dressed up,
I'll call you now.
You listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If I tell you right,
Say: “Yes” in response.
Well, if suddenly - it is wrong
Speak boldly "No!"
- Multi -colored crackers?
- Bolt and pillows?
- Coarse and cribs?
- Marmalades, chocolate?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Books and books?
- Buses multi -colored?
- And the garlands are light?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Ranks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Brilliant sweets?
- Tigers are real?
- Golden cones?
- Radiant stars?

(The leader's task to point to someone)

1. The birds sat down on the bushes.
There is a lot of money to you.
2. Let the water flow in the river.
To be loved to you always.
3. The day passed, the evening appeared.
Unexpected meeting.
4. Here is a hen with a cockerel.
The meeting is kind with a friend.
5. The song is sung loudly.
To visit a foreign side.
6. Behind the village of Blue Pond.
You are a family, warmth, comfort.
7. The garden blooms violently.
True, you will find a treasure.
8. Many in the lake of water.
Never know the need.
9. The wind of the clouds began to drive.
Never to know.
10. The hares went for a walk.
You are to try on the renewal.
11. The row stand underground in the underground.
So, always live in abundance.
12. We are wealth and luck.
Only so and not otherwise!
13. The river is pure water.
You always be successful.
14. Many songs in the world.
Children will delight you.
15. The stream flows along the meadow.
From friends, great honor.
16. In the sea, a storm, and in the river is the expanse.
You do not know despondency.
17. Hares all went on dance.
You will have holidays.
18. Babs knit, women tramp.
Waiting for warmth and comfort.
19. Rain hits the heads.
Being still you.
20. The girls embroidered a walk.
You will correct finances.
21. The sledges rolled down.
A joyful surprise awaits you.
23. In the field of the horse. What to become!
You can’t see the century.
24. There is a barrel of kvass in the closet.
Your reserves are multiplying.
25. There is not a trace in the field.
Be fun to you always.
26. I earned a plow in the field.
You will become richer suddenly.

Presenter: Let's drink for joy, happiness and success for each of us!

Interesting scenes for the New Year - "Santas Frosts of the World"

Interesting scenes for the New Year - "Santas Frosts of the World":

Santa Claus comes out:
My good people
I want to congratulate you on you
Santa Claus all of the Earth,
And send them postcards,
But there is one problem -
I meet grandfathers along the way
I know all their names
But where, who, I don't know.
I brought you gifts
All will be distributed, but you tell me
That's, where does Santa Claus come from?

Look for in Belarus.

Father Frost:
You will not stay now
You are a leader without a gift
I remembered Zen Moroz just
From the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, from the park.

Then Santa Claus names the name of Santa Claus, and those who guessed, who from which country, gives out gifts (the host helps):

Santa Klaus - America, England, Australia.
Sylvester - Austria.
Peer Noel (and Shaland) - France.
Yultten - Sweden, Denmark.
Santa Nikolaus - Germany.
St. Nicholas - Poland, Belgium.
Saint Vasily - Greece, Cyprus.
Olentsero and Pope Noel - Spain.
Babo Natal (Befan) - Italy.
Mikulash - Czech Republic, Slovakia.
Uncle Coleda (or Uncle Mraz) - Bulgaria.
Site-KAS-Netherlands (Holland).
Nissa (Yolinissa) - Norway.
Yuolupukki - Finland.
Yuuluvan - Estonia.
Senyalis Shaltis - Lithuania.
Mosh Jarilla is Romania.
Tao Kuen - Vietnam.
Ungin Uvgun - Mongolia.
Lakshmi - India.
Sho Hin, Shen Danh Laojen, Dong Che Lao Ren - China.
Segatsu-san (and Odzi-san)-Japan.
Grandfather Heat - Combodge.
Pope Paskual - Colombia.
Kysh Babay - Bashkortostan, Tatarstan.
Mine Baba - Azerbaijan.
Dzmer Papi - Armenia.
Baboi Barfy - Tajikistan.
Corbobo - Uzbekistan.
Mosh Krachun - Moldova.

A music scene for the New Year - "How did you go to Russia for the New Year?"

A music scene for the New Year - “How did you go to Russia for the New Year?”:

Actors and props:
Monkey, 3 chairs + book
Christmas tree and suitcase
Santa Claus and a bottle of vodka + glasses
Snow Maiden and an air ax

In distant Africa, not knowing worries,
Once upon a time there was a monkey Faya ...
(Muz. 1 Caroveo - Macaca)
And once opening the book,
Monkey read about the New Year ...
(music. 2 What is New Year)
And she wanted to
Well, at least one eye to see:
Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden,
Santa Claus and of course Baba Yaga ...
Well, so as not to offend the yagu ...
The monkey grabbed the suitcase
And she drove to us to Russia ...
(MUZ. 3 A train chuh-chuh)
She comes to the dense forest,
And the Christmas tree comes to the meeting ...
(Muz. 4 halt - New Year Murka)
The traditions of the Russian monkey knew everything,
She read about this in books.
She takes out a bottle and glasses,
And for the acquaintance to the fullest ...
(muses 5, but do we slam a glass)
(Muz. 6 Ural dumplings - pour)
They only managed to drink a glass,
The branches in the forest suddenly crumbled.
From a forest thicket with an ax and a sheepskin coat,
Santa Claus walked, a little booby and inflated ...
(MUZ. 7 And I have legs in my hands in the forest behind the Christmas tree)
Santa Claus is enough ax,
Quickly runs up to the Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree was strained with fear,
Even the right eye was twitched ...
The monkey climbed into the Christmas tree in fear,
I even crushed the Christmas tree - needles ...
(Muses 8 Sky will help us)
Suddenly the Snow Maiden comes out of the forest,
And s it is suitable for a formidable view of grandfather ...
(MUZ. 9 Girl from the north)
The Snow Maiden consisted of,
In defense of the Christmas tree, she performed.
She began to scold Santa Claus,
And my grandfather jumped and began to dance ...
(music. 10 sex bombs)
Dented, sat down on the foam,
He opened his mouth and sang loudly ...
(Mus. 11 All women, like women, and my goddess)
Just finished, there is enough bottle ...
And he drinks her right to the bottom ...
(Muz. 12 from Comedy Clab)
Drank and immediately pounded the grandfather
And even somehow he dared ...
He blinks a Christmas tree with an eye ...
The monkey passes passionately ...
And he looks at the Snow Maiden,
And breathing a little tells her ...
(MUZ. 13 What a pretty ...)
Then the Snow Maiden was angry
And the hedgehog turned into a grandmother ...
She began to scold everyone,
Remembering "Your mother!" ...
(MUZ. 14 And what will you eat it)
The monkey grabbed a suitcase in fear,
And to Africa drove back ...
(MUZ. 15 and train chuh-chuh)
Since then, the monkey does not want to Russia.
About the New Year reads only books.
And our heroes live without trouble,
And they celebrate New Year again ...
You will have to work on yourself, apparently
Per year of rabbit (cat) to residents of the Earth,
So that they would be and in a year not ashamed,
So that they come from the monkey!
(Muses. 16 Serduchka, New Year)

Comic scene New Year

Comic scene New Year:

Father Frost.
On the threshold - New Year,
The head goes around.
We must have time in time
Do everything, provide
To meet this holiday
Without worries and without trouble.
I will apply the old method:
I will write an order for a year.
Hey! Snow Maiden, soon
Stop entertaining animals
We have nothing to do,
There will be a new year soon!

A minister appears with guests.

Good evening, Santa Claus,
How are you, my good Bos?
And we had a trouble,
Guests came to us here!
Here, boss, admire!
Yes, do not stand, do not show off!
Through the blizzard, blizzard and blizzards
People came to us!

Father Frost.
Who are the gentlemen?
How did you get here?

From the frost were numb
And completely stiff.
You see how easy it is
Straight, as if today is summer.

Santa Claus to the pharaoh:
Oh, handsome, well, good!
Who do you look like?

Egyptian I am Pharaoh!
My father is God Amon!
And the name is Tutankhamun to me!
In health, I suffered damage!

Santa Claus to the pharaoh:
But how did you find yourself here,
Did you return from abroad?

The trouble is all connected with the exam!
Your graduate in history is neither BE nor me!
He confused my life of the eyelids,
Now I am a modern person with you!
Here it shook around Russia, we drowned,
But my Egyptian power is with me!
And so that the law of the history of the observation,
I decided to scrape off with a stump.

(sings, then goes to the people with a hat)

Santa Claus to Spartak:
And you, buddy, see cool
And the muscles are like a rod from you!

And I am Spartak, from Sparta, therefore,
I raised a agility in the slaves of the battle.
On the time of time your graduate
From ancient times, I penetrated here.
And to collect money on the road,
And to get out with my student,
I began to spin, leg in the leg
And he became almost a tectonic!

(performs a dance, then goes to the audience for a fee)

Santa Claus to the goddesses:
And these poor gazelle
From the frost, they turned blue!
You, too, became a victim of knowledge
For points of higher claims?

Goddess Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis: And we are goddesses!

Athena: I am Athena! The goddess of wisdom, war!
Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite! The goddess of beauty, love!
Artemis: My name is Artemida, the goddess I am hunting,
From Olympus we were driven by your Ostolopes!
It looks like you, white -bearded
Is the main here, high -born?
Urgently deal with graduates,
Otherwise, we will arrange a paradise all!

Santa Claus to the goddesses:
The girls raked, dispersed,
But they warmed up, blushed.
We will solve your task in the way
After all, you are guests, so do not sin!

Santa Claus sings with the goddesses:
-Ah, you, my poor, Aphrodite!
Look how the tunic is emaciated!
I will cover you with care!

Aphrodite: - I do not want anything!

Santa Claus to Athena:
Your state is hysterical!
Eat, girl, dietary egg
Or can we go to the doctor?

Athena: - I do not want anything!

Santa Claus to Artemis:
-My artemis, my miserable,
I will write you a foreign dress overseas.
Whatever you choose, I will pay everything!

Artemis: - I do not want anything!

All goddesses: - We do not want anything!
Home, to Zeus!

Santa Claus, listen to me
You yourself eat the testicle yourself.
After all, in your frosty power,
Cum on all misfortunes at once!
You are all strange travelers
Elew in their countries.
Frozen graduates,
So that they do not make sins!

Father Frost.
No, I will not freeze,
I won’t go to the code.
Better I will help them!
Let everyone meet the New Year,
And then, honest people,
They will pour day and night,
To have time in everything to the exam!

Snow Maiden.
Knowledge of knowledge is solid, but still
We are not used to retreat!
There were so many textbooks gnawed.
They did not know that you just had to read them!

Corporate for the New Year - a scene

Corporate for the New Year - a scene:

Outfits of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year

Father Frost:
With the coming, people!
New Year will come soon,
I see olivier on a dish,
And with caviar sandwich,
But the snacks are not pleased,
But I am a big eskin,
It became dull in my heart,
And in the discord I am with the soul.
And I will tell the problem for sure -
The Snow Maiden has grown,
And she said to urgently
I chose her groom,
Applicants, know the sea,
Grooms already ocean
From Russian all the open spaces,
From all sorts of overseas ...

The Snow Maiden runs out and says to Santa Claus:
These are all to me, grandfather, not love
Agree with me, people,
(Snegurochka looks at the audience)
Kiss me cheeks, lips,
Once a year and in the New Year?!
And then before the whole people
Will my own native go to Ustyug?!
I would be in my husband’s husbands,
To be with me all year!

Father Frost:
I believe in your constancy
You will find a husband for a year,
In a year you will quit the beast
Will you go down the crown with another?
You will change them, granddaughter,
Like gloves, yes, ok,
And your husbands
Will you have your whole life?

Snow Maiden:
Maybe 12 in life
Here are such stunts.
Do not worry, grandfather, not sour,
Smile at a shorter way
This is a draw, divorce,
I am a man - not a beast,
Open the door soon
New Year is coming to us!

(The team celebrates the New Year)

New Year comes in and says:
Hello everyone and congratulations
Be with humor, always
I wish everyone fun
And never cry!

(The team is resting and laughing)

The Snow Maiden continues:
Oh, I suddenly dawned on me
(Snow Maiden turns to the New Year):
Will you become my husband?
I will love beautifully
It will be good two:
We will freeze boldly
Eat sweets, drink tea,
What do you want, you will do ...

Santa Claus Snegurochka interrupts:
Youth, do not corrupt!
Then at least a dozen animals
It could be in your life
And now it’s more “better”
You, apparently, brought you?

Santa Claus turns to the audience:
What is going on in the world, people?
I don’t understand the Snow Maiden,
Well, in the end it will be -
Every year and a new husband?
(Santa Claus grabs his head with madness):
We don't have enough deer
Let everything in the gloves ...
Who is the matchmaker or stories in the hall
Can I purse a granddaughter?

The matchmaker comes out and turns to Santa Claus:
I will instill your granddaughter,
I will get married that night,
For the immortal hero,
(Swach turns to the Snow Maiden):
You, Snow Maiden, are not averse?

(Snow Maiden is thinking)
He is a man - forever hot
And in communication - did not give a fuck,
He will give gifts
His name is Mr. Hulk!
He is green to match the Christmas tree,
You will be pleased with the eyelids
He cares really
Good -natured person ...

(The matchmaker looks at the Snow Maiden in anticipation of the answer)

The Snow Maiden answers:
What kind of joy, Christmas trees, firing,
Husband is green as a pine?!
I don't need animals, Halki,
I'll live it myself!

Santa Claus is pleased to turn to the Snow Maiden:
And do not blow like a cloud,
Smile a whole year
You will marry, my granddaughter,
When your turn comes!
Now come on, dear,
We wish people to everyone -
(Santa Claus and Snegurochka in Chorus):
Let the desires come true
Everyone - happy changes!

Sin-congratulation for the New Year from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Sino-congratulation for the New Year from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden:

D.M.: We came to your house today
This evening New Year's
With the Snow Maiden together,
So that your house is happy!

FROM: If you forgot something
Suddenly, finish that year,
Or maybe by chance
Have you gathered trouble?
You can change all this!
Well, we will help you!

DM: Rise, if it is not difficult,
And tell us in chorus:

FROM: Take the tangerines
And sweets and wine ...

D.M.: And now only men:
"We now don't care!"

FROM: They don't want to, - look, grandfather,
Part with triumph ...

D.M. Well, okay, I will help them
Anyway, so that grief in the house
Not part of it! Side
It went around it! -
I’ll shake only with a beard
And it rushes away!

FROM: Look, grandfather, everyone became
Smile somehow suddenly!

DM: Well, of course! We drove off
Sadness-tying-and it became here
Finally more fun
Just a holiday with people!

FROM: Well, what they did not have time
You will finish ....

DM: Life of all
You don't have enough to finish
All that we need! -
Better you walk boldly

FROM: Despite the sides ...

DM: Everything forward, forward and can
You are envious of the people ...-

FROM: Santa Claus will help you all ...

DM: And by the next year
You can redo everything!

FROM: Why don't you get up?! ”
You are not waiting for the New Year!

DM: He stands on the threshold
Wipes his legs already ...

FROM: Well, pour tea,
And invite us to the table!

DM: We will meet together
New Year and treat!

The scene-expromd for the New Year for adults-“It's time to sleep. No one is sleeping! "

The scene-expromd for the New Year for adults-“It's time to sleep. No one is sleeping! ”:

Characters and their actions:
Aries: watches the rest.
Taurus: With a business look, he depicts a slice of a junction and laying into plates.
Gemini: with admiration walks around an imaginary Christmas tree, touches toys, gaskets.
Cancer: funny depicts with the hands of the claw, turning in different directions.
Leo: Suitable for everyone and shows how to do these actions correctly.
Virgin: Paints.
Libra: walks, nervous, from time to time looking at the clock.
Scorpio: With a thieves look - fingers with a fan, cuts bread.
Sagittarius: Stoparik is periodically overturning.
Capricorn: makes movements - as if traveling by train, loads the boxes and drags them into the house.
Aquarius: gestures depicts hugs, handshakes, invitation to go through.
Fish: sitting on the second karem, depicts washing in the bath.

As soon as the clock begins to beat 12, everyone accelerates their actions (except for Aries - he rises, yawns, itchs, woves to an imaginary table).

Time to sleep! The cricket does not sleep
The rat frying a barbecue.
Sleepy Aries lay down in bed
So that then not to sleep all night.
Cuts business Taurus
Cubes jelly.
Gemini scurry to no avail
And admire the Christmas tree.
Sausage with claws cancer
Cuts that way, cuts it like that.
As a commanding chef,
Rings the advice of the lion.
Makeup leads a virgin,
Looks like a queen.
Everyone is tired of waiting for the scales
They look at the clock nervously.
For someone a scorpion
Crush a loaf in a vase.
The stack is a pulling Sagittarius
COP from the can cucumber!
Capricorn tangerines
From Abkhazia fiber.
At the threshold Aquarius
Invites guests to the house.
Pisces are flopped in the bath -
There is still water in the tap!
Time everything goes faster ...
Soon, soon the New Year!
[Combat Combat is heard.]
Here the clock is already beaten twelve.
Everyone, they managed to get together!
All at the festive table!
Happy New Year! Bom-M, Bom-M, Bom-M ...

Scenes "Russian grandmothers for the New Year" for a fun holiday

Scenes "Russian grandmothers for the New Year" for a fun holiday:

Scene 1
(come out from behind the Christmas tree, the flower sways a little)

C: Oh, Matrena, these faces ...

M: They are going to get drunk.

C.: These people are just a miracle!
These are teachers!

M: This is during the day, from the shift - a pile,
Stretched legs.

C: Their work is hard,
Labor is always held in high esteem

M: Every first is a psycho,
With a bagel in the account.

C.: They are loyal to a dream ...

M: With tongues on the shoulder.

C.: They carry the Light Light ...

M: But there was no money and no.

C.: They are respected, appreciated, love ...

M: Only in words, and then they will.

C.: But they are wonderful artists,

They always go forward, to victory ...

M: Astelovista, astelovista, Baby.

C: You know, Matrena, let's change the subject,
And then you have problems everywhere.
And life is a game and we are all in it ...

M: Toys. There are smart ones, there are just rattles.

C: And all, Matrena, today is a holiday,
And Olivier I crushed the basin,
And in the morning she took a little ...

M: One hundred grams?

C: One hundred grams.

M: You are lying painfully folding.

C: One hundred grams. And do not get off my place.

M: And if you put your brains, then two hundred.

C: Well, okay, you're right, I give up.

M: Wow, what are you cunning grannies.

C: Matren, look what delights here ...

M: And everyone roars - there is no money for iris.

C: They are sorceresses, well, just craftswomen ...

M: "For all capable" as they say.

C: They are beautiful, dressed in fashion ...

M: Yes, nothing ... dressed like.

C.: Let's congratulate them,

Well, this is a Happy New Year ...

M: From us two:
Be, girls, with God! (Drink)

C.: Our beauties! Our artists! (goes to the table)

M: Well, admit, not 200, but 300. (stops)

C: Give me kiss goodbye ... (breaking out)

M: Rocketing waltz, waltz promise,

Against aging waltz goodbye!

Scene 2
C: Look, Matren, how snow is spinning,
The chest will fill the air clean!

M: Fill something to
Everything that was, has long swept!

C: You scold me in vain
I am a beauty, I'm a star!
I am a scarlet flower ...

M: A little bit.

C: You laugh in vain, Matrena ...

M: Emmanuel, damn it, louse the poison!

C: I made a desire
Meet a barn in the New Year,
So that it was tall, broad -shouldered
And beautiful, muscular!

M: You dreamed a little.
What old age does with grannies!
Your happiness is a goblin
And then stunned!
Our girls, or it is,
Good with the mind and body ...

C: We ask everyone who wants to get married
He wants no urine so that there is no urine!


M: I see your choice is good
Well done, a louse is poison.
I see you will marry,
For whom, the vigor is in the vicinity?
Look at you, Matrena!
Who is the groom there, the louse of the nuclear?

C: I would also get married.

M: Yes, you get your wail!
I parted very much today,
Time to sleep. Goodnight!

Together: Do not sit white with the mouse,
Go boldly down the crown!
Tam-Tam-Taram-Ta-Tam ... (leave)

Scene 3
C.: Oh, Matrena, like that!
Ay, yes Christmas tree! How beautiful!
There will be a new year soon
A miracle is probably waiting for us!

M: You yourself are like a miracle
Before that you are sweet ...
(C. Smiles)
I clarify, miraculo yudo,
What did you think about?
(C. is upset)

C: Not a romantic, Matrena,
You do not believe in miracles.

M: Oh, romantic, louse is the nuclear
Develop your eyes.
Economics in decline!

C: Yes, Matrena, everything is in order!

M: Telik, or what are you looking, is not enough?

C: All day…

M: Che?

C: Series!

M: Ah, then everything is clear ...

C: Yes, Matrena, everything is fine!
To the one who is very waiting for a miracle ...

M: A sluggish flower will come
Click on the door with a club,
Only in a miracle very believe!

C.: Not right, Matrena, you,
You have no dreams!

M: It is dangerous to fly in the clouds,
You can not go down. It's clear?

C: What happened to you, girlfriend?
You, grumbling old woman.
Nothing to you in mercy
You would have fallen in love!

M and c: After all, love transforms!
Decorates, decorates!
Submits into the world of fantasies!
It charges optimism!
Therefore, we wish you
From love to go crazy!

Scene 4

M. How many years have not seen ...

Ts. How many winters have passed!

M. The skinny silhouette became ...

Ts. Ek, you have blown up ...

M. And again a blessed look
And a smile to the ears ...

C.. How good is the outfit -
Only they scare the mice ...

M. Also to me, fashion model,
Green as this spruce.
Some solid bones -
They thunder, where do not leave ...

Ts. Well, is it a matter, you are a beauty,
To hug you, but not to cope -
Not enough hands and monkeys,
To grab your flaws ...

M. Well, that's too much
Even with your mind
More precisely with his residue.
Yes, I am like a rag ...
(takes by the breasts and shakes)

Ts. Uh, easier, hands away.
Look what night today ...

M. Well, dark, cold ...

Ts. Durynda, New Year's!

M. And indeed, to Chezh, careful ...

Ts. But what about it.
And you are not a zlyuk at all
Matrenushka, girlfriend ...

M. Let's give each other the word:
We will not be next year -
Do not think, do not say bad,

C.. And do not mean the same.

M. Come on a girlfriend, we’ll pick up hands,
We pour a champagne glass for ourselves,

Ts. And let's drink, and still, - get drunk,
And you and I will pull on the vocals ... (in an embrace)

On the motive "oh, frost-frost"

1. Oh, sclerosis, sclerosis,
You leave me
You leave me
At least for three days.

2. My pension,
Surprise me,
Surprise me -
Do not end in three days.

3. Girlfriend - you are alone
That's all my relatives
You don't leave me
And even for three days.

4. Oh, my dear,
You are not able to
Bring and forget
What can I say.
(looking like a tear)

5. We are together with you
We drink champuline again,
So, we live!
Bim-Bim, Bim-Bim, Bim-Bo ...
Happy New Year!

Ural dumplings - a scene for the New Year

Ural dumplings - a scene for the New Year:

Grandmother: 5.20 already, on the street morning and invisible not a fig
Bear: Grandmother, let me sleep
Grandma: Bear, bear you don't sleep
Bear: I'm sleeping grandmother
Grandma: Well, sleep, sleep
Grandmother: hunting Barsik, Barsik, Barsik good cat. Barsik do you want to eat? Why are you silent?
Barsik: ...
Edik: Barsik answer her something
Grandma: Edik, Edik
Edik: What a grandmother
Grandmother: those to which lesson
Edik: To the second, let me sleep
Grandma: Sleep, SPE
Grandma: Misha, Misha
Bear: Mmm
Grandmother: Do we do not interfere with Edik?
Bear: No
Grandmother: And with Barsik?
Bear: No
Grandmother: Misha do you make pancakes?
Bear: No Grandmother, you will make noise a mixer
Grandmother: I won’t make a mixer make a mixer, what I am announced or something
Bear: Grandmother
Grandmother: Ahhh
Bear: Well, I don't need pancakes, you are noisy
Grandma: I'm not a mixer
Grandmother: Well, you won’t be pancakes?
Bear: Nope
Grandma: What will you?
Bear: I don't want to
Grandmother: Will you be a chop?
Bear: No, I don't want
Grandmother: Mish and what will you?
Igor: Misha don't talk to your grandmother
Grandma: Igor! Igor! Igor, Igor
Grandma: Lord my God
Grandma: Igor! Igor! Igor
Grandma: Ale, an ambulance is bad for us, I call him, and he does not respond, maybe this is a lethargic dream
Igor: What, what?
Grandmother: already better
Grandma: Okay sorry
Grandmother: Igor, Igor
Igor: What?
Grandmother: Are you today or night today?
Igor: I'm in the morning
Igor: What did you jump into such an early, mom, get a drink, at least a little more
Igor: Well, do not lie to me then
Igor: Lord my God is what it is
Grandmother: what is it? What is this? The phone is someone, whose phone is the phone, the phone interferes with something. Whose phone?
Marina: Mom, he is specially on the soundless, is worth it so that he does not bother anyone
Grandma: Marina, what did you fool around?
Grandmother: You will wake everyone with your Bzya
Grandma: Turn off, there is no mind at all at all
Grandmother: what it seems to be a city like, huh?
Grandmother: City calls
Grandmother: Grandfather cannot call him for a long time, he was the last time in the 37th called
Grandmother: Who is they calling?
Grandmother: Maybe they call me?
Igor: That one who else can call at five in the morning
Grandma: Igor
Grandmother: Aloh, who are you calling?
Grandma: Valya you? Have you jumped up so early? Ahhhhhh, you haven't fallen yet, I won’t congratulate you Happy New Year. Hey you call, if what, call, if what, call, I say! Call, at least at any time, at least after 5 minutes. Come on, you won’t wake anyone. You won’t wake anyone!
Grandmother: Here is a dull gross .... And called it incomprehensible ... It is necessary, the garbage is needed
Marina: Mom
Grandmother: Yes, yes?
Marina: Let me sleep!
Grandmother: Marina, you prayed you need to remove everything
Grandmother: You are pancakes, what will you be with?
Grandma: With condensed milk?
Grandmother: With raspberries?
Grandmother: Maybe with a gooseberry?
Marina: Yes with gooseberries, with gooseberry
Grandmother: Igor, get up, come on, we have to go for a gooseberry
Grandmother: Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor
Grandmother: MISH where did you jump up?
Misha: in the garage for gooseberries
Edik: Mish, you are generally a hero, we can never forget
Misha: Shut up the moron
Edik: Come on Vali
Grandmother: Mish, wait a minute, on those keys to the garage, on those sledges, for those money on the train to the garage
Grandmother: Throw out the trash from the train to the window
Grandmother: You open your eyes!
Grandma: Misha, open your eyes, otherwise you will fall under the train again!
Igor: Grandmother take with you and answer somewhere
Grandmother: Igor, Igor, I can't go to the garage, I need to make pancakes
Grandmother: pancakes right now I will fry you
Grandmother: Right now I will fire pancakes
Grandmother: And what to fry pancakes, they will shit, wake everyone. I’d better warm up yesterday's pancakes in the microwave and that's it. So.
Edik: Ba, let me sleep
Grandmother: Oh, well, all Igor, Igor, Igor, Get up, Igor, Wake Marinka, Marinka, Wake Edik, Edik, Bad Barsik, Barsik, Sleep! Well, that's it, get up, get up!
Edik: Yes, that's it, get up ba
Grandmother: How did my grandmother sleep?
Igor: Sleep well, until 5:20
Grandmother: Well, let's get up while the pancakes are warm, eat, and I’ll lie down, otherwise I was tormented with your pancakes all morning!
Grandma: Igor!

Baba Yaga scene for the new year

Baba Yaga scene for the New Year:

Baba Yaga - The younger old woman.
SANTA CLAUS - An old man of an intelligent look.
SNOW MAIDEN - A stately girl.
KOSCHEI THE IMMORTAL - Tall bald handsome.

Baba Yaga:
Where to look for you, Kashchei?
Come to me soon!
Hear, bald! There is a matter!
So to speak, good news!

From behind the bushes there is a displeased and sleepy stroke.

Well, you, so, Yaga, scream?
Are you screaming for the whole forest again?
Well? What a nonsense
Do you want a dream to break mine?!

Baba Yaga:
Know, there will be a new year here
Today to celebrate the people!
We will spoil them with a feast!
We will arrange a mess!

We dilute the bonfire
Right here, Kashchei, with you!
There, you see, the fire will begin!
And the walk will curl up!

What if the fire will devour the taiga?
The Minister Shoigu will teach here!
Or, who is there in the Ministry of Emergencies now?
I don't remember! But, you believe me!
That he will ruin us, Yaga!
And I will have problems!

Baba Yaga:
Stun! The villain is afraid!
And who is proud of immortality?!
After all, your death is in the needle, swinging!
Well! You are eternal! Do not timid!
Kashchei wrinkles displeasedly.
Do not Krivi, my friend, face!
And tell me, like in an egg,
You managed to drive the needle?
Well it hurts, your mother!

They say the truth, women - fools!
No, Yaga, in you culture!
Not in my egg needle!
And in duck! Understood?!

Duck in a hare-rusak,
The hare is hidden in the chest.
To the oak, that chest is vaccinated
Strong chain. He is worth it

On the cakes, in the Lukomorye!
This is somewhere in three seas!
Do not find and not get it!
We need to read Pushkin!

Baba Yaga:
Not to the books to me, hearty!
But, I swear, of course, you
I would read Pushkin
If I lived without worries!

Underwear me, I assure me!
I'm flying in the region
To people: to create nasty things!
To deceive! Say!

To belittle! And quarrel everyone!
Raise! Add grief!
In general - always busy!
Life is a continuous bustle!

Yes, and you, Kashchei, are not a fairy!
You know how gloriously you know!
Ha! There was a humanist!
“Pushkin” - also to me, artist!

Okay, don't be rude, girlfriend!
We are standing for each other!
First -class villains!
Develop your idea!

Baba Yaga:
True - an evil venture?!
Appreciated?! Baldey herself!
Well, here: we will light a fire!
We cut the Christmas tree! And then

We burn her, Kashchei!
This is very harmful
All guests! We will break them a holiday!
In the title role - you, a prankster!

Ask what your task is?
I will answer! Listen, macho!
You will wash the Snow Maiden, you!
Yes, at least the same bushes!

Only she will come
Feel free to rush forward!
And scare the grin!
Girl in shock! You are melting
With the Snow Maiden from the hall!
Act quickly! I said!

Do with her later what you want:
You will seduce or soak!
You can turn into a toad!
Well, it’s not for me to teach you!

Not! Why destroy the beauty?!
I will demolish the Snow Maiden
In the house of its country is a country,
Gloomy and raw!

There, in silence, in the darkness of the night
She will become a wife to me!
I'm very lonely!
Like a flower in space!

Baba Yaga:
Your interest is understandable,
My battered hero!
You are ready to love any:
Frankly, at least some!

Cool your ardor, swing!
You, here, are needed now!
After all, there is still Santa Claus!
With him, what to do? Here's a question!

Because of the wings, the song “I got drunk” is heard. Baba Yaga and swing hide behind the Christmas tree. Staggering, a battered Snow Maiden enters without a belt, in one mitten. He looks around the guests and exclaims joyfully:

Snow Maiden:
Op! How many men are there!
(doubt): Or maybe one uncle?
Damn, in the eyes is slightly double!
But, so I want to fall in love!

There is a choice among guests:
Cavaliers of all stripes!
Wow! Direct Congress of Handsome!
How would I not be confused!

The mood is plague!
And a snack! And alcohol!
The table is set! Well, business!
I wandered so well!

I’ll play with them!
One, though, catch one!
Get up, boys!
Run away, bunnies!

D. Brother:
Granddaughter! You are a child of vice!
I have one hassle with you!
I promised not to quit!
Do not run away from me!

Here, drunk, right word!
You are already completely “ready”!
Both of the eyes flooded!
Grandfather failed again!
Turns to the audience:
In the family of frosts, by the way,
Everyone loves to drink very hard!
We have alcoholism in our blood!
What to do is the gene mechanism!

And you can't say against the genes!
And you won’t want to, but you’ll get it!
Granddaughter - in grandfather! Grandfather - in the father!
From the beginning of the genus - to the end!

Santa Claus, sly winks guests and dancing cheerfully.

Snow Maiden:
I agree with you, grandfather!
There is no particular trouble,
What are we, "cumming" a little!
The road is not cleared!

We stood in a traffic jam for a long time.
To have fun, they drank.
With whom? I do not remember? Sorry!
Under "Anesthesia" these days!

Now, holiday! New Year!
The whole people are having fun!
Hops are not a hindrance!
There is no vodka - there is no laughter!

Guests! Joyfully hiccup
I am funny!
Is it in vain that came here?

Suddenly, from behind the Christmas tree it runs out Kashchei. He knelt down in front of the girl and ardently admits her:

There is no more strength to lurk!
I am in ambush! Get married
We must, Snow Maiden!
Do you agree, Kurochka?!

I am struck forever,
Like a villain Napoleon!
Call! Prominent!
The bride, you, enviable!

Saw! At that moment he disappeared!
That's how the girl was fucked up!
Come to me, Snow Maiden!
Yes, you, don't be afraid, fool!

Kashchei kisses the Snow Maiden of the pen. She is extremely surprised. Carefully peers into the face of the groom. Creams with the joy of recognition and exclaims:

Snow Maiden:
The cherished dreams came true!
Kutsenko! Gosha! It's you?!
Oh my idol! Oh my hero!
All my life I dreamed of you!

The Snow Maiden rushes into the arms of Kashchei with a screech!

At least like me, you, name
But do not refuse love!
Ivan, Fedot, Stepan, Andrey ...
Let me be on the passport of Kashchei!

I do not see the difference in this!
You, see, as you like!
What is the name? Name is nonsense!
Be my own! Say me Yes"!

The Snow Maiden nods delighted, they say, I agree, so-so-consolidated! Beloved disappears behind the Christmas tree. Cursing, from there, Baba Yaga runs out in anger. Santa Claus with excitement, with interest looks at her from head to toe.

Are these glitches, mommy?
There is such a lady in the forest!
Without escorted here! One!
Where and where is she?

Turns to Baba Yaga:
Let me ask you?
Can I be useful
Such a beautiful lady?
After all, the forest is teeming with wolves?!

Probably lost, you, since the way?
Perhaps you need to save you?
Ready for the feat of the same hour
I am for your wonderful eyes!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, well, no loud words!
Grandfather is ready for a feat!
I understood a long time ago-
Among men - one ...!

You can’t, insidious, trust!
They only would drink! Take a walk!
They swear forever to be with you!
They will eat their dinner - and to another!

Long, friend, up to twenty,
I went astray from the right path.
About the relations of the sexes
Everything is known to me! Be healthy!

He waves his hand to frost and is about to leave. Grandfather tries to keep her. He convinces with the heat:

Who, you offended you, Madame?
Tell me - I will ask him!
Not all men are scoundrels!
There are exemplary fathers!

And very faithful husbands!
Yes Yes! Take, for example, I am!
A very worthy citizen:
Decent! I live alone!

The Snow Maiden found the groom
I left for him today!
I can now my fate
And I am arranged! I give

You heart, pension and soul!
And I will never violate:
Neither oaths, nor ardent assurances!
Trust me! Down with doubt!

I become mine, you, wife!
And we are in Lapland, at rest,
We will spend the rest of life!
Without troubles and sorrows together !!!

Baba Yaga is confused. She is embarrassed and, pulling her eyes, answers:

Baba Yaga:
Oh! This was unexpected!
Negadano! Inviting!
After all, I seem to be on business
I wandered here with Kashchey!

We wanted to upset the holiday!
My partner is still a prankster!
And he, Balble, fell in love!
I forgot and married!

Kashchei was always a womanizer!
But to get married?! Never…
The operation was covered!
And I was in prostration!

And here, as if an obsession!
Hands and hearts offer!
O! It is amazing!
Nice and exciting!

And so everything is romantic!
Worthy and decent!
I agree, my knight,
Go abroad!
At least tomorrow! Believe me, dear!
I will be a great wife!

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga kiss, holding hands. Then, touching, looking at the bride, Santa Claus asks:

Remember, in your youth, my friend,
We played a “brook”?
And in the "phantas" and in the "bottle"!
Eh, there was time, dear!

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga play with guests in the “brook”. Then they return to the stage by Kashchei and the Snow Maiden.

I thought-you, in sorrow
Here you are sitting alone, miss!
Or writhe from anger,
Among Christmas trees and snowdrifts!

Ah, you, Yaga, look, here
You meet cheerfully New Year!
And the peasant found herself -
Frost-day! Well, things!

Snow Maiden:
Yeah, our grandfather is like that!
Reckless! Clockwork!
He will seduce any!
And in speeches!

Compliments there! Dreams!
Directly, well, just like you!
Captured me by surprise!
So much passion and fire!

I already realized after
“I did not give it at all
A promise to love! "
Oh, yes, what can I say!

After all, it has been tested for centuries -
Stand up before men
It is difficult for a woman any!
So hard to be alone!

Do not Kori yourself, dear friend!
Will be, before your grave
Believe me, my devotion!
But, alas, I am immortal!

Snow Maiden:
Ouch! I know about the needle!
I will try quietly
Find and break,
When you have to die!

As in fairy tales of those: we will "step away"
At the same time, friend, together!
Ouch! Changed, you are in the face!
The needle in yours is an egg?!

They really say: women - fools!
There is no culture in you!
Not in my egg needle,
And in duck! Understood?

Baba Yaga: (with malice):
Now about Pushkin will start
He is to reason on the New Year!
Do not waste words in vain!
It all ended beautifully!

After all, we were happy!
They loved each other!
Do not overshadow the comedy!
Do not turn into a tragedy!

Snow Maiden:
Let's put up, my darling!
I will read Pushkin!
I promise you!

Well, so be it! Forgive me!

Baba Yaga:
It's time to say goodbye to the people!
Happy New Year to everyone!
Let all kinds of hardships
New Year will save you!

Let only love reign in families!
Let everyone be drunk and fed up
Not only on holiday! And always!
Let the trouble pass by the side!

We wish you long years!
Health of good for years!
Success and luck!
Miracles and inspiration!

Snow Maiden:
Good luck and happiness, everyone, friends!
And happiness is a family!
Small! Children's laughter!
Once again, Happy New Year!

Video: New Year's scene for a corporate party

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