New fairy tales for adults in roles are the best selection for a corporate party, noisy holiday

New fairy tales for adults in roles are the best selection for a corporate party, noisy holiday

A large selection of new tales in roles that you can use for fun holidays and corporate parties.

New fairy tales for adults - texts of fairy tales for free

New fairy tales for adults - texts of fairy tales for free
New fairy tales for adults - texts of fairy tales for free

New fairy tales for adults - texts of fairy tales for free:


Klava - Happiness is near!
Friend - Well, we are fools!
Peter - Right now!
Parrot - Guard!
Prince - I'm ready!
Holiday - Pour!

Text of the fairy tale:
Klava I have been waiting for happiness for a long time
Everything guesses where it is
Here Friend She came to her
And hugged the mistress.

And they decided that it was time
Invite you to visit Petra.
Like, although he is a fool,
But ditties to sing a mastic.

Parrot, About that, having heard
Sat on the pole higher,
Started, poor, to lament:
"Where to wait a holiday?"

Here's the first call
Peter I came to everything ready.
Klava made a salad
And soaped the grapes.

Her Friend Helps
And approves recipes.
They knock on the door! Darted Klava:
Suddenly some setup?

Door opened - Prince appeared.
Peter I almost shot himself!
Let's just say, without resentment:
He had on Klava kinds!

Here pro Holiday They remembered
The song was tightened together.
Peter hiccuped, and choked on
And on Prince He swung.

Parrot Flying on the cage,
He called his ancestors to help.
BUT Friend Only glad:
There will be a fight what you need!

Only Klava does not yawn
The toast raises for happiness.
Piped the glass
BUT Peter There is little glass!

But good, he's in the drinker
The parrot Pouns a gorit.
Prince, having bitten herring,
Everything bursts his motive.

He speaks quietly Klava:
"We have grooms for glory!"
BUT Friend whispers to her:
"You pour them on the third ..."

Accepted Prince your decision,
Having done Clave suggestion.
Peter, blushing from the stranger,
Kukish does Girlfriend.

And from the cage Parrot
Suddenly gave a dog barking.
Glorious Holiday It turned out!
Peter As a result, he turned off.

Hid Prince Face in the salad
(It was very tasty by the way).
Klava Sings the song
How everything will end, waiting.

And the envious Friend,
At least left without a spouse
He sings to her too
About the "sadness of the fields."

Having seen enough of these things,
Parrot Our turned gray.
He is silent on weekdays,
But as Holiday - So screams.

Here and the fairy tale is the end
And who listened - well done!

Tale about Ivan Udalts

On a horse, Ivan rode, he was looking for his wife.
The term came to marry him, bachelor's life took out.
He galloped half the country, but did not find the bride,
And to the filthy swamp, his horse was published.

Ivan's words:
- Here the bride cannot find, how much water is not a mud.
Where can I find my wife, in the ass, his mother?

Words of toad:
Suddenly a voice came
- Hello, dear hubby!
For many years I was waiting for you, apparently your path was far away.

Ivan looked at his feet and saw on the road
The toad is vile, large, all in the pimples of this.

Words of toad:
- Do not scare, friend Vanyusha. Better listen to me
A kiss sooner, I am enchanted.
Koschey, a pervert and villain, tricked me off
Like, until they kiss, you will be a toad to a thousand days.
It is necessary to kiss on the lips. Lips are where lipstick.
Kiss me, dear, will become a woman and wife.

The prince sucked a toad, she turned into a woman.
But although it turned, it did not change on the face.

Words of toad:
- And now, as they say, you must marry me,
We are now a family with you, you kiss me everywhere.

Ivan's words:
Then Ivan began to spit, obscenely express himself,
- It was necessary, your mother, to kiss in the gills!
Better in the pool of your head than to marry one.
I will better be with men or right hand.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellow lesson.

Remember, every girl can turn into a toad.

New fairy tale for adults about princesses

New fairy tale for adults about three princesses
New fairy tale for adults about princesses

New fairy tale for adults about princesses:

In the old castle near the forest
Once upon a time there were three princesses-
Everyone is beautiful and sweet,
All are kind and cheerful.
About worries and sorrows
They did not know anything
After all, their fairy, as she could,
I took care of the misfortunes.

Fairy words:
She said to them: “Princesses!
Do not walk near the forest.
You need to sit in the castle,
Embell and sing songs! "

But the princess is naughty
It seemed boring
I went to collect flowers
And she approached the edge.
The dragon flew out of the forest -
To crap! And dragged the princess.
Not at any end of the earth
So they did not find her.
And stayed near the forest
There are two princesses in the old castle.
All their fairy, as best she could,
I took care of the misfortunes.

Fairy words:
She said to them: “Princesses!
Do not walk near the forest.
You need to sit in the castle,
Embell and sing songs! "

But the princess is naughty
It seemed boring
I went to collect flowers
And she approached the edge.
Witch, jumping out of the forest -
To crap! And carried away the princess.
Not at any end of the earth
So they did not find her.
And stayed near the forest
There is only one princess in the castle.
Fairy is kind from evil
That princess cherished.

Fairy words:
She told her: “Princess!
Do not walk near the forest.
You need to sit in the castle,
Embell and sing songs! "

The girl was obedient
I didn't go where I did not need to
And then the prince sent her
Invitation to the ball.
Her carriage took her
In those places where there are no forests.
She met the prince
And now his wife.
He lives with him in love and affection
In your own happy fairy tale,
And her husband gives her flowers
Unprecedented beauty.

They say Princess Masha
All princesses in the world are more beautiful.
Lives in a stone castle,
Eats deliciously and drinks sweetly,
Sleeps on silk sheets
On the downy cirrus,
And when to get up is not lazy,
Looks in the mirror all day.
Meanwhile, her portraits
The messengers relied in the light.
I saw one of them
Prince is a wonderful Augustine.
He admired the princess
And he fell in love with her portrait,
Sat on a quick horse
And riding three days.
He jumped to the castle of Masha.
She didn’t even come out to meet
And to the matchmaking in response
From the window she said: “No!

The words of the princess Masha:
I agree to be a wife
Only a brave hero!
You first go to the forest,
The evil wolf is defeated! "

To win the princess,
Augustine went to the forest.

Augustine's words:
He shouted to the wolf: “Come out!
Do not sit in dark more often! "

The wolf left the forest:
“Well, who is looking for death here?
And I will eat you and a horse! "

The prince fought with the wolf for three days.
Strength and life without sparing
The villain defeated bravely.
And they shout to him "Hurray!"
Old people and children.
He jumped to the castle of Masha.
She didn’t even come out to meet
And to the matchmaking in response
From the window she said: “No!

The words of the princess Masha:
I could have this wolf
To defeat any boy!
There is nothing to be proud of, because
Not even to look at!
I agree to be a wife
Only a brave hero!
You go to the forest first
And the bear is defeated! "

To win the princess,
Again, the prince went to the forest.

Augustine's words:
And shouts to the bear: “Hey!
Come on, soon! ”

An evil bear from the thicket came out -
On end, wool, eyes gathering.

And how menacingly the bear roar:
“Who is calling for a death?
Now I’ll catch you!
I will break! I will break!
And I will eat you and a horse! "

The prince fought with Mishka for three days.
Strength and life without sparing
The villain defeated bravely.
And they shout to him "Hurray!"
Old people and children.
He jumped to the castle of Masha.
She didn’t even come out to meet
And to the matchmaking in response
From the window she said: “No!

The words of the princess Masha:
I could have a sort of bear
To defeat any boy!
There is nothing to be proud of, because
Not even to look at!
I agree to be a wife
Only a brave hero!
You go to the forest first
And the dragon is won! "

To win the princess,
Again, the prince went to the forest.

Augustine's words:
And shouts to the dragon: “Hey!
Go to the battle soon! "

The dragon flew out angry,
Puffs with a stench poisonous

And how menacingly the dragonums growls,
Yes, he will stand with his teeth:
“Now I’ll fry you!
I hit the head on the head!
And I will eat you and a horse! "

The prince fought with him for three days.
Strength and life without sparing
The villain defeated bravely.
And they shout to him "Hurray!"
Old people and children.
He jumped to the castle of Masha.
She didn’t even come out to meet
And to the matchmaking in response
From the window she said: “No!

The words of the princess Masha:
Yes, this is a dragon
The cat was able to defeat B and the cat!
There is nothing to be proud of, because
Not even to look at! "

The words of the young princess:
Meanwhile, from the forest
A young princess came out,
Says: “I'm full
The dragon took away from the palace!
You saved me from death!
No bravely you in the world!
All-all-all other people
You are fearless and stronger!
For salvation as a reward
I will be glad to get married! "

Augustine's words:
And the hero thought here:
“This one is even better than that!
Like an asterisk, beautiful
Yes, and the disposition is not terrible,
Both teaching, and modest!
There should be such a wife! "

With Masha, the knight said goodbye
And with the bride rushed into the distance.

Masha cries: "How so?
An uncouth fool! "
Day and night she scolded
I have not achieved this.
There is no sense in beauty
If you are in the soul.
Here and the fairy tale is the end
And who listened - well done!

A new fairy tale for adults in roles - "Cinderella"

New fairy tale for roles
A new fairy tale for adults in roles - "Cinderella"

A new fairy tale for adults in roles - Cinderella:

Leading: Not in our country, and not in our village.
Once upon a time there was Cinderella, as you remember.
The girl is wonderful, sweet, kind.
She worked long ago ... day and night ...

She washed dishes and windows in the morning.
The stepmother - ordered, not asked.
Put the floors and collect garbage.
And on the ball with her daughters did not want to take it.

But the fairy helped Cinderella ...
The beautiful princess came to the ball.
Magic evening on the ball happened.
Our prince fell in love with the lumberjack daughter.

Here's a month honey is already behind ...
They settled in a beautiful palace.
The prince, as he was, remained the prince.
And the magical outfit of Cinderella for the bathrobe changed.

Either erases, then washes, then cleans, then tries ...
Looking at this prince, he takes anger.
Either cleans potatoes, then wash the window ...
There is no time to even go to the cinema with him.

Prince: Hair is not in order, and there is no makeup.
And the princess has pretended! Such, here, infection!
Eternally dirty robe! And the slippers are trampled ...
I give her flowers, and in my hands I see rags!
He does not read books! The house-2 always looks.
Screams and swearing in the house right in the morning.
In the morning he does not run and does not walk in the parks!
Only the meat eats and the borschshchshchi sinks.
I see how in the cinema, my life is unhappy!
And why did you find a crystal shoe?
And why, my father, had a ball?
Who is Cinderella, I did not know then!
And now I suffer, cry and be sad ...
I'll throw Cinderella! I will look for the princess!
Let it be not a beauty! From "Facial face do not drink water!"
I want an understanding ... And to be loved!
I want to be heard when I come from work.
Leave the problems and care of the threshold ...
And see not Cinderella - a diligent servant.
And a woman, wife and faithful girlfriend!

Leading: And so our saying ended.
There are many everyday stories in history.
And everyone is instructive! Without exception.
I wish you happiness, love and luck!

Prince: And how you see now. And how now you know
What if you are like Cinderella! You are unlikely to become a princess.
But, if you are a princess! Then in life it can be ...
You have to wash pots, floors and windows.

And yet I advise you if you are a princess!
Then prove it to your man.
That he will not meet anymore anymore!
And it will only love you and not look for another!

New musical fairy tale for adults about "Fly Tsokotuhu"

New Musical Tales for Adults about the Fly Tsokotuhu
New musical fairy tale for adults about "Fly Tsokotuhu"

New musical fairy tale for adults about "Fly Tsokotuhu":

Heroes: Fly-Tsokotuha, Cockroaches, Bukashka-two pieces, bee, butterfly, hare (beetle), spider, mosquito.

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly.
A fly in Tverskaya walked, a fly of our grandmother was mummed.
The fly made beautifully: I bought a box of beer,
Moonshine, vodka, coke, gin with tonic, wine,
She is waiting for guests to her!
The fly screams: "Come to my house"

Guests began to gather for this fiery call.
The cockroach, a cockroach-toxicon!
A cockroach with a package of glue comes out and shouts: "Kaiphum"

Two bugs came running,
Two familiar drunks!
Buckets run out, begin to pour and drink:
"Let me hang out, give"

Grandmother beeled to the fly,
A fly-yoke brought a moonshine!
A bee comes out with a bottle "moonshine"

A beautiful butterfly came to a fly,
She went to her friend right from the casting!
The butterfly comes out: "Dolce Gabbana"

The hare came to the fly,
The hare was slightly dibal!
Because very often
The hare smoked weed!
After friendship with a jamb
He felt like a bug!
A hare with a cigar comes out, scores and gives everyone in a circle to smoke:

Suddenly! Out of nowhere - spider!
Our fly-teduhu in the corner was dragged!
He wants to kill the poor, destroy the basement!
The spider crawls a spider, throws a web onto a fly.
"Gop-stop, we came up from the corner"

Suddenly! suits a little mosquito from nowhere,
And a little flashlight burns in his hands!
A mosquito flies and begins to fight a spider:
"Crime novel"

And even a mosquito was a super-duper-karatist,
He soaked a spider, he freed the fly!
Everything is also “criminal reading” +"Gulyanochka"

He began to hug, kiss, kiss.
Insects to pour all a booze!
Well, a fly is a beauty, a beauty,
The mosquito smiles in the whole mouth!

And then the mosquito got drunk ...
And immediately in the fly he fell in love!
They began to live together, live together
And make good good!
(Ah, this wedding ")

A new fairy tale for adult corporate parties - about Ivan Tsarevich: alteration for two guests

A new fairy tale for adult corporate parties - about Ivan Tsarevich
A new fairy tale for adult corporate parties - about Ivan Tsarevich

A new fairy tale for adult corporate parties, alteration for two guests - about Ivan Tsarevich:

1 And now we will tell you a fairy tale. Good ...
2: But the country-a-a-a-shoe!

1: In some kingdom, in some state ...
2: In the middle of a large swamp ...

1: Once upon a time there was Ivan ...
2: Fool!

1: No! Tsarevich! And he was so good, so good ...
2: Nose - crochet, ears - with a handful, himself - from the top, head - with a pot!

1 He read the king-father and queen-mother. But he loved the young one in the world.
2: Potatoes! Yes, a big spoon!

1: No! The princess is beautiful. But he abducted her snakes Gorynych, dragged her for distant lands, imprisoned high in the tower.
2: That's why Ivan started ...

1: On the road-path! He walks through the fields, through the forests, in a frequent spruce, in a young aspen ...
2: In swamps and woods, on ravines and slums ...

1: The sun shines from the sky.
2: Under the feet, the quagmire is chaining ...

1: The breeze caresses him,
2: Kikimors tickle him,

1: Beauty-ah.
2: horror (disturbs).

1: How long, did Ivan go briefly and reached ...
2: to the pen (drops hands).

1: huts on chicken legs. He wiped his bast shoes with silk.
2: I wrinkled it into it, in a young manner of oak door ...

1: In the thread in jewelry all ...
2: The shoulder was knocked out and burst into the hut.

1: And he sees a coloring girl. The very young, gold ...
2 leg bone, one tooth sticks out. In general, this fear (closes his eyes) ...

1: What can I say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen.
2: I played a fellow fellow in Ivanushka. He grabbed an ax, how ...

1: I chopped firewood, stuck it.
2: And then he grabbed a knife, yes ka-k ...

1: I cut sausages, fed the girl and put it to sleep.
2: Listen, (turns to the first), what is the girl? It was Baba Yaga.

1: And every Baba Yaga to me with a red girl is fanciful.
2: Well, I don’t know what you feel about there, but don’t interfere with the fairy tale!

1: Here you do not bother.In general, so: the beauty fell asleep.
2: In general, so: the old woman fell asleep, he chopped off ...

1: He kissed her, neatly on the way ...
2 She had a head, with a knock from the hut, I left the hut and went on and went on.

1 stroked the head, quietly left the hut, closed the door and then went.
1 How long, how short, Ivan sees - the serpent Gorynych lies.
2: Sami with a mountain, head with a suburbs ...

1: And the eyes are dreamily blue-blue, trusting. And he says to Ivan: "Come on, Ivan, to be friends." “Come on,” says Ivan. “I will have three friends at once ...”
2: And chopped off one head.

“1:“ Well, nothing, ”says Ivan. “I will have two friends.”
2: And chopped off his second head.

1: Well, nothing, one old friend is better than two new ones.
2: And the last - chopped off.

1: Then Vasilisa Beautiful ran out to him.
2: And he and her head ...

1 stroked and married her. They began to live, live, and make good.
2: And the princess turned out to be a frog (malicious).

1: So what. After all, when you love, it doesn’t matter!

New fairy tale Excommunications for adults-"Termok fungus"

New fairy tale Excommunications for adults-
New fairy tale Excommunications for adults-"Termok fungus"

New fairy tale-expromd for adults-“Termok fungus”:

Actors and their replicas:
G R and B O K - "Ek was smashed!",
Fly - “I am a fly. Who to sit in the ear? ",
Ms s to a - “I'm a mouse. I am looking for a house all day ",
Frog -"I am a frog-tritter",
Bunny -"I am a bunny, pour me faster!",
V O L Ch O K - “I am a top. My best friend is a hamster ",
X o m i h o k - “I am a hamster.

I have a big pod ".
Forest grew up in the clean field,
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
The rain has passed, and in the right time
The fungus grew in damp.
We will continue the fairy tale.
The rain suddenly went again.
Cooked in Fungus ... Fly ...
Flew, and then decided to live under
Fungus... I sat ours Fly
She is good and dry!
I just fell asleep, hear,
Suddenly came running Mouse
The tail is completely wet.
He also wants to Fungus
I woke up instantly Fly
She looked at Mouse
Well, it’s a pity to drive away -
Together began to live.
Ralls through the forest Frog
The stump jumped up
Ralls right under Fungus
Started Fly
I was squealing Mouse
It is important to them in response Frog
Like, let the three of them live -
The paws are freezing in the rain.
And everyone settled under Fungus
The fairy tale is folding
Well, the rain pours stronger.
On a forest on a lawn
The wet gray jumps Bunny
I saw everyone, I was stunned
I also wanted to live here.
Not very happy Fly…
A little more likely Mouse ...
And cheerful Frog… What Bunny?..
Skok immediately - and sat down under Fungus…
Tramply heads and belly,
But it is warm and dry.
We will not spoil the hare beauty,
We will skip in this place about the fox.
Suddenly the animals are all silent -
The gray is running Top
Ground gloomy Fly…
Whispers in alarm Mouse
Do not worry funny Frog…
Poster with fright Bunny…
To him brazenly under the barrel
Grits climb Top ...
From the guests.
This is white Fungus
And how is it not to puff -
Approaches ...
No, not a bear, but Hamster ...
Everyone involuntarily squeezed,
But they looked displeased.
The meeting is happy alone Top ...
Suddenly he saw a pod!
What is the catch of our fairy tale,
He only knows Hamster ...
The pod opens -
There is a pea juice in it.
(He takes out a bottle from the pod.)
All the animals ran
Ryumki grabbed right there.
The first to rush with a glass Fly…
Following her rushes Mouse ...
Within Temptation Frog…
The impatience is gray Bunny…
Happy the most Top ...
Hey friends, forgot about Fungus…
Completely lined up in a row -
Hamper... so happy.
Now you need to drink together
For love! For the house! For friendship!

New fairy tale-adults-"Koschey and wife"

New fairy tale-adults-"Koschey and wife"

New fairy tale-adults-"Koschey and wife":

In the tower by the window, 2 wives of Koshchei are sitting, they are slandered about the third wife, who is sleeping.

Martha: (Fat Wife)
Here's a year as we are the three of us
We live behind the Koshcheyushka,
But still unable to understand
How did she mute it?

Fekla: (long, skinny, intelligent)
Yes! Does not cook cabbage soup, does not bake,
And look at her honor.
Here is a museum, not a corner.

And it wears the rams alone,
What I want - he will not ask,
And I am from these barbecues
There are no socks.
I would fly to the bagama,
Yes, I brought Ottol bananas,
Fruits - cool food
From them I will be young!

And like a chicken, so she,
It is visible to everyone with a mile
Only feed her for future use
Take a look, a skinny! He will die.

And why should she die
She can’t remove the palace
Do not cook, do not wash the floor,
Do not go for water.

Yes! Sings all day, yes dances,
Get tired, it will sleep so,
Everything plays on the guitar
And Koshchei is waiting.

Road to the heart of a man
Not so short!
And another approach is needed here
More authentic and more and more.

Remember! He flew from Murmansk,
Under the barrel to me, I had an end to me.
Sisyu lay down on one
True, right away.
(Laugh, wave their hands)
I'll go to put pancakes
We must eat too.
Someone crashed
And you sit, look out the window.

How Koschey will appear,
Run to me soon
We will meet him together,
Let the shark sleep all evening.

(Martha leaves, Fekla looks out the window, enters Akulina, stretching out, yawns)

Well, Akulenka, woke up?
That so little has slept?
Or what did you dream of?
Or was the bed a gesture?

I can’t sleep - the head hurts,
Yes, this stupid fat woman
Everything is not sitting in place
And thunders, noisy, buzzes.

That's right, Akulina!
Martha is worshiping
It turned out like a car,
And everything eats with pastries.

From the village of Baba, what to say,
No high feelings -
She to cook and wash everything,
But I want to sing now.

Sing, shark, go a girlfriend!
Your owl is here
Your songs, laughter,
At least someone will be crazy.

From morning to night, I am glad to listen
Your voice is gentle, like a zero,
I will bring you to eat -
Martha Pancake baked.

(Fekla leaves, Akulina sings a song, Fekla approaches Martha, whispers something in her ear, pointing to sharks)

I am a log with my eyes? Ah, clothespin,
I'll ask you now
You will remember me tight
Once I move on my teeth.

(Martha begins a fight with shark, the Thekla is getting involved, they run away after another. After a while, Baba Yaga and Koschey enter)

Baba Yaga:
How, Koshcheyushka is?
Have not seen you for a long time.
You are not in yourself
There and a pimple on the lip.
Oh, you will shoot health
On a family path.
Try the hare drop
He is vigorous, he will pass
He is a kuda of the nuclear med.
At least to taste and not honey.

It tastes, although cool,
And it happens to die from him,
But what survive -
They live until old age.

Oh, yaga, don't say
Surrounded by women - three
I heard auger to Sodom
What sometimes run from the house.

Baba Yaga:
She said, the devil is nosy
That you do not rob three,
I am one wife to you
For a long time, how bread is needed.
Seduced, know on airplanes,
That in the dowry are given
And why do you
Fuck walrus, without a pilot.

Duc I dreamed about the end of the eyelids
And I flew to the bahamas,
And on the Black Sea was
I almost drowned the plane.

I want and move right away
To the river North Vod,
Have you been to at least where
On your bad broom?

Baba Yaga:
And, right, I have no time,
What a noise - ghouls carry,
With a finger, like this, I wave
Immediately birds arrive.
Everyone will tell. Where, how much,
Who fought brick in the Duma,
I know everything about everyone hownecessary
I am the second hacamad.
And now I want to say
I stick out of you, Koshchi,
To her - to God, however, I'm not joking,
Marry me - ozol.

Why, you are old, yagusya!
I am on an inch woman Zhenya,
A year ago dusted there,
Yes, the water was dissuaded.
Okay, grandmother, forgive,
Do not give up the mouth of the mouth,
My blood became the blood,
And the basket is not empty.
(Dancing leaves)

Baba Yaga:
To steal an inch
It is necessary to have a passion and passion
And your task is now
Do not get into the cemetery.
(Leaves and sits down behind the Christmas tree)
(Enters Koschey and Thumbelina, he leads her hand)

Kashchei: (menacingly, turning to three to their wives)
That's what, women, I will tell you
I'm not friends with you anymore
I took the beauty to my spouses
I look at her alone.

And why do you need
At the age of the wife,
After all, you, like a man,
I apologize, the price is worthless.

I want only one
Bring yourself a wife.
All of me in an intimate sense,
As a man, I will not pull.
Nych, there is no lips to blow
Get ready quickly on the road
And you are kakul, your bells
You will leave here forever.

Well, insured girls
And how could I marry you.
My wife, beauty,
Let's go to go to bed.

Ah, Koschey, the infection is vile,
Loved, loved and immediately won
The times have come bad for us
Again, she should sleep without a husband.

Well enough! What she surrendered
After all, he has long been over sixty,
And his male rampages,
How washed rags hang.

I'll tell you without deception
We are not these Basurman
So that five wives per one,
I want to have a set.

Akulina, Martha, Fekla whisper among themselves.

Let us poison him
We will leave it easier
Why take a sin to our souls,
We will soon leave what to yawn.

Akulina: (Looking at the hand sitting from under the hand)

I see, I see, I see, I see
Tolya, Sasha, Misha, Grisha
Only that is all miles
Who has a muffle.

(Invites to the dance of a sitting director)

Fekla (grabbing another man)
I looked too
But this is only half the age
Let's go dance, my dear
We will get along together with you
(All three are dancing with men)

New fairy tale for adults about the relationship of Baba Yaga and Koshchei

New fairy tale for adults
New fairy tale for adults about the relationship of Baba Yaga and Koshchei

A new fairy tale for adults about the relationship of Baba Yaga and Koshchei:

Baba Yaga:
Koschey, respect me
But I'm your holiday
I will turn into a big scandal.
In the case you saw me:
You know, I'm a woman thunder
Now I will arrange a pogrom here,
I will smash the tables all yours,
Yes, and you will dance now
So if you don't have a moron,
Assign me to my beloved wife
Ali the Great Queen.
I want to be the first everywhere!
And so that your king is in the crown,
I would be squeezed on the throne.

Well, you, Baba, well, give it.
You take a lot of yourself.
If you want to be the first to be always
In their old years.

Baba Yaga:
And you do not do the first time
So that I become young.
And then forever I'm old
It’s time for me to be young.

Do you want to be a young man?
On, drink the water.
Not simple water,
Drink, become young.
He drank that water himself
And I will give you a little.
You are a kind soul
And as a doctor is good.
Wait, of course, there was blackmail,
But I see - then the courage.
You don't repair pogromov,
Sometimes you just make a noise.
You are a kind soul.
Drink quietly, slowly.

Baba Yaga:
Ah, how younger I am!
What did I want here?
Being a queen's beloved wife?
And always be the first to be in everything?
No, now I have become more beautiful:
I want to become a wife (name).

Look, honest people here,
Well done, at least where.
Grandfather, rather for the help,
Fighting you lead
Do not hesitate, don't yawn,
Declare my husband.
I, (name), look here:
Do you like me very much? - YES.
I'm beautiful like a star
Do you love me very much? - YES.
We will always be together
I see you agree? - YES.

Ah, what a young man
Himself is ready to marry her.
What will you do here, friends,
After all, I’m not me.
The peasant fell in love
I forgot my head right.
Love, happiness forever
We wish them? - YES!

Answer option number 2.

Baba Yaga:
Ah, how younger I am!
What did I want here?
Be a beloved wife? Queen?
And always be the first to be in everything?
No, now I'm a young man
Everyone is ready to marry me.
I'm free even like.
I want to become a wife (name)!
Grandfather, rather for the help,
Vovova you lead here,
Do not hesitate, don't yawn,
Declare my husband.
You, man, look here.

Ah, what a young man
Himself is ready to marry her.
What will you do here, friends,
After all, in an indemnent, she is not me.
Here the peasant fell in love
I forgot my head right.
Love, happiness forever
We wish them? - YES!

Answer option number 3.

Baba Yaga:
Ah, how younger I am!
What did I want here?
Be sexy and desirable? Queen?
And always be the first to be in everything?
You are young now again
And now I want something else.
I want ... I'll open a secret:
Become the wife of the president.
Look, honest people here,
Well done, at least where.

I, look here:
Do you like me very much? - YES.
I'm beautiful like a star
Do you love me very much? - YES.
We will always be together
I see you agree? - YES.

Ah, what a young man
Himself is ready to marry her.
What will you do here, friends,
After all, I’m not me.
The president fell in love
I forgot my head right.
Love, happiness forever
We wish them? - YES!

The fairy tale for adults is new in verses for one actor - the true face of Kolobok

The fairy tale for adults is new in verses for one actor - the true face of Kolobok

A fairy tale for adults is new in verses for one actor - the true face of Kolobok:

In the depths of the forest region,
Where we are imperfect,
The distant relative of Baton wanders,
Norov - pogan, and unsociable.

True, the crumb is not so hard,
To offend the hare and the wolf ...
So this is something else
The adopted face of the kolobok?

Who is he, this is a bunch of vices?
Why is it lurking and dark?
Either - a victim of drunken bakers,
Either - Russified hominid ...

Yeti is living in the Himalayas,
Nessie is a character for fables ...
Who will lightly light up
The true essence of these persons?

Our relic with a fairy tale coincides,
But it has not yet been revealed yet ...
Only the analysis of rumors confirms
The fact of the existence of Kolobok:

On the move, noise, like a cat,
Insured - worse than a ghoul ...
Who is he? Perverted cake,
Or a short -lived cracker?

And I wandered to distant limits,
In order to catch a dashing pie:
Self -shoots got along in the Bourlines,
Samolov placed along the roads.

Losing kilograms.
Pits digging, not bobby with the size ...
But the lousyer jumped through the pits
With the dexterity of the football!

I wiser with snares of all sizes,
And then he took out from those strong
Wild mushroom pickers - pensioners,
What is worse than all sorts of Kolobkov!

Everything is in vain: I wandered, how I raved!
The gaze shone like an anniversary rupe:
Bears shied away from me
And the moles buried deeper!

And already under the fall, in a cold man,
In the thick of the Christmas trees, I kept up
Kolobok ... reading a book!
Where did he get EN? And what leafed through?

The heart was beating in the heels for some reason,
And I said to myself: Nature
Test! Here is your minute
Paphos, star moment and celebration!

To drop riddles from the shoulders,
It was worth not to fill up the nights
Make gastritis from dryness,
Pour three pairs of Kirzachi!

Curiosity - worse than hemorrhoids
The channel is wounded by reason ...
But the literary hero
I found, and immediately recognized!

I am with stoicism of the idol
Followed him through the distant lands,
To get a bubble and two glasses:
- Hello, Professor Dowel!

New tale for adults table

New tale for adults table

New fairy tale for adults table:


Over Italy, shelter
The sun shines with an arrogant muzzle,
And in the closet, in Palermo,
Dad Carlo beats the log:

He wants to make a pins
Wooden children,
Which is not easier, it can be
Than to smile stupidly.

Made a body from a churban
The causal place was pinned from the banana,
Adapted to Mudia
Two worm acorns.

Patla stuck from chips,
I made ears from the nut,
And so that he was not naked -
He made a hoodie.

Buratin turned out
Chock chock, but got drunk
Papa Carlo to icot,
Celebrating the birth of a son.

So that he becomes smarter
In the morning I gave birth to a venture
And sent a moron to school
Mat is fast on jokes.

I will even give out a book
"Washing pathologies",
What he found in the garbage
Ringing in search of logs.

And drove off the "child" to school,
Having ordered to forget about breakfast,
Because in that closet
There is nothing to hack in life.


“And did this school build me?
Look where the jokes ” -
So thought Buratin
Not particularly straining.


He sold the book to the blind
Having received a chervonets in return,
Issued surrender with cuffs,
And he went, grunting with shavings,
In the direction of the theater.

There he checkedactress
In sex-fashionable pantalons,
Wanted to climb under the skirt
To her, he is after performance.

But in the theater Tom Director
I caught it in the intermission
He dreamed of serving the Japanese
In the form of chips or chips,

But the log was bought off
Telling him about the door
What was separated in the apartment
From the toilet all the living space.

He scooped up that noodles
On the ears of their fleshy,
Gave him twelve zlotys
Of which there were five fake
And sent quietly to school,
Having ordered to be silent about the door.

But Basilio suffering
Hemorrhoids and Alice,
Hearing in his pockets
Turning the coins on the egg,
The moron decided to get off
For free currency.

He brought him to the tavern,
I threw a cloofeline into a glass
Did not take into account the Kotyar torn,
That he is wooden through.

And with beloved Alice
He charged him with a legend
For suckers about a miracle field,
Where trees grow with the dough.


You will gnaw a moonlit at night
There at least one coin,
And by the morning the harvest
You will enjoy the fat.


"Are we sitting in this shnyaga?" -
Sharped chopper
I drove a couple of divorced ones
To the site for taxi drivers.

“Chef, rather domchics on the field,
What is in the country for idiots,
This couple of morons
He will explain the way to you. ”


He was rolled for three hours
On one forest road,
And then they unloaded into the ravine,
In exactly the manure of a heap.

He dug in a drunkenness,
Launching a ghost rake,
And buried all the money into it,
Unintelligent Italian.

Poured that he scored between the legs,
To your forest plantation,
Muttering only three words:
"Crax, Pax, Fax!" Or something like.

Here from a bunch of that manure
Cursing fagots,
Drunk tortilla climbs
That quietly vomited there.


- Who will soak Duremar,
What is trading in leaks
He will open two caskets,
If the word guesses! "


But a dumb buratin
I yelled: - “We play super!
Or make soup from this ...
Or a key to a limousine ... "


The turtle, increasing
From longing stubborn a bunch,
Agreed "Immediately a key,
But ... for the eggs of Duremar. "

Duremar crouched in the toilet
Above the point of the type "hole",
And instantly and silently ...
Tortil gave a key.

Having chopped down the cat for meat,
And putting the fox into a fur coat,
Pinocchio raised
And rushed back to my dad.


“You can drink in the toilet,
But you need to get dough! "
And handed over to my father's closet
Greeks in hiring quite quickly.


True, drunken dad
"Forgot", closing in the toilet,
Fortunately, he chopped off
Hugging with the toilet.

Dad, waking up in the morning,
So shouted, knocked, cursed,
That the Greeks fled in fear,
Minding in the Rakov River.

The third year is Buratin
Travels with dad at Rolls-Royce,
In the Palemov theaters
Visiting all actresses.

And when he is not at home
The director climbs into the toilet.
But what is they looking for there,
Only one furry knows ...

Tale in the new Lad "Teremok" for adults

Tale in the new Lad "Teremok" for adults

A fairy tale in the new Lad "Teremok" for adults:

The night is sneaking into our yard -
Turn off the monitor,
Put a tablet for charging
And the dodger in the apartment is light.
Sleep came, fogging his eyes -
The time of the fairy tale comes.

In the alley - oblique Teremok:
Either low teremok, then high,
Windows-proves are pounded in it-
A forgotten, hungry house.

Once cold, wet in winter
There was a frog-tank with a bag:
From the warmth she was driven away by the homeless
For a long time, that basement served her!

I had no angle
In the summer in the park under the bush, I lived,
And in the winter I made my way into the basement ...
But now peace has disappeared!

Only sees: oblique teremok,
Either low teremok, then high,
Windows-proves are pounded in it-
A forgotten, hungry house.

Frog: “Terem Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "

She scrapped and knocked,
But no one looked out of the window
And the door remained an indifference ...
"I will live in a tower now!"

I spent the night secretly that night
And the next morning I got hold of a hammer,
I bought a chisel and a saw,
Fairy, Cometes, Pemolux and Mettle.

Opened and washed the window,
It shone, it flashed!
Things without a edge for one pair of hands!
Suddenly I heard a frog:
Knock Knock!

This is a mouse-mouse in trouble:
The host cat is looking for a mouse everywhere.
Kot wanted to steal money,
I did not get in a terrible mouth miracle!

It's good that the cat is weakened from fat -
She ran away from him from all paws!
There was no stupid mouse in the hole -
I ended up without housing in January ...

Suddenly I saw: standing, obliquely,
Either low teremok, then high,
Windows-proves are pounded in it-
A forgotten, hungry house.
But one window is on clean,
Maybe who will let her in the wait?

Mouse:“Terem Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "
"I, frog-Council! And who are you?"
“And I am a mouse-Shammyzhka!
I'm homeless, in trouble
Looking for a cat everywhere! "
"Go to live with me!"

The mouse flashed faster at the door
The obese will not find her beast!

Here a frog with the mouse live together,
Their creative work made their best:
They repair the tower,
And for the door, the castle was bought.

It's good when a friend is next to you!
One evening they heard a knock.
This gastarbaychik bunny rode,
He was looking for housing and saturation

And I saw: on the way, obliquely,
Either low teremok, then high,
Windows-proves are pounded in it-
A forgotten, hungry house.
Two windows only burn brightly,
Maybe someone will be glad to the bunny?

Bunny: “Terem-Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "
"I, frog-pobrushka!
I, mouse-mouse! And who are you?"
“And I am a gastarbaychik bunny,
No cola and yard
At the last time yesterday! "
"Go to live with us!"

The bunny jumped into the ajar door -
The time of troubles and losses passed!

Three in the tower live together,
They don’t count neither hours nor minutes.
They repair the tower:
White walls and stucco ceiling.
The roof is covered, and the foundation will be added -
Teremok is again as new!
At leisure - games in cards and ball.
But once there was suddenly heard crying.

Woe, grief at the fox-tajiki:
The brothers-sisters were arrested,
With registration, the trouble is at all:
Suddenly passports disappeared nowhere.
Ah, she fell into the clutches of the crook,
And without a passport now, without housing!

There is a tower in the lane,
He is not low, straight, not high,
White walls shine with beauty.
Maybe it’s kind here with a fox?

Fox: “Terem-Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "
"I, a frog-chant!"
“I am a mouse-mouse!«
"I, a haste bunny! And who are you?"
“And I am a fox-Tajichka!
I'm sobbing day and night
Could you help me? "
"Go to live with us!"

They already live by four of them,
Every day they meet with good,
Everyone knows clearly everyone’s Circles.
Only again a knock is heard in the door.

I howled in a longing top of the water industry:
I laid everything in the bank, but burst the bank.
Having lost your house and many thousands
He turned out to be naked and poor.
He jumped into the river, but here is not lucky:
Not drowned, but his forehead went off on the ice.

Then a simpleton was seen:
And not a low tower, not high,
The windows are with a new glass.
Maybe they will let him into this house too?

Wolf-prostrate:“Terem Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "
«I, a frog-pipe! "
"I am a mouse-mouse!"
"I, a haste bunny!"
“I, Tajichka's fox! And who are you?"
“And I am a top of the prostrate!
The house was taken from me
Give a place at the fire! "
"Go to live with us!"

In incredibly, poor gray was glad:
The days of bad days will not come back!

Life went even more fun with them,
Every evening pies on the table:
The neighbors are now going to the Teremok,
They ask for help and pay for work.

And friends with their hard work
Finally revived their house.
So they rebuilt the tower,
Like neither the mayor nor the new Russian could.

The beauty live in dazzling:
Gilding and stucco molding everywhere!
The windows look at the world with arches,
Not Khrushchoba, not the “ship” - the Empire style:

Antique nineteenth century!
Even the Teremk has become different at all snow:
Brilliant shines with fire,
Like the scattering of diamonds on it!

The days were calm in business,
But they heard once: Bach! Bach!
Someone knocks on the oak door to them,
Loudly and thoroughly growls behind the window.

Then a bear-Tolstosum appeared to them,
All and all bought in Father.
Having dragged the wagon with him,
He began to host in the city.
He bought everything for bribes in a row
And nowhere did I see the barriers:

The scoundrels of the scoundrel were covered,
And the bail that is not visible.
And now he decided to climb into power -
He knew that his roots will help in that!
Before the election, the first stage:
For the team, he was looking for a headquarters!

And I saw a tower, a tower,
That is not low, not tall, not high,
Snow White shines with beauty.
And the bear ran here, not his own,
He quickly began the certificates of "linden" collection,
The thief planned to take the building!

He bought a package of documents -
There is no chance to defeat him in the fight!

Bear Tolstosum: “Terem Teremok!
Who lives in the tower? "
"I, a frog-chant!"
"I am a mouse-mouse!"
"I, a haste bunny!"
"I, Tajichka Lisichka!"
“I, a top-wrap! And who are you?"
“I am a bear-Tolstosum,
All richer in the forest.
I will rule you soon,
Get out of here! "

And shook his papers:
“I will trample and destroy you!
Gastarbaiter - for the scruff of the scruff, home,
Pobirushka - stagger again with a bag.
I will send the ball to the cat -
I’ll deprive, I will fulfill his dream.
And I will take Tajichka to my place
I will cook coffee in the morning.
Well, and you, wretched, gray top,
You will score a trestle! ”

And he went in the ugly laughter, he,
Himself, well done, delighted.

Only here suddenly the simpleton smashed:
He threw off the skin, and under it - a uniform!
The policeman was a top of the prostrate!
Frightened Tolstosum and - silent.

Well, soon the car came ...
"We'll have to answer for everything!" -
The police wolf promised friends
Pouring borsch with giblets.
From the inside they closed the door to the shutter:
Interesting was their conversation.
He was glad to explain, to tell, to tell
Why the whole masquerade is started:

Wolf-prostrate:“He worked under the guise, friends,
And it was impossible to admit it.
We are a bear for a very long time "grazing":
Fraud with the purchase of land,
With the sale and construction of housing -
Waiting for the defendants of the bench. "

There are many persons in jail:
Justice knows no boundaries,
Justice does not know relatives,
They answer by law!

Teremok had to be given to the museum.
Our friends now have another house:
They live spacious in Townhouse
And they call good people to visit.

The fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way for adults

The fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way for adults

The fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way to adults:


In one old settlement,
The name is preferred to forget.
Decided, in a feeling of excitement
Grandfather with a woman's son to create.
And under what influence of the storm
Magnetic, sun or moon
Did they get the end of the dope?
But since they decided, they should.
Yes, apparently, they forgot older
That they have not been twenty -five for a long time.
And a grandmother for a hundred years early
Children, there was a sense, give birth to light.
Although his grandfather was excited with thoughts
At least ate Viagra boxes
How I did not try, how I did not fight
I could not raise my scrap.
With longing crouching on the edge of the bed
Forgetting what I dreamed about.
Through the teeth, mother on the mat,
Old man Viagra cursed ...
The old woman put on paying
And sat on her husband on the bed
Alas, children did not want to
It was not possible to set up.
Suddenly a minute of illumination!

"Old man! Cover your scrap
Come on from dough and jam
Cook a wonderful bun. "

The old man is with happiness, almost crying
He kissed his wife!
After all, there will be a son, which means
He will become a dad! Who would know!
And the soul rushed along the bumps
It has begun to be abruptly!
They tried to eat urine
And something in the stove was baked ...
How to describe what happened
What words to choose ...
The muzzle appeared from the stove
Neither hands nor legs are only head.
And the first thing that sounded
From the womb of the bread-part

"Did you open the bread?"
Second: “I went. Bye…"

The viewer is perplexed
How does bread talk?
Well, in the village everyone knows
The reactor is nearby for many years.
Saying goodbye to the grandfathers soon
This bakery is an element
Only the dust left behind the fence.
He caught a trace in the village.
To describe his wandering
Not enough of my memory.
He swallowing dust on the roads
Rolled for 48 days. And then the hare of gray!
Exactly the Avetsev Sobsysh.

"Hey Dostrophics hear?"
Tell me a skeleton and leather?
Where are the girls and the casino?

And the hare, breathing slightly with trembling
Answered:"I don't care ..."

The last breath and a gray bunny
Gave an oak, like a finish leaked.
And our familiar bread-boy
He hastened to continue his path.
5 more roads have passed
All the time the muzzle on the path.

“What is it for me for? In life, dirt and dust in the mouth ... "

And suddenly again the fellow traveler is new,
But this time a bald wolf.
Some look not healthy.
Our bread has begun dialogue ...

"Tell me, a child of nature."

But not listening to the bun
Then the weather deteriorated sharply
Killed the Wolf ’with lightning.
Recalling wet bread,
Our friend rolled further.
Towards the beast is different
Lame Bear from the forest suddenly.
Heavy trap cuts the leg
He almost bleeded with blood
Did not show the bread road
And quietly at the aspen ...
Our miracle bread is completely upset.
Whatever the fellow traveler, then the corpse
And to the casino path in the middle of the needles
He cannot find it in any way.
He would wander for a long time in the light
When the fox did not meet
There is no more skillful bitch
I circulated the guy half an hour.
She promised him
Both girls and a million ...
Like, you can start everyday life
He will be full of wealth.
The roller rolls bread to the roulette.

"What is the bet, my dear?"

He is to her: “Listen to the baby,
I am alas, alas ... only the bread is simple. "

But the output was found very quickly
Bypassing the truth and law
“It happened even the ministers of life put their own on Kon!”
He puts his friends life.
Spit that the world around is dangerous.
Forget that there is no word!
Roulette spins in ecstasy
And the ball beats like crazy.
But the black color fell ... ”Who jinxed?
Probably the gray wolf is sick ... "
Submitted for breakfast with slices
Alas, short bread age
If you are not a sucker, you live with people
So live like a person!

Tale "Turnip" in a new way to adults

Tale "Turnip" in a new way to adults

Tale "Turnip" in a new way to adults:

Guests pronounce the following phrases when their role in the fairy tale is mentioned:
Turnip -Remove the handle man, I am also not 18!
Grandfather - I became old, health is not that!
Grandma - Recently, my grandfather has not satisfied me! (preferably)
Granddaughter - Grandfather, grandmother let's faster, I'm late for the disco!
Bug - Maybe it’s better to smoke?
Cat —In the dog from the site, I am allergic!
Mouse - Guys, maybe on a pile?

Words for the presenter

A new fairy tale for the New Year for adults - "Three girls"

New fairy tale about the New Year for adults - three girls
A new fairy tale for the New Year for adults - "Three girls"

A new fairy tale for the New Year for adults - "Three girls":

Three maidens by the window,
Somehow late in the evening
Make an annual balance:
Here is a loan, there is an advance,
The balance of the best debtors
Causes a lot of controversy
Less here and more there -
Here's a question for lovely ladies.
An hour after hour lasts,
Everyone shines straight to the faces:
Soon the holiday is cheerful
And he will come to accountants.

Says one: “Girls,
Is it time for us to get drunk?
I offer delicious tea ” -

She is all in chorus: "Pour!"
And their cups are already full,
There are pistachios on the snack,

And one says a toast,
At the same time standing in full height:
“If I was a queen
Would be happy for the faces
Buyers with us
The service would be the first class!
Revenue B flowed by the river,
Everyone is happy. By itself
The store would flourish -
If he was number one! "
They rolled a little
And continued their way:

The second is now taking it,
Similarly, playing with eyes:
“If I were the main
Based on constant,
All of your own and there and here
I would create comfort.
So that colleagues smile
And they enjoyed work.
So that the return is labor
It has grown easily ... playing! "

"Dzin" spread in the office,
The turn came to the third:
“I would be from our all moments
I preferred B counterparties:
So that the partners love us,
The approach to business was appreciated.
Reputation of the office,
I would take out the curtains:
So that they know us in the city,
Respected for reliability! "

Then the door was quietly opened,
On the threshold appeared
Multi -experienced mother
She has exactly what to say.

The girls jumped to her:
“Mom, you would be a queen
To make, tell me
Yes, report the whole truth. ”

And she answered them:
“Well, then I will start at first:
I canceled the taxes
Rebuilt the roads
And the Ministry of Finance would have dispersed -
And so there are many organs ...
Day after day and year after year
I am with my native people
Created B over and over again
Inglery and love ...
Substitute, daughters, cups,
Let's drink together, without a go -ahead.
Let everything be its own.
Congratulations on .... !

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